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Facultad de Ingeniera Mecnica y Electrnica

de la Universidad Autnoma de Nuevo Len

Cultura de la Lengua Inglesa

Actividad 1

Ing. Jesus Estrada

Saln: 9201 Hora:M4-5-6

Picasso Prez Pablo Guadalupe 1791666

11 de septiembre de 2017 1
The UK labor market offers the first signs of lower strength after the 'Brexit'
The employment rate remains close to its historical peak until August, and unemployment
in at least eleven

LONDON, Oct 19 (Reuters).- The UK labor market moderated its strength during the June-
August quarter, when 106,000 jobs were created, down from 174,000 in previous months,
although the employment rate remained at 74.5% , close to historical highs, while
unemployment continued at 11-year lows, standing at 4.9%.

Specifically, in the three months to August, the number of employed in the United
Kingdom was 31.81 million people, a figure higher than the previous three months by
106,000 people, compared to the previous year's increase was 560,000.

Of this figure, a total of 23.23 million were full-time workers, 362,000 more than a year
earlier, while 8.58 million were working part-time, an increase of 198,000 people in a year.

The employment rate in the United Kingdom thus stood at 74.53% in August, one-
hundredth below the 74.54% of the maximum registered until July, the best reading of the
data since it began to collect in 1971 information.

In terms of unemployment, in the three months to August, the number of unemployed in the
United Kingdom was 1.66 million, representing an increase of 10,000 unemployed
compared to the previous three months, but a decrease of 118,000 in relation a year earlier.

Of the total unemployed, 891,000 were men and 765,000 women, representing a year-on-
year decrease of 81,000 and 37,000, respectively.

Thus, the unemployment rate stood at 4.95% in August, six hundredths higher than in July,
when it was 4.89% and its lowest level since September 2005. In August 2015,
unemployment rate in the United Kingdom was 5.4%.

For its part, the rate of inactivity of the British country remained stable at 21.5%, its lowest
level since 1971. In terms of average weekly earnings, in nominal terms there was an
increase of 2.3%, compared to 2.4% increase in the three months to July.

11 de septiembre de 2017 2

Brexit: Departure of the United Kingdom with the European Union

The previous section compiles data on the UK labor market, mentioning that it had strength
in the three months to August (2016), as the number of coupons in the UK was 31.18
million people exceeding three months above.

Of the 31.18 million people; disaggregates that 23.23 million worked full time and 8.58
million worked partially. This means that the rate of horsemanship in the United Kingdom
was up to August (2016) at 74.53%, slightly below the 74.54% recorded in June (2016).

It mentions that unemployment in the UK, the number of unemployed people was 1.66
million, this in August where 891,000 are men and 765,000 women.


My personal opinion about the Brexit as an ignorant person was that I was not interested in
what was in the UK, but investigating further on this I see that it would affect the world
economy and in the matter that would affect Mexico would be with the increase of the
dollar even more, Increase of interest rates, Redemption of commercial deals.

With the departure of the United Kingdom, British citizens who ceased to be citizens of the
Union and those originating from the European Union, ceased to be from the United
Kingdom and were a third country, and lost rights.


Europapress: El Mercado laboral del reino unido ofrece los primeros sntomas de menor
Fortaleza tras el Brexit;
20161019114843.html - Publicado 19/10/2016

11 de septiembre de 2017 3

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