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Biol 111:

This course introduces the basic principles of organismal biology through the study of representative groups of
unicellular organisms, plants and animals. The principles include the origins of life, major events in the history of
life, adaptations of organisms to particular environments, patterns of reproduction in plants and animals, form and
function, physiology, locomotion, and behaviour in animals and ecology.

Chem 110:

A study of the fundamental principles of atomic structure, radiation and nuclear chemistry, valence theory,
coordination chemistry, and the periodic table.

Math 140:

Review of functions and graphs. Limits, continuity, derivative. Differentiation of elementary funct ions.
Antidifferentiation. Applications.

Phys 101:

An introductory course in physics without calculus, covering mechanics (kinematics, dynamics, energy, and
rotational motion), oscillations and waves, sound, light, and geometrical optics.

Biol 112:

The cell: ultrastructure, division, chemical constituents and reactions. Bioenergetics: photosynthesis and
respiration. Principles of genetics, the molecular basis of inheritance and biotechnology .

Chem 120:

A study of the fundamental principles of physical chemistry.

Math 141:

The definite integral. Techniques of integration. Applications. Introduction to sequences and series .

Phys 102:

Electric field and potential. D.C. circuits and measurements. Capacitance. Magnetic field and induction. A.C.
circuits Semiconductor devices and their application. Electromagnetic waves.
Chem 212:

A survey of reactions of aliphatic and aromatic compounds including modern concepts of bonding, mechanisms,
conformational analysis, and stereochemistry.

Biol 200:

The physical and chemical properties of the cell and its components in relation to their structure and function.
Topics include: protein structure, enzymes and enzyme kinetics; nucleic acid replication, transcription and
translation; the genetic code, mutation, recombination, and regulation of gene expression.

Comp 202:

Introduction to computer programming in a high level language: variables, expressions, primitive types,
methods, conditionals, loops. Introduction to algorithms, data structures (arrays, strings), modular softwa re
design, libraries, file input/output, debugging, exception handling. Selected topics .

Math 203:

Examples of statistical data and the use of graphical means to summarize the data. Basic distributions arising in
the natural and behavioural sciences. The logical meaning of a test of significance and a confidence interval.
Tests of significance and confidence intervals in the one and two sample setting (means, variances and

Mimm 211:

A general treatment of microbiology bearing specifically on the biological prop erties of microorganisms.
Emphasis will be on procaryotic cells. Basic principles of microbial genetics are also introduced .

Mimm 212:

This laboratory course is designed to complement MIMM 211. Sessions introduce general techniques peculiar to
the handling of microorganisms.

Comp 206:

Comprehensive overview of programming in C, use of system calls and libraries, debugging and testing of code;
use of developmental tools like make, version control systems.
Comp 250:

An introduction to the design of computer algorithms, including basic data structures, analysis of algorithms,
and establishing correctness of programs. Overview of topics in computer science .

Econ 209:

A university-level introduction to national income determination, money and banking, inflation, unemployment
and economic policy.

Math 133:

Systems of linear equations, matrices, inverses, determinants; geometric vectors in three dimensions, dot
product, cross product, lines and planes; introduction to vector spaces, linear dependence and independence,
bases; quadratic loci in two and three dimensions.

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