The Void - Core Rulebook

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Seriously? Free-to-Play?
Imagination is powerful. To quote Albert Einstein, Imagination is more impor-
tant than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and under-
stand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to
know and understand. Well said.

We believe in the power of imagination and how it creates wonder and inspira-
tion. Roleplaying games are one of the few things that can do what they do. Some
might say they are the last frontier for wild imagination and creativity. We certainly
believe so. Thats why we make roleplaying games to help make that possible.

Making roleplaying games the way we have hasnt helped us spark imagination
the way wed hoped. We want to try something different.

First, were adopting the Creative Commons license, so that you can contribute
to the game in a meaningful way. That way, we can support you in your awesome
ideas and help you get them out to your fellow players.

Then, were going to give away electronic copies of the core book for free. Weve
all bought games that didnt end up working out for us. Thats why were giving
this to you for free so that you can figure out if you like the game before you
decide to spend money on it.

If you like The Void and you play it, were going to put out a bunch of cool ma-
terial at very reasonable prices. Were going to do it buffet-style, so you can pick
and choose what works best for you and your group. Buying these supplements
supports us making more cool material, along with the rest of your fellow players.

After all, lifes too short to waste time and money on games you dont like.

The Staff of WildFire

Created By Thanks To
christopher Dorn The Gen Con Referee Coordinator: Bob
robert Glass Arens
matthew Grau The Gen Con Referee Team: Bob Arens,
fraser McKay Chris Dorn, Todd Frazee, Dave Stoeckel,
mike Vaillancourt Charlie Wong
The rest of the WildFire crew: Laurel Dorn,
Written By Steve Pitcher, Travis Wickline
christopher Dorn The rest of the Black Sky crew: Marcelo
robert Glass FIgueroa, Mike Muldoon, Owen Seyler,
matthew Grau Matt Steele, Melissa Volkmann, Erik Yaple
fraser McKay Matthew Sprange, for asking us to mix
stephen McQuillan Lovecraft and Traveller, which became The
IP/Line Developer Jonni Emrich, for being the light of my life
matthew Grau MG. the place to play (and
Editing playtest) roleplaying games on the inter-
jonni Emrich, matthew Grau net.

Art Direction &

2 mike Vaillancourt
Graphic Design Forums, Information, Downloads

WildFire LLC
Layout & 23321 SE 291st St.
Typesetting Black Diamond, WA 98010
matthew Grau

Cover Art Black Sky

marco MazzonI

Interior Illustration First Printing. 2012, 2013 WildFire LLC. Creative Com-
Jonas Andreassen, Marco Caradonna, mons License; Some Rights Reserved. The Void and
the Cthulhu Saga are trademarks of WildFire LLC. All
Daniel Chavez, Empty Room Studios, Tom
Rights Reserved. All characters, names, places, and text
Garden, Zach Graves, David Hammond, herein are copyrighted by WildFire LLC. References to
Alex Iglesias, Marco MazzonI, Blake McDer- the works of H. P. Lovecraft are from and remain in the
mott, Sean McMurchy, Oleg Saakyan, Adam public domain.
Schumpert, Marek Tarnawski, Chris Tilstra,
Mike Vaillancourt, Frank Walls This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
Management To view a copy of this license, visit:
matthew BURKE
matthew Grau or send a letter to: Creative Commons, 171 Second
fraser McKay Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA.

[What this means is that you are free to copy, share, and
remix the text and artwork within this book under the
following conditions: 1) you do so only for non-com-
mercial purposes; 2) you attribute WildFire LLC; 3) you
license any derivatives under the same license. For spe-
cific details, appropriate credits, and updates/changes
to this license, please see:]
Table of Contents
(A) Fiction: Kinetofayetophobia 4

(1) Introduction 16

(2) Overview 20

(3) Teaching Adventure 26

(B) Fiction: The Hulk 48

(4) Setting 54

(C) Fiction: Trainings Over 70

(5) Characters 76 3
(6) Skills, Qualities, Talents 92

(7) Rules 110

(D) Fiction: Spin Control 140

(8) Technology 146

(9) Spaceships 172

(E) Fiction: Far Strider 178

(10) Worlds 184

(F) Fiction: Bad Salvage 194

(11) Monsters 200

(G) Fiction: Level 23 210

(12) Gamemaster 216

Appendices 236
A KinetoFayetophobia

Thats all there was to it. The solar No time to lose, Anastasia did the
system was going to hell in a hand- one thing she could. She grabbed the
basket. biggest locker she could find, way to-
wards the back, and dove into it. For-
Those are funny the thoughts that tunately, she could lock the door by
occur when being chased by dozens putting her hand through one of the
of tentacles that burst out of the walls holes. She didnt figure the thing was
and floor, one by one. Each lashed out smart enough to work a digital lock.
at Anastasia, trying to gain purchase
on some part of her body to do only Her Bandit pistol wasnt going to
god-knows-what. do much when the time came, but
it was all she had. The thing had al-
The wriggling, sour-smelling, slimy, ready claimed her Blizzard subma-
4 boneless limbs brought out a primal chine gun back outside. She looked
fear in her, the kind that makes the frantically around the container for
back of your legs go numb and your anything that might help, but there
knees go rubbery. The kind Anasta- was nothing. Then, she froze.
sia had to choke back with every last
shred of her will if she wanted to live The first slender tentacle gently
through this madness. wormed its way through one of the
holes, about hip height. It probed
Right, left, right it didnt matter its way through, cautiously but de-
anymore. In her panic, shed totally liberately. The second wasnt far
forgotten the layout of this tragic behind, this one much thicker than
little building stuck deep in the Mar- the first. It could barely push its way
tian outback. She hoped desperately through, but barely was enough. The
to find another door out, so that the fear gripped Anastasia again, much
thing might get caught up in the build- worse this time. She grabbed hold of
ing long enough for her to get clear. a cargo strap, just to help keep her
from collapsing.
Charging through the only door
she could see, her only way forward, More tentacles followed, backlit by
which was marked storage. Looking the lights of the storage room which
around, this was probably the last poured through the holes. She hoped
door she wanted. There was no oth- they werent going to notice her
er way out. The room was filled only hoped against all hope but she
with storage lockers, but that wasnt knew better. In a few seconds the
the worst of it. The doors to the lock- probing monstrosities would zero in
ers werent solid they had holes in on her and rip her limb from limb. If
them. she was lucky.

Warden Anastasia Kiss: Martian Outback

One of the larger tentacles inched the other side, closer every moment.
its way towards her. The tip touched The command came from her brain
her uniform and slowly slithered its to fire the gun, but something short-
way up. If terror hadnt already para- circuited the thought en route.
lyzed her, the smell would have made
Anastasia vomit. Another came from This was a hell of a way to die.
Suddenly, the storage room ex- the bright lights of the casinos. Its
ploded with a bright orange light and mayhem felt like home.
she could smell burning flesh. The
tentacles spasmed and began to Coming back from the restroom,
yank their way out of the locker. The she practically melted into the chair.
room lit up again, but this time some Finally, she said. A hot meal in a
of the flames shot through the holes civilized place.
in the locker, singeing Anastasias
eyebrows and bangs. The last of the Marcus looked carefully around
tentacles slithered out and she was the room, taking in each person in
thankfully alone. turn, which was something he did ev-
erywhere he went. I ordered for you
Anastasia kicked the hot metal while you were gone.
door as hard as she could. Her com-
bat boot took the worst of it, but the Thanks, she replied. I didnt want
door shot open. The wriggling things to wait. Ive missed Asian food so
were withdrawing into the ground as much. What did you order?
6 a figure shot another burst of fiery
death at them. It took a minute for Marcus smiled. Its a surprise.
Anastasia to overcome her shock to
figure out who it was. So Ive been correlating the data
and this isnt good. Felius had his
It was Felius, who looked downright nose in his computer again.
funny a bookworm with a flame-
thrower. What the hell. It wasnt the Anastasia took a sip of her water.
weirdest thing that shed seen today. It was nice, properly recycled water.
He just sat there, grinning like an When is it ever good?
The reports show that bodies
No time to waste, Anastasia kicked have been going missing from the
her legs to get the numb out of them. morgues with regularity. Theres al-
most a pattern to the body-snatch-
Look what I found, said Felius. ing. It appears that two cadavers,
more or less, are stolen from differ-
Anastasia pointed at the hole in the ent parts of the colony every week
ground. Look what found us. Lets and have been for a little less than
get back to the rover so we can call in three months now.
an airstrike. Im not taking any more
chances. Marcus frowned, his eyes on other
things. Necrophiliacs wouldnt need
bodies with that kind of frequency.
That leaves cults and
It was good to be back on Gany-
mede. She was born in Troy, under Ghouls, finished Anastasia.
Just then, the food arrived. Felius inside job or that the perpetrators
had ordered what many had come were using the access tunnels in the
to call white people chicken, while city to get around. Either way, Anas-
Marcus tastes tended more to- tasia and her team still didnt know
wards the exotic Echizen jellyfish, what they were up against.
which can be toxic if not prepared
properly. Which is something Anas- While Marcus positioned the lo-
tasia had forgotten when she asked cal authorities to keep surveillance
him to order for her. on any of the two dozen people who
might possibly be insiders, Anastasia
There it was san nak ji. A live oc- was stuck with the fun job of crawling
topus on a bed of vegetables. Anas- through the access tunnels. Fortu-
tasia knocked the chair over jumping nately, Felius was sitting at a remote
out of it and away from her dish. terminal with the city plans at his fin-
Take it away! she shouted at the
waiter, who promptly fell all over him- At the next intersection, turn left,
self to remove the offending delicacy. he said. 7
He bowed and disappeared.
Whoever built Troy at least had the
Anastasia composed herself and sense to make it easy to get around,
sat back down. Marcus looked at her, even for the maintenance staff. The
shocked. Whats wrong with you? hidden corridors were big enough
for a person with gear to stand up
Kinetofayetophobia. in as well as being big enough to
transport dead bodies through. They
Even Felius was stumped. Kineto- also had softly glowing lights through-
fayetophobia? What the hell is that? out the tunnels. They may not have
illuminated everything, but they were
Fear of moving food. Its the clos- enough to get around.
est phobia that translates to tenta-
cles. Remember the thing on Mars? Anastasia reached the intersec-
tion and turned left, only to be greet-
Marcus picked up a chunk of jelly- ed by darkness. Is there any reason
fish with his chopsticks. Theyve got the lights should be out in this part of
phobias for everything, dont they? the grid?

Everybodys scared of something. Hold, please, She could hear Fe-

lius typing. Okay, I dont see any com-
plaints or repair requests. Accord-
ing to the system, no one knows the
The locals had already tried setting lights are out. The other utilities are
a trap, but had no luck. That meant working just fine. Is the rest of the
the body-snatchings were either an electricity on?
Im not going to lick my fingers to sickly sweet smell of rotting flesh. The
find out, but I can hear the lines hum- green light of her glow-stick slowly re-
ming. Can you turn them back on? vealed something she did not want to
see. Oh no.
More typing. Huh. Looks like some-
one has taken that system complete- What? What is it? She could
ly off-line. hear Felius pulling out his sidearm.

Anastasia pulled out her pistol and Though she covered her mouth,
snapped a glow-stick to life. The cor- Anastasia said, Dont go anywhere.
ridor ahead glowed a sickly green, a Stay put.
color that always reminded her of ei-
ther Halloween or radioactive waste. This room was much larger than it
Neither was particularly comforting first appeared. Whoever had stolen
right now. Well, if someones taken it the corpses had brought them here.
off-line, then someones up to some- Over a dozen dead bodies in various
thing. Call Marcus and let him know states of decay were arranged in an
8 what weve found. But Felius, dont go almost reverent fashion. Some were
anywhere. hung on the walls in carefully con-
sidered poses. Some were placed
Fortunately, she knew from expe- in compromising positions that sug-
rience that Felius had no problem gested things that made Anastasia
multi-tasking. sick.

Stepping further in, she eventu-

ally found something that made it all
Wait. This isnt on my schemat- clear, or at least as clear as it was
ics. going to become. There, on the oppo-
site wall, was an altar, made of bone
Those were not the words Anasta- and other unidentifiable things.
sia wanted to hear. Then where am
I? She thought she smelled some- Felius, Anastasia finally spat out
thing funky. after a couple tries. Its not ghouls.
Im sending you images of the altar.
Felius stammered. Uh uh you
youre off the grid. I dont know why Oh no, she heard him respond.
there would be tunnels that arent on We need to get the locals mobilized.
the schematics. These are supposed
to be the maps for the entire city. I Ill stay here, just in case whatever
got them from the city mainframe! sick bastards did this come back.

Anastasia stepped into what looked From behind her, Anastasia heard
like a spacious junction room, but a voice that made her skin crawl.
paused when the smell hit her the Too late. Were here.
She whipped around
in one practiced mo-
tion and squeezed the
trigger, aiming right in
the face of the portly,
sweaty man licking
the curved blade.
The gun didnt fire.
She pulled the trig-
ger three more times.

The man snarled.

Must be magic.

Without missing
a beat, Anastasia
jabbed a knife hand 9
into his trachea. The
man stumbled back-
wards into another,
choking violently.

She didnt need a

firearm to make sure
these low-lifes paid for Docking at the Eye
their crimes. This was
careful when opening the overhead
not Anastasias first barbecue.
compartments as things may have
shifted during flight. Thank you for fly-
ing Warden airlines. Welcome to the
There was a satisfying thunk as
the Knights Errant corvette formed
Powering everything down, Anasta-
a hard seal with the dock. Welcome
sia zipped up her suit and headed for
to Warden Prime, also known as the
the airlock. Marcus and Felius were
Eye. The gigantic space station hov-
already waiting for her.
ered over Earth and was the primary
center of Warden operations for the
Man, is it good to be back in civili-
entire solar system.
zation! said Marcus, smiling. If the
Captains feeling generous, maybe
Anastasia cued the comm. La-
we can get a vacation day to go plan-
dies and gentlemen, please stay
etside. Its the perfect time of the
seated until the captain has turned
year for the beaches in Ibiza.
off the fasten seatbelt sign. Also, be
Hanging out and getting burned by Absolutely not, sir, replied Mar-
the sun while having smelly salt water cus.
sprayed on you sounds like a blast,
added a particularly sarcastic Anas- Calado turned and assessed his
tasia. Im sure the Captain will see underlings. The report got here
that as an important use of our time. weeks ago, so we can skip most of
the BS. Any new thoughts?
I dont even know how you call
yourself human. What do you think, Always, sir, began Felius. We put
Felius? our heads together on the trip and
came up with several hypothesis.
As usual, it took Felius a few min- However, given the facts, it seems
utes to realize someone was talking like it was Primoris Nox. Not many
to him. Im sorry. What? other cults would be that organized
and want to play with that many dead
Figures, replied Marcus. bodies.
And with that, they walked out of The Captain poured himself a glass
the docking area and into the busy of water, but didnt bother to sit
halls of the most notorious space down. Cults, huh? Monsters I get. I
station in the solar system. like monsters. Theyre ugly and nasty
and you know you should shoot them.
Cults are full of people and people are
devious. Theyre hard to root out. Too
Captain Calado was waiting for bad we cant just hook everyone up
them in a debriefing room. The heav- to a lie detector and flush them out.
ily scarred man stood staring out the
window at the Earth below. He was We believe we broke the back of
the kind of man that made people that particular cell. The morgues on
wonder whether or not he was boil- Troy should be safe again. Until the
ing with anger on the inside. The next time, said Anastasia.
patchwork color of his hair, which
couldnt decide if it was black or gray, Well, the locals will be keeping an
didnt help. eye on things in the meantime. On to
new things for you. So, which do you
Marcus made a happy sound as he want first the good news or the bad
grabbed a seat at the conference ta- news?
ble. As the only one of the three that
was from Earth, it made him nostal- Anastasia almost laughed. Lets
gic homesick even. hear the bad news first.

I never tire of the sight. Do you, Calado turned to look back out
Agent St. Croix? over the beautiful blue planet. I know
I promised you a rotation on the inner ideal for colonization. The surface is
planets, but somethings come up. I covered with giant impact craters.
need you to go right back out again. Ursa, the only colony on the planet,
has been constructed in one of
Anastasia saw Marcus twitch. them.
Too much time on the outer planets
made him unhappy. She never really Ana, this is your neck of the woods.
understood why. What do we need to know? asked
Somethings up on Callisto, con-
tinued Captain Calado. Local scien- The moon loomed larger every
tists thought they read something minute and they were about to break
strange in the atmosphere. They atmosphere though the thin layer
thought the epicenter was in one of of carbon dioxide and molecular oxy-
the impact craters. Naturally, they gen didnt really mean anything in
went out to see what they could find terms of entry. Anastasia kept her
and never came back. The readings hands on the controls. Its a bed-
look real. The data has already been room community mostly. People do 11
uploaded to your ship. tours elsewhere in Jupiter space
and then come back to homes here.
Marcus put down his glass. Sir, Its quiet. If you dont live there, there
why us? I mean, isnt there someone isnt much of a reason to go there.
The former cop in Marcus started
Believe it or not, Agent St. Croix, to show through. Okay, so Im as-
this is a busy agency. We dont al- suming that means low crime. Any
ways have the luxury of sending who racial tensions to worry about?
is closest. Youre between cases and
Agent Kiss is Jovian. Any other ques- No. Callisto has about eighty thou-
tions? sand residents who do whatever they
need to keep Ursa a nice place to live.
What about the good news? Most of the crime is drug smuggling,
asked Anastasia. domestic disputes, or minor property
crime, with the occasional drunken
Calado snorted. Since when has assault. Honestly, its some of the
there been good news? biggest bang for your buck property-
wise anywhere in the outer planets.

Thanks, replied Marcus. Ill re-

As they approached the Jovian member that for when I retire.
moon, Felius read statistics off his
comp, like he always did. Callisto is Get yourself geared up, smart
the outermost of the Galilean Moons, alec. The locals dont like disturbanc-
with low enough radiation to make it es and theyll view us as exactly that.
Youll have to do some fancy talking tern baldness, if such a thing hadnt
to keep them happy. been cured. He approached and held
out his hand. Welcome. I am Lieu-
Oblivious to the rest of the con- tenant Ismo Jarvi, Head of Ursa Se-
versation, Felius chimed in. Wow. curity. Governor Amarnath asked me
Theres a subsurface ocean more to greet you.
than 100 km down. Is anyone re-
searching that? Could that have any- Marcus stepped up to shake his
thing to do with these readings? hand, smiling disarmingly. Pleasure.
Im Agent Marcus St. Croix. This is
Anastasia brought the Knights Er- Agent Felius Fickerwith and Agent
rant into Callistos airspace, slowly Anastasia Kiss.
descending over the frost-capped
peaks surrounding the massive cra- Jarvi turned and ran his eyes up
ters. Theres a small outpost thats and down Anastasia. Kiss? Is that
been digging and taking samples, but intentional?
it is really radioactive down there.
12 Im no scientist, but it seems like it Though she wanted to immediately
wouldnt have anything to do with bathe herself, Anastasia knew that
what were looking at. you catch more flies with honey than
vinegar. So, she gave him one of her
Up ahead, she could see the giant best smiles, the kind that typically
dome of Ursa. She cued her comm. got men to do what she wanted. It
Ursa Spaceport, this is Warden ves- should be, but its actually Hungar-
sel Edge of Dawn requesting docking ian.
Jarvi looked pleased, so Marcus
Edge of Dawn, you are cleared for took the opportunity. So, Lt. Jarvi.
docking on pad five. Welcome to Cal- We have no intention of making your
listo. life difficult. Well make our way to the
site and get out of here as soon as
we can.

They hadnt even gotten out of Jarvi tore his eyes away from An-
the docks before Ursa Security met astasia long enough to relax. That
them. Just to make a point, there is wonderful news. Wed like to mini-
were five of them. Another warm mize your exposure to the population.
Warden welcome. Our citizens prefer a quiet life, one
unhampered by the kind of concerns
The one that was clearly in charge Council agents like yourself most of-
led the pack. He had a round face and ten represent. Weve prepared the
the kind of eyes that lied. In the past, gear youll need on our end, so gath-
he looked like the kind of guy who er up the rest of what youll need and
would have suffered from male pat- well escort you there.
There wasnt much
choice, so the three
Wardens went back
into their Knights Er-
rant and headed to
the armory. Marcus
snorted. For once,
I wish these colo-
nies werent so wor-
ried about whatever
crap theyre worried
about and start wor-
rying about whats
really going on. They
do have bigger prob-
That would make
our job easier. Except
that its also our job
to make sure they
dont know whats
going on, responded

The Crater on Calllisto

The place in ques- Anastasia was the first to the rim

tion was several hours journey from and what she saw there made her
the colony. The rover took them as gasp. This only served to make the
far up the side of the crater as pos- other two scramble to join her as
sible, and it was on foot from there. quickly as possible. What they saw
The extremely low gravity of Callisto was not lost on them either.
made it both harder and easier for
them to get up the slope. They each It didnt take a genius to recognize
wore heavy weights on their ankles that something very strange was
to maintain some traction, and grap- happening. A thick, swirling mist filled
ple guns and ropes allowed them to the crater about halfway to the top.
reach the lip of the crater with only They could see the shadows of some-
some small fuss. Fortunately, it was thing growing up out of the ground
the middle of the day or the whole maybe stalagmites or even trees?
thing would have been nearly impos- Either would be way out of place. Even
sible. worse, there were sounds. Noth-
ing lived on the surface of Callisto, Marcus wasnt far behind. What
so there should be no sounds other kind of atmosphere? Can we breathe
than the ones they were making. it?
Something also seemed to be glow-
ing down there. Felius held his hand up and closed
his eyes, the way he did when he was
They stood in awed silence for a asked too many questions at once
moment. Finally, Anastasia was the not something that happened infre-
first one to speak. Were going to quently. One answer at a time. How
have to go down in there, arent we? is this possible? I dont know and it
will take a lot more research to get
Without waiting for an answer, she even close to an educated guess.
took her first steps down towards What kind of atmosphere? The kind
the bottom of the crater. that can support life, just not ours.
Open your helmet now and youll as-
phyxiate. He paused, thoughtfully.
Better than explosive decompres-
14 It felt a little like diving underwater. sion, I suppose.
Going under the mist layer was more
than any of them could have expect- Great. Lets review. Life and an at-
ed. mosphere. Marcus was getting agi-
tated, as he did when trouble loomed.
Felius stepped up to the gray trunk- Dont we have enough to leave and
like thing before him. It had delicate call in a better equipped team?
tendrils splayed out from the nearly
eight-foot top. Felius answered his question by
ignoring him and walking deeper into
Dont touch it! cautioned Marcus. the crater.

Felius turned and frowned. Do He walked about another ten feet

I look new? He took out a scanner and stopped. The others joined him,
and nudged the thing. The tendrils quickly discovering what had grabbed
swayed as if caught in a breeze. Felius attention. That plant was only
Whatever it is, its alive. Wait, that the first. They were entering what ap-
could mean peared to be a forest. An alien and
foreboding forest, but a forest none-
Anastasia and Marcus stood theless.
back while Felius did something that
looked very technical. He then waited Should we be taking samples or
patiently, until his comp beeped. The something? inquired Anastasia.
mist layer is actually an atmosphere.
Felius shook his head. Im not
What? How is that even possi- touching anything until were on our
ble? asked Anastasia. way out.
Anastasia lifted one of her feet and Meanwhile, Anastasia walked over
noticed something shed missed in to investigate the speckled growth.
her shock. Things felt heavier. Uhh, Again, it felt like she should be un-
guys? Why does it feel like I dont derwater someplace like Europa to
need the leg weights anymore? be seeing things like this. However,
something caught her eye behind the
The other two finally noticed as fronds several somethings, in fact.
well. Felius took off his weights and Gently nudging the plants aside with
tried to walk. It wasnt bad. The gravi- her assault rifle, she saw a patch of
ty is definitely higher in here. Id guess football-like objects, set upright in the
about half a G. And before you ask, I ground. Each was white and rough,
have no idea how that can happen. with an almost vein-like texture.

Anastasia and Marcus followed Tell me these dont look like eggs,
suit and shed their weights. The in- she said.
creased gravity made it much easier
to press forward. Felius was up like a shot. Oh no. Of
all 15
There appeared to be many small-
er plants, if one could call them that, Before he could finish his sentence,
growing amongst the bigger ones. It something large charged through
was as if what they were seeing were the alien forest near them. Anas-
only the first shades of much larger tasia took a defensive stance and
things to come. looked every which way, trying to find
the thing that was most likely mom.
Not much further in, they came The others drew their firearms, too,
to what appeared to be a stream, preparing for what they knew was
though the liquid flowing down it the inevitable.
seemed to have a silvery sheen on
its surface. There was some kind of From out of the mist, something
thick growth near the bank of this wriggled. Several meaty green ten-
stream, with blue and pink speckled tacles, tipped with black talons, mov-
fronds, perhaps a little like ferns. ing with sinister purpose. Anastasia
However, the texture was wrong could feel the chill creeping up the
more leathery. back of her legs.

Felius was the first to the stream. Not this again, was all she said
He knelt carefully down near the before opening up with her assault
edge, sticking some kind of device rifle, its blaze lighting up the alien for-
into it. The surface tension of the est with flash after flash.
liquid was much greater than that
of water and he had to push a little Yup. The solar system was going to
harder than normal. hell in a hand-basket.
1 Introduction
2159 AD. It is a good time to be powers that be. Mighty corporations
alive. The nations of the world still ex- marshal their resources to figure out
ist, but they have become more civi- how such things might be harnessed
lized. Countries resolve their disputes for profit. The Unified World Council
through the forum of the Unified sends out special teams of sanctioned
World Council. Colonies of mutual co- Wardens, whose job it is to ascertain
operation exist throughout the solar the new threats to human life, to learn
system. We have stretched to the edge everything they can about them, and
of our known world. fight them wherever they are found.
They are discovering that they are en-
But, alas, it is not to be our time. countered with greater frequency.

Something approaches, a thing on There are also those who believe

an orbit from far away. Seemingly dark the murmurs of madmen, who have
matter, this object is known in obscure listened to the occultists who point to
prophecy as the Chthonian Star. It is a forbidden books and forgotten proph-
thing that has been traveling through ecy. They are the ones who believe that
the universe on its oblique trajectory humanity is a young race and there are
for millions, if not billions, of years. It much older and darker things in the
is a part of the natural cycle of things, universe, so-called deities and their
on its eon-long orbit. Now, again, it is minions who care nothing for the chil-
awakening things long thought lost dren of men. They confront the horror
or dead, things that have slumbered that is looming, looking to the past,
awaiting its return. trying desperately to make the world
understand in the present.
It begins slowly. Colonists begin
to notice unusual things throughout It is true. These are the end times.
the solar system. Then people begin The Old Ones are waking up and what
to disappear. Then entire settlements. we thought was our solar system is
Ships go missing. However, it isnt long making itself home for its returning
before the unspeakable horrors that masters. The monstrous races that
have awakened can no longer con- serve them are coming back out to
tain themselves. Moons thought dead help prepare the way. Humanity is as
such as Callisto come to life, producing many always thought temporary
alien ecosystems never before seen by stewards of this part of the galaxy at
man. Things stir in the distant Kuiper best, parasites at worst.
Belt. It is something that cannot be de-
nied and people live their lives know- All this from the influence of a body
ing that there are dangerous and ter- that is still millions of miles away. As
rifying things in the dark. the Chthonian Star marches ever on-
ward, things are only going to get
Such phenomena naturally become worse. Who knows what will happen
something of intense interest to the when it is finally here?
The Game ters, and rules in a few easy pages that
The scope of The Void is contained to shouldnt take you more than ten min-
a fantastical setting that is still familiar utes to read. When youre done, youll
to us our solar system, from Mercury have a good sense of how to play this
out to the frontier of the Kuiper Belt. game.
Earth is still the center of the universe,
home to all mankind, but millions of Second, weve included what we call
people dwell in colonies and space a teaching adventure. This adventure
stations spread throughout the solar is designed to teach both the players
system. Spaceships travel between the and the GM the setting and how to
worlds, using technology that propels play The Void while they are playing it.
them from world to world in a matter Combined with a few pre-generated
of months, instead of years. Characters, you can buy this book and
be playing within about an hour.
Despite the fact that the nations of
the solar system are united in a way Third, weve included At a Glance
never before thought possible, the sidebars throughout the book. These
vast distances that separate the colo- sidebars contain bullet points of the
nies of humanity create a sense of iso- most important information in each
lation. The journeys through the black section, so that you can skim them and
are long and lonely. There are many learn what you need to know. You can
who find this isolation difficult to deal go back and read all the details later.
with, especially given the things that Essentially, you can become familiar
now roam in the dark. with everything in The Void in a very
short time without having to read ev-
The Void supports playing pretty ery word in the book.
much any kind of Character, but steers
players towards playing as Wardens, Creative Commons
agents of the Unified World Council The Void is licensed under the Cre-
special commission. That way, your ative Commons Attribution-NonCom-
Characters already have reason to mercial-ShareAlike license. For more in-
travel around the solar system and the formation, go to
resources that allow them to do so.
This means that you are free to
Accessibility share electronic versions of The Void
Weve designed The Void with ease and that you can create your own of-
of use in mind. There are several im- ficial derivatives being supplements,
portant ways weve worked to imple- optional rules, or what have you to
ment this. share with others.

First, the following Overview chap- However, there are several condi-
ter gives you the basics in a nut-shell. tions that go with that. You must at-
Youll learn about the setting, Charac- tribute your derivative works to us, us-

ing the legal text found in the front of lineage that have all shaped the way
Chapter 1: Introduction

this book, also attributing the people of things in their own age.
who created The Void. You also may
not make any money whatsoever off Influences
of your sharing of The Void or of your Nothing is created in a vacuum.
derivative works. You must distribute There have been several excellent
your derivative works under this ex- movies and games that the creative
act same license, so that others must team would like to site as influences in
follow the same rules. After all, this is developing The Void.
a license. This means that we still own
and will protect our intellectual prop- Alien
erty, but that we want you to come This movie needs no introduction.
play in our sandbox with us. We know Its the story of a corporate crew in-
youre going to come up with cool structed to touch down on an unin-
things for The Void and we want to habited rock to investigate the crash
enable our community to produce as of an alien ship. They bring back a
much material as we can. creature who must kill a host to be
born. Just one such alien was enough
We want to post the best material to kill nearly every member of the Nos-
that people create under the Creative tromos crew. H. R. Gigers alien design
Commons license. Well post it to the scared the heck out of most of us as
downloads section of our web-site so kids.
that others can find it and use it with
their games. Dead Space
Investigating a mining operations
Send your Creative Commons cre- distress call, Engineer Isaac Clarke
ations to creativecommons@fearthe- winds up marooned with his crashed PDFs and word processing ship and a couple surviving crewmates.
documents are preferred. If your file is An alien virus ravages the corpses of
above 10 MB, please use a forwarding the dead, forcing him to face horrify-
service like YouSendIt. ing creatures on his quest to stay alive
long enough for rescue. Add in an an-
The Cthulhu Saga cient relic that causes homicidal mad-
You may have seen the Cthulhu Saga ness and you have a recipe for great
logo on the cover and wondered what sci-fi horror and an awesome but
it was. The Void product line is but one controversial suit design.
in an overall saga that is designed to
take place through multiple points in Event Horizon
time. The Void is but the first of a series A ghost story in space, the story fol-
of games that take place in the same lows a crew sent out to Neptune to
universe and the same time-line, each discover the fate of the Event Horizon,
highlighting an exciting era. In the a ship thats been missing for years. It
end, you will be able to play multiple was equipped with an experimental
Characters or the legacy of a family gravity drive that was supposed to al-
low it to fold space-time in an effort to
cross vast interstellar distances in an The Pronoun Game
instant. It didnt work as planned and In this book we use he, him,
the ship comes back alive from a place and his when were talking
that can only be described as hell. about people playing the game.
Alternating pronouns within
Ghosts of Mars the same book makes it feel like
Police are dispatched to a mining the book is written for two dif-
outpost to transport a notorious crimi- ferent audiences. The masculine
nal on a nearly terraformed Mars. They pronoun is the current standard
arrive to discover dead bodies and a and though the times may be
bunch of strangely acting miners. It changing were still used to
turns out the former inhabitants of seeing it. We mean no offense
Mars were capable of surviving as pos- to our valued female audience.
sessing microbes and are very territo-

Outland Got Feedback?

An old-school Sean Connery film,
Were all roleplayers here.
this movie shows a more realistic pic-
When youre playing The Void,
ture of colonization. It follows a mar-
youre going to have feedback
shal assigned to a corporate mining
whether it be questions, com-
outpost on the Jovian Moon of Io.
ments, or the awesome stuff you
Drugs have become a part of the pro-
came up with while youre play-
ductivity cycle and they are beginning
ing. We want to hear it. Youve
to cause miners to go mad and die.
got two options. You can just
Naturally, the corporate masters dont
fire off an e-mail to feedback@
want such a thing coming to light, so Alternatively,
they hire hit-men to take care of the
you can jump into the pool on Chapter 1: Introduction
our forums and engage in con-
versation with both us and oth-
er players. Find them at http://
A couple of crewmen wake up from
hibernation aboard a giant spacecraft
with little recollection of who they are
or what theyre supposed to be do-
ing. It seems that the ship has been
overrun by horrifying creatures who In Case You Missed It
hunt the survivors for food. Worse yet, In case you missed it, check
the reactor core is about to overload out the very first page of this
and blow everything to smithereens. book. Were trying out some-
On top of that, there are surprises for thing new here and wed really
which not even the crew is ready. appreciate your support.

2 Overview
Welcome to the overview of The der the punishing heat of the Sun. The
Void. In these six pages, youll get an Chinese government has built the Port
idea of everything you need to know Tian mining colony inside the Chao
to play the game. If you read only these Meng-Fu crater, where it remains in
six pages and play through the teach- the shade. They mine the wealth of
ing adventure found on p. 26, youll be natural metals and minerals under-
able to start within about an hour of neath the surface. Life here is spartan
buying this book and sitting down to and simple, with very little in terms of
play. You will learn as you play, instead creature comforts.
of having to sit down and read the bet-
ter part of this book first. You can also Venus
skim the At a Glance sidebars through- Venus has a decidedly hellish sur-
out this book for more detailed over- face with high winds and tempera-
views of the setting and rules a great ture in the hundreds of degrees. Five
way to learn faster. corporations control Venus, under the
nominal authority of the Venusian
The Game Administrative Body. Each corpora-
The Void is a game about humanitys tion has utter autonomy and authority
spread into our solar system and the within their colony. However, outside
horrors we discover as we go there. It of the colony, the VAB has the final au-
is an exciting mix of Lovecraftian hor- thority. Nearly all aspects of life on Ve-
ror and hard science-fiction. nus occur underground subsurface
colonies have been by far the cheap-
The Void is also a genre of horror est method of colonizing the planet in
known as survival horror. This genre the long term. Venusian culture is cor-
has become especially popular in porate culture, but the corporate colo-
video games, with franchises like Resi- nies offer much in the way of comforts.
dent Evil or Silent Hill. Survival horror
means that your Characters are almost Earth
always going to be in peril and fight- The nations of Earth are still pretty
ing for their lives. The world of The Void much as they have been, though some
is a dangerous place and it will require borders and centers of power always
that players are careful and clever if shift. Modern nations have become
they want their Characters to survive. more civilized and choose to resolve
their disputes through the forum of
the Unified World Council. Fortunate-
The Scope ly, the Earth suffers no more from the
The scope of The Void is our solar threat of ecological disaster, though
system. it has been damaged. Air quality has
recovered, but climates have changed
Mercury permanently in many parts of the
Mercury is a small dead world that world. There are places where it is not
slowly rotates like a pig on a spit un- safe to travel outside without special
suits, where the thinning or non-exis- with geological activity, with many
tent ozone no longer protects life from mountains and volcanoes. Bunkers
dangerous solar radiation. However, that shield visitors from the intense
the Earth is still a paradise compared radiation provide staging grounds for
to the rest of the solar system. those who wish to come and climb
the majestic mountains in a low grav-
Mars ity environment. However, there have
People thought Mars was going been some unusual reports in and
to be the new prosperous frontier. In around Jupiter space and many resi-
the beginning, the mining operations dents find themselves nervous.
proved this to be true. People flocked
to Mars. Then they discovered an in- Saturn
credibly hard and useless substance Saturn could be said to be the heart
under the surface that shut many min- of the new frontier. Over three million
ing operations down. Tourism has also residents of the Republic of Saturn live
waned in favor of more exotic locations and work here, striving daily to build
in the outer planets. Furthermore, dust their lives around the promise of a free
clogs the sky from a mysterious colli- and independent world. Rapid growth
sion of the moons. Though the only has created a strong economy built on
partly terraformed planet in the solar industry, manufacturing, mining, tour-
system, and the planet with the largest ism, and perhaps the most important
population other than Earth, the Red of Saturns commodities agricul-
Planet has taken its hits and so have its ture. On Titan, Saturns largest moon,
people. great cities and mammoth farming
bio-domes have arisen. The city of
Jupiter Chronos has become one of the most
It is the largest planet in our solar important trade centers in the Solar
system, and the planet itself is home System, built on the need to transport
only to two large floating gas mines. Titans wealth of agricultural goods off
The real excitement of Jupiter is found world. Ice harvesting has also become
on the four Galilean moons Callisto, an important industry among Saturns
Europa, Ganymede, and Io. Callisto moons. Other moons like Rhea play
is where many of those working on host to huge manufacturing plants
other Galilean Moons and Jupiter live, and ship yards that allow Saturn to
and it is best described as a bedroom produce bio-domes, shuttles, trans-
community. Europa is home to a giant ports, and other necessary compo-
underground saltwater ocean, with nents that sustain the colony.
its own life and ecosphere the first
extra-terrestrial life discovered in the Uranus
history of man. Ganymedes primary For years, the Uranus sector had
trade is tourism and entertainment. It been nothing more than a junction
is, for lack of a better analogy, the Las point for transports. That all changed
Vegas of the outer planets. Io is rife when the Wesley family founded the

hydrogen mining facility from Veroni- of all that, there are those who claim
ca Station. The Wesley family obtained to have heard eerie distant sounds
Chapter 2: Overview

the rights to the moons surrounding through the surface flurries, like the
Uranus and has offered them to in- songs of whales. None of these facts
dependent prospectors or corpora- are advertised by Rhodes it would be
tions to do with as they will as long bad for business.
as they obtain deeds for mining rights
from Wesley Corp. Given that Uranus Pluto
has no solid surface, the only colony Across the solar system nearly every
for Uranus proper is Veronica Station planet and moon has felt the presence
the mining facility run by John Paul of humanity. Not so with Pluto. The
Wesley to extract molecular hydrogen planet has made it clear that it wishes
from the atmosphere. Law is officially to be left free of mans company. There
maintained by the internal security have been attempts, many of them,
supplied by the Wesley family. How- over the years. Most expeditions have
ever, being much like the gold rush never made it to the surface and those
towns of the old west on Earth, law that did never last. Even satellites and
is very often handled as an personal probes last only a few hours at best be-
matter between prospectors. fore their signals are lost. Pluto wishes
to be left alone and thus far human-
Neptune ity has found itself a distant observer.
Neptune, the last planet of our so- In recent years, that observation has
lar system, is so far into space that it is increased ten-fold. More recently,
thirty times the distance of the Earth however, the small world has begun
to the burning Sun. Wind is a near con- exhibiting even more bizarre and inex-
stant on Neptune the average daily plicable behavior the orbit of Pluto
winds range from 45 mph to nearly has been changing. There is no known
the speed of sound. Unsurprisingly, cause that science can find for its be-
the only colony on Neptunes surface havior.
is underground. Salacia is the primary
and only colony on Neptune It is a Kuiper Belt
mining colony, as the planet produces Past the distant planet of Neptune
diamonds, the most precious gem in lies a thick band of rock, dust and ice
the solar system. Salacia is a joint op- known as the Kuiper Belt the new
eration of the European Federation frontier of the solar system. Prospec-
and the Rhodes Company a firm with tors go to this distant place to make
long roots in the diamond business their mark on the solar system. Many
and the fabulous wealth that goes explorers have found massive depos-
with it. Over the last few years, strange its that have netted them finders fees
things have become commonplace on that allowed them to retire in style.
Neptune. Many people have started to Many more, however, have simply van-
have intense nightmares insomnia ished never to be heard from again.
(or sleep aids) are an epidemic. People While there is great promise in the
also have started to go missing from Belt, there is also great danger.
time to time, without any trace. On top
Technology Weapons are still predominantly
The Void is a couple hundred years chemically or magnetically propelled,
into the future. In terms of its influenc- though computerized advancements
es, the setting is approximately equiv- make them more accurate, powerful,
alent to the technology presented in and capable than ever before. Despite
such movies as Aliens or Event Horizon the detente that exists in most places
though confined to our solar system. in the universe, it is still not entirely a
period of peace. Therefore, the powers
Space travel is perhaps the single that be still spend exorbitant sums of
most important technological ad- money on weapons research, so the
vancement in the setting. Transit technology of defense continues for-
drives can propel ships across the ward.
void at speeds formerly not possible.
Travel from Earth to Neptune takes Characters
only several months instead of twelve The Void supports playing pretty
years. Passengers must seal them- much any kind of Character that one
selves in suspended animation inside might expect in the setting, but steers
specially designed gravity-mitigating players towards playing as Wardens,
chambers to survive acceleration and agents of the Unified World Council
deceleration which means they un- special commission. That way, their
fortunately lose time every time they Characters already have reason to
travel, unaware of what might occur in travel around the solar system and the
the vacuum in the interim. resources that allow them to do so.

Computers have continued to be- While many associate aliens with sci-
come smaller and more powerful. fi, all characters in The Void are human,
People travel with small portable with some variation based on world or
body-computers that are capable of colony of birth.
feats that seem like magic. Augment-
ed reality is commonplace, and in fact
Character Components
Chapter 2: Overview
necessary for many aspects of society.
Robotics and nanotechnology have Characters in The Void are made up
taken over manufacturing, as well as of several key mechanical pieces. They
many menial jobs, forcing people to have Attributes and Skills, which are
become educated to take on more commonplace to modern roleplay-
skilled professions. ing games. They also have Qualities,
which represent innate Advantages
Medical technology has advanced and Disadvantages (with several that
to a point where nearly all hereditary are specifically flavored for the unique
disease has been cured. There are few setting), as well as Talents, which rep-
illnesses that plague humanity. Even resent cool things to help define the
limbs and organs can be replaced Character even further. Together, they
through limited cloning technology. create diverse Characters, even among
People live longer and are healthier all-Warden groups, with plenty of
than ever before. room to customize and grow.

Characters grow through a free- solar system. Their third, last, and per-
form method of point-based character haps most distasteful duty, is to keep
Chapter 2: Overview

development, powered by Advances. the unknown and occult a secret from

the population at large.
The UWC Wardens
The UWC Wardens are a govern- There are three primary special-
mental agency created to deal with ties in which Warden field agents are
the strange things that are emerging trained Enforcer, Investigator, and
in the solar system. They have three Researcher. Enforcers focus on com-
primary duties. First, they are charged bat, trained in many different kinds of
with investigating all reports and man- weapons in order to most effectively
ifestations of the unknown through- eliminate resistance. Investigators
out the solar system. Second, it is their are the detectives of the Wardens, fo-
responsibility to eliminate unknown cused on processing information and
or occult threats to the people of the evidence in order to draw conclusions.
They are also trained to extract useful
information out of
people. Researchers
are the book worms,
educated in the oc-
cult and other dis-
ciplines in order to
draw conclusions
and sift through
data for that which
is useful. Regard-
less of specialty, all
Wardens are com-
bat trained, have a
basic knowledge of
the occult and the
inhuman enemies
they must face, and
a basic education in

Wardens are typi-

cally sent out into
the field in teams of
three to six. A small
team is composed
of one of each spe-
cialty, while a larger
Neptune Space: Triton team typically has
three Enforcers, two Investigators, and the The Void setting will scare the pants
one Researcher. off of characters, and the unspeakable
things they witness will slowly drive
We recommend playing Warden them mad. These are themes central
Characters, unless you have a special to all Lovecraftian horror.
sort of story in mind. We created War-
dens so that Characters already have Combat Overview
the motive to investigate all of the Combat uses opposed Tests, where
crazy and scary things that are hap- every defender is given the opportu-
pening in the universe, and so they nity to defend against those attacks
have the resources such as authority, of which he is aware. If you equal or
weapons, and spaceships to do so. exceed your opponents Defense Test,
However, if youre interested in playing youll hit and hell take damage to his
The Void like Call of Cthulhu in space, Health.
the game certainly supports it and it
can be a lot of fun. Characters have a certain number of
points they can take before they die,
The Basic Rules but there are levels of hurt in between.
The Void uses six-sided dice, in dice As they get hurt, they begin to take
pools. In general, any time you want penalties to their Tests and movement
to try something that is a challenge, speed.
you will roll a number of dice in a pool
equal to the appropriate Attribute The Void also includes basic so-
plus Skill both of which are rated on cial combat, so that you can labor to
a scale of one to five. That means youll change someones mind when it is
be rolling between two and ten dice important. Having someone in your
for your Tests. group who specializes in social com-
bat is a good idea.
When rolling for a Test, each die that
comes up a five or six is considered a The Teaching Adventure
Chapter 2: Overview
Success. You need to get between one Included next in this book is a teach-
and five Successes to accomplish your ing adventure. It is designed to help
task, where two is Average and three you learn the game as you play, so that
is Hard. These Tests may be modified you dont have to spend a lot of time
by your Characters Qualities and/or learning before you jump right into
Talents. the game.
Naturally, we have created rules for The teaching adventure in this book
psychology fear and madness. The also includes four fully statted Charac-
otherworldly things that are a part of ters, each of which is ready to play.

*Call of Cthulhu is the Trademark of Chaosium, Inc.

3 Teaching Adventure

To Serve Special Notes

This section wont appear in every
and Survive scene, but contains special notes and
advice to new GMs. It will include page
This is an introductory adventure for
references, rules examples, and sug-
four new Wardens. The Wardens have
gestions for changes.
recently completed their training and
must investigate the disappearance of
Note to the Players: If you want to
a freighter, the Pandoras Hope. Start-
play through this scenario, or you
ing at Warden Prime, they travel to
think your GM may want to run this ad-
Mars where the Pandoras Hope was
venture for your group PLEASE STOP
launched to begin the investigation.
READING! Dont spoil the surprises for
From there, the investigation will con-
yourself and your friends.
tinue to the final destination of the
freighter a mining colony on Chiron.
Note to the GM: While your players
are reading through the Character
Gamemasters will find scene-by-
options, skim through the adventure
scene descriptions, special notes to
quickly, making sure to at least read
help jump into the action quickly, and
the At a Glance sections. The more
seeds for expanding this investigation
prep time you have, the easier this will
into a springboard for a longer cam-
be. Have fun and dont sweat any mis-
takes that come up along the way.
Each scene is laid out in the follow-
ing format: Trainings Over
At a Glance At a Glance
This section provides a brief synop- The Characters are called up to War-
sis of the scene action to help Game- den Prime the main outpost floating
masters skim the entire adventure above Earth. Captain Roland Dearborn
quickly. assigns them to investigate the disap-
pearance of Pandoras Hope, a freighter
For the Players which lost communications just past
The classic boxed text, GMs should Saturn. The Wardens have arranged
read this text aloud directly to the for transportation to Mars, where the
players. It describes the scene from an freighter embarked.
in-character perspective.
For the Players
Behind the Scenes After the last few weeks of train-
This is the primary section for Game- ing in the Himalayas, youve come
masters, including all of the extra infor- to learn that there are places left on
mation about NPCs, their motivations, Earth which can be just as desolate
and flow of events before the players as the Martian outback. With the
begin to influence things.
training exercise complete, youve Behind the Scenes
received orders to report to the Eye. Captain Dearborn will answer any
questions that he can for the Wardens,
Warden Prime, as its officially though there isnt a lot of information
known, floats in orbit above Earth. available. This group was chosen be-
From this vantage point, the War- cause they were finishing a training
dens monitor activities across the rotation, and were readily available.
entire solar system. Getting called The Wardens did not want to pull in
in means that Command has an as- a team from the outer system blind,
signment. Your team is loaded into which is why their team is being sent
a shuttle and the entire trip only to Mars first.
takes about half an hour.
Pandoras Hope
Captain Roland Dearborn is wait- The freighter is a modified freighter
ing for you in the briefing room. He with increased engine systems for
is an older Brit with a stern military long haul shipping. It registered with
bearing. Martian control as carrying food-stuffs
and supplies (air scrubbers, spare
Wardens, good morning. Please parts, etc) for Chiron base, and return-
take a seat. I will keep this briefing ing with ore from the mining colony.
as short as possible. The freighter has a crew complement
of thirty souls.
With a few strokes on the keypad
in front of him, several images proj- Communications were lost just be-
ect onto the vidscreen. fore it was scheduled to pass Saturn.
The standard flight time should have it
This is the freighter, Pandoras arrive at Chiron in four days. It is pos-
Hope. She launched from the Mar- sible if the engines were pushed, that
tian orbital elevator 84 days ago it could have arrived today.
on her way to a mining colony on
Chiron. All communications were Transportation
lost seventeen days ago. While that As this is the teams first mission,
is disturbing, its not unheard of. To- the Warden command is booking all
day, we lost communication with of the transportation throughout the
the Chiron mining colony. mission. The Characters can adjust the
plans that are laid out for them, but
Your mission is to go to Mars, in- will have civilian on-lookers through-
vestigate if anything got on board out the assignment. Command does
the freighter, and armed with that not tell them, but this is a form of test
information go to Chiron to discov- to see how the young Wardens handle
er why communications were lost. their discussions and contain knowl-
Are there any questions? edge of the threats. On future assign-
ments, Warden command may give

Chapter 3: Teaching Adventure
the team a transport to move them that sidearms are better choices than
around. assault rifles and heavy body armor,
when dealing with civilians.
The Wardens have booked pas-
sage for the Characters on a regu- The Red Planet
larly scheduled transport between
Earth and Mars, which leaves in sev- At a Glance
eral hours. The trip from Earth to Mars Having arrived on Mars, the Charac-
takes an average of fourteen days. ters begin investigating the Pandoras
During the trip, all passengers must be Hope and its crew. The investigation
in grav bed stasis for acceleration and can take them from the Docking Port
deceleration which is the entire trip. at the top of the space elevator, to the
Mariner Valley colony on the surface.
Extra Gear
If the characters want any extra For the Players
gear, they can requisition supplies on Disembarking the ship at Mars,
the Eye. Depending on how large the there are signs for the Dockmasters
gear is, and how dangerous it is, they office, Longshoremans Union, and
may be cautioned against tipping Transit Centers. While the transport
their hand to the civilians. There is also docked in the tourist section, it is
a Warden station on Mars which they clear that most work on the station
will be able to requisition supplies is done with the freighters. Holopro-
from, once they have a better grasp on jectors show the news and weather
what they may be dealing with. information for the Mariner Valley
far below, along with a projection
Special Notes of the space station, tethered to the
The Wardens have three ground ground by a massive elevator cable.
Everywhere you look, the space
1. Investigate Unknown or Occult is very organized and well-used.
threats. There are no vast expanses, or large
2. Contain and eliminate the threats. waiting areas. The only section that
3. Keep the population from finding looks like it is wide open is the cen-
out. ter ring of the station. It is laced with
storefronts on either side, but has
During this scene, the Captain can space for ten people walking side by
remind them of these rules. They give side. Camera nodes jut out promi-
the Wardens vast authority through- nently, clearly showing that every-
out the solar system, and they can req-
thing in the area is being recorded.
uisition nearly anything that is needed
to uphold the charter. The need for
If the characters go to the Dockmas-
secrecy often keeps Wardens from
ters office:
showing up armed to the teeth until
Following the signs, it is easy to find
they are ready to engage a threat. This
the Dockmasters office. It is a cramped
can be a good reminder for players
space with several uniformed men
and women sitting at the back of the Making Skill Tests
office with headsets on, monitoring A Skill Test is made by having
computers. At the front of the office the player roll a pool of six-sided
two men are reviewing a schedule on dice equal to the appropriate
a tablet and making changes. A large Skill and associated Attribute.
window shows the red glow of Mars, Each die that comes up a five or
blocked by a massive freighter and six is a Success. If the total num-
several shuttles. ber of Successes meets or beats
the difficulty of the Test, then
The older of the two looks up at you the Character succeeds. This
and barks with a gravelly voice, identi- process is used for all Skill Tests.
fication and travel papers...please.
Example: Alexis has a Investi-
Behind the Scenes gate skill of 2 and an Awareness
Mars is the primary investigation (the Linked Attribute for Investi-
spot for the Wardens to find out what gate) of 4. She rolls 6d6 and gets a
happened to the Hope until they ac- total of two fives and sixes on the
tually get to Chiron. If the Characters dice, generating two Successes.
get lost or feel that they dont know The difficulty for this test is Aver-
where to go next, they can contact the age (2), so Alexis succeeds. If the
Warden outpost on Mars. The Warden GM had ruled that the Difficulty
outposts field officer has been able to was Hard, then Alexis would have
track down some of the crew hang- failed the test.
outs during their shoreleave.

1. Captain Lee Quartararo primarily

stayed aboard ship, but met with 3. The chief engineer (Commander

Chapter 3: Teaching Adventure

the Dockmaster on the day the Nathan Adar) never left the ship
ship berthed and the day it left. at all. There are reports of sev-
He was seen walking in the central eral shipments being brought on
promenade of the space station. board the ship for him, but he
His ident-card was never scanned never set foot on Mars or the sta-
for transit to the surface. tion.

2. The first officer, Commander Karl 4. The crew stayed predominantly

Roslin travelled with nearly half in the Mariner Valley colony. They
the crew to the surface and stayed showed identcard scans at sev-
at the Deimos hotel in the Mariner eral lower class hotels, bars, and
Valley. Having an officer planet- brothels. The medical staff took a
side during shoreleave is not un- day trip to Chloe (a Seven Sisters
usual, especially with freighter colony on Mars). The Chloe medi-
crews. The first officer, oddly, cal chief reported that they volun-
spent extensive time in the hotel teered in the clinic.

Chapter 3: Teaching Adventure
Visiting the Dockmaster office, but it is not designed for having
The Dockmasters office is directly more than one person in it. The dock-
off of the promenade, along the outer master will doubt that the Wardens
ring where the station is spun for grav- have any secrets that they are going to
ity. Dockmaster Higgins and his staff share with him that cannot be told to
work in the office on a standard eight his staff.
hour shift, but will come into the office
on off hours to accommodate shuttles He remembers the Hope berthing
arriving and departing. Like every- on the station. It was loaded with stan-
where else on the station, space is a dard medical supplies and foodstuffs,
premium and the office has a cramped along with spare parts for different
feeling. If the Characters identify pieces of equipment in the colony. Hig-
themselves as Wardens, Higgins will gins spoke with the Captain at length
ask for them to step down to the end during loading, as the Captian wanted
of the counter to talk. He has a private to make sure that everything was bal-
anced properly. Acceleration
to the Outer System requires
the entire crew to sleep in grav
couches for a week, and it is
not the time when you want a
container to shift.

If they ask about the En-

gineer, Higgins will uncon-
sciously rest his hand on his
sidearm. He tells the Charac-
ters that Adar broke several
laws during his last stay on
Mars. Because of that, he is not
allowed to utilize any colony
resources including oxygen.

Type: Terrestrial Planet Higgins can provide a full

Size: Approximately 0.5 Earths by Mass manifest of supplies that were
Gravity: 0.375 g (Moderately Low)
loaded onto the Pandoras
Surface Pressure: 1 kPascal
Surface Composition: Primarily a basalt rock base Hope by the longshoremen,
containing some silica glass. Surface covered in but will note that anything
finely grained iron-oxide dust. the crew brought back from
Atmosphere: Mostly Nitrogen (78%) and Oxygen shoreleave will not be listed.
(19%), with the remaining amount made up of
He trusts his men, and strongly
Argon, Carbon Dioxide, Krypton, Neon, Nitrogen,
Xenon, and Water Vapor believes that if anything went
Surface Temperature: Around 4.4 C/40 F. wrong on the ship it is either
Day: 24.6 Hours Adars fault, or something that
Year: 1.8 Earth-Standard Years the crew brought back. In ad-
Satellites: Formerly 2, now a loosely formed ring.
dition to the manifest, the
Dockmaster has the flight plan on file. tivities (cooking, laundry, storage, etc.)
The estimated flight time was eighty- are completed.
eight days including a seven day accel-
eration and deceleration window. Asking around the hotel about Com-
mander Roslin will be fruitful. All of the
Dockmaster Higgins staff remember him, as he tipped gen-
Dockmaster Charles Higgins is a erously. The concierge will direct the
gruff, older man with a no-nonsense Wardens to either the Cosmic Lounge
attitude about flight control and pro- where the Commander held court or
cedures. He has a tendency to rant a jazz club several blocks over called
about the dangers of space travel and the Rue dAuseil. The bartenders will
colonization to anyone who asks fool- point to a corner table, designed to
ish questions. Higgins does have a seat eight, where Commander Ros-
strong respect for authority, but be- lin sat for ten hours a day, reading
lieves that authority without experi- the news, drinking, and talking with
ence is a dangerous proposition. crewmembers. Throughout the day,
crew members would come to him,
Attributes: Awr 3, Clv 4, Dem 3, Gra 2, and ask for permission to do differ-
Psv 3, Phy 3 ent activities or to be issued pay. The
Health: 10 bartenders noted that there seemed
Key Skills: Computer 4, Guns: Pistol to be a bartering system, where the
1, Law 3, Notice 3, Survival 2 crewmembers would need to provide
Armor: Flak Jacket (5/2) something to the commander or make
Weapons: ACC-62 Bandit (3d6) some kind of promise before being au-
thorized or issued pay. It stood out to
The Deimos Hotel them as very odd. The last two nights
The Deimos Hotel is a nice, but not that Roslin was at the Lounge, a rat-
luxurious, hotel which primarily serves faced man came to see him. He spoke

Chapter 3: Teaching Adventure

ships officers and mid-level corporate with the commander for about twenty
managers. It is a business hotel rather minutes and then they departed to-
than a tourist one. There is very little gether.
automation, due to the pressing need
for jobs on Mars. At any time, there is If the Wardens request it, secu-
a minimum of two concierges on duty rity footage from the lounge can be
for check-in and assistance at the front viewed to watch Commander Roslin
desk. The hotel also has a bar, called with the crewmembers and his un-
the Cosmic Lounge, and a restaurant named guest. Digital stills can be
Johnnys. The lobby, bar and restaurant transferred to a wristcomp. To transfer
all have a very open feeling to them, the entire security file will take an Av-
which is different from the space sta- erage Persuade Test. The Wardens au-
tion above. It is explained by needing thority will provide one free Success,
to be large enough to support the full if the Characters show their badges.
hotel above them. The hotel has seven (See below for more information on
floors above ground, and a subterra- Social Tests and Legwork).
nean level where all of the support ac-

Chapter 3: Teaching Adventure
Rue dAuseil Visiting in the evening, the club is
At the height of the Mariner Valley busy, though not packed. There are
colony, the Rue dAuseil was a lively two bouncers working the door. The
jazz club. In the years following the bouncers wont allow anyone inside
economic collapse, the owner began with obvious weapons or body armor,
to borrow his way out of debt, finally though a knife or pistol under a coat
ending up owing more than the club is fine. Inside, a live band plays jazz
was worth to the local mafia. The ma- mixed with a little bit of monologuing
fiosos made a deal, give them all of the from the lead singer. There is a small
profits and the authority to run it their dancefloor where patrons are groov-
way, and they would let him stay on ing. Looking around the club (an Av-
to collect a small salary and manage erage Notice Test), the Characters will
everything. The local Warden outpost spot Criswell at the bar talking with
is aware of this, but since it isnt any- the bartenders as they work.
thing supernatural, they let it be. If the
Characters ask the outpost about the Criswell will not want to leave the
Rue dAuseil, they will be told that it is club with the Characters, especially if
a mafia-front for money laundering, they identify themselves as Wardens.
gambling, and drugs. There are hun- They can choose to arrest him, but will
dreds of patrons each week, who dont have to tell him why. Alternatively, the
know about the influence and are not Intimidation or Persuade Skills may
involved in the gambling or drugs. convince Criswell to talk with them in
the back room of the club. Any active
Identifying themselves as Wardens violence against Criswell in the club
will immediately set the attitude of will attract the attention of the bounc-
all the employees to Unfriendly. (See ers.
the Special Notes in this section and p.
127 for more details on Attitude.) The Interrogating Criswell either po-
Characters making it clear that they litely or through more direct means
dont care about the mafia activities, will get Criswell to tell them that
will begin to salvage the situation and he worked as the intermediary for a
a Persuade Test can set the attitude deal between the Miners Guild and
back to Ambivalent. Commander Roslin. The Chiron sta-
tion was being sent a supply of Sub-
Visiting the club during the daytime, stance Thirteen. It is illegal to possess
the Characters will find it nearly aban- on Mars, but the outer worlds and
doned. There is a small team of janito- corporate colonies havent prohibited
rial staff cleaning, and four bar-backs it. The drug increases the metabo-
working to restock the bar and kitchen lism rate of the user for several hours,
before the evening shift arrives. Show- meaning they are more productive at
ing pictures of Commander Roslin will physical tasks. The downside is that
result in blank stares and no answers. the drug makes the user exceptionally
The rat-faced man will be identified as tired afterwards so they sleep for ten
Jackie Criswell. He is a regular guest to twelve hours. The Miners Guild uses
and a friend of the manager. the drug to keep remote populations
under control, and limit risk of mutiny. Research on Substance Thirteen
Criswell doesnt have any more of it, (an Average Computer or Hard Inves-
he sent all four cases with Roslin and tigate Test) supports Criswells claims.
Adar. Because drug trafficking isnt The drug is illegal in the Inner System,
part of the Warden mission, he hopes though prosecution from Mars out-
that telling them will get the Wardens ward is almost non-existent. The side-
to leave him be. As a bag runner for effects besides exhaustion, include
the Mafia, he has enough legal ties to black-outs, amnesia, and sleep walk-
beat the drug charges since there is no ing.
proof that he ever had the drugs in his
possession. Special Notes
During investigations, there will
Jackie Criswell often be a lot of talking with various
A rat-faced Caucasian man, Criswell people. Depending on the preference
is a bag-runner for the local mafia. He is of the GM and players, this legwork
also secretly a member of the Children where the Characters talk with con-
of the Void, a murderous cult. Using tacts and informants can be done
his underworld connections, Criswell in-character through roleplaying or
has managed to begin adding special by making Social Tests. While roleplay-
substances into various drugs. None of ing is encouraged, the Social Combat
the patrons or employees of the Rue system is provided for groups that do
dAuseil know of his connection to the not have players who enjoy all of the
Children. talking, or for players who may trip
over their own words in ways that their
Attributes: Awr 4, Clv 4, Dem 3, Gra 3, Characters would not.
Psv 2, Phy 3
Health: 10 Most NPCs begin at a Ambivalent
Key Skills: Deception 4, Fraternize 3, attitude, though situational modifi-

Chapter 3: Teaching Adventure

Hand Weapons: Blades 2, Intimi- ers such as bias or previous violence
date 2, Occult 3 can change that. Page 128 has the
Armor: None list of which Skills can be used based
Weapons: Knife (1d6) on attitude. A streamlined way of do-
ing legwork is to have the Character
Bouncers who is leading the discussion make a
These guys are what one might ex- Test using the appropriate Social Skill
pect from a mafia-fronted club. against the base Difficulty. For every
Success equal to or over the Difficulty,
Attributes: Awr 3, Clv 2, Dem 3, Gra 4, they learn one additional piece of in-
Psv 3, Phy 3 formation about the subject they were
Health: 10 asking.
Key Skills: Guns: Pistols 2, Hand
Weapons: Blades 2, Notice 4, Un- Example: Andras is talking with the
armed Combat 3 Bartender about Commander Roslin.
Armor: Flak Jacket (5/2) He asks the bartender to describe his be-
Weapons: Knife (1d6) havior. He rolls 6d6 with three Successes.

Chapter 3: Teaching Adventure
The GM assigns an Average Difficulty for stasis for the entire voyage, they can
the bartenders attitude. Andreas will arrange for different transport, but it
learn two facts about Commander Ros- will take an extra week before the War-
lin, one for the initial difficulty, and one dens can arrange a shuttle with suffi-
more for beating the Test by one Success. cient life support systems for the team
to be in staterooms.
Next Stop, Chiron
The journey will take 84 days to
At a Glance complete, with the crew in gravstasis
Armed with information about the for seven days at the beginning and
Freighter, the Wardens arrange for end of the journey for acceleration
transport from Mars to Chiron. Due and deceleration.
to the length of the journey, the only
vessel they can secure quickly requires Danger on the Horizon
grav stasis.
At a Glance
For the Players The Wardens are awoken a few hours
Climbing into the grav couches, before arrival at Chiron. The transport
the crew helps you to attach the bio- has slowed down to docking speed
monitoring systems that will watch and is approaching the large asteroid.
as you are in stasis. They assure you There is substantial debris trapped in
that the systems are perfectly safe, the gravity well of Chiron.
running through an internal script
that they have told thousands of For the Players
passengers before you. Coming out of stasis, your body
aches as each muscle comes back
As the lid of the bed closes down to life with the sensation of pins
over you, small lights turn on along and needles. There isnt much time
the length of the bed. There is a to adapt, as klaxons sound and you
sensation of drowning as the grav feel the ship shake as something
couch fills with fluid. The computer hits it. The voice of the captain
screen above you displays a mes- comes over the loudspeaker.
sage from Warden Command, The
nearest backup team is thirty two We are on final approach to Chi-
days out from your call. ron. There is substantial debris. Pas-
sengers please report to the briefing
With that final note, darkness room immediately. All crew begin
overtakes you. decompression inspection.

Behind the Scenes In the Briefing Room

There is very little to this scene. At Entering the large conference room,
its core, this scene is to teach the play- a viewscreen on the opposite wall
ers about long-term space travel. If the shows a computer simulation of the
Characters absolutely refuse to go into vessel and Chiron. Debris from aster-
oids is strewn across the thousand freighters have hand-crank generators
miles between them. As the system to provide power for personal use if
zooms in on the mining colony, the ship-wide power is lost.
computer dims the freighter docked
there and the majority of the station. Attempts to hail the colony or the
There are no energy signatures com- Pandoras Hope return only static. Visu-
ing from either. al magnification shows the long range
communication arrays have been de-
Behind the Scenes stroyed on the freighter, though short
With the debris field, the crew will range communications should be pos-
be approaching slowly to maneuver sible. Sensors are picking up a large
around the largest chunks. If the Char- amount of radiation from the Hope,
acters request sensor sweeps or spe- which could be interfering with com-
cific information about the area, the munications.
crew will determine the following:
The captain will ask the Characters if
1. The freighter docked at Chiron is they wish for the ship to dock, or to es-
the Pandoras Hope. tablish an orbit above the colony and
2. The Hope is heavily damaged with have the team do an EVA jump. Char-
multiple hull breaches. acters should remember the three
3. It may still be pressurized inter- rules in the charter and, until they
nally if the crew was able to seal have ascertained what caused the
off the breaches. problems, presume that it will need to
4. Primary engine systems are of- be kept secret. If they choose to dock,
fline, but there is substantial ra- the captain will obey the order but be
diation bleeding out. Backup sys- very cautious on the approach.
tems cant be detected through For an EVA jump, the vessel can ap-
the debris and interference. proach the colony without docking.

Chapter 3: Teaching Adventure

5. The mining colony has sustained From here, the characters will need to
substantial damage from the de- make an Average Freefall Test to jump
bris. across the gap and grab ahold of the
6. There are several hull breaches colony airlock. Cables can be used to
along the outer ring. create a tether line between Chiron
7. The inner ring near the mine ap- and the vessel. If so, only the first War-
pears to be undamaged. den making the jump to secure the
8. Primary power is offline through- tether needs to make the Freefall Test.
out the station. Anyone else can use the tether to pull
themselves along the cable. Once ev-
An Average Engineer: Life Support eryone is secure on Chiron, the crew
or Engineer: Power Systems Test will will disconnect the tether and back
tell the Characters that the mining col- the vessel away to avoid the debris.
ony should have backup generators
in different sections that can be used Aboard the colony, the loss of power
for short-term life support, while the has caused several obstacles which
primary generator is repaired. Many the Characters will need to overcome.

Chapter 3: Teaching Adventure
1. The deck plates have stopped pro- are no signs of damage or the min-
viding any sense of gravity. While ers- until you reach the habitat
working on Chiron, until power ring. Here, miners are half into
is restored, Freefall Tests may be vacsuits, and wearing emergency
called for when traversing large breathers. It appears that there was
spaces, or performing complex sudden decompression and several
physical actions. of the miners were caught in the
2. There are no lights or life support vacuum. Looking closer, many of
systems on-line. Spacesuits pro- the suits show punctures and the
vide eight hours of breathable air, throats of several miners were slit.
which should be plenty of time for The corpses are floating, preserved
the Wardens to scout the area and by the vacuum of space.
determine if it is safe for their ves-
sel to land. If the suit is breached, Behind the Scenes
the inner suit will provide roughly When Pandoras Hope docked, the
one hour of breathable air. Ad- crew of the freighter was infected
ditional damage can reduce this with Myriad (see p. 208) because of
time further. Because of flash- drug usage. The Myriad-infected crew-
lights, GMs can apply vision pen- men swarmed off the ship and began
alties for partial lighting. to slaughter all of the miners. During
3. None of the hatches or doorways their murderous rage, several small ex-
respond to the automatic sen- plosive devices caused emergency de-
sors. Manual overrides are clearly compression. Damage response crews
labeled and do not require any went into action before the alarm
technical knowledge to operate. could be sounded that the colony was
In combat though, opening or under attack.
closing a hatch takes an Involved
Action. As the team moves through the
area, they will find extensive damage
Terror 101 to the outer surface of the colony. It
is possible to seal several bulkheads
At a Glance and block off areas that are exposed
Entering through the docking port, to vacuum. Until that happens, the life
there are no immediate signs of dan- support system will not be capable of
ger. Later into the colony, the Wardens re-establishing an atmosphere. The
find corpses in partial vacsuits or with lack of atmosphere is keeping the
breathers on. All of the corpses have bodies from decomposing, and has ef-
been torn limb from limb. fectively freeze-dried all of them.

For the Players If the team searches the Habitat

The colony is silent, except for Ring for survivors and crew members,
the sounds of breathing coming go to scene Any Survivors?.
through the radio from your team.
Moving through the station, there If the team boards the Hope, go to
scene The Other Survivors.
Special Notes
Each group will have their own Making Horror Tests
threshold for the amount of gore and Facing horrifying or grue-
viscera that they prefer. If this is the some scenes can require char-
first time the group has played in a acters to make Horror Tests. This
horror setting, the GM should gauge is done by making a Persever-
the players reactions while describing ance Attribute Test. Page 113
violence and horror. It is important to has a complete list of suggested
not push too far beyond the comfort Difficulties. Failing a Horror Test
levels of the player group. You may can result in momentary paraly-
even want to check in with them be- sis or on more serious failures, a
forehand. need to flee the situation.

Any Survivors? Example: Andras has come face

to face with several miners float-
At a Glance ing in zero-G, which have been
The team finds a small group of sur- eviscerated. The GM decides the
vivors who have locked themselves in Difficulty of this Test is Easy. An-
the kitchen and storerooms. The survi- dras rolls 4d6 and gets one Suc-
vors are emotionally rattled and at the cess. He has succeeded on the
edge of their sanity. Horror Test and can act normally.

For the Players

Moving inward along the habitat used hand-crank generators, taking
ring, you find something rather un- shifts, to keep enough power for the
expected a sealed door with the refrigeration systems and life support.
pressure gauge showing green. On The twelve survivors have been living

Chapter 3: Teaching Adventure

the other side is a sustained habi- on stores designed to feed 200 people.
tat. Looking at the colony map on
your HUD, the next room should The problem is that the survivors
be a storage area, connected to the are all on the edge of a psychotic
kitchen. break from being locked in a confined
space. Add to that the horrors seen
Behind the Scenes just before coming in, the lack of any
When the security force was overrun response from calls for help, and you
and there were murderous psycho- find a group ripe for madness. Once
paths running amok, the galley crew they sealed the doors, the galley chief
gathered everyone who was eating refused to open them for any reason.
and pulled them into the kitchen. From First there was banging and scream-
there, they manually sealed the doors ing, then the pressure sensor regis-
and barred them so the hatches could tered a vacuum. The screams stopped,
not be opened manually from the but there was still banging and scrap-
other side. For the last three months, ing against the door. The galley chief
they have been hiding here. They have said it was the monsters men who

Chapter 3: Teaching Adventure
had succumbed to space madness, Beyond the infected crew, a Karrakin
trying to break in. (see p. 204) has begun eating through
sections of the hull.
By the time the Characters have
arrived on scene, the survivors are a For the Players
wreck. They are all still alive, but will Approaching the docking bay
not respond to banging on the door where the Hope is berthed, the signs
and will begin to panic. Short range of violence become even stronger.
comunications are impossible be- Viscera floats in the vacuum, and
cause of the radiation coming from there are dozens of corpses in the
Pandoras Hope, but the Wardens can hallways. Some appear to have
re-establish the atmosphere in one of taken their masks off and begun
the adjacent rooms to the survivors. feeding on the entrails of their vic-
Once pressure has been re-estab- tims not realizing that they were
lished, sound will carry through the suffocating in the void of space. In
walls. If this is done, the Characters the airlock, two bodies float limply.
can make Persuade Tests to talk with Something appears to have melted
the survivors and explain the situation. their spacesuits from the inside,
Alternatively, they can cut through the spreading from sternum all the way
doors if they have the appropriate down to a knee. With the suit eaten
tools. Cutting through the doors, with- away, you can see organs and bone
out first sealing the area will result in clearly visible within the cavity that
sudden decompression of the storage used to be their body.
area and galley. This will kill the survi-
vors, as they do not have breathers or Behind the Scenes
space suits. Moving aboard the ship, it will be-
come obvious that something went
Special Notes horribly wrong on the freighter. Sever-
This can be a socially heavy scene. al of the grav couches have been dam-
Refer to p. 33 as needed to review in- aged, with cracks and burn marks as if
formation about Social Combat. All hammers and acetylene torches were
of the survivors are no longer well taken to the beds. There are still the
and will need extensive psychologi- corpses of crew members inside many
cal counseling to be brought back to of the beds. The Myriad-infected crew
normal. If the Characters choose to cut are adapted to very low-levels of oxy-
through the hatch, have them make a gen, and are primarily feeding off the
Hard Horror Test as they realize what corpses to get the necessary amino ac-
theyve done. ids and proteins to stay alive. Some of
the life support systems are still func-
The Other Survivors tioning to refill air tanks, which keeps
the infected crew moving.
At a Glance
The crewmembers of the Hope are As the Characters begin to move
no longer what they appear to be. through the ship, the Hopes crew will
start to rally and attack the Wardens.
The infected crew attacks like a ra- Characters also have Tension and
bid swarm, with improvised knives, Fate Points. Tension Points can be used
clubs, and spears. (Treat all damage as for a variety of uses, with a price. Fate
1d6, expect for special attacks) Many Points are for Characters to use to save
of the tools look like sections of the their lives in the face of certain death.
ship have been ripped apart to create For full rules see p. 138 & 217 and p.
them. 123.

Beyond the infected crew, there are Calling for Help

several Karrakin aboard the ship. They
have been slowly eating their way At a Glance
across the freighter and have not in- Its time for the Characters to report
teracted with the infected crew at all. back what they have found. Options
If no hostile actions are taken against range from restoring communications
them, the huge spider-like creatures on Chiron, to using the transports
will simply keep eating. When pro- communication system.
voked, they release a chemical sig-
nal and shriek which causes all of the Behind the Scenes
Karrakin to destroy all living creatures This scene doesnt have specific
other than themselves. The upside is text to be read aloud to the players
that the Wardens could try to provoke because of the broad range of op-
the Karrakin and then flee, and have tions. There are three basic options for
the creatures attack the infected crew. communicating back to Warden Com-
(Presuming they can reach the ship...) mand: using the transport which the
wardens travelled on, using Chirons
Special Notes communication system, or the Hopes
Inevitably, there will be conflict and system. Each has their own trials and
combat. Combat is broken into rounds

Chapter 3: Teaching Adventure

to codify the process. At the beginning
of the round, every Character should The Transport
roll Initiative. The GM rolls initiative for If the transport did not dock, the
all of the bad guys or monsters in an Characters will need to get back
encounter. Write down the initiative aboard somehow. Their short range
order from highest to lowest. This is communications are being jammed
the order everyone will act in the com- because of the background radia-
bat round. Finally, everyone takes their tion from the Hopes reactor. Shutting
actions. down the reactor will re-enable short
range communications. Otherwise,
During combat, every Character they will need to do another EVA jump
may take a Free Action, a Simple Ac- from Chiron to the ship. This is a Hard
tion, and an Involved Action. After Freefall Test because of the debris and
every Character and enemy has acted, the higher orbit which the transport is
repeat the process, roll Initiative, take hovering in.
Actions. (See p. 119 for more detailed
information on Combat.)

Chapter 3: Teaching Adventure
Once on board, they can either use
Making Combat Tests the bridge communication system,
Initiative: Awareness + which is in full view of the captain and
Reaction crew, to discuss matters with Warden
Attack: (Weapon Skill) + command, or send a message packet
(Linked Attribute) which will have a lag time in the mes-
Defense: Grace + Defense sage. The message packet will, if all
goes well, be answered in a few hours.
If the total of an Attack roll is A Persuade Test can also be made to
equal to or higher than the De- convince the Captain and his crew to
fense roll of the target, the at- leave the bridge while the Characters
tack is successful. The more that speak to Warden command. It is likely
an Attack roll beats the Defense, that the crew will have an unpleasant
the more damage is done. The reaction if they learn the truth.
difference between the rolls is
called the Damage Bonus. Chirons Communication System
The long-range communications
Doing Damage: (Weapon array is functional, but it doesnt have
Damage) + Damage Bo- any power. When the Hope docked, it
nus Targets Armor. appears that the crew sabotaged the
power relays. The primary generator
Example: Alexis and Andras are will need to bypass the damaged sec-
sparring, with full contact. They tions. This can be done with the spare
roll Initiative, and Alexis gets one parts that were being transported on
Success, while Andras gets two. the Hope, and a Hard Engineering:
Power Systems Test. It will take several
Andras attacks first, because hours to complete the bypass, then
his initiative is higher. He uses his build up power in the reactor. Any sec-
sparring knife and gets three Suc- tions that are sealed from the vacuum
cesses. (Hand Weapons: Blades 2 of space, will also pressurize and the
+ Grace 5 = 7d6) Alexis attempts gravplates will activate in sections that
to dodge the blow and gets 1 are not bypassed.
Success on her Defense. (Defense
2 + Grace 3 = 5d6). His attack Repairing the Freighter
was successful, and he earns a Presuming the Characters have
Damage Bonus of 2 dice. Andras managed to clear out the infected
rolls 1d6 of damage for his blade, crew members and Karrakin aboard
+2 dice for the Damage Bonus, the Pandoras Hope, there will be little
+1 die for his Physique, and -10 stopping them from ransacking the
points for Alexis armored coat. ships holds for spare parts to fix the re-
(3d6 = 14) Andras does 4 points of actor. The long-range communications
damage to Alexis. array has been destroyed aboard the
freighter, presumably by the Karrakin.
It is now Alexis turn to act. However, the freighters transit drive
is strong enough to leave Chiron and
make the journey back to Mars, or the markings of the Cult of the Void, and
nearby Saturn and Uranus. To repair it appears that someone within the
the fusion reactor shielding requires a Martian underworld has joined with
Hard Engineering: Power Systems Test. the cult. This connection can take the
Alternately, they can eject the fusion Wardens back to Mars, to speak with
reactor into space with the emergency Jackie Criswell and launch a long-term
systems. The downside to this is that campaign investigating the cult.
without the fusion reactor, the freight-
er will not have power for life support As a GM, foreshadowing events and
systems and be incapable of pushing connecting things across missions,
off the surface of Chiron. provides an overarching storyline and
vision. While the events do not need
Once the Wardens have restored to have blatant ties, hinting at them
communications, they can call for and then allowing realization later will
backup and report what happened. make the game more cohesive.
Warden Command will remind the
Characters to contain the creatures Heading Home
aboard Pandoras Hope and provide
a cover story to the survivors aboard At a Glance
Chiron. If the Characters cannot come With communications restored, the
up with anything, Captain Dearborn Miners Guild sends out a repair team
will suggest a variation on the truth to fix the habitat. The Wardens are told
the crew suffered a psychotic break to vacate before they arrive. A Warden-
brought on by illegal narcotics. While approved crew is dispatched to fly the
tragic, it was no different than an ad- freighter out, and the Characters are
dict on a rampage on Earth. called back for their next assignment.
They are ordered to move any corps- For the Players
Chapter 3: Teaching Adventure
es of the miners or crewmembers on You receive a message from Cap-
to the freighter before releasing the tain Dearborn after he has had a
survivors, to avoid any possible con- chance to review the information
tamination or infection. you transmitted to Warden com-
mand. He looks tired and has read-
Special Notes ing glasses on.
The infection can serve as a jump-
ing point for continued missions or Well done Wardens. Seal the
investigations for the Warden team. hatches to the Hope and return to
Additional investigation into how the Mars for debriefing. I have expe-
infection spread can be found in the dited a recovery team from the Um-
freighters logs. The First Officer spread brella, to collect the freighter. The
a few doses out amongst the crew, to Miners Guild is also sending out
see how ship performance would be a new batch of miners and repair
affected or improved. Unfortunately, technicians to restore the Chiron
there were Myriads (see p. 208) in sus- base. It was requested that our as-
pension within the drug. The drug has

Chapter 3: Teaching Adventure
sets be removed before they arrive Behind the Scenes
that means you have three days This is the end of the assignment.
to wrap anything up that you have If the Characters have anything they
left and get moving. We dont even want to do on the mining base, or ad-
want residual transit traces left for ditional hooks added by the Game-
them to complain about. Thank master such as what is in the mine
you. now is the time to address them, and
then get back for their next assign-
With that, the message termi- ment.

A Quick Note about the Characters

There are four Characters included for this adventure two Warden En-
forcers, one Warden Investigator, and one Warden Researcher. However,
they all each have other important roles as well.

In addition to being the Researcher, Phillip Boganda is the groups

doctor and engineer. He knows how to keep things, both animate
and inanimate, running.
Alexis Vasquez is designed to be a straight-forward soldier.
Andras Votova is an agile fighter with some social skills and street
In addition to being the Investigator, Wei Li is socially capable and
also the crews pilot. He also knows how to blow things up.
The Sample Team

Phillip Boganda Alexis Vasquez

Warden Researcher Warden Enforcer

Chapter 3: Teaching Adventure

Andras Kotova Wei Li

Warden Enforcer Warden Investigator

Chapter 3: Teaching Adventure
Phillip Boganda
Ethnicity: African
Homeworld: Europa Europans are often careful,
thoughtful, intellectual people, who are also quite
Age: 34
Profession: Warden Researcher
Physical Description: Bald, Brown Eyes, Tall
Personality Traits: Focused, Strange

Awareness 4 Statistics:
Cleverness 5 Health 9
Demeanor 2 Speed 10 mph
Grace 4 Walk 8 yd/turn
Perseverance 3 Run 25 yd/turn
Physique 2
Fate Points1
Skill (Attribute) Rating/Pool
Bureaucracy (Clv) 2/7
Communications (Clv) 1/6
Computers (Clv) 1/6
Cryptozoology (Clv) 2/7
Defense (Gra) 2/6
Drive: Wheeled (Gra) 1/6
Engineer: Basic Drives (Clv) 3/8
Engineer: Electrical (Clv) 2/7
Engineer: Life Support (Clv) 3/8
Engineer: Power Systems (Clv) 3/8 Qualities:
Engineer: Transit Drive (Clv) 2/7 Double-Jointed
Guns: Handgun (Gra) 2/6 Dream Void
Investigate (Awr) 2/6 Internal Clock
Language: English (Clv) 3/8 Luck (3)
Language: Mandarin Chinese (Clv) 2/7 Phobia (Vacuum)
Law (Clv) 2/7 Slow
Medicine: Physical (Clv) 3/8
Medicine: Psychological (Clv) 2/7 Quirks:
Occult (Clv) 3/8 Bartending (Clv) 2/7
Reaction (Awr) 2/6 Whistle in Tune (Awr) 2/6
Science: Earth (Clv) 2/7
Science: Life (Clv) 2/7 Talents:
Choose either: Deeply Weird or
Weapons: Know Where Your Towel Is
ACC-62 Bandit Pistol 3d6 Damage, Mag. 9

Damage: Armor:
01-09: Bruised (-1 to all Actions) Warden Armor (10/5)
10-18: Battered (-2 to all Actions)
19-27: Hurt (-4 to all Actions, Half Movement)
28-36: Incapacitated (Unconscious)
37+: Dead
Alexis Vasquez
Ethnicity: Mexican
Homeworld: Mars Martians are often hardy and resource-
ful people, though somewhat resigned about life possibly
even bitter.
Age: 29
Profession: Warden Enforcer
Physical Description: Brown Hair, Brown Eyes, Muscular
Personality Traits: Determined, Self-Righteous

Attributes: Statistics:
Awareness 4 Health 12
Cleverness 2 Speed 16 mph
Demeanor 2 Walk 13 yd/turn
Grace 3 Run 40 yd/turn
Perseverance 5
Physique 4 Special:
Fate Points1

Skill (Attribute) Rating/Pool
Athletics: Fitness (Psv) 2/7
Communications (Clv) 2/4
Computers (Clv) 2/4
Defense (Gra) 2/5
Drive: Tracked (Gra) 1/4
Environmental Suit (Awr) 2/6
Hand Weapons: Blades (Gra) 3/6
Guns: Assault Weapons (Awr) 2/6
Guns: Handgun (Awr) 3/7
Guns: Longarms (Awr) 3/7
Heavy Weapons: Portable Artillery (Awr) 2/6 Qualities:
Intimidation (Dem) 3/5 Fast

Chapter 3: Teaching Adventure

Investigate (Awr) 2/6 Gifted Metabolism
Language: English (Clv) 3/5 Nightvision
Law (Clv) 2/4 Arrogant
Notice (Awr) 3/7 Tormented
Occult (Clv) 1/3
Orienteering (Awr) 3/7
Reaction (Awr) 3/7 Quirks:
Stealth (Gra) 2/5 Juggling (Gra) 2/5
Tactics: Military (Clv) 1/3 Recite Movie Quotes (Clv) 2/7

ACC-62 Bandit Pistol 3d6 Damage, Mag. 9 Talents:
Combat Shotgun 5d6 Damage, Mag. 6 Choose either: Born in Freefall
SM-12 Hornet SMG 4d6 Damage, Mag. 16, Auto 3 (8 rounds) or Snake Eyes
Combat Knife 1d6 Damage
Damage: Warden Armor (10/5)
01-12: Bruised (-1 to all Actions)
13-24: Battered (-2 to all Actions)
25-36: Hurt (-4 to all Actions, Half Movement)
37-48: Incapacitated (Unconscious)
49+: Dead

Chapter 3: Teaching Adventure
Andras Kotova
Ethnicity: Russian
Homeworld: Ganymede Ganymedans are often extro-
verted and clever, no strangers to the ebbs and flows of
nearly any strata of society. They are often also known for
thinking several steps ahead and nearly always trying to
work an angle.
Age: 30
Profession: Warden Enforcer
Physical Description: Black Hair, Hazel Eyes, Brooding
Personality Traits: Cynical, Humorless

Attributes: Statistics:
Awareness 4 Health 10
Cleverness 2 Speed 16 mph
Demeanor 4 Walk 13 yd/turn
Grace 5 Run 40 yd/turn
Perseverance 2
Physique 3 Special:
Fate Points1
Skill (Attribute) Rating/Pool
Athletics: Coordination (Gra) 2/7
Cryptozoology (Clv) 3/5
Deception (Dem) 2/6
Defense (Gra) 3/8
Drive: Military (Gra) 1/6
Drive: Wheeled (Gra) 1/6
Environmental Suit (Awr) 1/5
Fraternize (Dem) 2/6
Freefall (Gra) 1/6
Guns: Assault Weapons (Awr) 2/6
Rapid Recovery
Guns: Handguns (Awr) 3/7
Darkness Magnet
Guns: Longarms (Awr) 2/6
Tough (2)
Guns: Special (Awr) 2/6
Hand Weapons: Blades (Gra) 2/7
Heavy Weapons: Launchers (Awr) 2/6
Insight (Awr) 1/5 Quirks:
Language: English (Clv) 3/5 Clean Spotlessly (Gra) 2/6
Law (Clv) 1/3 Car Knowledge (Clv) 2/4
Notice (Awr) 3/7
Reaction (Awr) 3/7
Stealth (Gra) 3/8 Talents:
Streetwise (Dem) 3/7 Choose either: Double Tap or
Tactics: Military (Clv) 1/3 Killer Instinct

ACC-62 Bandit Pistol 3d6 Damage, Mag. 9 Armor:
Combat Shotgun 5d6 Damage, Mag. 6 Warden Armor (10/5)
SM-12 Hornet SMG 4d6 Damage, Mag. 16, Auto 3 (8 rounds)
Flamethrower 5d6 Damage, Mag. 15
Combat Knife 1d6 Damage

01-14: Bruised (-1 to all Actions)
15-28: Battered (-2 to all Actions)
29-42: Hurt (-4 to all Actions, Half Movement)
43-56: Incapacitated (Unconscious)
57+: Dead
Wei Li
Ethnicity: Chinese
Homeworld: Uranus Uranians are often hard-working and
tenacious, but are distrustful of newcomers and in the habit of
watching their backs.
Age: 33
Profession: Warden Investigator
Physical Description: Black Hair, Brown Eyes, Stylish
Personality Traits: Pragmatic, Unreadable

Attributes: Statistics:
Awareness 4 Health 10
Cleverness 4 Speed 14 mph
Demeanor 2 Walk 11.5 yd/turn
Grace 4 Run 35 yd/turn
Physique 3 Special:
Fate Points1

Skill (Attribute) Rating/Pool
Communications (Clv) 2/6
Computers (Clv) 2/6
Cryptozoology (Clv) 2/6
Defense (Gra) 2/6
Explosives (Clv) 2/6
Environmental Suit (Awr) 1/5
Freefall (Gra) 1/5
Guns: Handguns (Gra) 2/6 Qualities:
Hand Weapons: Blades (Gra) 2/6 Common Sense
Insight (Awr) 1/5 Eidetic Memory
Investigate (Awr) 3/7 Peripheral Vision
Language: English (Clv) 3/7 Persistent Injury (1)
Language: Mandarin Chinese (Clv) 2/6

Chapter 3: Teaching Adventure

Law (Clv) 2/6 Quirks:
Notice (Awr) 3/7 Identify Spices (Clv) 2/6
Occult (Clv) 2/6 Video Games (Awr) 2/6
Odd Jobs (Variable) 2
Persuade (Dem) 2/4
Pilot: Atmospheric (Gra) 1/5 Talents:
Pilot: Spacecraft (Awr) 2/6 Either: Dont I Know You or
Reaction (Awr) 2/6 Wicked Smart
Research (Clv) 2/6
Stealth (Gra) 2/6
Surveillance (Clv) 1/6 Armor:
Warden Armor (10/5)
ACC-62 Bandit Pistol 3d6 Damage, Mag. 9
Combat Knife 1d6 Damage

01-10: Bruised (-1 to all Actions)
11-20: Battered (-2 to all Actions)
21-30: Hurt (-4 to all Actions, Half Movement)
31-40: Incapacitated (Unconscious)
41+: Dead

B The Hulk
The Squires Penance slid silently Standing, arms clasped behind her,
through the mist-enshrouded rock Warden Captain Aiko Hayata stud-
and ice that made up the Fog Bank, ied the smaller ship. She glanced to
an aptly named region of the Kuiper her right where Lt. John Stanse was
Belt. It got such a name from a con- scanning a display. On the flex panel,
vergence of especially strong, relative- schematics hovered in the middle
ly speaking, solar winds. These winds of a myriad of text and charts. With-
scoured the surfaces of the hundreds out glancing up, John reported, The
of iceroids that dominated the region. smaller ship looks like its the one
The frozen gases that were torn away 4G sent to figure out why their min-
gave the appearance of mist rising off ing barge had gone silent. There are
the icy rocks. The especially dense na- no heat or power readings. By all ap-
ture of the stellar bodies in this part of pearances its completely open to the
48 the Kuiper Belt also meant that there
were just enough gravitic forces that
vacuum. Comms and transponder are
likewise not transmitting.
the icy dust tended to stick around.
While its true that one could see a What about the Mammoth? Aiko
couple hundred klicks into the field, it inquired.
was downright soupy compared to the
rest of the solar system. Its comms and transponder are
also both dead. However, Im getting
In the distance, the target of the heat and power readings off her. Hon-
Squire was visible through the icy estly Hayata, I suspect that if anyones
mist. A massive Forge-class mining alive on that ship, they have no idea we
barge, supposedly operating in the are here, responded John.
region for almost three months, was
parked above an especially large as- Aiko tried to stifle a grin when John
teroid. Three weeks ago, communi- referred to her by her surname. He
cations from the vessel had stopped knew it was more the custom in her
altogether. Less than a week prior to native Japan to refer to someone by
that, the refueling barge Welcome Re- their surname. While she didnt mind
lief had topped off the larger ship and when others called her Aiko, she did
reported to its corporate owners that appreciate her friends efforts. Truth
everything was normal. Now, strange- be told, it was those little things that
ly, a smaller ship floated nearby the attracted her, but that was a secret
derelict drifting barge. As the Squire shed keep to herself. To do otherwise
closed in, it became obvious that all would be inappropriate not to men-
the external hatches were wide open tion improper.
the smaller ship had been vented to
the cold void of open space. I think its better they dont know
were here. She paused a moment,

The Squires Penance

then said, Everyone get suited up. last order towards Marco Bianchi, the
Lets assume that at least part of the wiry pilot.
Mammoth is open to the vacuum as
well, or could easily become that way. The smaller Knights Errant slid
Marco, get us docked as close to the up next to the giant mining barge. A
ring as you can. Aiko directed this docking tunnel extended out from the
ship, connecting the two as automat- not something the general public was
ed systems on the barge locked the ready to accept. It was difficult enough
tunnel in place. The team donned the explaining the things that could not be
lightly armored vacc suits that were hidden away, like the bizarre behavior
unique to their agency. Each colored of Pluto or the strange changes oc-
in the traditional black and red of the curring on some moons. Telling them
Warden uniform, these suits were the that an explosive decompression trag-
most advanced available in the solar edy was caused by a delusion-inducing
system. They provided them a modi- tentacle-armed creature would cause
cum of protection from bullets, knives, unwanted panic.
and the unfortunately not-so-occasion-
al claw, while not compromising their Looking at her team, Aiko said,
agility like many of the more traditional John, take Marco to the bridge and
armored vacuum suits did. see what you can find out. Ill take Jen-
ny and Rashim to check out the crew
With a whoosh of pressurized air, quarters. Keep in contact, reports ev-
the airlock leading into the Mammoth ery five minutes.
50 cycled open. Automated lights flick-
ered to life in the cramped confines of The atmosphere in the ship read
the tunnel. The lock of the large ship as safe, if somewhat stuffy. It was
was too small as far as Aiko was con- likely the CO2 scrubbers had not been
cerned and it took two cycles for the properly cleaned in over a week. As
entire team to make it inside the ship. they split, the Wardens snapped back
This was not a tactical situation the the faceplates of their vacc suits to
senior Warden would have chosen. better sense their environment. John
One never knew what was going to be and Marco moved forward towards
encountered on missions like this and the bow of the barge, while Aiko and
splitting the team up right off the bat the others made their way back to-
was never a sound move. wards the access ports that would
lead them to the crew quarters. Such
While there were those who be- accommodations were situated in the
lieved that the Wardens were just an- rotating ring that provided the crew
other extension of the Unified World some form of genuine gravity.
Councils influence in the solar sys-
tem, the truth was much more sig-
nificant than that. Not everything that
happened in the domain of humanity, At least the decks energized,
especially in the more remote regions, Marco commented, as the pair moved
was easily explained these were the cautiously forward, assault rifles at
things that the Wardens were tasked the ready. Despite the zero-g environ-
with investigating. Also, unfortunately ment, the decks created a field which
in many cases, they had to hide the interacted with special plates in the
truth from the masses. Aiko herself soles of their boots and with threads
knew that much of what she had that were integrated into their cloth-
seen in her years as a Warden was ing and gear. The effect pulled them
towards the deck it wasnt true ar- of the ship to the centrifugally-induced
tificial gravity, but it did make things a gravity of the rotating ring. These
lot easier. trips were designed to ease the tran-
sition between functional weightless-
John ignored Marco as the team ness and artificial gravity. Specially
reached the ladder that led to the designed chairs would automatically
bridge. Motioning with his gun, he adjust their angles to minimize the
crouched to keep an eye on the cor- discomfort one tended to feel when
ridor while Marco slung his rifle over making such a change, and the deck
his shoulder and climbed up the lad- plates would energize slowly as down
der. Thus far, the entire situation was changed relative to the outer edge of
giving them both the willies. Neither the ring. Aikos team, however, were
had seen any sign of the crew, which used to this and moved with practiced
didnt speak well for what they were ease, adjusting their positions as their
going to eventually find. relative up and down changed.

At the top of the ladder, Marco A soft chime warned the group
punched the security override codes that they had arrived at their destina- 51
into the hatchs keypad. The click of tion and the elevator doors opened.
the magnetic lock releasing echoed Their senses were instantly flooded
loudly through the quiet corridors be- with the horrid sickly-sweet stench of
hind him. He fired off a quick whistle rotting meat. Most would have been
and moments later he could feel John overcome, forced gagging to the floor,
climbing up the ladder below. but Aikos team had been forced to
smell worse in training. Jenny took
Using the nose of his rifle, Marco point, exiting first and scanning left
cautiously pushed the hatch open a and right down the main corridor of
crack for him to peek through. Noth- the ring. Finding their first evidence
ing on the other side reacted and of the crew, she pointed and then the
he could see no movement. Pushing gagging began.
the hatch all the way open, he quickly
moved out to take a defensive kneeling Aiko cautiously crept out of the el-
stance so that his companion could evator, steeling herself for what she
safely join him. Scanning the bridge as knew would be an awful sight. She had
John made his way, what Marco saw seen so much in her time as a War-
caused even his battled-hardened re- den, but there were always new and
solve to waver for a moment as bile more terrible surprises like this one.
crept up the back of his throat. Four bodies hung upside-down from
the ceiling, split open like specimens
on an autopsy table. Grotesque ropy
intestines dangled in coils from the
The others rode an elevator that corpses, and their eyes and parts
traveled the length of one of the grav- of their faces had been gouged or
ity rings spokes, traversing from the gnawed away, leaving slick white
zero-g environment of the main body bone exposed. Their twisted expres-
sions led Aiko to believe they may have had not been locked down. Aiko took
been alive when this started. That a deep breathe before she hit the sen-
thought turned her stomach, but she sor button. On your toes, people. This
swallowed it back. could get messy.

Taking stock of the rest of her team, The door slid open and the hor-
Rashim had gone from olive to ash, but ror continued. The mess hall was a
kept a keen eye on the corridor behind slaughter house. Dozens of dead crew
them. Jenny wiped her mouth on the slumped dead among spilled trays of
sleeve of her vacc suit. Aiko stepped blood-soaked food. However, some-
over to help the rookie up. This wont thing else moved in here. The things
be the worst thing youll see, she said. that had done this were not yet gone.
Dont focus on this. Focus on who
else might be alive. This doesnt tell us The rookies both spun around,
much. We need to move. weapons tracking a sound not unlike
fingernails on an old-style chalk board,
Jenny nodded and got to her feet, along with an eerie buzz. Jenny saw it
52 shaking. The grisly scene had rattled first and, to her credit, her jitters did
her, but she was a tough girl. Aiko not return. Diaphanous wings and
knew that, regardless of her fortitude, segmented limbs made it seem like
moments like these would leave last- an insect, but the hard, spiky, wine-col-
ing scars. Such things were an unfor- ored shell spoke of a crustacean. How-
tunate consequence of the job. ever, a budding mess covered what
should be the things head, furry and
In motion, Aiko barked an order at cancerous like a fungus, though pro-
the rookies. Close your helmets. Itll truding in places like cilia. Each of the
keep the stench out. She heard the segmented legs ended in prehensile
hiss of their suits pressurizing as her claws, with razor-sharp tips. It rubbed
radio came to life. It was Johns voice. these claws together, which if intel
Hayata, theres no one here. At least, was accurate was a sure sign of ag-
no one alive. From what Im looking at, gression. Holding back for a moment,
whatever did this isnt human. it seemed to twist as it assessed the
team, while its wings whirred into mo-
Affirmative, answered Aiko. See if tion, producing a buzzing that began
you can recover any data or logs that to sound like a voice
can help. If it isnt human, we need to
know what it is. Jenny didnt wait. She raised her
rifle and opened fire on the thing. As
An image of the ships deck plans she pulled the trigger, it leaped into
came to life on her faceplate, show- the air, claws bearing down on her.
ing Aiko that the mess hall was a But it wasnt fast enough, and a hail
short way straight ahead. That would of bullets ripped through the things
be a good place to start a methodi- steaming innards. It slammed into
cal search of the ring. They quickly the floor, rolled and nearly knocked
reached the door, which fortunately Rashim over. It slammed into a nearby
wall, a flailing mass of unsettling alien on metal. Gritting his teeth, he sealed
limbs. the airlock and the Knights Errant
pushed off.
With barely a pause, more clicking
from behind them let Aiko know this Drifting away, John locked the ships
creature wasnt, as she suspected, weapons onto the hulks drive section.
alone. Bad move. Theyd been lured Aiko had said only one thing besides
into a trap. her order to evacuate Mi-Go. Insect-
like aliens of which hed only seen pic-
Back to the elevator, she shouted, tures. Where did they come from?
though the rookies were already on he muttered.
their way. At least until they realized
that they were surrounded, that more What? asked Marco.
of the creatures were pouring out of
the elevator shaft in front of them. John shook his head. Nothing.
Turning, Aiko heard the buzzing of
more wings from the mess hall. There The pair paused in silence for a mo-
was no way out. ment, the only sound the targeting 53
computer confirming the weapons
Even as she raised her rifle to fire, lock. John waited as long as he dared,
she issued John one final order. his finger hovering over the fire but-
ton, hoping for something to come
through the radio. Nothing came.

John heard the gunfire over the Explosions tore across the hull of
radio as Aiko ordered him to evacu- the massive mining ship as rail gun
ate. He and Marco each grabbed a rounds and guided missiles ripped it
couple memory cubes and dropped apart, detonating the drive core. John
back down through the hatch. As they watched through a film of tears, qui-
ran, John imagined that he could hear etly praying for his fallen friends. How-
Aiko fighting for her life through the ever, something new blossomed in his
hull of the ship. Fighting the urge to heart, growing in the void where Aiko
run to save her, John led the retreat used to be. Something that would car-
back to the Squires Penance. As they ry him through, something that would
boarded, he tried to raise Aiko on the bring meaning to these deaths.
hope they had somehow managed to
escape, but all he heard was static Vengeance.
and the shrill sound of claws scraping
4 Setting
History Then Until Now
A Dying World erupted in the Middle East in 2015,
>>2010 2019<< sparked by a conflict between Israel
Many people saw the beginning of and Iran. While both sides gathered
the 21st Century as the final chapter their remaining allies, China launched
in mankinds relentless march toward attacks on Taiwan, the Korean Pen-
self-destruction. Intense social, eco- insula, and parts of Southeast Asia.
nomic, and political pressures wore World War III was at hand.
heavily on the fabric of international
relations. By 2010, the world had suf- The brutal fighting raged for three
fered the worst economic crisis since years. Then, the inevitable finally hap-
the Great Depression. The United pened the first and only nuclear det-
States, seen by many nations as the onation of the war exploded in 2018.
cause of this economic crash, began to Radical Islamic terrorists, still bent on
decline in its position of global domi- carrying out their Jihad against a crip-
nance. Regional wars, international pled Unites States, managed to load
terrorism, and the threat of emerging a crude atomic bomb on a cargo ship
nuclear powers further exacerbated headed for Los Angeles. The bomb
economic strain and political tensions detonated prematurely while the ship
that led to the growing belief that the was in layover at the Malaysian port of
United States was no longer the global Port Klang. Millions of Malaysian Mus-
superpower of yesterday. lims died within minutes that day.

The face of the world changed The resulting dramatic shock caused
quickly. Growing public attitudes an immediate ceasefire among war-
toward isolation caused nations to ring parties. The possibility of a world
withdraw from international relations. teetering on the brink of death be-
The United Nations crumbled in 2013. came all too real. Many historians
The United States imploded in 2014, would later regard the sacrifice of Port
leaving individual States to deal with Klang as the event that saved the hu-
civil riots, starvation, and an overall man race from extinction. Religious
system breakdown. Chinas rapid rise radicalism and old hatreds seemed to
collapsed due to a weak economic wane in light of a new urgency to find
infrastructure and the sudden loss common ground. In 2019, the Treaty of
of one of its largest export markets. Jerusalem was signed, officially end-
The European Union, already strained ing World War III and ushering in a new
economically and fearing the same age for mankind.
kind of chaos, dissolved itself. Nothing
seemed to be able to stop this global A New Age Begins
downward spiral.
>>2020 2030<<
By 2020, the time for rebuilding had
Unfortunately, the possibility of war
begun. It was the common belief that
loomed ever closer and war finally
humanity had passed its final test and
that the march toward armageddon One of the first tasks taken on by
had ceased. The nations of the world the Unified World Council was to cre-
pulled together in a new spirit of co- ate a solid financial system. The Com-
operation. Reconstruction was well monwealth Treasury was established
underway by 2022. Leaders of the by the UWC in 2029 to issue and man-
world devised a plan to create a new age such a currency. The resulting
global organization with a strength- Commonwealth Credit would quickly
ened authority to govern the affairs of evolve into the standard currency.
individual states. This new organiza-
tion was to be designed on the prin- For a time, the nations of the world
ciples of the old United Nations, but were allowed to enjoy a universal
with greater legislative and executive level of peace, harmony, stability, and
power. The Unified World Council was prosperity. The values of learning, phi-
born in 2028 and
was perhaps the
greatest formal-
ized show of world
cooperation ever.

In the meantime,
world religious
institutions came
together in part-
nership after the
Muslim Reforma-
tion of 2026. The
First Council of
Jerusalem created
a common body
where individual
religious institu-
tions could work
together in the
spirit of mutual
cooperation and
sharing. This new
Unified Ministry
of God suddenly
made the promise
of a new spiritual
enlightenment all
Port Klang Nuclear Disaster: 2018
the more real.

losophy, and industry propelled civili- at the chaos that might ensue over un-
zations forward at an amazing rate. By regulated territorial rights. Thus, the
Chapter 4: Setting

2030, it was a New Golden Age. UWC established the Pendleton Act of
2062, to partner private industry with
A Promising Frontier national government patronage. This
act allowed for the regulation of taxes
>>2031 2062<< and it established UWC authority to
With this new age came an in- grant territorial ownership to individ-
creased focus toward conservation, ual colonies. A new phase of Unified
clean energy, and the rebuilding of World Council influence had evolved
infrastructures. Some industries began beyond the boundaries of Earth.
to look toward space as a new frontier
filled with infinite promise. It was in
2032 that the Venture Corporation first A System Conquered
launched its own Moon mission, which >>2063 2100<<
is credited for sparking the New Space The Alliance of American States,
Race one waged not by nations, but once the territories of the United
by private corporations. States and Canada, recognized the
need to provide a reliable communica-
Humans began to venture off-world tions network in space. Project Cadu-
in large numbers. 2042 saw the estab- ceus was launched in partnership with
lishment of Tranquility on the moon. private industry to provide an expand-
Manned scouting missions swept into able orbital satellite communications
the solar system to seek out new op- relay system. The initial phase of the
portunities and mark territories for Caduceus Network went live in 2063,
their parent companies. The abundant causing a sense of unity among worlds
availability of ore deposits, natural re- for the first time in history.
sources, and the promise of growing
wealth spurred more businesses to ex- The Caduceus Network may have
pand toward other planets. A kind of created the connection among colo-
frenzy arose by 2053, similar to that of nies, but it wouldnt be until 2080 that
the 1800s Gold Rush in America. large-scale interplanetary trade would
weave the individual worlds into a
The impact of this rapid expansion strong interdependent system. In that
was certainly felt back on Earth. Na- year, the transit drive was developed.
tional governments that had previous- The resulting impact of this new op-
ly focused on post-war rebuilding and portunity for rapid space travel sud-
societal affairs were stunned by this denly drove a skyrocketing level of
new wave of frontierism. After all, no trade similar in effect to Americas first
existing law accounted for possible tax transcontinental railroads.
revenue gained in space trade. Individ-
ual nations hungered for a cut of the 2087 saw the creation of the first
pie and soon banded together to join non-Earth sovereign nation, when the
in on the space boom. Key members of Republic of Saturn declared indepen-
the UWC found themselves concerned dence from its founding sponsors. The
hand of mankind had finally touched
every world by 2100, as the time of History At a Glance
frontierism was coming to an end.
New colonial identities and a sense of An accidental terrorist nuclear
individual rights started to germinate detonation in Malaysia in 2018
among some off-worlders. The solar sparks world cooperation.
system was conquered and colonists The Unified World Council is
felt less and less a part of Earth. created in 2028. It is a more
powerful United Nations, with
greater legislative and execu-
A Shadow Descending tive power.
>>2101 2159<< By 2053, space exploration was
Despite the achievements of civi- akin to the 1800s Gold Rush in
lization, it was hard for some not to America.
notice cracks in the foundation of this 2062 sees partnership be-
new society. By 2101, the Unified Min- tween private industry and the
istry of God had taken on a religious government to colonize the so-
identity of its own. Global religious lar system.
intolerance had finally declined, but In 2063, the Caduceus Network
so had spiritual passion and the moral of system-wide communica-
compass that it provided. tion is created.
In 2080, the transit drive is cre-
With advancements in business and ated.
technology came great wealth. In- Now, in 2159, the UWC strug-
creased trade and expansion seemed gles to maintain unity.
to benefit everyone, except the work-
ing class. A rift formed again between
those who had and those who had Today the UWC struggles to main-
not. Among the space-born, this bred tain a sense of unity and universal jus-
a new attitude of independent liberty tice. Meanwhile, the colonies them-
Chapter 4: Setting
throughout the solar system. A spirit selves seem to drift further away from
of defiance arose. the social and political roots of their
home world. Piracy remains a con-
Meanwhile further tensions arose stant interplanetary threat, even with-
on Earth. Those nations who could in the shadow of an increased naval
not participate in the space market presence. Rising taxes eat into profit-
grew increasingly resentful of those ability and many merchants now turn
that could. 2132 saw the eruption of to shadier, but cheaper freelance trad-
global strikes, defying openly the will ers to sustain their business. Violent
of the Unified World Council. By 2140 crime statistics continue to climb and
the conflicts, riots, and skirmishes rumors of darker things whisper from
on Earth had turned into a struggle the shadows. Many wonder if the New
of differing ideologies the balance Golden Age of Humanity has finally
between centralized control and indi- come to an end.
vidual freedom.

Colonizing the Solar System
Since the earliest people walked the space industries. While initially limited
Earth, they looked up at the dark sky to satellites that they paid a govern-
Chapter 4: Setting

wondering what it was that lay so far ment entity to place into orbit, private
out of reach. Many have been at a loss and public corporations eventually
to explain why it actually took so long overtook governmental efforts.
to finally take that leap and move out
into the solar system. After the former United States stood
on the moon in 1969, many believed it
In the early days of space explora- would be the beginning of what would
tion, nearly all the efforts were under- become vast colonies beyond the at-
taken by various governments across mosphere of Earth. However, the op-
the globe. Communication and spy posite was actually true. After the last
satellites were the lions share of man- Apollo mission, the moon would not
made objects placed in orbit. Corpo- feel the touch of human feet again until
rate concerns soon began to under- 2032 and it would not be a government
stand the potential benefits of entering or country who would
do so, but the Venture
Corporation. The first
colony, Tranquility,
was established on
the moon in 2042. It
was a cooperative ef-
fort of four corpora-
tions, with Venture
Corp as the senior
partner. The colony
served several func-
tions. Outwardly it
was a destination for
the super-rich. How-
ever, it also became a
hub for the four com-
panies for their next
big initiative the as-
teroid belt.

For years, Venture

and their partners
sank deep into the
red and many be-
lieved their efforts
would drive them into
bankruptcy. However,
Luna Station Proserpina: 2041 in 2053 the first Ven-
ture-flagged mining vessel returned
from its maiden voyage to the asteroid Colonizing At a Glance
belt and brought with it a cargo hold
filled with proof that they were right. Initially, explorations into our
solar system were governmen-
Many liken the initial rush into space tal efforts.
to be similar to the Gold Rush of the In 2032, humanity set foot on
1800s in California. In the wake of Ven- the moon for the first time in
tures success, dozens of other firms decades. Ten years later, the
and individuals who had the resources first lunar colony was estab-
rushed to catch up. This explosion into lished as a cooperative effort
space was initially limited to efforts by four corporations.
centered around the Moon and aster- Mining and resources spurred
oid belt. However, it was obvious to all on the exploration into the so-
that those who were willing to take the lar system.
risks to push this boundary further out Transit drives made explora-
were the ones most likely to be able tion practical, as trips that used
to cash in on the discoveries that were to take months or years took a
made. As humanity forged deeper into fraction of the time.
the solar system, new industries were Humanity has now spread from
created to support them. Transit drives Mercury to the Kuiper Belt
were introduced and suddenly trips with the exception of Pluto.
that used to take months to make now The Unified World Council
only required weeks. maintains a presence every-
where, even if small.
Today humankind can be found in
nearly every recess of the solar system. tries to keep the UWCs interests rep-
From Mercury to the Kuiper Belt, hu- resented. Closer to Earth, this presence
mans have spread wherever resources can be felt more heavily, with the mili-
are or, in some cases, scientific knowl- tary working to keep trade lanes safe.
Chapter 4: Setting

edge can be found. The one notable

exception is the dwarf planet Pluto. Life across the solar system varies
Thus far, every effort to even establish in danger and comfort. The colonies
a presence in orbit around Pluto has of Mars and Venus offer colonists rela-
met with disaster. tive luxury. On the other hand, life fur-
ther out gets progressively less grand,
While corporations and private con- more spartan, and more dangerous.
cerns make up the lions share of those All the way out in the Kuiper Belt, the
who operate within the solar system, type of people you find are hardy and
the Unified World Council has gone to self-reliant. Accidents are not uncom-
great lengths to ensure they have at mon and help is often too far out to be
least a modicum of representation. In useful. However, it is also where a per-
some places, such as Neptune, this is son has the greatest chance of making
limited to a liaison/ambassador who a mark on the universe.

The Chthonian Star
Humanity has always believed that For the first time in history, the
we are the most important thing in the powers that be began to consult with
Chapter 4: Setting

universe. Now something is coming to learned scholars of the hidden, those

test our place in the universe, to see if who had made the mystical world of
humanity actually has a right to exist. the occult their own. Ancient books
were consulted and new archaeologi-
Those with a thirst for the unknown cal digs were financed to bring lost
were the first to notice. A celestial things to light. Their explorations all
body of unknown origin and composi- pointed to one thing the Chthonian
tion comes. Perhaps its an asteroid or Star had been here before and it may
a rogue chunk of dark matter. It was very well be a source of power for
discovered only a few years ago and frightening beings with no love for hu-
dubbed Fongs Body, but occultists manity.
know it as the Chthonian Star.
While they searched for a solution,
The Chthonian Star is moving at an the Unified World Council needed
amazing speed, in a trajectory that agents who could keep this problem
will take it past the edge of our solar in hand. Combining occult knowledge
system. Scientists theorize that it will with intense government training, the
arrive in a decade. Those studying it UWC Wardens were formed. They are
lucked out, stumbling across a band charged with keeping things quiet and
showing that the Chthonian Star was cleaning up the first harbingers of the
emanating an unknown kind of ener- Chthonian Star in the solar system as
gy. This energy was so powerful that it best they can. Though quiet and secre-
radiated light years out from the celes- tive, they are currently the single most
tial body so far that this unknown en- important government agency in the
ergy has been affecting the solar sys- solar system.
tem for the last several decades. While
the Chthonian Star may not arrive for a Very few know the Chthonian Star
decade, its full power will be felt within even exists, mostly the top levels of
the next several years. governments across the Earth. The
public most certainly has no idea the
The authorities began to look as peril that is coming and the powers
to when the energies of the celestial that be are working very hard to keep
body first began to affect the solar sys- all of this a secret.
tem. They did not like what they found.
Occurrences that could only be classi- The reactions from world leaders are
fied as the supernatural, the kind of varied and what to do about the Ch-
things governments covered up, had thonian Star is the topic of heated de-
increased dramatically during that pe- bate. The European Federation wants
riod. Dangerous cults, horrific things it destroyed and is in favor of sending
that defied explanation and more, had powerful nuclear warheads to blow it
been on the rise. It seemed obvious up the minute it is within range. The
the reason why. Sino-China Union wants to find a way
to harness the mysterious energy of
the Star for its own purposes. The Al- The Star At a Glance
liance of American States wants to rip
open the annals of occult history and A celestial body of unknown
embrace the changes, hoping to en- origin, approaching the edges
slave the unnatural creatures that are of our solar system.
coming into existence to remain at The Star has been bathing our
what they see as the top of the food solar system in unknown en-
chain. ergy for decades.
Since then, strange things have
The effects of the Chthonian Star begun to infect our world.
are being felt more and more each The Star will arrive in a decade,
day. 30 years ago, when the Stars but its full power will be felt in
energy first reached our solar system, the next several years.
the effects were minor. However, as Few know the Star exists.
it grows steadily stronger, there are The European Federation
more unwholesome horrors at play wants it destroyed.
than ever before, to a point where the The Sino-China Union wants to
UWC is beginning to worry whether find a way to harness it.
or not they can properly censor re- The Alliance of America States
lated news stories. There are those wants to embrace the chang-
experts who believe that, if things es and enslave the unnatural
keep progressing at the current ex- creatures.
ponential rate, the solar system may The effects grow greater with
soon be unrecognizable to us. each passing day.

Chapter 4: Setting

Visible: The Chthonian Star
Politics & The UWC
The Unified World Council is sepa- ue to wrestle for political control. How-
rated from national governments by ever, the existence of a trans-national
Chapter 4: Setting

a universally agreed upon division of political arena has given rise to a new
political power. While individual na- layer of politics. Global political parties
tions continue to focus on internal now exist, and though some national
concerns, the UWC concentrates on parties maintain unbreakable ties with
global concerns such as a monetary their favored global party, others can
policy, trade regulation, colonial pol- be quite fickle. Trying to maintain a
icy, international dispute reconcilia- strong support base for a global politi-
tion, and global security. Whereas in- cal party can be a dramatic challenge
dividual nations are free to operate in and of itself. The Democratic Coali-
within the government structure of tion is one of the larger global political
choice, the Unified World Council itself parties. Democratic Coalitionists often
is constituted under the concept of a stand center-left in their point of view
Federal Parliamentary Republic. The and favor a broad spectrum of liberal
advantage is that all nations, despite ideas. To them, the health and well-
their size or strength, get to have a fair being of all human citizens is a global
and equal voice on the global stage. responsibility. On the other hand, the
Federal Conservative Party takes more
The arrangement of Legislative of a right-wing view. They see the Uni-
Houses is such that one House pro- fied World Council as a finite tool to
vides stability and a check and balance foster international cooperation, but
over the other. The upper House is the that the rights of self-government for
State Council, where national govern- the individual nation still stand as par-
ments appoint their representation. amount. Other smaller parties exist as
The Unified Assembly is the lower well, often swaying support between
House, and its Council Representa- the two larger parties as leverage for
tives are chosen in a general election their own agendas.
through an Electoral College system.
Pirate attacks on interplanetary
The Chancellor of the Unified World trade have become an increasingly
Council exercises supreme executive difficult issue. The UWC has increased
power. This Chancellor is selected by the naval presence among many of
the ruling party of the Unified Assem- the higher trafficked trade routes, but
bly and serves a term equal to that of results have been limited. In addition,
the Assemblys election cycle, namely this military build-up has created a
four years. Once elected, the Chancel- much greater strain on the defense
lor appoints his own Cabinet Ministers budget. Several politicians on Earth
to execute the policies of his adminis- are calling for greater financial support
tration. from the colonies in the form of higher
taxes. This, of course, has outraged
The modern political landscape is many citizens of the other worlds and
somewhat different than that of the has further served to create a greater
previous age. National parties contin- rift between Earth and its colonies.
The age-old debate about freedom
of religion has once again reared its Politics At a Glance
head. A strange new breed of reli-
gion seems to be causing strains in The UWC concentrates on
this spiritual dtente provided by the global and interplanetary con-
Unified Ministry of God. Many disil- cerns.
lusioned people, especially in poor The UWC is a Federal Parlia-
countries, have begun to cast off the mentary Republic.
tenants of traditional religion to em- There are two Legislative Hous-
brace teachings of a different sort. The es the State Council and the
grass-roots rise of what some refer Unified Assembly.
to as cults has caused certain legisla- Global political parties, such as
tors within the Unified World Council the Democratic Coalition and
to seek a remedy to what they see as the Federal Conservative Party,
a threat. The idea of state-sponsored dominate politics.
religion would give legality to estab- There are three super-powers
lished churches, but ban under the the Allliance of American
law the spread of these new cultist States, the European Federa-
groups. Of course, such proposals tion, and the Sino-China Alli-
have also caused heated debate from ance.
those who prefer to champion indi- The Unified Ministry of God has
vidual religious rights. brought religions together in
Fringe religions called cults

Chapter 4: Setting

Unified World Council Headquarters: 2159
Business in the New Era
With the creation of the Unified the entryway into the Councils main
World Council in the wake of the eco- meeting hall.
Chapter 4: Setting

nomic and political collapse of the

2010s, one of its first orders of busi- The plan began to show results
ness was to establish a strong financial when it became obvious that the Uni-
plan. It created a global banking sys- fied World Council was able to keep
tem with a single world currency, as the peace. Nations previously at war
well as a series of wide-ranging social with each other, while never truly
service programs to improve the qual- forgiving their rivals, could see that
ity of life of regular citizens. there would never be a return of the
saber-rattling and terrorist attacks
Resistance to UWC plans for a global of the past. The UWC was fast, and at
economy ranged from countries that times brutal, with reprisals for attacks
simply didnt have the capital to en- of any kind. In many regions of the
act the new requirements to larger world, the Council established police
nations that were too stubborn to states where there was no local con-
change their ways for the betterment trolling government present. Soon
of all mankind. To solve this issue, the attacks ceased altogether. With peace
Unified World Council turned to busi- maintained by the Council, businesses
nesses instead of politicians. Fair pay, were free to explore new, never before
health benefits, and other business- dreamed of areas of opportunity, with
related programs allowed the UWC to exciting new revenue streams.
step into the private sector. From that
position of power, they were able to While the large corporations had
bend political will to support not only the capital to take advantage of these
adopting the proposals of the UWC in new frontiers, it was the small to me-
their own countries, but also to extend dium-sized businesses that were able
the aid necessary to get those pro- to flourish the most during these early
grams started in nations less fortunate stages. Being smaller, they were more
than their own. agile and were able to modify their
business models more easily than the
It has been written in subsequent larger companies. This was an attrac-
years that the UWC strong-armed its tive feature for nations that previously
ideals onto the nations of the world. had little or no outside commerce. Of
This is something that the UWC will course, the larger companies were
not deny. The world is falling apart able to make their own kind of for-
and we must make a stand or human- tunes as well, because they were able
ity is lost. We must not, we will not fail to do things on a larger scale.
them! This was the statement made
by Chancellor Andrew Fleming to the While there is a diverse group of
general assembly, as the Council met businesses and corporations from all
to begin talks on how to build up the sectors that support the efforts of the
foundation for a true united Earth. UWC, there are companies that arose
These words are now engraved above to stand at the forefront of industry.
4G Industries is the conglomerate
formed from Venture Corp and its
Business At a Glance
partners. AQX is the original mega-
A global economy, backed by
corp, evolving out of Anderson Mu-
the Commonwealth Credit,
nitions. Widely diversified now, they
now powers the solar system.
remain a market force in nearly every
4G Industries is a conglomer-
consumer or military industry. Recov-
ate formed from the compa-
ery Earth was originally an environ-
nies that established the first
mental lobby. However, now theyve
lunar colony.
been charged by the UWC with fixing
AQX has evolved out of Ander-
said environmental damage. Theyve
son Munitions and is the origi-
discovered it is harder to do the job
nal mega-corp.
than it was to simply protest. Svobo-
Recovery Earth is a former envi-
dova Aerospace Industries focuses on
ronmental lobby now charged
spaceship design and construction,
with solving environmental
most especially for the UWC. Thorn
Pharmaceuticals is the company that
Svobodova Industries focuses
created the biological enhancer that
on spaceship construction.
has helped humanity exist in less-
Thorn Pharmaceuticals has de-
than-Earth gravity. Wesley Corp is a
veloped a biological enhancer
British company grown out of a ship-
for less-than-Earth gravity.
ping business. Though now a multi-
Wesley Corp is an eccentric
planetary conglomerate, Wesley Corp
family-owned multi-planet
remains a family business, despite the
eccentric policies of the owners.

Chapter 4: Setting

Venus: Daysin Colony
The UWC Wardens
The UWC Wardens are a govern- a team, support crew, and shuttles, as
mental agency created to deal with well as mobile labs and arsenals. They
Chapter 4: Setting

the strange things that are emerging are allowed to carry sidearms in their
in the solar system. They have three everyday investigations, and have ac-
primary duties. First, they are charged cess to assault rifles, explosives, and
with investigating all reports and man- combat armor. However, it is their duty
ifestations of the unknown through- to keep things quiet and hidden, so it
out the solar system. Second, it is their is rare that Wardens appear with any-
responsibility to eliminate unknown thing that isnt concealable unless
or occult threats to the people of the the situation is already dire.
solar system. Their third, last, and per-
haps most distasteful duty, is to keep Since Wardens are not a widely ad-
the unknown and occult a secret from vertised agency, they maintain quiet
the population at large. offices in all civilized corners of the
solar system. Warden presence is typi-
There are three primary specialties in cally received with some level of open
which Warden field agents are trained arms by the colonies and it is expected
Enforcer, Investigator, and Research- that the authorities in all parts of the
er. Enforcers focus on combat, trained solar system will cooperate, though
in many different kinds of weapons this is not always the case. The solar
in order to most effectively eliminate system is a big place and those far
resistance. Investigators are the de- enough out dont always feel that the
tectives of the Wardens, focused on law strictly applies in their case. The
processing information and evidence Wardens, however, are afforded nearly
in order to draw conclusions. They are absolute authority by UWC charter,
also trained to extract useful informa- though they rarely have need to use it.
tion out of people. Researchers are the In some cases, Wardens must also have
book worms, educated in the occult the strength to enforce their authority,
and other disciplines in order to draw because some of the powers that be,
conclusions and sift through data for far out there, wont afford them the re-
that which is useful. Regardless of spe- spect and latitude they deserve.
cialty, all Wardens are combat trained,
have a basic knowledge of the occult The Wardens maintain a network of
and the inhuman enemies they must space stations throughout the solar
face, and a basic education in cults. system, from which they stage their
operations. Warden Prime, also known
Wardens are typically sent out into as the Eye, sits above the Earth. A
the field in teams of three to six. A monolith in the sky, this labyrinthine
small team is composed of one of each structure is the primary headquarters
specialty, while a larger team typically of the Wardens. Beyond the Eye, War-
has three Enforcers, two Investigators, den 1, also known as the Umbrella,
and one Researcher. floats in orbit around Saturn to service
the outer planets and protect the pre-
Wardens have an array of resources cious agriculture of Titan. It is of similar
at their disposal. They are given their size to the Eye, but designed as a gate-
own spaceships, which usually house way and emergency station for those
missions going further out. To service
the inner planets, Warden 2, known Wardens At a Glance
as the Nugget, hovers in geosynchro-
nous orbit above Mercury. It is a small An agency created to inves-
station, hastily deployed to provide tigate and deal with the new
some kind of support to Mercury and threats to the solar system.
Venus. The Lighthouse, more formally There are three primary spe-
known as Warden 4, sits far out in the cialties for Warden field agents:
Kuiper Belt, exploring, watching, and Enforcers, Investigators, and
listening for anything that might be at Researchers.
the edges of the solar system. Teams are typically three to six
agents, with a mix of special-
Work as a Warden is perilous. War- ties.
dens must travel from one side of the Wardens have access to a va-
solar system to the other, facing threats riety of resources, including
of which man was not meant to know. spaceships and weapons.
It can be a very dark job. They must They have quiet offices in all
undergo regular psychological screen- civilized corners of the solar
ing, for the dangers they face readily system, for support.
erode ones grip on reality. Insanity is They are not always met with
a price which many agents must con- open arms by local corporate
tend with, and one many are resigned or governmental interests.
to as their eventual fate. Either that or The Wardens maintain a net-
death, for many a Warden has met an work of space stations for their
unspeakable and violent end. operations.

Chapter 4: Setting

Warden Quarantine on Mars
A Day in the Life
Things certainly have been on an ing middle-class, is most certainly one
upswing for humanity, at least until of them. There is also growing resent-
Chapter 4: Setting

the last couple of decades. We have ment among the colonies. Some of
developed technology that has taken those that live beyond the confines
us out beyond our home planet, as of Earth believe that they should no
well as that which allows us to live lon- longer be governed by that distant
ger. The UWC has brought a new age body. Religious tensions are once
of peace and prosperity. However, the again on the rise, as new ideologies
Golden Age of Humanity is showing enter the arena. New radical sects are
its first real cracks. on the rise. Branded cults by the UWC,
many governments are worried. While
Some of these cracks are felt by most are intent on allowing religious
nearly every person in society. The freedom, there is much discussion on
growing rift between the working what to do with the cults.
class and the elite, and the disappear-
Despite growing
tensions in some
parts of society,
most people live
decent lives, free
from old prejudic-
es, at a base level
never before seen.
The reconstruction
of the global econ-
omy and the influ-
ence of the Unified
World Council has
all but eliminated
poverty. Most peo-
ple find their basic
needs met, even in
countries with to-
talitarian regimes.
People live longer
than ever before
the average person
lives a little more
than 150 years.
Furthermore, many
diseases have
been wiped out
and modern medi-
The Iris Club: Ganymede cine can tackle
nearly any malady, reducing suffering
throughout the world. Daily Life At a Glance

Naturally, with the evolution of tech- There is a growing rift between

nology, the media has continued to the working class and the elite,
grow out of control. People are wildly and the middle class is disap-
distracted by the massive amount of pearing.
entertainment that is available at the Tension grows between Earth
touch of a button. The internet has and the colonies.
grown to be the central clearing house Radical religious sects, brand-
for all such distraction, and people ed as cults, are on the rise.
spend lots of time connected to each Old prejudices are gone.
other through social networks, video Poverty is all but eliminated.
chat, and instant messaging. People live more than 150
years, due to advancements.
From a broad view, the way of Most diseases have been
life for your average person hasnt wiped out.
changed much in the last century and The media is giant and out of
a half. People still grow up, raised by control.
their families (though often mixed), The colonies have a more inde-
they get an education or vocational pendent and self-reliant view.
training, they get a job to produce Ghost stories are becoming in-
something or serve a role for society, creasingly popular.
many get married and have their own While most deny such tales,
families, most eventually retire, and all there are those who believe.
eventually die usually of old age.
on Earth, people can sense there are
things moving in the darkness. There
Life on the colonies is a different
has been an increase in the popularity
pace, however, though it is not all that
of horror movies on Earth, and it isnt
different from those settlers that lived
Chapter 4: Setting
unusual to hear real-life ghost sto-
in the frontier towns of yesteryear.
ries in a colonial bar. Most people are
People still want the same things, but
quick to dismiss such tales, as the al-
those in the colonies have a more in-
ternative is believing that such horrors
dependent and self-reliant mind-set.
are real. There is, however, a growing
Theyre the kind of people that do for
community on the internet dedicated
themselves, take care of their own,
to plumbing the depths of what are
and dont take kindly to outsiders tell-
classified as urban legends. Despite
ing them their business. To many, the
the growing darkness, most people
colonies also represent new opportu-
on Earth regard such things as enter-
nities and theres a general feeling of
tainment. However, those out on the
hope among colonists.
colonies can feel something closing in
and those that visit such places most
Unfortunately, ghost stories are
certainly can feel that as well.
becoming increasingly popular. Even

C Trainings Over

I stood at the embarkation bay wait- Brannigan, the hero of countless bat-
ing for the shuttle that would take me tles and the inspiration of more than
to meet up with my platoon. Its a a few of the soldiers in my platoon.
little embarrassing that I initially had We all wanted to be just like him and
to be held back from this training op here he was standing next to me.
when I came down with a case of the
measles. The measles of all things Private Gibson, are you ready to
it had been cleared up centuries ago deploy?
in nearly everyone, but there were
a few people like me that had a re- I was shaking inside, but my train-
cessive trait that left us susceptible. ing held true and I responded in a
It took me three weeks to get out of steady voice, Yes, sir!
quarantine, but now I could finally join
70 my unit on the training run. It was He stood there surveying every-
meant to be a two month deployment thing while he checked his gear. I
to test out the units survival skills on could tell that he was able to assess
an airless moon. I hoped that missing the status of all the men on the de-
almost half the exercise didnt set me parture deck just by looking. Square
back too far. jawed, broad-shouldered, with a
stare that got soldiers to jump at his
I checked my gear while I waited for orders without question all these
the shuttle and I noticed something traits made the Captain the leader
odd. The ammunition I was issued for you wanted to follow anywhere. And
the training op was live ammo. The apparently he was leading some por-
embarkation room was different than tion of the training operation.
the last time I was here as well. There
were other troops gathering to head All right then, get your gear and
out for their own training missions. get on the shuttle.
But most didnt look like the raw re-
cruit I knew I was. Quite a few looked On cue, the shuttle appeared as if
to be veterans mixed in with the re- the Captain had called it into being,
cruits. There was also a seriousness and the ramp dropped for us to load.
about them that I had not seen in my I got up the ramp a second after the
own unit. Captain and found my seat at the
head of the shuttle. I secured my pack
I was about to go over to them to and my weapon and strapped in to my
ask if everything was alright when drop seat. The Captain dropped his
a shadow passed over me. I looked pack on the bench across from me
up and there was a man from out of and went up to the cockpit to speak
the history books Captain Zephirin with the pilot. After a brief discussion,

UWC Marine Drop: Iapetus

he came out and said, Strap in, no for the ride, but the man gave me a
time to wait for the others. Were boost to my courage. Captain Bran-
needed at the drop site. nigan was the man who defused
the Ganymede hostage crisis last
I held no illusions it was really year, had handled the Neptune Ban-
him that was needed. I was just along dit Fleet, and was rumored to have
worked closely with the Wardens on to a halt. The Captain had taken the
missions too secretive to mention. landing in stride and reached down
to pick me up.
The shuttle door closed and the
cabin sealed. Then we took off and Up and at em, son.
began the journey to the moons sur-
face. The Captain found his way back But this is a training mission! The
to the seat across from me and sat unit said so before they shipped out.
down. There was an interesting look What the hell is going on?
on his face as he looked me over
once more from head to toe. The Captains reply was lost as
my suits intercom was filled with a
You ready for this, Private? screeching static that drowned out
all sound. I looked to the Captain and
Yes, sir! Ready and able, sir! it appeared that he couldnt hear it.
He didnt notice my pain as he moved
I could see he was going to say to the rear of the shuttle to open
72 something else, but a sudden jolt the egress ramp. When it opened, I
shook the shuttle and he left to go looked and what I saw was a scene
up to talk to the pilot. Moments later, out of a nightmare. The sky was filled
shouting from the cockpit made me with hundreds of flying creatures
jump. There appeared to be some- with slick jet black skin like wet leath-
thing very wrong, as the Captain er, with thick tails trailing out behind
started shouting orders to the pilot them. There was no air for them to
to maintain course and speed. be flying in, but they soared just the
same as they swept in on what looked
The drop to the moon below was like my unit in the distance. They were
rougher than I expected. It took a bunkered in front of a large cave
while before I heard the scraping opening and firing blindly as they
along the hull what it was, I didnt were assaulted from all angles.
know. I unbuckled myself and un-
steadily got up to join the Captain at They had dug in a defensive posi-
the door. When I looked, the view port tion and, although the attack was
only showed a sea of what looked like coming from the air, the main focus
black bodies slamming against the of my entrenched friends appeared
shuttle as it hurtled to the surface to be the cave mouth itself. Grenade
below. I looked to the Captain, who launchers and heavy machine guns
casually waved me back to my seat. were arrayed in fox holes on the cave
He nodded to his suit helmet and I side. While a portion maintained
saw that he had sealed his combat a hail of covering fire, the majority
suit. I quickly followed suit. watched over the cave entrance.

The shuttle landed roughly and I While the creatures in the air were
was thrown to the deck as it skidded horrible in their own right, with their
claws and eyeless faces, the real ter- From that close, I could see that they
ror came from within the cave. At indeed had no face no mouth, no
first, it was hard to see what was nose, no eyes or ears. They had long
there; it looked to be a dark void, ex- thin arms and legs, and from their
cept something moved within. Thick backs, pairs of alien wings swept out,
tendrils snaked out from deep within giving them the strange ability to fly
the cave, towards the opening. The in an airless atmosphere. There was
mass of evil thats what it felt like a thick tail as well, ending in a sharp
looked as if it was trying to crawl its stinger, like some kind of sick bug.
way out. As the tendrils reached the
entrance, I heard the screech again. I saw the tails striking at my com-
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw patriots in the distance. Streaking
that some of the others also reeled down from the skies, the creatures
in pain. I suddenly realized that the came up short and swung their tail to
sound was not coming over the inter- have the stingers impact. The things
com, but from inside my head. were so sharp and hard that they
penetrated their armored suits, and
Im not sure how my brain pro- decompression wasnt far behind. 73
cessed all of this, as I stood there
frozen in terror. Unfazed, the Captain We nearly didnt make it to the bun-
let loose with three volleys from his ker as a large swarm of creatures
grenade launcher, straight into the suddenly headed toward us. I emp-
heart of the cave beast. I was the tied clip after clip into the oncoming
useless grunt to his hero, the muzzle mass, but even this was not enough
flash from his launcher lighting up the to hold back the monsters. Without
stone set features within his helmet. warning, tracer rounds from the bun-
There was even a hint of a smile on ker lit up the skies, saving our hides.
his face as he turned and shook me. The creatures fell back and we were
able to make it to the safety of the
Get it together, kid! Trainings bunker.
over. This is the real deal. Stay on my
six and watch my back. We met up with my platoon lead-
er, who was rallying my friends and
Somehow, that got through and I trying to hold the line until reinforce-
shook my head to clear it. The Captain ments could land. Beyond the wall of
dumped the empty grenade launcher, flying madness above me, I could see
shouldered his rifle, and charged into them the drop shuttles I had seen
the battle. I stayed right by his side, at the embarkation bay. They were
firing at anything that came close as all here, landing in a rain of steel and
we cleared the 200 meters between off-loading their payloads of soldiers.
us and my unit. The flying nightmares Some shuttles didnt safely make it
swept down to harass us, coming in to the ground. The creatures sensed
waves. I fired my weapon as best I that there was danger and began to
could and kept them off the Captain. focus on the landing vehicles. They
swarmed them and tore at the shut- crossed the threshold of the cave
tles to bring them down. mouth, and when I moved inside I
wished I hadnt either. If the exis-
Luckily, we got most of them to the tence of the things in the sky werent
ground. As the soldiers met at the already proof enough of the horror of
bunker, they rallied around the Cap- this place, the feeling of being in the
tain while we took a respite from the cave was indescribable. The place
aerial assault. The Captain organized felt wrong like something that just
the men and started to plan an at- should not be. The sensors on my
tack to take down the creature from combat suit were going crazy; appar-
the cave. The plan was to seal the ently there was some kind of atmo-
cave and keep the creature inside un- sphere in the cave. Gravity felt differ-
til the military could come with bigger ent here as well, like we suddenly lost
weapons to finish it off, whatever the 50 pounds. Everyone lurched a bit as
hell it was. The Captain and my pla- we crossed the threshold.
toon were to approach the right side
of the cave, while another unit was We took position just on the other
74 assigned to approach from the left. side of the entrance. When I looked
Each of the teams carried enough up to cover the Captains six, I saw
det packs to bring the whole thing that the place didnt look like a natu-
to the ground. The Captain ordered ral formation. Instead, the entrance
us to move out, and for some reason opened up immediately into a larger
he kept me with him. When I asked cavern. The horror we saw from
him why, he replied, Because you did the outside sat within a circle of
your job on the way here. Keep doing what looked like glowing runes that
that and well all make it out of here. were nearly 200 meters across. In
places, we could see the circle had
We began to make our approach, been damaged it was from these
with the rest of the support platoons wrecked areas that the thing was
provided covering fire to the skies able to extend those horrible ten-
above, as well as the cave mouth. drils of terrifying blackness to attack
Even with the hail of rounds surround- us. Somehow maintaining my sanity
ing us, the nightmares found open- enough to tear my eyes away from
ings in our defenses. They seemed to the creature, I looked back toward
concentrate their attacks on the oth- the cave mouth. Similar runes were
er team, so by the time we reached carved into the walls. Whenever a
the side of the cave theyd lost nearly tendril came close, what could only
three quarters of their troops. Wed be called a flash would cause the
only lost four. cave to dip into darkness for a mil-
lisecond. The creature would then
The Captain signaled what was left let loose the screech I heard before
of both teams to advance into the but here the sound was different,
cave. We didnt notice it from the more the wailing of something that
outside, but the flying things never had been hurt.
The Captain ordered everyone to reported that they saw no one else
set their explosives and get ready to coming after them. Somehow, they
fall back. Just then, it appeared that dug me out of the rubble about an
the monstrosity had finally realized hour later. I was unconscious, badly
we were a threat and attacked. The bruised, and oxygen deprived I
thing flailed wildly, striking everything wouldnt wake for another two days.
within reach without mercy. The ten- The medics said that it was a miracle
drils crushed whatever lay in their that I had survived at all. If the Cap-
path. Soldier after soldier fell to the tain hadnt thrown himself on top of
beast, until only the Captain and I me when he did, I would most likely be
were left from our team. We could dead. The reports said that once the
see that there were a few other sol- cave was destroyed, the flying crea-
diers heading back to retreat to the tures lost coherency and scattered.
bunker, so the Captain grabbed my The relentless fire from the ground
shoulder and ordered me out as well. forces eventually either brought
Not one to leave people behind, the them down or drove them off.
Captain needed to be sure on the way
out that the horror that resided here I stood by his side the entire battle. 75
had crushed all the soldiers under his I saw that day what a hero really was.
command. I provided covering fire for The thing in the circle was crushed
him, honoring those who had died. by rubble and the flying nightmares
My rounds did little to the creature were scattered or destroyed, all be-
beyond irritating it, but I was appar- cause of the Captain. I still stand by
ently safe beyond the unseen barrier his side today as well. I dont think Im
of the cave mouth. My distraction worthy to be here, but my command-
gave the Captain enough time to fin- er said that actions have earned me
ish his job and make his way away this place. We laid him in the ground
from the impending explosion. with full honors gun salute and
all. Personally, I think he would have
I believe I ordered you to get back hated it, but a lot of soldiers wouldnt
to the bunker, Priv... have been here today if it wasnt for
him, myself included. I gave him the
Suddenly, just as when we had first only honor I could my salute as
met, a shadow came over me. This the trumpeter sounded another sol-
was different. The shadow was cast dier home to rest.
by the Captain, but the light was no
longer the light of an embarkation If things really are like they were on
deck it was the light of the explod- that damned moon, someday Ill join
ing det packs. him. Soon.

I later learned that the other survi-

vors made it back to the bunker and
5 Characters
Your Character is your fictional inter- for any Skill requiring attentiveness, as
face with the setting of The Void. The well as for effectively utilizing ranged
rules presented here will help guide weapons.
you towards making an interesting
and effective Warden Character. While Cleverness
the Advanced Character Guide will Cleverness is a measure of a Char-
present rules for creating any kind of acters intellect, ability to learn, and
Character, Wardens are recommended memory. Cleverness is used for any
to start. As Wardens, your Characters learned Skill, including those that are
will have the reason, authority, and re- technical and scientific in nature.
sources that warrant traveling all over
the solar system to investigate strange Demeanor
occurrences. Demeanor is a measure of a Char-
acters social ability and force of per-
The Design Process sonality. It is not necessarily a measure
Youll be developing your Character of beauty or charm, which are better
by choosing and combining certain reflected by a Characters Qualities,
templates. The meat of this process Skills, and Talents. Demeanor is used
begins on p. 79. However, before you for any social Skill.
start this process, youll need to know
about all the different things that go Grace
into Characters. These things include Grace is a measure of a Characters
Attributes, Statistics, Qualities, Talents, agility, manual dexterity, and finesse.
Quirks, Special Things (such as Fate Grace is used for any Skill that requires
Points), and Gear. bodily control, including those that in-
volve fighting in close quarters or get-
Lets examine those things here. ting out of harms way.

Attributes Perseverance is a measure of a Char-
Attributes are a measure of your acters endurance, stamina, and will-
Characters innate abilities and capa- power. Perseverance is used for any
bilities. Each Character has six in The taxing physical Skill, as well as to resist
Void, and they are rated on a scale the effects of the horrible things that
from 1 to 5. A rating of 1 is considered Characters might experience.
challenged, while a rating of 2 or 3 is
considered average, and a rating of 5 Physique
is quite amazing. Physique is a measure of a Charac-
ters strength and physical might. Phy-
Awareness sique is used for lifting heavy things,
Awareness is a measure of a Charac- restraining people, and anything else
ters sense acuity, keenness of percep- that requires raw physical power.
tion, and intuition. Awareness is used
Statistics are a few other important Characters At a Glance
details about your Character that are Attributes
derived from his Attributes. They in- Rated on a scale of 1 to 5.
clude how fast he moves, as well as A rating of 1 is severely chal-
how much punishment he can take. lenged, 2 or 3 is average, and
5 is quite amazing.
Health Awareness = sense acuity,
Health is a measure of a Characters keenness of perception, and
overall level of wellness and vitality. It intuition.
represents how much physical punish- Cleverness = intellect, ability
ment he can take before he expires. To to learn, and memory.
determine your Characters starting Demeanor = social ability and
Health, add together his Grace, Perse- force of personality.
verance, and Physique. Grace = agility, manual dex-
terity, and finesse.
Speed Perseverance = endurance,
Speed is a measure of how fast your stamina, and willpower.
Character can move when the time Physique = strength and
comes. To determine Speed, add your physical might.
Characters Grace and Physique to-
gether and consult the table below. Statistics
Health is your Characters
Skills level of wellness and vitality.
Skills are those things in which a Equals Grace, Perseverance,
Character has been trained or edu- and Physique added togeth-
cated. Each Skill represents a body er.
of knowledge or a type of training in Speed is how fast your Char-
which your Character has ability. Ev- acter can move, based on
ery Character starts with a number of Grace and Physique.
different Skills, each rated on a scale

Grace + Physique Speed Walk/Per Turn Run/Per Turn

2 4 mph/6.5 kmh 3 yd/m 10 yd/m
3 6 mph/9.5 kmh 5 yd/m 15 yd/m
4 8 mph/13 kmh 6.5 yd/m 20 yd/m
5 10 mph/16 kmh 8 yd/m 25 yd/m
6 12 mph/19 kmh 10 yd/m 30 yd/m
7 14 mph/22.5 kmh 11.5 yd/m 35 yd/m
8 16 mph/26 kmh 13 yd/m 40 yd/m
9 18 mph/29 kmh 15 yd/m 45 yd/m
10 20 mph/32 kmh 16.5 yd/m 50 yd/m

from 1 to 5. Those with a rating of 1 are The list of Talents available for your
considered students, while those with Character starts on p. 106.
Chapter 5: Characters

a rating of 3 are considered competent

professionals, and those with a rating Quirks
of 5 have mastered the Skill in ques- Introducing quirky elements to
tion. Characters, especially ones that might
have use in the game from time to
The list of Skills available to your time, can foster a richer roleplay ex-
Character starts on p. 92. perience. You can choose from two to
five Quirks, each at a Skill rating of 2.
There are three Skills that are impor- These Quirks should be personal in na-
tant for your Characters ultimate sur- ture perhaps even a hobby or kind of
vival and every Character is given the trivia but the kind of things you may
opportunity to acquire them during actually see using from time to time.
Character Creation. They are Defense,
which is used to avoid harm in com- To help put you in the right mind-
bat, Notice, which is used to identify set, here are a few examples of Quirks:
harm before it has a chance to come,
and Reaction, which is used to deter- Bartending
mine when your Character can act in Car Knowledge
combat. Clean Spotlessly
Follow Recipes Perfectly
Qualities Identify Spices
Qualities are both good and bad Juggling
things that affect a Characters every- Make Pastries
day life and game play, but which cant Reciting Movie Quotes
be easily defined as an Attribute or a Spaceship Knowledge
Skill. There are two types of Qualities. Sports Team Knowledge
Advantages are positive traits, while Video Games
Disadvantages are negative traits. Whistle In Tune
Wiggle Eyebrows, Nose, and Ears
The list of Qualities available for your Independently
Character starts on p. 99.
Talents There is one other piece to your
Characters also develop, most es- Character that doesnt fit neatly into
pecially during play, special action- the other categories: Fate Points.
oriented abilities called Talents. These
abilities might be something that al- Fate Points
lows your Character to attack twice Characters have Fate Points, which
for a single action or that provides bo- are designed to keep them alive. Fate
nuses to special social Skill Tests. Some Points can be used to catch a break
Talents are in play all the time, while when facing certain death, or used to
others must be Triggered (see p. 112). cancel a deadly attack and heal them
to keep fighting. Your Character be-
gins with one Fate Point.
Characters At a Glance
Gear & Acquisition Skills
Instead of tracking money in Skills are those things in
amounts of currency, Wealth can be which your Character has
tracked in levels. Higher levels allow been trained or educated.
for greater goods and services. This Rated on a scale from 1 to 5.
is another way that Characters or A rating of 1 is considered a
teams can advance. student, 3 is considered pro-
fessional, and 5 is mastery.
An explanation of Wealth can be
found on p. 158. Qualities
Qualities are both good and
bad things that affect a Char-
Character acters life.
Advantages are positive
Design traits.
Disadvantages are negative
Characters are designed in four
stages. First, youll choose a birth- traits.
place, youll choose a primary tem-
plate, then youll choose two sec- Talents
ondary templates, and last youll Talents are special action-ori-
work out a few important remaining ented abilities.
All Characters begin with their Quirks are personal elements
native Language at 5. Since the that foster a richer experi-
two predominate languages in the ence.
Characters have between 2 Chapter 5: Characters
solar system are English and Man-
darin Chinese, you should probably and 5.
choose one of those.
Fate Points are designed to
1. Choose Birthplace keep Characters alive.
Everyone learns something from Characters start with 1.
the place they grew up. Choose your
birthplace from among those listed Gear & Acquisition
here. Youll get three Skills associ- Characters will have a level of
ated with that place at a rating of 1. Wealth, which will determine
what kinds of gear to which
Mercury they have access.
You were born in the Port Tian min-
ing colony, settled within the Chao
Meng-Fu crater the only colony

Mining Concerns McAlister City, Rare
Character Design Earths Incorporateds Daysin Colony,
Chapter 5: Characters

Characters are developed accord- Geo-Excavations Diamond Head, 4G

ing to four stages. Enterprises Daedalus Complex, Solar
Mining Corporations Flare City, or the
1. Choose Birthplace Takashi Groups Oshuki Colony. Per-
There are 16 possible choices in haps your family came on a short term
our solar system. mining contract and you left before
you were grown, or perhaps your fam-
2. Choose Primary Specialty ily are company people and your life
There are 3 possible choices was spent growing up on Venus. Re-
Warden Enforcer, Warden Investi- gardless, you have opinions and feel-
gator, or Warden Researcher ings about the corporation that domi-
nated your upbringing.
3. Choose Two
Secondary Specialties Venusians are often canny and
There are 4 or 5 possible choices. clever people, who are also suspi-
cious and are always looking to make
4. Determine Other Details sure theyve got their behinds cov-
Acquire gear and fill in personal ered. They are most at home in under-
details. ground colonies or in the confines of
space stations.
on Mercury. Perhaps you were raised Starting Skills: Bureaucracy 1, Insight 1,
in the ethnically diverse upper levels, Savoir Faire 1
or in the distinctly Asian lower levels.
Perhaps your family came to work the Earth
mines and left before you were grown, You were born on the planet that
or perhaps they were management an is humanitys native home, a world
you spent most of your growing life capable of seeing to all our needs.
there. Perhaps your parents were War- Perhaps you were born within one of
dens, stationed on the Nugget. the three primary superpowers the
Alliance of American States, the Euro-
Mercurians are often social though pean Federation, or the Sino-China Al-
stoic people, who are hardy and re- liance. Perhaps you were born on one
sourceful. They are most at home in of the five Lagrange Point stations, or
underground colonies or in the con- in Tranquility colony on Luna. Perhaps
fines of space stations. your family were Wardens, stationed in
orbit on the Eye.
Starting Skills: Bureaucracy 1, Environ-
mental Suit 1, Freefall 1 Terrans, as those from Earth are
called, are a widely varied group of
Venus people. The typical traits associated
You were born in one of the cor- with any group will depend entirely
porate colonies of Venus McAlister on where that person grew up in the
great expanses of the planet. Terrans Martians are often hardy and re-
from planet-side are most at home on sourceful people, though somewhat
Mars or in large colonies. Those born resigned about life possibly even
in orbit or on Luna prefer smaller colo- bitter. There are those who feel down-
nies, spaceships, and space stations. right lost within the desperation that
most often is Mars. They are most at
Starting Skills: Computers 1, Language home on Earth or Mars.
(any) 1, Streetwise 1
Starting Skills: Computers 1, Language
Mars 1, Survival 1
You were born on the once ro-
manticized Red Planet, in one of the Jupiter (Callisto)
colonies known as the Seven Sisters You were born in the only colony
Abbey, Annie, Chloe, Dena, Jeanne, on Callisto Ursa. It is a quiet place,
Nikki, or Wendy. Mars is, in many ways, best described as a bedroom commu-
a smaller analog to Earth, so your fam- nity for those who work other places
ilys professional leaning and culture in Jupiter space. Your family could
can be nearly as widely varied as those have been involved in any of several
of humanitys home. However, life on different industries, whether it be the
Mars is not normally as prosperous as scientific operations of Europa, the
life on Earth, and it carries the dangers casino or entertainment industries of
associated with a planet that was not Ganymede, the pleasure tours of Io, or
necessarily meant to sustain life. the mining operations of Jupiter itself.

Chapter 5: Characters

A Cast of Characters: 2159

In any event, your youth was probably and an influx of new people to meet.
simple and uneventful out on Callisto. Youre also probably a little jaded.
Chapter 5: Characters

Callistans are often gregarious and Ganymedans are often extroverted

value community, though distrustful and clever, no strangers to the ebbs
of newcomers. They also value priva- and flows of nearly any strata of so-
cy, as well as peace and quiet in their ciety. They are often also known for
regular environment. They are most at thinking several steps ahead and near-
home in domed colonies, spaceships, ly always trying to work an angle. They
or space stations. are most at home in smaller colonies
or space stations.
Starting Skills: Environmental Suit 1,
Language (any) 1, Freefall 1 Starting Skills: Fraternize 1, Freefall 1,
Streetwise 1
Jupiter (Europa)
You were born in one of the three Saturn (Dione)
scientific colonies of Europa Minos, You were born on a tiny icy moon in
Rhadamanthus, or Sarpedon. Your the colony of Nova Lyon. Your family
family was most likely involved in were colonists, hoping to be a part of
some scientific endeavor, studying the the growing settlements and the op-
subsurface oceans and alien aquatic portunities for business and wealth. It
life. If not, they were most likely in- is an austere place, breeding the kind
volved with some sort of administra- of mentality and communities com-
tion or service of said scientists. Your mon in the Arctic Circle on Earth.
youth was most likely fascinating, but
safe and quiet. Dionians are often optimistic and
plucky, though suspicious of newcom-
Europans are often careful, thought- ers and provincial. They are most at
ful, intellectual people, who are also home in smaller surface colonies.
quite curious. They are most at home
in underground colonies, space sta- Starting Skills: Environmental Suit 1,
tions, or on spaceships. Freefall 1, Notice 1

Starting Skills: Computers 1, Freefall 1, Saturn (Enceladus)

Science (Life or Space) 1 You were born in either Oceanus or
New Halifax, the two colonies of Ence-
Jupiter (Ganymede) ladus. It is likely that your family was
You were born in Troy, the sole colo- involved with either the scientific op-
ny of Ganymede. Your family was most erations that go with the subsurface
likely involved with the tourism or en- ocean here, or the extensive tourist
tertainment industries that dominate trade that goes with them and the rest
the colony, often described as the Las of the moon. Perhaps they are scien-
Vegas of the outer worlds. Your youth tists or administrators, or perhaps they
was most likely fast-paced and excit- are any of the various professions de-
ing, with nearly constant stimulation signed to service tourists from all over.
Enceladans are often outgoing and Starting Skills: Environmental Suit 1,
affable, though sometimes to the Freefall 1, Trade: Product 1
point of being fake. They are also of-
ten either intellectual or focused on Saturn (Tethys)
economic opportunity. They are most You were born on the moon Tethys,
at home in colonies of nearly any kind. in the Odysseus water-mining colony.
Your family was part of the effort to
Starting Skills: Freefall 1, Science (Life mine the walls of the Ithaca Chasm, or
or Space) 1, Savoir Faire 1 at least part of the administration serv-
ing that industry. Like those from most
Saturn (Hyperion) moons of Saturn, Tethys has a mind-
You were born on Hyperion, the set similar to those of Terran small
only known source of the rare element towns. They keep to their own.
known as therminium. Your family was
somehow involved in the mining of Tethyians, are similar to their Rhean
therminium or the administration of cousins, though perhaps even more
said mining operations the only rea- provincial and suspicious in nature.
son people go to Hyperion. The colony They are most at home in smaller sur-
itself is governmental in nature, and face colonies.
is well-supported. However, it is most
certainly small town, regardless of Starting Skills: Environmental Suit 1,
the constant traffic. Freefall 1, Trade: Product 1

Hyperions are hard-working and Saturn (Titan)

enjoy a simple life, though they are You were born in the center of Sat-
definitely provincial and sometimes urnine culture, prosperity, and govern-
intolerant. They are most at home in ment. Perhaps you were born in one of
smaller surface colonies. the three major cities Chronos, Cas-
sini, or Crius. Life on Titan is wide and
Starting Skills: Environmental Suit 1, varied, but most are involved with the Chapter 5: Characters
Freefall 1, Notice 1 two major industries of agricultural
and food processing or tourism. Per-
Saturn (Rhea) haps your family is involved personally
You were born on the industrial in one of these industries, or perhaps
moon of Rhea, most likely in the col- they focus on the other needs of colo-
ony of New Glasgow. Your family was nists.
part of the ship-building or industrial
manufacturing industries that domi- Titanians are often outgoing and
nate Rhea, or at least part of the ad- clever people, though sometimes ar-
ministration serving those industries. rogant and distrusting of those be-
yond Saturn space. They are most at
Rheans are hard-working blue col- home in large surface colonies or Mars.
lar folks, though they are more open-
minded than most. They are most at Starting Skills: Computers 1, Freefall 1,
home in smaller surface colonies. Streetwise 1

Uranus pable of great focus. They are most at
You were born on Veronica Station home on spaceships, space stations, or
Chapter 5: Characters

under the watchful eye of the Wesley smaller colonies.

Corporation, or among the prospec-
tors of the Uranian moons Oberon Starting Skills: Bureaucracy 1, Environ-
or Titania. It is likely that your fam- mental Suit 1, Notice 1
ily works for the Wesley Corporation
in some capacity, whether involved Kuiper Belt
in mining operations or administra- You were born way out in the black,
tion. They may also be involved with among the prospecting communities
AQX Corporations mining interests on of the Kuiper Belt. Perhaps you were
Oberon, or freelance prospectors with the child of prospectors who went out
permission to operate from Wesley to strike it rich or perhaps you were
Corp. Regardless, for an Outer World, it the child of those who sold supplies or
is a surprisingly vibrant place. administrated the tiny space stations
meant to service those prospectors.
Uranians are often hard-working You may also be the child of Wardens,
and tenacious, but are distrustful of stationed in the Lighthouse. In any
newcomers and in the habit of watch- event, the communities you grew up
ing their backs. They are most at home in were small and outside contact was
in small colonies, space stations, or infrequent at best.
Kuipers are often freewheeling in
Starting Skills: Bureaucracy 1, Environ- nature and cowboy in attitude, who
mental Suit 1, Freefall 1 are also very resourceful and broadly
skilled. They also dont tend to like or
Neptune respect authority very much. They are
You were born either on the tiny most at home on space stations or
Triton station or in Salacia colony on space ships.
the surface of Neptune, all under the
watchful eye of the Rhodes Company Starting Skills: Environmental Suit 1,
and the European Federation. There Freefall 1, Odd Job 1
are very few that stay on Neptune
for more than eighteen months at a 2. Choose Primary
stretch, so its unlikely that you spent
all your time growing up here. Perhaps Specialty
your family came back to Neptune The Wardens come in one of three
several times during your youth, or specialties: the combat-oriented En-
perhaps they were management and forcers, the information-gathering
some of the few people who actually Investigators, and the knowledge-
spend substantial time so far from civi- oriented Researchers. Choose one of
lization. these three specialties, which will de-
termine your starting Attributes, half
Neptunians are often aloof and stoic your Skills, your Qualities (Advantages
people, who are resourceful and ca- & Disadvantages), and a Talent.
3. Choose Secondary To go with that, you should deter-
mine ethnicity, height, weight, and im-
Specialty portant personality traits that define
Where your Characters primary spe-
who he is to others. Ethnicity is espe-
cialty shows who he is now, his sec-
cially important, as Characters in The
ondary specialties shine a little light
Void come from all kinds of heritage.
on his background. Each primary spe-
cialty has several secondary specialties
associated with it. Choose two of them
The Void uses Wealth Codes to track
and assign ten points to Skills in each
a Characters financial resources,
to round your Character out.
rather than tracking specific credit
amounts. Normally, starting Charac-
4. Determine Other ters begin with a Personal Wealth of
Details 2 and a Sponsored Wealth of 1, unless
There are a few key things left to de- modified by the Wealthy or Poor Quali-
termine before your Character is ready ties. See p. 158 for a more detailed ex-
for play. planation of Wealth Codes.

Statistics & Special Freeform Design

Determine the following: If youre an experienced roleplayer
and you dont have any interest in re-
Speed, both running and walking, stricting yourself to the template-driv-
as found on p. 77. en Character Design system presented
Health, as found on p. 77. Also, here (or you want to create non-War-
record your Health in each of the den Characters), here are some rules
four Damage Levels. for creating your Characters in an en-
Fate Points = 1. tirely freeform fashion.

Quirks Spend a total of 20 points on At-

Chapter 5: Characters
You should also choose at least two tributes.
Quirks, as found on p. 78. Choose a home world and take
the three Skills provided. Spend
Personal Details an additional 50 points on Skills. If
To help flesh your Character out in a you choose to purchase a Skill at
roleplaying sense, there are a few oth- 4, it will cost you 2 points from 3
er personal details you should work to 4. If you choose to purchase a
out before you begin playing. Skill at 5, it will cost you 3 points
from 4 to 5.
Also, since your Character is experi- Spend another total of 5 points on
enced, choose an age between 28 and Advantages, taking up to another
35. You can go a little over or under, 12 points worth of Disadvantages.
but you should have a good expla- Choose 1 Talent.
nation as to why he is over or under- You have a Personal Wealth of 2
skilled for his age. and a Sponsored Wealth of 1.

Warden Enforcer
Chapter 5: Characters

Attributes Heavy Weapons: Launchers

As an Enforcer, your starting Attri- Intimidation
butes are as follows. Distribute an ad- Language
ditional 5 points between them. Those Law
Attributes that are especially important Liberal Arts
for this specialty are marked with *. Notice*
Awareness 3* Orienteering
Cleverness 2 Reaction*
Demeanor 2 Stealth
Grace 3* Survival
Perseverance 3 Thrown Weapons*
Physique 2 Unarmed Combat*

Skills Secondary Specialties

For your primary specialty, distribute You should also choose 2 of the fol-
30 points among the following Skills. lowing 5 secondary templates, which
If you choose to purchase a Skill at 4, help further define your Characters
it will cost you 2 points from 3 to 4. If background. Assign 10 points on the
you choose to purchase a Skill at 5, it Skills within each (for a total of 20).
will cost you 3 points from 4 to 5. Those
Skills that are especially important for Checkered Past
this specialty are marked with *. Crime: High
Crime: Low
Armorer Impersonation
Athletics: Brawn Odd Job
Athletics: Coordination Streetwise
Athletics: Fitness
Athletics: Speed Military Veteran
Cryptozoology Drive: Military
Fraternize Gunner: Mobile Weapons Plat-
Defense* forms
Drive: Wheeled Heavy Weapons: Portable Artillery
Drones Mechanic
Environmental Suit* Tactics: Military
Explosives Tactics: Naval
Guns: Assault Weapons* Pilot
Guns: Handguns* Astrogation
Guns: Longarms* Gunner: Shipboard Weapons
Guns: Special Pilot: Atmospheric
Hand Weapons: Blades* Pilot: Spacecraft
Hand Weapons: Blunt* Sensors
Hand Weapons: Improvised*
Sailor Tough (1-3)
Nautical: Motor Boats Wealthy (2-3)
Nautical: Ocean Liners
Nautical: Sail Disadvantages
Nautical: Submarine A/D Stasis Visions (2)
Sensors Annoying Traits (1)
Arrogant (1)
Social Butterfly Bigoted (1)
Deception Chronic Pain (2)
Insight Dark Secret (1-3)
Persuade Darkness Magnet (3)
Savoir Faire Depressed (1)
Seduction Enemy (1-3)*
Fanatic (1-3)
Qualities Manic (1)
The following Qualities are appropri- Nightmares (3)
ate for an Enforcer. Spend 5 points to Persistent Injury (1-3)
acquire Advantages. Conversely, you Phobia (1)*
gain 1 point with which to purchase Poor (2-3)
further Advantages for every 1 point of Rival (1-3)*
Disadvantages you take up to 12 ad- Tormented (1)
ditional points. Qualities marked with a Ugly (1)
* may be chosen multiple times. Vengeful (1)

Advantages Talents
Acute Senses (1)* The following Talents are appropriate
Ambidextrous (1) for an Enforcer. Choose 1.
Common Sense (2)
Disease Resistant (1) Black Heart Chapter 5: Characters
Double-Jointed (1) Born in Freefall
Dream Void (2) Double Tap
Fast (2) Fight, Not Flight
Fearless (3) Killer Instinct
Gifted Metabolism (1) Lift With Your Legs
Hard to Kill (1-3) No Rest for the Wicked
Internal Clock (1) One Foot in the Grave
Internal Map (1) Peek-a-Boo
Luck (1-3) Sexual Magnet
Nightvision (2) Snake Eyes
Occult Sensitive (3) True Grit
Peripheral Vision (2) Whiff of Death
Rapid Recovery (2) Wicked Smart
Sexy (1)
Sixth Sense (3)

Warden Investigator
Chapter 5: Characters

Attributes Law*
As an Investigator, your starting At- Liberal Arts
tributes are as follows. Distribute an ad- Notice*
ditional 5 points between them. Those Occult
Attributes that are especially important Orienteering
for this specialty are marked with *. Persuade*
Awareness 3* Research
Cleverness 2 Savoir Faire*
Demeanor 3* Science: Social
Grace 2 Seduction
Perseverance 3 Stealth
Physique 2 Streetwise*
Skills Thrown Weapons
For your primary specialty, distribute Unarmed Combat*
30 points among the following Skills.
If you choose to purchase a Skill at 4, Secondary Templates
it will cost you 2 points from 3 to 4. If You should also choose 2 of the fol-
you choose to purchase a Skill at 5, it lowing 4 secondary templates, which
will cost you 3 points from 4 to 5. Those help further define your Characters
Skills that are especially important for background. Assign 10 points on the
this specialty are marked with *. Skills within each (for a total of 20).

Athletics: Fitness Corporate Sector

Athletics: Speed Bureaucracy
Communications Computers
Cryptozoology Law
Deception* Trade: Business
Drive: Wheeled Trade: Product
Environmental Suit* Former Cop
Fraternize* Animal Handling
Guns: Assault Weapons Crime: High
Guns: Handguns* Crime: Low
Guns: Longarms Law
Hand Weapons: Blades Surveillance
Hand Weapons: Blunt
Defense* Pilot
Freefall* Astrogation
Insight* Gunner: Shipboard Weapons
Intimidation Pilot: Atmospheric
Investigate* Pilot: Spacecraft
Language Sensors
Former Undercover Cop A/D Stasis Visions (2)
Art: Acting Arrogant (1)
Hand Weapons: Improvised Bigoted (1)
Impersonation Chronic Pain (2)
Law Dark Secret (1-3)
Odd Job Darkness Magnet (3)
Depressed (1)
Qualities Enemy (1-3)*
The following Qualities are appropri- Fanatic (1-3)
ate for an Enforcer. Spend 5 points to Fat (2)
acquire Advantages. Conversely, you Manic (1)
gain 1 point with which to purchase Nightmares (3)
further Advantages for every 1 point of Persistent Injury (1-3)
Disadvantages you take up to 12 ad- Phobia (1)*
ditional points. Qualities marked with a Poor (2-3)
* may be chosen multiple times. Rival (1-3)*
Sensory Impaired (1)*
Advantages Skinny (2)
Acute Senses (1)* Slow (2)
Ally (1-3)* Tormented (1)
Ambidextrous (1) Vengeful (1)
Contact (1-2)*
Common Sense (2) Talents
Disease Resistant (1) The following Talents are appropriate
Dream Void (2) for an Investigator. Choose 1.
Eidetic Memory (3)
Empath (1) Black Heart
Fast (2) Born in Freefall Chapter 5: Characters
Fearless (3) Dont I Know You?
Gifted Metabolism (1) Double Tap
Hard to Kill (1-3) Fight, Not Flight
Internal Clock (1) Killer Instinct
Internal Map (1) Know Where Your Towel Is
Luck (1-3) Lift With Your Legs
Nightvision (2) No Rest for the Wicked
Occult Sensitive (3) One Foot in the Grave
Peripheral Vision (2) Peek-a-Boo
Rapid Recovery (2) Sexual Magnet
Sexy (1) Too Innocent
Sixth Sense (3) True Grit
Tough (1-3) Whiff of Death
Wealthy (2-3) Wicked Presence

Warden Researcher
Chapter 5: Characters

Attributes Occult*
As an Researcher, your starting Attri- Orienteering
butes are as follows. Distribute an ad- Persuade
ditional 5 points between them. Those Reaction*
Attributes that are especially important Research*
for this specialty are marked with *. Science: Earth
Science: Life
Awareness 3* Science: Physical
Cleverness 3* Science: Social
Demeanor 2 Science: Space
Grace 2 Survival
Perseverance 3 Thrown Weapons
Physique 2 Unarmed Combat*

Skills Secondary Templates

For your primary specialty, distrib- You should also choose 2 of the fol-
ute 30 points among the following lowing 4 secondary templates, which
Skills. If you choose to purchase a Skill help further define your Characters
at 4, it will cost you 2 points from 3 to background. Assign 10 points on the
4. If you choose to purchase a Skill at Skills within each (for a total of 20).
5, it will cost you 3 points from 4 to 5.
Those Skills that are especially impor- Artist
tant for this specialty are marked with *. Art: Acting
Art: Dance
Athletics: Speed Art: Music
Computers Art: Oratory
Cryptozoology* Art: Writing
Deception Art: Other
Drive: Wheeled Engineer
Environmental Suit* Engineer: Basic Drive
Fraternize Engineer: Electrical
Freefall* Engineer: Life Support
Guns: Assault Weapons Engineer: Power Systems
Guns: Handguns* Engineer: Transit Drive
Guns: Longarms Mechanic
Hand Weapons: Blades
Hand Weapons: Blunt Physician
Investigate* Animal Handling
Language* Bureaucracy
Law Medicine: Animal
Liberal Arts Medicine: Physical
Notice* Medicine: Psychological
Social Butterfly Chronic Pain (2)
Deception Coward (3)
Persuade Dark Secret (1-3)
Insight Darkness Magnet (3)
Savoir Faire Depressed (1)
Seduction Enemy (1-3)*
Fanatic (1-3)
Qualities Fat (2)
The following Qualities are appropri- Manic (1)
ate for an Enforcer. Spend 5 points to Nightmares (3)
acquire Advantages. Conversely, you Persistent Injury (1-3)
gain 1 point with which to purchase Phobia (1)*
further Advantages for every 1 point Poor (2-3)
of Disadvantages you take up to 12 Rival (1-3)*
additional points. Qualities marked Sensory Impaired (1)*
with a * may be chosen multiple times. Skinny (2)
Slow (2)
Advantages Tormented (1)
Acute Senses (1)* Ugly (1)
Ally (1-3)* Vengeful (1)
Contact (1-2)*
Common Sense (2) Talents
Disease Resistant (1) The following Talents are appropri-
Dream Void (2) ate for a Researcher. Choose 1.
Eidetic Memory (3)
Fearless (3) Black Heart
Gifted Metabolism (1) Born in Freefall
Hard to Kill (1-3) Deeply Weird Chapter 5: Characters
Internal Clock (1) Double Tap
Internal Map (1) Fight, Not Flight
Luck (1-3) Killer Instinct
Nightvision (2) Know Where Your Towel Is
Occult Sensitive (3) No Rest for the Wicked
Rapid Recovery (2) One Foot in the Grave
Sexy (1) Peek-a-Boo
Sixth Sense (3) Sexual Magnet
Wealthy (2-3) Snake Eyes
Too Innocent
Disadvantages True Grit
A/D Stasis Visions (2) Whiff of Death
Annoying Traits (1) Wicked Smart
Arrogant (1)
Bigoted (1)

6 Skills:Qualities:Talents

Skills Gunner: Mobile Weapons Platforms

Skills are the useful things your
Character has learned how to do. They
This skill covers being capable of firing
are listed here in alphabetical order,
all manner of large-scale artillery.
according to the type of skill. Each is
listed with its most commonly used
Gunner: Shipboard Weapons
appropriate Attribute.
This skill covers being capable of firing
There are also two reference lists in
all manner of shipboard armament.
the next few pages to assist.
Guns: Assault Weapons (Awareness)
Artistic Skills This skill covers being capable of firing
Art: Acting (Awareness) submachine guns and assault rifles.
This skill covers being capable of pre-
tending to be someone else in imagi- Guns: Handguns (Awareness)
nary situations. This skill covers being capable of firing
Art: Dance (Grace)
This skill covers being capable of Guns: Longarms (Awareness)
rhythmically moving ones body. This skill covers being capable of firing
rifles and shotguns.
Art: Music (Awareness)
This skill covers being capable of play- Guns: Special (Awareness)
ing a musical instrument or instru- This skill covers being capable of firing
ments, or of singing. exotic weapons, like flamethrowers.

Art: Oratory (Demeanor) Hand Weapons: Blades (Grace)

This skill covers being capable of This skill covers being capable of fight-
speaking publicly. ing with bladed weapons.

Art: Writing (Cleverness) Hand Weapons: Blunt (Grace)

This skill covers being capable of effec- This skill covers being capable of fight-
tive written communication. ing with blunt weapons.

Art: Other (Variable) Hand Weapons: Improvised (Grace)

This skill enables you to choose anoth- This skill covers being capable of fight-
er art form not represented here. ing with improvised weapons.

Combat Skills Heavy Weapons: Launchers

Defense (Grace) (Awareness)
This skill covers being capable of This skill covers being capable of firing
avoiding harm in conflict situations. grenade and rocket launchers.
Heavy Weapons: Portable Artillery Unarmed Combat (Grace)
(Awareness) This skill covers being capable of fight-
This skill covers being capable of firing ing using only your body as a weapon.
mortars and machine guns.
Knowledge Skills
Reaction (Grace)
This skill covers being capable of effec- Investigate (Awareness)
tively reacting when danger presents This skill covers understanding how to
itself. look for evidence, clues, and informa-
tion trails, as well as how to analyze
Tactics: Military (Cleverness) data for meaningful patterns.
This skill covers understanding how to
coordinate fighting forces on land or Language (Cleverness)
in the air. This skill covers being capable of
speaking languages other than ones
Tactics: Naval (Cleverness) native tongue. Choose one per skill,
This skill covers understanding how to most prevalent being English and
coordinate fighting forces at sea or in Mandarin Chinese.
Liberal Arts (Cleverness)
Thrown Weapons (Grace) This skill covers understanding a broad
This skill covers being capable of utiliz- education of basic mathematics, his-
ing thrown weapons of all kinds. tory, philosophy, and the like.

Alien Autopsy: Deep One
Chapter 6: Skills:Qualities:Talents

Skill List by Group

Artistic Skills Social Skills
Art: Acting (Awareness) Deception (Demeanor)
Art: Dance (Grace) Fraternize (Demeanor)
Art: Music (Awareness) Insight (Awareness)
Art: Oratory (Demeanor) Intimidation (Demeanor)
Art: Writing (Cleverness) Persuade (Demeanor)
Art: Other (Variable) Savoir Faire (Demeanor)
Seduction (Demeanor)
Combat Skills
Defense (Grace) Surreptitious Skills
Gunner: Mobile Weapons Platforms (Awareness) Crime: High (Cleverness)
Gunner: Shipboard Weapons (Awareness) Crime: Low (Grace)
Guns: Assault Weapons (Awareness) Impersonation (Demeanor)
Guns: Handguns (Awareness) Stealth (Grace)
Guns: Longarms (Awareness) Streetwise (Demeanor)
Guns: Special (Awareness) Surveillance (Cleverness)
Hand Weapons: Blades (Grace)
Hand Weapons: Blunt (Grace) Survival Skills
Hand Weapons: Improvised (Grace) Notice (Awareness)
Heavy Weapons: Launchers (Awareness) Odd Job (Variable)
Heavy Weapons: Portable Artillery (Awareness) Orienteering (Awareness)
Reaction (Grace) Survival (Perseverance)
Tactics: Military (Cleverness)
Tactics: Naval (Cleverness) Technical Skills
Thrown Weapons (Grace) Armorer (Cleverness)
Unarmed Combat (Grace) Communications (Cleverness)
Computers (Cleverness)
Knowledge Skills Engineer: Basic Drive (Cleverness)
Investigate (Awareness) Engineer: Electrical (Cleverness)
Language (Cleverness) Engineer: Life Support (Cleverness)
Liberal Arts (Cleverness) Engineer: Power Systems (Cleverness)
Occult (Cleverness) Engineer: Transit Drive (Cleverness)
Research (Cleverness) Environmental Suit (Awareness)
Explosives (Cleverness)
Physical Skills Mechanic (Cleverness)
Athletics: Brawn (Physique) Sensors (Awareness)
Athletics: Coordination (Grace)
Athletics: Fitness (Perseverance) Trade Skills
Athletics: Speed (Physique) Animal Handling (Awareness)
Freefall (Grace) Bureaucracy (Cleverness)
Law (Cleverness)
Scientific Skills Trade: Business (Cleverness)
Cryptozoology (Cleverness) Trade: Product (Variable)
Medicine: Animal (Cleverness)
Medicine: Physical (Cleverness)
Medicine: Psychological (Cleverness) Vehicle Skills
Science: Earth (Cleverness) Astrogation (Cleverness)
Science: Life (Cleverness) Drive: Wheeled (Grace)
Science: Physical (Cleverness) Drive: Military (Grace)
Science: Social (Cleverness) Drones (Awareness)
Science: Space (Cleverness) Nautical: Motor Boats (Awareness)
Nautical: Ocean Liners (Awareness)
Nautical: Sail (Awareness)
Nautical: Submarine (Awareness)
Pilot: Atmospheric (Grace)
Pilot: Spacecraft (Awareness)
Occult (Cleverness) diagnose and treat injury and illness in
This skill covers understanding the se- animals.
cret and hidden world.
Medicine: Physical (Cleverness)
Research (Cleverness) This skill covers understanding how to
This skill covers understanding how diagnose and treat injury and illness in
and where to search for desired and people.
accurate information.
Medicine: Psychological (Clever-
Physical Skills ness)
This skill covers understanding how
Athletics: Brawn (Physique) to diagnose and treat behavioral and
This skill covers being capable of ath- mental disorders.
letic feats based primarily on strength
training. Science: Earth (Cleverness)
This skill covers understanding the
Athletics: Coordination (Grace) factors behind planetary formation
This skill covers being capable of ath- and planetary cycles.
letic feats based primarily on agility
training. Science: Life (Cleverness)
This skill covers understanding the bi-
Athletics: Fitness (Perseverance) ological factors behind all kinds of life
This skill covers being capable of ath- and how life is sustained.
letic feats based primarily on endur-
ance training. Science: Physical (Cleverness)
This skill covers understanding the
Athletics: Speed (Physique) physical laws of the universe.

Chapter 6: Skills:Qualities:Talents
This skill covers being capable of ath-
letic feats based primarily on speed Science: Social (Cleverness)
training. This skill covers understanding how
human beings interact and how soci-
Freefall (Grace) eties function and have evolved.
This skill covers being capable of func-
tioning effectively in microgravity or Science: Space (Cleverness)
zero-G. This skill covers understanding how
celestial bodies are formed and be-
Scientific Skills
Cryptozoology (Cleverness) Social Skills
This skill covers understanding unnat- Deception (Demeanor)
ural creatures. This skill covers being capable of lying,
spinning half-truths, or conversation-
Medicine: Animal (Cleverness) ally steering away from tough topics
This skill covers understanding how to or questions.

Chapter 6: Skills:Qualities:Talents

Alphabetical Skill List

Animal Handling (Awareness) Nautical: Ocean Liners (Awareness)
Armorer (Cleverness) Nautical: Sail (Awareness)
Art: Acting (Awareness) Nautical: Submarine (Awareness)
Art: Dance (Grace) Notice (Awareness)
Art: Music (Awareness) Occult (Cleverness)
Art: Oratory (Demeanor) Odd Job (Variable)
Art: Writing (Cleverness) Orienteering (Awareness)
Art: Other (Variable) Persuade (Demeanor)
Astrogation (Cleverness) Pilot: Atmospheric (Grace)
Athletics: Brawn (Physique) Pilot: Spacecraft (Awareness)
Athletics: Coordination (Grace) Reaction (Grace)
Athletics: Fitness (Perseverance) Research (Cleverness)
Athletics: Speed (Physique) Savoir Faire (Demeanor)
Bureaucracy (Cleverness) Science: Earth (Cleverness)
Communications (Cleverness) Science: Life (Cleverness)
Computers (Cleverness) Science: Physical (Cleverness)
Crime: High (Cleverness) Science: Social (Cleverness)
Crime: Low (Grace) Science: Space (Cleverness)
Cryptozoology (Cleverness) Seduction (Demeanor)
Deception (Demeanor) Sensors (Awareness)
Defense (Grace) Stealth (Grace)
Drive: Wheeled (Grace) Streetwise (Demeanor)
Drive: Military (Grace) Surveillance (Cleverness)
Drones (Awareness) Survival (Perseverance)
Engineer: Basic Drive (Cleverness) Tactics: Military (Cleverness)
Engineer: Electrical (Cleverness) Tactics: Naval (Cleverness)
Engineer: Life Support (Cleverness) Thrown Weapons (Grace)
Engineer: Power Systems (Cleverness) Trade: Business (Cleverness)
Engineer: Transit Drive (Cleverness) Trade: Product (Variable)
Environmental Suit (Awareness) Unarmed Combat (Grace)
Explosives (Cleverness)
Fraternize (Demeanor)
Freefall (Grace)
Gunner: Mobile Weapons Platforms (Awareness)
Gunner: Shipboard Weapons (Awareness)
Guns: Assault Weapons (Awareness)
Guns: Handguns (Awareness)
Guns: Longarms (Awareness)
Guns: Special (Awareness)
Hand Weapons: Blades (Grace)
Hand Weapons: Blunt (Grace)
Hand Weapons: Improvised (Grace)
Heavy Weapons: Launchers (Awareness)
Heavy Weapons: Portable Artillery (Awareness)
Impersonation (Demeanor)
Insight (Awareness)
Intimidation (Demeanor)
Investigate (Awareness)
Language (Cleverness)
Law (Cleverness)
Liberal Arts (Cleverness)
Mechanic (Cleverness)
Medicine: Animal (Cleverness)
Medicine: Physical (Cleverness)
Medicine: Psychological (Cleverness)
Nautical: Motor Boats (Awareness)
Fraternize (Demeanor) Stealth (Grace)
This skill covers being capable of This skill covers being capable of hid-
blending into social functions and cir- ing and moving quietly, so as not to be
cles of all kinds. noticed.

Insight (Awareness) Streetwise (Demeanor)

This skill covers being capable of dis- This skill covers being capable of sur-
cerning other peoples personalities viving on the streets and navigating
and motivations. the shadier side of society.

Intimidation (Demeanor) Surveillance (Cleverness)

This skill covers being capable of cow- This skill covers understanding how to
ing another person either through observe the movements and actions
browbeating or physical intimidation. of a subject, without him knowing.

Persuade (Demeanor) Survival Skills

This skill covers being capable of con-
vincing people to agree with you or do Notice (Awareness)
what you want. This skill covers being capable of no-
ticing important things in ones envi-
Savoir Faire (Demeanor) ronment.
This skill covers understanding how to
properly behave in different social cir- Odd Job (Variable)
cles and to negotiate with diplomacy. This skill covers being capable of dab-
bling from a broad base of knowledge,
Seduction (Demeanor) but being truly proficient in none.
This skill covers being capable of
arousing someones sexual interest

Chapter 6: Skills:Qualities:Talents
Orienteering (Awareness)
and to manipulate them through it. This skill covers understanding how to
navigate planet-side.
Surreptitious Skills
Survival (Perseverance)
Crime: High (Cleverness) This skill covers being capable of sus-
This skill covers understanding how to taining ones own life in hostile cir-
plan and execute white collar crimes. cumstances.

Crime: Low (Grace) Technical Skills

This skill covers being capable of per- Armorer (Cleverness)
forming street crimes. This skill covers understanding how
to make and modify weapons, armor,
Impersonation (Demeanor) and ammunition.
This skill covers being capable of dis-
guising oneself and/or pretending to Communications (Cleverness)
be somebody official or specific. This skill covers understanding how

Chapter 6: Skills:Qualities:Talents
to use and foil advanced communica- Sensors (Awareness)
tions equipment. This skill covers understanding how to
use and understand remote sensors.
Computers (Cleverness)
This skill covers understanding how to Trade Skills
use computers and, at higher levels, Animal Handling (Awareness)
program them to do what you want This skill covers understanding how to
them to do. handle, care for, and train animals.
Engineer: Basic Drive (Cleverness) Bureaucracy (Cleverness)
This skill covers understanding how This skill covers understanding how to
to design and repair basic spaceship work in administration and organiza-
drives. tions.
Engineer: Electrical (Cleverness) Law (Cleverness)
This skill covers understanding how to This skill covers understanding law,
design and repair electrical systems. law enforcement techniques, and liti-
Engineer: Life Support (Cleverness)
This skill covers understanding how to Trade: Business (Cleverness)
design and repair life support systems. This skill covers understanding how to
engage in commerce.
Engineer: Power Systems
(Cleverness) Trade: Product (Variable)
This skill covers understanding how to This skill covers being capable of pro-
design and repair power generating ducing a kind of good or service.
and distribution systems.

Engineer: Transit Drive (Cleverness)

This skill covers understanding how Vehicle Skills
to design and repair spaceship transit Astrogation (Cleverness)
drives. This skill covers understanding how to
navigate the solar system.
Environmental Suit (Awareness)
This skill covers being capable of utiliz- Drive: Wheeled (Grace)
ing environmental suits of all kinds. This skill covers being capable of driv-
ing wheeled land vehicles.
Explosives (Cleverness)
This skill covers understanding how to Drive: Military (Grace)
effectively make and use explosives for This skill covers being capable of driv-
traps or demolitions. ing military land vehicles.

Mechanic (Cleverness) Drones (Awareness)

This skill covers being capable of re- This skill covers being capable of oper-
pairing mechanical machinery. ating robotic drones remotely.
Nautical: Motor Boats (Awareness) sharp. You receive one free Success for
This skill covers being capable of pilot- Tests that rely on this sense. You may
ing motor-powered boats. purchase this advantage once for each
of your Characters senses.
Nautical: Ocean Liners (Awareness)
This skill covers being capable of pilot- Ally (1-3)*
ing large ocean-going vessels. Your Character has developed a re-
lationship with someone who will go
Nautical: Sail (Awareness) out of his way to help. The relationship
This skill covers being capable of pilot- with this ally goes both ways, how-
ing wind-driven vessels. ever he may occasionally also ask for
help. Your Character should be careful
Nautical: Submarine (Awareness) not to abuse this relationship, because
This skill covers being capable of pilot- allies will stop being so if not treated
ing submersible vessels. properly.

Pilot: Atmospheric (Grace) An Ally/1 has some measure of in-

This skill covers being capable of pilot- fluence and/or skill, while an Ally/2 is
ing rotor or fixed wing terrestrial flying moderately influential and/or skilled,
vehicles. and an Ally/3 is very influential and/or
Pilot: Spacecraft (Awareness)
This skill covers being capable of pilot- Ambidextrous (1)
ing all kinds of spaceships. Your Character is capable of using
either of his hands effectively and
functionally has no preference. He can
Qualities continue to function normally if one of
Qualities are those things about his hands or arms is wounded.

Chapter 6: Skills:Qualities:Talents
your Character that cant be easily
summed up by Attributes or Skills, but Contact (1-2)*
which are still an innate part of him. Your Character knows someone
who can provide limited help or pass
Any Quality marked * may be taken on important information. Unlike an
multiple times for multiple effects, Ally, this person doesnt ask for much
which are explained in the descrip- in return other than the occasional fa-
tions. Additionally, bonuses or penal- vor, so the relationship is more difficult
ties from different Qualities that affect to abuse.
the same things stack on one another
for additional benefit or detriment. Contact/1 represents either two
contacts of low-ranking position or
Advantages one contact of mid-level position,
Acute Senses (1)* while Contact/2 represents either two
One of your Characters senses (sight, contacts of mid-level position or one
hearing, touch, or smell/taste) is extra- contact of high-level position.

Chapter 6: Skills:Qualities:Talents
participate in something that is fool-
Qualities List hardy, your GM will make a secret Clev-
Advantages erness Test if successful, he will warn
Acute Senses (1)* you about your potential mistake.
Ally (1-3)*
Ambidextrous (1)
Contact (1-2)* Disease Resistant (1)
Common Sense (2) Your Character doesnt get sick eas-
Disease Resistant (1)
Double-Jointed (1) ily and doesnt typically stay sick as
Dream Void (2) long as other people. He gains one
Eidetic Memory (3)
Empath (1) free Success to resist the effects of dis-
Fast (2) ease or illness, and stays sick only half
Fearless (3)
Gifted Metabolism (1)
as long.
Hard to Kill (1-3)
Internal Clock (1) Double-Jointed (1)
Internal Map (1)
Luck (1-3) Your Characters joints bend extra
Nightvision (2) far. He gets one free Success to any
Occult Sensitive (3)
Peripheral Vision (2) Grace-based Test in which his double-
Rapid Recovery (2) jointedness might give him an advan-
Sexy (1)
Sixth Sense (3)
Tough (1-3)
Wealthy (2-3) Dream Void (2)
Disadvantages Your Character, given what is now in
A/D Stasis Visions (2) the universe, is fortunate he is one of
Annoying Traits (1)
Arrogant (1) those rare people who doesnt dream.
Bigoted (1) He cannot be plagued by nightmares,
Chronic Pain (2)
Coward (3)
nor is he susceptible to the influence
Dark Secret (1-3) of the Old Ones in his sleep.
Darkness Magnet (3)
Depressed (1)
Enemy (1-3)* Eidetic Memory (3)
Fanatic (1-3) Your Character commits things he
Fat (2)
Manic (1) sees and hears to memory, and it sticks.
Nightmares (3) He has a nearly photographic recall,
Persistent Injury (1-3)
Phobia (1)*
giving him two free Successes for Tests
Poor (2-3) involving remembering things he has
Rival (1-3)* read or experienced firsthand.
Sensory Impaired (1)*
Skinny (2)
Slow (2) Empath (1)
Tormented (1)
Ugly (1) Your Character has an intuitive sense
Vengeful (1) of what other people are feeling. He
Wanted (1-3)
gains one free Success to Social Skills,
including Insight.
Common Sense (2)
Your Character has a sense when a Fast (2)
course of action or inaction is foolish. Your Character is faster than he
Whenever your Character is about to looks. He gets a bonus of +1 Die for
Reaction Tests, and can move one full time, not necessarily the clock time of
category faster in terms of Speed. He the planet or colony he is visiting.
also gains one free Success on any Test
of the Athletics: Speed Skill. Internal Map (1)
Your Character has an intuitive
Fearless (3) sense of direction and bearing. Once
Your Character appears to others as he establishes where he is, he remem-
fearless and doesnt get spooked eas- bers places hes been and how to get
ily. He is immune to the kinds of nor- between them. He never gets lost in
mal everyday human fears that plague cities or colonies hes been to before.
people, such as those related to stress This also gives him two free Successes
or anxiety, and receives one free Suc- for Astrogation or Orienteering Tests.
cess for Horror Tests.
Luck (1-3)
A Note to GMs: It will be tempting Fortune smiles on your character.
for every player to arm their Character At Luck/1, you can re-roll one Test per
with this advantage. Feel free to re- session and take the better result, at
strict it to one per group. Luck/2, you can re-roll two Tests per
session and take the better result in
Gifted Metabolism (1) each, and at Luck/3, you can re-roll
Your Characters body processes three Tests per session and take the
foods, drugs, and poisons better than better result in each.
other people. He gains one free Suc-
cess for Perseverance Tests to resist the Nightvision (2)
effects of poisons, toxins, or drugs. Your Character can see better in dim
lighting than other people, and halves
Hard to Kill (1-3) any environmental penalties due to
Your Character is the kind of person darkness or obscuring conditions.

Chapter 6: Skills:Qualities:Talents
that fights to stay alive, even when
others would pass on. At Hard to Kill/1, Occult Sensitive (3)
your character suffers the penalties of Your Character has an intuitive sense
the Hurt Wound Level all the way until for the presence of the otherworldly.
death, never becoming Incapacitated Whenever otherworldly influence is
(though his armor is useless at that present, your GM will make a secret
level). At Hard to Kill/2, your character Cleverness Test. If your Character is
ignores the damage from one attack successful, your GM will let you know
that would kill him, per day at Hard he senses such influence though not
to Kill/3, two attacks. the source or direction of it.

Internal Clock (1) Peripheral Vision (2)

Your Character has an intuitive sense Your Character can see things in
of the passage of time, even when un- more detail throughout his field of vi-
conscious. He always knows what time sion, and is capable of making Tests to
it is, usually within about 10 minutes. notice things on the periphery of his
However, this internal clock is set to his vision that other people would miss.

Chapter 6: Skills:Qualities:Talents
Rapid Recovery (2) Middle-Class. However, by spend-
Your Character heals twice as fast as ing two points, he can increase that
normal, regardless of mode of treat- to Wealth Code 3 (Affluent), and by
ment. This only applies to physical spending three points, he can increase
wounds only. that to Wealth Code 4 (Wealthy).

Sexy (1)
Your Character is especially attrac- Disadvantages
tive to the opposite sex (or those who A/D Stasis Visions (2)
would be attracted to his gender). He Your Character suffers terrible and
gains one free Success to all Social Skill nightmarish visions while suspended
Tests involving anyone who might be in a gravity couch. There is something
attracted to him, opposite or same sex. in that state of suspended animation
that opens him up to dark influence.
Sixth Sense (3) Each time he emerges from a gravity
Your Character has an intuitive sense couch, make an Average Perseverance
for danger. Whenever dangerous situ- Test; failure means he suffers a penalty
ations arise, your GM will make a secret of -1 Die to all Tests for the first two
Notice or Cleverness Test. If your Char- days after he comes out of A/D Stasis.
acter is successful, your GM will let you
know he senses danger though not Annoying Traits (1)
the source or direction of it. There is something about your Char-
acter that really bugs other people. He
Tough (1-3) suffers a penalty of -1 Die to all Social
Your Character can take more pun- Skill Tests, except Insight and Intimida-
ishment than others. Each level of tion.
Tough adds twice that many points to
the Characters Health. For example, Arrogant (1)
a Character with Tough/2 is treated Your Character thinks hes great, but
as having a Health four points higher others dont necessarily agree. He suf-
than usual and is capable of taking an fers a penalty of -1 Die to all Social Skill
extra four points of damage at each Tests, except Insight and Intimidation.
Wound Level (12 extra damage total).
Bigoted (1)
Wealthy (2-3) Your Character doesnt like people
Your Character has amassed a for- (or cultures) that arent like him. He
tune. Perhaps he understands finances doesnt care much for people from
and investment the way others dont, other countries, colonies, or planets, or
perhaps his family is wealthy, or per- for those with other skin colors or na-
haps he just got lucky. Your Characters tive languages. He suffers a penalty of
starting Wealth will determine what -1 Die to all Social Skill Tests, except In-
kinds of gear to which he has access. sight and Intimidation, when dealing
with people who arent closely related
Characters normally begin play with to his native racial stock.
a Wealth Code of 2, which represents
Chronic Pain (2) somehow find him. It is difficult for
Your Character has an old injury or him to live in civilized areas and he
condition that still interferes with his most often finds himself on the fringes
comfort or mobility. He may have mi- of society. Unless he is resourceful and
graines, joint pain, inflammatory or combat-trained, it is likely his lifespan
digestive issues, or anything of that will be short.
nature. At the beginning of each in-
game day, make an Average Persever- Depressed (1)
ance Test; failure means he suffers a Your Character feels down and
penalty of -1 Die to all Tests for the first mopey most of the time. He sleeps a
half of his day, as well as moves at a re- lot, has little motivation, is constantly
duced rate of 75% of his Speed. Some pessimistic, and has nothing good to
conditions may cause the pain to flair say about himself or life. In addition to
up again and call for a re-Test, at your all the ways this can cause him prob-
GMs discretion. lems, he suffers a penalty of -1 Die to
all Social Skill Tests, except Insight.
Coward (3)
Your Character is easily frightened Enemy (1-3)*
and he does not deal well with danger. Your Character has angered some-
Even normal things can freak him out, one and they are out to get him. This
and he suffers a penalty of -2 Dice to person will go out of their way to
Horror Tests. cause your Character problems and
at least wishes to ruin, if not outright
Dark Secret (1-3) physically harm, him.
Your Character has done or knows
about something that others would An Enemy/1 has some measure of
freak out about. At Dark Secret/1, he influence and/or skill, while an Ene-
would become the target of ridicule or my/2 is moderately influential and/or

Chapter 6: Skills:Qualities:Talents
be socially ostracized if the secret were skilled, and an Enemy/3 is very influen-
discovered. Dark Secret/2, he would tial and/or skilled.
gain a powerful enemy if the secret
were discovered, and Dark Secret/3, Fanatic (1-3)
he would be incarcerated or killed if Theres something in life your Char-
the secret were discovered. At all lev- acter regards as vital to the point of ex-
els, the Character suffers the effects tremism, most likely an ideal. At Fanat-
of the levels below and his chances of ic/1, he will risk social consequences
advancement in his chosen career will for his fanaticism, at Fanatic/2, he will
be adversely affected. risk danger, and at Fanatic/3, he will
sacrifice his life for it. Fanaticism forces
Darkness Magnet (3) his behavior hes given up choice.
The dark things of the universe are
drawn to your Character. It is almost Fat (2)
as if he is a cosmic beacon for hor- Your Character isnt heavy or big
rible things. Even if he tries to avoid boned hes some shade of obese. He
the things in the shadows, they will suffers a penalty of -1 Die to Reaction

Chapter 6: Skills:Qualities:Talents
Tests, as well as a penalty of -1 Die to Phobia (1)*
any Tests involving speed or Grace, Theres something that scares the
especially uses of the Athletics Skill daylights out of your Character. Most
(except Brawn). He moves one full cat- times, phobias are of simple and natu-
egory slower in terms of his Speed. ral things, some of the most common
being acrophobia (fear of heights),
Manic (1) arachnophobia (fear of spiders), en-
Your Character is upbeat and ener- tymophobia (fear of insects), or sco-
getic most of the time, in an exagger- tophobia (fear of the dark). Whenever
ated way that is unnerving to those a Character is confronted with the
around him. He cant sit still, talks too object of his fear, he suffers a penalty
fast, and has an over-inflated sense of of -1 Die to all Tests until a couple of
self-esteem. In addition to all the ways minutes after the object is no longer
this will get him into trouble, he suffers an issue.
a penalty -1 Die to all Social Skill Tests,
except for Insight. Poor (2-3)
Your Character is not financially sol-
Nightmares (3) vent. Something has happened to ruin
Your Character suffers from night- his financial standing, whether it be
mares, often brought on by the dark- malfeasance, personal flaw, or addic-
ness that is once again coming into tion.
the world. Each morning, make an Av-
erage Perseverance Test; failure means Characters normally begin play with
he suffers a penalty of -1 Die to all Tests a Wealth Code of 2, which represents
for the day. Middle-Class. However, by acquiring
this Disadvantage at two points, he
Persistent Injury (1-3) can decrease that to Wealth Code 1
Something happened to your Char- (Underprivileged), and by acquiring
acter that impairs normal physical this Disadvantage at three points, he
function. Perhaps theres some com- can decrease that to Wealth Code 0
plication that has prevented physi- (Destitute).
cians from operating or replacing or-
gans or limbs, or maybe he lost a body Rival (1-3)*
part and something happened to pre- Your Character has someone who
vent regenerative therapy. feels he is in competition with your
Character for something, be it an ob-
At Persistent Injury/1, this means ject or objective, or accomplishment
he suffers a penalty of -1 Die to any in a particular field. He will harass your
Tests that would be influenced by the Character, and generally attempt to
injury (such as to Notice when miss- out-do or humiliate him. A Rival/1 has
ing an eye). At Persistent Injury/2, this some measure of influence and/or
increases to a penalty of -2 Dice, and skill, while a Rival/2 is moderately in-
to a penalty of -3 Dice at Persistent In- fluential and/or skilled, and a Rival/3 is
jury/3. very influential and/or skilled.
Sensory Impaired (1)* Ugly (1)
One of your Characters senses Your Character is, in no way, an at-
(sight, hearing, touch, smell/taste) tractive person. He suffers a penalty
doesnt work the way it should. You re- of -1 Die to all Social Skill Tests that
ceive a penalty of -1 Die for Tests that in some way involve physical appear-
rely on this sense. You may acquire this ance, though not for Insight or Intimi-
disadvantage once for each of your dation.
Characters senses.
Vengeful (1)
Skinny (2) Your Character doesnt take los-
Your Character is not trim or wiry, ing or being wronged very well. He
hes downright sickly. He suffers a pen- doesnt even have to have actually lost
alty of -1 Die to Reaction Tests, as well or been wronged, he only has to per-
as a penalty of -1 Die to any Tests in- ceive he has. He suffers a penalty of -1
volving Perseverance or Physique, es- Die to all Social Skill Tests, except for
pecially uses of the Athletics: Brawn or Insight or Intimidation, when dealing
Fitness Skills. This does not effect non- with the person upon which he wish-
physical uses of Perseverance, such as es vengeance. Furthermore, he must
Horror or Madness Tests. make a Perseverance Test not to take
action against the person, whether
Slow (2) through verbal abuse, attempted hu-
For some reason, your Character miliation, pranks, legal action, or even
moves much slower than most would physical violence, each time he is con-
expect. He suffers a penalty of -1 Die fronted with them.
to Reaction Tests, and moves one full
category slower in terms of Speed. He Wanted (1-3)
also suffers a penalty of -1 Die on any Your Character has done some-
Test of the Athletics: Speed Skill. thing and now the law wants to have

Chapter 6: Skills:Qualities:Talents
a word. At Wanted/1, he has commit-
Tormented (1) ted a misdemeanor and the search for
You Character is the kind of person him is not intense though there will
that wrestles with inner demons. He be a warrant for his arrest on file. At
may suffer from tragic self-doubt or Wanted/2, he has committed a non-
have psychological scars from some violent felony, which has brought on
sort of abuse. In any event, what is a warrant and mild alert for his arrest.
normal for him may not be normal for However, at Wanted/3, he has commit-
other, well-adjusted people. Though ted a violent felony and authorities ev-
being Tormented does not have an im- erywhere are on the look-out for him.
mediate effect on social interactions, it In any event, hell need a false identity
is difficult for such people to maintain to move around, unless smuggled.
long-lasting romantic relationships.
Those whove known Tormented Char-
acters for any length of time will re- Talents
gard them as strange or damaged as There are those unexplainable
well. knacks that people seem to naturally

Chapter 6: Skills:Qualities:Talents
Talents List Deeply Weird
Black Heart
Requires: appropriate Skills
Born in Freefall Your Character gets one free Suc-
Deeply Weird cess for Cleverness-based Tests when
Dont I Know You?
Double Tap analyzing or using alien life or technol-
Fight, Not Flight ogy.
Killer Instinct
Know Where Your Towel Is
Lift With Your Legs Dont I Know You?
No Rest for the Wicked Requires: Savoir Faire Skill & Trigger
One Foot in the Grave
Peek-a-Boo Your Character has the amazing abil-
Sexual Magnet ity to create relatedness with strang-
Snake Eyes
Too Innocent ers. You gain one free Success for So-
True Grit cial Skill Tests of a friendly sort with
Whiff of Death
Wicked Presence
the person in question, for purposes
Wicked Smart of this first introductory interaction.

have, which help define who they are. Double Tap

Those things are defined as Talents. As Requires: Appropriate Gun Skill & Trigger
you choose your Talents, notice that Your Character can make a free sec-
many of the Talents suggest a certain ond, non-auto shot at same target at
type of personality trait that go with which he just fired, at a -1 Die Penalty.
them. Choose your Talents carefully, as
they mold who your Character is in a Fight, Not Flight
very real sense. Your GM may choose When your Character suffers a Hor-
to deny you the bonus from a Talent if ror Effect, you may spend one Tension
you do not incorporate these aspects Point to instead immediately make a
into your Character on a regular basis. free attack against the source of said
Horror at no Penalty.
Black Heart
Your Character has the special abil- Killer Instinct
ity to do messed up things, especially Requires: Combat Skill & Trigger
to other people, with no threat of suf- Your Character knows how to hit
fering from Horror Effects or Madness. where it hurts and this one attack ig-
If it has to do with human suffering or nores any of the targets armor.
remains, he is immune he only has to
Test against otherworldly things that Know Where Your Towel Is
truly threaten his being or grasp on Your Character is an expert and pre-
reality. pared traveller, who is simply more
prepared than others. In any one situ-
Born in Freefall ation per session, you have access to
Requires: Freefall Skill a needed piece of gear, even when
Your Character doesnt need to Test it isnt listed among your Characters
for basic moves in freefall or micro- possessions. It can even be something
gravity, and gains two free Successes that is unlikely for most other unsea-
to any other Tests he must make. soned travelers to have packed.
Lift With Your Legs to hide, and gains one free Success to
Your Character can lift and/or carry such Tests.
150% of what his peers might.
Sexual Magnet
No Rest for the Wicked Whether or not your Character is
Your Character has the ability to ig- considered to be conventionally at-
nore all penalties caused by Wound tractive and sexy, there is something
Levels for 1d6 turns of combat. You about him that makes other people
can choose when to bring this Talent want to be sexually involved with him.
to bear, but can only use it once every He gains one free Success for Seduc-
24 hours. tion Tests against those who would
normally find him sexually attractive.
One Foot in the Grave
Your Character knows he is likely to Snake Eyes
come to a bad end and has embraced Your Character has the ability to ren-
it. When he suffers a Horror Effect, he der his inner self as frightening as the
can shift that effect up or down one world around him, at least temporar-
result on the table. ily. He has the ability to delay the on-
set of any Horror Effect for 2d6 turns
Peek-a-Boo though he will suffer the full effect
Requires: Notice Skill once this duration has passed. As a
Your Character is unnaturally good side effect, he gains one free Success
at sensing living things that are trying to any Intimidation Tests.

Chapter 6: Skills:Qualities:Talents

Maintaining Composure

Chapter 6: Skills:Qualities:Talents
Too Innocent Character Advancement
Your Character is the kind of person Like most modern roleplaying
that people never suspect of wrong- games, The Void relies on a more dra-
doing. He can avoid being the target matic, less realistic form of character
of such investigations, at least initially. advancement. Characters are awarded
Naturally, once evidence mounts up, Advances at the end of every play ses-
hes in as much trouble as the next guy sion, which they can bank and eventu-
however, he gets that crucial initial ally spend to increase or purchase new
reprieve. Attributes, Skills, or Talents, and to ac-
quire or dissolve Qualities.
True Grit
Your Character suffers one less Regardless of other costs and re-
than the usual penalty to Tests when quirements, there are two maxims that
wounded. This means that he suffers are applied to anything on your Char-
no penalty at Bruised, only -1 Die at acter Sheet you may only improve
Battered, and -3 Dice at Hurt. something by one point at a time
and you may never improve the same
Whiff of Death thing two game sessions in a row.
Requires: Notice
Your Character has the uncanny and This goes for acquisition as well
unnerving ability to sense when death you cant acquire a new Skill two ses-
is near. This can come in the form of sions in a row, or new Talents two ses-
someone who is in mortal peril, near- sions in a row. You need to give your
by corpses, or nearby morgues, grave- Character a little space to acclimate.
yards, or other places of death. Your
GM will let you know when this Talent Improving Attributes
comes into play. It is possible through training and
luck to improve your Characters At-
Wicked Presence tributes. You must increase your Attri-
Requires: Fraternize butes incrementally, so you cant just
Your Character knows how to bring skip from an 2 to a 4 without also in-
his personality to bear, gaining one creasing to 3 in between.
free Success to any Social Skill Test.
However, he also stands out when do- In order to improve an Attribute,
ing this and people take notice of him. you must have spent time in-game do-
He cannot blend in when using, or ing the kind of things that are required
having recently used, this Talent. to train the Attribute in question to
be better honed. You will also need to
Wicked Smart have your GMs approval, as to wheth-
Requires: Training in skills to be used er or not youve put in a convincing
Your Character is generally life- amount of in-game energy to warrant
smart, not book-smart, and gains one the increase.
free Success to non-Scientific or Tech-
nical Skills based on Cleverness.
Improvement Advance Cost Acquiring New Talents
Characters will also develop many
From 1 to 2 2 new individual Talents as they grow. To
From 2 to 3 2 acquire a new Talent costs 2 Advances.
From 3 to 4 3 This new Talent should be relevant
with how youre playing.
From 4 to 5 4
Modifying Qualities
Learn a New Skill
Sometimes your story will give your
There are always new Skills youll
Character the opportunity to acquire a
want your Character to learn. In order
new Advantage or finally lose a Disad-
to learn a new Skill at 1, youll either
vantage. Check in with your GM when
need to spend the in-game equivalent
you think either of these might be
of 20 hours studying and training or
appropriate if he approves, you can
10 hours with a qualified teacher (any-
spend the advances below to do so.
one with the Skill at 3 or greater). Once
youve done that, spend 1 Advance
Your GM may also assign you new
and you get the Skill at 1.
Disadvantages during play. You dont
have to pay for them, but you also
The Odd Job skill is a special case,
dont get any new additional points
since it covers such a wide array of
for Advantages from them.
knowledge. It takes twice as long to
learn and costs 2 Advances to get the
Skill at 1. Cost Advance Cost
1 Point 2
Improving an Existing Skill 2 Points 3
In order to improve one of the Skills
your Character already has, you must 3 Points 4

Chapter 6: Skills:Qualities:Talents
have spent time using that Skill in-
game recently. You must improve your
Attributes incrementally, so you cant
just skip from an 2 to a 4 without also
increasing to 3 in between.

Improvement Advance Cost

From 1 to 2 1
From 2 to 3 2
From 3 to 4 2
From 4 to 5 3

Again, the Odd Job Skill is a special

case it costs twice as much.

7 Rules

Pretty much everything youll want Task Difficulty

to do in The Void will be covered by
Tests, which determine whether or not Easy 0 (if Skilled)/
you succeed or fail when it matters. 1 if Unskilled
Tests are made by rolling a number of Average 1
six-sided dice as determined by things Hard 2
on your Character Sheet, trying to get
Very Hard 3
as many fives and sixes as you can.
Legendary 4

Tests Skill Tests

When you want to do something
Successes that requires training, youll need to
Whenever you roll dice for a Test, make a Skill Test the most common
you are rolling to get what are called type of Test in the game.
Successes on each individual die in
your pool. Each five or six you roll Once youve determined which Skill
counts as a Success. makes sense, roll a number of dice
equal to the Skills rating, along with
Difficulties the appropriate Attributes rating.
Before we can talk about how you This will typically yield a dice pool of
make Tests, we need to talk about Dif- between two and ten six-sided dice.
ficulties. Everything you try to do has If the number of Successes you roll is
a certain level of difficulty associated equal to or greater than the Difficulty,
with it. One thing might be easy, while you succeed.
another is just plain hard. To reflect
this, The Void uses a scale of numbers Skills are paired with the most
that reflect the difficulty of the task. likely Attribute that youll use. How-
ever, sometimes youll be trying to do
Whenever you need to make a Test, something that makes more sense us-
your GM will tell you the Difficulty, ing a different Attribute go with the
based on what it is youre trying to do. one that works best.
When you make your dice roll, youre
going to want to get a total number Unskilled Tests
of Successes thats equal to or greater Sometimes youll need to try doing
than the Difficulty. something that your Character is not
skilled at doing. If your GM says that
Here are the levels of Difficulty and you can try it not all types of things
the number of Successes you need at can be attempted by someone who
each Difficulty isnt trained then youll make a differ-
ent type of Skill Test. Youll really only
be able to succeed at fairly easy or Tests At a Glance
routine things, but sometimes youve
got to try. Difficulties
When you need to make a
To try something when you have no Test, your GM will tell you the
Skill, roll only a number of dice equal Difficulty.
to the appropriate Attributes rating. When you make your dice roll,
Only sixes count as Successes for this you need to get a number of
Test. If your total number of Successes fives or sixes thats equal to or
is equal to or greater than the Diffi- greater than the Difficulty.
culty, you succeed.
Skill Tests
Complimentary Skills When you want to do some-
Sometimes youll need to try do- thing that requires training.
ing something that your Character Determine which Skill makes
isnt specifically skilled at doing, but the most sense.
hes got a skill thats close. For exam- Roll a number of six-sided
ple, your Character may not be able dice equal to the appropriate
to specifically shoot a pistol, but he Skill and Attribute ratings.
knows how to shoot rifles. Your GM Every five or six is a Success.
will allow you to use that complimen- If your total Successes equal
tary Skill as if you had a rating of one or exceed Difficulty, you suc-
lower in it (with a minimum of one). ceed.
Your GM will ultimately determine
if the Skill you want to use instead Unskilled Tests
will work sometimes they will and When you want to try some-
sometimes they wont. thing when you have no Skill.
Roll dice equal to the appro-
Attribute Tests priate Attribute.
Sometimes youll need to do some- Count only sixes as Success.
thing that is covered by your raw
abilities alone. There are many things Complimentary Skills
in life that rely on your natural gifts, When you want to try some-
rather than what youve learned over thing when you have no Skill,
the years. but you have a Skill thats
Once youve determined which At- If your GM allows, you can use
tribute makes the most sense, roll the complimentary Skill for
a number of dice equal to twice the the Test, as if you had a rating
appropriate Attributes rating. If your one lower in the appropriate
total number of Successes is equal to Skill.

Epic Fails
If you ever roll
and all of your dice
Chapter 7: Rules

are ones, its an Epic

Fail and things fall
apart in a spectacu-
lar fashion. Your GM
will tell you just how
bad things are.

Hail Mary
Sometimes you
may need to at-
tempt a Test that is
at a Difficulty that
is above your capa-
bility. There is still
a slim chance you
may succeed.

When you must

attempt a Test at
a Difficult that re-
quires more Suc-
cesses that you are
capable of generat-
Horror At Play ing based on your
dice pool, roll your
or greater than the Difficulty, you suc- pool anyway. If you
ceed. succeed on all of your dice, you may
roll another die. If that one comes up
Triggers ayousix,rollit yet
counts as a Success and lets
another die. You may con-
Triggers are special effects that are
tinue rolling as long as these extra dice
built into certain Talents that must be
come up sixes. This may allow you to
Triggered in order to do their magic.
succeed at tasks far beyond your abil-
ity in times of extreme need.
When you roll a minimum of one
Success more than you needed to suc-
ceed, you may choose to activate an Contests
appropriate Trigger. You may only acti- Sometimes the thing youre trying
vate a Trigger if you have succeeded at to do will meet with the resistance of
the Test in question, and you may only another living thing. When this hap-
activate one Trigger for each action, pens, youll engage in a Contest to try
regardless of how many are available. to beat your opponent.
When you engage in a Contest,
both you and your opponent make Tests At a Glance
your rolls, whether theyre Skill or At-
tribute Tests. Whoever gets the high- Attribute Tests
est number of Successes wins. If you When you need to do some-
tie, roll again until someone wins. thing covered by raw abilities
Your GM might give you an extra Roll a number of six-sided dice
die or take away one of your dice in equal to double the appropri-
your Contest if you or your opponent ate Attributes rating.
have some kind of advantage. Every five or six is a Success.
If your total Successes equal or
Extended Tests exceed Difficulty, you succeed.
Sometimes the thing youre trying
to do is something thats going to Triggers
take a lot of time and effort. If this is Triggers are special effects
the case, make three Tests. If you suc- that are built into certain Tal-
ceed at two out of the three, you suc-
When appropriate, you may
ceed overall.
activate a Trigger when you
get one more Success than
Teamwork you needed.
Sometimes the thing youre trying
to do is something where your friends Epic Fails
can help you out. In order to do so, If you ever roll all ones, things
your friend must have a rating in the fall apart in a spectacular fash-
skill that is a minimum of one lower ion.
than yours. If this is the case, you get a
bonus die for that Test. Contests
When something youre trying
will meet with the resistance
Special Tests
Chapter 7: Rules

of another living thing.

You and your opponent make
Tests. Whoever rolls more Suc-
Horror Tests cesses wins.
Characters in The Void run into
Ties re-roll until someone
some very scary things. Sometimes
its situations that are frightening
and sometimes its the things that go
Extended Tests
bump in the night. Your Characters
When something youre trying
reaction to such things are simulated
to do will take time and effort.
by Horror Tests.
Make three Tests. If you suc-
ceed at two out of three, you
Whenever your Character has a
succeed overall.
chance of getting scared or runs into
a frightening creature, he must suc- ceed at a Horror Test to prevent his

Horror Difficulty
Tests At a Glance Disturbing Easy
Scary Average
Chapter 7: Rules

Sometimes friends can help. Terrifying Hard
Each must have a minimum Nightmarish Incredibly Hard
rating of one lower than your
Mind Shattering Legendary
Skill rating.
You get a bonus die to the
If your Character succeeds at his
Horror Test, then he processes the fear
without adverse effect. He will not
Special Tests At a Glance need to make another Horror Test for
this particular stimulus at this time,
Horror Tests: whether it be situational or creature-
When something might scare induced.
your Character, you must suc-
ceed at a Horror Test or be However, if he fails, he suffers a Hor-
afraid. ror Effect to determine how he re-
Horror Tests are Perseverance acts, roll two dice and consult the Hor-
Attribute Tests against a Diffi- ror Effects table.
culty provided by the GM.
If you fail, you suffer a Horror
Effect. To determine, roll 2d6 2d6 Horror Effect
and consult the Horror Effects 2-3 Mess Your Pants
table. 4-5 Run Away Screaming
If a scary thing is something
6-7 Shriek Like A Little Kid
the Characters must face with
any regularity, the GM should 8-9 Freeze
only call for Horror Tests the 10-11 Faint Dead Away
first half dozen or so times. 12 Fight Instincts Kick In

ceed at a Horror Test to prevent his Explanation of Effects

fight or flight instinct from triggering. There are six primary effects some-
one in the throes of fear can suffer,
Horror Tests are Perseverance At- and none of them are pretty many of
tribute Tests, against a Difficulty pro- them can leave Characters in danger.
vided by the GM. Terrifying creatures
have a Difficulty already associated Mess Your Pants
with them, to make it easy. Your Character is so scared he loses
control of his bodily functions. He has
Here are a few general Difficulty urinated or defecated in his pants
guidelines for horror that is situational (possibly both). In addition to the dis-
in nature: comfort and potential for later embar-
rassment, he cannot take action for ger flight. However, whatever scared
two turns. your Character forced his primal fight
instinct to kick in instead, and now he
Run Away Screaming must attack the thing that scared him
Your Character is so freaked out with a terrible rage. If it is a situation
that he wants to get as far away from that triggered this reaction, he must
the thing as possible. He can take no flip out in a fit of rage that is partly
other action than to run in the op- directed against the situation and
posite direction away from the thing partly just insanity. He regains control
that scared him, and he will scream of himself after the stimulus is either
unless stifled. He will keep running dead or gone or until one to six min-
until he either feels relatively safe or utes (1d6 minutes) have passed, or he
that he has a reasonable chance of has taken at least 10 points of dam-
hiding from the thing. Then, after be- age.
ing still for a few moments, he can be-
gin to take conscious action again. Becoming Accustomed
It is possible to face a situation or
Shriek Like A Little Kid a creature so many times that it los-
Your Character is so scared he starts es its fearful barbs. If such a thing is
to scream. These screams are the something the Characters must face
panicked shrieks of the terrified. He with any regularity, referees should
cannot stop shrieking for six turns, only call for Horror Tests the first half a
though he can begin to take other ac- dozen or so times. After that, the only
tion again after three turns. way the situation or creature should
inspire fear again is if it is presented in
Freeze some way that is out of the ordinary.
Your Characters psyche is so over-
loaded by the experience that he Madness
freezes up. He can take no action for The world of The Void is as such
three turns, not even to make a sound. that the fragile world that people
He is literally frozen, even if he suffers have crafted for themselves can come
Chapter 7: Rules

damage at the hand of aggressors. tumbling down around their ears

psychologically speaking. Whenever
Faint Dead Away a Character is exposed to something
Your Character is so freaked out that that puts pressure on his psyche or
he cant take it anymore. He blacks forces him to face something that is
out and crumples in a heap on the outside his understanding of things,
floor. Unless someone wakes him with he risks madness.
smelling salts or a stimulant of some
kind, hes out for the next 10 minutes Situations that can instill madness
to an hour (1d6 x 10 minutes). are rated in two ways. Madness Tests
are Perseverance Attribute Tests,
Fight Instinct Kick In (Foolishly) against the Madness Intensity. The
The fight or flight instincts are close- Madness Intensity has two parts the
ly related and most fearful things trig- Difficulty for that Test and the number

of Madness Levels a character will gain The Madness Scale
should he fail the Madness Test. There are four levels of madness, as
well as one level of sanity. All charac-
For example, being captured and ters begin at Level 0: Lucid, as the War-
Chapter 7: Rules

tortured for days might carry a Mad- dens require functional people.
ness Rating of Average/1, so failure
would mean the Character would Level 0: Lucid
gain one Madness Level. On the other Your Characters psychic defenses
hand, reading a true and intact version are intact and a psychologist would
of the Necronomicon could have a brand him well-adjusted or at least
Madness Rating of Hard/2, and failure as well-adjusted as people get. He
would mean the character would gain seems perfectly normal to pretty
two Madness Levels. much everyone.

All Characters begin at Lucid and Level I: Cracked

work their way up the Madness Scale Your Character has some of what
from there. people might politely refer to as
quirks. Of course,
these quirks are
merely the cracks
in your Characters
psyche that are the
first hint of his erod-
ing sanity.

Level II: Bonkers

Your Character
can masquerade
as normal for brief
periods of social in-
teraction, but any-
thing longer as
well as in instances
of people visiting
his personal space
will clearly point
to his oncoming
madness. A mental
health professional
will strongly rec-
ommend care, and
your Character runs
the risk of being
committed if he sits
still long enough.
Madmen Are Not Swayed By 0G
Level III: Raving
Your Character can no longer keep Special Tests At a Glance
his madness to himself, nor can he sit
quietly with it. He may still have good Madness Tests
phases that allow him to interact with When a Character is exposed
society, but anyone spending time in to something that puts pres-
even casual conversation will know sure on his psyche or is some-
he is not right. Mental health profes- thing outside his understand-
sionals will commit him to care with- ing of things, he must make a
out question. Madness Test.
Madness Tests are Persever-
Level IV: Loony ance Attribute Tests against
It is impossible to hide how utterly the Madness Intensity, which
gone your Character is. He is com- is the Difficulty.
pletely divorced from conventional If failed, the Character gains a
sanity and can in no way function in number of Madness Levels.
society or with other reasonably sane If Characters reach Level IV:
people. The authorities, if they arent Loony, they are in serious
already, will be looking to intervene trouble.
and carry him to in-patient therapy. You must choose one Mental
Disorder for each Madness
Mental Disorders Level your Character has.
Based on your level of madness,
you may choose how this manifests Madness Recovery
in your Character. There will be ec- Madness Levels I & II can be
centricities that will begin to show dealt with by regular therapy,
in the way your Character behaves which is preferable.
around other people. The more mad Madness Levels III & IV must
he becomes, the more radical and be dealt with via in-patient
pronounced these will be. therapy, or treatment in a
mental hospital.
Chapter 7: Rules

To make it easy, choose one men- Characters that reach Level IV

tal disorder for your Character for Madness are no longer play-
each level of madness (except for Lu- able as is. They will be out of
cid). All of your Characters disorders play for a while as they re-
should intensify and become more cover.
pronounced with each Madness Lev-
el. Rather than give you an exhaustive
list of all the ways a human psyche
can break, here are a few of those dis- bility for his life, and now relies
orders that will be the most interest- on others to make decisions and
ing for this kind of game. take care of him.
Eating Disorder your Character
Dependent Disorder your Char- develops an unhealthy relation-
acter no longer takes responsi- ship with food.

Hypochondriasis your Character Sleeping Disorder your Character
is always afraid of being sick and has a problem sleeping through
constantly thinks that something the night or getting to sleep at all.
is wrong with him health-wise. Nightmares may be a factor.
Chapter 7: Rules

Major Depression your Charac- Sociopathy your Character no

ter experiences episodes of deep longer views other people as such,
sadness and despair. but rather as objects or tools. He
Manic-Depression your Charac- no longer has any regard for life
ter alternates between depres- and has difficulty faking normal
sion and mania, sadness and de- human emotions.
spair alternates with exaggerated
elation, recklessness, and distract- Coming Back
ibility. It is far easier to slip into the depths
Multiple Personality Disorder your of madness than it is to come back
Character develops a whole other from it. The human psyche may be a
unique personality to deal with marvelously resilient thing, but once
the horrors he has faced. Work damaged tends to stay that way.
out the details with your referee
as to when this other personality There are two types of care that
surfaces and whether or not you can help a Character return to sanity.
have control over it. The first is therapy, which can involve
Narcissistic Disorder your Char- counseling and drugs, and the second
acter suffers from an over-inflated is in-patient therapy, also known as
view of his own self-importance being committed or being thrown in
and needs to be the center of at- the bin. The first is far more preferable,
tention. but is quite limited.
Panic Disorder your Character
now suffers from panic attacks. Therapy involves working things
Paranoid Schizophrenia your through in counseling and may or
Character suffers from delusions may not be accompanied by medica-
of persecution or grandeur or tion. This kind of treatment works for
both. those at Levels I or II Madness. Charac-
Phobia your Character is now ters must generally go once or twice
irrationally fearful of something a week in order to gain any benefit,
common. over a period of time. Generally, the
Rage Disorder your Character has first month is a wash, as patient and
virtually no patience and loses his therapist develop a relationship and
temper when anything bothers work through any barriers to the pro-
him. He is likely to break things cess that might exist. As a simplifica-
and physically harm people when tion, characters will lose one Madness
it is inappropriate to do so. Level every four months after that.
Schizoid Disorder your Character However, some mental disorders may
withdraws from social interaction take longer than that, such as multiple
and no longer engages in emo- personalities. Your GM will determine
tional relationship with others. how long it takes.
In-patient therapy means the Char- acter committed to an institution for
acter has been committed to a lock- a period of time (usually 18 months),
and-key institution and cannot get so that he can recover with the proper
out without his physicians approval. help and guidance.
He is under constant supervision and
is most likely heavily medicated. This The first option is that your Char-
type of therapy is the only kind that acter spends time in an institution
will help those who have reached and you choose to sit that time out.
Levels III or IV Madness. As a simpli- You can choose not to attend play
fication, it takes a year of game time sessions, or you can come and pro-
to come back from Level IV to Level III, vide moral support and participate
then another six months from Level in whatever way you are capable.
III to Level II. Then, a Character can be Perhaps you can help the GM out by
released to regular therapy and into portraying NPCs. Regardless, your
the world. Character is on hiatus while the rest
of the group plays on. However, you
That may seem like a long time, but shouldnt be punished for that. It is
its a small price to pay. These guide- recommended that GMs give Charac-
lines are for Characters only, so that ters in such predicaments half of what
you can bring your Character back the rest of the group earns in terms of
from the very edge. Others in the set- Experience.
ting may not be so lucky. Your GM will
rule as to how long it takes for other The second option is similar to the
NPCs to recover those who have first, except that you either generate a
reached Level IV Madness may not re- temporary Character to play (perhaps
cover at all. with a grisly fate in mind) or that you
take on the role of one of the regular
Beyond the Pale secondary NPCs in your game. That
Characters who reach Level IV Mad- way, you are fully participating and,
ness are about as far gone as you can as such, it is recommended that your
get. They no longer are capable of referee award you full Experience for
Chapter 7: Rules

appearing normal and theyre at the your primary Character, even if he is

point where they might lock them- in the bin.
selves in a room and write on the wall
in their own excrement. In short, such Eventually, the magic day will come
Characters are no longer playable as when your Character is free again and
is. back to normal or at least normal
enough to go out in public.
Does this mean that your Character
who has had one too many bad days
is now going to be taken away from Combat
you forever? Not at all. It does mean The Void is a game of survival horror
hell be out of play for a while, how- and that means that there are many
ever. You have two options that will things in the solar system that will be
work both involve having your Char- actively trying to kill your Character.

There are also times where you will 1. Initiative Tests
want to either enforce your will (or re- Initiative determines who gets to act
sist the will of another). The rules that in what order. To determine your Ini-
follow cover both sorts of conflict tiative for the turn, make a Test using
Chapter 7: Rules

Physical and Social. Awareness + Reaction. Once everyone

gets to start taking action, play goes in
Physical Combat order from highest Initiative to lowest.
Physical combat is split up into a se- In the case of ties, the combatant with
ries of five second-long turns, in which the higher base Reaction goes first. If
everyone involved in the combat gets those are somehow tied, each com-
to do something. batant rolls one die until one of them
rolls higher than the other.
The Combat Turn
Each and every turn of combat fol- You may choose to hold your action
lows these simple six steps: to see what others are going to do
you can choose to act on any lower
1. Each participant makes an Initia- initiative. You only need to tell your
tive Test for the turn. This is an GM when he announces that lower
Awareness + Reaction Test. initiative.

2. In descending order of Initiative, 2. Take Action

each participant acts. Each can Each turn, each participant can take
take one Free Action, one Simple one Free Action, one Simple Action,
Action, and one Involved Action and one Involved Action. On your ini-
each turn. tiative, you get to take all three Actions
and resolve them in whatever order
3. To attack a target, a player must you want.
succeed in a Contest. The attacker
makes a Test using the appropri- Free actions are anything that can
ate Skill + Attribute for the weap- be done quickly and generally re-
on he is trying to use. quires no real concentration. Simple
actions involve some effort and take a
4. The defender then makes a Test bit of time. Involved actions generally
using Grace + Defense. require a Character to concentrate on
the task at hand. Below is a list of dif-
5. If the attackers total equals or ferent actions and how they are clas-
beats the defenders total, he hits. sified if you wish to do something
not on this list, work out with your GM
6. If successful, the attacker gets how to classify the action.
to add an additional die of dam-
age for each Success he beats his Free Actions include:
opponent by to the damage roll, Ducking
which is reduced by the targets Shouting at someone or speaking
armor (if any). a short sentence
Surveying the situation
Taking a couple of steps (less
than a yd/m) Combat At a Glance
Using a Skill to identify a creature
Physical Combat
Simple Actions include: 1. Initiative Tests make a Test
Aim an attack using Awareness + Reaction.
Draw or put away a weapon The turn goes in order from
Dropping something highest to lowest.
Taking cover 2. Take Action each partici-
Move at Walking Speed pant can take one Free Ac-
Opening an unlocked door tion, one Simple Action, and
Reload most weapons one Involved Action each
Skill Tests that dont require full turn, resolving them in what-
attention ever order he wants.
Free actions are anything
Involved Actions include: that can be done quickly
Attack and with little concentra-
Break Away from Close Quarters tion.
Move at Running Speed Simple actions involve some
Skill Tests that do require full at- effort and take some time.
tention Involved actions generally
Reloading heavy weapons require that the Character
concentrate on the matter
3. Attacks at hand.
The solar system is a dangerous 3. Attacks To attack a target,
place and sometimes youll want to you must make a Test using
end something before it ends you. the appropriate Skill + Attri-
Attacking something requires three bute.
things: a weapon of some kind, some 4. Defenses To defend
skill with that weapon, and being in against an attack, make a Test
range to use the weapon. using Grace + Defense.
Chapter 7: Rules

Cover may provide you with

Youll find a list of weapons, with a number of bonus Dice for
their accompanying ranges, in Chap- your Test.
ter 8. 5. Determine Success or Failure
If the attackers total Suc-
To attack a target, you must make a cesses equals or exceed the
Test using the appropriate Skill + At- defenders, he hits.

4. Defenses
Unless an attack is from surprise, ev- Cover
ery Character gets to defend against In order to survive real firefights,
every attack that comes at him. To do particularly those that involve auto-
so, make a Test using Grace + Defense. matic weapons or especially deadly

creatures, youll need to utilize cover. do one additional die of damage ties
Each type of cover provides you with a do not yield additional damage. This
Bonus number of dice to your Defense total is reduced by the targets armor
Test against those from which it would (if any).
Chapter 7: Rules

protect you.
Youll find a list of weapons, with
Here are the different types of cover their accompanying ranges, in Chap-
and the Bonuses they give you: ter 8.

Cover Bonus If you are attacking with a close

quarters weapon, such as your fist, a
Diving and fighting prone +1 dagger, or the like, you can add one
Partial cover (from 25-60%) +2 more Bonus die of damage for every
Complete cover (from 61- +3 two points of your Physique.
Taking Wounds
Partial cover might include hiding Whenever something is hit in physi-
behind a short wall, a post or small cal combat, it takes a certain amount
tree of some kind, or furniture. Com- of damage. That damage is translated
plete cover might include ducking into wounds.
down behind a car or shooting from
behind a wall. Every Character (or monster) has a
Health Characteristic. He then has this
5. Determine Success or Failure number of points in each of the four
If the attackers total equals or beats Wound Levels: Bruised, Battered, Hurt,
the defenders total, he hits with the Incapacitated. If a Character takes
attack. more damage than four times his
Health, hes dead.
6. Doing Damage
Once youve hit an opponent, you Each Wound Level has its own pen-
get to roll to see how much damage alties that are applied to the Charac-
you do with your attack. Roll a number ter in question once he reaches that
of dice equal to the weapons dam- Wound Level, as shown in the table
age rating, along with Bonus dice that below.
come from your overall Success, and
add it all together. For each Success by The penalties associated with each
which you beat your opponent, you Wound Level apply to all Actions the

Wounds Penalties
Bruised -1 die Penalty to all Actions.
Battered -2 dice Penalty to all Actions.
Hurt -4 dice Penalty to all Actions; reduced to half Speed & Armor.
Incapacitated Character falls unconscious.
Character takes, whether in or out of
combat. They are not alleviated until
the Character is treated. Combat At a Glance
Armor Physical Combat
If youre wearing armor, it will re- 6. Doing Damage Roll a
duce the amount of damage you take number of dice of damage
from each attack for the most part. equal to the weapons rating.
When you take damage, immediately For each Success by which
reduce the amount of damage you you beat your opponent, you
take by its protection. However, armor do one additional die of dam-
has two levels of protection. It starts age.
at its maximum protection. Once Taking wounds Each Char-
youve taken enough damage to be acter has four Wound Lev-
Hurt, the amount of protection it of- els, each equal to a number
fers is cut in half. If you are reduced of points of damage equal
to Unconscious, your armor has been to his Health rating. Each
rendered useless. Wound Level has penalties
associated with it.
For example, a full suit of Warden Armor Reduce the amount
armor reduces damage by 10 points. of damage you take by the
Once you take enough damage to rating of your armor.
be Hurt, the protection of the armor Fate Points each Char-
drops to 5 points. If you take enough acter has one Fate Point,
damage to be rendered Unconscious, which can save from cer-
it wont provide anymore protection tain death. If spent to avoid
until it is repaired (or replaced). an incapacitating or killing
blow, that attacks damage
Fate Points is ignored and you imme-
Every Character has one Fate Point, diately heal another 3d6
which you can use to save your ba- worth of damage.
Chapter 7: Rules

con when it looks like your Charac- Healing Once hurt, you
ter is going to die. These are unique can heal Naturally, with
to Characters, as NPCs and monsters First Aid, or with Medical
dont get to use them. Fate Points can Attention.
be used in two ways. Naturally = 1 Health ev-
ery 2 Days.
The first way is to avoid certain First Aid = 2d6 Health im-
death (such as falling off a tall build- mediately, and 1 Health
ing or being flushed out an airlock). every day.
This will only work if you and your GM Medical Attention = 4d6
can work out a reasonably believable, Health immediately, and
if amazing, way that your Character 2 Health every day.
survives the experience. Your GM may
rule that you take some sort of dam-

age, though it cant be enough to inca- If you can receive full medical atten-
pacitate or kill your Character. tion by a qualified professional with
access to modern medical facilities,
The second way is to avoid a blow youll immediately heal 4d6 damage.
Chapter 7: Rules

that would render your Character un- Youll then heal at a rate of two points
conscious or dead. The Fate Point ne- of Health every day of game time.
gates the attack that would do this sort
of damage and treats it as if the attack Special Modifiers
missed completely. You also get to im-
mediately heal 3d6 points of Health, as Aiming
it looks like the wounds youve already Taking time to aim a projectile
suffered arent as bad as you thought. weapon is something you want to do
If this brings your Character from Hurt when you have the freedom to do
or Unconscious, it also brings his ar- so, because if anything happens to
mor back to the appropriate level of disrupt your Character while aiming
effectiveness it too was not as badly he loses all benefit. Otherwise, any
damaged as you thought. Character who spends a simple Action
aiming gets one free Success on his
All Characters begin with one Fate next attack. If you spend two simple
Point. Once a Fate Point is spent, you Actions on two successive turns, he
get it back the game session after gets two free Successes on his next
next. Youll be without one for one attack. However, if he is hurt between
complete session, so be careful. the time he takes to aim and when he
makes the attack, the bonus is lost.
Once your Character has been hurt, Automatic Weapons
there are three ways in which he can Some weapons are designed to
heal Naturally, with First Aid, or with fire at a high rate of fire. If youre fir-
complete Medical Attention. Medical ing on single shot with an automatic
advances have made it so that people weapon, resolve the attack as normal.
can heal at much greater rates than to- When firing on automatic, your attack
day, but healing naturally still takes a requires one more Success than usual,
painfully long amount of time. but you add the weapons Auto value
as a number of damage dice. The Auto
If you have no other choice than value will also tell you the number of
to heal naturally, youll get back one rounds firing on auto consumes in
point of Health every two days of general, it will be about half of a full
game time. clip.
If you can be tended to by someone Charging
who knows first aid and has access If you can reach an enemy with
to a fully-stocked modern first aid kit, your maximum Run Speed using an
youll immediately heal 2d6 damage. Involved Action this turn, you may
Youll then heal at a rate of one point charge him. This gives you a free at-
of Health every day of game time.
tack at a -1 die Penalty, but if suc-
cessful will do one extra die worth of
damage. This applies to attacks that Combat At a Glance
are unarmed or using hand weapons
only guns do not gain benefit from Aiming One simple action
charging. gives you one free Success
on next attack, as long as not
Epic Fails disrupted. Two over two turns
There will be times that you roll an gives two free Successes, and
Epic Fail during combat. If you roll an three over three turns give
Epic Fail for your Defense Test, your three free Successes.
Defense is treated as if it were 0 for Automatic Weapons At-
the turn. If you roll an Epic Fail for your tacks require one more Suc-
attack, your attack not only fails, you cess than usual, but you add
also somehow mess up your weapon the weapons Auto value as a
in such a way that you cant attack number of damage dice.
with it for the rest of this combat. Charging If you can reach an
enemy at Run Speed, you at-
Escaping Close Quarters Combat tack at a -1 Die penalty. If you
When youre already engaged in hit, you do one extra die of
close quarters combat, it isnt so easy damage.
to get away. If you try to break away, Epic Fails If defending, your
you must engage in a Grace Contest Defense equals 0. If attacking,
with each other combatant. This is an your attack not only fails, it
Involved Action. If you win, you can messes up your weapon so it
move your Run Speed away. Other- is useless this combat.
wise, youve wasted your Involved Ac- Escaping Close Quarters Com-
tion for the Turn and must stay in the bat To break away from
combat. close quarter combat, engage
in a Grace Contest with each
Ganging Up combatant. If you win, move
Chapter 7: Rules

Sometimes youll either be sur- Run Speed away.

rounded by foes, or you and your Ganging Up If two combat-
allies will close in on a particular en- ants surround an enemy, each
emy. If two combatants surround an get a bonus of one free Suc-
enemy, they each get a bonus of one cess. Three or four is two free.
free Success to their attacks; if three or Guns in Close Quarters You
four combatants surround an enemy, can use handguns at a -1 Die
they each get a bonus of two free Suc- penalty.
cesses to their attacks. Obscured Targets Partially
obscuring is a -1 die Penalty,
Guns in Close Quarters truly obscuring is at a -2 die
Once an enemy closes to close Penalty.
quarters, you would normally choose
to use your hand-to-hand combat or

hand weapons skills. However, you cially small targets will be one level of
can still use your handguns, but at a -1 Difficulty higher, while especially large
die Penalty to your attacks. targets are one level of Difficulty lower.
In any case, your GM will let you know.
Chapter 7: Rules

Obscured Targets
Naturally, attacking a target nor- Suppressive Fire
mally requires a clear line of sight be- There may be situations in which
tween you and it. However, there will youll want to fill an area full of bul-
be times when youll want to do some- lets to slow your opponents down,
thing in obscuring conditions, wheth- instead of trying to harm them. Auto-
er they be in smoke, fog, darkness, or matic weapons are the most effective
something similar. If the conditions in these situations, but any gun will do.
make sight difficult (partially obscur-
ing), such as light fog or dusk, you suf- Your attack will encompass a 45 arc
fer a -1 die Penalty to those Actions in any direction. To accomplish this,
that require sight. On the other hand, you must succeed at an Average Guns
if the conditions are truly obscuring, Test. All combatants that are moving
like in heavy smoke or darkness, the through the field of fire must succeed
Test Penalty increases to -2 dice, but at an Average Defense Test, or take
again only for Actions requiring sight. damage equal to one round from the
gun with no bonus damage. Regard-
Shooting Into Combat less, if you succeed, all combatants
If you choose to shoot at an enemy must slow their advance.
that is embroiled in close quarters
combat with another ally or other- The amount combatants in that area
wise they each need to make a De- are slowed is shown by the following
fense Test against your attack. If either table, depending upon whether or
misses, they are hit by the attack. not youre using an automatic weapon
and whether the area is open area with
Static Targets lots of room to move, or if it is confined
Sometimes youll want to shoot at with little room to maneuver.
something that isnt alive. Taking a
shot at a static target is a shot against a Suppressive Fire Amount Slowed
regular Difficulty instead of a Contest.
Auto Open 50%
Auto Confined 75%
Range Difficulty
Semi Open 25%
Short Easy
Semi Confined 50%
Medium Average
Long Hard Surprise
Extreme Incredibly Hard Sometimes, a defender will be com-
pletely unaware that they are about to
This Difficulty may be modified by be attacked. If this is the case, the de-
the size of the target. In general, espe- fender does not get to make a Defense
Test against that attack. As long as the
attackers Test yields one Success, it
will hit and do damage treating ev-
Combat At a Glance
ery Success as bonus damage.
Shooting Into Combat All en-
emies in close quarters com-
Two-Handed Attacks
bat must make a Defense Test
If you are skilled with a weapon
against your attack.
(have at least a rating of 1 in the ap-
Static Targets Shooting
propriate skill), you may be able to use
something at Short range is
two of that weapon at the same time.
Easy Difficulty, at Medium is
Naturally, the weapons in question
Average, at Long is Hard, and
must be the kind of weapons a person
Extreme is Incredibly Hard.
can use two of at the same time. Dag-
Suppressive Fire All combat-
gers make sense, as do handguns, but
ants moving through your 45
shotguns or machine guns do not.
arc must succeed at an Aver-
age Defense Test or take dam-
If you can wield two weapons at the
age equal to one round with
same time, you can attack with both
no bonus damage. You must
of them in the same turn for an In-
succeed at an Average Guns
volved Action. Both attacks are made
Test. Enemies slowed by an
at a -1 die Penalty.
amount shown on opposite
Social Combat Two-Handed Attacks Attack
with two weapons at the
There will be times when youll
same time at a -1 die Penalty.
want to try to enforce your will on an-
other person, or when someone else
will try to force their will onto you.
Social combat involves pitting social have a certain way, within certain
skills against each other to see whose boundaries:
social pressure prevails.
Chapter 7: Rules

Friendly characters are nice, open,

Everyone you face will have one of and helpful, in general.
four attitudes toward you Friendly, Ambivalent characters dont feel
Ambivalent, Unfriendly, or Hostile. So- one way or the other. Theyll be
cial combat affects each of these atti- polite or cordial, but may or may
tudes differently. Your GM will let you not be helpful.
know what a Characters or NPCs at- Unfriendly characters are rude,
titude is when it becomes important. closed off, unhelpful or simply
Just as in real life, most people in nor- scared in general.
mal circumstances will be ambivalent Hostile characters actively seek to
toward you. cause harm or are freaked out.

Each of the four attitudes means There are six social skills and each
that the person in question will be- provides a different type of result:

Deception allows you to spin false- Attitude Skills Requiring
hoods and make people believe Contests
whatever you want them to be-
lieve. Friendly Deception, Intimida-
Chapter 7: Rules

Fraternize allows you to seamless- tion, Seduction (if not

ly blend into casual social situa- predisposed)
tions without arousing suspicion, Ambivalent Deception, Intimida-
avoiding awkward situations. tion, Persuade, Se-
Intimidation allows you to cow duction (if not predis-
someone else into giving you posed)
what you want. Unfriendly All
Persuade allows you to convince
Hostile All
someone of something, whether
its a point of view or a course of
action. Exchanges
Savoir Faire allows you to seam- Social combat is divided up into Ex-
lessly blend into formal social situ- changes, instead of turns. Exchanges,
ations and to negotiate. unlike turns, are much more fluid and
Seduction allows you to manipu- take as much time as is realistically
late members of the opposite sex needed. During an exchange, each
with promises of sexual congress, party gets to take their social action.
spoken or unspoken. There is no initiative or turn order in
an exchange all actions occur simul-
Which skills you can use depends taneously.
upon the targets attitude:
1. Choose Your Desired Effect
Attitude Social Skills Your first step will be to determine
what skill you can and will use, and
Friendly All what you want your desired outcome
Ambivalent All to be. Make that test, using the appro-
Unfriendly All, except Fraternize priate Skill + Attribute.
Hostile Only Deception or
2. Insight
Whenever someone is trying to ma-
nipulate someone else, the defending
Character makes a Test using Perse-
Which skills require Contests also
verance + Insight. If you equal or beat
depends upon the targets attitude.
your opponents Insight total, then
Any social skill you are allowed to use
you get to wear down his will.
is likely to have the immediately de-
sired effect, as long as the intent is not
3. Shift Attitude
Once youve overcome a persons
psychological defenses, you get to
shift their Attitude one step closer
to pliability. If the person is already
Friendly or Ambivalent, then go to
Step 4 whatever it it you were trying Combat At a Glance
to do succeeds, within reason. If the
target was hostile, they move to Un- Social Combat
friendly, and if Unfriendly, they move Everyone you face will have
to Ambivalent. Once a target is Am- one of four attitudes towards
bivalent, one more successful Test will you Friendly, Ambivalent,
yield results. If you choose to spend Unfriendly, or Hostile.
further Exchanges to increase your Friendly characters are gen-
targets Attitude to Friendly, then the erally open and helpful.
results will be more to your liking. Ambivalent characters gen-
erally dont feel one way or
4. Determine Effect the other.
Once youve won enough Contests Unfriendly characters are
to shift your opponents Attitude to generally closed off and
Ambivalent, your GM will determine unhelpful.
what sort of effect youve had. Ob- Hostile characters generally
viously, moving someone from un- seek to cause harm.
friendly to ambivalent using seduc- There are six social skills that
tion wont yet produce the desired affect interactions Decep-
result, but youre one step closer. It tion, Fraternize, Intimidation,
should be obvious what attitude a Persuade, Savoir Faire, and
person will need in order to do what it Seduction.
is youre trying to do Ambivalent in Which skills you can use de-
many cases, through Friendly in oth- pends upon the targets at-
ers. If a Character spends the time to titude.
move a targets Attitude to Friendly,
even though only Ambivalent would Exchanges
have been necessary, then the GM 1. Choose Your Desired Effect
will determine the more favorable Determine which skill you can
result that has been produced by the and will you use.
Chapter 7: Rules

extra work. 2. Insight Defend using Per-

severance + Insight.
Once each person who has chosen 3. Shift Attitude If you win,
to be a part of the Exchange gets to shift Attitude one step closer
go, then a new Exchange begins until to your desire effect.
it is over. 4. Determine Effect Your GM
determines the effect of the
Determining Attitude Attitude shift, if any.
As a player, when you enter a social
situation where your Attitude may
be required for Social Combat, you wards the people in question. Please
should work with your GM to deter- be realistic when doing this its un-
mine what your likely Attitude is to- likely your Character is going to be

Unfriendly or Hostile towards every- question remains pretty much the
one, just so you get the rules benefit of same, unless something happens that
them having to work harder to manip- would change your opinion about
Chapter 7: Rules

ulate him. Most people in life are sim- him. People dont tend to walk away
ply Ambivalent to one another, unless from social situations and immedi-
there is a personal connection, social ately question how they feel about the
circumstance, or prejudice involved. other people involved, unless neurosis
is in play.
Epic Fails
There will be times that you roll an Stalemate
Epic Fail during social combat. If you Social situations can end in stale-
roll an Epic Fail for your Insight test, mates, where neither party is ready to
you simply fail in your defense. if you give in to the other. This occurs if, dur-
roll an Epic Fail for your Desired Effect, ing the same Exchange, both parties
your social attack not only fails, you shift each others Attitudes to Friendly.
give your opponent a +2 die bonus Both parties realize that theyre not
to his social actions against you this going to be able to outdo the other
Exchange or next turn if hes already or that they have no desire to ma-
gone. nipulate the other person and the
exchange ends. They cannot continue
Recovery social combat unless something hap-
Once youve ended an Exchange, pens to change their Attitudes about
your Attitude towards the person in one another.

4G Board Meeting
Intimidation & Torture
The use of the Intimidation skill is a Combat At a Glance
little different, in that it pretty much
cant shift a persons Attitude to Am- Social Combat
bivalent or Friendly in the conven- Epic Fails On Insight Test,
tional way. After all, you are somehow equals a fail in defense. For
browbeating, threatening, or outright Desired Effect, attempt fails
causing physical pain to another per- and the opponent now gains
son to force them to take a course of +2 die Bonus for this Ex-
action you desire them to take. When change.
a person who is being intimidated Recovery Once Exchange is
or tortured reaches Ambivalent, over your Attitude remains
they will do something that they are the same, unless something
against, but that doesnt have ter- happens to change opinion.
rible consequences. When that same Stalemate If both parties
person reaches Friendly, they will do shift each others Attitudes to
whatever it is you wanted them to do Friendly, the Exchange ends.
out of fear. Additionally, you gain +1 Intimidation & Torture When
die bonus to such Contests for every shifted to Ambivalent, sub-
die of damage you do when torturing ject will do something they
a person during an Exchange. are against. At Friendly, they
will do anything. You get +1
die to Contests for every die
Physical Feats of damage you do.
Sometimes it will be important to
know some of your Characters physi- Physical Feats At a Glance
cal boundaries. Here are a few ad-
ditional rules to help you determine Climbing One third Speed.
them. Endurance There is a limit
to how far a Character can go,
Chapter 7: Rules

Climbing including walking, running,

A Character can climb at a maxi- swimming, climbing, and
mum speed equal to a third of his combat. See the rules starting
maximum land speed. The Difficulty on this page for specifics.
of this climb may be affected by the
surface and environmental condi-
tions, like wind or rain.
also run at half their maximum speed
Endurance for a number of hours equal to twice
Every Character has a limit to how their Perseverance or at full speed for
far he can go. Characters can walk a number of hours equal to their Per-
for a number of days equal to their severance. Swimming and climbing
twice their Perseverance, before they are more difficult and Characters can
have to take time to rest. They can swim or climb at half their maximum

speed for a number of hours equal to Movement
their Perseverance or at full speed for The quality of terrain limits the max-
a number of hours equal to a half their imum speed at which a Character may
Chapter 7: Rules

Perseverance (round down). They can move. Difficult terrain, such as sand,
maintain strenuous physical activity or limits speed to half of maximum and
combat for a number of minutes equal Severe terrain, such as dense jungle or
to twice their Perseverance and can mud, limits it to a quarter.
stay awake for a number of days equal
to half their Perseverance (round
A Characters maximum swimming
speed is one-third his land speed, as-
When Characters reach these limits,
suming that the Character knows how
they must rest. Your GM will tell you
to swim. Conditions, such as waves
for how long, but any Action you try to
and currents, also affect how difficult
take while exhausted is at a -2 die Test
it is for a Character to swim.

Jumping Throwing
Characters can throw reasonably
Characters can jump a yard/meter
light objects ten yards/meter for every
across and a foot/30 cm high for every
point of Physique.
point of Physique.

Lifting Survival
Characters can lift 100 pounds/45
kg and carry half that for every point
Environmental Hazards
of Physique. Mass, size, grip, and other
It wont always be horrible creatures
conditions affect how easily some-
or small arms fire that hurt your Char-
thing can be lifted or carried.
acter. Environmental hazards includ-
ing burning, drowning, or falling are

Damage Environmental Conditions

2 dice/turn Hazardous conditions; exposure to the environment seriously af-
fects your Characters health.
4 dice/turn Very dangerous conditions; exposure to the environment for more
than a few moments will seriously affect your Characters health.
8 dice/turn Life threatening conditions; exposure to the environment for even a
couple seconds will cause your Character severe damage and may
cost him his life.
12 dice/turn Extremely life-threatening conditions; if your Character does not
find a way out of the environment very quickly a swift death is in
the post.
just as real a danger. When your Char-
acter finds himself in such danger, Physical Feats At a Glance
your GM will determine how much
damage you suffer based on condi- Jumping One yard/meter
tions. Armor may protect against across and one foot/30 cm
some things just use your common high per point of Physique.
sense. Here are a few of the most Lifting Though other factors
common kinds. apply, in general 100 lbs/45
kg per point of Physique.
Crushing Movement Difficult terrain
Crushing all depends upon how halves Speed, severe terrain
much of the Characters body is being reduces to one quarter.
crushed and by what. If only a part Swimming One-third Speed.
of his body is being crushed or the Throwing Ten yards/meters
weight isnt obscene, the situation per point of Physique for light
might call for two or four dice of dam- objects.
age per turn. Having a shuttle land on
you is worth twelve dice per turn.
Survival At a Glance
Not being able to breathe is always Environmental Hazards
life-threatening, causing eight or Damage Dangerous condi-
twelve dice per turn. This is applied tions will cause a Character to
only once a Character has run out of take from between two and
air in his lungs usually 30 seconds to twelve dice of damage per
one minute. turn.
Crushing Total damage de-
Explosive Decompression pends on how much is being
Characters have ten seconds to do crushed and what is crushing.
something once theyve been ex- Drowning/Suffocation After
posed to the vacuum of space. After 30 seconds to one minute,
Chapter 7: Rules

that, they take twelve dice of damage damage is eight or twelve

per turn. If theyre lucky, theyll sur- dice per turn.
vive about 30 seconds. Explosive Decompression Af-
ter ten seconds, damage is
Falling twelve dice per turn.
The damage that comes from fall- Falling Normally, damage is
ing depends on how far the Charac- four dice for every five yards/
ter falls and onto what. Normally your meters of fall.
Character will take four dice of dam- Fire/Heat/Smoke Individual-
age for every five yards/meters he ly, damage is two or four dice
falls, adjusted up or down based on per turn. Together, eight dice.
the landing surface. Radiation Poisoning See
rules on the next page.

Fire/Heat/Smoke going to be rare at best, this may work
Individually these conditions might best for everyone.
not be immediately lethal, only caus-
ing two or four dice per turn. However Exotic Atmospheres
Chapter 7: Rules

if all conditions are present, such as

if your Character is trapped inside a and Environments
burning ship, it becomes an extremely Across the solar system, there are a
life-threatening situation. wide variety of atmospheres and lev-
els of gravity. These highly variable en-
Radiation Poisoning vironments can have a distinct affect
There are many places in the solar on the way Characters function. Oper-
system where exposure to high levels ating in the almost livable atmosphere
of radiation is a concern. Most of the of the partially terraformed Mars is a
Galilean Moons are excellent exam- far cry from taking a stroll across the
ples. However, people travel in radia- desert plains of Venus. The following
tion shielded vehicles or in radiation rules can be used to help simulate
shielded suits that protect them, so it some of the difficulties when operat-
is unlikely youll have to deal with the ing in these dangerous environments.
effects of radiation. On the other hand,
it could happen, so here are some Exotic Atmospheres
guidelines for you to use. There are a whole host of different
atmospheres across the solar system.
Radiation is measured in rems. Some are relatively benign and for-
Mild doses of radiation, those under giving, while others will kill a man in
100 rems, wont cause any noticeable a matter of seconds. To simplify things
damage. Medium doses, in the 100 to an extent, all atmospheres are split
to 200 rem range, can make a person into one of several categories, each of
sick. High doses are in the 200 to 1000 which is discussed below.
rem range, and cause serious illness.
The higher the rem, the more likely it Earth-like
will be fatal. Cancer is likely in most of This is the standard atmosphere one
the range. Lethal doses are those high- would find on Earth or within a colony
er than 1000 rem. There are other fac- or station with a properly functioning
tors to keep in mind, of course. Length environmental processor. There is no
of exposure is an important factor, but special gear necessary in this sort of
radiation does its work quickly. Layers environment.
of protection are also a factor, as is the
source of said radiation. Near-Earth
Mars has been in the process of
You may want to avoid giving char- being terraformed for decades. As a
acters cancer, since it can be an ugly result, the atmosphere has started to
and prolonged disease you may wish approach a point that is habitable.
to rule that significantly high doses of However, it still has several decades
radiation are simply lethal, even with a to go before it will truly be a habit-
lingering death. Since such events are able planet. A person can survive un-
protected on the surface of Mars for
several hours, so long as he does not Survival At a Glance
exert himself. With a simple breathing
mask, this period can be extended in- Exotic Atmospheres
definitely. Space stations and colonies Near-Earth Exertion without
with severely damaged environmen- breathing mask requires Av-
tal systems can also fall under this cat- erage Perseverance Test each
egory of atmosphere. turn. Failure equals no action
and half Speed. Failure three
If exerting oneself in a Near-Earth times equals unconscious-
type of atmosphere, a Character must ness.
make an Average Perseverance Attri- Non-Toxic Exotic Atmospheres
bute Test each turn. Failure results in Without oxygen, will fall
the Character being unable to do any- unconscious in twice Per-
thing more than move half his normal severance in turns. Exertion
rate, as he tries to catch his breath. If requires Average Persever-
this Test is failed three turns in a row, ance Test or unconsciousness.
the Character falls unconscious and Unconscious Characters suf-
can only be revived once a sufficient focate in two times Persever-
supply of oxygen has been provided. ance in turns.
Toxic Exotic Atmospheres
Non-Toxic Exotic Atmospheres Without oxygen, requires an
This sort of atmosphere lacks a suf- Average Perseverance Test
ficient supply of oxygen for a human per turn not to die. Holding
to survive. However, it is not immedi- breathe is only way to survive.
ately toxic either. An oxygen supply is
absolutely vital for any Character to
operate in this sort of environment.
into a coughing fit, as the body tries
A Character without an indepen- to purge itself. No Character should
dent supply of oxygen will fall un- ever even consider trying to operate
Chapter 7: Rules

conscious in a number of turns equal without an independent source of

twice his Perseverance. If attempting oxygen.
to exert himself, a Character must
make an Average Perseverance Attri- If a Character has no source of oxy-
bute Test. Failure means the Character gen, he must succeed at an Average
has fallen unconscious. Once uncon- Perseverance Attribute Test each turn
scious, the Character can survive an- or outright die. A Character can hold
other number of turns equal to twice his breath for a number of turns equal
his Perseverance. After this point, he to quadruple his Perseverance if he is
will have suffocated to death. doing nothing more strenuous than
walking. Doing anything more strenu-
Toxic Exotic Atmospheres ous than this will limit the number of
These atmospheres are poisonous. turns he can hold his breath to half
Merely catching a whiff will send one that.

Exotic Environments ward at half his normal speed and will
Beyond the composition of the at- freeze to death in a number of turns
mosphere, the overall environment equal to his Perseverance.
Chapter 7: Rules

can also have a significant effect on

the way Characters operate. In many Super-Heated
cases, the environment itself will re- These are hot, super-heated atmo-
quire more than just a breathing mask. spheres that are oven-like. Stepping
into this sort of environment will result
Temperate in severe and debilitating burns within
This is considered normal for hu- seconds. Each turn exposed to these
mans and they can operate without temperatures, the Character will suf-
anything fancier than some winter fer four dice of damage. This damage
gear or sun screen if even that is nec- cannot be mitigated by armor or other
essary. conventional means. In addition, the
Character will suffer long-term burns
Arctic that will impose a -2 die Test Penalty to
Arctic environments are those all actions until they are healed.
which average temperatures are less
than zero degrees Fahrenheit. A Char- Gravity
acter will need to wear an environ- Very few places in the solar system
mental suit or risk freezing to death. provide the type of gravity to which
Each turn a Character is exposed to an humans are accustomed. Whether it
arctic environment, he must make an be outside the gravity ring of a space-
Average Perseverance Attribute Test. ship or on the surface of a Jovian
Failure causes a -1 die Test Penalty to moon, gravity other than 1G will affect
all activities, physical or mental, until the way Characters act.
the Character can get warmed up. This
Test Penalty is cumulative with each Low Gravity
failure. When the total number of fail- Within our solar system, there are
ures equals twice the Perseverance of three classifications of planetary grav-
the Character, he will lose conscious- ity. Moderately low gravity planets are
ness and freeze to death in a number those that hover around 0.9G, such as
of turns equal to four times his Perse- Venus or Uranus. Low gravity planets
verance. are those that hover around 0.4G, such
as Mercury and Mars. Extremely low
Super-Cold gravity planets are those that hover
This environment is so cold (-100 de- around 0.15G, such as Callisto, Europa,
grees Fahrenheit or less) that merely Ganymede, Io, and Titan.
being exposed to it for a few moments
can result in severe frostbite. A Char- When on moderately low gravity
acter cannot operate in a super-cold planets, Characters lift and carry 10%
situation at all without wearing an more, jump and throw 10% further,
environmental suit. If exposed to a su- move and climb 10% faster, and can
per-cold clime, the Character cannot endure 10% more (with the exception
do anything more than stagger for- of sleep deprivation).
When on low gravity planets, Char-
acters lift and carry 50% more, jump Survival At a Glance
and throw 50% further, move and
climb 50% faster, and can endure 50% Exotic Environments
more (with the exception of sleep de- Temperate Basic survival
privation). gear may be required.
Arctic Without proper sur-
When on extremely low gravity vival gear, must make an
planets, Characters lift and carry twice Average Perseverance Test
as much, jump and throw twice as far, or suffer -1 die to all actions.
move and climb twice as fast, and can Penalty is cumulative with
endure twice as much (with the ex- each failure. If total failures
ception of sleep deprivation). equals twice Perseverance,
unconsciousness results. Will
The Saturnine moon of Enceladus freeze to death in four times
has such low gravity that it should be Perseverance in turns.
treated as zero gravity. Super-Cold Without protec-
tion, can only stagger at half
High Gravity Speed and will die in a num-
There are few places in the solar ber of turns equal to Persever-
system where Characters are going ance.
to experience gravity higher than 1G. Super-Heated Without pro-
The surface of Neptune is 1.14G, and tection, each turn yields four
if one were to go towards the core of dice of damage. Long-term
Jupiter and Saturn gravity would dra- burns impose -2 die Penalty
matically increase. to actions.

When on Neptune, Characters lift Gravity

and carry 10% less, jump and throw Low Gravity At around 0.9G,
10% less far, move and climb 10% Characters lift, carry, jump,
Chapter 7: Rules

slower, and can endure 10% less (with throw, move, climb, and en-
the exception of sleep deprivation). dure an increased 10%, at
around 0.4G an increased
When approaching the core of Jupi- 50%, and at around 0.15G,
ter or Saturn, Characters lift and carry twice as much.
half as much, jump and throw half as High Gravity At around
far, move and climb half as fast, and 1.14G, Characters lift, carry,
can endure half as much (with the ex- jump, throw, move, climb,
ception of sleep deprivation). and endure a decreased 10%.

Zero Gravity
In zero or microgravity, such as in
space or one smaller asteroids, moons,
or dwarf planets, Characters can have have lines and hand-holds to help
a difficult time moving around. Ships people move around, but anyone

who wants to get around well must be Look What I Found
trained in the Freefall Skill. 1 Tension Point
You can spend one Tension Point in
Chapter 7: Rules

Normally, a Characters Speed is order to find an item that is particu-

halved and he suffers a -2 die Pen- larly needed, such as a box of ammo,
alty to any Tests associated with get- a first aid kit, a flashlight, food, or the
ting around or even manual dexterity like. This item must be something that
(things float around, too). Energized is relatively common and appropriate
deck plates and objects designed to for the setting in which it is found.
interact with them halve these penal-
ties. Force GM Re-Roll
2 Tension Points
Any type of movement also requires For two Tension Points, you can
a surface from which the Character force the GM to re-roll any roll and
can push off. If the Character finds take the worst result. You can do this
himself in an awkward position or fails multiple times and choose from mul-
to get to his destination for whatever tiple results for one single roll.
reason, he can spin out of control.
Get a Clue
In most situations, success at an 2 Tension Points
Average Freefall Skill Test will negate If your group has gotten off track, is
these penalties. lost, or is in need of critical information
they didnt get at the appropriate time,
Tension Points you can spend two Tension Points and
As a group, you and your fellow your GM will give you the information
players have access to a pool of Ten- you need.
sion Points each time you sit down
to play. These Tension Points are very Help From An Ally
important, as they allow you to affect 2 Tension Points
the game in beneficial ways when you If there is a plausible explanation for
really need the help. For an average how a Character, either another play-
four-hour session, youll usually have a ers or an NPC, can immediately come
pool of five Tension Points. to your aid in a time of peril, two Ten-
sion Points can make that happen.
You can spend them for one of five
benefits, with varying costs. Extra Fate Point
3 Tension Points
Re-Roll One Roll If your Character is out of Fate Points,
1 Tension Point you can spend three Tension Points to
By spending one Tension Point, you instantly buy and spend one.
can immediately roll again and take
the better result. You can do this mul- To spend Tension Points, the major-
tiple times and choose from multiple ity of the group must be in agreement.
results for one single roll. However, theres always a catch. Each
time you spend a Tension Point, the
GM gets it. As he accumulates Tension Survival At a Glance
Points from your expenditures, he can
save them and spend them in ways Gravity
that will be detrimental to you and Zero Gravity Normally,
your fellow players. Thats why theyre Speed is halved and Charac-
called Tension Points they build the ters suffer -2 die Penalty to
tension. Youll only want to use them moving or manual dexterity.
when you really need them, as each Energized objects halve these
one carries a price for its use. penalties. Movement also re-
quires a surface from which
Tension Points do not carry over to push off. Normally, an Av-
from session to session for players. erage Freefall Test will negate
Any that are unspent at the end of a these penalties.
session are lost.
Tension Points At a Glance

Normally, for a four-hour ses-

sion, you get five Tension
Points to spend as a group.
One Tension Point allows
you to re-roll one roll or find
something that is particularly
Two Tension Points allows you
to force the GM to re-roll one
roll, to get a clue you need, or
get help from an ally when in
Three Tension Points allows
you to get an extra Fate Point.
Chapter 7: Rules

Expenditure requires majority

Spent Tension Points go to
the GM, who will spend them
to hamper you later in the

D Spin Control
Captain Percy Aniston blinked Reaching out in front of him, he
his eyes several times, trying to get touched the frosted glass. Lights
them to focus. It was always this way inside the couch slowly brightened,
when he woke up from A/D stasis giving his disused eyes enough time
that period of time when youre put to adjust. Once the light inside of the
under and locked away in a protec- couch was normalized with the room
tive gel that keeps your body from outside, the door hissed and popped
being crushed by the massive forces open, sliding back into a recess in
generated when the Transit Drives the couch. Designers seem to put
kick in. Anyone outside a grav couch these couches upright for reasons
wouldnt survive; the crew would only Captain Aniston could never really
find a pulpy mess left behind. Percy understand, but at least it made for
140 had seen the effects before usu-
ally on rats that managed to stow
an easy exit. No pulling yourself up
using tired and weakened limbs
away on a ship. you just walked right out. He stepped
out and onto the deck, but ended up
Holding his arm up, Percy tried to dancing back and forth, trying to
focus. Slowly, he started to see the keep them off the cold plating.
blur resolve into a hand. Admittedly,
it was kind of gross-looking, covered Mother the least you could do
in the remnants of the blue-green is warm the floor up for me, Doc,
gel hed been cocooned in for the complained Percy. He looked over
last week. His skin was now tem- at Doctor Curtis Spence, who was
porarily stained a nasty color and scanning readouts on the flex panel
matching chunks still dripped off that was suspended from the ceiling
him. He closed his hand into a fist between the two. Glowing charac-
several times, then started on the ters slowly scrolled up the screen
ritual he had practiced dozens of as the Doctors eyes flicked back
times since hed first started deep- and forth, taking in the information.
system runs. Test the left arm, then He was an older man with the slight-
the right. Make sure your legs are ly portly body that tended to come
working. Curl your toes. Blink. Every- upon one as the decades passed by.
thing seemed to be fine. It wasnt Percy and he had been making the
like there was any real danger of Neptune run for almost ten years
losing function, but Percy was su- together now. Enough time with
perstitious and habits can be hard enough stuff in the past to make
to break. their relationship a little more than
just a friendship.

Awakening from A/D Stasis

Curtis looked up and smiled, Percy shot him a sour look as he

What, and miss your cute dance? padded over to the showers. It was
Youd think after ten years youd the same routine every time he
man-up and deal with it instead of woke up a private way the two re-
prancing around like a school-girl affirmed their bond before the rest
princess. of the crew stirred.
As he stepped into the shower, slower than it would in 1G. Howev-
Percy said, I feel a bit heavy. I think er, it meant that one didnt have to
Im getting old. worry much about tools and gear
floating away, which was important
You are getting old, but thats not in her line of work.
what your feeling. Seems the ring
is spinning about 2% faster than it Heya Cap. Doc tells me your
should, the Doctor reported, as the dance this time was especially
water started washing the gel off amusing. Anya smiled.
Percy frowned. Curtis had a habit
Ill get Anya to take a look at it of recording his first steps out of the
when she wakes up, replied Percy. grav couch and showing it to new
Anya Galperin was the ships chief crew members. He said it kept Per-
engineer. She had only been on this cy human in the eyes of his people.
run three times, but thus far Percy The Captain shot Anya a look, but
142 had nothing bad to say about the was greeted by her gleeful imitation
woman. She kept his ship running of what shed seen on the tape. It
in top shape, which is all one could was actually funny, so Percy couldnt
reasonably want when traveling this help but smile but just a little.
deep into the solar system. Emer-
gencies in deep space often meant If you are quite done, I need you to
death for those involved. lake a look at the rotational settings
on ring one, said the Captain.
Wake the crew, Doc. Im heading
to the bridge. Get Anya up first, said Anya stopped her dancing almost
Captain Aniston as he finally pulled immediately. As the engineer, this
on some warm socks. was the kind of thing she took very

Doc said something and I thought

About twenty minutes later, Anya I could feel it. Seems the deck
ducked under the lip of the bridge plates in the zero-G regions are fine
hatch, thankful for being able to walk though, she said, as she sat down at
in zero-gravity. Special magnetic the engineering station and brought
plates in her shoes and special fi- the flex panel to life. A schematic of
bers that ran through her clothing the Costello filled the screen with a
were attracted to others that were variety of readouts, showing the sta-
built into the deck of the ship, which tus of several key areas of the ship.
pulled her towards the deck. Every- Percy could see that a small area
thing on the ship that wasnt bolted glowed red near the power plant for
down was the same. Drop a pen and ring two. Before he could ask about
it will fall to the deck albeit a little it, Anya touched the area on the
screen and the schematic zoomed Cant you just reset them? the
in. Captain asked. His worry was start-
ing to show in his voice.
Looks like we took a micromete-
orite hit during acceleration. Noth- Already tried. The reset doesnt
ing to worry about though. It doesnt seem to be doing anything. Im go-
look like it was near anything criti- ing to need to go down there. I need
cal. Ill get it patched up later today, Jackson awake I may need anoth-
Anya reported, as she zoomed back er hand.
out. Moments later, she had focused
in on the rotational motors for ring Percy started to open a comm
one and frowned at what she saw. channel to the med bay when an
Percy could see nothing out of the alarm from the engineering panel
ordinary no tell-tale red or yellow stopped him.
glowing lines that usually indicated a
problem spot. What the hell? Both rings just

Im not seeing any problems with

jumped to six percent. I cant wait. I
need to get down there now. Anya
the ring one drives, Captain. Anya shot up from the chair just as Curtis
tapped a few keys on the board in voice came over the intercom.
front of her, opening several more
windows that appeared on the flex Hey Captain, I just felt a weird vi-
screen. You said the rings were bration through the floor and I can
running 2% too fast right? definitely feel the gravity here in-
creasing. Now Curtis sounded wor-
No, Curtis said that, but hes a ried, too if not a bit frightened.
doctor not an engineer. He could
have had the number wrong. Anyas on it. Get Jackson awake
and tell him to meet her in the ring
Not likely. You dont need to be drive room. She needs his help. Per-
an engineer to read a number on cy sat down at the engineering sta-
the screen. It shows its 3% above tion to keep an eye on the screen.
nominal now. Just a sec... She hit
more keys and looked at some new Hes showering now. Is this a seri-
information. This is weird. The ring ous problem? Curts asked.
started accelerating minutes after
the ship exited the A-Curve. A few Dont worry, Anyas on it, Percy
more key presses and her frown replied, putting more confidence in
deepened. Twenty minutes later, his voice than he felt. Even the small-
ring two started the same accel- est emergencies in deep space
eration. Both rings are still speeding were bad and he prayed this was
up. not going to become one.
tions. This was not normal. Looking
at the readout, he saw that the rings
Anya stopped by her quarters had just jumped to 10% above opti-
long enough to grab her gear, a por- mal. They were still accelerating and
table comp, some tools everything the rate at which they were doing so
she might need. Her mind was going was still increasing. Soon it was go-
over the programs and electronics ing to get a lot harder to move. Just
that controlled the rings rotational as he was about to buzz Anya, the
speeds, but she could not figure out comm beeped.
why they would be accelerating. It
just wasnt something that should We have a really big problem,
happen. She would understand it if Captain! Percy recognized the pan-
they were stopping altogether. That ic rising in her voice.
would be normal mechanical failure,
but not likely on her ship. For them I know. The rings just jumped in
to increase in speed someone would velocity again, Percy responded.
144 need...
Thats not the problem! Some-
Just as the thought was going body down here just shot me!
through her mind, a flash of move-
ment ahead caught her eye. At first, That was the last thing Percy ex-
she thought she had imagined it, but pected to hear. How could anyone
then she saw it again. A man peered besides his crew even be awake? All
around the open hatch ahead the the passengers were kept asleep on
hatch that led to the drive room for this long of a voyage it was easier
ring one. Before she could really pro- and cheaper that way.
cess the thought, he brought up a
pistol and aimed it right at her. Her Im betting this guy and the prob-
rusty naval instincts kicked in, but lem with the rings have something in
not soon enough. Anya cried out as common. Hold on I think I hear him.
the bullet ripped through her shoul- Ive got to get moving again. Percy
der. She fell backwards and rolled heard Anya groan in pain.
behind a support. For some reason,
it occurred to her that this was the Are you okay? How bad is it?
first time she had ever been shot. It
hurt like hell and she was leaking. Its just my shoulder, but it really
hurts. Be

Her response was cut short by

On the bridge, Percy felt an un- the sound of gunfire.
pleasant vibration through the deck.
He knew his ship inside and out, Anya! Anya! Are you okay? shout-
including all the sounds and vibra- ed the Captain.
Yeah, he was shooting out one of Why? Why are you doing this?
the control panels. The deck of the she shouted, panicked.
ship suddenly shuddered. Uh, how
fast are the rings turning now? The man laughed. Little girl, I am
but a harbinger of the truth. Human-
The Captain glanced at the read- ity is nothing more than a pestilence
out on the flex screen. It read 14%. that will soon be purged by the true
gods. They will purify existence and
He relayed the data. How fast can right all that is wrong. Only those of
they go before we have a problem? us who understand our place will
Not much more, she said. Ive
got to do something. His words were cut short by a
loud pop. Anya knew what that
Percy was about to tell her not to sound meant. She closed her eyes
take foolish risks, but Curtis inter- and prayed.
rupted. Jackson is heading out now.
Gravity in here is still increasing. Per-
cy, were in real trouble, arent we?
From the outside, if anyone had
been there to see it, the first grav-
ity ring of the Costello seemed to
The man with the gun had appar- have lost its center. It wobbled in
ently moved on, so Anya made a run a way the ship was not designed
for it. Ducking through the nearest to handle. The stresses of the un-
hatch, she found him there, ready to even spin snapped structural sup-
shoot out the last of the intact con- ports throughout the ship, tearing
trol panels. He looked like one of the them out and ripping holes in the
passengers. He saw her and smiled. hull. Atmosphere vented to space
as the rotating ring broke free. As
Im sure this all comes as a sur- it spun off into the void, one of the
prise to you, no? He turned to level rings spokes caught on the second
the gun at her, again. ring, and the whole thing started
over again. Within moments, the
Anya could only nod. remnants of the Costello were
scattered, tumbling through empty
I am sorry about your shoulder. I space, leaving nothing behind.
didnt mean to make you suffer.
The crews fate would not even be
And then he fired into the panel, a memory.
blowing it to smithereens. Anya
could hear the machinery strain
even harder.
8 Technology
The technological advances of the Custom Organs
last 150 years have enabled human- In days of old, if a persons organ
ity an unprecedented level of com- failed, either from disease or simply
fort, security, and convenience. Every due to age, there were only two op-
field has seen major leaps forward, tions: install an artificial version or
with each leap providing the seeds find a donor with a compatible spare.
needed for the next leap. In some Unfortunately, there was no guaran-
cases, advances in one field have ne- tee that the body would accept either
cessitated the need for advances in and, in the case of a donor organ, one
others. As medical technology has often had to wait until the donor had
improved and life spans have in- died. Today, a third and infinitely su-
creased, the Earth has become ever perior option exists.
more crowded, leading to the need
to expand beyond the boundaries of Using technology derived from
our home planet. This has led to nec- rapid-prototyping, organs that are ex-
essary advances in thermal dynamics, act duplicates of a patients own can
astrophysics, and materials sciences literally be printed in biological 3D.
needed to make the exploitation of The technology works in two steps.
the solar system truly commercially First, a biopsy of the organ in question
viable. Food sciences have created is taken from the patient. The genetic
breakthrough methods of growing structure of the organ is then inserted
food far from Earth. It is a cycle that into a special organic liquid called
has only increased in intensity as hu- bioreplicant gel. This gel absorbs and
manity seeks more ways to go beyond takes on the same genetic building
the normal limits Mother Nature origi- blocks as the patient, ensuring that
nally imposed upon the race. it is completely compatible and re-
duces the chance of the organ being
Medical Sciences rejected to zero. The organ in ques-
In the last century, the life expec- tion is then scanned by highly sensi-
tancy has radically increased, with an tive and precise scanners, building
average person now living for a little a three-dimensional model. Doctors
over 150 years. This has largely been can then look for any imperfections
a result of a number of major medical in the organ and correct them. Once
advances that have led to an ever- this is complete, the model is fed into
increasing understanding of the way a highly specialized rapid prototype
the human body works, and how to printer. The printer builds the organ
best combat the natural ravages that using the bioreplicant gel, one layer at
time inflicts upon it. While many in a time. When complete, an organ that
the medical field would like to point is an exact duplicate of the patients
to their own specialty as the leading own is ready to be surgically inserted.
factor in the improvement of the hu- The entire process, sans the surgery it-
man experience, it is a combination of self, takes less than 72 hours. The only
disciplines that have worked together organ that is unable to be recreated
to make this possible. in this manner is the brain, which is
far too complex for
such a procedure to

The capability of a
lizard to grow a new
tail after his old one
has been severed
or for a crab to re-
place a missing limb
that was torn off by
another predator
has long fascinated
medical research-
ers. However, it took
decades of research
before a true un-
derstanding of the
workings behind
those capabilities
was obtained. The
long hard work has
paid off, however,
and today it is possi-
ble, with significant
Modern Diagnostic Bed
help, for a victim of
an accident or other
trauma to replace a lost limb. Early versions of this therapy re-
quired the patient to stay in the hos-
Regenerative therapy, as the dis- pital throughout the process some-
cipline of regrowing lost limbs has thing that can take upwards of a year
come to be known, is not a perfect to complete. For many, it was simply
science and there are some for whom not a realistic option, as not many can
the therapy simply is not effective. afford to stay out of work for that kind
Even for those on whom it does work, of time. Today, the end of the stub is
the process is long and can require sealed in a small portable container,
dozens of visits to the hospital. The generally referred to as a tub, that
raw severed stub is submerged in a contains the regenerative bath, as
special bath that stimulates the cells well as the circulation and filtration
to slowly start to replace those that systems necessary for the procedure
are missing. In time, the missing limb to be successful. Every week, this tub
is slowly regenerated. is checked and adjusted by the super-

vising doctor to ensure the process is or deceleration phase. They protect
Chapter 8: Technology

proceeding correctly. anyone inside from the crushing forc-

es the ship undergoes during these
As with all biomedical technology, stages of a journey between planets.
regenerative therapy has its limits. Each couch is designed to support a
The candidate limb cannot have been single person. To be fully functional,
allowed to begin its own healing the couches must also be filled with
process. The human body is not pro- gravity gel, as described below.
grammed to regenerate its limbs, and
once the stub begins to heal the cells Gravity Gel
needed for the process are replaced Used in conjunction with a grav-
and the cellular memory required is ity couch, this gel cushions the body
lost. The stub also cannot have been while a spaceship is experiencing the
cauterized by any means the sev- tremendous forces encountered dur-
ered end must be raw. ing its acceleration and deceleration
phases. The gel is actually a two-part
For the patient, the regenerative polymer. One part is a greenish-col-
process is always accompanied by ored water-like liquid that fills the
some level of constant pain, as the couch once a subject is in it. This liq-
nerves are live. The regenerative bath uid makes the body naturally buoy-
does reduce this to a manageable ant and the subject will tend to float
level but, due to limitations in the in the middle of the couch. Once this
process, cannot completely negate it. is achieved, a powder is injected into
Live active nerves are a necessary part the water that turns the liquid into a
of the regeneration if the new limb is thick gel. At the end of the journey,
to be fully functional. a third liquid is injected into the gel
that slowly turns it back into a water-
Medical Tools like liquid that is then drained out of
The tools used by medical profes- the couch, freeing the person inside.
sionals have come a long way from More than a few people find the expe-
decades gone by. From high-tech rience of floating in a tube of thick gel
medical scanners to laser scalpels and to be claustrophobic and unpleasant.
sub-dermal monitors, the tools and
aides available make doctors from Computer Technology
previous times seem primitive and Since the late 20th century, comput-
almost cruel in comparison. Even the ers have been a common part of both
smallest clinics and med-bays have work and home life. They have also
an impressive array of tools to help seen some of the most frenzied de-
doctors and med-techs diagnose and velopment when compared to other
treat patients. technologies. For decades, the power
of computers was limited by the tech-
Gravity Couch nology behind them. Silicon wafers
Found on all interplanetary space- imprinted with the circuitry grew ever
ships, a gravity couch is used while smaller, until the point was reached
the ship is in either its acceleration that they simply could not be made
any smaller. Limitations of the materi- computers have reached the zenith
als, as well as heat problems, plagued of their development, as there hasnt
these early computers and such sys- been a new major breakthrough in al-
tems required significant cooling fans most two decades. Even so, there is no
and, in some cases, actual liquid cool- sign that optical computers are going
ing systems. In addition, with elec- to be vanishing anytime soon.
tricity providing the primary means
of transporting data, resistance in Modern Storage Media
the conducting materials limited the Modern computer systems can
speeds at which the processors could store and process massive amounts of
ultimately function. For a time, this data. When data needs to be moved
caused a stall in the advancement of from one system to another, it is most
computer. Multi-processor systems often done wirelessly but some-
came into being which helped to times this is either not possible or not
overcome this limitation, but this was advisable, most often due to security
more of a stop-gap while engineers concerns. When this is the case, mem-
puzzled over how to overcome the ory cubes are used instead.
barrier they had seemingly hit.
A memory cube is a small syn-
Optical Computer Systems thetic crystal cube roughly two cubic
Optical computers replaced elec- centimeters in size. Data is stored by
tricity as the transporting medium making slight alterations in the align-
with light. It took time to perfect the ments of the crystal matrix inside the
technology, but when it had been cube. Cubes are re-writable, though
achieved computers that were eas- the matrix eventually becomes un-
ily four times as powerful as the cur- stable. When this occurs, the cubes
rent leading edge systems quickly are designed to change from their
emerged. These systems not only ran normally bluish color to a red color.
much faster than their older counter- Cubes can be encrypted to a variety
parts, they nearly completely negated of keys, from basic entry codes to bio-
Chapter 8: Technology
the heat problem from which the tra- metric data keyed to a specific indi-
ditional processors suffered. vidual, group of specific users, or even
specific cube readers. Each cube can
Optical computer chip circuitry is store up to 1,000 terrabytes of data.
made of a light transmitting com-
pound. In the modern optical chip, Wrist Comps
each circuit is only a single molecule Wrist comp has become the univer-
in width. Each circuit is separated from sal name used for the small personal
its neighbor by a two molecule thick computers that nearly every person
insulating material. This allows for in- carries around with him today. These
credibly dense circuitry and powerful micro computers serve a wide variety
processors. With light being the data of functions, ranging from things as
conducting medium, it also makes simple as data organizers, gateways
these chips incredibly fast. However, to the internet, or games. This func-
most engineers agree that optical tionality is only dwarfed by the wide

variety of styles and looks in which of sizes, from small portables to mas-
they are available. For most people, sive wall-mounted screens. They can
Chapter 8: Technology

they are a natural part of life and have, maintain their rigid state for indefinite
for many, become the modern equiv- periods without compromising their
alent of a 21st century personal assis- flexible nature when powered down.
tant. So ubiquitous are wrist comps Images displayed on these monitors
that things like appointments, work can either be transparent enough to
schedules, and meetings are gener- allow one to gaze through them to
ally automatically uploaded into the whatever lies on the other side, or
owners scheduling software. can be rendered fully opaque. When
transparent, anyone on the opposite
Each wrist comp has a unique iden- side of the monitor will also see the
tifier created by the owner, that is images though any text will appear
also linked to a biometric signature. reversed from their point of view.
The pair exist not to simply lock out When opaque, the back of the moni-
the wrist comp from unauthorized tor is black.
access, but also to provide authoriza-
tion for automatic uploads from out- Work stations tend to have more
side sources. Owners can also provide permanent versions of flex screens.
limited access to their wrist comps by They are generally made of a thicker,
authorizing guest accounts. more robust material and are perma-
nently rigid. However, they also tend
Most wrist comps have a small to be large sometimes they will
screen integrated into them that a stretch the length of a room.
user can use. However, in general,
they transmit their data either to a All flex screens and related moni-
nearby flex screen or to a set of eye tors are touch sensitive, meaning that
bands that have been linked to the the user simply need touch an icon or
comp, either of which affords a larger piece of data to manipulate or access
view area. it in some way. Special gloves can also
be worn to further enhance the ability
Flex Screen to interact with the screen, allowing
Gone are the days when monitors one to virtually hold 3D representa-
were large monstrosities that took tions of items or data, rotate them,
up a significant portion of a persons move them, and so on. This technol-
desk. Today, monitors are made of a ogy has created a more natural work
flexible, normally transparent plastic environment and reduced injuries
that is stored in a small tube. When caused by repetitive actions that
one needs to utilize the monitor, the haunted computer users in decades
plastic is pulled out of the tube, much past.
like one pulls paper off a roll. When
fully extended, a small electrical The Internet
charge stiffens the plastic into a rigid The internet is a virtual representa-
sheet suitable for viewing anything tion of the electronic network that is
on. Flex monitors come in a variety so prevalent in colonized regions. Its
roots can be traced
back to the 20th cen-
tury, though, at that
time, the internet
was severely limited
when compared to
today upload and
download speeds
are now lightning
fast. A whole host
of devices, ranging
from wrist comps
to alarm systems
and powerful super
computers, exist on
the internet. All in-
ternet capable de-
vices can not only
access other similar-
ly capable devices,
but can also act as
a sort of repeater
beacon, automati-
cally passing data
back and forth to
other devices. This
function is gener- Modern Consumer Computing
ally separated from
the device itself, so
as not to compromise its security or
they do generally support the latter Chapter 8: Technology
especially when it comes to the enter-
burden its primary processor.
tainment libraries.
Nearly everywhere man has es-
tablished himself has some version Nanotechnology and
of the internet. On Earth, it is a per- Molecular Manufacturing
vasive virtual world that is taken for Nanotechnology has long been the
granted by most everyone. Mars also Holy Grail of scientists and research-
has an extensive internet. People can ers and there has been a significant
send e-mail from planet to planet. amount of progress in the field. For a
Spaceships tend to have their own long time researchers sought for ways
micro-internets, with the spaceships to create molecule-sized machines
computer acting as the hub. These that held promises that, to some, al-
smaller iterations of the internet are most seemed magical in nature. The
more about ease of communications ability to program and army of na-
than data storage and access, though nites to build objects at a molecular

level would give engineers an unprec- need to be able to get around. In the
Chapter 8: Technology

edented level of accuracy and preci- modern age, this is a relatively effort-
sion. Manufacturing technologies less affair, though the exact method
would change overnight if nanites of transport depends upon the loca-
were mastered. Unfortunately, while tion and environment.
the theory is sound, it has proven
much more difficult to execute in Personal Transport
practice. In addition, there have al- Ever since man started riding on
ways been those who fear the other horseback, owning a personal trans-
side of the nanite coin the ability to port of some sort was not just a sta-
disassemble things, or people, at the tus symbol, but for many a point of
molecular level. They could be ulti- pride. Today is no different. Unlike
mate assassination tools. For this, and years past, personal transport comes
other more practical reasons, research in both the ground and air varieties.
into this area has been slow and met
with a great many hurdles over the Despite what many old science-fic-
decades. However, this is not to say tion stories postulated, most planet-
that the research has been fruitless. based personal transport is still the
tried and true automobile. There are
The biggest benefactor of nanotech nearly as many automobile models as
research has been in the field of ma- there are types of people. The modern
terials engineering. Many of the most auto is similar in many ways to its an-
common building materials used in cestors. They have two to four wheels,
modern construction are engineered a steering wheel, lights, and so on.
at a molecular level to be stronger Modern autos do, however, have
and lighter than previously possible. many amenities that were not avail-
Building on successes that can be able in earlier years. The classic instru-
traced as far back as the early 21st ment panel has been replaced with a
century, engineers have created ar- heads-up system that projects all the
mored panels that literally merge into relevant data on the windshield or
one another creating a seamless ar- helmet faceplate as appropriate. Sen-
mored shell, intelligent carbon com- sors provide the operator constant
posites that can stitch themselves updates on what is around him, re-
back together after suffering dam- ducing the chances of accidents. Au-
age, and multi-state materials that tomated systems take control when
can shift from vapor to liquid to solid necessary to avoid collisions. The
as needed. This latter is often used as heads-up display can also provide
part of the damage control systems thermal vision at night and in low-
commonly found on spacecraft. light conditions. In well developed
areas, and along major arteries, auto-
Planetary pilot systems can free up the driver for
other tasks or simple conversation.
Whether on Earth, Mars, or some Personal air transport has also be-
distant moon, there is always the come a relatively common sight.
These vehicles tend
to be highly auto-
mated in order to
reduce the chances
of operator er-
ror. In areas where
these systems are
not available, pilots
must be licensed,
with renewals oc-
curring on a regular
basis. Generally, air
transport is used
between cities. Any
that are used with-
in a citys airspace
must have the ap-
propriate permits
and the pilot must
be properly licensed
for operation in
the region. All per-
sonal air transports
are (VTOL) vertical
take-off and land-
ing craft.
Los Angeles in Light Traffic
Mass Transit
Mass transit sys- Chapter 8: Technology
tems have become integral to most track cause the train to actually float
peoples everyday life. Those who live roughly twelve inches above the track.
in the same cities in which they work Additional magnets along the sides of
generally use the mass transit system the track and train keep it centered as
in lieu of their car to get to and from well, removing the need for a guide
work. Many use the systems when rail of any kind though an emer-
travelling between cities. On colonies, gency guide wheel can be lowered
especially on Mars and Luna, maglev should there be a malfunction of the
trains are about the only way to travel normal magnetic system. This system
between settlements. enables the train to achieve speeds of
almost 400 miles per hour, allowing
The most common form of mass it to cross entire continents quickly
transit is the maglev train. These trains and efficiently. Within cities, smaller
do not run on a traditional track, but versions of these trains run under the
rather float over them. A series of streets in a manner similar to old sub-
magnets built into the trains and the way systems.

When travelling long distances in ment and exploitation of space in just
Chapter 8: Technology

which time is a factor, air travel is still two decades.

the preferred method of most. Mod-
ern airlines have undergone remark- Maneuvering Systems
ably little change over the years and There are two distinct types of ma-
still operate in the same manner they neuvering systems used by space-
did in the early 21st century. Intercon- ships: maneuvering drives and transit
tinental flights are now suborbital drives. Maneuvering drives are used
flights that take less than half the time for exactly what they sound like, de-
they once did. Most moderately-sized signed to provide the craft its ma-
towns support small VTOL airports neuvering capability. They are used
that can accommodate most commer- for standard orbital and deep space
cial VTOL aircraft used in local routes. maneuvering needs. Most maneu-
Most cities have larger airports built vering drives are a highly advanced
to support larger long-range aircraft, ion drive. These drives work by fir-
many of which still utilize runways for ing ionized xenon atoms through a
take-off and landing. The largest of charging grid that both accelerates
these can also accommodate the spe- and neutralizes the atoms. The result-
cialized needs of suborbital aircraft, ing plasma energy released is guided
with each continent generally having down a magnetic tunnel and provides
half a dozen or more scattered across the thrust necessary to maneuver the
it. spaceship. The size and shape of this
magnetic tunnel can be manipulated,
Space Technologies resulting in an increase or decrease
As Earth became ever more crowd- in the amount of thrust generated,
ed, the need to expand beyond grew without requiring higher fuel expen-
in importance. For a time, the devel- ditures. This makes the drives very ef-
opment of space was firmly the pur- ficient and reduces the amount of fuel
view of the governments of the world. they need to carry, compared to older
However, these bodies proved to have drive designs. In addition, xenon is a
neither the will nor the foresight nec- very stable element, which means
essary to truly develop the technolo- that there is no fear of an explosive
gies needed to overcome the hurdles detonation, even if the fuel system
to long term survival in space, as well takes some sort of direct damage. The
as on the planets of the solar system. charging grids of these systems tend
Initial commercial interest in space to glow, giving ship thrusters a glow
was limited to lifting of payloads into effect. The thrust itself, however, is ac-
orbit and the use of orbit for commer- tually invisible to the naked eye.
cial satellites tasked primarily with
enhancing communications across Transit drives are used by space-
the globe. However, with the efforts ships when they are travelling be-
of a number of individuals and groups tween planets. These drives have a
who had the foresight and courage single purpose in mind to make
necessary, commercial enterprise the ship go really fast. These drives
firmly took control over the develop- can push a spaceship to a speed of
0.005% the speed of light a feat that miles of any other craft or station for
was impossible using traditional ion safety purposes.
drive technologies. They also do this
without requiring the ship to expend Spaceports
massive amounts of fuel, though the With a look and feel similar to large
drives do require vast amounts of international airports, spaceports are
energy to operate compared to the the link between planetary surfaces
more mundane maneuvering drives. and orbit. Earth supports six such fa-
As a result, during operations, most cilities: two in North America, one in
other systems on a spaceship are un- South America, one in Europe, one
available and these drives provide a in Australia and one on the Chinese
craft no maneuvering capabilities. In mainland. Spaceports are generally
order to stop, these ships must liter- located far from any large population
ally turn around and fire the transit centers, though most do have a small
drives again. town that has developed around the
facility. Most spaceports have an in-
Transit drives are an evolution of tegrated airport and mag-lev train
what used to be known as the mag- station. Spaceports on other planets
netoplasmadynamic (or MPD) drive. are generally much smaller. The two
These drives operate in a manner sim- that Mars supports are the largest off-
ilar to an ion drive, in that they push planet and are the size of the small-
an atomized plasma medium down est Earth-based facility. The other
a magnetic tunnel. However, unlike colonized planets each have a single
their smaller cousins that rely on a spaceport that is generally located
separate system to generate the mag- near the first colony founded on the
netic field, transit drives work at such planet (or moon). In some cases, the
high energy levels that they generate colony is a part of the spaceport.
their own magnetic tunnel. The reac-
tant used for these systems comes in Orbital Transfer Vehicles
Chapter 8: Technology
the form of specially designed teflon Generally referred to by the simpler
bundles. A super-high current is run moniker shuttles, OTVs ferry passen-
through this bundle, which boils off gers and cargo from the surface of
the surface molecules, which are then planets to orbital stations or waiting
directed down the magnetic tunnel spaceships. Shuttles come in a wide
created via the same current. The con- variety of shapes and sizes, from small
striction of this field accelerates the personal transports to massive cargo
resulting plasma gasses to speeds in haulers that can lift almost 200 tons
excess of 500,000 meters per second, of cargo to orbit. Most shuttles have
enough to rapidly propel the craft to a relatively limited endurance, as they
incredibly high speeds. Unlike ma- are designed to go from the surface to
neuvering drive exhaust, the exhaust orbit and back though some mod-
from a plasma drive is both highly els have the endurance to travel to
visible and incredibly dangerous. In the moons within the planetary sys-
general, spaceships are not allowed tem. Shuttles, however, do not have
to engage a transit drive within 5,000 the transit drives or fuel to make the

trip between the planets themselves. lar system itself. These ships are large,
Chapter 8: Technology

Most OTVs utilize a vertical take-off with extensive hydroponic gardens,

and landing system, though a few recreational facilities, and other ame-
older designs still need a large runway nities not present on smaller inner-
to get aloft. system ships. All inter-planetary ships
have at least one, and oftentimes
Spaceships two or three, rotational sections to
Spaceships, like everythingin mod- provide the crews gravity during the
ern society, vary in size and function, long journeys these ships commonly
and cost a great deal. In general, there undertake. They also have extensive
are two distinct types of spacecraft. machine shops and spare stores so
that they can do any repairs under-
The first are inner-system space- way that may be necessary.
ships. These ships are designed to op-
erate strictly within the inner portion Orbital and Deep Space Stations
of the solar system, or within a single It is said that space stations are like
planetary system such as around Ju- snowflakes there are no two that
piter. Those designed to work within are identical. While this is not exactly
a single planetary system generally true, there is a staggering variety of
lack the transit drives necessary to stations, both in layout and function,
make the journey between planets across the solar system. Some stations
in any sort of reasonable amount of are not much more than warehouses
time, even if their maneuvering drives in space. These basic stations are used
allowed for it. They also generally do by corporations and governments to
not utilize a rotational ring for gener- store or stage goods, machinery, and
ating artificial gravity, as the crews are just about anything else of which you
not in space long enough to warrant can think. Many of these stations are
the extra cost these systems entail, little more than open skeletal struc-
and they have a smaller fuel reserve. tures with docking clamps that hold
Also, ships that are limited to a single cargo containers waiting for pickup.
planetary system lack the gravity At the other end of the spectrum are
couches needed in an interplanetary the massive luxury resort stations that
journey. Jupiter and Saturn are the have become popular vacation spots.
most common places these types Some of these stations are located
of ships are found, though they are literally in the middle of nowhere, in
found anywhere that travel between order to stay out of the jurisdiction of
a planet and moon or high orbit space any government or corporate entity,
station is necessary such as Uranus which enables them to offer services
or Neptune. that would be frowned upon at best,
and outright illegal at worst. Such sta-
The second common type of space- tions are, naturally, secretive.
ship is the inter-planetary spaceship.
These ships are designed to travel Orbital and deep space stations
anywhere within the solar system follow two very distinct design phi-
and, to a lesser extent, beyond the so- losophies. Orbital stations, which re-
fers to stations that
are built around
colonized planets,
moons, and aster-
oids, tend to rely
on resupply from
the planet or colo-
ny they orbit. This
comes either in the
form of direct ship-
ments from the
planet or colony,
or through logistic
ships that supply
the colony itself. As
a result, orbital sta-
tions generally do
not have space ded-
icated to hydropon-
ics and maintain
a smaller reserve
of fuel for power-
ing their reactors.
These stations also
tend to rely on the
native defenses of
the planet or colony
Chicago Spaceport
and, with the excep-
tion of military sta- Chapter 8: Technology
tions, are generally a native food source and a natural car-
unarmed or have a very light suite of bon dioxide recycling system. Many
defensive weaponry and systems. times, these gardens are designed
They also tend to maintain smaller to be as natural-looking as possible
support staffs since the station can in order to provide crew and guests
easily call upon personnel from the a more natural environment to relax
planet or colony should the need in from time to time. In many cases,
arise. small animals, birds, and insects are
an integral part of the garden; though
Deep space stations generally refer when this is the case, their popula-
to stations that are built in the deep tions are tightly controlled and spe-
black between the orbital paths of cial measures are taken to ensure they
planets. As a result, these stations do not escape the garden area. Deep
need to be much more self-reliant. space stations also maintain a much
Deep space stations support large higher reserve of fuel and other sup-
hydroponic gardens to provide both plies should an event mean the sta-

tion is going to be isolated for longer ring for the helmet, and is nearly as
than normal. The crews on these sta- flexible as the inner body glove. Utility
Chapter 8: Technology

tions are also large since, again, they belts worn outside this provide places
must be as self-reliant as they pos- for tools to be attached. Micro thrust-
sibly can be. Finally, deep space sta- ers built into the feet, hips, shoulders
tions tend to be well-armed in order and palms of the suit provide the
to protect themselves from would-be wearer a great deal of mobility.
pirates or raiders that may see it as a
target of opportunity. The final part of a space suit is the
helmet. Available in a host of models,
Space Suits such helmets are highly sophisticated,
The modern space suit is a true ex- containing the computer systems that
ample of how far space technologies operate the entire suit. On the inside
have come over the decades. As little of the face shield, the user can cus-
as thirty years ago, space suits were tomize a variety of displays to assist
massive, cumbersome affairs that him in his task, provide navigational
one person could not hope to put data, or coordinate communications,
on alone. This bulkiness limited what depending on what is needed. Many
the suited person could easily accom- spacers spend a great deal of time
plish. Modern space suits are much customizing their displays.
lighter and far more effective.

Most space suits are made up of Character

three parts. First, a person wears a
body glove, which contains sensors Wealth
for monitoring his vitals, thermal cells The Void is a game about surviv-
that maintain his body temperature, ing the horrors that have begun to
and micro bladders which pull sweat awaken in the solar system. Adven-
away and convert it into drinkable wa- tures do not generally revolve around
ter. It also acts as temporary protec- payments, and the core goal of most
tion from the hard vacuum of space Characters is not the acquisition of
should the outer suit be breached, wealth. Furthermore, some things,
though it is only effective in this role such as spacecraft, are simply too
for less than an hour generally long expensive for Characters to purchase
enough for someone to return to the in the traditional method during the
safety of a ship or station. course of a standard game. However,
it is natural and expected that one
The outer shell of the space suit is will wish to improve the wealth of
made of a highly flexible kevlar-car- a Character in order to more easily
bon composite weave that acts as a gain access to cool and better toys.
shell against the cold vacuum and The following system is designed for
deflects the radiation that bombards this very goal, but without the need
anyone outside the protection of a to track every credit a Character may
spacecraft hull. This outer shell has no gain and lose over the course of their
hard joints, save for the attachment career.
Wealth Codes of either the Wealthy Advantage or
Instead of worrying about a Charac- Poor Disadvantage, as found on p.
ters bank account, each Character is 102 and p. 104, increasing Personal
instead assigned a Wealth Code. This Wealth up to 4 or decreasing it all the
code is a general representation of way to 0. Please note that it is unlikely
the disposable wealth a Character has that a Warden Character would ever
available to him at any given time. The wind up with a Personal Wealth of 0
higher the Characters Wealth Code,
the more easily he can obtain an item, Socio-Economic Strata Wealth
be it a new gun, a medical kit, or a Destitute 0
new module for the spacecraft. Underprivileged 1
Middle Class 2
Wealth Codes have two aspects Affluent 3
to them. The first is the Characters Wealthy 4
Personal Wealth what he person-
ally earns and saves. The second is the Sponsored Wealth
Characters Sponsored Wealth the Unless your GM decides otherwise,
amount of resources the Characters Characters begin the game with a
sponsoring organization is willing to Sponsored Wealth of 1 with the ap-
entrust to him. Items obtained us- propriate sponsor (usually the UWC
ing Personal Wealth are the property Wardens). In some games, depending
of the Character from that point for- upon tone, the Characters may begin
ward. Those obtained through Spon- with a Sponsored Wealth of 2 it is
sored Wealth belong to the organi- recommended that the starting Spon-
zation and are only available for the sored Wealth is no higher than this.
duration of the current assignment or
mission and must be returned upon
completion. Gaining & Losing Wealth
Gaining Personal Wealth Chapter 8: Technology
It is possible, depending on the
game, for a Character to have two or Personal wealth can be increased
more sponsoring organizations. If this through the use of Advances. The ta-
is the case, the Character will have a ble below shows the cost to advance
Wealth Code for each unique organi- from a Characters current Personal
zation for which he works. Wealth level to the next highest.

Wealth Codes range from 1 to 4, Currently Wealth Cost

with the higher representing greater Underprivileged 2
financial resources. Middle Class 3
Affluent 4
Wealth n/a
Personal Wealth
Characters normally begin play A Character can also gain a Personal
with a Personal Wealth of 2. This can Wealth level as a result of some large
be modified through the acquisition payday in-game. In this case, the GM

will indicate how many Advances are Rather it is a representation of the
Chapter 8: Technology

gained towards the Characters next Characters decreased purchasing

Personal Wealth level. For example, power, until he builds his liquid capi-
the Characters could come across a tal up again.
very valuable artifact and, once sold,
the GM will give each Character two Gaining and Losing
Advances towards their next Person- Sponsored Wealth
al Wealth level. These Advances are As Characters work for a given or-
dedicated to that purpose only and ganization, the GM will award Spon-
cannot be used for any other form of sored Wealth Advances for that or-
advancement. These sort of rewards ganization. This is done in a similar
should be uncommon. manner as gaining Personal Wealth,
but the GM will indicate when a Spon-
Losing Personal Wealth sored Wealth Advancement is gained.
In general, a Character will only lose It is recommended that this generally
Personal Wealth as a result of pur- occur at the end of key missions or as-
chases he makes during the course of signments.
his career. As will be discussed below,
purchasing some items will reduce Just as the organization can give,
the Personal Wealth of the Character, it can also take away. Events in the
especially when purchasing items game may indicate that the Character
that are expensive relative to the loses Sponsored Wealth. This could be
Characters current Personal Wealth. due to failed missions, a period dur-
Some story events can also result in ing which the Character does no work
the loss of a Personal Wealth level. The for the organization, or even finan-
GM can either reduce the current Per- cial hard times for the organization.
sonal Wealth of a Character a full level, Again, this is left to the discretion of
or incrementally by applying negative the GM.
Personal Wealth Advances. For exam-
ple, the Character could lose a space- Making Purchases
ship. Since so much of the Characters All gear available to a Character
Personal Wealth is tied up in the ship, will have a Cost Code associated with
the GM tells him he loses four Ad- it. This code indicates how difficult it
vances worth of Personal Wealth. If he is for the Character to get ahold of a
was initially Wealthy (4), that would particular item, as well as any impact
reduce him to Affluent (3). If he were it may have on the Characters Wealth
Affluent (3), it would reduce him to and any potential restrictions that
Underprivileged with one Advance may further complicate the Charac-
built up towards moving back into ters attempt to obtain the item. Cost
Middle Class. Codes take on the following form:

Its important to note that losing Cost Level: This is rated from 1 to 4,
Personal Wealth as a result of a big with higher numbers indicating more
purchase doesnt necessarily mean expensive items.
the Character is living poorly again.
Impact: This indicates the impact the If the items Cost Code is one level
purchase will have on the Characters higher than the Characters Wealth, a
Wealth. -4 Test Penalty is applied. If the Cost
code is more than one level higher,
Restrictions: Not all items are available then the item cannot be purchased.
on the common market, which can
make obtaining them more difficult if Impact of the Purchase
the Character does not have the prop- Once the purchase is made, its im-
er contacts to lubricate the wheels. pact on the Characters finances must
be determined. This is based on the
Making the Purchase Impact Rating of the item. Some items
When a Character wishes to make are simply more expensive and have
a purchase, compare his Wealth (Per- an immediate impact on the Charac-
sonal or Sponsored) to the cost code ters purchasing power. Each point
of the item. If the Cost Code is lower of Impact is applied immediately to
than the Characters Wealth, then he the Character as a negative Wealth
may obtain the item freely. If the two Advance in the same manner as dis-
ratings are equal, he must make a cussed above when losing Wealth.
Purchase Test. This takes the form of However, these points automatically
either an Insight, Persuade, or Savoir regenerate at the rate of one each
Faire Test, or a Trade: Business Test. time an Advance is granted. If this
This represents the Characters ability lowers a Characters effective Wealth
to shop around for the best price. any further, purchases are made at
the reduced level until it recovers.
If the Character succeeds at a Hard
Difficulty, the item is purchased with- Restricted Items
out an issue and he may purchase There are three levels of restrictions
more goods immediately. If the Test for an item: unlicensed, licensed and
succeeds at an Average Difficulty, he restricted. Each of these impact the
Chapter 8: Technology
obtains the item without a problem, ability to purchase them as indicated
but it uses his currently available below.
funds. He cannot make any additional
purchases until after he is awarded an Unlicensed: These are available to the
Advance though he does not need average joe. Any Character may pur-
to spend the Advance to purchase chase them.
again. If he succeeds only at an Easy
Difficulty, it has the same effect as Licensed: This item generally requires
Average above, but costs more than some sort of license to obtain. The ef-
expected it increases the overall Im- fect of this is to delay the delivery of
pact by 1 (see below). If completely the item in question. Once purchased,
failed, the item cannot be purchased. the item will actually be made avail-
Either the Character cannot find it for able to the Character after the next
the right price, or simply cant find it. Advance is awarded. This represents
He may attempt to purchase some- the time the vendor needs to to pro-
thing else normally. cess the paperwork. If the Character

wishes to avoid the delay he may try
Chapter 8: Technology

to purchase one under the table. This

The solar system can be a challeng-
is done by treating the Cost Code for
ing and dangerous place. However,
the item as being one point higher.
the proper equipment can go a long
way towards overcoming any poten-
Restricted: These items are heav-
tial obstacles that may be encoun-
ily monitored by the local governing
tered. What follows is a list of some
authority and very difficult to obtain.
of the most common equipment one
The Character must show a legitimate
might come across in The Void.
and legal cause for needing the item.
This requires not only some in-game
roleplaying, but also a delay for re- Weapons
ceipt of the item. It will not be de-
livered until after the Character has Melee Weapons
been awarded two Advances. These While many conflicts occur at range,
items can be purchased under the sometimes a battle is fought up close
table, but their Cost Code is increased and personal. When this happens, it is
by one and their Impact Code is in- always good to have a good blade or
creased by two points. club nearby to give you an edge. Most
modern blades are honed to a near
Purchasing from the Sponsoring mono-edge, allowing them to cut
Organization through armor and flesh alike. Some,
A Character purchases items from known as vibro-weapons, have small
the sponsoring organization in the power packs that energize the blade
same manner as listed above. This so that it vibrates at extremely high
represents the Character filling out frequencies, allowing it to be even
the appropriate paperwork and more effective in combat. Most club
smooth-talking the appropriate peo- weapon are also energized, so that
ple, rather than actual cash chang- they deliver a shock to the target with
ing hands. However, the items are each successful hit. This can often-
available only for the duration of the times incapacitate an opponent.
current assignment, after which they
must be returned. Boarding Axe
Used mainly in boarding actions,
Licensed items are easily available these axes can be used either as
from a sponsoring organization and weapons or as tools to hack through
have no delay in delivery. Restricted obstructions. Boarding axes are al-
items are also more easily available. ways vibro-weapons, as the extra cut-
There is no delay in delivery, but most ting ability enhances their ability to
organizations frown upon repeated cut through the thinner walls found
requests for this sort of gear. As a re- on the interior of many spaceships
sult, the Impact of these items is in- and stations, or to cut through ca-
creased by two points. bling or other potential obstructions.
Boarding axes are also balanced for
Boarding Pike consider these weapons to be unusu-
Another popular weapon used by ally cruel, most organizations restrict
marines and other boarding parties, or ban their usage.
boarding pikes are used to help clear
defenders from around hatches or Combat Knife
from the other side of obstacles. Like Combat knives are long-bladed
boarding axes, these weapons are al- knives measuring almost 12 inches
ways vibro-weapons, enhancing their in length. They come in a variety of
ability to punch through obstacles designs, with smooth and serrated
and armor alike. edges, straight and curved. While ef-
fective in combat, they are generally
Chain Sword used for a variety of more mundane
Chain swords are truly fearsome tasks.
weapons that can hack through the
heaviest armor with ease. Similar to Cutlass
the classic chainsaw used for so long Cutlasses have been in use on ships
to fell trees, chain swords use finer since the earliest days of wet navies.
teeth and are balanced for fighting. Larger and more dangerous than
The hardened spinning teeth also a combat knife, they are still small
tend to knock aside any weapons be- enough to be used in the close con-
ing used to parry attacks. The wounds fines found in the corridors of a space-
left by these weapons are ragged ship or station and carry no danger
with chunks of flesh and bone literally of puncturing the hull.
ripped from the victim. Because many

Chapter 8: Technology

A Warden Buffet

Electro Whip Shock Mace
Chapter 8: Technology

Electro whips are rare weapons Heavier, with a more potent shock
that require a great deal of practice attack than its little brother, shock
to master so that a user does not maces are truly deadly weapons. Their
hurt himself when using them. If the weight alone can crush a skull or shat-
wielder succeeds at an Average Grace ter bones, but the deadly shock the
Test after striking a target, he has en- weapon unleashes on impact can fin-
tangled his target. Damage is then ish any job the mace alone fails to ac-
applied every round thereafter, until complish.
the wielder stops or the victim makes
a successful Average Physique Test to Stun Baton
break free of the whip. Used when the goal is to appre-
hend rather than kill, the stun baton
Mono-Strand nevertheless can be a deadly weapon
Mono-strands are thin wires only a in the hands of a trained combatant.
few molecules wide, with a weight on These blunt hand weapons release
one end. The micro-thin wire can eas- a charge when they impact a target,
ily cut through armor, flesh, and just potentially stunning him into submis-
about anything else with frightening sion.
ease. Most mono-strands are no more
than two feet in length and they are Throwing Knife
wielded much like a small whip. When Smaller than a combat knife, the
they strike, the weighted end tends to throwing knife is balanced for accu-
wrap around the target, cutting into rate throwing, giving it an enhanced
him as it unwraps. A variant of this flexibility the standard combat knife
type of weapon is the mono-garrote, does not enjoy. Throwing knives do
which has handles on both ends. They not have a vibro equivalent, as the
are generally used in surprise attacks. power cell tends to throw the balance
of the blade off.
Another melee weapon that has Handguns
been around for as long as humans Handguns, often referred to more
have been fighting one another, the simply as pistols, are common fire-
sap is a weapon designed to inca- arms used in military, government,
pacitate a victim instead of killing him and civilian circles. While lacking the
outright. Popular with law enforce- range of a rifle, they are more eas-
ments organizations, as well as those ily employed at short range and are
in less savory occupations, saps are also more practical within the closed
easy to obtain and can come in vir- confines of a spaceship. Handguns
tually any size and shape one could are also the easiest weapon to be li-
wish. When attacking, if the target is censed by common civilians, as any-
not wearing a helmet, he must make thing more serious tends to raise red
an Average Perseverance Test. If this flags with the authorities. Handguns
fails, he is rendered unconscious for use caseless ammunition, removing
1d6 minutes. the need for an ejection port and re-
ducing the number of moving parts though one not properly trained can
and the chances of a jam. Different find it a bit awkward to use.
types of ammo can be used, if desired.
HCC-90 Anvil Heavy Pistol
ACC-44 Holdout The HCC-90 Anvil is a large cali-
The ACC-44 is a tiny handgun that ber pistol that can take down heav-
can easily be concealed in a pocket ily armored opponents or punch
or purse. They are commonly used through decking and walls to get at
for self-defense and are more of a de- an opponent. However, this hitting
terrent than a real threat, since most power comes at the cost of a limited
people will think twice about accost- magazine capacity. Many Anvils are
ing someone with a gun no matter equipped with a penetration scope
how small. The simple, single-action to allow the user to see through a lim-
operation of this weapon means it is ited amount of cover and maximize
easy for even an amateur to master their efficiency with what shots they
and it rarely suffers any mechanical do have.
HCS-4 Blaster Hand Cannon
ACC-62 Bandit Semi-Automatic Pistol For all intents and purposes, the
This 9 mm semi-automatic pistol, HCS-4 Blaster is a shotgun built
and similar models by other compa- into a pistol frame. It is a single shot
nies, is perhaps the most common weapon that, at point blank range, is
handgun used in civilian circles, and absolutely deadly. Highly effective at
also sees common use by police forces skewing the odds of a fight in your
across the solar system. With notice- favor, especially in the opening volley,
ably more stopping power than the these weapons rarely see a second
ACC-44, it is preferred over its smaller use during a given encounter. Instead,
cousin by serious gun enthusiasts and most owners discard them in favor of
professionals alike. The ACC-44 uti- a weapon with a better endurance,
Chapter 8: Technology
lizes an integrated laser scope, mak- hoping that the initial blast makes the
ing it accurate even in the hands of an enemy think twice about continuing
amateur. the engagement.

AP-445 Scimitar Machine Pistol Rifles

The AP-445 is a popular ship-board Rifles are the big brothers of hand-
weapon commonly employed by a guns. Designed for use at moderate
variety of marine corps. Its large clip and long ranges, rifles give the user a
size and high-rate of fire allows a ma- long reach in an engagement. Rifles
rine to suppress any advancement in come in a wide variety of shapes and
the confined space of a ship corridor, sizes, with some being simple semi-
but still maintains the agility needed automatic affairs used for hunting
in the close actions that are common and precision shooting, while others
when boarding an enemy ship. An in- are fully automatic with the ability to
tegrated blade in the grip of the weap- engage and pin down multiple tar-
on provides a quick melee weapon, gets in protracted firefights. Most ri-

fles have two or more option rails that RFR-44M Paxton Assault Rifle
Chapter 8: Technology

can be used to expand the weapons Designed with maximum suppres-

capabilities. sion of the enemy in mind, the RFR-
44M Paxton is known for its rate of
AFL-4 Assault Rifle fire, but not for its accuracy. Using
This light assault rifle is based on a larger than normal clip, a user can
the semi-automatic rifle model, but send a veritable torrent of fire into a
altered for military use. While it may region that only the more insane per-
have a relatively low rate of fire when son would dare stick his head into.
compared to a dedicated assault rifle, Unfortunately, this weapon is prone
it is inexpensive and completely reli- to jams during extended use. Because
able. When fitted with a scope, the this weapon is designed for volume
AFL-4 makes a good medium-range rather than accuracy, it lacks the nor-
sniper rifle. Many police forces issue mal scope rail most assault rifles have,
these weapons as part of the standard so users must rely on built-in illumi-
set of gear for their personnel. nated iron sights.

AFL-16 Mach Assault Rifle SX-90 Splinter Sniper Rifle

Built by Advanced Firearms, the The Splinter is a top-of-the-line
same company responsible for the sniper rifle with the ability to en-
RFL-4 and AFL-4 models, the Mach gage targets accurately as far as 3300
assault rifle is one of the most com- yards/3000 meters away. With a stan-
monly used assault rifles in the solar dard digital telescope, integrated tar-
system. Known for its accuracy and geting assist computer, and stabiliz-
reliability, many police and military ing bipod, the weapon has everything
forces use this weapon or one of the a professional sniper could want. The
many derivatives that exist. A whole SX-90 can also be fitted with a remote
host of peripherals for the AFL-16 can firing system, allowing a sniper to set
be found, ranging from high-end digi- it up at one location and fire it from a
tal thermographic scopes to under- completely separate location.
slung micro-missile launchers.
Submachine Guns
RFL-4 Long Rifle Submachine guns attempt to
The RFL-4 is a common civilian rifle merge the best aspects of an assault
that sportsmen use for hunting. It is rifle and a handgun into one do-all
also popular with ranchers and farm- form. Unfortunately, they dont exact-
ers for protecting their crops and ly succeed in this endeavor, though
fields from pests and predators. With they still maintain their popularity
a respectable range and stopping with a great many organizations es-
power, it also sees use by pirates and pecially those of a criminal nature.
other underworld elements due to its Their small size makes them ideal in
easy accessibility and inexpensive pri- confined and cramped conditions
cetag. With a number of options avail- and their high rate-of-fire allows for
able, the rifle can easily be specialized sufficient suppressive fire.
for specific functions.
SM-3 Blizzard Submachine Gun Hornet. It has seen extensive use in
The SM-3 is large for a submachine nearly every action movie produced
gun due to the larger caliber ammo today. Small with a high rate of fire,
it uses, affording it a higher damage the SM-112 is, in truth, only a medio-
potential than most SMGs. Most users cre weapon. It is a small caliber fire-
are more than happy with this trade- arm, which affords it a larger maga-
off. An optional extendable stock en- zine capacity with the trade-off of a
ables the weapon to be fired in the barely acceptable damage capacity.
same manner as an assault rifle and The weapon is cheap, however, and
affords it a bit more accuracy when has no bells or whistles available.
used in burst rather than full auto- Seen in use by some police forces, it is
matic mode. The SM-3 can also be most popular with the less savory ele-
fitted with a scope, an unusual fea- ments of the solar system.
ture for an SMG, giving the weapon
a fairly respectable accuracy when XSM-90 Blindeye Sub-Marchingun
used in short bursts. When fired fully Equipped with a swivel stock and an
automatic, however, a scope is all but integrated VTA (video targeting assist)
useless. system, the XSM-90 gives the user the
ability to fire the weapon from behind
SM-112 Hornet Sub-Machinegun the safety of cover, without exposing
There are few in the solar system anything more than the weapon itself.
who are not familiar with the SM-112 The VTA feeds into a special monocle

Chapter 8: Technology

Wardens: Gearing Up

that allows the user to see targets Flak Jacket
from behind cover or around a cor- Flak jackets have been around for
Chapter 8: Technology

ner. This makes it a popular weapon more than a century and have been
when fighting in close confines, such standard equipment for most law
as an urban environment or a space- enforcement agencies for almost as
ship. Blindeyes do take some training long. Basically a heavy vest with ballis-
to learn to use properly, since they are tic plates on the front and back which
often held at odd angles which en- protect the vital organs, many police
hance the effects of recoil, especially officers have survived hits by perpe-
when fired in a fully automatic mode. trators that would have killed them
without the jacket. Openly available
Defensive Equipment and inexpensive to purchase, even
the lowest end security force gener-
Light Armors ally issue their people flak jackets.
Light armor refers to any type of
body armor that is light enough not Flak Body Suit
to reduce the wearers mobility. Light Similar to a flak jacket in nature, the
armor tends to be made up of ballis- flak body suit extends protection to
tic vests, padded pants, and helmets. the entire body rather than just the
They are rarely sealed against the torso. Armored pads above and below
environment. While they can pro- the knees provide the legs protection
vide respectable protection, they are and armored kneepads are worn over
not nearly as effective as the bulkier the outside. Sleeves provide similar
heavy armors that most militaries and protection for the arms. These suits
mercenary outfits use. can be somewhat cumbersome to
wear, but most believe the trade-off

Its Important To Keep Your Weapons In Shape

of extended protection is more than venient transport they can find. There
worth it. are generally four types of transport
that are most commonly available to
Heavy Armors a potential traveler.
Heavy armors encompass full body
suits which generally enjoy sealed en- Planetary Transport
vironmental systems that can protect Planetary transport gets people
the wearer from gas and chemical at- from point A to point B on a given
tacks. Bulkier than their lighter cous- planet. In many cases, publicly fund-
ins, heavy armor is generally worn for ed overland trains will suffice, but
as short a period as possible in order they are on a fixed schedule so they
to reduce fatigue, though someone are not always convenient. For faster
trained in their use has generally built travel, there are generally easily ac-
up the endurance for protracted use cessible forms of air travel that can
when necessary. get one anywhere on a planet in just a
few hours. The table on the next page
Combat Body Armor shows the general costs involved in
When entering a known combat sit- booking this type of transport, which
uation, especially one in which heavy is common and easy.
weapons are likely to be employed, it
is a good idea to don a suit of combat Orbital Transport
body armor. A fully sealed suit, com- Anyone wishing to travel to a differ-
bat body armor is stout enough to ent planet or moon must most often
offer excellent protection from most make their way to an orbital transfer
small arms fire and can even keep one station. Some ships capable of transit
alive after a hit from a heavier weap- speeds can land on planets, but these
on. Shrapnel also tends to be easily re- tend to be the exception rather than
pelled, unless the wearer is especially the rule. Some inter-planetary ships
close to the shrapnel. offer shuttle services from the plan-
etary surface, but others are not so Chapter 8: Technology
Vacuum Combat Armor generous. Orbital transports are also
Similar in nature to combat body ar- often chartered when one wishes to
mor, this armor also offers full protec- go between moons within the same
tion from the harsh vacuum of space. planetary system, which is especially
The endurance of these suits tends to common in the Saturnine and Jovian
be somewhat limited, however, with systems.
a safe operating window of less than
two hours less if the suit is breached Inner-System Travel
by weapons fire. Inner-system travel refers to any
interplanetary travel that lies within
Travel Expenses the orbit of Mars. This is the most
Not everyone in the solar system common type of traffic in the solar
has a spaceship they can use to get system and the easiest to book in a
around. These poor souls have to rely timely manner. Even so, it sometimes
on booking passage on the most con- can require the potential travelers to

wait in an orbital transfer station for Outer-System Travel
Chapter 8: Technology

a couple days while outbound ships When travelling beyond the orbit
load cargo, refuel, and perform gen- of Mars, travelers must book passage
eral maintenance. In addition, some on one of the more specialized long-
ships give passengers the option to range transports. These trips can get
either stay in their grav couches the expensive and generally require more
entire trip (in which case they will planning, as ships travelling to the
be unconscious as well) or be roused outer system are not as common as
once the acceleration curve has been those travelling between the inner
completed. Doing the latter means a planets. It is also possible to be wo-
more costly fare, but some travelers, ken for the journey, but this is even
especially those that travel between more expensive due to the extra costs
planets a great deal, cannot stay un- incurred by the ship. On some ships,
der for extended periods for a variety the option will not even be offered
of reasons. unless there are documented medical

Planetary Transport Costs

Transport Type Average Travel Times Range Wealth Code Impact Restriction
Few minutes, to as much as a
Public Transit Continental Free 0 U
day or more
Air Taxi (In-City) Usually under half hour Local 1 0 U
Air Taxi (Next City) One or more hours Regional 1 1 U
Airliner Several hours Intercontinental 2 1 U
Chartered Airline Several hours Intercontinental 3 2 U

Orbital Transport Costs

Transport type Range Wealth Code Impact Restriction

Surface to Orbit/Orbit to Surface Orbit 2 0 U

Inter-Orbital (ie: Planet to Moon) Single Planetary System 2 1 U

Station to Station Between orbital objects 1 0 U

Inner & Outer System Transport Costs

Transport Type Travel Delay Wealth Code Impact Restriction

Inner System (sleeper) 1 to 4 days 2 2 U

Outer System (sleeper) 1 week to 3 weeks 2 3 U

Outer System (awake) 1 week to 3 weeks 3 3 U

Standard Weapon Ranges

Weapon Range Effective Distance

Point Blank 10 ft/3 m

Short 25 ft/7.5 m

Medium 50 ft/15 m

Long 200 ft/60 m

Extreme 1000 ft/300 m

Weapon Range Required Skill Damage Magazine Auto Impact Restriction
Point Guns:
ACC-44 Holdout 1d6 4 1 1 U
Blank Handguns
ACC-62 Bandit Guns:
Short 3d6 25 1 2 U
Semi-Auto Pistol Handguns
AP-445 Scimitar Guns: Assault 3d6 or
Short 20 2 (10 rnds) 2 1 L
Machine Pistol Weapons 1d6 Blade
HCC-90 Anvil Guns:
Short 5d6 13 2 2 U
Heavy Pistol Handguns
HCS-4 Blaster Guns:
Short 6d6 1 2 3 U
Hand Cannon Handguns
RFL-4 Long Rifle Long 5d6 6 2 2 U
Guns: Assault
AFL-4 Assault Rifle Long 3d6 30 2 (15 rnds) 2 3 L
SX-90 Splinter Guns:
Extreme 5d6 10 3 4 R
Sniper Rifle Longarms
RFR-44M Paxton Guns: Assault
Long 3d6 30 4 (30 rnds) 3 2 L
Assault Rifle Weapons
AFL-16 Guns: Assault
Long 3d6 30 2 (10 rnds) 3 2 L
Assault Rifle Weapons
SM-3 Blizzard Guns: Assault
Medium 3d6 30 2 (15 rnds) 2 3 L
SMG Weapons
SM-12 Hornet Guns: Assault
Medium 1d6 60 6 (60 rnds) 2 2 L
SMG Weapons
XSM-90 Blindeye Guns: Assault
Medium 3d6 30 2 (15 rnds) 3 1 L
SMG Weapons

Melee Weapons Required Skill Damage Wealth Code Impact Restriction Special
Boarding Axe Hand Weapons: Blade 3d6 1 2 L Ignore 3 pts
of Armor
Boarding Pike Hand Weapons: Blade 5d6 2 1 L Ignore 5 pts
of Armor
Combat Knife Hand Weapons: Blade 1d6 1 0 U
Chain Sword Hand Weapons: Blade 5d6 2 1 R Ignore 5 pts
of Armor
Cutlass Hand Weapons: Blade 3d6 1 1 U
Chapter 8: Technology
Electro-Whip Hand Weapons: Blade 1d6 + Stun 2 2 R Stun
Unarmed (Untrained) n/a 1d3 n/a n/a U
Unarmed (Trained) Unarmed Combat 1d6 n/a n/a U
Mono-Strand Hand Weapons: Blade 5d6 3 1 R Surprise Only
Sap Hand Weapons: Blunt 1d6 + Stun 1 0 U See Text
Shock Mace Hand Weapons: Blunt 3d6 + Stun 1 2 L Stun
Stun Baton Hand Weapons: Blunt 2d6 + Stun 1 2 L Stun
Throwing Knife Hand Weapons: Blade or 1d6 1 1 U Range:
Thrown Weapons Thrown

Armor Protection Required Skill Wealth Code Impact Restriction

Light Armors
Flak Jacket 5 None 1 2 U
Flak Body Suit/ 10 None 2 2 U
Warden Armor

Heavy Armors
Combat Armor 15 None 3 3 L
Vacuum Armor 10 Freefall 1 3 2 L

9 Spaceships

To service the needs of human ex- For nearly any trip, except when the
pansion into the far reaches of the so- inner planets are very close together,
lar system, a vast array of spaceships anyone on a spaceship must enter
have been designed by architects and a gravity couch to survive the firing
built in one of the many shipyards of the transit drive. This suspended
that exist across the system. Some of animation is referred to as A/D stasis,
these vessels are as simple as orbital where the crew is put into deep sleep
transfer vehicles that ferry people and in a grav couch during this period. For
materials between orbital ships or sta- trips to the outer planets, this is for
tions and spaceports on the ground. seven days each for both acceleration
Others are large military cruisers that and deceleration. However, many pas-
patrol the space around planets as sengers will stay in their grav couches
well as the major trading routes in the for the entire trip it saves on life sup-
solar system, ensuring that each of port and resources. Within the inner
the various governments and corpo- system, this can be between 1.5 and
rate entities interests are protected. 3 days each. While in A/D stasis, the
On the following pages, a selection of only thing monitoring a ship is the
important ships seen throughout the computer.
solar system are presented, includ-
ing their most basic statistics and a Gravity in the Ship
short summary of the ships function While most ships utilize rotating
and use. Due to space limitations, the sections to create simulated gravity
ships presented here have been se- for a crews quarters, mess halls, and
lected because they are found in com- other areas, a great many locations on
mon use across the solar system, and a ship simply cannot benefit from this.
are not the dedicated designs of one For example, it is simply not feasible
entity or another with the exception to build the engineering section of a
of the UWC Wardens Knights Errant. spaceship in a rotating section. As a
result, much of the ship operates in a
Travelling the micro-gravity environment. This can
Solar System sometimes make even basic tasks
The travel times chart on the next trickier to complete than they might
page lists the maximum and mini- be otherwise. Since the technology to
mum times in days that it can take create true artificial gravity is beyond
to get from one planet to the other, the current knowledge of humans, a
depending upon their position in the crutch of sorts has been created in-
solar system. Your GM will determine stead. That crutch is known as the En-
how long a trip will take, based on ergized Deck Plate.
these numbers and what is required
for your game. EDPs, as they are more commonly
referred to, generate a specially tuned
magnetic field. This field only interacts Weapons on Ships
with a specially engineered compos- Getting into combat on spaceships
ite material known as EDP micro-fi- can be a tricky thing. On one hand,
bers. The energized plates attract this one needs the combat ability to deal
fiber to them in much the same way with the threat at hand. On the other,
a traditional magnetic field attracts one needs to not damage the delicate
ferrous materials. The field created by systems on a ship or to blow a hole in
the plates is tuned to pull at the micro- the hull. It is for this reason that most
fibers with a force similar to what one combat on a ship or a space station
would experience if walking on Earth. utilizes small arms or hand weapons,
These micro-fibers are integrated into such as shotguns or cutlasses, to as-
nearly every tool, piece of clothing, sure that such damage doesnt occur.
and other objects commonly found
on a spaceship. However it does not
create true artificial gravity, so any
other object, such as a piece of fruit Characteristics
or naked body, which does not have Spacecraft use a common set of char-
these fibers integrated into them will acteristics to define their capabilities
float in mid-air as is normal in a micro- within the game.
gravity environment.
Travel Times: Adjusted for Acceleration/Deceleration (Days: Min/Max)
Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto

Mercury 14/14 14/14 14/14 28/32 53/57 109/113 171/176 226/230

Venus 14/14 14/14 14/14 26/34 51/59 107/115 169/178 224/232

Earth 14/14 14/14 14/15 24/36 49/61 105/117 168/179 222/234

Mars 14/14 14/14 14/15 21/39 46/64 102/120 165/182 219/237

Jupiter 28/32 26/34 24/36 21/39 25/85 81/141 144/204 198/258

Saturn 53/57 51/59 49/61 46/64 25/85 56/166 119/229 173/283

Uranus 109/113 107/115 105/117 102/120 81/141 56/166 63/284 117/339

Neptune 171/176 169/178 168/179 165/182 144/204 119/229 63/284 54/401

Pluto 226/230 224/232 222/234 219/237 198/258 173/283 173/339 54/401

Standard acceleration/deceleration envelope is seven days from nor-
mal cruise to transit speed.
Inner system travel doesnt allow for maximum transit speeds. Thus,
trips take longer than one might expect.
Inner system travel tends to be roughly equal, no matter where you are
heading, due to the fact that the longer trips allow for bigger accelera-
tion/deceleration envelopes.

General Characteristics cessful mining operation. On a hos-
Chapter 9: Spaceships

Size Class: Small, medium, large, huge, pital ship, they are doctors, nurses,
or gargantuan. orderlies, and others that would be
found in a hospital. Not all space-
Crew: The crew operates the ships craft have support crew.
weapons, navigation, and helm, as
well as engineers and other person- Endurance: This is the length of time a
nel who are essential to the basic ship can operate without resupply-
operations of the ship. There are ing basic necessities such as food,
two measures. The first is the stan- water, and general supplies. Crew
dard crew complement while the efforts such as rationing can extend
second is the size of the skeleton this time to some extent.
crew the minimum number of
people to keep the ship operating Availability: How easily the ship can
nominally. be obtained. There are three levels
of availability: unlicensed, licensed,
Support Crew: Support crews are re- and restricted. Unlicensed ships
sponsible for a spacecrafts specific can be purchased on the open
mission operations who they are market by anyone with the money.
varies. On a mining barge, they are Licensed ships require special per-
miners, smelters, geologists, and mits for one reason or another be-
others who are necessary to a suc- fore they can be purchased.

Space Stations
While space stations are a
common sight in the universe
of The Void, they are not gener- Space Combat
ally defined in the same manner
as spacecraft. Space stations are The rules presented here are
generally a location or adventure designed to get you up and run-
hub for the Characters in much ning with spaceships in the most
the same way as a planet or city, basic sense. Further rules that
and the stations specific capa- provide greater detail, custom-
bilities are not important to the ization, and spaceship combat
overall events. When they are im- will be presented in the upcom-
portant, the particular adventure ing Spacecraft supplement.
will generally define the neces-
sary capabilities for the station.
Equinox Class Interplanetary Transport
The Equinox is one of the more com- General Characteristics
mon inner-system transports in use. Size Class: Medium
Designed to operate exclusively within Crew: 18 (Skeleton 6)
the Martian orbit the Equinox carries Support Crew: 12 (Staff )
both passengers and cargo. An in-line Endurance: 64 days
rotational section provides crew and Availability: Unlicensed
passengers a near 1-G gravity during
the cruise portion of the trip. Cargo is
stored in both pressurized and vacu-
um-exposed pods aft of the rotational
section. Because the ship sometimes
makes trips to the innermost parts of
the solar system, all of this is hidden
behind a large solar shield mounted
both forward and aft of the ship.

Chapter 9: Spaceships

Knights Errant Class Corvette
Chapter 9: Spaceships

The Knights Errant is a ship unique General Characteristics

to the UWC Wardens. Officially desig- Size Class: Medium
nated as a corvette, the truth is it real- Crew: 8 (Skeleton 3)
ly doesnt fit easily into any traditional Support Crew: 0
designation. Designed to assist War- Endurance: 365 days
den teams who have been deployed Availability: Licensed
on missions, these ships have a me-
nagerie of systems that all contribute
to this end. Science stations, medical
bays, high end sensors, and more are
available to the team. These ships are
also armed well enough that they
can generally fight off anyone foolish
enough to actually take an aggressive
stance towards the ship.
Perth Class Bulk Freighter
A great deal of ore and other mate- tion, that skeleton is covered in cargo
rials are generated in the outermost pallets filled with a variety of cargos.
portions of the solar system, and that Most commonly these include ores,
material must find its way to the fac- precious metals and other bulk ma-
tories and refineries that are located terials, but the ship can also take on
primarily in the inner system. This is pallets designed to store more pre-
where bulk freighters come in, and cious cargos, such as foodstuffs and
the Perth class is one of the most suc- delicate machinery. A pair of coun-
cessful designs in common usage to- ter-rotating life sections sit at either
day. When empty, these vessels look end of the ship, providing the crew a
like nothing more than an incomplete gravity environment for the long trips
ship skeleton. However, when in ac- between the inner and outer system.

General Characteristics
Size Class: Large
Crew: 18 (Skeleton 6)
Support Crew: 12
Endurance: 300 days
Availability: Unrestricted

Chapter 9: Spaceships

E Far Strider
TO: Patrick Van Buren, Director of Far Striders distress beacon in time
Warden Operations, Warden Prime to revive her crew and begin rescue
FROM: Ayako Yamaguchi, Special Ac- operations. The results of those op-
tivities Division, Warden Operations erations are contained in a transmit-
Center ted audio-log received from Cardigan
SUBJECT: Disposition of the Corvette, Bays skipper, Captain Frank Beringer
Far Strider thirty-two hours ago. You will find an
SECURITY LEVEL: TOP SECRET enclosed transcript of Captain Bering-
ers log for your review.
Sir, it is my sad duty to inform you
that the missing corvette, Far Strider, 08:35 EST, 03 FEBRUARY 2159,
was recently discovered adrift in open CELESTIAL COORDINATES RA:
space, beyond the Asteroid Belt. As 7h,27m,47s DEC: 2,8,39. Ships
178 you are aware, Far Strider was dis-
patched, under the command of Cap-
Log, Cardigan Bay, Captain Frank
Beringer reporting.
tain Jericho Vitalis, to investigate pos-
sible sightings of the species classified Weve picked up an emergency dis-
as X-13. Incoming reports from Cap- tress signal while en route to Gany-
tain Vitalis and the other Wardens of mede. The source of the signal has
Far Striders crew had been frequent yet to be identified. The emergency
and consistent, until six months ago command protocol revived pilot Lisa
when all transmissions suddenly and Bell and I from A/D stasis about ten
inexplicably ceased. We have filed minutes ago. My initial reading of our
reports of Far Striders visits to Nep- current coordinates shows that we
tune, Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter, and are approximately sixty percent along
we believe that Captain Vitalis and his our planned transit route to Jupiter.
crew were indeed onto something Life signs for the rest of the crew
that could constitute a clear and pres- look stable. Ive begun resuscitation.
ent threat. Unfortunately, it will be dif- Lisa has plotted an intercept course
ficult to verify this, as it is believed that toward the distress beacon. Our ex-
the entirety of Far Striders crew is pected arrival will be in approximately
now dead. thirty-seven minutes.

Far Strider was discovered on the 09:27 EST, 03 FEBRUARY 2159

3rd of February, near a passing free- The Cardigan Bay arrived on scene
lance trader registered as Cardigan about fifteen minutes ago. Sensors
Bay while en route between Mars detected a ship seemingly lifeless and
and Jupiter. Her course had taken adrift as we approached. She appears
Cardigan Bay outside of standard to be some sort of corvette, though
transit routes. Cardigan Bays navi- not like anything Ive ever seen before.
gational computer was able to detect She may be a government ship by

Help Is Always A Long Way Away

the looks of her markings. The name Weve attempted to raise her on
printed on her hull is Far Strider. Ive standard communications channels,
directed my navigator, Jose Perez, with no results. Our initial inspection
to research the name on the master of the outer hull indicates no rupture
vessel database, but he has yet to find or any other sign of damage. Never-
anything useful. Whatever she is, this theless, the ship seems lifeless. Well
ship is well armed. need to board her as soon as we can
to commence rescue or salvage op- with splashes of what looks like blood.
erations. Ive already ordered Lisa Theres also quite a bit of damage to
to bring us alongside. Chief Engineer the door frame, as if something pow-
Dante Williams is preparing a board- erful had battered against it from the
ing party. We will begin operations as other side.
soon as we are securely moored to
Far Striders docking hatch. Williams is scanning for life signs,
but I dont have a good feeling about
10:22 EST, 03 FEBRUARY 2159 survivors after seeing this mess. Nev-
The boarding party is now aboard ertheless, weve got to make sure.
Far Strider. Party members include On the other hand, Far Strider might
Chief Williams, Assistant Engineer fall under UWC regulations as free
Sheila Watts, Pilot Lisa Bell, and our salvage if there are no survivors and
medic Lionel Heskey. Entry through clear ownership cant be verified. A
the outer airlock was difficult due to ship like this could be worth a fortune.
Far Striders advanced security sys- Whatever the case, we must get into
tem. Fortunately, Sheila is somewhat that bridge. Ill make sure the cutting
180 of a wiz at breaking security codes gear is ready and I may just unlock
even the toughest ones. I dont know the weapons locker as well. I hope to
what kind of work she did before this, God that we dont find whatever made
but some of her more dubious skills this bloody mess locked in on the oth-
often come in handy. er side.

Perez located a listing for Far Strid- 11:02 EST, 03 FEBRUARY 2159
er under the master vessel database, No life signs have been detected,
but the entry was marked as classi- so Williams and the team have cut
fied. She must be a government ship through the hatch and entered the
Id bet a years pay on it. bridge. The crew made a quick sweep,
with pistols drawn, but there was no
Initial reports from Williams team immediate threat. The bridge is in
are insubstantial. Theres no sign of shambles, however. Most of the con-
life whatsoever no bodies, no living trol consoles and equipment have
souls, nothing. Sheila is making her been ravaged the same way as the
way toward the engine room while the door. Scorch marks indicate that
others head toward the bridge. Per- there may have been a small electrical
haps Far Striders log is accessible fire. The lighting in there is very dim. I
from there. can hardly make out details through
the Chiefs video feed. A computerized
10:36 EST, 03 FEBRUARY 2159 voice is coming from somewhere to
My God, what happened over the left near the navigation station. I
there? Williams has linked me into a can just make out the shape of a chair
live video feed. It looks like the hatch and the lights of the console as the
to the bridge is sealed and barricaded Chief moves closer. There seems to
by welded bands of steel. The door, be something on the floor as well. Oh
walls, and deck plates are all sprayed dear God!
11:26 EST, 03 FEBRUARY 2159 Whatever this thing was, it cer-
Weve discovered the body of a tainly looked like Vitalis and his crew
woman. Something ripped her in half were able to track it. He described it
and dropped the fleshy pieces on the as a cunning and intelligent preda-
deck like discarded cigarette butts. tor possessed of incredible strength
Lisa had to leave the bridge to throw and speed, with a will for violent blood-
up. What the hell could have done shed. Skimming ahead here, I can see
this? I give Williams a lot of credit for that the Wardens were able to corner
having the stomach to deal with this the creature somewhere within Sala-
mess, especially since hes the one cias spaceport. However, it got away
examining whats left of the body. The in what may have been a cargo ship-
tattered remains of her uniform still ment to Uranus. Yes, I can see here
display a portion of her insignia, re- where Vitalis mentions the discovery
vealing what she was this woman of a derelict freighter adrift near the
was a Warden. moon Oberon. She must have been
towed to Veronica Station, because
11:52 EST, 03 FEBRUARY 2159 the next thing that Vitalis notes is
Williams has patched me into Far a series of random grizzly murders 181
Striders navigation control. It took on the Saturnine moon of Enceladus
some doing, but I managed to retrieve soon after a passenger liner, recently
her logs and discovered two things. arrived from Veronica Station, had
First, Far Strider was set to the last landed there. Whatever this thing
stage of her self-destruct sequence. was, it seemed to be very deliberate
One more command and boom! in its journey toward the inner planets.

Second, Far Striders captain, According to Vitalis logs, the War-

someone named Vitalis, seemed wor- dens arrived on Enceladus only days
ried about the possible presence of after the creatures departure. The
a hostile alien life form on Neptune. carnage and destruction it left behind
Far Strider was dispatched to Salacia had the local population in a paranoid
to dig up evidence of something they uproar. Whatever this X-13 alien
call X-13. There seems to be a pro- was, it was intelligent and apparently
file record in Far Striders database skilled. Local police reports on Ence-
for this thing, but I cant seem to get ladus included an apparent shuttle
past its security profile. According to theft the vessel in question being
Vitalis log entry, the Wardens didnt later found docked at Chronos Sta-
believe that this X-13 was native to tion above Titan. What I dont get is
Neptune. But, some strange sightings how this thing could possibly infiltrate
and the sharp escalation of murders busy population centers without dis-
within the colony followed a bizarre covery. Oh God, I remember hearing
event that eyewitnesses described as about the disappearance of an entire
a shimmering wave in the air followed class of young school children while
by an explosion of static electricity transferring onto a shuttle at Chronos
very strange. Station, but no details had ever been
released of the incident. According to
Vitalis, a cruise liner heading toward auto-destruct. I guess thats one way
Jupiter picked up the shuttle, appar- to win a fight. Vitalis and his crew tried
ently adrift in Saturns orbit. All that to barricade themselves up on the
was found was a gruesome collection bridge, but the thing got in. Brices
of toddler heads and body parts piled death, being ripped in two, bought the
in a fleshy stack of bloody meat inside time for the rest of the Wardens to
the cabin. slip out the hatch and weld it shut.
Even so, there is no sign of this crea-
Scanners had not picked up signs of ture on the bridge now.
life on that shuttle either. Yet, evidence
of the creatures passing remained Oh no! Theres a ventilation shaft in
clear when some of the cruise liners the overhead! According to the ships
passengers began to disappear. Wait, schematics, the shaft leads to a junc-
if they couldnt detect any life on the tion that runs straight back toward
shuttle, then the engine room. Sheila! She was back
there and she hasnt checked in for al-
I need to contact Williams now! most an hour!
12:14 EST, 03 FEBRUARY 2159 12:20 EST, 03 FEBRUARY 2159
Ive put Williams and the rest of the Ive alerted Williams to collect the
crew on alert. Whatever this thing is, crew and abandon the Far Strider!
I know now that it somehow got on Weve got to get out of here now!
the Warden ship. Vitalis believed that Neither of us can raise Sheila on the
they had destroyed the creature after comm link. Lisa is making her way
catching up with it on Ganymede. He back to the mooring hatch now. Perez
was wrong! I read Vitalis account of is preparing the nav computer for de-
X-13s apparent abilities. Like a cha- parture. Williams and Heskey should
meleon, its able to blend itself into its not be far behind. I can see them
surroundings to avoid detection. Its moving through Far Striders corri-
somehow invisible to standard bio- dor from Williams video cam. Theres
scanners as well. What the hell did we the airlock hatch at the T-juncture.
just step into here? But wheres Lisa? I can tell that Wil-
liams is wondering the same thing
The account of the Wardens dis- as I watch his camera pan back and
covery that they werent alone on- forth with such a blur that its hard
board ship after Ganymede is quite to make out details. Wait! Thats a
clear in Vitalis log. Two of the War- woman screaming! Oh no. I just saw
dens were violently eviscerated and a bloody body fly across the T-junction
half eaten while in A/D stasis. The re- and slam against the far bulkhead!
mainder of the team was revived un- Heskey is making for the airlock hatch.
der the computers emergency proto- I think that the Chief is trying to find
col. They tried their best, but couldnt the thing!
stop this thing. They knew that they
had no chance. One of the Wardens, Something just lunged at them from
Shelly Brice, tried to set Far Striders the shadows. Whoa its big and re-
ally fast! I cant see anything! Every- Bays outboard airlock to avoid detec-
ones cameras are bouncing all over tion. Ive seen whats left of my crew.
the place! I hear yelling and screaming I dont have time to think about that
everywhere. No one seems to be able now.
to hear me! And that screeching roar.
That that isnt right. Its like a cross Cardigan Bays mains are fired up
between a howl and the scraping of and ready for maneuvering. Her dock-
metal on metal! Its horrible! ing tube is starting to retract. What-
ever that thing is, its smart enough
The Chief and Heskey are both to steal my ship! Where the hell is it
down. The Chiefs camera only points going?! Ive got to stop it! How do you
at the deck now. But I can see oh activate the gun turrets on this thing?!
god thats Heskeys head. Where is All the consoles are smashed! Wait!
his body?! No there there the thing Thats it! The nav console!
is. No no that cant be real. Wai
Im going to be sick. The ships self-destruct sequence
is still active. I just need the final com-
No thats the airlock! Perez, seal mand. Oh hell screw it. Thats right, 183
the door, now! you freak! Im not letting you out of
12:32 EST, 03 FEBRUARY 2159
[heavy breathing] Just escaped the 12:56 EST, 03 FEBRUARY 2159
bridge in time! Perez is dead! Ship This is Captain Frank Beringer of
compromised! Im Im the last. No the freighter Cardigan Bay. Im broad-
sign of the creature. Doesnt seem to casting this message to send my per-
want to chase me, for some reason. sonal log as a warning. Anyone who
Ships computer is activating launch doesnt believe in alien life out here in
sequence! How can that be? Cant do the cold void is dead wrong! Ive seen
anything from here. Got to get to Far it and it destroyed my ship and my en-
Strider. Headed to vacc suit locker. tire crew.
With any luck
But now its time for payback! Auto
12:53 EST, 03 FEBRUARY 2159 destruct on the count of three.
I think my hearts going to explode.
Im on Far Striders bridge now. I man- Three Two One
aged to space-walk from Cardigan
10 Worlds
Though dead on the outside,
Mercury harbors a wealth of
natural metals and minerals
below her surface. Invest-
ment in a colonial mission
to Mercury would naturally
be dangerous and risky, but
that was a risk the Chinese
government was willing to
take. Luckily for them, the un-
conquerable dead world had
one Achilles heel, one place
where humans could land in
relative safety.

The Chao Meng-Fu crater,

Type: Terrestrial located on Mercurys south-
Size: Approximately 0.055 Earths by Mass ern pole, is the only location
Gravity: 0.38 g (Low Gravity)
Surface Pressure: Negligible
on the planet that remains
Surface Composition: Metallic Material (70%), Silicate mostly in the shade through-
Rock (30%) out an entire day thus the
Atmosphere: Trace Molecular Oxygen (42%), So- temperature stays relatively
dium (29%), Hydrogen (22%), Helium (6%), Potas-
constant. It was here that
sium (0.5%)
Surface Temperature: Around 427 C/800 F. the Port Tian colony was es-
Day: 176 Days tablished as the only human
Year: 88 Earth-Standard Days presence on Mercury. Life
Satellites: None here is spartan and simple,
with very little in terms of
Mercury is a small dead world a creature comforts. Nobody
rock in space marred and cracked goes to Mercury unless they have
by ages of meteor impacts. It slowly business here - at least nobody who
rotates like a pig on a spit under the wants to live a comfortable life-style.
punishing heat of the Sun. The tem- Yet there is wealth to be had for those
perature variance on any given day brave enough to join the drilling op-
between the dark and roasting sides erations that sink further and further
range between -315F and +800F. toward the planets core. A miner
Building a sustainable colony here might be able to return home to Earth
would be next to impossible under with a small, dream-building fortune
these extreme conditions. So, why after a few years of hard work. That is,
would anyone want to invest so much of course, if he doesnt disappear first
time and expense to come here in among the dangerous labyrinth-like
the first place? The answer is mining. tunnels of Mercurys mines.
Venus has one of the harsh-
est climates in the solar sys-
tem. Despite being only a bit
smaller than the Earth and
well within the range of the
sun that is generally held to
be friendly to life, Venus has a
decidedly hellish surface with
high winds and temperature
in the hundreds of degrees
no matter if you are on the day
or night side. Despite these
conditions, however, it is a
world that has extensively felt
the touch of humanity.

Five corporations control Type: Hothouse

Size: Approximately 0.815 Earths by Mass
Venus, under the nominal au- Gravity: 0.904 g (Moderately Low Gravity)
thority of the Venusian Admin- Surface Pressure: 9.3 million Pascal (about 93 times
istrative Body. Each corpora- Earth sea level)
tion has utter autonomy within Surface Composition: Basalt rocky surface dominated
by volcanic planes with interspersed highlands.
their colony, with each colony
Iron, gold, silver, uranium and a variety of other
having its own set of rules and valuable ores and minerals can be found.
regulations, customs, holidays, Atmosphere: Mostly Carbon Dioxide (85%) with Ni-
and so on. However, outside of trogen (3%) and other trace gases such as sulfur
the colony, including any min- dioxide, argon, water vapor and carbon.
Cloud Layer Temperature: Around 460 C/860 F.
ing operations those colonies Day: 243 Days
may claim, the VAB has the Year: 224.7 Earth-Standard Days
final authority. While the Ve- Satellites: None
nusian Administrative Body is
supposed to be apolitical, its tions of the corporations but, for the
rulings are generally tilted in favor of most part, those mining operations
whichever corporation currently has have moved to other areas of the
the most influence. planet. Despite this, these colonies
offer comfortable environments with
Nearly all aspects of life on Venus wide caverns modeled much like the
occur underground. With the high parks found on Earth, giving them an
temperatures, scouring winds, and open-air feel. There is never mistaking,
corrosive environment of the surface, however, which colony you are in, for
subsurface colonies have been by far nearly every corridor you walk down,
the cheapest method of colonizing napkin you wipe your face with, and
the planet in the long term. Most of glass you drink out of has the asso-
these colonies can trace their roots ciated corporate logo emblazoned
back to the initial mining opera- across it.

saster. The damage done dur-
Chapter 10: Worlds

ing the 19th, 20th, and 21st

centuries was halted and, in
some cases, reversed. However,
the Earth has been damaged
and a person from the 21st
century would find the world
to be quite different. Air qual-
ity has recovered, but climates
have changed permanently in
many parts of the world. There
are places where it is not safe
to travel outside without spe-
cial suits, where the thinning
or non-existent ozone no lon-
ger protects life from danger-
Type: Terrestrial Planet
Size: 1 Earth by Mass
ous solar radiation. Many spe-
Gravity: 1 g cies are permanently extinct,
Surface Pressure: 101 kPa though cloning efforts labor to
Surface Composition: Rocky surface with active plate bring some of them back to
tectonics. Composed mostly of iron, silicon, mag- little avail.
nesium, sulfur, nickel, calcium, and aluminum.
Atmosphere: Mostly Nitrogen (78%) with Oxygen
(21%), with the remaining amount made up of ar- On the other hand, push-
gon, carbon dioxide, and water vapor. ing people out to live on other
Surface Temperature: Average 24 C/75 F. worlds has helped ease the
Day: 24 Hours
threat of overpopulation. Peo-
Year: 365 Earth-Standard Days
Satellites: 1 ple still have not learned, how-
ever, and there are no popula-
tion controls in place. It will
The nations of Earth are still pretty
only be a matter of time before over-
much as they have been, though
population becomes a problem again
some borders and centers of power
or at least it would were not things
always shift. The threat of terrorist
awakening in the galaxy that are help-
nuclear strikes and the nuclear devas-
ing to thin the herd.
tation of Port Klang in Malaysia woke
the world up. Modern nations have
Compared to the rest of the solar
become more civilized and choose to
system, though, the Earth is paradise.
resolve their disputes through the fo-
Large cities and population density
rum of the Unified World Council a
make it very safe and the natural ecol-
powerful cooperative body that has
ogy of the planet is where human-
replaced the impotent United Na-
ity was meant to exist. That, however,
does not mean that the strange hap-
penings in the rest of the solar system
Fortunately, the Earth suffers no
have not found their way to Earth.
more from the threat of ecological di-
112 years ago, the first per-
manent settlement was cre-
ated on the surface of Mars.
In the beginning, the mining
operations on Mars produced
better results than anyone
ever hoped. Jobs were plenti-
ful and calls to Earth for more
and more settlers brought
shuttle after shuttle of people
hoping to cash in on the pros-
perity. The original colony
expanded and smaller settle-
ments began to spring up in
areas that could be easily pro-
tected from meteor and radia- Type: Terrestrial Planet
tion damage. Size: Approximately 0.5 Earths by Mass
Gravity: 0.375 g (Low Gravity)
Surface Pressure: 1 kPascal
However, this did not last. Surface Composition: Primarily a basalt rock base
The dig sites all began to containing some silica glass. Surface covered in
encounter a material in the finely grained iron-oxide dust.
ground that was incredibly Atmosphere: Mostly Nitrogen (78%) and Oxygen
hard to drill, blast, or bore (19%), with the remaining amount made up of
Argon, Carbon Dioxide, Krypton, Neon, Nitrogen,
through. The material was Xenon, and Water Vapor
useless to the miners, as no Surface Temperature: Around 4.4 C/40 F.
one could find any way to Day: 24.6 Hours
profit from it. Worse yet, all Year: 1.8 Earth-Standard Years
indications showed that this Satellites: Formerly 2, now a loosely formed ring.
Chapter 10: Worlds
material was present all over
the planet.
millions of particles of space debris.
Much of the debris rained down in a
Tourism, the second largest money-
hail of meteorites that peppered the
maker for the planet, was beginning to
planet for days on end. The location of
lag behind the more exotic locations
the colonies in low-lying areas saved
found on Ganymede and Io. However,
them from the worst of the damage.
Mars had one final message to the
The dust storm created by the impact
people of Earth that thought that life
of so many meteorites continues to
could be restored to the Red Planet.
blanket the planet to this day. Solar
Two years ago, the moon Diemos radi-
collectors struggle to collect the lit-
cally shifted orbit and swung into the
tle sunlight that sneaks through the
path of Phobos.
clouds above.
The impact shattered the moons
It is a world supported by will alone.
and blanketed the orbit of Mars with

Galilean moons Callisto, Eu-
ropa, Ganymede, and Io.
Chapter 10: Worlds

Callistos most distinct fea-

tures are the numerous and
massive impact craters that
cover the surface. This is where
many of those working nearby
live a bedroom community.

Europa is home to a giant

underground saltwater ocean,
kept warm by the magnetic in-
fluence of Jupiter. The lifeforms
survive by chemosynthesis,
similar to the black smoker en-
Type: Gas Giant
Size: Approximately 318 Earths by Mass
vironments of Earth.
Gravity: 2.53 g
Surface Pressure: 20-200 kPascal (cloud layer) Ganymede is the largest
Surface Composition: Liquid Metallic Hydrogen with moon in the solar system. The
Some Helium moons primary trade is tour-
Atmosphere: Mostly Hydrogen (89%) and Helium
(10%), with trace amounts of Ammonia, Ethane, ism and entertainment. It is, for
Hydrogen Deuteride, Methane, and Water, as well lack of a better analogy, the Las
as Ammonia, Ammonium Hydrosulfide, and Water Vegas of the outer planets.
Cloud Layer Temperature: Around 125 C/-193 F.
Io is rife with geological ac-
Day: 9.9 Hours
Year: 11.86 Earth-Standard Years tivity, with many mountains
Satellites: 63 and volcanoes. Bunkers that
shield visitors from the in-
It is the largest planet in our solar tense radiation provide staging
system, so large that it is two and a grounds for those who wish to come
half times the mass of all the other and climb the majestic mountains in a
planets combined. The gas giant has low gravity environment.
captured the imaginations of many,
with its massive satellites and giant However, there have been some
red eye. Its too bad for them that the unusual reports in and around Jupi-
reality turned out to be far less fasci- ter space. Gas miners in the upper
nating than they had hoped. atmosphere of Jupiter report seeing
shadows of things floating in the alien
The planet itself is home only to clouds. Scientists on Europa claim that
two large floating gas mines. Most the fish theyre studying have been
workers live on Callisto and come in acting differently. Perhaps most un-
month-long shifts. The real excite- usual is the way that a part of Callisto
ment of Jupiter is found on the four has begun to change.
Out there, beyond the
treacherous rim of the Aster-
oid Belt and the great orbit of
Jupiter lays the heart of man-
kinds new frontier Saturn.
Her many rings highlight the
moons that are home to a ris-
ing civilization. Over three mil-
lion residents of the Republic
of Saturn live and work here,
striving daily to build their lives
around the promise of a free
and independent world. Op- Type: Gas Giant
portunities abound here for Size: Approximately 95 Earths by Mass
the adventurous of heart and Gravity: 2.5 g
the ingenious of mind. Rapid Surface Pressure: 140 kPascal (cloud layer)
growth has created a strong Surface Composition: Liquid Metallic Hydrogen and
Helium. Theoretical rocky core.
economy built on industry, Atmosphere: Mostly Hydrogen (96%) and Helium
manufacturing, mining, tour- (3%), with trace amounts of Ammonia, Ethane, Hy-
ism, and perhaps the most drogen Deuteride, Methane, and Water,.
important of Saturns com- Cloud Layer Temperature: Around 185 C/-301 F.
Day: 10.57 Hours
modities agriculture. It might Year: 29.46 Earth-Standard Years
seem ironic that the world in Satellites: 200 observed, 62 with secure orbits
the solar system named after
the Roman god of the harvest
would actually deliver on the promise
Perhaps the most amazing example
of her namesake. However, Saturn has
of the Republic of Saturns achieve-
evolved into what is called the bread-
ments is Titan. It is here, under the
basket of the outer planets. Chapter 10: Worlds
orange sky and dense atmosphere of
Saturns largest moon, that great cit-
Ice harvesting has become an im-
ies and mammoth farming bio-domes
portant industry among Saturns
have arisen. Cassini University, located
moons, especially Enceladus with
within the capital city of Cassini, is fa-
its giant plumes of sprayed ice shot
mous for it schools of Planetology
majestically into space from massive
and Organic Chemistry. The city of
geysers on its southern pole. Other
Chronos has become one of the most
moons like Rhea play host to huge
important trade centers in the Solar
manufacturing plants and ship yards
System, built on the need to transport
that allow Saturn to produce bio-
Titans wealth of agricultural goods off
domes, shuttles, transports, and other
world. The fact of sustainable colonies
necessary components that sustain
on Neptune and Uranus can be direct-
the colony. Saturnine colony struc-
ly attributed by some degree to the
tures and merchant vessels are not
success of the Saturn colony.
uncommon among the Outer Worlds.

The surface of the planet is
Chapter 10: Worlds

not actually a surface at all, but

a mix of water, ammonia, and
methane in a thick liquid form.
Despite its large size, the gravi-
tational forces of Uranus are
actually less than that of Earth,
so it would be possible to land
on its surface if it was solid.
Given that Uranus has no solid
surface, the only colony for
Uranus proper is Veronica Sta-
tion the mining facility run
by John Paul Wesley to extract
molecular hydrogen from the
atmosphere. The space station
is a patchwork of various com-
Type: Ice Giant ponents and sections from a
Size: Approximately 4 Earths by Mass
Gravity: 0.89 g (Moderately Low Gravity)
number of failed attempts to
Surface Pressure: 100 kPascal set a mining rig in the orbit of
Surface Composition: Hot and dense fluid mixture of Uranus.
water, ammonia, and other volatiles.
Atmosphere: Mostly Hydrogen, with trace amounts
of Helium, Methane, and Molecular Hydrogen.
The moons of Uranus have
Cloud Layer Temperature: Around 193 C/-379 F. all been set up as mining and
Day: 17.9 Hours prospecting regions, where
Year: 84.01 Earth-Standard Years independent contractors and
Satellites: 27
corporations obtain deeds for
mining rights from Wesley.
Law is officially maintained by
For years, the Uranus sector had the internal security supplied by the
been nothing more than a junction Wesley family. The reality, however,
point for transports off to the lucra- is that the local prospectors and cor-
tive diamond mines of Neptune or the porations will deal with suspected
vast expanse of the Kuiper Belt be- criminals internally. In fact, the region
yond. Even then, that was only when has the lowest reported theft rate of
the orbital alignments worked out. anywhere in the solar system, but
That all changed when the Wesley that only means that little crime is re-
family founded the hydrogen min- ported. Being much like the gold rush
ing facility from Veronica Station. The towns of the old west on Earth, law
Wesley family obtained the rights to is very often handled as an personal
the moons surrounding Uranus and matter between prospectors.
has offered them to independent
prospectors or corporations to do
with as they will.
Neptune, the last planet of
our solar system, so far into
space that it is thirty times the
distance of the Earth to the
burning Sun. Wind is a near
constant on Neptune the av-
erage daily winds range from
45 mph to nearly the speed
of sound. Unsurprisingly, the
only colony on Neptunes sur-
face is underground or un-
der the thick ice layer, which
has baffled scientists. Beyond
it lies only the Kuiper Belt, a
place filled with only dwarf
planets and miscellaneous Type: Ice Giant
chunks of rock. Its no won- Size: Approximately 17 Earths by Mass
der it is a frigid, inhospitable Gravity: 1.14 g (Moderately High Gravity)
Surface Pressure: 1.5 Pascal (equal to about 75 miles
world, where only the greedy above Earth sea level)
or desperate would dare set Surface Composition: Mostly Ammonia, Ammonium
foot. Hydrosulfide, Methane, and Water ices.
Atmosphere: Mostly Hydrogen (80%) and Helium
(20%), with a small percentage of Methane and trace
Salacia is the only colony
amounts of Hydrogen Deuteride and Ethane.
on Neptune. It is powered Surface Temperature: Around 200 C/-300 F.
entirely by geo-thermal taps, Day: 16.11 Hours
utilizing the extremely hot Year: 164.79 Earth-Standard Years
core of the planet. At first Satellites: 13
glance, it would seem amaz-
ing that anyone would want Chapter 10: Worlds
to spend the large amounts of on Neptune. Many people have start-
money and incredible effort required ed to have intense nightmares, some
to maintain a colony on Neptune. Pos- of which have induced homicidal fits
terity or curiosity hardly seem reason- in otherwise normal folks. Insomnia
able motivations. The answer is simple (or sleep aids) are an epidemic. People
Neptune produces diamonds, the also have started to go missing from
most precious gem in the solar sys- time to time, without any trace some
tem. Salacia is a joint operation of the believe theres a conspiracy afoot. On
European Federation and the Rhodes top of all that, there are those who
Company a firm with long roots in claim to have heard eerie distant
the diamond business and the fabu- sounds through the surface flurries,
lous wealth that goes with it. like the songs of whales. None of
these facts are advertised by Rhodes
Over the last few years, strange it would be bad for business.
things have become commonplace

Pluto & The Kuiper Belt
and thus far humanity has
Chapter 10: Worlds

found itself a distant observer.

In recent years, that observa-
tion has increased ten-fold.

The small dwarf planet has

always been a bit of an enigma
in the solar system. Its orbit
sneaks in and out of the Kui-
per belt and is tilted, running
north and south of the ecliptic
plain. There has never been a
satisfactory explanation of this
oddity. More recently, however,
the small world has begun ex-
hibiting even more bizarre and
Type: Dwarf Planet inexplicable behavior the or-
Size: Approximately 0.002 Earths by Mass bit of Pluto has been changing.
Gravity: 0.067 g (Extremely Low Gravity) The change was small at first,
Surface Pressure: 0.3 Pascal (trace)
Surface Composition: Granite-like rock and ice, explo- but it seems to be increasing.
sive out-gassing common Its velocity has also shifted,
Atmosphere: Even mix of nitrogen, methane, and car- sometimes speeding up and
bon monoxide sometimes slowing down.
Surface Temperature: Around 229 C/-380 F.
There is no known cause that
Day: 6.4 Days
Year: 230 Earth-Standard Years science can find for its behav-
Satellites: 3 ior, though many great minds
have been set to the task of
finding it.

Across the solar system nearly every Even with this new develop-
planet and moon has felt the pres- ment, travel to the world is strictly for-
ence of humanity. Not so with Pluto. bidden. Even its moons are off-limits.
The planet has made it clear that it Inevitably someone will again make
wishes to be left alone. There have the attempt to land on the world, to
been attempts, many of them, over force from it the secrets that it hides,
the years. However, with each attempt and inevitably those same someones
comes screams and then silence. Most will transmit screams of terror into the
expeditions have never made it to the dark void before they too go silent.
surface and those that did never last. Pluto will surrender its secrets when it
Even satellites and probes last only a is ready, not when we demand it, for
few hours at best before their signals Pluto has no time for our needs.
are lost. Pluto wishes to be left alone
The Kuiper Belt, found massive deposits that have net-
ted them finders fees that allowed
The New Frontier them to retire in style. Many more,
Past the distant planet of Neptune
however, have simply vanished never
lies a thick band of rock, dust and
to be heard from again. While there is
ice known as the Kuiper Belt. Many
great promise in the Belt, there is also
dismiss this region as nothing more
great danger.
than another asteroid field, but those
people do not truly understand the
So far out is the Kuiper Belt that
scope of the belt. Despite being far
even a small emergency can turn
less dense in most areas than the bet-
deadly. Unlike the inner system, there
ter known belt of rocks that sits be-
is usually no help to be found. Those
tween Mars and Jupiter, the Kuiper
who make their living in the belt are
Belt dwarfs its inner system cousin in
truly self-reliant they have to be to
its sheer population of rocks and ice
survive. They are also freer to pursue
that slowly drift through it. For this
their dreams than anywhere else in
reason, the Belt has become the new
the solar system. The Unified World
frontier of the solar system.
Council has no say out here and even
those corporations that have staked a
For those who are brave or, depend-
claim out here, such as the massive 4G
ing on who you ask, foolish enough to
Enterprises, understand that they will
venture that far out, there lies a great
never have any influence beyond the
potential to truly make a mark on the
walls of their own stations.
solar system. Many explorers have

The Kuiper Belt

Type: Asteroid Belt
Chapter 10: Worlds
Accepted Border: Inner 35 AU Outer 50 AU
Composition: Primarily iceroids with a small percent-
age of asteroids, infant comets, and roughly half a
dozen dwarf planets.
Major Locations: Dyonis Complex, Fog Field, the
Lighthouse, Smoke, the Forge

F Bad Salvage
This was a much better haul than Valentino and the pretty blonde
the crew of the Vulcans Forge was tomboy started to square away the
hoping to find. The random salvage gear. Doesnt this make you ner-
drifting between the orbits of Nep- vous? he asked.
tune and Saturn had often been
picked over by the pirates that had Before Annie could answer, the
turned the ships into salvage in the Skipper poked his head back into
first place. This was different and it the bay. And V, get the blood off the
made Valentino nervous. cargo before you stow it. Dont want
the authorities asking questions we
The young Sicilian rubbed his fin- dont have answers to. And then he
ger over stains on the cargo con- was gone.
tainer in front of him. It flaked off. It
194 was definitely blood. Skipper, why Valentino looked at the spattered
would pirates chop the crew to bits boxes, knowing this would not be a
like that and leave all this stuff be- fun job. Why is it always me?

The Skipper was a man whod

gone grey so long before his time Valentino tried to catch his breath.
it was impossible to tell how old He didnt know what it was about
he was. However, there were few coming out of a grav couch that
people who knew the salvage game made Annie so horny, but he wasnt
better than he. Who cares? Could complaining.
have been a message or a revenge
trip. Their lapse in judgment, our Whew! That was exactly what I
bounty. needed! Wed better get dressed
before the Skipper notices were
Annie finished dropping off the gone again. Annie slipped on her
last jack of cargo. Thats the last of coveralls in one smooth motion. She
it, Captain. Though, with her thick made those things almost look good.
New Zealand accent, it sounded
more like lest of it Cepten. The pair tried to look innocent
as they went out to join the rest of
Good. Lets get prepped to get the crew for the post-stasis meal.
back to someplace civilized. Annie, Hector was still decanting Nguyen,
help V get these crates secured. but everyone else was bright-eyed
And with that, the salty space mari- and ready to eat. It was at times
ner left the cargo bay. like these that the Skipper was a

Things in the Salvage

generous man he made sure his It was, however, entirely deceptive.

crew had honest to goodness food, Little did they know that this was go-
instead of the usual crap rations ing to be the last normal moment
that went with deep space voyages. any of them would ever know.
It was the little things that made all
the difference, usually.
It was only two days later when
Ilse, one of the new crew, needed
Hector to check her out. Shed de- It was later that day that Valentino
veloped a painful welt on her lower discovered that something had been
right back and hadnt felt right since into the food stores. He called the
it showed up. Ilse thought that it Skipper down, because this wasnt
happened when she hit some of the something that was going to be easy
scrap the wrong way when work- to explain. Food containers had been
ing the cargo bay, but Hector said torn open, even the ones that were
it looked more like the bug bite of sealed in hard materials.
something big.
Now what could have done this?
Since there werent any bugs on The Skipper seemed more curious
board and since they hadnt been than angry.
to a port with bugs for quite a while,
Hector was stumped. There wasnt Valentino shook his head. I dont
196 much he could do about it, other know, but Ive got a bad feeling about
this. Think this has anything to do
than give her some topical medicine.
He was a medic, not a doctor. with Ilses bite?

The Skipper reached down to grab

himself a handful of nuts, which were
Valentino knew something was spilled across one of the shelves. If
wrong, and he hadnt felt right since it is, it aint a bug and its a whole lot
they pulled the salvage onboard. bigger than I thought. Were going
to have to get everyone stun rods
The Skipper looked across the ta- and search the ship. But where did
ble, one eyebrow raised. Lord, Ilse. it come from?
You trying to eat me out of house
and home? It couldnt have come from that
ship, said Valentino. What could
The skinny little German girl have survived? It was vented to
wolfed down a second helping of space.
miso soup and something that was
supposed to be potstickers. I dont
know whats been going on. Seems
like I cant get enough to eat ever Nguyen checked in with Hector
since this last stasis. I must look later that day. Hed gotten stung
like a little piggy! She stopped eat- by something down in engineering,
ing long enough to make little piggy but he never saw what it was and
snorts at everyone, which made An- couldnt find anything. He was sure
nie burst into laughter. At least Ilse he hadnt accidentally bumped into
still had her sense of humor. anything.
It was for certain. Something was thats only because he didnt have
on the ship. Everyone gathered to- any other explanation that even
gether to make a plan to find it and sounded good. It was like her diges-
the Skipper broke out the stun ba- tive system had exploded out her
tons. backside.

The Skipper asked Hector to do

some kind of work-up on the body to
The crew had gotten about half- make sure there wasnt a disease
way through their first pass of the loose on the ship. He made Hector
ship when Ilse called in, saying she put Ilses body in quarantine, but we
wasnt feeling well. Shed been com- all knew that wouldnt help. If it was
plaining about feeling bloated the a virus, we already most likely had it.
last couple of days and her diges-
tive system had been on the fritz. No
one thought anything of it and simply
adjusted their search pattern to ac-
commodate her absence.
The crew, shaken and distraught,
managed to complete their first
pass of the ship.
It had been several hours and no
one had seen anything. It didnt help They didnt find anything. When
that they didnt know what they were they got back, they discovered that
supposed to be looking for. They as- both Hector and Ilses body were
sumed it could be as small as a rab- missing. It was pretty obvious that
bit and went from there. Since Ilse there was no disease.
had gone radio silent, the Skipper
sent Hector to go find her. The Skipper put Annie on modify-
ing the ships sensors to find what-
ever was doing this. He also opened
up the weapons locker and gave ev-
Hector was just as freaked out eryone shotguns.
as everyone else. He had no good
explanation for what happened to
Ilse. It took him a while to find her,
but she had been dead for at least a Nguyen was more freaked out
few hours. He managed to keep it to- than anyone. Now he was hungry
gether enough to bag her body, but all the time and eating like a horse.
we had to draw straws to see who With Hector gone, there wasnt any-
was going to clean up all the blood. one left who could do anything about
it. Nguyen did the only graceful thing
Ilse had died just outside her bath- he locked himself into quarantine.
room. Hector wanted to say it was
some kind of hemorrhagic fever, but
Everyone had gathered around It took a couple of shots of whiskey
the dining table. The Skipper was to build up the courage for the crew
pulling up diagrams of the ship on to get to the task ahead.
the flex screen that hung above it.

Whatevers here knows were

looking for it and knows how to hide, Crawling through the ducts was
he said. Weve got to assume that no joy for Valentino. Fortunately,
these things are using maintenance they were big enough to crawl com-
ducts or the other life support ducts fortably on hands and knees, unlike
near them. I hope nobodys claustro- smaller ships where one had to al-
phobic. ligator crawl.

The rest of the crew fidgeted, ea- Annie found two unusual readings
ger to get to some kind of action. and guided the teams toward the
first. Tensely, the other crew tried
198 The Skipper continued. I know to move as quietly as possible, trap-
were all on edge, but please be ping whatever the thing was in the
careful what you shoot at in there. net while giving themselves room to
Otherwise, you could blow out some- fire and not hit each other.
thing important, like life support.
With Nguyen in quarantine, we dont Then Annie screamed that it was
have a genius to pull us out of the moving. Then the ducts echoed with
fire. the sounds of gunfire. Then the Skip-
per was gone. Annie called a general
Valentino raised his hand. Um, retreat after this, but everyone was
boss? Why dont we just get what already scrambling to get out of the
we need to survive and lock our- ducts.
selves on the bridge until we get
back to civilization? Rallying on the bridge, Valentino
had discovered something along
No way. It was Annie that replied. the way. Nguyen was dead now, in a
Wed be locked up in quarantine the massive pool of his own blood. It was
minute we arrived. They might even the same way Ilse had gone.
destroy the ship and our salvage. Im
scared, but I dont want to end up
broke, jobless, and in UWC solitary
for six months. Valentinos lungs burned as he
ran like hed never run before. Fear
That was that. Annie had the sen- gripped his brain like an ice cold vice.
sors modified and was going to be All he could think about was getting
guiding the teams. Everyone else as far away from these things as
was given a section of the duct grid. possible, as quickly as possible.
Rounding another corner, unsure them. He turned, watching in slow
where it was he was heading, Val- motion as the thing came closer. It
entino finally registered the voice wasnt going to make it, but it was
screaming in his ear. No, V! No! Not still going to try.
that way! Its in front of you!
It was hard to make it out by the
Finally, his higher brain functions emergency lights. However, in the
retook command. Where are you? last few seconds it had, it gracefully
leaped towards the doors, wheeled
Im locked in the bridge, replied around, and snapped its sharp tail
Annie. Youre clear for the moment. through the opening. The tail lashed
Run! only a few inches from Valentinos
head before whipping back out the
It took Valentino a second to fig- door before it closed completely.
ure out where he was, while Annie
continue to scream at him over the He turned to Annie, both of them
radio. Then, he was off. in the throes of shock. They would
be safe for a while, but the thought
would occur to them later what
would they do when they needed to
The thing was on his heels, its get back to their grav couches for
black chitinous claws clicking on deceleration?
the metal plates as it clawed its
way along in 0G. Valentino rushed It seemed they were only delaying
the bridge doors and wasnt even the inevitable.
through when Annie started to close
11 Monsters

Monsters have always been the stuff ror Tests when encountering it), and its
of human legends. As soon as early special abilities.
hominids figured out how to commu-
nicate, they began to tell of horrible These game statistics are designed
things that went bump in the night. to represent the average member of
Some of those stories were the prod- the monsters species. As a GM, feel
uct of imagination and some of them free to tweak the creatures Attributes
were exaggerations of animals that and Skills in order to change it up
might have scared primitive humans. you may even want to give it a few
However, some of these legends have appropriate Talents. Its always fun to
always been close to the mark, for keep your players guessing, and that
there have always been unspeakable most certainly happens if the mon-
horrors lurking out there, just beyond sters of the same type have different
what humans know. capabilities.

Now that the Chthonian Star again Special Attributes & Skills
approaches, there are many mon- A few of the usual Attributes may be
strous creatures that are coming into treated differently as applied to mon-
the world some in ways never before sters, as well as a couple Skills unique
seen. Well take a look at a few of them to them.
Reading Monsters Youll notice that many monsters
Each monster begins with an itali- have Attributes greater than 5. This
cized description of the creature, de- is because they have surpassed hu-
signed for you to use in your game. man limits. Use them as you normally
Once youve used the stock descrip- would.
tion a couple of times, youll most like-
ly want to riff on it, adapting it for your There are monsters that are clearly
specific uses and the specific situation beasts, yet they have reasonable Clev-
to which it applies. erness ratings. In these cases, their
Cleverness more accurately represents
Following that is a general overview the creatures instincts than its ability
of the monster, to help you under- to reason. It may not ever be able to
stand what it is and how you might figure out how to use a computer, but
want to use it in your game. it may figure out how to open a door
or the like. Those instincts also help
On the second page, youll find the keep it alive, knowing when to fight
actual game statistics for the monster. and when to run. It also allows them to
These include the creatures size and hunt effectively.
habitat, as well as its Attributes, Statis-
tics, natural Skills, weapons and armor, Demeanor is another Attribute that
its Horror Factor (the Difficulty for Hor- wont necessarily work the same way.
For intelligent creatures, it works the to temporarily back down or choose
way it normally is intended among less troublesome prey if moved to Un-
their own kind. There are also those friendly.
creatures that will use its Demeanor
for most normal uses. Deception may also be of use
against intelligent creatures, if they
However, in general, if a creature are interested and capable of opening
cannot be perceived as human, or a dialog.
near-enough to human to matter, its
Demeanor is used only to intimidate Some intelligent creatures may be
For more, see Social Combat below. moved to Unfriendly and will talk fur-
ther, but this is the exception rather
Skills than the rule. Monsters are alien and
There are two skills that are unique most interested either using humans
to Monsters. for their own ends, or killing or eating
Athletics: Flight (Grace) This skill
covers a creatures ability to per- Monsters may never be moved fur-
form athletic feats while keeping ther than Unfriendly through Social
itself aloft. Combat. However, Unfriendly might
Natural Weapons (Grace) This just buy the Characters some time.
skill covers a creatures abilities
to use its innate defense mecha- Monstrous Traits
nisms. While the monsters presented here
(and in future supplements) have traits
Physical Combat unique to themselves, there are many
Most monsters have several ways that they have in common. Presented
they can attack. When using a mon- here are descriptions of these traits
ster in physical combat, dont simply and how they work.
always go for the attack that does the
most damage. Put yourself in the situ- Adaptable
ation and utilize the attack that makes A creature that is adaptable is ca-
the most sense, given the circum- pable of changing its physiology in
stances. such a way to survive in ecosystems
that might not normally be expected
Social Combat to support its life. The ecosystems in
Most forms of Social Combat are question are explained along with the
not going to apply to monsters. Since monster.
most monsters will be considered
Hostile, the only Skill youll be able to Burrower
use is Intimidate. This may be of use, A burrowing creature is one that has
as you may be able to get a creature the ability to travel underneath the

ground. Some simply tunnel, while attack is a bite or something similar.
Chapter 11: Monsters

others actually pass the substrate The second attack requires that a crea-
through their bodies as they go. The ture have another applicable mode of
base Speed for any burrower is nor- attack, and the attack is resolved nor-
mally equal to that of a similar hu- mally.
mans top speed. However, some may
burrow so fast that they can move at Deceiver
speeds faster than a human can run Monsters with this ability can physi-
the listing will provide a Speed multi- cally or mystically deceive a target,
plier, if this is the case. making that person believe the crea-
ture is something else. This trait re-
Climber quires a simple Deception vs. Clever-
Some monsters have the ability to ness Test.
climb in ways far beyond that of hu-
mans. There are even those that can Flyer
stick to sheer surfaces like an insect or Some monsters are equipped for
some lizards. The listing will provide a flight, usually with wings or mem-
multiplier in climbing speed, as well as branes of some kind. They are also
if the creature can stick to walls and designed to survive in altitude. The
other sheer surfaces. creature may fly faster than normal
ground Speed, and that multiplier can
Constrictor be found in the listing.
A constricting creature can wrap it-
self around an enemy and squeeze. To Glider
do so, the monster makes a normal at- A creature who is capable of gliding
tack. If this attack is successful, the tar- can travel through the air, with a dis-
get cannot move or attack, and suffers tance that depends on the winds and
damage each turn until he succeeds at the height from which launched, as
a Hard Physique Test. He automatically well as gravity. A gliding creature can
escapes if the creature is killed. glide in any real atmosphere.

Echolocation Infrared Senses

Some creatures can see by bounc- A creature with this trait sees into
ing sound waves off nearby objects. the infrared spectrum, in addition to
They have a range of 75 yds/60 m to normal visual perception. This allows
see, even in complete darkness them to see in the dark and detect ba-
though some sensors may reveal them sic heat patterns.
or they may simply make an audible
sound doing so. Jumper
A creature who is a jumper is ca-
Entangling Attack pable of incredible leaps. It can leap
A creature with this trait has the a number of times as far as a human
ability to attack a second time in the in 1G, but is of serious benefit in lower
same turn it successfully hits with an gravity environments. The multiplier
entangling attack. Usually, this second in question is listed with the monster.
Skilled have some sort of way to find suste-
There are those monsters who are nance among the scant bodies of the
fully sentient and capable of learning. solar system or to hibernate.
Such creatures are given additional
skill points with which to buy skills Alien Technology
other than those listed and typically There are several creatures that are
may learn any skill a human can know, not only tool users, they are from races
perhaps even with advanced techno- that have technology of their own. The
logical knowledge. most notable presented here are the
The monster in question is not only This new alien technology will be
sentient, it is capable of mastering presented in future releases. For now,
magical rituals to harness the powers just assume that they utilize their own
of the cosmos. For more on magic, see alien versions of any kind of human
the GM chapter. technology.
The creature can sense any sentient
creatures within a given range. It can
also become immediately fluent in a
targets language by succeeding at an
Average Language (any) Test.

A creature with this trait is not only
sentient, it also knows how to use
tools and technology. Depending
upon the creatures, they may actually Chapter 11: Monsters
have technology of their own.

Truly Amphibious
A creature with this trait is able to
operate uninhibited both under the
waves and on land. Such creatures can A Few Differences
breathe both air and water and have You may notice that some of
the anatomy to support long-term ex- these monsters are familiar from
istence in both conditions. Lovecraftian fiction, but that they
are somehow different. That is be-
Void-Dweller cause the Chthonian Star isnt just
There are creatures whose alien awakening them, its causing them
physiology allows them to survive in to change to evolve for the first
the vacuum of space. They are shield- time in millions upon millions of
ed against any of the perils that come years.
from exposure to the void, and usually

Chapter 11: Monsters
Karrakin Game Statistics
Size: 3 across, 40 lbs.
1 m across, 18 kg

Habitat: Space Asteroids, Moons

Average Attributes:
Awareness 3 Grace 5
Cleverness 1 Perseverance
Demeanor 2 Physique 4

Average Statistics:
Health 16 (16/32/48/64)
Speed 18 mph

Skills: Athletics: Brawn 3, Athletics: Coordination 3, Athletics: Fitness 3, De-

fense 3, Freefall 5, Natural Weapons 2, Notice 2, Reaction 3, Stealth 3,
Survival 5

Weapons: Bite (5d6 + Poison)

Armor: Chitin (10)

Horror Factor: Average

Special Abilities: Chapter 11: Monsters

Climber (x2) Karrakin can climb twice as fast as they can run on flat sur-
faces, and can cling to sheer surfaces like an insect.

Hallucinatory Poison Any Karrakin bite that does damage to a person will
deliver this poison. The victim must succeed at a Hard Perseverance Test.
Those affected by the poison will soon begin to suffer mild hallucinations,
which will ramp up to full-blown dissociative waking nightmares within
an hour or so. Such victims will have difficulty making rational decisions or
discerning friend from foe. This poison flushes from a persons system in six
hours if he can survive that long.

Infrared Senses Karrakin can sense in the dark.

Void Dweller Karrakin can survive in thin atmospheres or the vacuum of

open space.

Chapter 11: Monsters

Its almost as if evolution couldnt fig- like other terrestrial life. The creatures
ure out what it wanted this creature to are incredibly intelligent and techno-
be. Diaphanous wings and segmented logically capable, but lack anything
limbs make it seem like an insect, but the resembling emotions or what could
hard, spiky, wine-colored shell speaks be construed as ethics. To a human
of a crustacean. However, the budding being, they appear to be emotionless
mess that covers what should be its and malevolent.
head is furry and cancerous like a fun-
gus, though protruding in places to the While they once lived on Earth, they
point of cilia. now only travel to our blue-green
planet to mercilessly experiment on
It moves as if it doesnt have a sense of people and to gather resources not
up and down, with a maddening stutter- found in their neck of the solar system
ing cadence. Pieces of that fungoid head Pluto. They are the reason nothing
lap out at the air like a snakes tongue. gets near Pluto, a planet they revere in
Worse is that you can almost make a religious fashion. Their legends fore-
out words when it buzzes its tell that the dwarf planet is part of
wings something special
that is
ants of
the mi-go are crea- coming now on
tures that came to its way. Though secre-
this solar system tive until death, the
millennia ago. mi-go might
Eventually, they be the only
came to serve race in the
the Old Ones universe
and drove that
many other
more noble
races from
these cosmic
shores. knows
w h a t s
The com-
mi-go are ing for
very, very sure.
alien. They
do not operate
Mi-Go Game Statistics
Size: 4 - 5 long, 10 wingspan, 120-170 lbs.
1.2 - 1.5 m long, 3 m wingspan, 54-77 kg

Habitat: Pluto, some parts of Earth

Average Attributes:
Awareness 4 Grace 6
Cleverness 5 Perseverance
Demeanor 3 Physique 3

Average Statistics:
Health 12 (12/24/36/48)
Speed 18 mph

Skills: Athletics: Coordination 2, Athletics: Flying 5, Defense 3, Insight 2, In-

vestigate 3, Gun Combat (any) 2, Freefall 5, Natural Weapons 3, Notice
2, Odd Job 2, Reaction 3, Science: Life 3, Stealth 2

Weapons: Claws (5d6)

Armor: Alien Hide (5)

Horror Factor: Average

Special Abilities:
Chapter 11: Monsters
Adaptable Mi-Go can adapt to pretty much any environment, given a
few hours.

Climber (x1) Mi-Go can climb as fast as they run, and can cling to sheer

Flyer (x1) Mi-Go can fly as fast as they run.

Skilled Assign another 40-60 points in skills for individual Mi-Go, in addi-
tion to the basic skills listed here.

Tool Users Mi-Go have technology all their own, as well as using that of

Void Dweller Mi-Go can survive in thin atmospheres or the vacuum of

open space.

Chapter 11: Monsters

The whispers they speak to you Making no sense at first, they seem to
too, dont they? They didnt make sense care more than anyone the host has
at first, but they became clearer and known before in their lives. Then, as
more entrancing as time went by. What the Myriad acclimate, the voices speak
glories have they asked you to perform? to the glories about to unfold before
How have you shown your love for the the faithful. While the Myriad can
one who sleeps below? No. No! never completely take over their
No! I can see it in your hosts, they can convince even
eyes, they dont the most strong-willed person
speak to you. Youre to commit horrifying acts of
not one of the depravity in service to their
chosen. Not yet, unknown masters.
anyway. Let
me show them This alone would
to you make the Myriad
threat enough
- Final video record- for humanity, but
ing of an interrogation they will not allow
of a murder suspect on themselves to be
Titania. Neither the sus- caught. In such an
pect nor the interrogator event, the creatures
have ever been seen convert the energy
again. in the host body,
forcing it to
Not all monsters become a
shamble through dreadful pro-
the night with claws toplasmic
and horns. One blob. If this
of the most insidious wasnt bad
threats to humanity so enough,
far is a creature no larger the process
than a blood cell. The Myr- of converting
iad seep into the blood the body turns it
stream of unsuspecting incredibly acidic.
hosts and multiply until The Myriad will at-
they are able to influence tack anyone
the mind of their new in the vicin-
puppet. To the victim, ity as long
it starts with whis- their physical
pers, soft voices form remains
at the edges intact.
of the room.
Myriad Game Statistics
Size: Microscopic

Habitat: Atmosphere of Uranus

Average Attributes:
Awareness 3 Grace 3 (as Blob)
Cleverness 5 Perseverance
Demeanor 3 Physique 6 (as Blob)

Average Statistics:
Health As Form, 15 as Blob (15/30/45/60)
Speed As Form, 18 mph as Blob

Skills: As Host

Weapons: As Host, Blob (6d6)

Armor: As Host, Blob (15)

Horror Factor: Average

Special Abilities:
Chapter 11: Monsters
Adaptable Myriad can survive in cold environments with thin atmo-
spheres, like Uranus or Neptune, as well as Earth-like atmospheres.

Infection A potential host must succeed at a Hard Perseverance Test when

exposed to the Myriad. Once infected, the host must succeed at an Aver-
age Perseverance Test to resist compulsion each day. The Difficulty for this
Test increases to Hard after one week and to Legendary after two weeks.
There is no known cure for Myriad infection.

Protoplasmic Blob If a Myriad host is threatened and is forced to reveal

itself, it will covert its host to a acidic protoplasmic blob. Anything that
touches it takes the listed damage above. Myriad can convert back to their
normal host form when the danger is gone.

G Level 23
This was a big deal for Francesca. This wouldnt be much planet-side,
It wasnt like she hadnt been to the but up here was another story. The
Eye before nearly all Wardens had Majors assistant was a rather se-
at one time or another. However, vere-looking girl, most likely eastern
today she was getting to go to the European, who had greeted Franc-
infamous Level 23. This was the kind esca with a kind of cold formality.
of place that was the topic of many
rumors within the agency, kind of Finally, the comm on her desk
like their very own version of Earths beeped and, without looking up, she
Area 51. Most people thought Area said, The Major will see you now.
51 was where the old United States
of America hid aliens and alien arti- Francesca rose and straightened
facts. Similarly, most agents thought her uniform, but before she could
210 Level 23 was where monsters were take a step Major Contee opened
kept. the door and stepped out. He was
an impressive figure, a tall man of
Such privilege was not without African descent who would best
its price. The last several weeks be described as stately. The Major
seemed like a terrible nightmare had the kind of aura that spoke to
to Francesca. Her memories even one day running for elected office.
seemed smeared in an effort to pro- He made Francesca want to salute,
tect her from the truth. The Kuiper but the Wardens werent that kind
Belt, dead friends, floating in space, of organization. Instead, he held out
the thing. Or was it several things? his hand and said, Lieutenant Ortiz,
These were many of the shadows thank you for coming.
that stalked her subconscious now.
Under different circumstances, she Francesca shook his hand and
would just bury the memories and smiled deferentially.
move on. Unfortunately, being a
Warden meant dealing with just this Major Contee gracefully moved
sort of madness. through the cramped office, to-
wards the door. Walk with me, he
The waiting room outside Major said, as he passed Francesca. She
Contees office was about as nice didnt hesitate to fall in step.
as they get on space stations. It
had wood paneling, several padded The senior officer walked out into
chairs, a water dispenser, and the the hallway. Lt. Ortiz, what we have
Majors assistant seated behind a to discuss is sensitive. Im taking you
wood desk that matched the walls. somewhere that is currently beyond

The Back Way to Level 23

your security clearance, so the meat Of course, sir.

of our conversation is best saved for
when we arrive. I know youre ac- They made their way around a
customed to dealing with sensitive corner, passing other Wardens as
information, so I know this wont be they went. They were heading for
a problem. a part of the Eye that was unfamil-
iar to Francesca not that a good on the edge. It was our turn on the
chunk of the station wasnt in that duty roster, so out we went to inves-
same category. tigate.

While were walking, why dont They approached an elevator,

you tell me about your most recent which automatically opened for
mission? I read the reports, but the them. The Major scanned his retina
reports never really do such things again and entered a code. The door
justice. shut and they descended.

Francesca cleared her throat. Im Not to interrupt, but what is it like

still sorting through it in my head. To out there? Ive never had to go fur-
be honest, Im not sure I want to re- ther than the Umbrella.
It feels like the end of the universe,
They approached an unmarked se- like there cant possibly be anything
212 curity checkpoint the sensitive kind out further. Francesca paused. It
where the guards were armored makes you feel small, like the human
and packing submachine guns. The race is totally insignificant.
Major paused for a quick retinal
scan and signed in. The guards nod- Major Contee shifted a little. It
ded and they were through. Not sur- might be. But please continue.
prisingly, this hallway was much less
crowded. We were quite a ways out when
we came to the asteroid. Now when
The Major continued to lead the I say asteroid, that doesnt really do
way. Your reaction is only natural. it justice. It was almost a planet in its
From what I gather, you lost some own right. For some reason, it had
good friends out there. a very thin atmosphere. The aster-
oid was riddled with caves, so we
That was most certainly true, but began to explore. They were more
the details were still a little fuzzy. Ty- like tunnels, so it made it easy for us.
rones suit got a tear in it and the Then, a ways down, they started to
vacuum claimed him. All Francesca change. They started to look more
could remember about Yvonne was organic.
her screams.
The elevator slowed and came to
What little I remember is this, a stop. The door opened, and they
continued Francesca. The Light- exited. The lights flickered on in what
house had recorded some strange appeared to be an antechamber,
activities out in the Kuiper Belt dur- clearly an entrance to something
ing routine patrol. Me and my team much bigger. There was a door over
were on a six month tour out there which was marked simply 23.
The Major stopped at the door. for Francescas mind to deal with
Were here, but please finish. this place. Finally, she said, Why did
you bring me here?
Theres not much more to tell.
We found something down there First, let me tell you what Level
and I barely escaped. I know my 23 is, replied Major Contee. It is
brain will sort it out, because it al- a place to learn. This is where we
ways does. Whatever it was, it was bring the things weve found so that
big, fast, and terrifying. we can study them.

Lets see if anything in here With a gentle nudge, the Major

rings a bell, said the Major, as he guided Francesca into the room.
punched in yet one more code. The She found herself strangely both
door opened and Francesca imme- repulsed by and attracted to the
diately knew that the rumors were things in the tubes.

The room beyond the door was

The first thing she passed was
nothing shed encountered before.
enormous, lit by the glow of tube It was a grotesque lizard-like thing,
after tube of things. Unspeakable with a lamprey sucker mouth. She
monstrosities floated within them, couldnt tell if it walked on two or
clearly dead and suspended in pre- four legs, or both. Regardless, it was
servative. It was a graveyard of the clearly a predator.
darkest things in the universe, kept
on display for those morbid enough As Francesca pressed further
to seek them. into the room, the next tube con-
tained something that looked like a
Though Francesca had hoped the thing that had started to spit out a
rumors were true, the reality was human woman, even though it was
not what she expected. It was much, all part of the same body if you
much worse. She stood, frozen in could call it that. The woman wasnt
horror at the freakshow in front of fully formed, however, but enough to
her. be eerie nonetheless.

The Major gently put his hand on Major Contee guided her slowly
her shoulder. The warmth of human through the room, giving her the
contact helped lessen the reality time to see what she wanted to see.
some. Most people have the same While some of the creatures were
reaction when they first see it. I cer- new to her, there were many with
tainly did. Take as long as you need. which she was unfortunately famil-
iar. Though short one of its heads,
After everything shed seen, espe- there was a karrakin floating limply
cially recently, it took a few minutes ahead, one of the many that had
tried to eat her corvette after a stop Francesca turned to the cage
in the asteroid belt. A ghast, one of closest to her and jumped back.
the nasty hopping predators shed A black, winged thing pressed its
fought away from a frontier colony horned, featureless face against the
on Mars. And there were others, clear front. It followed her as she
each carrying its own memory. moved, as if anticipating its prey.
She took a deep breath and relaxed.
The pair reached the far wall, I hate night-gaunts.
having made but one pass through
one row of this macabre laboratory. We managed to capture this one
Francesca turned to regard the in Jupiter space, completely by acci-
place again, this time with eyes of dent. Many of these are here by ac-
fascination instead of disgust. cident, but thats not going to help
us learn what we need to learn in
You still havent told me why you time.
brought me here.
214 In time for what? asked Franc-
In her reverie, Francesca failed to esca.
notice the door near them. Major
Contee turned and keyed in his code The Major ignored her and con-
yet again. Theres still more for you tinued on. Thats where you come
to see. in. I need people who can go out
and hunt these things and the oth-
This new door opened and Fran- er things we havent even seen yet.
cesca realized that the surprises Teams that can seek them out and
today were hardly over and that capture them to bring back here,
the Major had taken her into Level instead of killing them, as is usually
23 the back way. Before her was an the case.
even larger lab, this one complete
with equipment and scientists, each Wait a minute. Why me? Im
in a Warden uniform. However, they the kill them as quickly as possible,
werent alone here. let the researchers work with the
pieces kind of agent. Most of these
Lining the walls were clear fronted things give me nightmares as it is.
cages, and in them were live ver-
sions of many of the monstrosities Major Contee guided her further
from the other room. into the lab. The scientists at work
here didnt even stop to acknowl-
Its only so useful to study them edge them. They were apparently
when theyre dead, said Major Con- preparing for an experiment in a
tee. Though its hard to bring some black-lit cage on the far side of the
of them back alive. room.
Lt. Ortiz, are you aware of your form of technology. From the looks
record? of the equipment, it looked like the
scientists were trying to figure out
Yes, sir, she replied. Dedicated how to communicate with them. The
service for nearly six years. creatures were certainly intelligent
enough for that she knew from
The Major smiled. Thats not personal experience.
what Im referring to. The incidence
of you encountering hostile lifeforms So you want me to join one of
is higher than most of your fellow these monster hunting units and go
agents. out into the solar system and bring
these things back alive?
Francesca looked back over her
shoulder to make sure the night- Major Contee stopped walking
gaunt wasnt still following her move- and turned to make eye contact.
ments. I didnt know that. His presence was undeniable, espe-

Its almost like youre attracted to

cially with that move. Yes, I do. Your
last team met with an unfortunate
places they are or that theyre at- end, and now is the time to make a
tracted to you. The Major continued move.
to guide her across the room.
Several waves of emotion hit
Thats not a comforting thought, Francesca, and it was difficult to
Francesca replied. determine one from another. How-
ever, one emotion made itself plainly
Major Contee smiled. No, but it known. Dread.
could be a useful one. Youre not
alone, Lt. Ortiz. There are others like Sir, Im not sure I want to start
you in service of the Wardens. Oth- actively hunting the things that give
ers who always seem to find them- me nightmares.
selves in the middle of something
strange, at ground zero for cult I dont think you have that luxury,
activity, or finding the things that replied the Major. If past history
go bump in the dark. Weve only re- is any lesson, these things will con-
cently begun to correlate this data. tinue to find you, whether you want
After all, its not the sort of thing you them to or not. Why not meet them
immediately look for in your person- head on?
For some reason, despite the con-
As they approached the cage of flicting emotions, that made a lot of
interest, Francesca could see why sense to Francesca. She sighed. It
the cage was black-lit, Inside were was going to be a hell of a job.
a pair of ghasts, stripped of any
12 Gamemaster
Running a game of The Void has he doesnt have. If you think the situ-
plenty of its own specifics and nuance. ation is something that someone
You need to know how to best man- whose done a mess of Odd Jobs could
age some of the particular rules of the conceivably try, let them use it. They
game, including Difficulties, the Odd should never be able to do anything
Job Skill, special Advantages and Dis- that requires specialized knowledge,
advantages, Tension Points, and Fate like something someone who was
Points. This chapter will help guide truly trained in such a Skill could do.
you for all of these rules. Furthermore, it should never be an
educationally intense Skill, such as En-
This chapter also presents you with gineering or Science, nor should it be
some guidelines to help you design a Physical or Combat Skill, such as Ath-
your own adventures, including a dis- letics or Guns.
cussion of the survival horror genre,
three-act structure, the Old Ones, You may want to limit the number
magic, awarding your Characters, and of Characters in your group who have
more. this Skill. Once players find out what it
does, they usually want to buy it it
In general, this chapter should arm occurs as a free way to try to do the-
you for being an effective Gamemas- ings their Character normally cant do.
ter of The Void. The dark universe is in It doesnt make sense for most, or ev-
your hands good luck and have fun! ery, Character in your group to know
this Skill.
Assigning Difficulties
In general, the best way to deter- Advantages
mine the Difficulty for a given task is to
assume that Average Difficulty is how Occult Sensitive & Sixth Sense
the average person trained in such Both the Occult Sensitive and Sixth
a skill would perceive the task. The Sense Advantages allow you to give a
key here is that the average person is player early warnings of potential or
someone who is trained in the skill in impending danger. For both of these,
question a competent professional. youll need to make secret Tests. Make
a Cleverness Test for Occult Sensitive
The Odd Job Skill and either a Notice or Cleverness Test
The Odd Job Skill represents some- for Sixth Sense (whichever is higher).
one with a broad base of general Success means that you give the play-
knowledge, but not specialized knowl- er in question a warning.
edge. It represents someone who tin-
kers, and requires special handling. Determining the Difficulty depends
upon the nature of the threat. An op-
In general, Odd Job allows a Char- pressive looming threat should be
acter to make Tests for many Skills Average, while a insidious, creeping
threat should be Hard. Those threats
coming from incredibly powerful,
subtle, and intelligent creatures or Being a Gamemaster:
that are part of a long-term, long- Not At a Glance
reaching plan should be Legendary.
Throughout the rest of this book,
Most should be Average or Hard,
weve provided you with handy
however none should be Easy, be-
sidebars that call out the most
cause there are rarely dangerous situ-
important information for you to
ations that are.
These warnings, however, are not
The information in this chapter is
meant to interfere with your game.
not so easily broken down. This
Keep them vague. Occult Sensitive
contains advice for GMs, as well
should simply let a Character know
as a variety of ways for them to
that the supernatural is present and
adjudicate a variety of the games
influencing their environment. Sixth
rules. It is, for lack of a better term,
Sense should let a Character know
a tool kit.
that he is in physical danger. Neither
should provide them with details
GMs should read this chapter in its
or specifics. You may occasionally
entirety and take the things that
provide them with false positives or
work for them, throwing away the
situations where these advantages
rest. Every GM knows how they
dont work the way they normally do.
want to run their game, and it is
However, be kind to your players, as
not our place to dictate how best
they paid for their Characters to have
to do so.
these advantages.
Out of respect, please read on.
Limiting Advantages
There are several Advantages that
are tempting for every player, most Tension Points
especially Fearless, Luck, Occult Sen- Players get a pool of Tension Points
sitive, and Sixth Sense. You may want every time you sit down to play to-
to limit the number of Characters in gether. For a normal sized group (3-4
your group who can take these Ad- players) in a four-hour session, give
vantages one or two per group. them a pool of five. They can spend
After all, this is survival horror and it them to help them out in times of
doesnt make a lot of sense for most need, but each point they spend goes
or every Character in your group to to you. Once in your possession, you
be Fearless. It also doesnt make much can spend them to foil the characters
sense for everyone to have amazing later in the adventure.
Luck, or for them to be sensitive to
the Occult or know when danger is If you have a bigger or smaller
present. Use your best judgment and group, you should give them a big-
do what works for you. ger or smaller pool of Tension Points.

For 1 or 2 players, give them 3 Ten- It should always be visible to your
Chapter 12: Gamemaster

sion Points, and for 5 or 6 players, give players how many Tension Points you
them 7 Tension Points. have in your pool, as well as what
youre spending them on.
Likewise, the number of Tension
Points should be modified if you are Note that Tension Points cannot be
playing shorter or longer sessions. Cut spent to negate each other. Whoever,
the number of Tension Points in half player or GM, initiates their expendi-
(rounded up) if youre only playing ture first is the one who wins and get
for a few hours, and double it if youre to execute on their desires.
playing for more like 8 hours.
Now while the player pool of Ten-
You can spend them for one of six sion Points does not carry over from
benefits, with the following costs: session to session, and all unspent
points are lost, the same is not true
Re-Roll One Roll for you. As the GM, you get to hold
1 Tension Point onto your Tension Points until the ad-
By spending one point, you can venture is complete. If youre playing
immediately roll again and take the a much longer game, then you get
better result. You can do this multiple to hold onto a single batch until the
times and choose from multiple re- current story arc is complete. While
sults for one single roll. you can save all of them until the fi-
nal confrontation or scene and make
Deny that moment particularly difficult and
1 Tension Point horrifying for the Characters, you will
You can spend one point in order to probably be better served by pepper-
deny players from finding a needed ing them throughout to create more
item or supply that should normally moments of greater tension.
be found where they are searching.
Fate Points
Force Player Re-Roll The world of The Void is deadly and
2 Tension Points Fate Points are one of the few things
You can force a player to re-roll any that can help Characters stay alive
roll and take the worst result. You can when theyve found themselves in
do this multiple times and choose unfortunate situations. One Fate Point
from multiple results for one single will cancel a deadly attack and heal a
roll. Character those rules are self-explan-
Give Key NPC Fate Point
3 Tension Points However, they can also be used to
If you have a monster or NPC who help a player avoid what might other-
is important and you dont want them wise be certain death. It is your job to
to die, you can spend three Tension work with the player to come up with
Points to instantly buy them one and some kind of feasible explanation of
spend it to keep them alive.
how he survived, and survived in such back and theyve managed to survive,
a way that he is not just immediately may be the kind youll want to give a
put right back in mortal peril. If hes second Fate Point. Its entirely up to
about to be flushed out the airlock you, but if you feel theyve become
without an environmental suit, per- epic enough, give them the second
haps the controls jam so that the outer point. However, Characters should
door cant open. If hes about to fall off never have more than 2 Fate Points,
a giant cliff on Mars, perhaps he falls no matter what theyve faced in the
fifteen feet and grabs a hand-hold or game, and it always takes just as long
falls to a ledge below. There are always to get them back.
ways out of whatever was going to kill
the Character, no matter how thin, and Social Combat
feel free to put it to the group to ex- While the rules for Social Combat
plain it as long as it doesnt take up are presented on p. 127, included here
too much game time. are a few other things youll want to
Once spent, a
player has to go one
full session with-
out that Fate Point.
Again, if youre play-
ing longer or shorter
games, you may
want to modify this
time frame. For ses-
sions that only last
a couple of hours,
you may want to
make them wait an-
other two or three Chapter 12: Gamemaster
sessions before it
comes back. For lon-
ger games, like 7 or 8
hours, you may want
to give them the
Fate Point back next
session. Regardless,
it should be fright-
ening to be without

Sufficiently ad-
vanced Characters,
the kind who youve Cult: The Children of the Void
taken to hell and

keep in mind as you adjudicate such vancement for their behavior. The phi-
Chapter 12: Gamemaster

matters. losophy of The Void is again different.

Please dont dock a disruptive players
The first thing youll do in any Social Advances confront him in an honest
Combat is to work out the different fashion. After all, its just good sports-
parties attitudes towards each other, manship.
as this determines what Skills may be
used. Many will be immediately obvi- In general, you award players a fixed
ous, but default to Ambivalent when number of Advances each time they
no other attitude is obvious. play. This rewards the player for play-
ing, instead of how well he played, as
However, the goals of Social Com- well as providing a way for players to
bat are the most important thing you plan their Characters advancement in
can determine. The players will know predictable ways bonus for the both
where they want to take things with of you.
their Characters, but what do the NPCs
want? Once confronted, does the snip- We recommend that you award 1
py admin wish to make friends or does Advance each time you complete a
he wish to really upset the Characters? session, assuming a session thats ap-
proximately 4 hours long. If you play
Once you know where everyone sessions that are only a couple hours
wants things to go, you can realistical- long, award 1 Advance every other
ly play out the flow of Exchanges and session. If your sessions are more like
have more satisfying Social Combats. 8 hours long, award 2 Advances per
Awarding Advances
Advances are what allow players to Bonuses
improve their Characters over time, There are always situations where
and for them to take on greater chal- you can give your players bonuses to
lenges. Many GMs think that things the number of Advances they receive.
which help a Character improve is a
reward for that Characters achieve- The first place is regarding Char-
ments. The philosophy of The Void is acter portrayal. If a player really nails
different Advances are a reward for his Character performance, does cool
players playing the game. Theres a lot things, and generally entertains every
that goes into creating and breathing else, you should give him a 1 Advance
life into a compelling Character and bonus for that session. However, make
negotiating all of the life stuff that sure the same player isnt winning this
goes into committing to a regular play bonus too often not only will the
group. Please keep that in mind that other players feel neglected, the Char-
when rewarding your players. acter in question will become substan-
tially more powerful.
Some game systems suggest dock-
ing a disruptive players Character ad- You can also award bonuses for
completing sections of the story
award these Advances after the ses- Plot Points
sion that completes the plot. These Investigation is a key part of the
sorts of rewards help create a sense of Wardens job, which means Characters
closure that benefits the game. will be spending time in nearly every
adventure doing so. It can be very frus-
Completing a personal subplot: trating for players when investigation
1 Advance grinds on or if they find themselves at
Completing a minor plot: a dead end through no fault of their
1 Advance each own. This is why The Void uses Plot
Completing a major plot: Points, so that the outcome of any in-
2 Advances each. vestigation isnt left up to chance.
Completing an epic storyline:
4 Advances each In published adventures, as well as
adventures that you write yourself,
Other Rewards youll have a chain of related evidence
Providing Advances is not the only that will be the subject of investiga-
way to reward Characters. There are a tion by the players, the bulk of which
variety of in-game effects that are al- together will unravel the mystery for
most equally rewarding as improving the Characters and put them on the
a Skill or adding a new Talent. They all path of resolution. Each piece of this
revolve around giving your Characters chain is called a Plot Point.
access to new levels of gear, or just
pieces for which theyve been looking Once in the appropriate place to
foward. earn a Plot Point, the Characters must
simply have the resources necessary
The most obvious way to do so is to to gain it and they do. They dont have
increase the Characters ability to pur- to make a series of Tests, hoping to
chase or requisition more and more succeed at all of the Tests they need
powerful toys through Organizational to in order to glean the clues or infor-
Wealth. This sort of permanent in- mation. To determine if the Characters Chapter 12: Gamemaster
crease should be warranted, as it will have the necessary resources, simply
take your game to a new level. total up the requisite dice pools from
the Skills + Attributes necessary. If it is
However, giving Characters one- equal to or greater than the Plot Point
time gear rewards is a more man- score, they succeed.
ageable scenario. For example, the
Warden Enforcer gains access to a In general, assign a score to each
prototype weapon on a mission, or a Skill required and then add them all
Warden Researcher gains access to together for the total Plot Point score.
a previously unavailable forbidden Easy requisites are four or five, average
tome of knowledge. Some might gain are six or seven, and difficult are nine
access to a piece of enchanted gear. or ten.
Whatever is appropriate, your players
will enjoy a piece of unique gear. For example, the Characters wish to
search the quarters of a missing com-

puter technician in Salacia. The key ness ratings that equals or exceeds
Chapter 12: Gamemaster

information they need to learn there eight, together they glean all the in-
is that the place has been completely formation there is to gain.
wiped clean (sterilized) and that the
hard drive in the dwellings computer Sometimes players wont have the
hasnt just been erased, it has been necessary resources at hand. In many
replaced. This requires the Investigate cases, theyll know that theyve come
and Computer Skills, but not particu- to an important juncture and be aware
larly high levels of either. The GM de- of the resources they are missing. They
termines that the Investigate portion can simply go away, gather those re-
rates a four as does the Computer sources, and return. If they cannot and
portion, together giving a Plot Point it is important they gain the informa-
score of eight. If the players enter the tion at this Plot Point, have them make
scene, spend the time, and have a total Tests using the appropriate Skill at
pool of points from their Investigate + whatever Difficulty seems sensible. If
Awareness and Computer + Clever- they succeed, they get the Plot Point.
If not, theyll miss
it, just like people
sometimes do
or just have them
spend 2 Tension
Points to Get a Clue.

You will undoubt-
edly want to create
NPCs of differing
ability. To help you
out, we suggest five
levels of NPCs in-
significant, novice,
peer, powerful, and

For NPCs
that are weak and
insignificant, spend
14 points for Attri-
butes, 30 points for
Skills, 1 point for
Advantages, with
up to 5 points for
Something Unexpected in the Kuiper Belt
For NPCs that are novices, between planets and the limited re-
spend 16 points for Attributes, sources of colonies. Help might easily
40 points for Skills, 3 points for be months away at best.
Advantages, with up to 8 points
for Disadvantages. Another great convention to facili-
For NPCs that are peers with tate this is to have something interfere
starting Characters, spend 20 with communications equipment, to
points for Attributes, 55 points destroy it, or to otherwise render it
for Skills, 5 points for Advan- useless. Be careful about doing this
tages, with up to 12 points for too often, but you wont have to if your
Disadvantages. Characters are traveling around.
For NPCs that are powerful,
spend 22 points for Attributes, 2. The Stuff You Need Is In Short
65 points for Skills, 5 points Supply
for Advantages, with up to 12 Make sure to find ways to limit the
points for Disadvantages. things the Characters really need, most
For NPCs that are functionally especially weapons, armor, ammuni-
masterminds, spend 24 points tion, and medical supplies. If theyre
for Attributes, 80 points for playing Wardens, theyll have access
Skills, 7 points for Advantages, to good-sized armories on their ships
with up to 12 points for Disad- and can requisition even more. How-
vantages. ever, that doesnt mean they should al-
ways get to use it. Come up with ways
Survival Horror to get them into trouble when theyre
The Void is a special genre of horror out of armor. Have local officials forbid
known as survival horror. This genre them from carrying anything other
has become especially popular in vid- than their sidearms. Have critters chew
eo games, with franchises like Resident through cables and lock down their ar-
Evil or Silent Hill. Survival horror means mory. Have bad things happen to their
supply crates. When youre done cut Chapter 12: Gamemaster
that your Characters are almost always
going to be in peril and fighting for them off from being able to easily re-
their lives. Here are a few hallmarks of place those things.
survival horror, to help you create this
atmosphere. Be careful when cutting players off
from their Characters gear. Rotate
1. Help Is Never On The Way what you take from them and when
No matter where the Characters find you take it from them, so that they
themselves, they arent going to get dont get frustrated and feel like whats
reinforcements. If they somehow do, on their Character Sheet is useless.
the reinforcements wont be enough
and will just be more victims for what- 3. The Environment Is Hostile
ever is trying to kill them. This is a sim- The environment in which the
ple thing to create in most places of Characters find themselves is danger-
The Void, because of the vast distances ous, if not downright lethal. The most
obvious and easy way to create this

is through the natural way of the so- When creating this kind of atmo-
Chapter 12: Gamemaster

lar system. Unless theyre on Earth or sphere, youre trying to create a feeling
Mars, the planetary atmosphere of ev- of something being amiss all around
ery other planet in the solar system or the Characters and not a sense of im-
cold void of space is something thats mediate danger. The players should in-
likely to kill in short order. Death is one stead feel like something sick is going
environmental suit tear away. on all around them and its happening
just outside of what they can see.
Taking this one step further, the
things in said environments should be 5. Survival Is Its Own Reward
just as deadly. There are always horrify- While getting gear, advancing the
ing things trying to kill the Characters, plot, or uncovering the truth of whats
and those things are probably tough- really going on is nice, survival is its
er than they are. If horrifying things own reward. As players finish sessions
arent trying to kill them, its likely that and sections of your plot, they should
cultists, mad-men, or foreign agents or have a sense of relief that their Charac-
corporate security will be and theyre ters have survived to live another day
probably better armed and know the and to have further adventures. Any-
landscape better. thing else they get is just icing on the
cake. Make sure you put them in the
In order for this kind of pressure to pressure cooker so they feel like their
not become oppressive, youll natural- survival is well-earned give them
ly have to ease up from time to time. plenty of scares that make them think
Give the Characters breathers where theyre gonna die.
they can feel safe for a few moments,
something the equivalent of save Killing Characters
points in a video game. Once theyve The Void is fundamentally survival
relaxed a little, the pressure will be horror and that means that, regardless
frightening again. of good adventure design, Tension or
Fate Points, Characters are sometimes
4. Something Sinister Is Always Go- going to meet their end. Having a
ing On In The Background Character killed is always a traumatic
While not everyone is up to some- experience for a player and you should
thing nefarious and not every place in never allow Characters to die casually.
the solar system is host to horrific crea- Here are a few guidelines to help you
tures, there should be enough of them make Character deaths meaningful.
in your game that they feel common-
place to the players. Insidious cults 1. Dont Leave It To Chance
should be behind many devious plans. Killing a Character because you got
That shop owner should have some- great dice rolls and the player in ques-
thing terrible in the back. The sewers tion didnt could be considered cal-
should be infested with ghouls. The lous. If it works with your play space,
hills are alive with ghasts that are hun- roll your dice behind a screen of some
gry and plotting to take the Characters kind so that the players cant see what
as their next meal.
youre rolling. That way, you can fudge times come up with creative ways to
when you need to. Feel free to punish do blatantly suicidal things. There is
the Character in other ways, but dont another saying, beside the title of this
kill him for the bad luck of it. point, that applies: if you cant be an
example to others, at least you can be
2. Give it Purpose a horrible warning.
One way to help a player deal with
the death of his Character is if that When a Character insists on doing
death has purpose and is dramatic something that will get him killed and
in some way. Dying holding off the he has no Fate Points to save him, it is
monsters is heroic and so is sacrificing your responsibility to butcher him in
oneself to make sure the bomb goes as awful a way as possible as a warn-
off. Characters can easily die in combat ing for the future. Otherwise, no one
this way, as long as said death serves will learn from the experience it has
the scene and the story. purpose.

3. Make It Awful Carrying On

When that time comes that you are No one should be penalized for
forced to kill a Character, commit and their Character dying in the course of
make it epic. Do it in as horrific and a game. If you have to kill a Character,
ugly a way as possible. Be gory in your use these guidelines for helping the
description and make your players un- player craft a new Character thats at
comfortable. After all, would you rath- approximately the same power level.
er have your Character perish choking After all, Character advancement is a
on poison, or would you rather have reward to the player for playing the
him ripped to shreds by monsters, his game, not for Character achievement.
body parts flung all over the rest of the
group and scarring them for life. If youve been tracking Advances,
which hopefully you have, you can
If theres one time to go too far, now simply have the player create a new Chapter 12: Gamemaster
is it. This is the only time this Character Character from scratch and then
is going to die, so make it memorable spend that amount of Advances. If not,
for everyone. guesstimate to get him in the ballpark.

4. If Youre Gonna Be Stupid, You Then you can work with the player
Gotta Be Tough to come up with a good story to intro-
Sometimes, despite ample warning duce this new Character to the group,
even from you and against com- especially how to integrate him.
mon sense, Characters are going to
do something stupid. That something What is especially cool is if you can
might be taking on a bhole with noth- work with the player to come up with
ing more than a simple assault rifle some sort of family legacy for the new
or something equally insane. Players Character. Maybe the new Character
come up with creative things all the is a sibling or a cousin who has an eye
time, but unfortunately they some- on avenging the former Characters

death. It certainly works in many forms complete, you should have introduced
Chapter 12: Gamemaster

of serialized media, so why not here? the setting, the main player Characters
and non-player Characters, and the
Classic Story Structure plot of the story, as well as have intro-
Most of us should be familiar with duced any subplots. You should also
the classic three act structure, handed have introduced the antagonists main
down from the Greeks. It can be a use- goal, or at least evidence of it. At the
ful tool when creating your own role- end of this act there is a twist, which
playing adventures for The Void, help- alters what the Characters are used to
ing you pace your story and provide and forces them into action.
the necessary elements to make it feel
fulfilling. While classic story structure Act Two
may apply to a single adventure, it can This should be about the middle
also apply to an overall multi-adven- half of your overall story. Characters
ture story arc. Try using it on both lev- explore the setting and complications
els to see how it works for you. of the story during the first half of the
act, uncovering piece after piece of
Lets take a look at the elements of the puzzle and overcoming one hurdle
classic story structure, followed by the after another. About half of the way
overall guiding three acts. through Act Two, both the plot and any
subplots should have their own twists.
Elements The second half of the act, in general,
Plot A series of events caused gets more dangerous and more dark.
by protagonists going up against The end, in particular, should have its
opposing forces; the core of the own dark twist that makes things not
story. look good for the characters.
Subplot A secondary story, oc-
curring underneath the main plot, Act Three
which usually involves the plight This should be about the last quar-
of individual Characters; often ter of your overall story. Things should
more personal stories. get more and more challenging for
Twist An unexpected develop- the Characters, to the point where
ment in the story. they should wonder whether or not
Climax The most important or they can succeed or survive their ex-
exciting point in the story. perience. This all should lead up to
Denouement The final part of the climax, which is the thing to which
the story, in which loose ends are the whole story has been building and
wrapped up. Everything is now which will ultimately conclude the
clear and few questions or sur- tale. After the climax, stories typically
prises remain. move into the denouement, which an-
swers most of the questions raised by
Act One the story and ties up loose ends. The
This should be about the first quarter denouement should be to the point.
of your overall story. Before this act is
However, since you may be playing make them feel better. The reality of
a game that will last more than one ad- the universe is usually too much for
venture, you may want to leave some people to face. As they do, they lose
things open. That way, the Characters themselves to the fight-or-flight in-
next course of action is clear. stinct, and eventually lose touch with
reality altogether. Characters spend
Themes a lot of their time frightened, losing
Since The Void is a game that is friends, and oftentimes themselves, to
heavily influenced by the kind of hor- the downward spiral of madness.
ror pioneered by H. P. Lovecraft, there
are some of the themes common to The Horror and Madness rules do a
this genre that will aid you in creating good job of simulating this. However,
an atmosphere that feels right. These dont be afraid to put important non-
themes are like spices dont use all of player Characters into harms way us-
them at once. Youll know best when ing these rules. Madness should claim
to add a dash of this or a pinch of that. those around the Characters on their
The key is to always be using at least journey, just to remind them how
one of them, so that the players are lucky they are. Of course, given un-
never quite at ease. fortunate circumstances, a couple of
Characters may follow them
Creeping Dread
In The Void, there should always be a Futility
feeling that something isnt right, and Fighting against the awakening
it only gets worse the more a Charac- horrors of the universe is, in the end,
ter discovers what is really going on. pointless. The things humanity now
The truth is rarely a comfort and denial faces are simply too powerful there
is the only true shelter. Dread is always is no way they can win. Characters,
in the background, like white noise, though they may be dedicated to just
waiting to grow into a cacophony. such a fight, will eventually have to
face this terrible fact. Chapter 12: Gamemaster
You can simulate this by always up-
ping the ante. Each piece of the mys- A great way to implement this theme
tery the Characters uncover reveals is to create adventures in which the
another darker, more disturbing layer horrors of the unknown are so great
like peeling back the layers of an on- that the only choice the Characters
ion of pure madness. Just when they have is to retreat. Put them up against
think things couldnt get any worse, enough fundamentally unbeatable
voila! However, be cautious and know odds and theyll get the point. How-
the limits of your players so that you ever, be very careful doing this, be-
do not cross a line and offend them. cause you dont want your players to
get disheartened. Make sure they win
Fear & Insanity enough that they want to continue on
What people believe to be reality is just remind them of their place in the
merely a cleverly fabricated story to universe from time to time.

Isolation do not have to do the same for those
Chapter 12: Gamemaster

The solar system is a big place with around them.

lots of nothing in between settle-
ments. It can take weeks or even The Unknown
months for help to arrive. Characters, What humanity collectively thinks
even if they are part of solar system- it knows about the universe is a very
wide authorities like the UWC War- small slice. They have chosen not
dens, are ultimately on their own. to look further for fear of what they
Whats worse is the time that is lost might find. Now, the unknown has
in gravity couches while spaceships come looking for them. Much of what
accelerate or decelerate. Many, many people face is a complete enigma. The
things can happen to an unmanned powers-that-be who have some in-
spaceship in the void kling of what is going on have only the
barest grain of truth.
Players are often used to being able
to have their Characters call for help This is an easy thing to bring to
especially if they are governmental your game. Just make sure to always
agents or have other powerful organi- present things that keep your players
zations at their back. Though that help guessing. If theyve been good and
may not come for hours, the cavalry is havent read things they shouldnt
on the way. Dont give them that lux- have, this will be easy. If they have,
ury here. Corporate or governmental then make crazy stuff up. Create your
intrigue may block them, or they may own disturbing creatures, make up
be so far out, deep in space, or trapped your own cults, and generally just
in a terrible storm so that help will only throw them into supernatural situa-
get there in time to find their corpses. tions that put them so far off balance
they have to wing it.
Things do not often turn out well for Cosmic Power
those who face cosmic horror. Many Hidden inside forbidden tomes
things are sacrificed, including minds is lost knowledge that can put the
and lives. Some such sacrifices are dif- metaphysical power of the cosmos in
ficult choices to make. Characters are a persons hands. This power is most
the kinds of people who, over time, often referred to as magic and its prac-
will have a litany of tragedy that they titioners as sorcerers or magicians. Be-
have faced. Such things become their cause magic requires entreating pow-
battle-scars and can bring an unbear- erful entities, many which could easily
able heaviness to life. be considered dark, there are few sane
people who pursue its practice those
Your players Characters will eventu- that do usually slip down the slope of
ally bond with key non-player Charac- madness quite quickly.
ters. Dont be afraid to kill such NPCs in
disturbing ways or drive them utterly Magic is not something that should
mad. Its best if you give the player be in the hands of your players. It is pri-
Characters a fighting chance, but you
marily the domain of cultists and other The practice of magic is danger-
madmen. Because of that, we have not ous. Sorcerers are opening them-
provided detailed rules for magic in selves up to powerful entities and
The Void. However, we will provide you the power of the cosmos. Very bad
with some guidelines to implement it things can happen if things arent
in your game, primarily as something done properly or are interrupted.
the Characters must face in their ad- There can also be alarming side-
versaries. effects, some even physical.

Magic does whatever you need it Either you or your players may insist
to it is a GM tool to add flavor that they have access to magic, since
and complications to your sto- it exists in the setting. In these cases,
ries. If you need something cool make up some kind of ritual for them
and supernatural to happen, then to learn and give them the ability to
magic can do it. make it happen. Then, make their
Magic comes in many varieties, lives more terrifying and dangerous
but they are all simply flavor for because of it. Magical power is not
the practitioner. Some practice something with which normal, well-
witchcraft, others hermetic magic, adjusted people should play.
others voodoo, others cult magic
it is all fundamentally the same. Unknowable Gods
Foreign, dead, or even alien lan- The Old Ones are incredibly power-
guages are often a part of magic. ful. They are, from our perspective, sim-
Many use Latin, some use Arabic, ply unknowable. They exist in ways we
while others may use Rlyehan, cannot comprehend and they wield
which is the language of Cthulhu the cosmic forces of the universe. They
and the Deep Ones. are, for lack of a better term, gods. In
Magic is ritual-based, for the most fact, they may be the only actual gods
part. The most powerful mag- in our universe.
ics require groups of sorcerers Chapter 12: Gamemaster
or cultists to gather together in Your Characters should not encoun-
a specially-prepared space and ter the Old Ones as a matter of course.
chant for at least hours, if not They cannot encounter them physical-
days. Magic that can be done by ly, as they have not yet fully awoken or
a single sorcerer for immediate manifested yet. However, their power
effect does exist, but it is not as extends far further than that. Charac-
powerful, in comparison. ters will regularly encounter minions
Magic can be imbued into items, of the Old Ones, as well as their influ-
creating enchanted objects. Es- ence over other things. The Charac-
sentially, the object can bring its ters may have nightmares caused by
magic to bear for a user instantly the Old Ones or experience shifting
and at will. The most powerful weather patterns or the like. The point
enchanted objects have been is to show them how much power the
around awhile and are called ar- Old Ones wield while theyre still not a

part of this solar system, so that they Forbidden Knowledge
Chapter 12: Gamemaster

are worried about the amount of pow- It is likely that your Characters are
er theyll wield when they return. going to want to learn more about
the secret world they encounter. Such
We have not and will not provide occult knowledge is not easy to find.
statistics for the Old Ones. They are Most of it has been lost to the world,
gods and should be able to wipe out and what little remains is typically hid-
the Characters even armies with den away in secret places, or hoarded
a thought, if they so choose. The Old by reclusive madmen with no desire to
Ones are the big, scary ultra-bad guys share. However, that does not mean
that the Characters should be trying to the Characters cant find it especially
stop from showing up, instead of try- if they work for an agency like the War-
ing to figure out whether or not a nuke dens.
would destroy Cthulhu.
Most such knowledge is kept in old
If you do have an itch to use the Old books. Since they are the province of
Ones, you may have one of their ava- madmen and lost places, few have
tars appears. An avatar is a part of the been brought into the digital age. The
Old Ones consciousness and power Wardens have digitized a few, so that
that has been given physical form. they can have access in the field.
However, there are few avatars in the
solar system and only a couple of the There are many such tomes that
Old Ones have avatars that are even have been an important part of Love-
remotely human most are horrifying. craftian lore throughout the years,

The Mi-Go in the Himalayas

such as the ever-popular Necronomi- so long vexed attempts to dis-
con, which we are not going to detail cover what they are. What was
in this book. If youd like to use such found was not some previously
books, simply make up a foreboding unknown mineral or element,
name, detail what kind of knowledge but was actually the remnants of
it covers, provide a Bonus for Crypto- an ancient and decidedly non-
zoology or Occult Tests regarding that human city. Now they are doing
knowledge, and determine whether or all they can to keep the Wardens
not the knowledge within is so mind- from sticking their nose in the dis-
blowing that it calls for some sort of covery.
Madness Test. That way, you can intro-
duce your own new legendary tomes 3. The Warden station in orbit over
to the experience. Mercury is there to spy on what
the Chinese and TRIAD are doing
Behind the Curtain on the planet. The UWC does not
People have a tendency to talk, and trust the Chinese to keep them
that has not changed in the era of The informed of any unusual discover-
Void. Here are a series of rumors for ies and want to be certain that any
each of the planets. Some of them that are made are shared with the
may be true, some of them may not appropriate agencies.
be, but they provide you with fertile
ground to throw information at play- Venus
ers or from which to draw flavor or 1. Rare Earths Inc. has stumbled into
adventures for your game. At the very a series of tunnels in their mining
least, you can simply keep them all as operations that some believe are
rumors, things the Characters hear in not natural in origin. Efforts to
spaceports. If all of them were true, it learn more about the tunnels have
would be... been mired in mysterious disap-
pearances, though Rare Earths
denies these rumors are true. Chapter 12: Gamemaster
1. The recent collapsed mine that
killed six miners was not an acci- 2. 4G Enterprises is making noises
dent. It was purposely collapsed of a hostile take-over of Geo Exca-
by TRIAD to contain something vations, in order to increase their
that had been found in those control over Venus. The other
deep tunnels. The families of mining concerns are working to
those killed, as well as any survi- protect Geo Excavations from
vors, have been given handsome the take-over, for fear they will be
payoffs to keep quiet about the next. The VAB remains quiet and
entire incident. Those that havent neutral.
taken the money are missing.
3. Adam McAlister of the McAlister
2. TRIAD has managed to pierce one Mining Concern has had a mental
of the deep pockets that have for breakdown. He has not been seen
in public in almost six months and

now McAlister Mining Concern is 2. The original architect for Founders
Chapter 12: Gamemaster

being run by Amanda Benard. The Square was a follower of the dark
Concerns Board of Directors has gods. His design for the statues
denied these rumors and claims commemorating the original set-
that Amanda is running things tlers and their placement are a po-
only while Adam is back at Earth tential gateway.
on sabbatical.
3. There is a corporate leader whose
Earth business is failing to the point he
1. Strangely, entire mountain villag- will do anything to get out from
es have left their homes and mi- under the debt even if it means
grated out to the rest of the world. killing everyone in Mariner Val-
Even stranger, they have migrated ley when the main atmospheric
to major cities, not simply other converter plant blows up. Hell be
rural communities many thou- able to collect the insurance, and
sands of miles from their homes. maybe those voices will stop talk-
ing to him when no one is in the
2. The Unified World Council has room with him.
sponsored several Warden-super-
vised digs in Australia and South Jupiter
America. Who knows what theyre 1. The drug trade on Ganymede has
looking for or what theyve al- reached epic proportions. It is
ready found? Some say ancient said that organized drug cartels
cities or artifacts, while others have carved out their own em-
say they are creating some sort of pire there, and are buying up the
planetary defense. casinos and hotels. It is becoming
more analogous to the Las Vegas
3. Many governments are concerned of the Outer Planets each day.
over the new movements that
have been popping up among 2. Miners swear theyve seen things
young people. It is suspected by floating in the water cloud layer of
those in the know that the cults of Jupiter living things.
the solar system are aggressively
recruiting from urban youths, dis- 3. There have been a rash of brutal
guising their true identities under murders on Callisto. There seems
more appealing dogma. to be no rhyme or reason to the
deaths, but they are clearly by hu-
Mars man hands. The residents of Cal-
1. The medical breakthrough for listo are paranoid now, and do not
Martian physical problems with take kindly to outsiders.
gravity is causing some interest-
ing and unusual side effects.Some Saturn
people are even changing. The 1. An eco-terrorist group has been
changes do not seem to be in line arming itself for what it believes to
with natural human evolution. be the eventual conflict over the
disposition of the oceans on the buried deep within the moon, a
moon. Some say that the group creature sleeps. It is Wesleys plan
is actually a cult that believes that to wake this creature up, but not
the oceans are the home of be- before it has some fun with the
ings of far more galactic signifi- Wardens there.
cance than any human.
3. AQXs take over of Oberon, while
2. The strange behavior of the core costing them an enormous sum
of Saturn is linked to the odd in fees to Wesley, was done for the
behavior of Pluto. Something, purpose of spying on Wesley. The
perhaps a cult or a previously un- mining operation is a front for the
known intelligence, is engineer- espionage missions planned by
ing an eventual collision of the AQX senior management, meant
two bodies with the expectations to bring Wesley down.
that it will ignite the gas giant,
turning the planet into a new sun. Neptune
1. The Rhodes family, fabulously
3. The Republic of Saturn is covertly wealthy from their many years
building an offensive military, di- of strangle-hold on the diamond
verting some of the construction trade, maintains their own per-
capabilities of Rhea. Conspiracy sonal army and navy. This militia
theorists claim they have their is outside the purview of the Euro-
eyes on taking control of Nep- pean Federation. No one messes
tune, in order to wrest control of with the trade.
the lucrative mining operations.
2. Spies, thieves, and pirates are nev-
Uranus er reported in Neptune space. It
1. Wesley and all his family have is said that the Rhodes Company
been involved with the dark kills anyone who they even think
arts. While he uses conventional falls into one of these categories, Chapter 12: Gamemaster
means like bribery and sabotage and no one from the European
to take down his competitors, he Federation asks any questions.
has been known to use his knowl-
edge of those things beyond to 3. The European Federation has tak-
get his way. In fact, he destroyed en a keen interest in the strange
the military mining station using things that have been reported on
dark powers. His outward calm the surface of Neptune. However,
only exists because he is able to the Rhodes Company isnt taking
transfer his psychosis to another kindly to a broader EF presence
innocent victim, thus keeping him on the planet. Tensions abound.
what he considers sane.
2. There is something on Puck after 1. Long-range observations have
all. In the exact spot where the seen objects leaving the surface
Wardens are building their base, of Pluto, but the powers-that-be

are trying to keep this informa- Plot Hooks
Chapter 12: Gamemaster

tion from the public for fear it may This section is designed to give you
cause panic. some plot hooks. They are intended
to spark your imagination, so that you
2. The moons of Hydra and Nix no can take each idea and flesh it out in a
longer orbit Pluto. Experts have way that works for you.
been unable to locate them for
almost a month. Some believe Blank Moments
the destabilization of Plutos or- Location: Spaceship
bit caused them to crash into the There are oftentimes days where a
small solar body. crew is in A/D stasis where the only
thing paying attention to the ship is
3. A cult has sprung up in places the computer. Sometimes, things de-
across the solar system that wor- cide to crawl onto a ship during these
ship Pluto as a deity and believe blank moments.
its recent peculiar behavior is
a precursor to its return to rule This plot hook can be attached to
mankind. The Wardens are said to virtually any kind of game, for most
have taken a keen interest in this games will involve Characters trav-
cult, which has no precedent in eling from one world to another.
history secret or otherwise. However, during this journey while
everyone lays sleeping in their grav
The Kuiper Belt couches, karrakin wind up finding the
1. Disappearances of miners and ship and climbing aboard. Alternative-
independent operators are more ly, it could be either some kind of crea-
pronounced than has been of- ture that can be insidious or remain
ficially recognized. While pirates hidden, such as a metamorphasite or
are officially blamed, many who a seethari.
live in the region believe that the
causes are not altogether human. The size of the ship should deter-
mine how long you want it to take
2. Scientists have detected some before the characters notice theyve
peculiar readings inside the Fog picked up unwanted passengers. If the
Field. Space-time itself seems to ship is large, the karrakin could be al-
have become distorted in small most anywhere. If the ship is small, you
pockets within. There are no offi- might want to begin their predations
cial explanations as to what would outside. Regardless, make sure that
cause such a phenomena. the creatures make their way inside, so
they can become a real threat.
3. Half the members of the indepen-
dent group of miners and pros- Claim Jumping
pectors known as the Ruffians Location: Kuiper Belt
have vanished while working an Out on the great frontier of the so-
especially large asteroid just out- lar system, just like the former great
side the Fog Field. frontier of the American west, it is not
uncommon for the less scrupulous to tem. There are companies who main-
attempt to steal a mining claim from tain small shielded bunkers/resorts
those who are legally entitled to it. designed to cater to those wishing to
However, with the way things are partake of Ios unique pleasures, for a
changing, there are those claims the healthy price.
jumpers will have regretted trying to
steal. However, the Wardens received a
call yesterday from one of these com-
The Wardens, sometime when they panies, named Ionian Excursions. They
are in the outer part of the solar sys- have received a distress call from one
tem, are notified of a group of pros- of their guides, a veteran named Tayla
pectors whose friends and families Ruuk, and now have lost all commu-
are worried. No one has come home. nication. Normally, this would be a
This doesnt necessarily speak to the job for the local authorities, but it is
influence of the Chthonian Star even the nature of the distress call that had
the smallest accidents out in the Kui- the local authorities escalate it to the
per Belt can be lethal. However, there Wardens. Tayla is clearly panicked and
arent a lot of rescue vehicles out this describes people in and amongst the
way and the Wardens may be the only mountains that have been picking the
authorities around to investigate. climbers off one by one. However, she
describes one of them as having a face
Naturally, things arent as they seem. that isnt human, but rather bestial
The first group of prospectors have and toothy.
unearthed something on a dwarf
planet quite an uncomfortable ways The reality is that a clutch of ghasts
into the Belt. They were ambushed by have found their way to Io. This was a
the claim jumpers, and only one of the recon mission for them, and they sim-
original prospectors remains alive and ply ended up on the wrong transport.
crazed in the brig of a ship. He will tell They have stolen several of the radi-
a tale of how they found something ation-shielded suits and have taken Chapter 12: Gamemaster
under the ground, like a buried temple over the resort. They are now hunting
or something, which contained some the remaining survivors in the resort,
kind of technology that filled their as well as those out climbing. Once
heads with horrible things. Worse yet, they have made sure their supplies are
they seemed to have unleashed some covered and all is secured, they will set
kind of monster. about stealing a ship to get off of the
A Challenging Vacation
Location: Jupiter (Io) The Wardens should arrive right
The Jovian moon Io, while bathed in about the time the ghasts are still
dangerous radiation, is a popular vaca- hunting, but have had a chance to get
tion spot for the wealthy thrill-seeker. themselves in good defensible shape.
Climbing gigantic mountains in very The ghasts will not be afraid to go out-
low gravity provides an experience side, where they can use the terrain to
not found in the rest of the solar sys- their advantage.

Action 120 Enforcer Template 86
Advances 108 Environmental Hazards 132
Advantages, 99, 216 Epic Fails 112, 125, 130
Aiming 124 Equipment 162
Armor 123, 168 Escaping Close Combat 125
Armor List 171 Europa 82
Artistic Skills 92 Exchanges 128
Assigning Difficulties 216 Exotic Atmospheres 134
Attacks 121 Exotic Environments 136
Attitude 127 Explosive Decompression 133
Attribute Tests 111 Extended Tests 113
Attributes 76 Falling 133
Automatic Weapons 124 Fate Points 78, 85, 123, 218
Awarding Advances 220 Fire/Heat/Smoke 134
Awareness 76 Forbidden Knowledge 230
Basic Rules 25 Freeform Design 85
Business 64 Gamemaster 216
Callisto 81 Ganging Up 125
Character Advancement 108 Ganymede 82
Character Design 79 Gear 79
Characters 23, 76 Gear 85
Charging 124 Grace 76
Chthonian Star 60 Gravity 136, 172
Cleverness 76 Guns in Close Combat 125
Climbing 131 Hail Mary 112
Colonizing 58 Handguns 164
Combat 119 Healing 124
Combat Overview 25 Health 77, 85
Combat Skills 92 History 54
Combat Turn 120 Horror Effects 114
Complimentary Skills 111 Horror Tests 113
Computer Technology 149 Hyperion 84
Contests 112 Initiative Tests 120
Cover 121 Insight 129
Creative Commons 17 Intimidation & Torture 131
Crushing 133 Investigator Template 88
Cthulhu Saga 18 Jumping 132
Daily Life 68 Jupiter 21, 188, 232
Damage 122 Karrakin 205
Defenses 121 Killing Characters 224
Demeanor 76 Knowledge Skills 93
Determining Attitude 129 Kuiper Belt 22, 84, 193, 234
Difficulties 110 Lifting 132
Dione 82 Madness 115
Disadvantages 102 Madness Scale 116
Drowning 133 Madness Treatment 118
Earth 20, 80, 186, 232 Magic 228
Enceladus 83 Making Purchases 160
Endurance 131 Mars 21, 81, 187, 232
Medical Sciences 146 Space Stations 174
Medical Tools 148 Space Technologies 154
Melee Weapons 162 Spaceships 172
Mental Disorders 117 Special Modifiers 124
Mercury 20, 79, 184, 231 Special Tests 113
Mi-Go 206 Speed 77, 85
Monsters 200 Sponsored Wealth 159
Monstrous Traits 201 Stalemate 130
Myriad 208 Static Targets 126
Nanotechnology 151 Statistics 77
Neptune 22, 84, 191, 233 Story Structure 226
NPCs 222 Submachine Guns 166
Obscured Targets 126 Successes 110
Odd Job Skill 217 Suffocation 133
Old Ones 229 Suppressive Fire 126
Perseverance 76 Surprise 126
Personal Wealth 159 Surreptitious Skills 97
Physical Combat 120 Survival 132
Physical Feats 131 Survival Horror 223
Physical Skills 95 Survival Skills 97
Physique 76 Swimming 132
Planetary Transportation 152 Talents 78, 105
Plot Hooks 235 Talents List 106
Plot Points 221 Teaching Adventure 25, 26
Pluto 22, 192, 233 Teamwork 113
Politics 62 Technical Skills 97
Primary Specialty 84 Technology 23, 146
Qualities 78, 99 Tension Points 138, 217
Qualities List 100 Terrain 132
Quirks 78, 85 Tests 110
Radiation Poisoning 134 Tethys 83
Recovery 130 Themes 227
Researcher Template 90 Throwing 132
Rhea 84 Titan 83
Rifles 165 Trade Skills 98
Sample Characters 44 Travel Expenses 169
Saturn 21, 189, 232 Travel Times 173
Scientific Skills 95 Triggers 112
Secondary Specialty 85 Two-Handed Attacks 127
Shifting Attitude 129 Unified World Council 62
Shooting Into Combat 126 Unskilled Tests 110
Skill List (Alphabetical) 96 Uranus 21, 84, 190, 233
Skill List by Group 94 Vehicle Skills 98
Skill Tests 110 Venus 20, 80, 185, 231
Skills 77 Wardens 24, 66
Skills 92 Wealth 79, 158
Social Combat 127, 219 Wealth Codes 85,159
Social Combat Effects 129 Weapons 162
Social Skills 95 Weapons List 171
Space Combat 174 Wounds 122


The Stygian Cycle

The Stygian Cycle is an epic campaign taking Warden Characters to every corner of
our solar system, played out over a series of turn-key published adventures. Released
monthly, theyll provide all youll need to keep your group excited and engaged for a
quite a while.

These adventures will also be connected to Organized Play. That means that you
can take any Organized Play authorized Character to play in any group using the Or-
ganized Play framework. You can play with your group or multiple groups, as well as at
conventions or events. Naturally, you can play the adventures with your regular gam-
ing group but Organized Play gives players the flexibility to take their Characters to
other groups should their regular group move on to other games.

Heres a quick look at the first four adventures of The Stygian Cycle.

Awakening I: Barsoom
Trouble brews in the small mining colony of Presidia, found deep within the Martian
Canals of the Outback. Things have begun to go missing now people as well. The
Wardens are assigned to investigate, as this seems like more than a simple mystery.

Awakening II: Venusian Sunset

Venus is a corporate world with a caustic atmosphere. Now a rash of murders and
the increase of the drug trade have gone beyond where authorities can handle them.
While not normally the domain of the Wardens, the Unified World Council thinks there
may be something more underneath the surface.

Awakening III: The House Always Wins

Troy, a pleasure city often thought of as the Las Vegas of the Outer Planets. Three
days ago a collection of ten bodies was found arranged in a neat circle in the center
of the main thoroughfare. They all show signs of radiation burns from the inside out.
The Wardens must find the source of this atrocity, while keeping the ever-important
flow of tourism going.

Awakening IV: Turbulence

The weeks long journey from Saturn to Jupiter is not without its share of perils, in-
cluidng stellar bodies, debris, pirates, and the cold vacuum of space. However, none of
these are what plague the Wardens, stuck on a civilian transport. Sometimes the dark
things in the solar system come knocking without warning.

Upcoming Supplements
There are many exciting supplemental books coming up for The Void!

Horrors of the Void I: Monsters

The Horrors of the Void series introduces you to more of the fascinating and terrify-
ing creatures that are awakening in the solar system.

Ecological Footprint I: Jupiter

The Ecological Footprint series provides in-depth looks into the different planets of
our solar system, with more setting, adventure seeds, and character options. This first
installment explores Jupiter most especially the Gallilean Moons of Callisto, Europa,
Ganymede, and Io.

Tools of the Trade I: Technology & Gear

The Tools of the Trade series explores new kinds of technology and provides new
gear, weapons, vehicles, and more to add to your game.

Ecological Footprint II: Saturn

This second installment of the Ecological Footprint series explores the Republic of
Saturn and its key colonies Dione, Enceladus, Hyperion, Rhea, Tethys, and Titan.

Vessels of the Void: Spaceships

This volume greatly expands the roster of spaceships for The Void, including ex-
panded stats, customization, and rules for spaceship combat.

Ecological Footprint III: Kuiper Belt

This third installment of the Ecological Footprint series explores the vast frontier of
the Kuiper Belt, far out at the edge of what we know.

Characters Unbound I: Talents

The Characters Unbound series introduces new options for Characters of all kinds,
with this volume focusing on a much expanded list of awesome Talents.
The stars were never meant for us
2159 AD. It is a good time to be alive. The nations of
Earth still exist, but they have become more civilized,
and humanity has expanded into the rest of our solar
system. But, alas, it is not to be our time. Something
approaches, a thing on an orbit from far away. Seem-
ingly a mysterious shard of dark matter, this object is
known in obscure prophecy as the Chthonian Star. It
is awakening things long thought lost or dead, things
that have slumbered awaiting its return. The Unified
World Council sends out special teams of sanctioned
Wardens, whose job it is to ascertain the new threats
to human life, to learn everything they can about them,
and fight them wherever they are found.

The Void is an original Lovecraftian hard sci-fi horror


The Void Core:

Designed with accessibility in mind. A short
overview and introductory adventure can have
you playing within an hour.
Uses simple but satisfying d6 dice pool mechan-
Introduces exciting new rules to ratchet up the
survival horror.
Gives Characters many options for diversity and
Provides an exploration of our fully colonized
solar system in the near future and the things
that threaten it.
Created by the award-winning team that
brought you CthulhuTech.

WDF 33000

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