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Activity 6

Developing activities and targets should be set by well defined by using SMART meaning.
SMART means they should be;
1. S = Specific
2. M = Measurable
3. A = Attainable
4. R = Relevant
5. T = Timely
SMART is important to provide opportunities for objectives and targets to be revised as the
organizations strategic or business plan evolves. By adapting a flexible attitude and
encouraging open communication between team and members, you can identify any
objectives that need revising and set new, more relevant ones.

Activity 7
The recruitment process
Processes What should be achieved
1. Advertisement
2. The selection of a long shortlist
3. The selection of a shortlist for single
round of interview
4. Choose the preferred candidate
5. Check the reference of the preferred

Activity 8
Outline advantages
- They communicate clearly and unambiguously.
- They often include details that reduce the chance of additional unexpected costs
being incurred down the track.
- They form a legal offer from the organization to purchase goods or service from the
vendor, so they also protect the vendor from non-payment.
- They can minimize the risk that individuals within the organization will instigate
purchase arrangements that they do not have the status to approve.
- They are used to verify payments in the accounts payable process.
- They can be cross-checked with invoices and packing slips and enable organizations
to monitor incoming expenses, by detailing the dollar value of purchases before
invoices are received.

Activity 11
Depending on the level of detail the organization requires in financial reports, these
are example
- Report of actual financial performance
- Expense and output report
- Investment/derivative report
Activity 12
1. The monitoring and review stage is of vital importance in a continuous improvement
approach to business management. Continuous improvement process function on
assumption that improvement is always possible and desirable. You would therefore
expect that your monitoring and review activities will unearth some issue or aspect
of the organizations operation that could be improved upon. This is a desirable goal
of he continuous improvement process and should not be treated as a negative
outcome. Therefore; when evaluating the outcomes of the review process, avoid
looking at the results with negative frame of mind. This opportunity for constructive
evaluation and an opportunity for improvement, not a time for apportioning blame
or punishing areas of the business for poor performance.
Organization should;
o Implement a regular review or audit cycle
o Evaluate the performance of continuous implement activities against defined
performance outcomes, eg International Standardization for Organization
o Use recognized evaluation techniques
o Recognize that the outcomes of the evaluation process from the basis for the
next round of improvements
Keep It Short and Simple should be applied to organization systems and technologies.
High process visibility is also an importance goal. Remember that it is important to
give as much as attention to people as to processes and to assess the interaction
between the people and the organization system.
2. Gap analysis is a systematic approach to getting where you want to be. First you
identify where it is you want to be or what the system to do. Then you identify where
it is you are or what it is that the system actually does, and the gap or difference
between what the system does and what you want it to do, is where the
improvements need to be made. The important is that the system does not do what
you want it to do, so solution and actions need to be implemented to address the
gap in performance of the system.
3. When or wherever a problem or gap has been identified, recommendations on ways
and actions to address the gap need to be made, then implemented, monitored. Gap
analysis and problem solving are proactive activities within a continuous
improvement context

Activity 13
There are several types of mentoring, including;
Informal usually fairy unstructured and often begins spontaneously between
colleagues or friends and evolves into a mentoring relationship over time, it can be
considered a type of on- the-job learning
Formal facilitated by third party and often includes formal agreements between
mentors and mentees
Small group mentoring in small groups of up to four people can be quite effective
and usually occurs within the same effective and usually occur within a same
organization so there is a common interest or goal between mentees and mentor
Professional - professional mentors charge for their services and can be be employed
to work with special people in organization
Activity 14
The process of negotiating variations to the operational plan will be greatly helped if
authorizing parties have been kept informed of the progress regularly and realistically
throughout the year. Clear justification and detailed will also help make the case, as will
being clear about what variations are required. Rather asking for variation on all project
parameters, use the traffic light scorecard to limit variations to the areas that really need

Activity 15
The way that documentation will be conducted will differ depending on the
procedure of the organization; how ever, the procedure should cover:
What is to be recorded;
o Date/time the information was recorded
o Nature of issue
o Priority/risk ranking of the issue
o Recommended action
o The estimated impact of the issue on the other functional areas where the
record is to be placed/ stored
Who is responsible for reviewing a record
Timeframe for action a record
Process for reporting back to the person who documented the issue (if relevant)

An operation plan will contain details of;
- Organizational structure
- Short-or medium-term business strategies
- Major projects
- Available resources (includes human and physical recourses, as well as financial)
- Performance targets
- Responsibilities for actions
- Timeframes for projects, goals, and evaluations
- Contingency measures
An effective operational plan will have clearly defined and direct links to revenue policy and
budget and will take into account

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