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Electrochimica Acta 45 (2000) 4511 4515

Electrochemical investigation of single-walled carbon

nanotubes for hydrogen storage
N. Rajalakshmi a,*, K.S. Dhathathreyan a, A. Govindaraj b,c,
B.C. Satishkumar c
Centre for Electrochemical and Energy Research, SPIC Science Foundation, 111 Mount Road, Guindy, Madras 600032, India
Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 064, India
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Ad6anced Scientific Research, Jakkur, Bangalore 560 064, India

Received 1 March 2000; received in revised form 26 April 2000


Electrodes made of purified and open single walled carbon nanotubes behave like metal hydride electrodes in
NiMH batteries, showing high electrochemical reversible charging capacity up to 800 mAh g 1 corresponding to a
hydrogen storage capacity of 2.9 wt% compared to known AB5, AB2 metal hydride electrodes. 2000 Elsevier
Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Electrochemical investigation; Carbon nanotubes; Hydrogen storage

1. Introduction monodisperse product, it has been possible to obtain

relatively large quantities of SWNTs of uniform pore
The recent discovery [1] of the storage of hydrogen in diameter [1]. In recent times, a study has revealed that
carbon nanotubes and graphite nanofibres by gas phase these are good microporous materials with relatively
measurements and electrochemical measurements has large total surface areas [2].
stimulated interest in the reversible electrochemical Dillon et al. [3] have reported that crystalline
storage of hydrogen in single-walled carbon nanotubes. SWNTs have hydrogen storage capacity of 5 10 wt%
The safe storage of hydrogen is also critical to hydro- at pressures less than 1 bar near room temperature (r.t.)
genair fuel cells. The storage of hydrogen in metal Such a hydrogen storage capacity would be a significant
hydrides has the drawback of relatively low weight advance for the use of hydrogen as a fuel when high
density. To overcome this problem, there is consider- gravimetric density of hydrogen is a figure of merit. The
able effort to study light metal hydrides and storage in best value of hydrogen absorption in carbon nanomate-
light elements such as carbon. The capillarity of carbon rials reported so far has been 5.3 wt% or 0.64 hydro-
nanotubes thus offers a good prospect for hydrogen gen carbon (H C) at a temperature of 77 K. Recently
storage. Single-walled nanotube (SWNTs) constitute Chambers et al. [4] have claimed that graphite
the simplest tubular form of carbon wherein a single nanofibres have a capacity of 24 H C at 300 K which
graphite sheet is rolled into a tube. While most methods is yet to be fully confirmed. Ye et al. [5] have shown
of synthesis of the SWNTs do not generally produce a recently that hydrogen absorption on crystalline ropes
of single walled carbon nanotubes exceeds 8 wt%,
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +91-44-2352342 fax: +91- which is the highest capacity obtained so far. These
44-2351504. workers have calculated the cohesive energy and found
E-mail address: (N. Rajalakshmi). it to be strongly affected by the quality of crystalline

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4512 N. Rajalakshmi et al. / Electrochimica Acta 45 (2000) 45114515

order in the ropes. These studies suggest the possible state charge transfer mechanisms [9]. We considered it
use of SWNTs for reversible electrochemical storage. A most worthwhile to investigate the electrochemical hy-
recent report of Nutzenadel et al. [6] shows that a drogen storage capacity of pure SWNTs and report the
commercial sample of carbon web produced by arc-dis- preliminary results of such a study in this
charge and containing some nanotubes, can electro- communication.
chemically store relatively large amounts (110 mAh
g 1) of hydrogen, corresponding to a hydrogen storage
capacity of 0.39 wt%. The reaction is reversible indicat- 2. Experimental
ing that the nanotubes can be used to produce elec-
trodes for rechargeable batteries. In metal hydride SWNTs were produced by the dc arc discharge
batteries, the hydrogen is stored reversibly in the inter- method using a composite graphite rod containing
stitial sites of a host metal. The electric energy is Y2O3 (1 at%) and Ni (4.2 at%) as anode and a graphite
produced by direct electrochemical conversion [7,8]. rod as cathode under a helium pressure of 660 torr with
The decomposition of water molecules is an essential a current of 100 A and 30 V as reported earlier [1]. The
step in the charging mechanism and the chargedis- mass obtained was heated at 300C in air for about 24
charge processes occur at the electrode through solid h to remove amorphous carbonaceous materials. The

Fig. 1. High resolution electron microscope images of (a) as produced SWNT bundles, (b) purified SWNT bundles.
N. Rajalakshmi et al. / Electrochimica Acta 45 (2000) 45114515 4513

heat-treated material was stirred with concentrated ni- present. The product was then dried at 150C for about
tric acid at 60C for about 12 h and washed with 12 h. The SWNT content of the product was found to
distilled water to remove the dissolved metal particles. be 80% by thermogravimetric analysis. High-resolution
This treatment has been used to open the carbon electron microscopic (HREM) examination showed
nanotubes [10,11]. The SWNT material so obtained was that the SWNTs with an average diameter of 1.4 mm
suspended in ethanol by using a ultrasonicator and were present as bundles of 5 50 nanotubes. The elec-
filtered through a micropore filter paper (0.3 mm) from trochemical measurements were carried out using a
Millipore to remove polyhedral carbon nanoparticles EG&G galvanostat/potentiostat model 273, with the

Fig. 2. Chargedischarge hydrogen storage capacity of the SWNT electrode at 10 mA current.

Fig. 3. Comparison of the electrochemical hydrogen storage capacity of the two purified SWNT electrodes.
4514 N. Rajalakshmi et al. / Electrochimica Acta 45 (2000) 45114515

help of a three electrode system using SWNTs as work- as-produced web showed an electrochemical charging
ing electrode, Platinum as counter electrode and satu- capacity of 87 mAh g 1, comparable to the value of
rated calomel as reference electrode. Electrochemical 110 mAh g 1 reported by Nutzenadel et al. [6] for the
measurements were carried out in a flooded electrolyte commercial sample of the web. Electrodes made of the
condition in open cells. The electrolyte 30% KOH, purified SWNTs, however showed a tremendous elec-
which is the same as that used in alkaline batteries, was trochemical hydrogen storage capacity of around 800
prepared from reagent grade KOH and de-ionised wa- mAh g 1 at a charging and discharging rate of 10 mA
ter. Chronopotentiometry, controlled potential cou- current. Fig. 2 shows the charge (lower curve) and
lometry, and cyclic voltammetry were used to gather discharge (upper curve) curve for pure SWNTs. The
the electrochemical data reported here. Electrodes were charging and discharging potential was around 0.8
prepared by mixing 10 mg of the SWNTs with Cu and 0.6 V versus SCE, respectively. The coulombic
powder in the ratio of 1:3 with a polyte- efficiency was found to be 85%. The equilibrium curves
trafluoroethylene (PTFE) binder. The putty form of the were measured in the normal mode at a constant
mixture was mechanically pressed on to a current col- discharge current of 10 mA. The shape of the charge
lector (Ni mesh) at r.t. Then the electrode was sintered
discharge equilibrium curve is not much different from
at 200C for about 1 h under vacuum. The geometric
that of the metal hydride electrodes. In order to check
area of the electrode was about 2 cm2. The electrodes
for the reproducibility, a few electrodes made with
were tested for their chargedischarge characteristics,
different weights of SWNTs were examined and they
initial capacity and cycle life.
gave nearly the same electrochemical capacity. Fig. 3
shows the charging curve of the electrodes after the
eighth cycle, since first few cycles were used to activate
3. Results and discussion the samples. Here, from the eighth cycle onwards, the
electrodes started giving almost the same electrochemi-
The web produced from the arc-discharge contained cal capacity. The small difference in weight of the
SWNT bundles, amorphous carbon along with metal electrodes is reflected in the charging time.
encapsulated carbon particles as can be seen from the The electrodes were charged and discharged also at
high resolution electron microscope (HREM) image in different current ratings from 10 to 100 mA. The
Fig. 1a. In Fig. 1b we show the HREM image of the variation in the charging capacity was found to be only
SWNTs after purification. The electrodes made of the 50 mAh g 1 in the range studied as shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. Variation of the electrochemical capacity of SWNT electrodes with respect to the charging current. Inset shows the
electrochemical hydrogen storage capacity as a function of number of cycles.
N. Rajalakshmi et al. / Electrochimica Acta 45 (2000) 45114515 4515

This behavior is in contrast to that of a metal hydride tion, for financial support. We thank Professor C.N.R.
electrodes where the capacity decreases steeply at higher Rao for encouragement and guidance.
discharging currents. The maximum electrochemical hy-
drogen absorption capacity was found to occur after 20
cycles of charge and discharge, with the capacity re- References
maining constant for almost 50 cycles (see inset of Fig.
4). It is to be noted that the samples investigated by [1] C. Journet, W.K. Maser, P. Bernier, A. Loiseau, M.
Nutzenadel et al. [6] contained only a few percent of Lamy de la Chapelle, S. Lefrant, P. Denierd, R. Lee, J.E.
nanotubes, showing an electrochemical capacity of 0.39 Fischer, Nature 388 (1997) 756.
wt%, but the sample investigated by us contains 80% of [2] M. Eswaramoorthy, R. Sen, C.N.R. Rao, Chem. Phys.
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is possible that the opened SWNTs facilitate absorption [3] A.C. Dillon, K.M. Jones, T.A. Bekkedahl, C.H. Kiang,
of hydrogen electrochemically. Hydrogen may be D.S. Bethune, M.J. Heben, Nature 386 (1997) 377.
[4] A. Chambers, C. Park, R.T.K. Baker, N.M. Rodriguez, J.
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sumed, if repulsive interactions between the hydrogen [5] Y. Ye, C.C. Ahn, C. Witham, B. Fultz, J. Liu, A.G.
molecules were either screened or additional hydrogen Rinzler, D.T. Colbert, K.A. Smith, R.E. Smalley, Appl.
is adsorbed by the exterior surfaces of SWNTs and/or Phys. Lett. 74 (1999) 2307
the interstitial spaces between the bundled tubes. The [6] C. Nutzenadel, A. Zuttel, D. Chartouni, L. Schlapbach,
present study reveals that SWNTs may indeed be useful Electrochem. Solid State Lett. 2 (1999) 30.
in battery technology for the replacement of metal [7] J.M. Evjen, A.J. Catotti, in: D. Linden (Ed.), Handbook
hydride electrodes. Further experiments are in progress of Batteries, 2nd ed., Mc Graw Hill, New York, 1995
for the study of the mechanism of chargedischarge chapter 27.
process, cycle life and for the evaluation of diffusion [8] M.A. Fetcenko, S. Venkatesan, Prog. Batter. Sol. Cells 9
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coefficients of hydrogen in these nanotubes.
[9] T. Sakai, H. Miyamura, N. Kuriyama, H. Ishikawa, J.
Uehara, Z. Phys. Chem. 183 (1994) 333.
[10] C.N.R. Rao, A. Govindaraj, R. Sen, B.C. Satishkumar,
Acknowledgements Mater. Res. Innov. 2 (1998) 128.
[11] C.N.R. Rao, A. Govindaraj, B.C. Satishkumar, J. Chem.
We thank the management of SPIC Science founda- Soc. Chem. Commun. (1996) 1525.

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