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BSBWOR502B Assessment Tool 3

Project 1

1. Introduction
In this project I will show the ways to finding for method to improve the team
effectiveness. This case: My team got some problem about departmental productivity (output)
has not been meeting the organizations expectations. So Im a team leader of distribution and
warehousing for this organization. I make an appointment to my team to tell them and find
the way to resolve this problem.

Scenario :

I have recently accepted an employment position with a large, high profile jewelers firm. The
organization manufactures, imports and repairs jewellery for distribution to its many stores in
all states. Your position title is Team Leader of Distribution and Warehousing a frontline
management position.

There are 12 team members, from different backgrounds and with differing level of expertise.
Some team members have worked with the organization and in this division, for a number of
years. Other team members are relatively new, while some have worked in other
departments/sections of the organization before being transferred to your division. The reason
for appointment is that departmental productivity ( output ) has not been meeting the
organizations expectations.

The senior managers of the organization have identified some problem in the team :

- Communication between team members appears to be strained at times

- Levels of cooperation are falling

- Communication with the other teams within the organization is not as good as it
should be

- There is no one currently taking on the leadership role

- Prioritization of tasks appears to occur on an ad hoc basis

While each of the team members was selected for their role on the basis of demonstrated
skills and expertise, they seem unable to work together effectively. Your initial role, therefore,
is that of trouble shooter, problem solver and team facilitator. You need to bring this group of
people together to form a cohesive, effective and productive team. How will you do this?
Explain in logical sequence, what methods you would use to develop the working capacity of
your team. Give reason for each of your actions and the expected outcomes. What are the
timeframes that these actions will occur within? What will you do if these measures do not

2. Improving team

Name: Ratchadaporn Polwattana STD02949 18 March 2014

BSBWOR502B Assessment Tool 3
Project 1

2.1 Improving team cohesion

There are different ways to define group cohesion, depending on how researchers
conceptualize this concept. However, most researchers define cohesion to be task
commitment and interpersonal attraction to the group.
Cohesion can be more specifically defined as the tendency for a group to be in unity
while working towards a goal or to satisfy the emotional needs of its members. This
definition includes important aspects of cohesiveness, including its multidimensionality,
dynamic nature, instrumental basis, and emotional dimension. Its multidimensionality refers
to how cohesion is based on many factors. Its dynamic nature refers to how it gradually
changes over time in its strength and form from the time a group is formed to when a group is
disbanded. Its instrumental basis refers to how people cohere for some purpose, whether it be
for a task or for social reasons. Its emotional dimension refers to how cohesion is pleasing to
its group members. This definition can be generalized to most groups characterized by the
group definition discussed above. These groups include sports teams, work groups, military
units, fraternity groups, and social groups. However, it is important to note that other
researchers claim that cohesion cannot be generalized across many groups.
In addition to task commitment and interpersonal attraction, group pride may be
included in the definition of cohesion. Group pride is when group members like the
ideologies that the group supports and share the feeling that being a member of the group is
Team cohesion goes hand in hand with team bonding. In fact, team cohesion is what
keeps any group or team together after the team bonding exercise is over. In this regard then,
team cohesion is about maintaining the team bonding effect and preventing group
Any good team bonding activities should include common goals and purpose to
ensure that team cohesion is in place in the future; if there is a common goal, there will be
team cohesion. This is evident in extreme cases such as war, with a common enemy people
team together and the cohesion is strengthened by the common goal. At a less extreme level,
team cohesion is evident in a well run restaurant. The chef will communicate well with the
maitre de, who will then communication with the wait staff. If the communication cycle
breaks down then team cohesion is lost.

Method Action Timeline Outcome

Name: Ratchadaporn Polwattana STD02949 18 March 2014

BSBWOR502B Assessment Tool 3
Project 1

- Clarify the - Let them know about - 4 to 5 hours. - They will know and
common goals and the reason for this understand in this situation.
the purpose for this appointment and also the And might try to improve
organization. problem in organization. themselves to achieve the
organizations goals.

- Change their - I will give them a time - 3 to 4 weeks - The members in my team
attitude to work to get to know each other, know, understand and trust
together and create learn to trust each other. in each other. If they can
a unity in this team Use team building know, understand and trust
by a party after activities within, and in each other they will
finished from work. sometime outside of the work together and make a
workplace- informal team work.
meetings and activities
such as party after
finished from work
dinner, drink, play sport

The processes to help team members to understand their roles can include :
- Team meeting
- Open their mind to understanding each other
- Party, workshop
I will make an appointment to my team and let them know about the reason for this
appointment and also the problem in organization. In my opinion the important factor in this
problem is the members in my team cant work together because they from different
background some members are old staff in this division, some members are old staff that
transfer from another division and also some members are the new staff of this organization.
Members operate as individuals, common goals are not yet established, disclosures are
superficial and relationships are undeveloped. Anxiety levels are high, productivity is low.
Members are hesitant and concerned with assessing each other. They need clear direction and
purpose. So I think this is the reason that why they cant work together well.
The development need or plans is I will give them a time to get to know each other,
learn to trust each other. Use team building activities within, and sometime outside of the
workplace- informal meetings and activities such as party after finished from work dinner,
drink, play sport etc. In my opinion if they know each other and understand each other it is
good to work together, they will help each other created a team work. And in my plan I will
spend first month after told them the problem to this stage because I think this stage very
important to create the team effectiveness and also create a good communication to the
organization, so I have to spend a lot of time and make sure the members in my team know,
understand and trust in each other. If they can know, understand and trust in each other they
will work together and make a team work.
2.2 Improving team Effectiveness

Name: Ratchadaporn Polwattana STD02949 18 March 2014

BSBWOR502B Assessment Tool 3
Project 1
Team effectiveness refers to the system of getting people in a company or institution
to work together effectively. The idea behind it is that a group of people working together can
achieve much more than if the individuals of the team were working on their own. The
effectiveness of a team is determined by a number of factors.

How effective a team is depends in part on bringing together people who have
different skills that somehow complement each other. This can include different technical
abilities or communication skills. In fact, teaming up people who share the exact same
characteristics is often a recipe for disaster. Team effectiveness depends on people taking on
different roles in a group setting. If there is no agreement on who does what in the group, it is
unlikely that the team will prosper.

The interest that the group has in the project also strongly influences its effectiveness. If the
job is too easy or too difficult, or if the rewards for achieving the end result do not seem worth the
effort, the team may end up working half-heartedly. The task should also have a clear outcome.
Working towards a specific goal enhances the effectiveness of a team significantly.

Method Action Timeline Outcome

- Team building - Step 1. I will give some - 2 to 3 hours in - I think this way
games I will paper to my team member the meeting should give me and
called group one each to write down after finished my team to know
Storming to what is the problem and way from Improving what we have to do it
done the job to resolve the problem. team cohesion. first and next and
- Step 2. Then when I got the - Just 30 mins next to develop our
paper I will read every organization to
problem and way to resolve meeting the
back to them. organizations
- Step 3. give them a paper - 1 hours expectation.
again but this time team
members should write down
and rearrange the important
problem that they
acknowledge and give some
own comment and way to
Step 4. Then give it back to - About 2 to 3
me I will collect and days.
rearrange again.
- Clarify each - Give them a tasks in the - Around 7 10 - Members become
persons role ways that they expert or have days. comfortable with the
a lot of experience. team situation and
start to cooperate.

Storming to done the job as members come to know each other they will question
and experiment. There is some awkwardness between members as they examine their roles
and those of other. Disclosure becomes more honest less superficial. Individuals being to

Name: Ratchadaporn Polwattana STD02949 18 March 2014

BSBWOR502B Assessment Tool 3
Project 1
assert themselves and challenge the shape or purpose of the team some members will resist
team structure. Frustration and anger might result. Members want to work but do not quite
know how to get things accomplished.

In my plan for this stage I will give some paper to my team member group one each to
write down what is the problem and way to resolve the problem. Then when I got the paper I
will read every problem and way to resolve back to them. And give them a paper again but
this time team members should write down and rearrange the important problem that they
acknowledge and give some own comment and way to resolve. Then give it back to me I will
collect and rearrange again. So I think this way should give me and my team to know what
we have to do it first and next and next to develop our organization to meeting the
organizations expectation.

Measure Performance Indicators KPI

We can also directly measure performance standard that might take the form of
identified and agreed Key Result Area and KPLs and measure to be effective there should be
agreement and consultation between manager, team leader and the members in the
organization. It should lead to improved customer, financial performance and operational.

2.3 Improving team Productivity

Name: Ratchadaporn Polwattana STD02949 18 March 2014

BSBWOR502B Assessment Tool 3
Project 1
Productivity is the ratio of output to inputs in production; it is a measure of the
efficiency of production.

Productivity has many benefits. At the national level, productivity growth raises living
standards because more real income improves people's ability to purchase goods and services,
enjoy leisure, improve housing and education and contribute to social and environmental
programs. Productivity growth is important to the firm because more real income means that
the firm can meet its (perhaps growing) obligations to customers, suppliers, workers,
shareholders, and governments (taxes and regulation), and still remain competitive or even
improve its competitiveness in the market place.

Method Action Timeline Outcome

- finding ways to - Give them a chance - 2 to 4 weeks. - We can know the ways to
resolve the problem to explain the resolve the problem
or conflict problem as he or she
sees it. - We can work together
- Try to understand - 2 to 4 weeks well.
each other and open
my mind to trust it.
- Evaluate and - Give them back - 2 to 3 weeks - Team members happy to
reward to employee some positive work together and can
feedback and meeting the organizations
reinforcement to expectations.
make spirit to work

The last stage is Performing the team is mature, confident and can perform well.
Consensus has been reached. Team activities center on tasks and the focus is on result.
Members accept responsibility for their own work and internal politics is not an issue.
Members review strengths and weaknesses and work together to overcome problems and
make decisions. Conflicts are constructive and results oriented. Flexibility, trust and sharing
are part of the team culture. Offer the positive feedback and reinforcement, commend
members on their contribution, the standard of cooperation and on work produced. Use
performance review and team meetings to maintain focus, involve all members in decision
making and review team performance. Use individual performance review to confirm
involvement and adjust roles where necessary. Initiate and support continuous improvement.
Assist with change management.
In my plan for this stage I will give them back some positive feedback and
reinforcement to make spirit to work hard to done this job in the organizations goals.
When finished from all of stage I hope this team can meet the organizations
expectations, and we can do a good job in the long term because we know and understand
each other, we can work together, we will help each other like a friends or family. And also
the members work in a part of your expert then the result should be a good job.

3. Contingency Plan

Name: Ratchadaporn Polwattana STD02949 18 March 2014

BSBWOR502B Assessment Tool 3
Project 1
A contingency plan is a plan devised for an outcome other than in the usual
(expected) plan.

It is often used for risk management when an exceptional risk that, though unlikely,
would have catastrophic consequences. Contingency plans are often devised by governments
or businesses. For example, suppose many employees of a company are traveling together on
an aircraft which crashes, killing all aboard. The company could be severely strained or even
ruined by such a loss. Accordingly, many companies have procedures to follow in the event
of such a disaster. The plan may also include standing policies to mitigate a disaster's
potential impact, such as requiring employees to travel separately or limiting the number of
employees on any one aircraft.

During times of crisis, contingency plans are often developed to explore and prepare
for any eventuality. During the Cold War, many governments made contingency plans to
protect themselves and their citizens from nuclear attack. Examples of contingency plans
designed to inform citizens of how to survive a nuclear attack are the booklets Survival
Under Atomic Attack, Protect and Survive, and Fallout Protection, which were issued by the
British and American governments. Today there are still contingency plans in place to deal
with terrorist attacks or other catastrophes.

To prepare the contingency plan:

- Your main goal is to maintain business operations Look closely at what you
need to do to deliver a minimum level of service and functionality.
- Define time periods What must be done during the first hour of the plan being
implemented? The first day? The first week? If you look at the plan in this way, you're less
likely to leave out important details.
- Identify the trigger What, specifically, will cause you to implement the
contingency plan? Decide which actions you'll take, and when. Determine who is in charge at
each stage and what type of reporting process they must follow.
- Keep the plan simple You don't know who will read and implement the plan
when it's needed, so use clear, plain language.
- Consider related resource restrictions Will your organization be able to function
the same way if you have to implement Plan B, or will Plan B necessarily reduce
- Identify everyone's needs Have people throughout the company identify what
they must have, at a minimum, to continue operations.
- Define 'success' What will you need to do to return to 'business as usual'?
- Include contingency plans in standard operating procedures Make sure you
provide initial training on the plan, and keep everyone up-to-date on changes.
- Manage your risks Look for opportunities to reduce risk, wherever possible. This
may help you reduce, or even eliminate, the need for full contingency plans in certain areas.
- Identify operational inefficiencies Provide a standard to document your planning
process, and find opportunities for performance improvement
Maintaining the Plan

Name: Ratchadaporn Polwattana STD02949 18 March 2014

BSBWOR502B Assessment Tool 3
Project 1
After you prepare the contingency plan, you need to do several things to keep it
practical and relevant don't just create a document and file it away. As your business
changes, you'll need to review and update these plans accordingly.
Here are some key steps in the contingency plan maintenance process:
- Communicate the plan to everyone in the organization.
- Inform people of their roles and responsibilities related to the plan.
- Provide necessary training for people to fulfill these roles and responsibilities.
- Conduct disaster drills where practical.
- Assess the results of training and drills, and make any necessary changes.
- Review the plan on a regular basis, especially if there are relevant technological,
operational, and personnel changes.
- Distribute revised plans throughout the company, and make sure that the old plan is
- Keep copies of the plan off-site, and in a place where they can be accessed quickly
when needed.
- Audit the plan periodically:
- Reassess the risks to the business.
- Analyze efforts to control risk by comparing actual performance with the
performance levels described in the contingency plan.
- Recommend and make changes, if necessary.
From the improving team cohesion, if the above method are not working. I will spend
more time to make them know, understand and thrust in each other. May be I will make some
situation to make them feel like every members in this team are your family. Give some
workshop or some project to make them work together but it should be not in the hard
situation because if I give some hard project to them to work together its might be create
more problem or conflict to them.
From the improving team effectiveness, if the above method are not working. We can
give the team members flexibility on how they meet their goals. Give them the reason and
make suggestions about the problem or changes in what they do and how they can do it, and
should be base on their experience or their expert of what works, what doesnt works and
what could be better to works. Or another way I will find someone who expert about the
problem that the organization meet to help my team members to work together well, also
make them spirit to done the job.
From the improving team effectiveness, if the above method are not working. I will
give them a reward the team as whole, not give them the individual reward. Plan to have a
small party after finished from work, to give them some bonus, or over time bonus etc.

4. Conclusion

Name: Ratchadaporn Polwattana STD02949 18 March 2014

BSBWOR502B Assessment Tool 3
Project 1
To improving team cohesion I will clarify the common goals and the purpose for this
organization and Change their attitude to work together and create a unity in this team by a
party after finished from work. Use first month after told them the problem. The outcome
should be they will know and understand in this situation. And might try to improve
themselves to achieve the organizations goals, and the members in my team know,
understand and trust in each other. If they can know, understand and trust in each other they
will work together and make a team work. If is not working I will spend more time to make
them know, understand and thrust in each other. May be I will make some situation to make
them feel like every members in this team are your family. Give some workshop or some
project to make them work together but it should be not in the hard situation because if I give
some hard project to them to work together its might be create more problem or conflict to
To improving team effectiveness I going to use team building games I will called
Storming to done the job and Clarify each persons role. Use 1 to 2 weeks after finished
from improving team cohesion. The outcome should give me and my team to know what we
have to do it first and next and next to develop our organization to meeting the organizations
expectation and team members become comfortable with the team situation and start to
cooperate. If is not working we can give the team members flexibility on how they meet their
goals. Give them the reason and make suggestions about the problem or changes in what they
do and how they can do it, and should be base on their experience or their expert of what
works, what doesnt works and what could be better to works. Or another way I will find
someone who expert about the problem that the organization meet to help my team members
to work together well, also make them spirit to done the job.
To improving team productivity I will find the ways to resolve the problem or conflict
and evaluate and reward to employee. 1 month after finished from improving team
effectiveness. The outcome we should know the ways to resolve the problem, we can work
together well and team members happy to work together and can meeting the organizations
expectations. If is not working I will give them a reward the team as whole, not give them the
individual reward. Plan to have a small party after finished from work, to give them some
bonus, or over time bonus etc.

5. Reference

Name: Ratchadaporn Polwattana STD02949 18 March 2014

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