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Government and

Politics in
By Freddie Bannagao
& Nieves Ty
Government and Politics in Public Administration

Foundation of Government and Politics

The legislative, judicial, and executive wings of the
government perform their functions as laid down in
the basic law, i.e., constitution.
Within the executive wing, the political executive is
able to exercise control over the administrative wing
as the guardian of the popular will.
Laws enacted by the legislative wing represent the
popular will and are faithfully implemented.
Government and Politics in Public Administration

Foundation of Government and Politics

In other words, there is a great degree of realism in
the enactment and enforcement of laws. Any
difficulty in implementation by the administration
can be brought to the legislature for amendment in
the laws.
Thus interdependent legislatures and executives are
created, although they are assigned different specific
Government and Politics in Public Administration

Foundation of Government and Politics

Politics is a search for ends

as well as means. It encompasses the
entire range of mans endeavor to govern
himself and to establish a structure and
practice for the exercise of political
Government and Politics in Public Administration

Foundation of Government and Politics

According to Leslie M. Lipson, UC Berkeley
professor of political science:
politics is deeply involved in the fundamentals
of the social order and shares its characteristics.
Hence, the analysis of politics should begin
where society itself begins, that is, with the
formation of groups. Society is a system of
groups, which are the breeding ground of
Government and Politics in Public Administration

PoliticianAdministrator Accord
Politics and public administration are so
intertwined that it is impossible to speak of
one without mentioning the other.
There can be no public administration without
politics and no politics without public
All aspects of government operation revolves
in a political environment.
Government and Politics in Public Administration

PoliticianAdministrator Accord
Under the bureaucratic structure of the
government, the administrator cannot achieve the
objectives of his organization without political
For example, appropriations in carrying out the
goals of any government institution must be
authorized by the legislature. Hence, the
administrator should also endeavor to win the
legislatures support for the programs of his
Government and Politics in Public Administration

PoliticianAdministrator Accord
As a general rule, administrators must possess broad
perspectives in the management of government
They primarily consider the national interest in the
implementation of laws.
However, there are some instances when the role of a
government institution, as mandated in its charter,
runs counter to the request or interest of a
constituent of an individual politician.
Government and Politics in Public Administration

PoliticianAdministrator Accord
While the power of politicians and
administrators may be theoretically separate,
their powers are intended to be integrated for
the general welfare of the people.
To be effective lawmakers, it is the duty of
legislators to know what is going on in every
department of the government.
Government and Politics in Public Administration

PoliticianAdministrator Accord
On the other hand, the administrator should
know that politicians have duties not only to
the general population but also to their
respective constituents.
Thus, at times, it is the desire of politicians to
be of service to the people they represent,
causing their viewpoints to become myopic
or parochial.
Government and Politics in Public Administration

The PoliticianAdministrator Accord may be

fostered by:
Social relations to the extent permitted by
public duty and good sense.
Giving due considerations to political
Intelligent joint discussions by legislator and
administrator on the needs of Public
Government and Politics in Public Administration

Implications of Public Administration

The enforcement of laws and regulations and
implementation of policies depends on a
sound administrative system.
A sound administrative system involves an
interdependence among the government,
politics, and public administration.
Laws and rules and regulations should be
clear, and policies should lay down clear
- End -

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