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Foundation Lesson 11

What is the Gift of Helps?

That you may receive her in the Lord in a manner worthy of the saints, and assist her
in whatever business she has need of you; for indeed she has been a helper of many and
of myself also. - Romans 16:2

Over the next few lessons we will be looking at the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, so we have a better
understanding of them, how they work and how we can from them benefit as a body. By the end of
the lessons we want to be driven to pray to ask for the gifts because we are missing out on so much.
Some of the gifts may use the same Scriptures in acting them out but each gift has its own working.
Please study them again and again we want the Holy Spirit to pour out the fullness of the gifts so we
can serve the Lord better and each other and be a better testimony to the lost.

The Gift of Helps

In 1 Corinthians 12:27-28 we have some of the gifts of the Holy Spirit mentioned. In them is the
gift of helps. This is a very important gift but is very rarely desired or heard of.

What is Helps

Helps in Scripture is a gift given to help other brothers and sisters in Christ in many ways. Helps is
not a gift that is always seen by people like some other gifts like teaching or miracles, but the Lord
sees it. Those with the gift of helps don't want to be seen as their joy is from serving the Lord and
helping others Colossians 3:17. There is not a lot of direct teaching on helps in Scripture but we
can see the gift working in peoples lives in the Bible.

People with the gift of Helps don't grumble about helping and they don't need to be told help, they
are spiritually aware and see that there is a need that needs doing. If its the church need cleaning, a
pastor that needs help or a brother or sister that is finding it hard in an area of their life they come
alongside and help them through. These people will speak in love have compassion for others, they
will even do the the horrible things that need doing.

Helps in Scripture

There is a few places in Scripture where people have the gift of Helps. In the Old Testament Joshua
had this gift, he was helper to Moses Exodus 24:13 he was Moses right hand man in so much that
when Moses had died Joshua was to lead the people Joshua 1:1-2.

Paul had helpers Romans 16:1-4. The woman Phoebe was a helper of many and Priscilla and
Aquila helped Paul as to the point of risking their lives for Paul.

Paul had a helper Silas Acts 15:39-41, who went with Paul to help with the work. Timothy was also
a helper of Paul Acts 16:1-4, later on Paul would write the letters of 1 and 2 Timothy to help
Timothy pastor the people.

Things a Helper can do

Someone with the gift of helps is a doer of the Word James 1:23-25, these not only hear the Word
but do it. Helpers help in many ways, even in things like feeding others, clothing others Matthew
Foundation Lesson 11

25:37-40. We can help our Pastors by helping lifting the amount of work on them, when we see
them dealing with people and people come in that having been in church before or a brother and
sister sitting alone we can go and talk to them. Or if a brother or sister are finding it hard at work
you can help by taking them with you to work. A brother or sister might find it hard to get to make
meetings, go and pick them up. Or they may need help in reading their Bibles go study with them.
What you may do might not seem a lot but those small things you help in have eternal value.

Everyone can help and must help, but the person with the gift of Helps to go and help will be
natural thing for them to do, for if the Lord gives a gift that person who has that gift it will show in
their lives and they will be known to be a helper.


1) Read 1 Corinthians 12:31. This tells us to desire the best gifts, do you desire the gift of Helps,
this is a very important gift, it is there for you to have. Go into to prayer with the Lord and ask Him
for this Spiritual gift. You may not be seen by man or have a great reward in this world, but God
sees and will reward you Matthew 6:4.

2) Do you help others? You may not have the gift of helps but you still can help others. Do you even
think that others may be in need? Or do you see a need and walk away? If so, you must go to the
Lord in prayer and ask to give you that heart for others and be less thinking of yourself.

Things to do

Ask the Lord to make you a better helper for your brothers and sisters in Christ
Find someone to help this week
Memory verse Matthew 6:4

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