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Bulletin ~ Seminary News ~

2010 Puritan Reformed Conference: The Beauty and Glory of Christ,

August 15, 2010
August 26 - 28
MORNING: Justification in Paul and James The second annual Puritan Reformed Conference is just weeks away. If you
Scripture: James 2 have not registered, you will want to soon! The low price for early
Text: James 2: 24 registration is only good through August 14. College and seminary student
registrations are heavily discounted. If you are only able to attend Thursday
and Friday evenings, you would just pay for those sessions.
EVENING: A Full Gospel There will be thousands of Christian book titles on hand, many at deeply
Scripture: Titus 2 discounted prices, available from Reformation Heritage Books, Grace &
Text: Titus 2: 11-14 Truth Books, and Credo Books.
As a Reformed Christian who wants to grow in the grace and truth of the
Lord Jesus Christ, you will not want to miss this conference. For more
information, please contact Chris Hanna at 616-977-0599 ext: 138, or visit
SONG SERVICE (5:50 PM) – Psalter 205: 1,12,13 & Psalter 368: 1,2,3
us on the web at

“In the LORD shall all the seed of Israel be justified, and shall glory.”  We are putting together a welcome packet for seminary students who
Isaiah 45: 25 are new to the Grand Rapids community. We are looking for people who
would be willing to put their name and phone number on a list of possible
babysitters, haircutters/stylists, shopping assistants etc. If you would like
to be on this contact list please email Melissa Bleeker at
~ From The Consistory ~ Thank-you!
Visitors, welcome. We hope you are blessed through worshiping with us  We are desperately in need of storage space (extra garage stall, barn or
today. Our host family has prepared a meal to share and to visit with you in storage shed) to store furniture for seminary students. If you have space
their home. In the narthex, after the service, the hosts will introduce available, please contact Arleen Boven at 363-8734.
themselves and invite you.
 Today and next Sunday, Rev. Maurice Roberts will conduct our worship
~ Calendar ~
“The Lord willing...” James 4:15
 Next Sunday morning, Rev. Roberts will preach a preparatory message.
August 17 – 20 Family Camp. See brochures in narthex for a schedule of
 Pastor Bilkes and Jane will be in Chilliwack, BC until September 9. speaker sessions and events.
 Allendale Outreach Services - 3:00 PM at St. John’s Lutheran, 9628  As we anticipate Family Camp this coming week, we want to thank the
48 Ave. Brian Najapfour will lead the service today. congregation for their help and support, financially and in every other way.
As we go into this week, please pray especially for the speakers, Rev.
 As our young men and women return to college in the coming weeks,
Roberts and Rev. Schoeman, as well as Mrs. Schoeman that the Lord
the consistory and congregation commend you students to the Lord and
would strengthen them, and that He would prepare all of our hearts “to
His mercy. It is our prayer that you may be kept safe and you receive a
receive with meekness the engrafted word” (James 1:21).
sound education necessary to prepare you for your life ahead, but most of
- The Family Camp Committee
all that the Lord may keep you in the hollow of His hand and from sin
which is so prevalent in the institutions of higher education.  Family Camp and Bikes - If you would like help transporting your bikes
to Family Camp you may bring them to the yellow truck at Puritan
 We are putting together the church calendar for the 2010-2011 year. We
Reformed Seminary on Monday, 8/16 until 5:00pm and on Tuesday, 8/17
ask that a designated member of each society, club etc. submit the
until 10:00am. Place them right on the truck and cover them to protect
events/meetings that are scheduled between Sept. 1, 2010 and June 30,
from damage. We plan to return the bikes on the truck to the seminary
2011. Please submit these schedules to Julie La Rocque by August 25.
Friday morning. Contact Henk Kleyn if you have questions.
August 21 (Saturday) 7 PM Young Adult Book Study at the seminary. We Box at Exits: Denominational
will be studying lesson 13 “The Great Misunderstanding.”
August 21 (Saturday) Word & Deed Annual Softball Tournament -
We have a great day of family entertainment planned including children's
activities. A reasonably priced lunch and/or snacks will be available from
10 -2. Games start at 8 AM. Come join us at the Christian Reformed
Recreation Center on 36th and cheer on your favorite team!
August 28 (Saturday) 7 PM Young Adult Book Study. It will be game night.

~ Church Family ~
Please Remember in Our Prayers:
Shut-ins: Mr. & Mrs. Rokus & Louise DeBlaay, Mr. Vincent Faasse, Mrs.
Dorothy Hitchcock, Mrs. Kay Kwekel, Mrs. Winifred Nordyke, Miss Henrietta
Sikkema and Mrs. Mina Wierenga.
Servicemen: Dan Arnoudse, Jacob Hubach and Tyler Prince.

~ Host Family ~
This Week: Eric & Sonia Wielhouwer Next Week: Henk & Margaret Kleyn

~ Nursery ~
Mother In Charge – August: Kimberly Kleyn
Today: AM A: Michelle Bilkes, Suzanne Kleyn
B: Heidi & Makenna Pronk
PM A: Cora Beute, Jennifer Spaans
B: Cherise Bergsma, Betsy Prince
Next Week: AM A: Mary Cogbill, Annika Mol
B: Lisa VanStrien, Diane VanderZand
PM A: Heather Engelsma
B: Cheryl Moerdyk, Gabrielle Karel

~ Ushers ~
Today AM Dave Pronk PM Dave Huisjen
Next Week AM Eric Wielhouwer PM Henry Boven

~ Offerings ~
Today 1 collection: General
2 collection: Seminary Instructor
Box at Exits: Word & Deed
Next Week 1 collection: General
2 collection: Building
August 15, 2010 August 15, 2010
Morning Service Evening Service
Votum & Salutation Votum & Salutation
Psalter: 350: 1, 2, 3 Psalter: 175: 1, 2, 3
Law Apostles’ Creed
Psalter: 41: 1, 2, 5 Scripture Reading: Titus 2
Scripture Reading: James 2 Text: Titus 2: 11-14
Text: James 2: 24 Psalter: 279: all
Pastoral Prayer Pastoral Prayer
Offertory Offertory
Psalter: 389: 1, 4, 6 Psalter: 190: all
Sermon: Justification in Paul and James Sermon: A Full Gospel
Psalter: 188: 1, 3, 4 Psalter: 365: 3, 4

Prayer Prayer
Psalter: 355: all
Psalter: 83: all verses
Doxology: 378: 1
Doxology: 315

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