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Strength of welded joints under combined shear

and out-of-plane bending
Y.K. Kwan, I.R. Gomez, G.Y. Grondin, and A.M. Kanvinde

Abstract: An experimental and analytical research program was conducted with the objective of investigating the response
of welded joints loaded under combined out-of-plane bending and shear. A database of test results, including 60 tests from
the University of California in Davis, eight tests from an early research program at the University of Alberta in Edmonton,
and 24 tests from Universite Laval in Ste.-Foy, was used to evaluate several strength prediction models and the current
North American design approaches. This work was complemented by a reliability analysis to assess the level of safety pro-
vided by these design approaches. It was determined that both the Canadian Institute of Steel Construction (CISC) and the
American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) approaches provide remarkably conservative predictions of the test results,
especially for cases where the welded plate thickness is large. Although a modified version of an approach proposed by
earlier investigators in 1972 and based on the method of instantaneous centre of rotation provides an accurate prediction
of test results, a simpler strength calculation model that does not require an iterative approach is proposed as a substitute
for the current design approaches. The proposed approach provides the desired level of safety for the design of welded
joints loaded in shear and out-of-plane bending.
Key words: connections, eccentricity, fillet weld, limit states, reliability, root notch, weld.
Resume : Un programme de recherche experimental et analytique eu comme objectif letude du comportement des assem-
blages soudes excentriques en flexion. Une base de donnees de resultats dessais provenant de trois sources differentes, y
compris 60 essais de lUniversite de la Californie a Davis, de huit essais dun programme de recherche prealable a luni-
versite de lAlberta, et de 24 essais de lUniversite Laval, a ete employee pour evaluer plusieurs modeles de resistance
ainsi que les modeles de conception nord-americains. Ces resultats ont revele que les approches de lInstitut Canadien de
la Construction en Acier (ICCA) et de lAmerican Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) fournissent des previsions de re-
sistance dassemblages soudes remarquablement conservatrices, surtout lorsque lepaisseur de la plaque soudee est elevee.
Bien quune version modifiee dune approche proposee par Dawe et Kulak (1972), basee sur le principe du centre instan-
tane de rotation, fournisse une prevision precise des resultats dessai, un modele simple de calcul base sur un modele de
flexion classique est propose comme une alternative a lapproche iterative. Lapproche fournit le niveau desire de surete
pour la conception des assemblages soudes excentriques en flexion.
Mots-cles : assemblages, excentricite, soudure dangle, etats limites, fiabilite, entaille a la racine, soudure.
[Traduit par la Redaction]

Introduction welds are generally subjected to forces in only one direction.

Fillet-welded joints are widely used in civil engineering Design methods that account for load eccentricity on welded
construction due to their relatively high strength and the joints have been developed for both in-plane and out-of-
ease of surface preparation for welding. In many joint con- plane eccentricity (Dawe and Kulak 1972; Tide 1980).
figurations used in practice, in-plane or out-of-plane load ec- In welded joints subjected to in-plane eccentricity
centricity is unavoidable, creating more complex stress (Fig. 1a), the weld is free to deform over its entire length.
distributions than in joints loaded concentrically, where the In the case of welds subjected to out-of-plane eccentricity
as shown in Fig. 1b, the weld segment in the compression
zone is not free to deform because of direct bearing between
Received 18 May 2008. Revision accepted 27 September 2009. the connected plates. This fundamental difference between
Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at on the in-plane and out-of-plane eccentric loading has been rec-
11 February 2010. ognized in the derivation of an ultimate limit state formula-
Y.K. Kwan and G.Y. Grondin.1 Department of Civil & tion for the strength of eccentric joints (Dawe and Kulak
Environmental Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, 1972). To account for the bearing of the connected plates in
AB, T6G 2G7, Canada. the compression zone, the derivation by Dawe and Kulak
I.R. Gomez and A.M. Kanvinde. Department of Civil and (1972) involved a modification of the method of instantan-
Environmental Engineering, University of California, Davis, CA, eous centre, originally developed for bolted joints and
95616, USA. welded joints with in-plane eccentricity. The method pro-
Written discussion of this article is welcomed and will be posed by Dawe and Kulak was modified by reducing the
received by the Editor until 31 July 2010. predicted joint strength by a reduction factor of 0.67 and
was adopted in the Canadian Institute of Steel Construction
1Corresponding author (e-mail: (CISC) Handbook of steel construction for several versions

Can. J. Civ. Eng. 37: 250261 (2010) doi:10.1139/L09-150 Published by NRC Research Press
Kwan et al. 251

Fig. 1. Eccentrically loaded welded joints: (a) in-plane eccentricity; flange as shown in Fig. 2. The test variables included load
(b) out-of-plane eccentricity. Arrows indicate applied force, P. eccentricity and thickness of the connected plate (equal to
twice the flange thickness). The load eccentricity varied
from 381 to 508 mm, resulting in eccentricity ratios (ratio
of load eccentricity to weld length) from 1.03 to 2.56. The
flange thickness included in the test program varied from
13.2 to 19.2 mm. The test specimens were made of Ameri-
can Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) A36 steel,
and all test welds were made with American Welding Soci-
ety (AWS) E60 (E41xx) shielded metal arc electrodes with
nominal leg dimension of 6.34 mm (1/4 in.). Although the
study reports the nominal filler metal strength, it does not
report the measured strength of the filler metal. Thus, to
evaluate the test data from this study, weld strength data for
AWS E60 (E41xx) electrodes was indirectly inferred
through various contemporaneous sources (average of 135
tests from three different studies) as 462 MPa. Kwan and
Grondin (2008) describe these sources.
A subsequent test program (Werren 1984; Beaulieu and
pre-dating the ninth (current) edition. A closed-form proce- Picard 1985) included test specimens with smaller eccentric-
dure proposed by Picard and Beaulieu (1991), which was ity ratios (0.31.5) than those investigated previously by
adjusted to correlate well with the previous design tables, Dawe and Kulak (1972). Twenty-four eccentrically loaded
was used to derive the design table in the ninth edition of joints were tested. The specimens were fabricated with 20
the CISC handbook (CISC 2006). In contrast with the Cana- and 40 mm thick plates. The load eccentricity was varied
dian design approach, the approach used in the American In- from 75 to 375 mm, corresponding to eccentricity ratios of
stitute of Steel Construction (AISC) Steel construction 0.31.5. Nominal fillet weld sizes of 6 and 12 mm were
manual (AISC 2005) considers the joint with out-of-plane used for the specimens with a plate thickness of 20 mm and
eccentricity equivalent to a joint with in-plane eccentricity, 8 and 10 mm for the test specimens with a plate thickness of
thereby disregarding the load transfer by bearing on the 40 mm. The steel grade used for the plates was not identi-
compression side of the joint (Tide 1980). fied, but the results of coupon tests were reported. In addi-
In addition to the effect of bearing between the connected tion to tests on joints with eccentric shear, double-lapped
plates, earlier research (Ng et al. 2002) has indicated that the splices were tested to determine the strength of welds loaded
presence of the root notch perpendicular to local tensile transverse and parallel to the weld axis. These ancillary test
stresses may reduce both the strength and the ductility of specimens used 6 mm welds with a nominal strength of
welded joints loaded with out-of-plane eccentricity. All de- 480 MPa and were used to confirm the load versus deforma-
sign approaches and models, including those which consider tion relationships proposed by Butler and Kulak (1971).
the effect of bearing, disregard this root notch effect. However, no direct material tests were conducted on the
In summary, the response of welded joints loaded with weld metal by the researchers. Therefore, for evaluating var-
out-of-plane eccentricity is influenced by several complex ious models with respect to these test data, the measured
phenomena, all of which are not consistently reflected in weld tensile strength was assumed to be either 462 or
current North American design approaches and predictive 552 MPa. The first value is based on weld metal tensile
models. These inconsistencies provided the impetus for a strengths reported by other researchers for welding electro-
comprehensive research program with two interrelated aims: des of the same era used in their work (Kwan and Grondin
(i) investigation of the effect of root notch size on cruciform 2008), whereas the second assumed value was obtained by
joint strength (Gomez et al. 2008), and (ii) assessment of the comparing the test results on joints with transverse welds
current design procedures for joints subjected to combined and joints with longitudinal welds reported by Beaulieu and
shear and out-of-plane bending. This paper presents the re- Picard (1985) with similar tests conducted at the University
sults of the second part of this research program. of Alberta by Ng et al. (2002) and Callele et al. (2005).
Consequently, the reliability analysis for the Beaulieu and
Picard test data (presented in a subsequent section) is con-
Experimental studies by others
ducted for each estimate of strength. The minimum value of
In contrast with welded connections loaded concentrically the safety index is obtained when the weld metal tensile
or with in-plane eccentricity, welded joints under combined strength is assumed to be 552 MPa (Kwan and Grondin
shear and out-of-plane bending have received limited atten- 2008). Therefore, a tensile strength of 552 MPa is conserva-
tion. This section summarizes three experimental studies on tively assumed in the calculations presented in this paper.
these connections which are subsequently used to evaluate Tests on 60 fillet-welded cruciform specimens under com-
various analytical approaches. bined shear and out-of-plane bending were recently con-
An experimental investigation by Dawe and Kulak (1972) ducted by Gomez et al. (2008). The test specimens
included eight test specimens that consisted of a wide-flange consisted of three-point bend test specimens as illustrated in
section loaded in minor axis bending with its end welded to Fig. 3. The variables investigated in the test program were
an end plate by fillet welds along the outer side of each as follows: plate thickness (directly affecting the root notch

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252 Can. J. Civ. Eng. Vol. 37, 2010

Fig. 2. Typical test specimen used in the Dawe and Kulak (1972) test program.

Fig. 3. Typical test specimen used in the Gomez et al. (2008) test program.

opening) of 31.8, 44.5, and 63.5 mm; load eccentricity of Model 1: method of instantaneous centre of rotation with
76, 140, and 216 mm; and filler metals E70T-7 (no tough- the load versus deformation model of Lesik and Kennedy
ness rating) and E70T7-K2 (toughness rated as defined by (1990)
AWS A5.29 (AWS 2005)) deposited using the flux cored This model, originally proposed by Dawe and Kulak
arc welding process. It is relevant to note that of all the ex- (1972), is based on the concept of instantaneous centre of
perimental studies, only this study features filler metal with rotation proposed earlier by Crawford and Kulak (1971) for
a toughness requirement. Three weld passes were used for bolted connections and Butler et al. (1972) for eccentrically
the 12.7 mm welds, and only one pass was used for the loaded welded joints. The original model was modified in
7.9 mm welds. this study to incorporate the more recent load versus defor-
mation behaviour proposed by Lesik and Kennedy (1990). It
Description and evaluation of existing is assumed that, although contact between the plates may
not take place at the start of loading, plastic deformations in
analytical models
the welds before the ultimate limit state is reached would
Several strength prediction models have been proposed cause closing of any weld root gap and establish contact of
for welded joints under combined shear and out-of-plane the connected plates in the compression zone. A more de-
bending. Kwan and Grondin (2008) provide a detailed back- tailed description of this model is presented by Kwan and
ground of current design approaches and strength prediction Grondin (2008).
methods, including a comprehensive evaluation of eight Figure 4a shows that model 1 provides conservative pre-
models. Of these, four models are discussed in this paper, dictions of the test results, with mean test to predicted
including the current and prior Canadian design approaches, strength ratios of 1.27 and 1.74 for weld metal with no
the American design approach, and one approach that shows toughness requirement and weld metal with a toughness re-
promising results for predicting joint strengths across all quirement, respectively. The corresponding coefficients of
available experimental data introduced earlier, including variation (COV) are 0.22 and 0.11, respectively.
those of Dawe and Kulak (1972), Beaulieu and Picard Tests conducted on specimens prepared with a filler metal
(1985), and Gomez et al. (2008). with toughness requirement, E70T7-K2, have shown higher

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Kwan et al. 253

Fig. 4. Comparison of test and predicted capacities based on (a) model 1 (Dawe and Kulak 1972), (b) model 2 (Dawe and Kulak 1972),
(c) model 3 (AISC 2005), and (d) model 4 (Picard and Beaulieu 1991; CISC 2006).
(a) (b)
2000 2000
Specimens with no toughness requirement Specimens with no toughness requirement
Number of tests = 55 Number of tests = 55
Mean test/predicted = 1.27 Mean test/predicted = 1.06
COV = 0.22 COV = 0.21
Specimens with toughness requirement Specimens with toughness requirement
1500 Number of tests = 30 1500 Number of tests = 30
Mean test/predicted = 1.74 Mean test/predicted = 1.44

Test capacity (kN)

Test capacity (kN)

COV = 0.11 COV = 0.10

1000 1000

No toughness requirement No toughness requirement

(Dawe and Kulak, 1972) (Dawe and Kulak, 1972)
No toughness requirement No toughness requirement
500 500 (Beaulieu and Picard, 1985)
(Beaulieu and Picard, 1985)
No toughness requirement No toughness requirement
(Gomez et al., 2008) (Gomez et al., 2008)
Toughness requirement Toughness requirement
(Gomez et al., 2008) (Gomez et al., 2008)
0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 500 1000 1500 2000
Predicted capacity (kN) Predicted capacity (kN)

(c) (d)
2000 2000
Specimens with no toughness requirement No toughness requirement With toughness requirement
Number of tests = 55 Specimens with a > 0.4 Specimens with a > 0.4
Mean test/predicted 1.19 Number of tests = 50 Number of tests = 30
COV = 0.23 Mean test/predicted = 1.70 Mean test/predicted = 2.32
Specimens with toughness requirement COV = 0.23 COV = 0.10
1500 Number of tests = 30 1500 Specimens with a < 0.4
Mean test/predicted = 1.62 Number of tests = 5
Test capacity (kN)
Test capacity (kN)

COV = 0.15 Mean test/predicted = 1.23

COV = 0.06

1000 1000

No toughness requirement (Dawe

No toughness requirement and Kulak, 1972) (a>0.4)
(Dawe and Kulak, 1972) No toughness requirement
No toughness requirement (Beaulieu and Picard, 1985) (a>0.4)
500 500 No toughness requirement (Gomez
(Beaulieu and Picard, 1985)
No toughness requirement et al., 2008) (a>0.4)
(Gomez et al., 2008) Toughness requirement (Gomez et
al., 2008) (a>0.4)
Toughness requirement
No toughness requirement
(Gomez et al., 2008) (Beaulieu and Picard, 1985) (a<0.4)
0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 500 1000 1500 2000
Predicted capacity (kN) Predicted capacity (kN)

weld strengths and ductility as compared with those from stress block is assumed in the compression zone. In contrast
tests on specimens prepared with filler metals with no with the Dawe and Kulak (1972) proposal of a triangular
toughness requirement (Gomez et al. 2008). Accordingly, stress block in the compression zone, a rectangular stress
for each of the models considered, results from the test block may provide a better representation of the ultimate
specimens with a toughness requirement are discussed sepa- limit state for welded joints, especially for tougher filler
rately from those with no toughness requirement and are metals, which allow compression yielding to progress
then compared. through the depth of the joint. The weld load versus defor-
mation behaviour for model 2 is that proposed by Lesik and
Model 2: modified Dawe and Kulak instantaneous centre Kennedy (1990); in this respect, model 2 is similar to model
of rotation approach with the load versus deformation 1. As expected, the model with a rectangular stress block is
model of Lesik and Kennedy (1990) less conservative than model 1, as shown in Fig. 4b, which
This model is similar to model 1 except that a rectangular plots the predicted strengths against the experimental

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254 Can. J. Civ. Eng. Vol. 37, 2010

strengths. Model 2 overestimates the joint capacity for the moment to shear ratio, the portion of the weld on the com-
specimens tested by Dawe and Kulak, with a mean test to pression side of the joint is no longer sufficiently large to
predicted strength ratio of 0.76 and a COV of 0.10. It is resist the shear force required to develop the bending mo-
generally conservative with respect to the results from the ment resistance of the joint. Therefore, the use of this model
Gomez et al. (2008) test program. For the specimens pre- was limited to values of the eccentricity factor (a = e/L,
pared with weld metal with no toughness requirement, the where e is the load eccentricity and L is the welded joint
mean test to predicted strength ratio for the three test pro- length) greater than 0.4. For smaller values of a, it was rec-
grams varies from 0.76 to 1.21, and the overall average is ommended that a parabolic interpolation between P0 (the re-
1.06. The COV varies from 0.10 to 0.14 (when considered sistance of the joint with no eccentricity, i.e., a pair of welds
within each test program), with an overall value of 0.21 loaded in shear along their longitudinal direction) and P0.4
(when all the programs are pooled). The test to predicted (the resistance of the joint with a = 0.40) be used.
strength ratio and COV for the specimens prepared with Picard and Beaulieu (1991) subsequently refined their
toughness requirement are determined as 1.44 and 0.10, re- model by applying a reduction factor of 0.5 to their original
spectively, indicating that even with consideration of the model to obtain a better agreement with the previous CISC
rectangular stress block, the model is conservative for the design table, which in itself was very conservative because
tests with toughness-rated filler metal. of the use of an arbitrary strength reduction factor with the
Dawe and Kulak (1972) approach. A more detailed descrip-
Model 3: current AISC approach tion of this model can be found elsewhere (Kwan and Gron-
The current method used in the 13th edition of the AISC din 2008).
steel construction manual (Table 8-4) (AISC 2005) is based A total of 50 test specimens from all three reference test
on the instantaneous centre of rotation method and assumes programs met the requirement for large eccentricity (a
no stress transfer through bearing in the compression zone, 0.4). The predicted capacity for these test specimens is com-
implying that contact between the plates is absent. The pared with the observed strength in Fig. 4d (mean test to
method therefore reverts to the instantaneous centre of rota- predicted ratio = 1.70, COV = 0.23). Only five test speci-
tion method originally proposed for joints with in-plane load mens are in the category of small eccentricity, all from the
eccentricity. The load versus deformation relationship for test program presented by Beaulieu and Picard (1985), with
the weld segments proposed by Lesik and Kennedy (1990) no toughness rating. For these, the average test to predicted
was adopted for the derivation of the design tables in the ratio is 1.23, with a COV of 0.06. Lastly, the mean test to
AISC steel design handbook (Tide 1980). The AISC model predicted ratio and COV for the test specimens with large
is the only model investigated that does not include the ef- eccentricity and prepared with toughness-rated weld metal
fect of plate thickness in its formulation. A plot of test ca- are 2.32 and 0.10, respectively.
pacity versus predicted capacity is shown in Fig. 4c. For the
majority of tests presented in Fig. 4c the model predictions Reliability analysis
are conservative. The mean test to predicted strength ratio
for the three test programs ranges from 0.90 to 1.37, with Each of the four models presented in the previous sections
an overall average of 1.19 for the specimens prepared by was evaluated through a reliability analysis, with the objec-
weld with no toughness requirement. The corresponding tive of characterizing the resistance factor required to obtain
COV ranges from 0.12 to 0.20, with an overall value of the target safety index (or failure probability). Traditionally,
0.23. The test to predicted strength ratio and COV for the the target safety index, b, is taken as 3.0 for structures or
specimens with a toughness requirement are determined as structural elements that show sufficient ductility to provide
1.62 and 0.15, respectively. Kwan and Grondin (2008) and warning before failure. On the other hand, it may be as
Gomez et al. (2008) provide a detailed critique of the AISC high as 4.04.5 for parts of structures (such as connections
design approach. in steel structures) that show limited ductility and undesir-
able modes of failure, thus requiring a reduced probability
Model 4: current CISC approach proposed by Picard of failure. For a given resistance factor, the safety index for
and Beaulieu (1991) each predictive model is different because the procedure to
Picard and Beaulieu (1991) proposed a closed-form model obtain the joint capacity varies between models. The resist-
to replace the iterative procedure developed by Dawe and ance factor, f, that provides the required safety index b is
Kulak (1972) which requires an iterative solution. The commonly obtained from a relationship originally proposed
model is based on a rectangular stress distribution both in by Galambos and Ravindra (1978) as follows:
the tension and compression zones. The stress in the tension 1 f CrR exp baR VR
zone is equal to the strength of fillet welds loaded perpen-
dicular to their axis (angle between axis of weld and line of where C is a correction factor for the resistance factor; aR is
action of the applied force q = 908) determined from the re- a separation variable taken as 0.55, as originally proposed
lationship proposed by Lesik and Kennedy (1990). However, by Galambos and Ravindra; and rR and VR are the bias
the model assumes that this tensile stress is effective over coefficient and coefficient of variation for the resistance, re-
the leg area rather than the throat area of the weld. In the spectively. For the design of connections, Fisher et al.
compression zone, the stress is assumed uniform and equal (1978) proposed the use of a safety index of 4.5 for connec-
to the yield strength of the weaker of the two plates in con- tions to ensure that the probability of failure of the connec-
tact. The shear resistance of the joint is provided by the por- tions is lower than the probability of failure of the members
tion of the weld in the compression zone. For a small being connected. The constant C is therefore required to

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Kwan et al. 255

modify the resistance factor for cases where b takes a value tensile strength of the filler metal and one based on the yield
other than 3.0. An equation for C, derived using a procedure strength of the plate steel.
proposed by Fisher et al. (1978) for welded and bolted con- The second material bias coefficient, rM2, reflects the ra-
nections, is adopted to calculate the adjustment factor for a tio of the measured shear strength to the tensile strength and
live load to dead load ratio of 3.0: can be estimated from the results of tests on longitudinal
weld lap splice specimens. The shear strength, tu, based on
2 C 0:0078b2  0:156b 1:400 the area measured on the fracture surface, Afracture, accounts
The value of C is not overly sensitive to the live load to for the additional area due to root penetration and weld face
dead load ratio. This equation is applicable for a range of reinforcement. Such test results have only been presented by
values of the safety index from 1.5 to 6.0. Deng et al. (2003). The mean value of the ratio of the meas-
ured shear strength to the measured tensile strength, defined
The bias coefficient for the resistance, rR, is determined as
as tu/0.67su, is 1.161, with a COV of 0.075 (i.e., on average,
3 rR rG rM1 rM2 rP tu/su = 0.78).
The professional factor, rP, is the mean ratio of the ob-
and the associated coefficient of variation is given by served test capacity to the predicted capacity, and VP is the
4 VR2 VG2 VM1
2 2
VM2 VP2 corresponding COV. The predicted capacity is calculated us-
ing each of the prediction models with the measured values
The geometric factor rG is defined as the ratio between of the relevant material and geometric properties and the re-
the effective weld leg size based on pretest measurements sistance factor, f, equal to 1.0.
of the weld profile and the nominal weld leg size. Based on
the work collected by Li et al. (2007) and the additional data Level of safety provided by selected models
from the Beaulieu and Picard (1985) and Gomez et al. The four strength prediction models described earlier are
(2008) test programs, the mean ratios of the geometric factor analyzed to determine the safety index offered by each one.
(rG) and associated coefficient of variation (VG) are obtained The results of the analysis and the resistance factors for dif-
by pooling the respective factor from each data group. The ferent values of the safety index are presented in Tables 1
mean value of rG was found to be 1.07, and the coefficient and 2 for filler metal with no toughness requirement and
of variation, VG, was 0.15. filler metal with a toughness requirement, respectively. The
The two material parameters accounting for the variation bias coefficient for the geometric parameter, the material pa-
of material strength are rM1, which addresses the variation rameters M1 and M2, and the professional factor for all the
in the weld metal tensile strength or yielding strength of the models are also listed in the tables. The calculations were
plate, and rM2, which addresses the variation in the conver- repeated for the material factor M1 based on the statistics
sion from the tensile strength to the shear strength of the for the tensile strength of the weld metal (rM1(Xu) and
weld metal. The various strength prediction models exam- VM1(Xu)) and based on the yield strength of the connected
ined in this study involve either weld material strength or plates (rM1(Fy) and VM1(Fy)). Table 1 (refer to rows that in-
plate material strength, or the combination of both. There- dicate b(Xu) and b(Fy)) shows that the difference in the cal-
fore, the first material bias coefficient, rM1, can be approxi- culated value of safety index between the two approaches is
mately taken as the mean value of the measured to nominal less than 2%, which is considered negligible. For a resist-
weld metal tensile strength or the measured to nominal static ance factor f = 0.75, the safety index for model 3 is 4.56.
yield strength of the plate. The material factor (rM1) and its For a resistance factor f = 0.67, the safety index for models
corresponding coefficient of variation (VM1), collected from 1, 2, and 4 varies from 4.27 to 6.05. It is noted that the re-
several sources, are summarized in Kwan and Grondin sistance factor used in the AISC design manual is 0.75 and
(2008). For the model that assumes no transfer of load by the shear coefficient is 0.60, and the corresponding values in
plate bearing in the compression zone (model 3), the mate- Canadian Standards Association standard CAN/CSA-S16-01
rial factor (rM1) is based on the tensile strength of the elec- (CSA 2001) are 0.67 and 0.67. Therefore, only model 3 was
trode only. The mean value of the measured-to-nominal evaluated for a resistance factor of 0.75.
ratio of the ultimate tensile strength, rM1, defined as su/Xu, With a safety index of approximately 6.0, the current
is 1.127, with a coefficient of variation VM1 of 0.082 based CISC approach (model 4) is determined to be highly conser-
on 720 test results from nine different sources (Li et al. vative. This may be attributed to the arbitrary reduction fac-
2007). However, a modification has been made to the mate- tor of 0.67 that was introduced when the Dawe and Kulak
rial factor for the models that assume load transfer by bear- (1972) approach was first adopted and the subsequent addi-
ing in the compression zone. To simplify the statistical tion of a factor of 0.5 by Picard and Beaulieu (1991) in the
analysis, for models 1, 2, and 4, rM1 is taken as either a current approach to obtain a good correlation with that from
function of the nominal tensile strength of the weld (su/Xu, the earlier model. The other three models all provide a
rM1 = 1.127, VM1 = 0.082) or the nominal static yield safety index close to the desired value for weld metals with
strength of the plates (sy/Fy, rM1 = 1.124, VM1 = 0.061, no toughness requirement, although model 1 tends to be ex-
where sy is the measured yield strength, and Fy is the nomi- cessively conservative. An examination of Table 2 for filler
nal yield strength), whichever provides the most conserva- metal with a toughness requirement indicates that the level
tive result. Consequently, two separate bias coefficients for of safety reached for this filler metal category is signifi-
the resistance (rR) and associated coefficient of variation cantly higher than that for filler metal with no toughness re-
(VR) were calculated, one based on the value of rM1 for the quirement. This may reinforce the earlier observations (Ng

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256 Can. J. Civ. Eng. Vol. 37, 2010

Table 1. Summary of safety indices for filler metal with no toughness requirement.

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 (a < 0.4) Model 4 (a 0.4)

rG 1.070 1.070 1.070 1.070 1.070
VG 0.154 0.154 0.154 0.154 0.154
r M1 (Xu) 1.127 1.127 1.127 1.127 1.127
VM1 (Xu) 0.082 0.082 0.082 0.082 0.082
r M1 (Fy) 1.124 1.124 1.124 1.124
VM1 (Fy) 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061
r M2 1.161 1.161 1.296 1.161 1.161
VM2 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075
rP 1.269 1.062 1.192 1.226 1.704
Vp 0.221 0.210 0.230 0.062 0.228
r R (Xu) 1.777 1.487 1.863 1.716 2.386
VR (Xu) 0.291 0.283 0.298 0.200 0.297
r R (Fy) 1.772 1.483 1.712 2.379
VR (Fy) 0.286 0.278 0.192 0.292
b (Xu) (f = 0.67) 4.88 4.27 5.93 5.98
b (Xu) (f = 0.75) 4.56
f (b = 4.5) 0.74 0.63 0.76 0.90 0.98
f (b = 4.0) 0.84 0.72 0.87 1.00 1.12
b (Fy) (f = 0.67) 4.92 4.31 6.05 6.04
f (b = 4.5) 0.75 0.64 0.91 0.99
f (b = 4.0) 0.85 0.72 1.13

Table 2. Summary of safety indices for filler metal with a tough- surfaces through strain hardening, which is not directly ac-
ness requirement. counted for in the models.
Once again, results of the reliability analysis are highly
Model 4 insensitive to the choice of the material factor, i.e., if it is
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 (a 0.4)
based on the tensile strength of the weld metal or the yield
rG 1.070 1.070 1.070 1.070
strength of the base metal. Since the University of California
VG 0.154 0.0.154 0.154 0.154 at Davis test program is the only one that included test
r M1 (Xu) 1.127 1.127 1.127 1.127
specimens with weld metal with a toughness requirement,
VM1 (Xu) 0.082 0.082 0.082 0.082 there are no data for joints with a small eccentricity ratio.
r M1 (Fy) 1.124 1.124 1.124
VM1 (Fy) 0.061 0.061 0.061
r M2 1.161 1.161 1.296 1.161 Proposed new model
VM2 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 Based on the reliability analysis presented in the previous
rP 1.742 1.440 1.615 2.317 section, model 4 (the current CISC approach) is the most
VP 0.108 0.102 0.147 0.103 conservative, providing a safety index (b & 6.0) that far ex-
r R (Xu) 2.439 2.016 2.524 3.244 ceeds the target level (b & 4.04.5). The method of instan-
VR (Xu) 0.218 0.216 0.240 0.216 taneous centre of rotation with a rectangular stress block and
r R (Fy) 2.432 2.011 3.235 weld metal deformation characteristics proposed by Lesik
VR (Fy) 0.211 0.208 0.209 and Kennedy (1990) (model 2) provides the desired level of
b (Xu) (f = 0.67) 7.44 6.48 9.30 safety with a resistance factor of 0.72.
b (Xu) (f = 0.75) 6.60 Although model 2 provides the desired level of safety
f (b = 4.5) 1.22 1.01 1.19 1.63
based on a rational approach, it is relatively tedious to im-
f (b = 4.0) 1.36 1.13 1.34 1.82
b (Fy) (f = 0.67) 7.58 6.60 9.56
plement because it requires an iterative approach and the
f (b = 4.5) 1.23 1.03 1.65
use of a computer program to calculate the strength of
f (b = 4.0) 1.38 1.14 1.84 welded joints. Although the use of design tables circumvents
this problem for the majority of applications, a simple
closed-form solution similar to that proposed by Picard and
Beaulieu (1991) is more desirable. However, closer exami-
et al. 2002; Gomez et al. 2008) that the strength of filler nation of model 4 (the closed-form model) reveals some
metals with a toughness requirement seems to be higher problems. The first one is an inconsistency with the calcula-
than that of filler metals of the same nominal tensile tion of the weld strength on the tension side of the connec-
strength with no toughness requirement. Alternatively, it tion, since it is based on the leg size rather than the throat
suggests that the toughness-rated filler metals allow the de- size of the weld. Earlier research on welded joints (Ng et
velopment of greater rotations before fracture in the joint, al. 2002) has indicated that fillet weld strengths should be
resulting in higher stresses in both the welds and the bearing calculated based on the throat area for any angle of loading.

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Kwan et al. 257

The second problem is the inclusion of an arbitrary reduc- fessional factor presented in Table 3 is based on the actual
tion factor of 0.5. As discussed earlier, this was done to ob- shear strength of the weld metal rather than the nominal
tain values similar to earlier CISC handbook (8th and earlier value of 0.67 times the tensile strength. Therefore, to carry
editions) values. A modified version of model 4 is therefore out a reliability analysis, eqs. [5] and [6] should be ex-
proposed as an alternative to the more complex model 2. pressed in terms of the weld shear strength, tu, which is
The proposed new model (model 5) is represented by equal to the empirical value of the shear factor, 0.78 (Deng
three equations to address various situations that may arise et al. 2003), times the measured tensile strength of the weld
in eccentrically loaded welds. These include (i) failure due metal. Equations [5] and [6] may be rewritten in terms of
to weld rupture under large eccentricity, (ii) failure due to the measured shear strength tu as follows:
weld rupture under small eccentricity, and (iii) failure due
1:061Fy tt u DL a
to plate rupture. The eccentricity ratio is described as a/Q, 8 Pu for > 0:53
where a = e/L is the ratio of the weld eccentricity to the a Fy t 2:121 t u D Q
weld length, and Q = Fyt/XuD is defined as the ratio of the
plate yield strength to the weld tensile strength per unit joint a
9 Pr Pr0 1  1:89a=Q 1:89a=QPr53 for  0:53
length, in which t is the welded plate thickness as shown in Q
Fig. 5a and 5b, and D is the weld size. The derivation of the
equations is presented in detail by Kwan and Grondin where
(2008). 10 Pr0 20:707 t u DL

Welded joints with thick plates (weld failure) and

For a/Q > 0.53 1:061 Fy tt u DL

11 Pr53
For values of the ratio of the eccentricity ratio, a, to the 0:53Q Fy t 2:121t u D
strength ratio, Q, greater than 0.53, failure of the joint is
where Pr53 represents the strength at the transition between
governed by bending rather than shear. Figure 5a illustrates
the low and high triaxiality obtained by substituting a/Q =
the assumed stress distribution in the joint at the ultimate
0.53 into eq. [8].
limit state. The maximum stress in the weld segments in the
tension zone is 1.5 times the shear strength of the weld
metal, 0.67Xu. This is consistent with the weld model pro- Welded joints with thin plates (plate failure)
posed by Lesik and Kennedy (1990). Since the stress in the When the outstanding plate is thin, failure may occur by
compression zone (Fy) is developed through bearing of the plate rupture. To address this, a simple interaction equation
plates, the weld in the compression zone can provide up to originally presented by Chen and Han (1988) is reintroduced
its full shear capacity to resist the applied shear force, P. here. The equation considers failure only due to material
However, for a large load eccentricity, the shear resistance yield. Failure by plate instability was not considered in this
of the weld in the compression zone is more than sufficient research project. Kwan and Grondin (2008) show that the re-
to resist the force P developed at flexural failure of the joint. sulting interaction equation can be solved for the capacity
From the stress distribution shown in Fig. 5a, the welded (Pu) of the joint, resulting in the following strength equation:
joint capacity can be expressed as q 
0:711 Fy t L 2Vp a2 L2 Vp2 3Mp2  aLVp
5 Pu 12 Pu
aQ 1:421 3Mp
For a/Q 0.53
For a lower eccentricity, shear becomes the dominant fail- 13 Mp tL2 Fu
ure mode. For this situation, the stress distribution shown in 4
Fig. 5b is used to predict the combined shear and moment
capacity. The strength equation for the assumed stress distri- 1
14 Vp tLFu
bution is quite complex, as shown in Kwan and Grondin 2
(2008). Thus, a simpler approach using a linear interpolation where Fu is the is the tensile strength of the plate material..
between P0 (the strength of the two fillet welds loaded in
Although the interaction equation originally presented by
direct shear) and P0.53 is proposed:
Chen and Han (1988) is based on the yield strength as a lim-
6 Pu P0 1  1:89a=Q 1:89a=QP0:53 iting stress, the proposed model substitutes this by the ulti-
mate tensile strength in the plastic moment and plastic
where shear calculations. This results in more accurate predictions
7 P0 20:670:707DXu L of the experimental capacities, since plate rupture rather
than plate yielding was observed as the failure mode in the
and P0.53 is obtained using eq. [5] for an eccentricity ratio a limited number of test specimens that failed in this mode.
that yields a value of a/Q of 0.53 for the applicable value of Q. The ratios of test values to predicted values for the pro-
Equations [5] and [7] are based on a shear factor (ratio of posed model (model 5) are presented in Table 3. The speci-
shear strength to tensile strength) of 0.67. However, the pro- mens are grouped according to the filler metal toughness

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258 Can. J. Civ. Eng. Vol. 37, 2010

Fig. 5. Proposed simplified strength prediction model: (a) joints with large load eccentricity; (b) joints with small load eccentricity.

Table 3. Summary of data source, sample size, professional factor (mean ratio of observed test capacity to
predicted test capacity), and coefficient of variation for the proposed model (model 5).

Sample Professional Coefficient of

Failure mode Source of data size, n factor, rP variation, VP
No toughness requirement
Weld failure
a/Q > 0.53 Dawe and Kulak 1972 6 0.721 0.076
Beaulieu and Picard 1985 6 0.829 0.173
Gomez et al. 2008 19 1.153 0.097
All sources 31 1.007 0.217
a/Q 0.53 Dawe and Kulak 1972 2 0.667 0.194
Beaulieu and Picard 1985 11 1.026 0.140
Gomez et al. 2008 11 1.032 0.245
All sources 24 0.999 0.219
Plate failure
All a values Dawe and Kulak 1972
Beaulieu and Picard 1985 5 1.027 0.155
Gomez et al. 2008
All sources 5 1.027 0.155
With toughness requirement
Weld failure
a/Q > 0.53 Dawe and Kulak 1972
Beaulieu and Picard 1985
Gomez et al. 2008 20 1.350 0.084
All sources 20 1.350 0.084
a/Q 0.53 Dawe and Kulak 1972
Beaulieu and Picard 1985
Gomez et al. 2008 10 1.260 0.193
All sources 10 1.260 0.193

requirement. For filler metal with no toughness requirement, and the COV for these five test specimens are 1.027 and
the ratios of the test values to predicted values are further 0.155, respectively.
divided according to the failure mode (weld failure and plate The same categories are used for specimens prepared with
failure). A total of 31 specimens from three datasets fall into weld metal with a toughness requirement. The Gomez et al.
the group that represents weld failure with a large eccentric- (2008) test program included 20 specimens with a high ec-
ity (a/Q > 0.53). The mean test to predicted value is 1.007, centricity ratio. The mean test to predicted value for this set
and its COV is 0.217. A total of 24 test specimens meet the of data is 1.350, and its COV is 0.084. Ten specimens fall
requirement for small eccentricity ratio (a/Q 0.53). The into the low eccentricity ratio group. The mean test to pre-
mean test to predicted value and COV for this group are dicted value and COV are 1.26 and 19%, respectively.
0.999 and 0.219, respectively. Lastly, only five test speci- A comparison of the data presented in Table 3 for model
mens from the Beaulieu and Picard (1985) test program 5 with those from the other four models shows that the pro-
failed by plate rupture. The mean test to predicted value posed model gives the best predictions of the test results,

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Kwan et al. 259

Table 4. Safety indices for proposed model (model 5).

Thick plate (weld failure)

a/Q > 0.53 a/Q 0.53 Thin plate
Non-tough Tough Non-tough Tough (plate failure)a
rG 1.070 1.070 1.070 1.070
VG 0.154 0.154 0.154 0.154
r M1 (Xu) 1.127 1.127 1.127 1.127
VM1 (Xu) 0.082 0.082 0.082 0.082
r M1 (Fy) 1.124 1.124 1.124 1.124 1.210
VM1 (Fy) 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.048
r M2 1.161 1.161 1.161 1.161
VM2 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075
rP 1.007 1.350 0.999 1.260 1.027
Vp 0.217 0.084 0.219 0.193 0.155
r R (Xu) 1.410 1.890 1.399 1.764
VR (Xu) 0.288 0.208 0.290 0.271
r R (Fy) 1.406 1.885 1.395 1.759 1.243
VR (Fy) 0.283 0.200 0.285 0.265 0.162
b (Xu) (f = 0.67) 4.02 6.29 3.98 5.08
f (b = 4.5) 0.59 0.97 0.58 0.77
f (b = 4.0) 0.67 1.08 0.67 0.88
b (Fy) (f = 0.67) 4.05 6.41 4.01 5.13 4.82
f (b = 4.5) 0.60 0.98 0.59 0.78 0.71
f (b = 4.0) 0.68 1.09 0.67 0.88 0.78
Non-tough (no data available for tough).

with the professional factor closest to 1.0 of all the models Since the aggregate value is used for the reliability analysis,
investigated. However, the COV is still relatively high. The the results are expected to be conservative.
professional factors for the test programs by Dawe and Ku- A summary of the reliability analysis conducted for model
lak (1972) and Beaulieu and Picard (1985) are significantly 5 is presented in Table 4. The current resistance factor of
lower than 1.0. It is recalled that no direct weld metal ten- 0.67 provides a minimum safety index of 3.98 for the weld
sion test results were available for these two test programs, failure mode and 4.82 for the plate failure mode for joints
and material properties representative of the reported weld- welded with filler metal with no toughness requirement. As
ing electrodes for the test period were used in lieu of meas- expected, the safety index for filler metal with a toughness
ured material properties. For the Beaulieu and Picard tests, requirement is higher than the value for weld metal with no
two weld metal strengths were investigated (Kwan and toughness requirement. The minimum value of b is 5.08 for
Grondin 2008), namely, one that was obtained from the re- joints with small eccentricity and 6.29 for joints with large
sults of tests on weld metal of that era and one deduced eccentricity.
from a comparison between recent lap joint test results (Ng
et al. 2002) and lap joint tests reported by Beaulieu and Pic- Summary and conclusions
ard. The larger of the two values, namely those deduced
from lapped joint tests, is presented in this paper because it The current design tables for the calculation of the
leads to more conservative results. The tensile strength cal- strength of fillet-welded joints under combined shear and
culated from lapped splice tests can be significantly affected out-of-plane bending were derived from a closed-form
by the actual weld penetration and weld face convexity un- model proposed by Picard and Beaulieu (1991) and cali-
less these are specifically measured and accounted for in the brated to be in excellent agreement with the earlier design
calculations. Since these dimensions were not reported in tables that were based on the method of instantaneous centre
the Beaulieu and Picard test program, the estimated strength of rotation proposed by Dawe and Kulak (1972). Although
is expected to be overestimated if the root penetration and the work that led to the current design tables was performed
face convexity of the welds are not as large as those in the after the work of Lesik and Kennedy (1990), the current de-
test program from Ng et al. (2002). Because different weld- sign tables are still based on the loaddeformation relation-
ing processes were used in the two test programs (shielded ship proposed by Butler and Kulak ( 1971).
metal arc welding in the Beaulieu and Picard test program Several strength prediction models account for plate
compared to flux cored arc welding in the Ng et al. test pro- thickness as it affects the bearing resistance of the welded
gram), the root penetration is expected to be different, joint, but they do not account for a possible reduction in the
although no correction was made for this factor. It is noted strength of the weld due to an increase in weld root notch
that the COV for the professional factor is significantly size as the plate thickness is increased. A reliability analysis
lower within each program than for the aggregate sample. of the current design approach for welded joints under com-

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260 Can. J. Civ. Eng. Vol. 37, 2010

bined shear and out-of-plane bending was therefore con- cored arc welding. ANSI/AWS A5.29-2005. American Welding
ducted to determine the level of safety offered by current Society, Miami, FL.
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models considers plate rupture, which is a critical failure 1978. Load and resistance factor design criteria for connectors.
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Acknowledgements gineering Report 280, Department of Civil and Environmental
The research presented in this paper was funded by the Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alta.
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Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Can- welded connections loaded in plane. Canadian Journal of Civil
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by the University of California at Davis. In addition, con- Li, C., Grondin, G.Y., and Driver, R.G. 2007. Reliability analysis
of concentrically loaded fillet welds. Structural Engineering Re-
structive comments during the test planning by Tom Schla-
port 271, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
fly of AISC and Duane Miller of Lincoln Electric Company
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alta.
are gratefully acknowledged. Miazga, G.S., and Kennedy, D.J.L. 1989. Behaviour of fillet welds
as a function of the angle of loading. Canadian Journal of Civil
References Engineering, 16(4): 583599.
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t welded plate thickness as shown in Fig. 5a
Picard, A., and Beaulieu, D. 1991. Calcul des charpentes dacier.
and 5b.
Canadian Institute of Steel Construction (CISC), Toronto, Ont. V shear force carried by the weld segments be-
Tide, R.H.R. 1980. Eccentrically loaded weld groups AISC de- low the tension zone
sign tables. Engineering Journal, AISC, 17(4): 9095. VG, VM1, VM2, VP coefficient of variation of the geometry, ma-
Werren, A. 1984. Comportement experimental et calcul des assem- terial strength, shear factor, and professional
blages soudes excentriques en flexion. M.Sc. thesis, Faculty of factor, respectively
Sciences and Engineering, Universite Laval, Ste-Foy, Que. Vp plastic shear capacity
VR coefficient of variation for the resistance
List of symbols Xu tensile strength of weld metal
y distance between the tension and compres-
a eccentricity ratio = e/L sion zones in the proposed joint strength
Afracture fracture surface area model
Aw weld throat area yo length of weld in the compression zone
C correction factor for the resistance factor aR coefficient of separation
D weld leg size b safety index
e load eccentricity f resistance factor
Fu nominal tensile strength r G , r M1 , r M2 , r P bias coefficient for the geometry, material
Fy nominal yield strength strength, shear factor, and professional fac-
l* depth of tension zone tor, respectively
L welded joint length rR bias coefficient for the resistance
Mp plastic moment capacity su measured tensile strength
n sample size sy measured yield strength
P applied shear force tu measured shear strength
P0 resistance of a joint with no load eccentricity q angle between axis of weld and line of action
P0.53 resistance of a joint with a = 0.53 of the applied force
Pr0 value of P0 calculated with the measured
weld shear strength

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