Ssofs Overview Update 17-18 - Final

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DESE is committed to providing targetedTURNAROUND ASSISTANCE
assistance to its lowest performingOPTIONS
schools and districts through the
Statewide System of Support (SSoS), which is comprised of liaisons to Commissioners Districts, District and School
Assistance Center staff, specialists from the Office of Effective Practices in Turnaround and the Systems for Student
Success Office. This team collaborates with school and district leaders and faculty to strengthen implementation of
the Turnaround Practices in the states lowest performing schools. The supports are designed to be complementary to
school and district systems and, as well, to integrate and build various aspects of systemic reforms needed to
implement the Turnaround Practices.

In 2017-18 the SSoS targeted assistance will focus primarily on the schools in the lowest 1oth percentile of performance
in each grade span. At the same time SSoS is entering the first year of a two year Strategic Restructuring to upgrade
support opportunities to provide more targeted options for high need schools across the state.

What will be familiar? What will be new?

Core Turnaround Supports defined by statute, A set of new Assistance Focus Areas that increase our capacity
regulation. and research to support district to address new and/or more specific needs within the Turnaround
systems and intervene in Level 4 and Level 3 Practices. While ESE has previously offered targeted supports on
schools (particularly those in the 10th percentile a range of topics, in 2017-18 we are striving to go deeper in a few
and below) particular areas. Working with the Assistance Leads, school and
district leaders may select 1-2 of these Assistance Focus Areas
Liaisons and DSAC Teams will continue to based on need, interest, and capacity. Whereas Core Turnaround
serve as the Assistance Leads and primary Supports are most often facilitated by the Assistance Leads, work
contact for each eligible district and will related to these Assistance Focus Areas may be facilitated by
coordinate Targeted Assistance for districts other members of the Statewide System of Support and/or ESE
and schools, including activities such as: colleagues from other offices with expertise in this area. With
o Turnaround Plan development ongoing input from districts, ESE will continue to refine and
support augment these Assistance Focus Areas to address district needs.
o Data collection and use to identify Assistance Focus Areas for 2017-18 include two groups:
challenges and monitor progress READY NOW:
o Observations and school site visits 1. Instructional Leadership Teams (TP 1)
2. Inclusive Schools (TP 2&3)
o Promoting self-assessment of
3. Whole Child Support (TP 4)
Turnaround Practices 4. Early Grades Literacy (TP 2&3)
o Delivering, linking and/or UNDER DEVELOPMENT:
coordinating resources to support 5. Middle Grades Mathematics (TP 2&3)
Turnaround 6. Targeted Assistance to Support Curriculum and
Instruction Implementation (TP 2&3)
Networks focused on key Turnaround 7. Turnaround Principal Development (TP 1)
Practices, Curriculum Frameworks and other 8. Secondary Turnaround & Redesign (all TP)
Related Topics will be facilitated to share new
See attached Assistance Focus Area Fact Sheets to learn more
learning and build supportive connections
about these supports. Districts have an opportunity to help
among schools and districts.
prioritize, inform initial design and pilot draft resources in these

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