Prepositions of Movement

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Prepositions of movement

(across, around, down, into, off, over, through, under, up)

1. Write the expressions under the correct pictures.

across the road around the sun down the hill up the stairs into the water
off the bike over the fence through the forest under the bar

1________________________ 2________________________ 3________________________

4________________________ 5________________________ 6________________________

7________________________ 8________________________ 9________________________

2. Cross out the words that are wrong 1. Which of these can you walk into?
a house a pencil a room
across the road/the shop 2. Which things can you go up?
stairs ladders parks
1. up the mountain/the table 3. What can you run around?
2. down the church/the stairs a lamp post a staircase a pond
3. over the corner/the wall 4. What can you jump over?
4. into the bank/the bridge a house a cat a wall
5. round the corner/the road 5. Which things can you walk down?
6. through the door/the river the street the kitchen the hill
7. off the shop/the table 6. What can you go into?
8. under the bridge/the house a castle a room a wall
9. across the river/the wall 7. Which things can you walk through?
a park a television a town
8. What can you jump off?
a bus a table a river

3. Answer the questions. Circle the correct

4. Match the prepositions with the words

1. through a. the bridge

2. across b. the fence
3. off c. the town
4. into d. the stairs
5. down e. the mountain
6. up f. the house
7. around g. the table
8. over h. the street
9. under i. the park

5. Fill in the correct prepositions

across around down up into

off over through under
1. Adam walked ______________ the gate.
2. I went ______________ the supermarket.
3. People walked ______________ the street.
4. Ben jumped ______________ the wall.
5. Tourists walked ______________ the town.
6. Helen climbed ______________ the tree.
7. My mother went ______________ the stairs.
8. My dog jumped ______________ the fence.
9. We decided to have a picnic ______________ the tree.


Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3

1. across the road 1. up the mountain 1. a house, a room
2. under the bar 2. down the stairs 2. stairs, ladders
3. off the bike 3. over the wall 3. a lamp post, a pond
4. through the forest 4. into the bank 4. a cat, a wall
5. into the water 5. round the corner 5. the hill, the street
6. up the stairs 6. through the door 6. a castle, a room
7. down the hill 7. off the table 7. a town, a park
8. over the fence 8. under the bridge 8. a bus, a table
9. around the sun 9. across the river

Exercise 4 Exercise 5

1. through
1. through the park
2. into
2. across the street
3. across
3. off the table, the bridge
4. off
4. into the house
5. around
5. down the mountain, the
6. up
7. down
6. up the stairs, the
8. over
9. under
7. around the town
8. over the fence
9. under the bridge, the

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