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Erectile Dysfunction


 Vacuum erection devices can have a slow onset of action

KEY CONCEPTS (30 minutes) and are not discreet; therefore, they are most
effective for a couple in a stable relationship.
 The incidence of erectile dysfunction is low in men younger
than 40 years of age. The incidence increases as men age, Although phosphodiesterase inhibitors are convenient and
likely as a result of concurrent medical conditions that impair effective regardless of the etiology of erectile dysfunction,
the vascular, neurologic, psychogenic, and hormonal systems they fail in 30% to 40% of patients. Also, phosphodiesterase
necessary for a normal penile erection. inhibitors are contraindicated in patients taking any dosage
formulation of nitrate.
 Many commonly used drugs have sympatholytic, anti-
cholinergic, sedative, or antiandrogenic effects that may
Testosterone supplementation should be reserved for patients
exacerbate or contribute to the development of erectile with primary or secondary hypogonadism who have erectile dys-
dysfunction. Clinicians should be familiar with these agents function as a consequence of a decreased libido. Testosterone
and be prepared to make adjustments in drug regimens supplementation should not be used by patients with erectile
to minimize adverse effects of these drugs on a patients dysfunction who have normal serum testosterone levels.
erectile function. Although intracavernosal injections and intraurethral pellets
 The first step in clinical management of erectile dysfunction of alprostadil are effective independent of the etiology of
is to identify and, if possible, reverse the underlying causes. erectile dysfunction, they fail in one third of patients. To
Risk factors for erectile dysfunction, including hypertension, self-administer medication by these routes, patients require
diabetes mellitus, smoking, and chronic ethanol abuse, should training to minimize administration-related adverse effects.
be addressed and minimized.
 Specific treatments for erectile dysfunction include vacuum The National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Panel
erection devices, pharmacologic treatments, psychotherapy, on Impotence defines erectile dysfunction as the failure to achieve a
and surgery. penile erection to allow for satisfactory sexual intercourse.1 Patients
 The ideal treatment of erectile dysfunction should have a fast may refer to it as impotence.
onset, be effective, be convenient to administer, be cost effec- Erectile dysfunction must be distinguished from disorders of
tive, have a low incidence of serious adverse effects, and be libido, ejaculatory disorders, and infertility, which are caused
free of serious drug interactions. by different pathophysiologic mechanisms and are treated with
alternative agents (Table 921). A patient may suffer from one or
 Specific treatment is first initiated with the least invasive forms more disorders of sexual dysfunction. For example, an elderly man
of treatment, including vacuum erection devices or oral phos- with primary hypogonadism may suffer from decreased libido and
phodiesterase inhibitors, followed by intracavernosal injections erectile dysfunction. Diagnosis of the type of sexual disorder that a
or intraurethral inserts, and finally by surgical insertion of a patient has is a key to initiating the most appropriate treatment.
penile prosthesis.

Learning objectives, review questions,  The incidence of erectile dysfunction is low in men younger
and other resources can be found at than 40 years of age but increases as men age.24 The Massachusetts Male Aging Study, a cross-sectional survey of a random sample of
1,290 men in the Boston area, was conducted during the period
TABLE 92-1 Types of Sexual Dysfunction in Men arteriosclerosis, hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, or psychiatric
disorders) or from medications that patients may be taking for these

Type of Dysfunction Definition

diseases.25 For example, up to 50% of patients with diabetes melli-
Decreased libido Decreased sexual drive or desire tus develop erectile dysfunction, and medications such as -blockers
Increased libido Precocious puberty; inappropriate and excessive sexual
are associated with a high incidence of erectile dysfunction.
drive or desire
Erectile dysfunction Failure to achieve a penile erection suitable for satisfactory
(impotence) sexual intercourse
Delayed ejaculation Commonly referred to as dry sex; ejaculation is PHYSIOLOGY OF A NORMAL
delayed or absent PENILE ERECTION
Retrograde ejaculation Ejaculate passes retrograde into the bladder, instead
Urologic Disorders

of toward the anterior urethra (antegrade) and out A normal penile erection requires full functioning of several physi-
of the penis ologic systems: vascular, nervous, and hormonal. The patient also
Infertility Sperm are insufficient in number, have abnormal must be psychologically receptive to sexual stimuli.
morphology, or have inadequate motility, and fail to
fertilize the ovum
The penis comprises two corpora cavernosa on the dorsal side and
from 1987 to 1989. The study reported an overall prevalence of 52% one corpus spongiosum on the ventral side. The corpus spongiosum
for any degree of erectile dysfunction in men aged 40 to 70 years, surrounds the urethra and forms the glans penis. The corpora are
with an age-related increase in incidence ranging from 12.4% in composed of multiple interconnected sinuses, which can fill with
men aged 40 to 49 years, up to 46.4% in men aged 60 to 69 years.1,2 blood to produce an erection. The corpora cavernosa are encased
In the more recent Health Professional Follow-Up Study of more by the tunica albuginea, a fibrous tissue membrane, which has lim-
than 31,000 male health professionals aged 53 to 90 years, the preva- ited distensibility. In the flaccid state, arterial flow into and venous
lence of erectile dysfunction was 33%.3 Interestingly, although the outflow from the corpora are balanced. During the erectile phase,
prevalence of erectile dysfunction increases with patient age, many arterial blood flow increases and blood fills the sinusoids within the
patients fail to seek medical treatment.4 corpora, which causes penile swelling and elongation. The erection
Erectile dysfunction is sometimes assumed to be a symptom is prolonged by a decrease in venous outflow from the corpora,
of the aging process in men. However, more likely it results from which is caused by compression of subtunical venules against the
concurrent medical conditions of the patient (e.g., hypertension, tunica albuginea by the swollen corpora (Fig. 921).

Penile arteries and veins

Corpus cavernosum


FIGURE 92-1. Microanatomy of and vascular changes in the penis in

flaccid and erect states. In the flaccid state, arterial flow into and venous
Tunica albuginea outflow from the corpora are balanced. During the erectile phase, arte-
rial blood flow increases and blood fills the sinusoids within the corpora,
Erectile tissue causing penile swelling and elongation. The erection is prolonged by
a decrease in venous outflow from the corpora, which is caused by
compression of subtunical venules by the swollen corpora. (From Walsh
Corpus spongiosum PC, ed. Campbells Urology, 8th ed. Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders,
2002:1595, 1697.)

Flaccid State Erectile Phase

Arterial flow into the corpora is enhanced by acetylcholine- blood levels in the morning and lowest levels in the evening.
mediated vasodilation. Acetylcholine indirectly enhances arterial Physiologically active (free) testosterone comprises only 2% of

flow to the corpora and increases sinusoidal filling of the corporal circulating blood levels. About 50% to 60% of testosterone in the
tissue. That is, acetylcholine is a coneurotransmitter, which works bloodstream is tightly bound to sex hormone-binding globulin and
along with other nonpeptidinergic intracellular neurotransmit- is inactive. The rest of circulating testosterone is reversibly bound
tersincluding cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), cyclic to albumin; this portion of testosterone is in equilibrium with the
adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), or vasoactive intestinal poly- free fraction.
peptideto produce vasodilation. In effect, cGMP and cAMP are Testosterone stimulates libido (sexual drive) and increases mus-
secondary messengers that direct desired effects in target tissues.6 cle mass in males. In some target cells with 5-alpha reductase, tes-
Acetylcholine produces an erection probably through two tosterone is activated to dihydrotestosterone. Dihydrotestosterone,

Erectile Dysfunction
different pathways. Through one pathway, in the presence of which is more potent than testosterone, stimulates prostate gland
sexual stimulation to genital tissue, acetylcholine enhances the growth, increases facial and body hair, induces baldness, and causes
production of nitric oxide by endothelial cells and nonadrenergic acne. In adipose tissue, a small portion of testosterone is converted
noncholinergic neurons. Nitric oxide enhances the activity of to estradiol which can lead to gynecomastia.
guanylate cyclase, which increases the conversion of cyclic guanos- Beginning at age 40 years, men experience a gradual decrease in
ine triphosphate to cGMP. cGMP decreases intracellular calcium testicular production of testosterone, with an associated decrease in
concentrations in smooth muscle cells of penile arteries and caver- muscle mass and sexual function.7 The Massachusetts Male Aging
nosal sinuses. As a result, smooth muscle relaxation occurs, which Study reported that 6% to 12% of elderly males had symptoms of
enhances arterial blood flow to and blood filling of the corpora.5 hypogonadism.8
An erection results. Within the normal physiologic serum total testosterone con-
In an alternative pathway, acetylcholine or prostaglandin centration range (normal, 3001,100 ng/dL; 10.438.2 nmol/L),
E enhances the activity of adenyl cyclase, which increases the sexual drive is usually normal. However, because of variability
conversion of cyclic adenosine triphosphate to cAMP, a potent in circulating levels of sex hormone binding globulin, a patients
muscle relaxant. Similar to cGMP, cAMP decreases intracellular serum concentration of testosterone should always be interpreted
calcium concentrations to produce smooth muscle relaxation in in the context of the patients symptoms and physical exam find-
cells of the arteries and cavernosal sinuses. Arterial blood flow ings. To confirm hypogonadism when the serum total testosterone
to and blood filling of the corpora are enhanced, and a penile concentration is equivocal, the clinician should obtain a serum free
erection results.5 (bioavailable) testosterone level.
The relationship between erectile dysfunction and serum tes-
tosterone levels is complicated. Patients with normal serum tes-
NERVOUS SYSTEM AND tosterone levels may have erectile dysfunction, and patients with
PSYCHOGENIC STIMULI subnormal serum testosterone levels may have normal sexual func-
Some erections are mediated by a sacral nerve reflex arc (e.g., tion.5 When a patient has hypogonadism and libido is decreased, a
erections can occur while the patient is sleeping). However, in the patient may not develop erections. In this case, erectile dysfunction
conscious patient, sensory sexual stimulation mediates erections via is considered secondary to a decreased libido.
the central nervous system. That is, when a patient sees an attrac-
tive partner, hears sweet words, smells a particular scent, or tastes
or touches a pleasant object, these situations can result in an erec-
tion. In this case, the patients brain processes this information and
the nervous impulse is carried down the spinal cord to peripheral Erectile dysfunction can result from any single abnormality or
cholinergic nerves that innervate the vascular supply to the corpora, combination of abnormalities of the four systems necessary for
resulting in an erection. a normal penile erection. Vascular, neurologic, or hormonal eti-
The medial preoptic area of the hypothalamus is thought to be ologies of erectile dysfunction are collectively referred to as organic
that portion of the brain responsible for integrating external stim- erectile dysfunction. Approximately 80% of patients with erectile
uli. Here dopamine exerts a proerectogenic effect, whereas, 2- dysfunction have the organic type. Patients who do not respond to
adrenergic stimulation causes the penis to become and/or remain psychogenic stimuli have psychogenic erectile dysfunction.
flaccid. After moving down the spinal cord, nerve impulses travel Diseases that compromise vascular flow to the corpora caverno-
to the penis by efferent peripheral nerves, including inhibitory sum (e.g., peripheral vascular disease, arteriosclerosis, and essential
sympathetic neurons (T11L2), proerectogenic parasympathetic hypertension) are associated with an increased incidence of erectile
neurons (S2S4), and proerectogenic somatic neurons (S2S4). dysfunction. Diseases that impair nerve conduction to the brain
In summary, acetylcholine produces an erection by working (e.g., spinal cord injury or stroke) or conditions that impair periph-
along with other coneurotransmitters, including cGMP and cAMP. eral nerve conduction to the penile vasculature (e.g., diabetes mel-
Thus, an erection is mediated neurologically, maintained by arterial litus) can result in erectile dysfunction.
blood filling of the corpora, and sustained by occlusion of venous Diseases associated with hypogonadism, primary or second-
outflow from the corpora. ary, result in subphysiologic levels of testosterone, which cause
Detumescence, or the progression of an erect penis to a flaccid diminished sexual drive (decreased libido) and secondary erectile
state, results from the actions of norepinephrine, which contracts dysfunction. Primary hypogonadism can be associated with the
vascular smooth muscle to decrease arterial inflow to the corpora normal aging process in men or surgical removal of the testes for
and contracts sinusoidal tissue in the corpora. As a result, venous treatment of prostate or testicular cancer. Secondary hypogonadism
outflow from the corpora increases. may result from hypothalamic or pituitary disorders of luteinizing
hormonereleasing hormone or luteinizing hormone, respectively;
or elevated prolactin levels, which can result from pituitary tumors
HORMONAL SYSTEM or can occur in patients with chronic renal failure.
Testosterone is principally produced by the testes at a daily rate Patients must be in the proper mental frame of mind to be
of 4 to 8 mg. Production follows a circadian pattern with highest receptive to sexual stimuli. Patients who suffer from malaise, have
TABLE 92-2 Medication Classes That Can Cause Erectile Dysfunction

Proposed Mechanism by Which

Drug Class Drug Causes Erectile Dysfunction Special Notes
Anticholinergic agents (antihistamines, antiparkinsonian Anticholinergic activity Second-generation nonsedating antihistamines (e.g., loratadine,
agents, tricyclic antidepressants, phenothiazines) fexofenadine, or cetirizine) are associated with less erectile
dysfunction than first-generation agents
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants cause
less erectile dysfunction than tricyclic antidepressants. Of the SSRIs,
paroxetine, sertraline, and fluoxetine cause erectile dysfunction more
commonly than venlafaxine, nefazodone, trazodone, or mirtazapine.
Urologic Disorders

Phenothiazines with less anticholinergic effect (e.g., chlorpromazine)

can be substituted in some patients if erectile dysfunction is a
Dopamine antagonists (e.g., metoclopramide, phenothiazines) Inhibit prolactin inhibitory factor, Increased prolactin levels inhibit testicular testosterone production;
thereby increasing prolactin levels depressed libido results
Estrogens, antiandrogens (e.g., luteinizing hormonereleasing Suppress testosterone-mediated In the face of a decreased libido, a secondary erectile dysfunction
hormone superagonists, digoxin, spironolactone, stimulation of libido develops because of diminished sexual drive
ketoconazole, cimetidine)
Central nervous system depressants (e.g., barbiturates, Suppress perception of psychogenic
narcotics, benzodiazepines, short-term use of large stimuli
doses of alcohol, anticonvulsants)
Agents that decrease penile blood flow (e.g., diuretics, Reduce arteriolar flow to corpora Any diuretic that produces a significant decrease in intravascular
peripheral -adrenergic antagonists, or central volume can decrease penile arteriolar flow
sympatholytics [methyldopa, clonidine, guanethidine]) Safer antihypertensives include angiotensin-converting enzyme
inhibitors, postsynaptic 1-adrenergic antagonists (terazosin, doxazosin),
calcium channel blockers, and angiotensin II receptor antagonists
Miscellaneous Unknown mechanism
Finsteride, dutasteride
Lithium carbonate
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors

From Thomas et al.9 and Lee and Sharifi.10

reactive depression or performance anxiety, are sedated, have

Alzheimer disease, have hypothyroidism, or have mental disor-
ders, commonly complain of erectile dysfunction. In most studies,  Erectile dysfunction or inability to have sexual intercourse
patients with psychogenic erectile dysfunction generally exhibit a Signs
higher response rate to various interventions than do patients with  If completing an International Index of Erectile Dysfunction
organic erectile dysfunction because the former have less severe survey, results are consistent with low satisfaction with the
disease. quality of erectile function.
Social habits of patients have been linked to erectile dysfunction.
The vasoconstrictor effect of cigarette smoking may compromise  Medical history may identify concurrent medical illnesses,
blood flow to the corpora and decrease cavernosal filling. Excessive past surgical procedures that interfere with good vascular
ethanol intake may lead to androgen deficiency, peripheral neu- flow to the penis or damage nerve function to the corpora,
ropathy, or chronic liver disease, all of which can contribute to or mental disorders associated with decreased reception of
erectile dysfunction. sexual stimuli.
 Medications may cause erectile dysfunction through similar  Medication history may reveal prescription or nonprescrip-
pathophysiologic mechanisms (Table 922).911 Medications are tion medications that could cause erectile dysfunction.
estimated to be responsible for approximately 10% to 25% of cases  Physical examination may reveal signs of hypogonadism
of erectile dysfunction. (e.g., gynecomastia, small testicles, decreased body hair or
beard, decreased muscle mass), which may contribute to
erectile dysfunction. The patient may have an abnormally
CLINICAL PRESENTATION: ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION curved penis when erect, decreased pulses in the pelvic
General region (suggesting impaired vascular flow to the penis), or
 Men are affected emotionally in many different ways decreased anal sphincter tone (suggesting impaired nerve
function to the corpora). Men older than 50 years should
 Depression undergo a digital rectal examination to determine whether
 Performance anxiety an enlarged prostate is contributing to the patients erectile
 Marital difficulties and avoidance of sexual intimacy (patients dysfunction.
are often brought to a physician by their partners) Laboratory Tests
 Nonadherence to medications patient believes are causing  If patient has signs of hypogonadism and complains of
erectile dysfunction decreased libido, a serum testosterone concentration may be
two serial early morning serum testosterone levels are needed to
below the normal range, which would be consistent with a
confirm the presence of hypogonadism.14,15

hormonal cause of erectile dysfunction.
Finally, erectile dysfunction is a potential marker for arterio-
 If the patient has an enlarged prostate noted on digital rectal sclerosis. Therefore, patients who present with erectile dysfunction
examination, a blood sample for prostate specific antigen should undergo a cardiovascular risk assessment to identify treat-
should be obtained. If elevated, the patient should be evalu- able medical conditions.16,17
ated for a prostate disorder, which could contribute to erectile


Erectile Dysfunction
DIAGNOSIS Erectile Dysfunction
With the availability in the late 1990s of effective medications for
erectile dysfunction independent of the etiology, diagnostic evalu-  DESIRED OUTCOMES
ation of erectile dysfunction became streamlined.5,12 Key assess- The goal of treatment is improvement in the quantity and quality
ments include a description of the severity of erectile dysfunction, of penile erections suitable for satisfactory intercourse. Simple as
complete medical and surgical histories, review of concurrent this may sound, healthcare providers must ensure that patients
medications, physical examination, and selected clinical labora- and their partners have reasonable expectations for any therapies
tory tests.12 that are initiated. Furthermore, only patients with erectile dysfunc-
To assess the severity of erectile dysfunction, the patient should be tion should be treated. Patients who have normal sexual function
asked about the quality of sexual intercourse for the last 4 weeks to should not seekor be encouraged to seektreatment in an effort
6 months. A self-administered standardized questionnaire, such as to enhance sexual function or enable increased activity.18
the International Index of Erectile Dysfunction (IIEF), is often used.
It is administered before initiation of any treatment and repeated
at regular intervals during treatment. It includes 15 questions  GENERAL APPROACH TO TREATMENT
about the quality of erectile function and satisfactoriness of sexual  The Second Princeton Consensus Conference is a widely
intercourse.13 Questions include the following: How often were accepted multidisciplinary approach to managing erectile dysfunc-
you able to maintain an erection? How difficult was it to sustain an tion that maps out a stepwise treatment plan.1921 The first step in
erection? How satisfied are you with your sexual life? The physician clinical management of erectile dysfunction is to identify and, if
should carefully assess the expectations for erectile function of the possible, reverse underlying causes. Risk factors for erectile dysfunc-
patient and the partner to ensure that expectations are reasonable. tion, including hypertension, diabetes mellitus, smoking, or chronic
Shorter versions of the IIEF and other self-reporting questionnaires ethanol abuse, should be addressed and minimized. Patients should
are also used in clinical practice. follow a heart-healthy lifestyle, which includes physical fitness,
A medical history should be obtained to identify concurrent weight loss to achieve a normal body mass index, low cholesterol
medical illnesses (e.g., hypertension, atherosclerosis, hyperlipi- diets, no excessive ethanol intake, and no smoking.22,23 In some
demia, diabetes mellitus, depression) or surgical procedures (e.g., cases, these types of interventions are sufficient to restore erectile
perineal or pelvic) that are risk factors for or are associated with function. However, if erectile dysfunction does not respond to these
organic or psychogenic erectile dysfunction. Underlying diseases measures, specific treatment is indicated.
that do not optimally respond to treatment should be addressed For patients with psychogenic erectile dysfunction, psychotherapy
before specific treatment for erectile dysfunction is initiated. If the can be used as monotherapy or as an adjunct to specific treatments
patient smokes cigarettes, drinks excessive amounts of ethanol, or for the disorder. To enhance the relevance of psychotherapy, both
uses recreational drugs, these social habits should be discontinued the patient and the partner should be included in the counseling
before specific treatment for erectile dysfunction is started. sessions. Treatment should be individualized and should address
A complete listing of the patients prescription and nonprescrip- immediate factors that may be causing performance anxiety or
tion medications and dietary supplements should be reviewed by depression. The effectiveness of psychotherapy is generally low, and
the clinician, who should identify drugs that may be contributing to long-term psychotherapy is often necessary.
erectile dysfunction. If possible, causative agents should be discon-    Specific treatments of erectile dysfunction include
tinued or the dose should be reduced. vacuum erection devices (VEDs), pharmacologic treatments, and
A physical examination of the patient should include a check surgery. The ideal treatment of this disorder should have a fast
for hypogonadism (i.e., signs of gynecomastia, small testicles, and onset, be effective, be convenient to administer, be cost effective,
decreased beard or body hair). The penis should be evaluated for have a low incidence of serious adverse effects, and be free of seri-
diseases associated with abnormal penile curvature (e.g., Peyronie ous drug interactions (Table 923). Generally, when choosing
disease), which are associated with erectile dysfunction. Femoral from among treatment approaches, those that are least invasive are
and lower extremity pulses should be assessed to provide an indi- selected first; more invasive therapies are reserved for patients who
cation of vascular supply to the genitals. Anal sphincter tone and do not respond to first-line agents.
other genital reflexes should be checked for the integrity of the The American Urological Association Guideline on the Management
nerve supply to the penis. A digital rectal examination in patients of Erectile Dysfunction clearly identifies oral phosphodiesterase
50 years or older is needed to rule out benign prostatic hyperplasia, inhibitors for first-line treatment. Vacuum erection devices, intracav-
which may contribute to erectile dysfunction. ernosal injection of erectogenic agents, or intraurethral prostaglandin
Selected laboratory tests should be obtained to identify the pres- inserts are second-line treatments; prescribing of a particular agent
ence of underlying diseases that could cause erectile dysfunction. for a patient should be individualized. Surgical intervention should
They include a fasting serum blood glucose and lipid profile. Serum be reserved for patients who fail to respond to first- and second-line
testosterone levels should be checked in patients older than 50 years treatments.24 A sample algorithm that guides selection of treatment is
and in younger patients who complain of decreased libido. At least shown in Figure 922.
TABLE 92-3 Dosing Regimens for Selected Drug Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction

Route of
Administration Generic Name (Brand Name) Dosage Form Common Dosing Regimen
Oral Yohimbine (Aphrodyne, Yocon, Yohimex) 5.4-mg tablet or capsule 5.4 mg 3 times per day
Sildenafil (Viagra) 25-mg, 50-mg, 100-mg tablet 25100 mg 1 h before intercourse
Apomorphine (Uprima)a 10-mg sublingual tablet, 25-mg tablet and capsule 1040 mg daily
Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin) 2-mg, 5-mg, 10-mg, 50-mg tablet 520 mg daily
Trazodone (Desyrel) 100-mg, 150-mg, 300-mg tablet 50150 mg daily
Vardenafil (Levitra) 2.5-mg, 5-mg, 10-mg, 20-mg tablet 510 mg 1 h before intercourse
Tadalafil (Cialis) 5-mg, 10-mg, 20-mg tablet 520 mg before intercourse or 2.55 mg daily
Urologic Disorders

Topical Testosterone patch (Testoderm) 4 mg/patch, 6 mg/patch 46 mg/day; apply to scrotum

Testosterone patch (Testoderm TTS) 4 mg/patch, 6 mg/patch 46 mg/day; apply to arm, buttock, back
Testosterone patch (Androderm) 2.5 mg/patch 2.55 mg/day; apply to arm, back, abdomen, thigh
Testosterone gel (AndroGel 1%) 5 g/pkt, 10 g/pkt 5 g/activiation 510 g/day; apply to shoulders, upper arms, abdomen
Intramuscular Testosterone cypionate 100 mg/mL, 200 mg/mL 200400 mg every 24 wk
Testosterone enanthate (Delatestryl) 100 mg/mL, 200 mg/mL 200400 mg every 24 wk
Subcutaneous implant Testosterone (Testopel) 75-mg pellet 150450 mg every 34 mo
Intraurethral Alprostadil (MUSE) 125-mcg, 250-mcg, 500-mcg, 1,000-mcg pellet 1251,000 mcg 510 min before intercourse
Intracavernosal Alprostadil (Caverject) 5-mcg, 10-mcg, 20-mcg injection 2.560 mcg 510 min before intercourse
Alprostadil (Edex) 5-mcg, 20-mcg, 40-mcg injection 2.560 mcg 510 min before intercourse
Papaverineb 30 mg/mL injection Variable, usually used in combination with alprostadil
and phentolamine
Phentolamineb 2.5 mg/mL injection Variable, usually used in combination with alprostadil
and papaverine

Not commercially available in the United States as a sublingual formulation; only available in United States as subcutaneous injection that is FDA approved for Parkinsons disease.
Not FDA approved for this use.

Patient with ED

Drug-induced ED Organic ED Psychogenic ED

1. Discontinue 1. Psychotherapy
offending agent, or Oral Vacuum
2. Behavior Modification
2. Reduce dose of phosphodiesterase erection
offending agent inhibitor device

If ineffective If effective,
If effective, If ineffective continue


If effective, If ineffective


If effective, If ineffective

Penile prosthesis

FIGURE 92-2. Algorithm for selecting treatment for erectile dysfunction. For organic erectile dysfunction (ED), oral agents are first-line therapy for younger
patients, and vacuum erection devices are generally used first in older patients who are married or otherwise have a stable sexual relationship. These two
approaches are sometimes used together in an effort to avoid surgical implantation of penile prostheses.
only. These have safety mechanisms that minimize the likelihood
of excessively high vacuum pressures which can cause penile dis-

comfort and injury.24
Pain or injury from VEDs most often is caused by the constric-
tion bands used to sustain an erection. Because these rings trap
blood in the corpora and reduce arteriolar flow into the penis, the
a penile shaft may feel cold and numb. If the constriction bands are
applied for longer than 30 to 60 minutes, the penile shaft may turn
blue and hurt. Patients may complain that a hinge-like erection
is produced in that the penis pivots on the rubber ring or tension

Erectile Dysfunction
band. Patients sometimes fail to ejaculate.
VEDs are contraindicated in patients with sickle cell disease.
These patients are prone to priapism, which can be exacerbated by
the use of constriction bands with VEDs. The devices also should be
used cautiously by patients taking oral anticoagulants because war-
FIGURE 92-3. Technique for using a vacuum erection device with ten- farin, through a poorly understood and idiosyncratic mechanism,
sion band or rubber constriction ring. The patient inserts his penis into can cause priapism.
the cylinder, which is then pushed up flush against his lower abdomen
to create a vacuum chamber. The patient activates the pump to produce
a vacuum pressure, which draws arteriolar blood into the corpora caver-  PHOSPHODIESTERASE INHIBITORS
nosa. To prolong the erection, the patient can use constriction bands or
tension rings, which are placed at the base of the penis, to keep the arte- Mechanism
riolar blood in and reduce venous outflow from the penis. (From http:// In the presence of sexual stimulation, nitric oxide is released by
neurons or endothelial cells in penile tissue, thereby enhancing
the activity of guanylate cyclase, the enzyme responsible for
conversion of guanylate triphosphate to cGMP (Fig. 924).25
 VACUUM ERECTION DEVICE cGMP is a vasodilatory secondary messenger that upregulates
A VED has three parts: a pump, which generates a negative vacuum the response to nitric oxide, increases smooth muscle relaxation,
pressure; a cylinder, which is closed at one end and into which the enhances arterial flow to the corpora cavernosa and enhances
penis is inserted; and tubing, which connects the pump to the cylin- blood filling of cavernosal sinuses. Catabolism of cGMP is medi-
der. The patient inserts his penis into the open end of the cylinder, ated by phosphodiesterase.
which is then pushed up flush against his lower abdomen to create Three competitive, reversible inhibitors of the phosphodiesterase
a vacuum chamber. Then the patient activates the pump to produce isoenzyme type 5 found in genital tissue are marketed for erectile
a vacuum pressure, which draws arteriolar blood into the corpora dysfunction in the United States (Table 924). They act by decreas-
cavernosa. To prolong the erection, the patient can use constriction ing catabolism of cGMP. However, phosphodiesterase isoenzyme
bands or tension rings, which are placed at the base of the penis, type 5 is also found in peripheral vascular tissue, tracheal smooth
to keep the arteriolar blood in and to reduce venous outflow from muscle, and platelets. Inhibition of phosphodiesterase in these non-
the penis. With the assistance of loading cones to protect the glans, genital tissues can produce unwanted effects.
these bands or rings can be rolled over the glans penis and up the The three marketed phosphodiesterase inhibitors differ in their
erect penile shaft. Alternatively, they can be first threaded onto the degree of selectivity in inhibiting other phosphodiesterase isoen-
plastic cylinder before the penis is inserted. Once the penis is erect, zymes, pharmacokinetic profiles, drugfood interactions, and
the band or ring can be rolled off the cylinder onto the base of the adverse effects (see Table 924).
penis (Fig. 923).
 The onset of action of the VED is comparatively slow
(30 minutes), which requires patience from both the patient and Efficacy
the sexual partner. VEDs are not discreet. That is, a patients use Because of their apparent effectiveness, convenient route of admin-
of a VED is evident to the partner. For this reason, VEDs appear istration, and comparatively low incidence of serious adverse
to work best in older patients who are married or who have stable effects, phosphodiesterase inhibitors are considered first-line ther-
sexual relationships. In this group, VEDs could be considered first- apy for erectile dysfunction, particularly in younger patients. They
line therapy, and the overall satisfaction rate can be as high as 60% allow for discreet use. Although not based on direct comparison
to 80%.5,18 However, 6% to 11% of partners complain that the penis trials, all three commercially available phosphodiesterase inhibitors
is cool to the touch or is discolored (bluish) in appearance, particu- are considered to be equally effective.26,27
larly when constriction bands are used. In the presence of sexual stimulation and in doses of 25 to
VEDs may be used as second-line therapy in patients who do not 100 mg, sildenafil produces satisfactory erections in 56% to
respond to oral or injectable drug treatments for erectile dysfunc- 82% of patients, independent of the etiology of erectile dysfunc-
tion. The combination of a VED with intracavernosal or intraure- tion. Similar results are documented in the product labeling for
thral alprostadil is associated with a higher efficacy rate than use the other two agents in this class (65%80% for vardenafil and
of the VED alone. As a result, combination therapy sometimes 62%77% for tadalafil). Response rates in the lower range for
is attempted before penile prosthesis surgery is considered in the phosphodiesterase inhibitors have been documented in patients
patient who fails VED monotherapy. with diabetes mellitus or in patients after radical prostatectomy,
VEDs are available with manual or battery-operated pumps. probably due to neuropathy or surgery-related nerve damage,
The latter offer greater convenience, particularly in patients with respectively.24,25,28 The effectiveness of the drugs appears to be
arthritis of the hands, who find manual pumps too difficult and dose related.
tiring to operate. The American Urological Association recom- Approximately 30% to 40% of patients do not respond to
mends the use of commercially available VEDs by prescription phosphodiesterase inhibitors.24 At least half of nonresponders can

Inhibited by
vardenafil, and

Sexual Nitric oxide is released Nitric oxide stimulates cGMP is catabolized by

stimulation from NANC nerves and guanylate cyclase, which phosphodiesterase and is
Urologic Disorders

of patient endothelial cells increases tissue converted to GMP which is

concentration of cGMP. inactive
Increased levels of
cGMP produce a penile

FIGURE 92-4. Mechanism of action of phosphodiesterase inhibitors. All inhibit catabolism of cGMP, a vasodilatory secondary messenger. (cGMP, cyclic
guanosine monophosphate; NANC, nonadrenergic noncholinergic.)

benefit from education on proper use of the drugs, and this likely In addition, treatment of concomitant medical illnesses which con-
will prove true for the other agents used for erectile dysfunction. tribute to erectile dysfunction (e.g., diabetes mellitus, hypertension,
Education of patients should include the following points: (1) hypogonadism) should be optimized.20
patients must engage in sexual stimulation (foreplay) for the best The effectiveness of switching from one phosphodiesterase
response; (2) sildenafil should be taken on an empty stomach, at inhibitor to another when the patient does not respond to an initial
least 2 hours before meals, for the fastest response, but the other two agent is controversial. In two small studies, vardenafil was beneficial
agents can be taken without regard to meals; (3) taking sildenafil in patients who did not respond to sildenafil.26,29 However, con-
or vardenafil with a fatty meal can decrease the absorption rate, trolled clinical trials in larger patient groups are needed before this
but the absorption rate of tadalafil is not affected;26 (4) patients strategy is used as routine treatment.
who do not respond to the first dose should continue with the The phosphodiesterase inhibitors should not be used by patients
phosphodiesterase inhibitor for at least five to eight doses before with normal erectile function. Also, according to Food and Drug
failure is declared, as increasing success rates are reported with Administration (FDA)approved labeling, the drugs should not be
sequential dose administration;27 (5) some patients require dosage used in combination with other forms of therapy for erectile dys-
titration up to 100 mg sildenafil, 20 mg vardenafil, or 20 mg tadalafil function because prolonged erections (which may lead to priapism)
for a response;27,28 (6) patients should avoid excessive alcohol intake, may result.30
which can cause erectile dysfunction; and (7) involvement of the Long-term use of phosphodiesterase inhibitors is not associated
sexual partner can help improve the patients response to treatment. with tachyphylaxis.31,32

TABLE 92-4 Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics of Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors

Sildenafil (Viagra)a Vardenafil (Levitra)a Tadalafil (Cialis)a
Inhibits PDE-5 Yes Yes Yes
Inhibits PDE-6 Yes Minimally No
Inhibits PDE-11 No No Yes
Time to peak plasma level (h) 0.51 0.70.9 2
Fatty meal decreases rate of oral absorption? Yes Yes No
Mean plasma half-life (h) 3.7 4.44.8 18
Percentage of dose excreted in feces 80 9195 61
Percentage of dose excreted in urine 13 26 36
Duration (h) 4 4 2436
Usual dose (mg) before intercourse 25100 520 520
Daily dose (mg) Not applicable Not applicable 2.55
Dose (mg) in patients 65 y (mg) 25 5 520
Dose (mg) in moderate renal impairment 25100 520 5
Dose (mg) in severe renal impairment 25 520 5
Dose (mg) in mild hepatic impairment 25100 520 10
Dose (mg) in moderate hepatic impairment 25100 510 10
Dose (mg) in severe hepatic impairment 25 Not evaluated Not recommended
Dose in patients taking cytochrome P450 3A4 inhibitorsa 25 mg 2.55 mg every 2472 h 10 mg every 72 h

Sildenafil doses should be decreased when any potent cytochrome P450 3A4 inhibitor (e.g., cimetidine, erythromycin, clarithromycin, ketoconazole, itraconazole, ritonavir, and saquinavir) is used. Vardenafil doses
vary according to the agent used (2.5 mg every 72 hours for ritonavir; 2.5 mg every 24 hours for indinavir, ketoconazole 400 mg daily, and itraconazole 400 mg daily; and 5 mg every 24 hours for ketoconazole
200 mg daily, itraconazole 200 mg daily, and erythromycin). Tadalafil doses are reduced only when the drug is used with the most potent cytochrome P450 3A4 inhibitors (e.g., ketoconazole, ritonavir).
PDE, phosphodiesterase.
 SELECTIVITY OF OTHER low dosing of these agents may improve endothelial function in
cavernosal tissue. That is, regular use of phosphodiesterase inhibi-

tors may increase local concentrations of cGMP, which may lead
More than 25 different phosphodiesterase isoenzymes have been to increased oxygen tension, improved blood flow, and reduced
identified; however, the physiologic effects of stimulation and endothelial damage. A preliminary clinical trial of daily use of
inhibition of some of these isoenzymes remain to be elucidated. Of tadalafil 2.5 or 5 mg showed a 58% frequency of successful sexual
note, phosphodiesterase isoenzyme type 6 is localized to the rods intercourse compared with conventional on-demand use of tadala-
and cones of the eye. Inhibition of this isoenzyme has been associ- fil 5 to 20 mg, which produced a 21% frequency of success.34,35 Other
ated with blurred vision and cyanopsia. Sildenafil is the most potent potential advantages of daily low dosing regimens include a lower
inhibitor of phosphodiesterase isoenzyme type 6, vardenafil is an potential for dose-related adverse effects, lower cost, and increased
intermediate inhibitor, and tadalafil is the least potent inhibitor.26

Erectile Dysfunction
spontaneity of sexual intercourse. However, more extensive clinical
Likewise, phosphodiesterase isoenzyme type 11 is localized to stri- study is needed to evaluate the benefit of daily dosing of phospho-
ated muscle. Inhibition of this isoenzyme has been associated with diesterase inhibitors before the approach can be preferred to an
myalgia and muscle pain. Tadalafil exerts the greatest inhibitory on-demand regimen.
activity against phosphodiesterase type 11.6

Pharmacokinetics and Adverse Effects

DrugFood Interactions Most adverse effects of the phosphodiesterase inhibitors are mild or
moderate and are self-limited, and patients often become tolerant
Pharmacokinetic parameters of the phosphodiesterase inhibitors
to them with continued use.36,37 The rates of drug discontinuation
are listed in Table 924.
caused by adverse effects are low, ranging from 2.1% to 2.5%, and are
Vardenafil and sildenafil have similar pharmacokinetic profiles.
similar for all three agents. In usual doses the most common adverse
Both drugs have a 1-hour onset of action and short duration of
effects are headache (11%), facial flushing (12%), dyspepsia (5%),
action. Oral absorption is significantly delayed when either drug
nasal congestion (3.4%), and dizziness (3%),25 all of which result
is taken within 2 hours of a fatty meal. In contrast, tadalafil has
from vasodilation or smooth muscle relaxation secondary to inhibi-
a delayed onset of action of 2 hours, has a prolonged duration of
tion of phosphodiesterase isoenzyme type 5 in extragenital tissues.18
action up to 36 hours, and food does not affect its rate of absorption.
Sildenafil and vardenafil produce an 8- to 10-mm Hg decrease
Thus, tadalafil offers greater spontaneity for patients, as one dose
in systolic and a 5 to 6 mm Hg decrease in diastolic blood pressure
can last through an entire weekend and allow for multiple acts of
starting approximately 1 hour after a dose is taken and lasting for
sexual intercourse over multiple days with a single dose.32
4 hours. Most patients are asymptomatic as a result of these blood
The onset of action of these agents has undergone reexamination
pressure changes, but some patients, particularly those taking mul-
to assess how soon after drug administration patients can expect
tiple antihypertensives or nitrates or those with baseline hypoten-
to have an erection suitable for intercourse. Although up to 50%
sion, may develop clinical symptoms as a consequence of these
of patients may develop an erection within 20 to 30 minutes of
peripheral vascular effects. Tadalafil does not produce decreases in
sildenafil 100 mg, vardenafil 20 mg, or tadalafil 20 mg, the rest of
blood pressure, but it must be used with caution in patients with
the patients may require a full hour to achieve an adequate erec-
cardiovascular disease because of the cardiac risk inherent to sexual
tile response.33 Therefore, patients should be instructed to allow
activity. A management approach for such patients, developed
adequate time for the drug to work.
based on an analysis of deaths in men who were using sildenafil and
Concomitant ingestion of ethanol with phosphodiesterase inhibi-
commonly referred to as the recommendations of the Princeton
tors can result in orthostatic hypotension. Therefore, the manufac-
Consensus Guideline Conference II,19 should be applied to all the
turer recommends that patients avoid ethanol when taking these
phosphodiesterase inhibitors (Table 925).
Sildenafil and vardenafil cause increased sensitivity to light,
All three phosphodiesterase inhibitors are hepatically catabolized
blurred vision, or loss of bluegreen color discrimination in 2%
principally by the cytochrome P450 3A4 microsomal isoenzyme
to 3% of patients. These effects result from inhibition of phospho-
and by other P450 isoenzymes (minor routes) and/or other hepatic
diesterase type 6 in the photoreceptor cells of in retinal rods and
enzymes. Sildenafil and vardenafil have active metabolites, which
cones, particularly at doses larger than 100 mg. Visual adverse
are excreted primarily in the feces (see Table 924).
effects commonly occur at the time of peak serum concentrations.
Although visual adverse effects are mild and reversible, caution
Dosing regarding use is recommended for airplane pilots, who rely on
The usual oral doses of the phosphodiesterase inhibitors are listed in green and blue lights for landing planes. Tadalafil has minimal to no
Table 924. Sildenafil and vardenafil should be taken on demand or inhibitory activity against type 6 phosphodiesterase, and no visual
at least 30 to 60 minutes before sexual intercourse. Tadalafil should adverse effects have been reported.38 Nevertheless, according to
be taken at least 2 hours before sexual intercourse. The durations current product labeling, all phosphodiesterase inhibitors should be
of action for sildenafil and vardenafil are 4 to 5 hours, whereas the used cautiously in patients at risk for retinitis pigmentosa, a genetic
effects of tadalafil last for 36 hours. The agents vary as to whether disease associated with retinal phosphodiesterase deficiency.
doses must be adjusted for patients 65 years and older and those Nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION) is a
with compromised hepatic or renal function. Patients should be sudden, unilateral, painless blindness, which may be irreversible.
advised to take no more than the amount prescribed and to use Isolated cases of NAION have been associated with phosphodi-
only one dose per day (or less often in the case of some patients esterase inhibitor use.39 Although a cause-and-effect relationship
taking tadalafil). Doses greater than those recommended have has not been definitively established, the blood pressurelowering
been described in the published literature (e.g., tadalafil 100 mg); effects of these medications may decrease blood flow to the optic
however, such dosing regimens have not consistently produced nerve and lead to sudden unilateral decrease in vision. Because
improved erectile responses. NAION may lead to permanent vision loss, the FDA has required
For patients who do not respond to an adequate course of on- inclusion of warnings on the product labeling of phosphodiesterase
demand phosphodiesterase inhibitors for erectile dysfunction, daily inhibitors. Specifically, before receiving these agents, patients at risk
TABLE 92-5 Recommendations of the Second Princeton Consensus Conference for Cardiovascular Risk Stratification of Patients Being

Considered for Phosphodiesterase Inhibitor Therapy

Risk Category Description of Patients Condition Management Approach
Low risk Has asymptomatic cardiovascular disease with < 3 risk factors for Patient can be started on phosphodiesterase inhibitor
cardiovascular disease
Has well-controlled hypertension
Has mild, stable angina
Has mild congestive heart failure (NYHA class I)
Has mild valvular heart disease
Had a myocardial infarction >6 weeks ago
Urologic Disorders

Intermediate risk Has 3 risk factors for cardiovascular disease Patient should undergo complete cardiovascular workup and treadmill
Has moderate, stable angina stress test to determine tolerance to increased myocardial energy
Had a recent myocardial infarction or stroke within the past 6 weeks consumption associated with increased sexual activity
Has moderate congestive heart failure (NYHA class II)
High risk Has unstable or symptomatic angina, despite treatment Phosphodiesterase inhibitor is contraindicated; sexual intercourse
Has uncontrolled hypertension should be deferred
Has severe congestive heart failure (NYHA class III or IV)
Had a recent myocardial infarction or stroke within past 2 weeks
Has moderate or severe valvular heart disease
Has high-risk cardiac arrhythmias
Has obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

NYHA, New York Heart Association.

From Kostis et al.21

for NAION should be evaluated by an ophthalmologist. Patients at initiated. If severe hypotension continues, parenteral -adrenergic
risk include a wide variety of patients: those with glaucoma, macular agonists (e.g., dopamine) should be administered cautiously.
degeneration, diabetic retinopathy or hypertension, those who have Interestingly, dietary sources of nitrates, nitrites, or l-arginine (a
undergone eye surgery or have experienced eye trauma, patients precursor for nitrates) do not interact with the phosphodiesterase
who are age 50 years or more, or smokers. A patient who experi- inhibitors. This is because dietary sources do not increase circulat-
ences sudden vision loss while taking a phosphodiesterase inhibitor ing levels of nitric oxide in humans.
should be evaluated for NAION before continuing treatment.40 Sildenafil does not appear to interact with antihypertensive medi-
Tadalafil produces lower back and limb muscle pain, which occur cations. In retrospective analyses of patients taking sildenafil in com-
in a dose-related fashion in 7% to 30% of patients treated with doses bination with -adrenergic antagonists, -adrenergic antagonists,
of 10 to 100 mg.41 The mechanism for this is not known. It may be diuretics, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin
linked to inhibition of type 11 phosphodiesterase, a unique charac- receptor blockers, or calcium channel blockers, the incidence of
teristic of tadalafil. hypotension was similar to that reported in patients taking sildenafil
Vardenafil can cause prolongation of the QT interval. Therefore, alone.43,44 This finding was confirmed by a retrospective analysis of
it should be used cautiously in patients with this anomaly or in pooled data on more than 4,800 patients in 35 clinical trials.30
patients who are taking medications that prolong the QT interval Small decreases in blood pressure with clinically symptomatic
(e.g., quinidine). hypotension have been described in some patients taking sildenafil
Priapism is a rare adverse effect of phosphodiesterase inhibitors, and tadalafil and immediate-release formulations of terazosin and
particularly sildenafil and vardenafil, which have shorter plasma doxazosin.45 In contrast, concurrent administration of extended-
half-lives than tadalafil. Priapism has been associated with excessive release alfuzosin, silodosin, or tamsulosin, which produce lower
doses of the phosphodiesterase inhibitor or concomitant therapy peak serum concentrations than immediate-release formulations
involving other erectogenic drugs. after administration or exhibit 1A-adrenergic selectivity, show
minimal or no decrease in blood pressure.4648 Package labeling for
Drug Interactions phosphodiesterase inhibitors include a caution about concomitant
use of phosphodiesterase inhibitors and -adrenergic antagonists.
Patients taking organic nitrates may develop severe hypotension if
Hepatic metabolism of all three phosphodiesterase inhibitors can
they are taken with phosphodiesterase inhibitors as a result of two
be inhibited by enzyme inhibitors of CYP 3A4, including cimeti-
major factors: (1) organic nitrates on their own produce hypoten-
dine, erythromycin, clarithromycin, ketoconazole, itraconazole,
sion, and (2) organic nitrates are nitric oxide donors, which can
ritonavir, saquinavir, and grapefruit juice.4851 Lower starting doses
stimulate the activity of guanylate cyclase and increase tissue lev-
should be used in these patients (see Table 924).
els of cGMP. For this reason, use of the three phosphodiesterase
inhibitors is contraindicated in patients taking nitrates given by
any route at scheduled times or intermittently.19,42 Furthermore,
nitrates should be withheld for 24 hours after sildenafil or vardenafil CLINICAL CONTROVERSY
administration and for 48 hours after tadalafil administration.19,42
Some clinicians believe that tachyphylaxis may develop with
Finally, if a patient who has taken a phosphodiesterase inhibi-
continuous use of sildenafil, but others believe that a lack
tor requires medical treatment of angina, nonnitrate-containing
of responsiveness may be due to worsening of underlying
agents (e.g., calcium channel blocker, -adrenergic antagonist,
diseases that may contribute to the development of erectile
morphine) should be used.
dysfunction.18 Positive treatment response despite continuous
If severe hypotension occurs after exposure to nitrates and
use of these agents for up to 6 years suggests that tachyphylaxis
a phosphodiesterase inhibitor, the patient should be placed
does not occur.26,38
in a Trendelenburg position and aggressive fluid administration
TABLE 92-6 Comparison of Testosterone Replacement Regimens and Ideal Testosterone Replacement Regimen

Achieves Serum Produces Normal
Testosterone Circadian Pattern of Produces Normal Pattern
Concentrations in Serum Testosterone of Serum Concentrations of
Normal Range? Concentrations? Androgen Metabolites? Adverse Effects
Oral testosterone No No No Hyperlipidemia
Sodium retention
Oral alkylated androgens Yes No No Hyperlipidemia
Sodium retention

Erectile Dysfunction
Intramuscular testosterone Yes No; produces supraphysiologic No, excess testosterone is Mood swings
cypionate or enanthate serum concentrations for converted to estradiol Gynecomastia
several days after injection Polycythemia
Transdermal nonscrotal skin patch Yes Yes, provided the patch is Yes Dermatitis due to permeation
placed at night enhancers in formulation
Transdermal scrotal skin patch Yes Yes provided the patch is No; 5-reductase in scrotal skin Dermatitis due to permeation
applied in the morning metabolizes testosterone and enhancers in formulation
increases serum concentrations
of dihydrotestosterone
Transdermal gel Yes Yes Yes May be inadvertently transferred
to others who rub up against
the patients skin treated area
Testosterone subcutaneous implant Yes No No; produces elevated Pellet may be extruded
concentrations of accidentally, resulting in loss
dihydrotestosterone of drug effect
Buccal system Yes No No Gum irritation, bitter taste

Data from Gore JL, Swerdloff RS, Rajfer J. Androgen deficiency in the etiology and treatment of erectile dysfunction. Urol Clin N Am 2005;32:457468.

 TESTOSTERONE REPLACEMENT REGIMENS Testosterone replacement regimens should never be adminis-

tered to men with normal serum testosterone levels.

Testosterone replacement regimens supply exogenous testos- Efficacy

terone and restore serum testosterone levels to the normal range Testosterone replacement regimens restore muscle strength and
(3001,100 ng/dL; 10.438.2 nmol/L). In so doing, testosterone sexual drive and improve mood in patients with hypogonadism.
replacement regimens correct symptoms of hypogonadism, which Improvements are generally observed within days or weeks of the
include malaise, loss of muscle strength, depressed mood, and start of testosterone replacement. Administration of testosterone
decreased libido. Testosterone can directly stimulate androgen will correct the serum testosterone level to the normal range. No
receptors in the central nervous system and is thought to be respon- additional benefit has been demonstrated for large doses of testos-
sible for maintaining normal sexual drive. In addition, testosterone terone, which increase the serum testosterone level from the low
may stimulate nitric oxide synthase, thereby increasing cavernosal end to the upper end of the normal range or to the above-normal
concentrations of nitric oxide, and enhancing the effects of phos- range.53 Testosterone replacement regimens do not directly correct
phodiesterase type 5 in cavernosal tissue.52 erectile dysfunction; instead, they improve libido, thereby correct-
ing secondary erectile dysfunction.54
Testosterone replacement regimens can be administered orally,
Indications parenterally, or transdermally (Table 926). Injectable testosterone
Testosterone replacement regimens are indicated in symptomatic replacement regimens are the preferred treatment for symptomatic
patients with primary or secondary hypogonadism, as confirmed patients with primary or secondary hypogonadism because they are
by both the presence of a decreased libido and low serum con- effective, inexpensive, and not associated with the bioavailability prob-
centrations of testosterone.18 Serum testosterone concentrations lems or hepatotoxic adverse effects of oral androgens.52 Although con-
typically are measured in the early morning because the secretion venient for the patient, testosterone patches and gels are much more
pattern of this hormone follows a circadian pattern, with high- expensive than other forms of androgen replacement; therefore, they
est serum concentrations in the morning hours. Simultaneous should be reserved for patients who refuse injectable testosterone.
serum luteinizing hormone levels help to distinguish patients In the ideal testosterone replacement regimen, the medication
with primary hypogonadism, who have elevated luteinizing hor- would mimic the normal circadian pattern of serum testosterone
mone levels, from those with secondary hypogonadism, who have concentrations such that peak and trough concentrations occur in
decreased luteinizing hormone levels. Primary hypogonadism the early morning and late afternoon, respectively; produce serum
can be a characteristic of aging men who undergo andropause, concentrations in the normal range; produce serum concentrations
in which the Leydig cells of the testes slowly and progres- of dihydrotestosterone and estradiol, which are metabolites of tes-
sively decrease testosterone production.52 Symptoms, including tosterone that mimic the normal physiologic pattern; and produce
decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, gynecomastia, decreased minimal adverse effects.52 Table 926 compares commercially avail-
muscle mass, increased body fat, and osteopenia, develop gradu- able testosterone replacement regimens for these characteristics and
ally over years. shows that an ideal regimen has yet to be identified.
Pharmacokinetics a particular dose. Thus, a dose should not be increased until the
patient has used one particular dose for at least this time period.53

Natural testosterone has poor oral bioavailability because of extensive

The serum testosterone level should return to the normal range and
first-pass hepatic metabolism; therefore, large doses must be taken. To
symptoms of androgen deficiency should be relieved with appropri-
improve oral bioavailability, alkylated derivatives were formulated. Of
ate dosing.
these derivatives, methyltestosterone and fluoxymesterone are more
Before initiating any testosterone replacement regimen in
resistant to hepatic catabolism and can be taken in smaller daily doses,
patients 40 years and older, patients should be screened for benign
which are potentially safer. However, oral alkylated derivatives of tes-
prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer. Both of these diseases are
tosterone are not metabolized to dihydrotestosterone or estradiol, and
testosterone-dependent conditions and theoretically could be wors-
are associated with a higher incidence of serious hepatotoxicity and
ened by exogenous administration of testosterone. Prostate cancer
therefore are not preferred for management of hypogonadism.
Urologic Disorders

is a contraindication to androgen supplementation. To screen for

An alternative to oral administration is the testosterone buccal
these conditions, a prostate-specific antigen serum concentration
system (Striant), which is applied to the gum above the upper inci-
should be obtained and a digital rectal examination of the prostate
sor teeth twice per day. Over time it forms a gel from which testos-
performed. These tests are generally repeated at 1-year intervals
terone is absorbed. One advantage of this route of administration
after treatment is started.52
is that the drug bypasses first-pass hepatic catabolism, which allows
for increased bioavailability of testosterone.
Several testosterone esters have been formulated for intramus- Adverse Effects
cular injection, with different durations of action (see Table 923). Testosterone replacement regimens can cause sodium retention,
The shorter-acting testosterone propionate, which requires dosing which can cause weight gain, or exacerbate hypertension, conges-
3 times per week, has been replaced with testosterone cypionate or tive heart failure, and edema. Gynecomastia can occur as a result
enanthate, which can be dosed every 2, 4, or 6 weeks in most patients. of conversion of testosterone to estrogen in peripheral tissues. This
An even longer-acting parenteral testosterone is available as a sub- has been reported most often in patients with liver cirrhosis.
cutaneous implant for dosing every 3 to 6 months. Although this Testosterone replacement regimens are contraindicated in
schedule minimizes repeat visits to the clinicians office for dosing, patients with breast cancer and untreated prostate cancer.
the implant must be administered by a physician, and the implanted Although serum lipoprotein perturbations may occur, testoster-
pellet may be extruded after administration. This extrusion has one replacement regimens have a neutral effect in that they decrease
been reported in up to 8.5% of treated patients and results in loss of both total cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol
drug effect. These testosterone formulations produce suprapharma- levels. No cases of cardiovascular disease have been reported with
cologic patterns of serum testosterone during the dosing interval, testosterone replacement regimens.
which have been linked to mood swings in some patients. Large doses of parenteral testosterone can produce adverse meta-
Topical testosterone replacement regimens can be delivered as bolic effects. Thus, patients on long-term testosterone replacement
once-daily patches or gel. Testosterone patches increase serum testos- regimens must undergo clinical laboratory testing for a serum tes-
terone levels into the normal range in 2 to 6 hours. Serum testosterone tosterone level and hematocrit before starting treatment and every
levels return to baseline 24 hours after patch administration. However, 6 to 12 months during treatment.54 Repeated serum testosterone
unlike oral or injectable supplements, transdermal testosterone patches levels that exceed the normal range require a dosage reduction or
applied at bedtime or testosterone gel applied each morning produce increased interval between drug doses. If the hematocrit exceeds
physiologic patterns of serum testosterone levels throughout the day. 55% (0.55), the testosterone replacement regimen should be with-
The clinical importance of this biochemical effect is unknown.52 held to avoid polycythemia and its consequences.
The original Testoderm brand patch was formulated for scrotal Oral alkylated testosterone replacement regimens have caused
application. Scrotal skin is thinner and has a richer vascular supply than hepatotoxicity, ranging from mild elevations of hepatic transami-
does the skin on the arms or thighs. Therefore, application of Testoderm nases to serious liver diseases, including peliosis hepatis (hemor-
patches produces excellent absorption of the hormone. However, the rhagic liver cysts), hepatocellular and intrahepatic cholestasis, and
patch can fall off when the scrotum becomes damp or moist, when the benign or malignant tumors. For this reason, parenteral testoster-
patient exercises, or if the scrotum is excessively hairy. one replacement regimens are preferred.
For improved convenience, Androderm and Testoderm TTS Topical testosterone patches may cause contact dermatitis,
patches were formulated for application to the arms, buttocks, or which responds well to topical corticosteroids. This adverse effect
back; Androderm can also be applied to the thighs. The addition has been associated with the presence of permeation enhancers,
of absorption enhancers and different adhesives has been linked to which are added to patch formulations. If the dermatitis becomes
a higher incidence of contact dermatitis with Androderm patches problematic, an alternative is testosterone gel formulations, which
compared with the original Testoderm scrotal patch.55 are associated with a lower incidence of contact dermatitis compared
Testosterone gel 1% formulation (AndroGel) is applied in much with patches.
larger doses (5 or 10 g each day) to the skin of the shoulders, upper
arms, or abdomen. The hormone is absorbed quickly, within 30  ALPROSTADIL
minutes, but several hours may be required for complete absorption
of the dose. For this reason, the patient should be reminded to wait Mechanism
at least 5 to 6 hours after application before showering. To prevent
Alprostadil, also known as prostaglandin E1, stimulates adenyl
inadvertent transfer of testosterone gel to others, the patient should
cyclase, resulting in increased production of cAMP, a secondary
thoroughly wash his hands with soap and water after administra-
messenger that decreases the intracellular calcium concentration
tion of a dose, and allow the application site to dry undisturbed for
and causes smooth muscle relaxation of the arterial blood vessels
several minutes before dressing or covering it.
and sinusoidal tissues in the corpora. This results in enhanced
blood flow to and blood filling of the corpora.
Dosing Alprostadil is commercially available as an intracavernosal injec-
Table 923 lists the usual doses for testosterone replacement regimens. tion (Caverject and Edex) and as an intraurethral insert (medicated
Two to 3 months is considered an adequate treatment trial with urethral system for erection [MUSE]).
Indications fewer systemic and local fibrotic adverse effects develop compared
with high-dose monotherapy. For example, when used in low-dose

Both commercially available formulations of alprostadil are FDA
combination regimens, papaverine is less likely to induce hypoten-
approved as monotherapy for management of erectile dysfunction.
sion and liver dysfunction, and phentolamine is less likely to induce
Alprostadil is more effective by the intracavernosal route than the
tachycardia and hypotension.58 However, as previously mentioned,
intraurethral route.
such intracavernosal drug combinations are not commercially
The enhanced efficacy of the intracavernosal injection may be
available and must be extemporaneously compounded.
related to the excellent bioavailability of the drug when injected
directly into the corpora cavernosum. In contrast, intraurethral Pharmacokinetics Intracavernosal injection should be admin-
alprostadil doses generally are several hundred times larger than intra- istered into only one corpus cavernosum. From this injection site,
cavernosal doses. This is because intraurethral alprostadil must be the drug will reach the other corpus cavernosum through vascular

Erectile Dysfunction
absorbed from the urethra, through the corpus spongiosum, and into communications between the two corpora. Alprostadil acts rapidly,
the corpus cavernosum, where it exerts its full proerectogenic effect. with an onset of 5 to 15 minutes. The duration is directly related to
Although several other agents, including papaverine, phen- the dose. Within the usual dosage range of 2.5 to 20 mcg, the dura-
tolamine, and atropine, have been used off-label for intracavernosal tion of erection is no more than 1 hour. Higher doses are expected
therapy, alprostadil is preferentially prescribed. This is because to exhibit a longer duration of action. Local enzymes in the corpora
intracavernosal alprostadil has been FDA approved for erectile dys- cavernosum quickly metabolize alprostadil. Any alprostadil that
function, it does not require extemporaneous compounding, and it escapes into the systemic circulation is deactivated on first pass
has a low potential for causing prolonged erections and priapism. through the lungs.5 Hence, the plasma half-life of alprostadil is
Both formulations of alprostadil are considered more invasive approximately 1 minute, and the potential for systemic adverse
than VEDs or phosphodiesterase inhibitors. For this reason, intra- effects is negligible. Dose modification is not necessary in patients
cavernosal alprostadil is generally prescribed after patients do not with renal or hepatic disease.
respond to or cannot use less invasive interventions. Intracavernosal
Dosing The usual dose of intracavernosal alprostadil is 10 to 20 mcg,
alprostadil is preferred over intraurethral alprostadil because of
with a maximum recommended dose of 60 mcg. Doses greater than
its greater effectiveness. Intracavernosal alprostadil may be pre-
60 mcg have not produced any greater improvement in penile erec-
ferred in patients with diabetes mellitus, who are accustomed to
tion but may cause hypotension or prolonged erections lasting more
injectable drug therapy and may have peripheral neuropathies,
than 1 hour.5 The dose should be administered 5 to 10 minutes before
which decrease the patients perception of pain upon injection.
intercourse. The manufacturer recommends that patients be slowly
Intraurethral alprostadil is generally reserved as a treatment of last
titrated up to the minimally effective dosage to minimize the likeli-
resort for patients who do not respond to other less invasive and
hood of hypotension. Under a physicians supervision, patients should
more effective forms of therapy and who refuse surgery.
be started with a 1.25-mcg dose, which can be increased in increments
of 1.25 to 2.50 mcg at 30-minute intervals up to the lowest dose that
Intracavernosal Alprostadil produces a firm erection for 1 hour and does not produce adverse
Efficacy The overall efficacy of intracavernosal alprostadil is 70% effects. In clinical practice, this process is rarely done because it is
to 90%.5 Three characteristics of intracavernosal alprostadil include time consuming. Thus, many physicians start the patient on 10 mcg
the following: and move quickly up the dosage range to identify the best dose for the
patient. To avoid adverse effects, patients should receive no more than
1. The effectiveness of alprostadil is dose related over the range of one injection per day and not more than three injections per week.
2.5 to 20 mcg. The mean duration of erection is directly related Intracavernosal injections should be performed using a 0.5-inch,
to the dose of alprostadil administered and ranges from 12 to 27- or 30-gauge needle. A tuberculin syringe or a syringe prefilled
44 minutes. with diluent as supplied by the manufacturer should be used to
2. A higher percentage of patients with psychogenic and neuro- ensure precise measurement of doses. Patients with needle phobia,
genic erectile dysfunction respond to alprostadil at a lower dose poor vision, or poor manual dexterity can use commercially avail-
compared to patients with vasculogenic erectile dysfunction. able autoinjectors (e.g., PenInject) to facilitate administration of
intracavernosal alprostadil.
3. Tolerance does not appear to develop with continued use of
Intracavernosal injections require that the patient or the sexual
intracavernosal alprostadil at home.
partner practice good aseptic technique (to avoid infection), have
Although 70% to 75% of patients respond to intracavernosal good manual skills and visual ability, and be comfortable with injec-
alprostadil, a high proportion of patients elect to discontinue its use tion techniques. When practicing self-injection, the patient should
over time. Depending on the study and the length of observation, use one hand to firmly hold the glans penis against his thigh to
30% to 50% of patients voluntarily discontinue therapy, usually dur- expose the lateral surface of the shaft. The injection should be made
ing the first 6 to 12 months. Common reasons for discontinuation at right angles into one of the lateral surfaces of the proximal third
include lack of perceived effectiveness; inconvenience of adminis- of the penis. The injection should never be made into the dorsal or
tration; an unnatural, nonspontaneous erection; needle phobia; loss ventral surface of the penis. This will prevent inadvertent injection
of interest; and cost of therapy.5,56 of the drug into arteries on the dorsal surface or the urethra on the
Approximately one third of patients do not respond to usual doses ventral surface. After the injection, the penis should be massaged
of intracavernosal alprostadil. In these patients, intracavernosal to help distribute the drug into the opposite corpus cavernosum.
alprostadil has been used successfully along with VEDs. Such com- Injection sites should be rotated with each dose. Finally, manual
bination therapy can be attempted by patients before transitioning pressure should be applied to the injection site for 5 minutes to
to more invasive surgical procedures.57,58 Alternatively, intracavern- reduce the likelihood of hematoma formation (Fig. 925).
osal injections of synergistic combinations of vasoactive agents that Once the optimal dosage of intracavernosal alprostadil is estab-
act by different mechanisms have been used.57 Intracavernosal drug lished, the patient should return for routine medical followup every
combinations typically produce an erection that lasts longer than an 3 to 6 months. Some patients subsequently require dosage adjust-
erection produced by any one of the agents in the mixture. In addi- ment, largely attributed to worsening of the underlying disease that
tion, because of the low dosage of each agent in the combination, is contributing to the erectile dysfunction.
Priapism, a prolonged, painful erection lasting more than 1 hour,
occurs in 1% to 15% of treated patients. It occurs most often dur-

ing the dose titration period and is rare thereafter. Blood sludging
in the corpora can lead to tissue hypoxia and cavernosal fibrosis
and scarring. The risk for this complication is greatest for erections
that persist beyond 4 hours. Patients are advised to seek medical
attention immediately when drug-induced erections last more than
1 hour, as this is considered a urologic emergency. Its management
includes supportive care, including analgesics for pain and sedatives
for anxiety. In addition, needle aspiration of sludged blood in the
Urologic Disorders

corpora or intracavernosal injection of -adrenergic agonists (e.g.,

phenylephrine) has been used. These procedures facilitate venous
drainage of the corpora, allowing venous outflow to catch up with
arterial inflow.
The likelihood of prolonged erections with intracavernosal
alprostadil is dose related. Therefore, to prevent this adverse effect,
the lowest effective dose should be used, and the dose should be
titrated to ensure that the duration of the erection is no more than
1 hour.
Other local adverse effects include injection site hematomas and
bruising. These effects are largely the result of poor injection tech-
nique. To minimize the risk of injection site hematomas, patients
should be advised to apply pressure to the injection site for 5 min-
utes after each dose. Similarly, infection at the injection site has
FIGURE 92-5. Technique for administration of intracavernosal injec-
tions. (From Caverject [package insert]. New York, NY: Pfizer Inc;
been reported. Meticulous aseptic technique is necessary to prevent
1999. Data from this complication.
powder.pdf.) Intracavernosal alprostadil rarely causes systemic adverse effects,
owing to the agents local catabolism in cavernosal tissue and rapid
deactivation in pulmonary tissue (if any of the drug escapes into the
Adverse Effects Intracavernosal alprostadil is most commonly systemic circulation). However, large doses greater than 20 mcg are
associated with local adverse effects, which occur most often associated with dizziness and hypotension in some patients and is
during the first year of therapy. However, improved administration one reason why such large doses are not commonly used.
technique with continued use is believed to account for the lower Intracavernosal injection therapy should be used cautiously by
frequency of adverse effects during subsequent treatment periods. patients at risk for priapism, including patients with sickle cell dis-
Intracavernosal injections are associated with several local adverse ease or lymphoproliferative disorders. It should be used cautiously
effects. Cavernosal plaques or areas of fibrosis at injection sites form by patients who may develop bleeding complications secondary
in approximately 2% to 12% of patients. When they occur, the to injections, including patients with thrombocytopenia or those
patient should suspend further injections until the plaques resolve. taking anticoagulants. It also should be used cautiously by patients
These plaques may cause penile curvature, similar to Peyronie who use poor-quality injection technique, including patients with
disease, which makes sexual intercourse difficult or impossible. psychiatric disorders, obese patients (who may not be able to reach
The cause of corporal fibrosis and plaque formation is unknown. or see the penile injection site), patients who are blind, and patients
This adverse effect may be caused by poor injection technique or with severe arthritis.
by alprostadil itself. Although patients have developed corporal
fibrosis, alprostadil may be less likely to cause this adverse effect
Intraurethral Alprostadil
compared to other intracavernosal drug combinations, such as
phentolamine or papaverine. Unlike cavernosal fibrosis associated Efficacy Intraurethral alprostadil inserts are marketed as MUSE,
with large doses and repeated administration of papaverine, penile which contains a medication pellet inside a prefilled urethral appli-
scarring secondary to alprostadil appears to be unpredictable. cator. Multiple studies show this product has an overall effectiveness
Alprostadil causes penile pain in approximately 10% to 44% rate of 43% to 65%5 compared with 70% to 90% for intracavernosal
of patients. The pain has been described as a burning discomfort alprostadil. Its decreased effectiveness and inconvenient adminis-
or dull pain near the injection site or during the erection, which tration method have resulted in this product being considered a
generally does not persist after the penis becomes flaccid. The third-line treatment option for patients with erectile dysfunction.
pain usually is mild, generally does not require discontinuation of However, some patients respond to intraurethral alprostadil even
therapy, and often abates even with continued treatment. However, though they did not respond to intracavernosal alprostadil.60
2% to 5% of patients discontinue taking alprostadil because of Intraurethral alprostadil has been combined with an adjustable
severe pain. The pain can be managed by oral analgesics (e.g., penile constriction band to improve treatment response.61
acetaminophen), if necessary. One investigator has recommended Pharmacokinetics Following intraurethral instillation, alpros-
adding procaine to intracavernosal alprostadil, but this may mask tadil is absorbed quickly through the urethra, into the corpus spon-
the signs of more serious adverse effects of the drug or of penile giosum, and then into the corpora cavernosum. As much as 90%
injury during intercourse and is not recommended.59 The mecha- of each dose is absorbed by the urethra and corpus spongiosum in
nism of this adverse reaction is poorly understood. Alprostadil may less than 10 minutes, with peak absorption occurring in 20 to 25
intrinsically produce pain. Also, the pain may be a result of the minutes. An estimated 20% of each dose is delivered to the corpora
pH of the parenteral solution. Alprostadil is acidic, and the com- cavernosum. As with intracavernosal injections of alprostadil, any
mercially available Caverject formulation is buffered with sodium drug absorbed into the systemic circulation is rapidly metabolized
citrate, a weak base, to reduce pain on injection. on first pass through the lungs.
The onset after intraurethral insertion is similar to that of intra- Plunger
cavernosal injection, 5 to 10 minutes.

Dosing The usual dose of intraurethral alprostadil is 125 to 1,000
mcg. The dose should be administered 5 to 10 minutes before sexual
intercourse. No more than two doses per day are recommended.
Before administration, the patient should be advised to empty his
bladder, voiding completely.
Similar to intracavernosal injection treatments, intraurethral Collar
insertion of alprostadil requires good manual and visual skills to
minimize the risk of urethral injuries. Intraurethral alprostadil is

Erectile Dysfunction
supplied in a prefilled intraurethral applicator. The patient should
void first. With one hand the patient holds the glans penis, and
with the other hand the patient inserts the intraurethral applicator
0.5 inch (1.3 cm) into the urethra. The drug pellet is then pushed
into the urethra. The penis should be massaged to enhance drug Alprostadil pellet
dissolution in the urethral fluids and drug absorption (Fig. 926).
Adverse Effects The urethra can be injured because of improper
administration technique. Injuries can lead to urethral stricture and
difficulty voiding. Patients should receive complete education about
optimal administration procedures before starting treatment.
Urethral pain has been reported in 24% to 32% of patients.
Usually it is mild and does not require discontinuation of treatment.
Female sexual partners may experience vaginal burning, itching, or
pain, which probably is related to transfer of alprostadil from the
mans urethra to the womans vagina during intercourse.
Prolonged painful erections (priapism) have been rarely reported.
Syncope and dizziness have been reported rarely (only 2%3% of
patients) and likely are related to use of excessively large doses.

Although combinations of proerectogenic drugs (e.g., sildenafil
plus alprostadil intracavernosal injection) may be used by some
patients who do not respond to a single agent, such combina-
tions are not recommended by the FDA and may lead to pro-
longed erections and priapism.

FIGURE 92-6. Technique for administration of intraurethral alprostadil with
A variety of other commercially available and investigational agents
a medicated urethral system for erection applicator. (From Muse [package
have been used for management of erectile dysfunction. Although insert]. Mountain View, CA: Vivus, Inc.; 2003. Data from http://www.
it is beyond the scope of this chapter to discuss all of them, some of
the more commonly used agents are discussed here.

The mechanism by which trazodone produces an erection is not Yohimbine
clear. It likely acts peripherally to antagonize -adrenergic recep- Yohimbine, a tree-bark derivative also known as yohimbe, is widely
tors. As a result, a predominant cholinergic effect results, which used as an aphrodisiac. Yohimbine is a central 2-adrenergic
causes peripheral arteriolar vasodilation and relaxation of cavern- antagonistic that increases catecholamines and improves mood.
osal tissues, enhancing blood filling of the corpora. Intracavernosal Some investigators believe that yohimbine has peripheral proerec-
injection of trazodone in experimental studies supports this likely togenic effects. Yohimbine may reduce peripheral -adrenergic
mechanism.62 tone, thereby permitting a predominant cholinergic tone, which
Although some clinical trials suggested that trazodone 50 to could result in a vasodilatory response.5,64 The usual oral dose is
200 mg daily by mouth might be effective in the management of 5.4 mg 3 times per day.
erectile dysfunction, these trials were generally poorly controlled, A controlled clinical trial has shown that high-dose yohimbine
were nonrandomized, included small samples treated for short (100 mg daily) is no more effective than placebo.65 Based on a
time periods, and did not include validated objective parameters of meta-analysis of published studies that came to the same conclu-
response.62,63 sion, the American Urological Association has cautioned against
The adverse effects of trazodone, when used for erectile dysfunc- the use of yohimbine.24 In addition, yohimbine can cause many
tion, are similar to those reported with trazodone when used to treat systemic adverse effects, including anxiety, insomnia, tachycardia,
depression and include dry mouth, sedation, and dizziness. and hypertension.

Papaverine is a nonspecific phosphodiesterase inhibitor that

decreases metabolic catabolism of cAMP in cavernosal tissue. As a
result of enhanced tissue levels of cAMP, smooth muscle relaxation
occurs. Cavernosal sinusoids fill with blood, and a penile erection
Papaverine is not FDA approved for erectile dysfunction.
Intracavernosal papaverine alone is not commonly used for man-
agement of erectile dysfunction because the large doses required
produce dose-related adverse effects, such as priapism, corporal
Urologic Disorders

fibrosis, hypotension, and hepatotoxicity.58,66 Papaverine is more

often administered in lower doses combined with phentolamine
and/or alprostadil. A variety of formulas have been used, but
no one mixture has been proven better than other mixtures (see
Table 926). Combination formulations are considered safer and
are associated with the potential for fewer serious adverse effects
than high doses of any one of these agents.
A portion of each papaverine dose is systemically absorbed,
and its prolonged plasma half-life of 1 hour contributes to adverse FIGURE 92-7. Example of surgically implanted penile prosthesis.
effects. The usual dose of papaverine is 7.5 to 60 mg when used as a (a, activation mechanism; b, reservoir with fluid for inflating prosthesis; c,
single agent for intracavernosal injection. When used in combina- inflatable rods in corpora.) (From
tion, the dose decreases to 0.5 to 20 mg.
If treated with papaverine, patients with a history of underlying
liver disease or alcohol abuse should undergo liver function testing
at baseline and every 6 to 12 months during continued treatment. devices with fewer mechanical parts. These devices can be placed
during shorter surgical procedures and have a low 5-year mechani-
cal failure rate (6%10%) as compared with the original inflatable
Phentolamine prostheses (Fig. 927).67
Phentolamine is a competitive nonselective -adrenergic block- Penile prostheses provide penile rigidity suitable for vaginal
ing agent. It reduces peripheral adrenergic tone and enhances intercourse and are associated with a greater than 90% patient
cholinergic tone. As a result, it improves cavernosal filling and is satisfaction rate, which is generally higher than that observed with
proerectogenic. any other drug treatment or VED.68 The surgical success rate after
Phentolamine has most often been administered as an intracav- insertion is 82% to 98%.5
ernosal injection. Monotherapy is avoided because large doses are Adverse effects of prosthesis insertion can occur early or late
required for an erection, and at these large doses systemic hypoten- after the surgical procedure. The most common early complica-
sive adverse effects would be prevalent. Most often, phentolamine tion is infection. Late complications include mechanical failure of
has been used in combination with other vasoactive agents for the prosthesis, particularly when an inflatable prosthesis has been
intracavernosal administration. A ratio of 30 mg papaverine to 0.5 inserted. With improved technology, the mechanical failure rate
to 1 mg phentolamine is typical, and the usual dose ranges from 0.1 has decreased to 5%.5 Other late complications include erosion of
to 1 mL of the mixture. Such a mixture promotes local effects of the rods through the penis or late-onset infection. Although some
phentolamine and minimizes systemic hypotensive adverse effects. salvage procedures have been devised, in many cases the prosthesis
Hypotension is the most common adverse effect of intracavern- requires removal.
osal phentolamine. It is more common and more severe with large
doses or in patients with poor injection technique who have injected
into a vein (rather than the cavernosa). Prolonged erections have
been reported in patients who used excessive doses of intracavern- EVALUATION OF THERAPEUTIC OUTCOMES
osal medications in combination.
The primary therapeutic outcomes of specific treatments for erectile
dysfunction include (1) improvement in the quantity and quality
 PENILE PROSTHESES of penile erections suitable for intercourse and (2) avoidance of
adverse drug reactions and drug interactions.
Surgical insertion of a penile prosthesis is the most invasive treat-
At baseline and after the patient has completed a clinical trial
ment of erectile dysfunction. It is reserved for patients who do not
period of 1 to 3 weeks with a specific treatment for erectile dys-
respond to or who are not candidates for less invasive oral or inject-
function, the physician should conduct assessments to determine
able treatments.
whether the quality and quantity of penile erections has improved.
Prosthesis insertion requires anesthesia and skilled urologists.
A patients level of satisfaction is highly individualized, depending
Two prostheses are widely used: malleable and inflatable. Malleable
on his lifestyle and expectations. Therefore, a patient who has suc-
or semirigid prostheses consist of two bendable rods that are
cessful intercourse once per week might be completely satisfied,
inserted into the corpora cavernosa. The patient appears to have a
whereas another patient might judge this to be unsatisfactory.
permanent erection after the procedure; the patient is able to bend
Patients with unrealistic expectations in this regard must be identi-
the penis into position at the time of intercourse.
fied and counseled by clinicians to avoid adverse effects of excessive
The inflatable prosthesis has several mechanical parts. The
use of erectogenic agents.
inflatable prosthesis produces a more natural erection. The patient
Failure to improve the quality and quantity of penile erections
develops an erection only when the device is activated. Some
suitable for intercourse after an appropriate clinical trial period
newer advances in inflatable prosthesis technology have resulted in
with a specific treatment for erectile dysfunction occurs in a
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