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Foundation Lesson 3

What is sin? How did sin get here?

For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us,

that we might become the righteousness of God in Him - 2 Corinthians 5:21

When we say the fall of man, we are talking about when sin come into the world through
Adam. Romans 5:12.

Man was created in the image of God Genesis 1:26-27, man was created sinless & perfect.

God gives Adam free will

God did not force Adam to obey Him, He gave Adam a command Genesis 2:16-17, Adam was
told he could eat of any tree of the garden except the one, the tree of knowledge of good and
evil. Because God wants a relationship with man He gave man a free choice.

The Fall, How Sin come into the World.

In Genesis 3, this chapter tells us of how sin was brought into the world. In Genesis 3:1-6, tells
us of the serpents tempting of Eve to eat of the tree, she ate some and gave some to Adam at
this point when Adam ate he disobeyed Go Genesis 3:6, and sin was brought into this world
Romans 5:12. God held Adam responsible because Eve was deceived, Adam freely ate 1
Timothy 2:13-14, Adam should have been looking after Eve as he was the head.

What is sin?

The word sin means to miss the mark, this means when we sin we miss God's standard of
righteousness which is God's law, sin is lawlessness 1 John 3:4. In 1 John 5:17, the Bible says
all wrongdoing is sin.

Every man and woman have a sinful nature passed down from Adam Romans 5:12, this means
we are not sinners because we sin, but we are sinners because we are born sinners Psalm 58:3,
just look at a child, you have to teach a child to be good, you don't have to teach the child to do
bad things, they lie, covet. Children are no held accountable for there sin until they are at an
age of understanding, Paul in Romans 7:9, said he was alive once without the the law, that
was when he was a child, then it says until the commandment came that was when he was at
and age of understanding. Also all children if they die will go to heaven, like King David's son
2 Samuel 12:23.

Everyone has sinned Romans 3:23, and because of this sin brings death Romans 6:23,
because sin has separated us from God Isaiah 59:2, this means that we cannot get to God
ourselves he is out of reach for man, that's why Old Testament sacrifices of lambs were made
because with out the shedding of blood theres no forgiveness of sin Hebrews 9:22.

Why did Jesus come?

Jesus himself said He has come to save sinners Luke 5:32. Jesus is perfect, He never sinned 2
Corinthians 5:21 and because Jesus is God He cannot sin, you see the Old Testament
sacrifices could only cover sin they could never take it away Hebrews 10:3. But Jesus offer of
Foundation Lesson 3

Himself He did once and for all Hebrews 7:27, He was a perfect sacrifice for sin. His blood
not only takes sin away but cleanses us from all sin 1 John 1:9, not only that our sins will be
remembered no more Hebrews 8:12.

Because of Christs death He is the bridge between God and man Colossians 1:20, this means
that because of what Christ did on the cross man can now be saved and know God personally,
and we are now seen as clean to God because of the blood of Jesus who is going to present us
holy and blameless before God Colossians 1:22.


1) Turn to Genesis 3:1-6, Satan tempts us the same way he did Eve, he wants to make us doubt
what God has said and sin. In Matthew 4:1-10, when Jesus is tempted by Satan, He uses the
Word of God against Him. What do you do when you are tempted? Do you turn to the
Scriptures? Or do you turn to the world? Someone else other than God? If you don't turn to
God and His Word, Satan will always have the victory over you. Pray draw close to God, He
will draw close to you, and read His Word and use it.

2) Turn to Galatians 5:16-17, within each of us there is a war between the flesh and the Spirit,
both want to go opposite ways. Satan always wants to get us in the flesh so we sin and feed the
flesh, God wants us to walk in the Spirit. Which are you walking in? Are you walking in the
Spirit, reading God's Word, praying, doing things that a servant of God does? Or are you
walking in the flesh, not doing the things of God, not worrying if you sin? This is serious, if
your always willingly sinning not worrying about what God says, there is a good chance you
may not be saved. Talk to your Pastor, pray, repent, read your Word obey it, and you will be
walking in the Spirit and a change will come.

Things to do

Memory verse Galatians 5:16

Pray to God that He will increase your faith more and that you will trust Him in those
times of temptation and give thanks for all those times he's carried you through hard times.

Write any questions in the box and give to your Pastor, and he will answer them.

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