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From: M/s. B.

antiquarian Booksellers,
Dum Dum Cant
List of dated 11.09.14

1. DSA [Sanskrit] Jadavpur University Series:

Essays on Early Bengal Epigraphy: [The Present book contains thearticles presented in
the Seminar on ! Early Bengal Epigraphs & Cultural Life! Held under the Deptt. Of
SpecialAssistance in Sanskrit Jadavpur University in March,2004].Editor: Prof:
Manabendu Banerjee. Excutive Editor: Prof: Bijoya Goswami. [ Some Articles:
Typological Survey of the Copper Plate Charters of Bengal- Sm. S.Pal, Naga Habitation
in Bengal from Inscriptional Sources Dr.P.Das, Women in early Bengali society: An
Epigraphic Perspective Dr. Aditi Sarkar, Cult of the Book in Pala Epigraphs, -
Dr.S.Khetry,Buddhist Monastic Organizations from the Inscriptions of Bengal- Rita
Chaudhury, Calligraphy on Some Early Coins of Bengal- Nicholas Rhoders, Elememts of
SCIENCE fromEpigraphs of Bengal upto 12th Century J.sarkar, Political& religious
Significance of the coins legends of Bengal sultans B.K.Kundu, with Address :
etc.Kolkata-2005. Rs-400/-

2. DSA [Sanskrit] Jadavpur University Series:

Technical terms in Sanskrit Literary Criticism and Aesthetics: by Bijoya Goswami, Rita
Chattopadhyaya. Kolkata,2005.pp 78,viii.Rs-200/-

3. DSA [Sanskrit ] Jadavpur University: series:

Chandra Chatterji. preface by Manabendu Banerji, Prof: K.C.Chatterji by Suniti
Kr.Chatterjee, Dr. Kshitish Chandra Chatterji A Brief Sketch, Appendix: - Panini as a
poet ; by K.C.Chatterjee, The Anubandhas of Panini by K.C. Chatterjee.[ the technical
terms,etc. is a critical and comparative study of the technical terms found in the
Nirukta,in the pratisakyas & in the different systems of Sanskrit grammar. Reprint from
The Calcutta Oriental Journal, Vol-1, No;1, 1948. First Reprint.ed.2003. pp500,xxvi,25,
English & Sanskrit text.Rs-700/-

4. DSA [Sanskrit ] Jadavpur University: series:

A Dictionary of Technical Terms in Kautilya-s Arthasastra: by Bijoya Goswami,
Debarchana Sarkar. Kolkata,2005. Pp 58,xxii. English text.Rs-300/-

5. DSA [Sanskrit ] Jadavpur University: series:

the Kiratarjuniyam of Bharavi: text with Ghantapatha Commentary,index of the slokas
,with an introduction by Gurunath Vidyanidhi. REVISED and EDITED with elaborate
Introduction, English Translation. By Dr. Rabisankar Banerjee. Kolkata,1998.pp
499,32,tables,[astadasha sarga] Sanskrit text.Rs-600/-

6. DSA [ Sanskrit] Jadavpur University Series:

VYAKTIVIVEKA OF RAJANAKA MAHIMABHATTA. [critically edited with English
Translation & Notes ] by Ramranjan Mukherji, Executive Editor:Prof: Manabendu
Banerjee. [ Introduction: Dhvani versus Anumana:Kolkata,1st ed. 2005. pp
252,86,vii.English and Sanskrit text.Rs-500/-

7. DSA [ Sanskrit] Jadavpur University: series:

RUDRA IN THE RG- VEDA: by R.C.Hazra. edited by S.P.das Gupta, in
Collaboration with Manabendu Banerjee.[ Prof: Hazra!s Rudra in the Rg-Veda- A work
culminating in it the Authors!s profound scholarship & hard labour in the form of
collection & interpretation of lots of vedic terms and phrases relevant to the above
subject, . ProF; Hazra!s contemplation was to compose an exhaustive history of the
RUDRA- SICA Cult form its conception onwards. [ with Rudra, An Enigmatic Figure:
foot notes & references, The Natural Basis of Rudra, Human,or Rather
Demoniac,elementsin Rudra, & his Anti Vedic Activities,Rudra, an Extremly Un-social
& Non- cooperating GOD, Rudra- A War Lord & Cattle Lifter,withfoot notes &
References,6- Was Rudra Originally a Vedic Deity ?, Source & Origin of Rg-Vedic
Rudra, 8- The Period of Rudra!s Entry into the Vedic Pantheon: with foot notes &
References,appendix-interpretation of some Rg-vedic verses relating to Rudra,
interpretation of Some words used in the Rg-vedic in Connection with
Rudra,index,bibliography,plates.Kolkata-2003. pp 486,xxvi,with 8 plates,English text.
Rs- 800/-

8. DSA Sanskrit Department:Jadavpur University:

Inscriptions of Bengal:Containing
Inscriptions of the CANDRAS, THE VARMANS & THE SENAS, &
ISVARAGHOSA & DAMODARA: Edited With Translation & Notes by Nani
Gopal Majumdar.Introduced by Dr. Debarchana Sarkar.Kolkata,new ed. 2003.
Size. 12/9 inches. Pp 200,xi,with 12 plates.text and translations. Rs-450/-

9. DSA [ Dept. of Sanskrit] Jadavpur University:

ChandraChakravarti. [ contents: introductory,philosophy of language,origin of
speech,evolution of sound,Sentence,Parts of Speech,Division & Denotation of
Words,Roots,The Sanskrit Language, PRAKRIT & Apabhramsa,Sound & Sense, History
of word Meaning, Logic & Language,[ Reprint from Calcutta University: Journal of
Letters, Vol-XII,1925] First Reprint ed. 2003. pp 496,xxvi,Sanskrit,English text.index.
10. DSA [Sanskrit Jadavpur University: Series:
Minor Literary Works of Ksemendra: by Prof: Rabi Sankar Banerjee,Executive Editor:
Prof. Manabendu Banerjee.[ with Ksemendra his date,personal History & Works, 2-
analysis of Aucityavicaracarca, 3- Analysis of Kavikanthabharana, 4- Analysis of
Suvrttatilaka, 5- Ksemendra as a satirist. ] Kolkata,1st ed.2004. pp 280,vii.Rs-500/-

11. A [Sanskrit] Jadavpur University: Series:

RitaChattopadhyay,Executive Editor: Prof: Manabendu Banerjee. [ Post independence
Sanskrit Dramas of India [1947A.D. 1991 A.D.] ,20th Century Sanskrit Dramas of
India:Traditions & Innovation, 20th century Sanskrit literature: A sociological
introspection, Sanskrit plays in the nineties [ 1990-1997]: A deliberation, re-
interpretation of the Epic-Episodes in Modernsanskrit Plays, evolution of Sanskrit
farcical plays with special reference to Modernsanskrit Prahasanas., with 15 chapters,
index. Kolkata-1st ed. 2004. pp 218,viii.Rs-400/-

12. A [Sanskrit] Jadavpur University: Series:

Nagesa-s Theory Meaning and its Sources:[A critical Analysis of Some Basic Ideas] by
Dr.Nandita Bandyopadhyay. Kolkata,2002.[with 6 chapters and appendix[2] some
advantages of bauddha artha,bauddha artha as a necessary corollary of idealist
metaphysics, word meaning and sentence meaning, meaning relation and its role in verbal
communications,etc] English text.pp 102,viii.text figures. Rs-325/-

13. DSA [Sanskrit ,Jadavpur University Series:

Jayantabhatta!s Interpretation of Anumana: by Nandita Bandyopadhyay. Executive
Editor: Prof> Manabendu Banerjee.[ Contents:- Inference & its Instrument Cause,2-
Characteristics of Linga or Inferetial Mark,3- Status of Abadhitavisayatva:: The
Naiyayikas verses the BUDDHIST, 4- What works behind our Generalizing,5-
Justification of Influence as a source of knowledge, 6- word by word exposition of the
Anumanasutra, types of inference, etc.]Kolkata,1st ed. 2004. pp 128,viii.Rs-300/-

14. DSA [Sanskrit ,Jadavpur University Series:

The JAYAMADHAVA-MANASOLLASAH of Jayasimha Deva: [maharajadhiraja]
Critically edited from three copies of Manuscript by Dr.Mrs.Mitali Chatterjee, Executive
Editor: Prof. Bijoya Goswami.Kolkata,2005. Pp 1050.54,with colour photographs.english
introduction.[ 8,000 slokas and divided into fifty sections.and MSS.FROM Asiatic
society, bhandarkar oriental institute] Sanskrit text. Rs-1500/-

15. DSA [Sanskrit ,Jadavpur University Series:

A study of ancient Indian religions: [Vaisnavism,saivism,Solar cult,Buddhism & Jainism
in the light of Epigraphic, Numismatic and other Archaeological evidence: ] by Kunja
Gobindra Goswami, Edited with a foreword by Prof.A.K.Bhattacharya,Executive
Editor: Prof.Manabendu Banerjee. Kolkata,2004. English text.pp 284,with 29 plates,Rs-

16. DSA [Sanskrit ,Jadavpur University Series:

Indian and western Aesthetics: A comparative Study: by Bijoya Goswami & Shiuli Basu
[Ghosh] Kolkata,2012,Isbn- 978-93-83368-13-6. [ with 5 chapters: Aesthetics what is it
?, The rasa theory of Aesthetics,Dhvani and the sublime, the concept of Vakrokti]etc. ]pp

17. C.A.S.sanskrit ,Jadavpur University:

Siddhantalesa-Samgraha A study: by Prof. Lalita Sengupta.Kolkata,2011.Isbn- 978-81-
922102-1-6: pp 135,vii, [English text.] Rs-350/-

18. DSA [Sanskrit ,Jadavpur University Series :

Contribution of Darashiko to Hindu-Muslim Philosophy: by Lalita Sengupta.Executive
Editor: prof. Manabendu Banerjee.Kolkata, 2004.pp 285,xvi index. [with life history of
darasikho, books composed by darashiko,analysis of samudrasangam in the light of hindu
philosophy, different schools of Islamic religion and the evolution of Sufism,more
discussion on Sufism and the philosophies based on Upanishad] Rs-480/-

19. DSA [Sanskrit ,Jadavpur University Series:

The Two Vagbhatas and Their Contribution to Sanskrit Poetics: by Bijoya
Goswami.Executive Editor: Prof. Manabendu Banerjee.Kolkata,2002.pp 98,vii.Rs-300/-

20. DSA [Sanskrit ,Jadavpur University Series:

Source Materials of Phonetics: by Pradyot Kumar Datta. Executive Editor:
Prof.Manabendu Banerjee. Kolkata, 2004.pp 84,vii [ with 7 chapters: ] Rs- 300/-

21. DSA [Sanskrit ,Jadavpur University Series:

Historicity of Sanskrit Historical Kavyas: [ a study in Sanskrit Historical Kavyas in the
Light of Contemporary Inscriptions,COINS,ARCHAEOLOGICAL EVIDENCES,
foreign Travellers Accounts etc.] by Manabendu Banerjee sastri. Kolkata,2004.pp
545,xii,index,bibliography, with 9 chapters; harsa-carita, hammira mahakavya,raja-
tarangini, madhura-vijaya kavya of gangadevi,prthiraja vijaya kavya,navasahasanka
carita of padmagupta, vikramanka deva carita of bilhana,etc]Rs-750/-

22. DSA [Sanskrit ,Jadavpur University Series:

Meaning and Interpretation in ANCIENT INDIA: by Dr.Bijoya Goswami[ with 6
chapters : history of meaning and Interpretation in India,Word and Meaning their
Relationship,the Functions of Word and Meaning,Theories of Syntax, Indian theories in
the light of Modern Linguistic Studies]Kolkata,2002.pp 92,viii. Rs-300/-

23. DSA [Sanskrit ,Jadavpur University Series:

Identity and Identity based Generalizations: A Critique of the Buddhist Doctrine of
TADATMYA- VYAPTI: by Dr.Nandita Bandyopadhyay,[ with 5 chapters: Meaning of
Tadatmya-vyapti, Tadatmya vyapti and the Kantian Concept of Analytic judgment,
Nyaya Vaisesika and Mimamsaka Criticisms of the Buddhist Position, Problem of
Identity,Passage to Bhedabheda, etc] Kolkata,2002. Pp 218,xvii. English 450/-

24. DSA [Sanskrit] Jadavpur University:

Sri Nagesabhatta Virachita: Vaiyakarana-Siddhanta- Laghu-Manjusha. Srimad
Durbalacharya Virachita KUNCIKA, Srmad Balambhatta Viracita Kala Tikaya cha
Dhatvartha-Nipatartha-Nirnaya Paryanta: Introduction by prof ; Nandita
Bndyopadhyaya,Excutive Editor: Prof; Manabendu Banerjee. & PART-2:
Tasya: Manjushaya Tidartha-Nirupanamarabhya Sphotavada Nirupana Paryanta:
Introduction by Prof: Nandita Bandyopadhyay. Executive editor: Prof: Manabendu
Banerjee.With Forward & English Introduction. Kolkata- 1st ed. 2004. pp1574,xvi.Set
Rs- 900/-

Following Books Published From Kolkata [SANSKRIT PUSTAK BHANDAR}

1. INDOLOGICAL ESSAYS : A Volume in Felicitation of Professor SATYA

RANJAN BANERJEE: General Editor:Professor Manabendu Banerjee. Editor: Dr.
Indrani Kar. Associate Editor: Dr. Anita Bandyopadhyay.Contents:-Articles: Veda,
purana ,kavya,alamkara,philosophy,prakrit & Jainism, Buddhism, Linguistics,
Iranian, Culture, & Manuscripts. With over 85 articles some
articles.Paricayya,Upacayya and Samphya-Purisa-Citi-s :A New Look-
R.K.Bhattacharya,Visnupurana on Four Traditional Yugas A.Bhowmick,nature in
Kalidasa-s Sakuntala-Viswanath Chatterjee,Short Account of Pagan- Devaprasad
Guha, Three Eighteenth- Century Jain Holi Songs of Bhudhardas- by John E. Cort,
The Prakrit of the Vasudevahindi- An Addendum to Pischel-s Grammar- A. Aurelia
Esposito,Contribution of Gathasaptasati to Sanskrit poetics- D.S. chahal,Feminnine
Heterodoxy as reflected in Sanskrit Literature- S.R.Chowdhury, Anandavardhana-s
Indebtedness to Magha in the Formation of Theory of Dhvani- Bidyut Baran
Ghosh,linguistic thought in prabhakara-mimamsa- ujjwala jha, demonization of indo-
iranian * david in ancient Iranian religious tradition- by Hassan r.baghbidi, Sanskrit
traditions during the Rule of the Peshwas:Role Maintenance,and Tradition- by
M.M.deshpande, Glimpses of Society from the Pala Epigraphs S.R.Acharyya, A
Survey of the Manuscript in NEWART SCRIPT,Preserved in the Asiatic
Society,Kolkata Kolkata,2014,1st.ed. isbn-2978-93-83368-55-6. Pp 696,xxii.with
text figures,colour photographs,plates/.Rs-1200/-


growth,Nourishment and Development of SANSKRIT STUDIES:Part-1: General
Editor:Prof. Manabendu Banerjee, Editor: Prof. Karunasindhu Das.[ Traditional
Pandits: List of TOLS in Bengal: [ Burdwan Division,, Dacca Division, Chittagong
Division, Rajshahi Division], Indian Philosophy of Language : Contributions of 20th
Cenury Pandits of Bengal- V.N.Jha, History of the Navya-Nyaya Scholars in
Navadvipa N.N. Chakravarty, Gangadhara Kaviraja: a 19th Century Indian
Polymath in Oblivion- Rita Chattopadhyaya, Some Renowned Sanskrit Scholars/
Adhyapakas/ pundits of 19th and 20th centuries N.C.Nanda]Kolkata ,1st
ed.2012.pp 444,xii.Rs-700/-

3. The index and Prakrta- Paingalam of Pingala-carya. The Original Editor: &
Supplemented with a complete glossary of all prakrita words in the text by Chanda
Mohan Ghosh. With the commentaries of Viswanatha- Pachanana, Vansidhara,
Krishna and Yadavendra. Edited with a foreword by Satya Ranjan Banerjee.Kolkata,
1st ed.2013. Isbn- 978-93-83368-29-7.[ Historically important book which has lots of
information on historical ,cultural social, political and linguistic matters which again
rank the book as one of the pioneer compositions in the annals of prakrit literature.]
pp 720,xxvii.with English foreword, Sanskrit text.Rs-1500/-

4. Linguistic Studies in Sanskrit Grammar:by Prof. Satya Ranjan Banerjee.[ with 8

chapters in English text: The Speculative Grammarians in the Middle Ages, Was R
Dental in Sanskrit ?, on Sa Meaning ! one ! in Sanskrit, Morphophonemic Alterations
in Panini-s Sivasutra, Sanskrit studies and Research Methodology, etc.]
Kolkata,2013,Isbn-978-93-83368-49-5. Pp 128,vii.R400/-

5. JAIMINIYA-NYAYAMALAVISTAR:[ekadhyatmakapurva-mimamsasastraparya-
lochanam] by pradyot Kumar Datta.[SANSKRIT TEXT>]Kolkata,2011.isbn-978-81-
922102-2-3.pp 120,xviii,Rs-300/-

6. Lectures on Selected Metres from the Chandomanjari of Gangadasa: by

Prof.Satyanarayan Chakraborty. Kolkata,2012, pp 66,with two colour plates. Rs-
200/-[English text]

7. Srimad Bhagavat MAHAPURANA by Ex.Prof.Panchanan Mandal.[ tweve

skanda.with How Srimat Bhagavatam Was Composed and Arrival of Narada, Birth of
Parishit,Sri Krishna Went Back to DAWARAKA,Matsya avatara and King
Satyavrata, Discussion between Narada & Yudhisthira,etc. fully English
text.]Calcutta,1st ed.2013.Isbn- 978-93-83368-14-3. Pp 404,xvii,with over 70 colour

8. Some Aspects of Sanskrit Literary Criticism: by Gopalachandra Misra.[with 10

chapters in English :Some chapters:dhvani in Laughter,some contradictory theories of
Ancient Poetic Language: An East and West Perspective, Some Farces of
Srijivanyayatirtha: A socio- Economic Perspective,Concept of Modern Trends in the
Mrcchakatika, Germs of Kavya in the Artharvaveda,Participation of the Courtesans in
Ancient Indian Music Kolkata,2012.Isbn-978-93-83368-38-9.pp 98,vii.Rs-300/-

9. The Nature of universal in Indian PhilosophyL by Dr.Sulekha Poddar.[ The Bauddha

theory of Universal , Comparison Between the nyaya Theory and the Bauddha theory,
Contemporary Philosophers Views on Universal, The Nyaya Vaisesika theory of
universal,etc] Kolkata,2013:isbn- 978-93-83368-17-4. Pp 124,vii.english text.
Rs- 350/-

10. Krtpratyaya-vimarsha[ Siddhantakaumudi kasika-mahabashya-granthavalambanena

Samikchanatmaka-madhyanamekam] by Dr.Satyavrata Sastri.Calcutta,2013. Isbn-
81-8282-197-5. Pp 150,xvi.SANSKRIT. Rs-400/-

11. Padmanabhadatta-s Concept of Cases and Case-endings- A Study. By Dr.

Ardhendubikas Das.[with 5 chapters and 6 appendices..Padnabhadatta and his works,
Brief Survey of the Supadmavyakarana, Padnabhadatta-s Concepts of cases [karakas]
with that of Panini A comparative study:
kartr,karman,karana,sampradana,apadana,adhikarana, etc]Kolkata,2013,isbn- 978-93-
83368-26-6.pp114,xvii.english text.Rs-350/-

12. Glimpses of Ancient Culture Through the Vedas: by Santi Banerjee.[ with 13
chapters in English] Some Chapters; Prajapati in the brahmanas, The Legend of
Sunahsepa : from the Vedic tradition to the Puranas, vedic ecology,vedic sources of
the puranas,brahnodyas in the satapatha brahmana, historicity in the satapatha
brahmana, grhya rites in the satapatha brahmana..etc. Kolkata,2013.english Isbn- 978-
93-83368-40-2. Pp 106,vi.Rs-350/-

13. MEDICINE and DIET in Ancient India: Editor: Bijoya Goswami,[ food and health in
ayurvedic concept- Mira Roy., Dietary Habits and their changes in Ancien India, by
Bijoya Goswami, Healthcare System in Pali literature- M. Haldar, medicine and
Medicinal Profession in Vedic Times- P.k.Datta, Medicine Value of Tulasi
S.Ganguli, concept of diet in carakasamhita- lalita sengupta.etc
[ Collection of Research Papers Undertaken in The CAS SANSKRIT [UGc]
Proggramme ,Jadavpur UniversitymCalcutta] Kolkata-2013.IsBn- 978-93-83368-12-
9. Pp 134,vii. Rs-350/-

14. The Abhijnana Sakuntalam of Kalidasa [ edited with English Translation,Notes

entitled ! SUSAMA!, Exposition Entitled ! Adhyapana and an Exhaustive
Introduction] by Prof. Satyanarayan Chakravorty.[ TEXT WITH ENGLISH
TRANSLATION, Calcutta,2012.1st ed. Pp 440, 140,xvi,with plates.Rs-700/-

15. A Journey Through History in Search of A Common Root. By Pallab K.

Mukhopadhyay.[ GIVEN THE UNIQUE Comparison of the Different Art Forms,
Folk-lore,philosophy and Culture etc of Various TRIBAL GROUPS of the World in a
beautiful Chronological manner. This is a unique endeavor for an Art Lover in a true
sense of Aesthetics. The author of this book delves deep into those genetic
Studies.also .he Focuses on what is Known as Cultural Anthropology.
CHAPTERS:Origin, Civilization & Society, Cave Paintings & Rock art,art and art
Motif,ICONOGRAPHY, ARCHITECTURE, Genesis & Creation Stories, Myths and
Phylosophy,Religion, Culture, Folktales and Folklore, genetic evidence,
transmigration, epilogue,reference, etc]Kolkata,2012, ISBN- 81-8282-188-6.pp
320,xii,plates,maps,text figures,temples,graphs, over 100 plates.Rs-700/-

16. Science and Technology in Ancient India: editor: Bijoya Goswami.[ With 7 chapters
in English text: The Nirukta and Etymology- Bijoya Goswami,Pursuit of Healthy Life
in CARAKASAMHITA an Ethical approach- Lalita Sengupta, Development of
MATHEMATICAL CONCEPTS in Ancient India: Some Aspects- K.S.Chaudhuri,
Rodastprakarana of Nilakantha Caturdhara- Kakali Ghosh, etc] Kolkata,2013,Isbn-
978-93-83368-12-9.pp 138,vii.Rs-400/-
1. Centre of Indology: Jadavpur University No:4:
Occasional Essays on Arthasastra: Editor: Dr.Manabendu Banerjee Sastri.In the
Present Collection with Kautilya!s Political,geographical-social-religious & other
thoughts duly evaluated by a number of past scholars & by some of our present
time.The Contributors to this Collection belong to several periods of past Century. In
fact ,the study of the Arthasastra of Kautilya has taken multifarious forms throughout
the last hundred years. Articles by Various Popular AUTHORS:- Hermann jacobi,
N.N.Law,M.Winternitz, Radhagovinda Basak, U,N. Goshal,Hemachandra Ray,
Bijoya Goswami. Others. Kolkata,1st ed.2000.pp 278,vii.Rs-450/-

2. Jadavpur Studies in Philosophy : Second Series:

Saha & P.K.Mukhopadhyay. Sanskrit text. Calcutta,1991; ISBN 81-7074-085-1. pp
310,viii. [ photographic reproduction of TCM text from Asiatic Society edition] Rs. 500/-

3. Jadavpur Studies in philosophy: Second Series:

Tattvacintamani. By Pradyot Kumar Mukhopadhyay.Calcutta, 1991. ISBN- 81-7074-
095-9. pp 404,58, English text.Rs.500/-

4. RELIGIONS OF THE PEOPLE OF INDIA: Edited Sukharanjan Saha. [ religion of the

Rgvedic people- B.P.Bhattacharya, Religions of the People of India: Buddhism-Sukomal
Chaudhuri,Jainism: A Religion of Non- Theistic Humanism- T.K.Sarkar, The Parsis
Tina Mehta, Kabir & Nanak : A New Tradition, Concept of Vaishnavism in the pre-gupta
period- Manabedu Banerjee, The Religion of the Hor Mitan or Kherowals of Jharkhand-
P.P.Mahato, inter religious dialogue- Ksen Gupta, Buddha!s Contribution to
Meditational System of India- B.N. Chaudhury, Max Weber on an Aspect of Hinduism,
Brief Account of the Religion of the Hindus- S.Datta, The Course of Hindu Religion: A
Philosopher!s Perceptions S.R.Saha, Buddhism : Principle & Practice, Buddhist
Concept of Dharma more Moral Than spiritual: An analysis- Madhumita Chattopadhyay,
Islam & its Compatibility with Change an overview of the Indian Perspectives- Md.
S.Islam, Banglar Prativadi Loka Dharma-[Bengali text] Achintya Biswas. With 34
chapters by various authors. Calcutta,2003. ISBN- 81-86954 20 1. pp 442,xxxii.
English & some Bengali text. Rs.800/-

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