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Cameron Redburn

WRTG 121 TR 6:30-7:45 Pray-H 414




Global warming

Legalizing prostitution

The correlation between social media and self esteem

Legalizing Prostitution:

Prostitution has the potential to be a victimless crime.

As of right now, most sex workers are victims of the pimps they are working for.

Nevada is the only US state where prostitution is not criminalized.

Any county with a population under 700,000 (as of the most recent census) is allowed to

have brothels.

Brothels are located in rural areas, away from major cities.

A law was passed in 1937 that requires all sex workers to have weekly health checks.

Half of Nevadas counties have licensed brothels.

The brothels and their employees must register with the local sheriff and receive regular

medical checkups.
The law requires sex workers to be tested weekly for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia, and

monthly for HIV and Syphilis.

Condoms are mandatory for all oral and sexual intercourse.

Brothels are prohibited from advertising in counties where they are not legal.

Legalizing prostitution would protect sex workers from abusive pimps, and even customers.

Many sex workers experience abuse from many sources, but the incidents go

unreported due to the workers fear of being legally punished.

The authorities would be able to monitor sex workers and their customers, making sure both

parties are healthy and consenting.

There could be a heavy tax issued on all services, earning the state money.

It would drastically decrease violence against sex workers.

Sex workers could get rights such as minimum wage, freedom from discrimination, and a safe

work environment.

Prostitution is going to happen whether its legal or not.

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