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Republic ofthe Philippines Department of Environment and Natural Resources ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT BUREAU. Cordillera Administrative Region DENR Compound, Gibraltar, Baguio City Tel. No. (074) 446-6440, (074) 442-3896 KS August 2, 2016 MEMORANDUM. FOR : ENGR. GILBERT C. GONZALES Director Environmental Management Bureau DENR Compound, Visayas Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City FROM : THE OIC, REGIONAL DIRECTOR Environmental Management Bureau Cordillera Administrative Region DENR Compound, Gibraltar Road, Baguio City SUBJECT 4 INITIAL INVESTIGATION REPORT __ RE: TUNNELING UNDER PROVINICAL —_ROAD, DISPOSAL OF CYANIDE LEACHING WASTE ALONG SUYOC-ABRA RIVER Respectfully submitted the subject report relative to your Memorandum dated July 14, 2016 in relation to the complaint letter from Mr. Agosto B. Batcagan, Barangay Secretary of Brgy. Suyoc, Mankayan, Benguet dated 13 May 2016, with attached Bray. Resolution No. 28, Series of 2013 entitled RESOLUTION PROHIBITING TUNNELING UNDER THE GUINAOANG-GAMBANG PROVINCIAL ROAD AND TREE CUTTING ON PUBLIC PROPERTY. Please be informed that subsequent to this initial investigation, an in-depth investigation shall be conducted by this Office in coordination with the Mines and Geosciences Bureau — CAR / Provincial Mining and Regulatory Board-Benguet, Office of the Mayor / Governor to find out the following: 1, Actual number of illegal small scale miners and processing plants operating in the area; 2. Sources of their cyanide and mercury; and 3. Water quality on eyanide parameter. Be informed further that a Notice of Violation on non-compliance with ECC Conditions was issued to Extreme Igorot Pocket Miners Association, Inc. by this Office, copy herewith attached, For his information and record. neva S. DIGAMO Ce: RD Ralph Pablo, DENR-CAR RD Fay W. Apil, MGB-CAR Gov. Cresencio Pacalso, PMRB-Benguet Mayor Materno S. Luspian, Municipality of Mankayan, Benguet Republic of the Philippines Department of Environment and Natural Resources ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT BUREAU. DENR Compound, Visayas Avenue, Diiman, Quezon City 1116 ‘Telephone Nos.: 927-15-17, 928-20-96 Email: z (tp Visit us at htp-/ JUL 14 2006 MEMORANDUM TO i REYNALDO S. DIGAMO Regional Director EMB-Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) FROM : THE DIRECTOR DATE SUBJECT : COMPLAINT LETTER FROM BRGY. SUYOC REGARDING THE “TUNNELING UNDER PROVINCIAL ROAD, DISPOSAL OF (CYANIDE LEACHING WASTE ALONG SUYOC-ABRA RIVER” This has reference to the attached letter of Mr. Agosto D. Batcagan, Brgy. Secretary of Barangay Suyoc, Municipality of Mankayan, Province of Benguet, dated 13 May 2016, on the above subject. The Barangay Officials raised complaints that the EMB CAR had not acted for ‘more than year to its jurisdiction. In this regard, you are directed to act on the above complaints and furnish this Office ‘with the report on action you have taken. Fot compliance. Protect the environment... Protect life... meen DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES ‘RECORDS MANAGEMENT DIVISI DATE >: - MAY 13,2016 DIT sun TO : RAMON PAJE Secretary, Department of Environment & Nat u Manila, Philippines | Ba enna 2 RECORI copy : Engr. LEO JASARENO | - Director, Mines and Geosciences Bureau JUN 22 2013 Department of Environment & Nat ral Resa sen t > rm Te Manila, Philippines Re. 4, ay YW? (a SUBJECT :; TUNNELING UNDER PROVINCIAL ROAD, oe: OF CYANIDE LEACHING WASTE ALONG SUYOC-ABRA RIVER Dear Sirs; We would like to bring to your attention that there had been many complaints sent to your DENR-CAR Baguio offices st the Mines and Geosciences Bureau, and Environmental ‘Management Bureau that had not been acted upon for years, such as: 1. legal small-scale mining/Tunneling under the Guinaoang-Gambang provincial road st barangays Suyoc and Taneg, all within the municipality of Mankayan, Benguet Province. Attached is a barangay resolution in June 2013 prohibiting such activity; 2. The Provincial Engineering Office of Benguet conducted an inspections at road sinking areas that was reported to them due to collapsed tunnel under the road. They listed a dozen tunnels under the road, but there was no official report and no action until now, 3. Cyanide-gold leaching plants are located near the Abra tributary and all the leaching waste materials are dumped into the river. DENR has not taken action against this reported waste disposal along the river such that gold panners from barangays downstream have been complaining of itchy skin and asking for stoppage of dumping cyanide leach solutions to the river; 4. Why is cyanide readily available to everyone? There is no control ever since the 1990s. 5. Barangay residents have been protesting the existence of these cyanide leaching plants without tailings disposal dams, but the concerned government agencies like EMB/MGB did not issue stoppage/closure orders for these leaching plants; 6. Indiscriminate cutting of trees by illegal small-scale miners who come from different provinces of Luzon; 7. Proliferation of drugs within small scale mining camps which is not been acted upon by the PNP even though they know the sources of drugs from nearby Abatan in Buguias, ‘Mankayan Proper and Cervantes, Ilocos Sur; 8. Small scale miners have no permits, and they have become unruly braggarts and drug addicts; 9. Illegal small-scale miners are being protected by some municipal officials including members of the PNP-Camp Dangwa and local police force of Mankayan. ‘Your immediate action on this matter. Thank you very much. Respectfully yours, . Batcagan Brey. Secret Republic of the Philippines “EFICE OF TRE er Cordillera Administrative Region Province of Benguet Municipality of Mankayan Barangay Suyoc OFFICE OF THE SANGUNIAN BARANGAY Regular Session 01 June 2013 PRESENT: Hon. Respecio B. Pasule Sr. Presiding Chairman Hon. Jerome B. Ngateg Member Hon. Antonio L. Guaki Member Hon. Mido L, Macario Member Hon. Berta K. Pasadillo Member Hon. Manuel Y. Andres Member Hon. Ernesto W. Atinyao Member Hon. Romeo C. Guidawen Member Hon, Andre Gil C. Buli-e Ex-Officio Member/SK Chairman ABSENT: None RESOLUTION No. 28 S 2013 RESOLUTION PROHIBITING TUNNELING UNDER THE GUINAOANG-GAMBANG PROVINCIAL ROAD AND TREE CUTTING ON PUBLIC PROPERTY. WHEREAS, the Guinaoang-Gambang Provincial Road particularly at Panat-Gueday area has been caving-in every year as a result of many existing and abandoned small-scale mining tunnels totaling 15 provincial and even under the bridge; WHEREAS, the abandoned small-scale tunnels along the provincial road has caused road subsidence and expenses on backfilling by the provincial government resulting to potholes and danger to motorist; WHEREAS, the rapid increase of small-scale miners in Suyoc resulted in uncontrolled tree cutting on the mountain slopes; WHEREAS, to prevent further road damages, repairs, accidents and future road caving, it is again requested that the Provincial Engineering Office, the DPWH, the DENR and PNP will ‘come to inspect the road and issue orders to stop tunneling operations under roads, bridges and tree cutting. | Ate i WHEREFORE, on motion duly seconded, be it; RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved and approved, to forward this resolution to the Provincial Governor of Benguet and DENR who heads the Provincial Mining Regulatory Board, the Provincial Engineering Office for information and appropriate action. RESOLVED FINALLY, to transmit this resolution to the office of Hon. MATERNO R. LUSPIAN, Municipal Mayor of Mankayan, Province of Benguet, for information and Anthony L. Guaki $a 1 Macario Brgy. Kagawad Brey. Kagawad Berta K. Pasadillo Ma andres meno W Biny0 Brgy. Kagawad Brgy. Kagawad. Brgy. Kagawad rage Kagawad ATTESTED: Brgy. Secretary APPROVED: Ly RESPECIO'B. PASULE SR. Punong Barangay =” Republic ofthe Philippines Department of Environment and Natural Resources ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT BUREAU KS Cordillera Administrative Region DENR Compound, Gibraltar. Baguio City Tel. No. (074) 446-6440, (074) 442-3896 August 1, 2016 MR. PABLO DOLIGAY President Extreme Igorot Pocket Miners Association, Inc. Suyoc, Mankayan, Benguet Subject: NOTICE OF VIOLATION Dear Mr. Doligay: Notice is hereby served upon you for having violated some conditions of ECC No. CAR 1010-144-2110 issued to you on October 21, 2010 for the Extreme Igorot Pocket Miners Associ ion, Inc. located at Suyoc, Mankayan, Benguet as shown in the Investigation Report conducted by EMB personnel on July 20, 2016. ECC Conditions Violated ‘Acts Constituting Violation ECC Condition No, 3 ~ Tailings/muck and other wastes generated from project operation shall be treated and/or, contained in an appropriate pollution control facility(ies), The proponent shall secure from the EMB all the necessary permits to cover the use of said pollution control facility(ies), Based on Office records, no application for Discharge Permit and / or Permit to Operate ‘was submitted by the proponent ECC Condition No. 5 — The legal requirements pursuant to RA 6969 also known as Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Waste Control Act of 1990, RA 9275 or the Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 and RA 8749 or the Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999, where applicable, shall be secured consistent to the physical/chemical processing of extracted ore. Compliance to said requirements shall be coordinated with EMB-CAR. Considering that the processing of extracted ore involves the use of Sodium Cyanide, which is regulated under DAO 1997-39 or the Chemical Control Order for Cyanide and Cyanide Compounds, the proponent has not secured a License to Use from the Office. The proponent also operates a leaching pad whereby the generated waste water is discharged that requires Discharge Permit from this Office pursuant to Section 14 of RA 9275, Further, the operation of a ball mill which is considered as an air pollution source facility has no Permit to Operate as required pursuant to Section 16 of RA 8749, | ECC Condition No. 6 — The proponent shall, within six months after receipt of this Certificate effect a poltution control and improvement program | “The proponent has not submitted any pollution control and improvement program validated by the Office from the prescribed time period provided in the ECC Condition. ECC Condition No. 9 — The proponent | Per Office record, no compliance monitoring shall submit to EMB-CAR a quarterly report | report. (CMR) was submitted by the providing for, among others, the status of | proponent, since the issuance of the ECC. project implementation, the project compliance to ECC conditions and, the proponent’s response to_—related | issues/concerns arising thereof. ECC Condition No. 12 ~ This Certificate is | Accordingly, the Small-Scale Mining Permit | co-terminus with the Small-Scale Mining | issued by the Provincial Mining and Permit to be issued by the Provincial | Regulatory Board (PMRB) of Benguet Government of Benguet without prejudice | Province of the Association expired to the project undergoing the ELA process should the proponent opts to renew its | Permit Foregoing considered, you are hereby advised to explain in writing, duly subscribed before a Notary Public, within seven (7) days from receipt hereof, why you should not be penalized in the amount of Fifty Thousand Pesos (PhP 50,000.00) for every violation and to show cause why no Order shall be issued against you directing immediate cessation of the project operation. Moreover, you are invited to attend the Technical Conference scheduled on Au 206 at 2:09 pm _ to be held at the Office of the Regional Director, DENR Compound, Gibraltar, Baguio City to explain your side on the matter Failure to submit your explanation or to attend the technical conference shall be construed as waiver of your right to be heard and this office shall institute appropriate administrative action against you based on available evidence on record Compliance is enjoined Very truly yours, RE S. DIGAMO OIC, Regional Director ce: RD Ralph C. Pablo, DENR CAR RD Fay W. Apil, MGB-CAR Mayor Matemo S. Luspian, Municipality of Mankayan Benguet File Republic ofthe Philippines Ss Department of Environment and Natural Resources §8§ ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT BUREAL SS a Callers Administrative Region — — DENR Compound, Gibraltar, Baguio City Tel, No, (074) 446-6440, (074) 442-3896 MEMORANDUM FOR : The OIC, Regional Director THRU : The Chief, Environmental Monitoring and Enforcement Division FROM : Air and Water Monitoring and Septage Management Section SUBJECT : INITIAL INVESTIGATION REPORT RE: TUNNELING UNDER PROVINCIAL ROAD, DISPOSAL OF CYANIDE LEACHING WASTE ALONG SUYOC-ABRA RIVER DATE 4 WL 29 2016 Acting on the memorandum from the EMB Director dated July 14, 2016 relative to the above subject, the undersigned together with personnel from the Mines and Geosciences Bureau — CAR headed by Engr. Sydney Lalwet — Spvg. Science Research Specialist and Engr. Virginia P. Briones — Sr. Ecosystems Management Specialist, conducted an investigation on July 20, 2016 on a report dated May 13, 2016 of a certain. Agosto D. Batcagan of Suyoc, Mankayan, Benguet Province re: the above subject allegedly perpetrated by the Cyanide Gold Leaching Plants located near the Suyoc-Abra River. Said action was in coordination with personnel from the Local Government Unit (LGU) of Mankayan, Benguet, Mr. Donald Daganos ~ Municipal Assessor. Background: Per available records, below is the series of events pertaining to the small scale mining at Suyoc, Mankayan, Benguet with their corresponding dates: © July 2, 2010 ~ Barangay Suyoc endorsing Extreme Igorot Pocket Miners Association accreditation to the office of Mayor Materno Luspian: (Annex * July 22, 2010 — Barangay Suyoc endorsing Extreme Igorot Pocket Miners Association to the PMRB to acquire a small scale mining permit; (Annex “2") ‘© October 21, 2010 ~ Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) CAR 1010-144- 2110 was issued to Extreme Igorot Pocket Miners Association signed by RD Paquito T. Moreno, Jr.; (Annex “3”) * March 24, 2011 — the Office of the Provincial Governor of Benguet issued a small scale mining permit to Extreme Igorot Pocket Miners Association; (Annex “4”) ‘© March 31, 2012 ~ petition filed by concerned citizens of Suyoc, Mankayan, Benguet on the direct contravention and non-compliance of ECC and small scale mining permit; (Annex “5”) © April 17, 2012 — petition was received by EMB-CAR; ‘© May 9, 2012 — a letter from certain group of concerned citizens sent denying their participation to the petition dated March 31, 2012 and that the list was taken from another activity; (Annex “6”) ‘© May 11, 2012 — Reply of the legal counsel of Extreme Igorot Pocket Miners ‘Association to the petition of concemed citizens of Suyoc, Mankayan, Benguet; (Annex “7”) ‘© June 7, 2012 ~ a Cease and Desist Order (CDO) was issued to small scale miners at Suyoc-Taneg, Mankayan, Benguet; (Annex “8”) Findings: Prior to the investigation, an inquiry and courtesy call was made at the Office of the Mayor of the LGU of Mankayan at around 10:30 AM to verify the Barangay Resolution attached to the complain letter. ‘The investigation was conducted on the same day with the team arriving at the site at around 3:00 PM. The team met with the Chief of Police on Mankayan, Anselmo Cacap and with Mr. Rey Manuit, resource person who operates a small scale mine tunnel. The team inguired if the complainant, Mr. Agosto Batcagan, was around at that time however, a resident said that Mr. Batcagan went to Baguio City during that time. It was also learned, through Mr. Manuit, that Mr. Batcagan is a member of one of the three mining groups operating in the area under investigation and is also operating a small scale mine tunnel. The team explained to the concerned parties the purpose of the investigation and water sampling to be conducted at the stretch of the Suyoc- Abra River. Three (3) sampling stations were identified along the concemed river as follows: Date and Time ‘Suyoc (Midstream) Bono-oy, Taneg (Downstream) | July 20. 2016; 4:20 PM July 20, 2016; 5: According to Mr. Manuit, the small scale miners operating along the Suyoc ~ Abra River covering Barangays Taneg and Suyoc are aggregate members of three (3) distinct ‘Small Scale Mining Associations as follows: 1. Extreme Igorot Pocket Miners Association; 2. Lower Suyoe Taneg Pocket Miners Association (LOSTPOMA) ; and 3. ELICONSA Of the three (3) associations, only Extreme Igorot Pocket Miners Association was issued an ECC with reference number CAR 1010-144-2110 issued on October 21, 2010 covering its small scale extraction and chemical processing of gold bearing ores with an annual rated extraction capacity not to exceed 50,000 metric tons. No other permits / certificates were issued to any small scale mining operations / associations in compliance with RA 8749 (The Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999), RA 9275 (The Philippine Clean Water ‘Act of 2004) and RA 6969 (Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes Control ‘Act of 1990) and corresponding Chemical Control Orders (CCO) specifically for Mercury and Cyanide. Page 2 of 4 There were 3 ore-processing categories of small scale mine operations observed in the area, There were ball mill operations only, Carbon-in-Pulp (CIP) leach pads only and combination of ball mill and CIP leach pads. However, it cannot be established whether the observed facilities are operated by the cited association or are operated by private individuals existing independently. Most of the ball mill operations are located near existing adits. These adits, according to Mr. Manuit, were established since “time immemorial” by their ancestors. ‘The CIP leach pads were mostly constructed along the river bank or along the stretch of the provincial road with canals provided that is directed into the river. The leach pads constructed are either made of concrete materials or use of soil filled sacks then covered with cement on its surface. Miners, usually, store their stockpile of ore before these are processed. About three (3) to four (4) batches of ore in a year are processed. Ores are processed in ball mills provided with dug-out pits that serve as “tailings pond”. These tailings however are also processed into CIP leach pads where cyanide is used to recover gold. Accordingly, once gold were recovered, the wash water (effluent) is then discharged into a ditch that is directed through the river. Flattened cyanide drums used as fence or shelter cover were observed along several residential areas near the road. ‘Throughout the discussion with the team, the sodium cyanide used by the small scale miners were being sourced from different trading shops located near the Sunshine Transport Bus Terminal at Dangwa Station, Rajah Matanda Street, Baguio City; Dalicno, Itogon, Benguet and Goldrush Trading located along Halsema Road at Abatan, Buguias, Benguet. Per Office records, there are only three (3) locally authorized distributors of cyanide within CAR namely Potter's Hand Enterprise, Joan Luis’ Trading and Harridan Enterprise. Mr. Manuit informed the team that most of the persons-in-charge of the mining operations were working inside the tunnel during the time of the investigation. They are usually done from their underground operation by 10:00 PM or if not they are not around the camp site and usually arrives only during re-supplying and recovery of gold so that they were not around at the time of the investigation. Results of Analys ‘The following table shows the results of analysis of water samples obtained from the identified sampling stations during the investigation. Parameters : Tss | Ca cu Pb | Zn | Hg ee 30 | 0.003 | 0.02 | 0.01 2 | 0.001 mg/_|_mgL_| mg/L | mpl | mgt | mg/l. Guinaoang Bridge, Upstream 12 | <0.010 | <0.005 [ <0.010 [0.010 | <8e | Suyoe. Midstream <0.010 | 0.014 0.054 | 5.36" Bano-oy, Taneg, Downstream =0.010 | 0.005 | <0.010 | 0.046 | 1.1¢" Exceeded the Water Quality Guideline (DAO 2016-08) a7 The results of analysis for Lead (Pb) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) were beyond the water quality guideline. This indicates that the activities along the river contribute to the Page 3 of 4 Residents operating ball mill Used cyanide cans as fence Leaching bed at the river bank Gold-processing facility above the river bank Road-side gold processing Taneg sampling site ; + we Annex: 2010 a2 PRESENT: i Hon.LardoS.Camolo t ‘Presiding Chai Hon. Anthony L.Guaki | «) | Member Hon. Berta K. Pasadillo | Member Hon. Magorie A Lacpap i) '| ) Member | Hon. BeiiedictG. Besitan | Member Hon. Mido L. Macario Member | : Hon, Teresita P. Caoile Member a | : Hon, Franklin E. Macario Member | ABSENT: | None ~ | RESOLUIION No.20 5 2010 | a i RESOLUTION) RESPECTFULLY ENDORSING THE! HEREIN RESOLUTION No. 01 S 2010 DATED JULY 01, ; 2010 OF THE EXTREME IGOROT POCKET MINERS ASSOCIATION SEEKING ACCREDITATION FROM THE WHEREAS, the above said association Is a duly jrganized association by Barangay Taneg and Barangay Suyoc respectively i WHEREAS, accreditation of said association would strongly support pocket miners to acquire permit for legal mining operation at the net . WHEREFORE, on motion duly seconded, be it; RESOLVED, a§ itis hereby resolved and approved to endorse the above said resolution to the the municipa} mayor thru the office of the Sangkunyang Bayan of the municipality of May information and appropriate action. CARRIED: surf Ea biecestents ‘Manoa ace Brey. Kagawad rey. Kagawad " t BENEDICT G. BESITAN Bray. Kagawad sont aan Brgy. Secretary ATTESTED: ' Puniong'Barangay ' fra Republic of the Philippines . nex “2” Cordillera Administrative Region Annex “2 Province of Benguet Municipality of Mankayan BARANGAY SUYOC OFFICE OF THE SANGGUNIANG BARANGAY Special Session July 22,2010 PRESENT: Hon, Lardo S, Camolo Presiding Chairman Hon.Anthony L.Guaki Member Hon. Berta K. Pasadillo Member Hon. Marjorie A. Lacpap Member Hon. Benedict G. Besitan Member Hon. Mido L. Macario Men:ber_ Hon. Teresita P. Caoil Member Hon, Franklin E. Macario: Member ABSENT: None a% RESOLUTION N6. S - 2010 RESOLUTION FAVORABLY ENDORSING THE EXTREME IGOROTS POCKET MINERS ASSOCIATION TO THE OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL MINING REGULATORY BOARD, PROVINCIAL CAPITOL, LA TRINIDAD, BENGUET TO ACQUIRE SMALL SCALE MINING PERMIT FOR A LEGAL MINING OPERATION AT SUYOC, MANKAYAN,BENGUET. WHEREAS, the Extreme Igorots Pocket Miners Association is a duly organized, accredited and registered association at the office of all concern government agencies as per supporting documents attached herein, thus hereby recommend to acquire permit from the above concen office; WHEREAS, as one of the requirements for legal small scale pocket mining operation, endorsement therefore is hereby issued for the said purpose. WHEREFORE, on motion duly seconded, be it; RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved and approved to forward this endorsement to the office of the Provincial Mining Regulatory Board, Capitol, La Trinidad, Benguet for information and appropriate action; RESOLVED FINALLY, to transmit this resolution to the office of the Municipal mayor of the Municipality of Mankayan Hon. Materno Luspian for information and secord endorsement. CARRIED Age Batu: ANTHONY L.GUAKI —_BERTA'K. PASADILLO. MARJORIBA, LACPAP Barangay Kagawad Barangay Kagawad ‘Barangay Kagawad FPeci dBP-nacore Baek, BENEDICT G. BESITAN MIDO L. MACARIG. ‘TERESITA P, CAOILE Barangay Kagawad Barangay Kagawad Barangay Kagawad .. Con aikee ERANKLIN E. MACARIO. Barangay Kagawad itn AGOSTO D. BATCAGAN /~ Barangay Secretary) S Al CAMOL: Punong Barangay Annex “3” ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE CAR 1010 - 144-2110 The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) thru the Environmental Management Bureau — Cordillera Administrative Region (EMB- CAR) hereby grants this Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) for the SMALL SCALE MINING PROJECT of EXTREME IGOROT POCKET MINERS ASSOCIATION, INC. located at Suyoc, Mankayan, Benguet, after complying with the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) requirements as prescribed in the promulgated guidelines implementing section 3 (b) of P.D. 1586. This Certificate is further specified as follows: A. Scope: 1. This Certificate is valid only for the small scale extraction and chemical processing of gold bearing ores with an annual rated extraction capacity not to exceed 50,000 metric tons andlor, as described in the submitted documents; 2. This Certificate does not exempt the project from the legal requirements of other concerned agencies. B. Conditions: 7 The operation of the project shall be in accordance with the submitted documents. Any major modification and/or expansion shall be subject to the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) System requirement, 2. Feed materials shall only be sourced from mining areas duly sanctioned by MGB-CAR/PMRB-Benguet; 3. Tailings/muck and other wastes generated from project operation shall be treated and/or, contained in an appropriate pollution control facility(ies). The proponent shall secure from the EMB all the necessary permits to cover the use of said pollution control facility(ies); 10. ch 12, 13, Effluent discharges shall conform with applicable DENR set standards; The legal requirements pursuant to RA 6969 also known as the Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Waste Control Act of 14990, RA 9275 or the Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 and, RA 8749 or the Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999, where applicable, shall be secured consistent to the physical/chemical processing of extracted ore. Compliance to said requirements shall be coordinated with the EMB-CAR; The proponent shall, within six months after receipt of this Certificate, effect a pollution control and improvement program, Timber requirements for underground support shall only be sourced from legitimate sources; Should there be malfunction(s) in any of the pollution contro! appurtenances and/or damage(s) incurred due to “force majeure”, the proponent shall voluntary cease its operation until such time that said damage(s) are rehabilitated or restored. Further, the proponent shall immediately inform the EMB-CAR of said damage(s) and of remedial measures undertaken; The proponent shall submit to EMB-CAR a quarterly report, providing for, among others, the status of project implementation, the project compliance to ECC conditions and, the proponent's response to related issues/concerns arising thereof, The project is subject to on-the-spot monitoring/inspection at any reasonable time by the EMB-CAR which may be in coordination with concerned groups; The proponent shall cause the implementation of any undertaking which may be imposed by the EMB-CAR as a result of Technical Conference/s called relative hereof, This Certificate is co-terminus with the Small-Scale Mining Permit to be issued by the Provincial Government of Benguet without prejudice to the project undergoing the EIA process should the proponent opts to renew its Permit; and Any transfer of project proprietorship or project name carries the same conditions in this ECC for which notification to the EMB-CAR shall be made by the proponent within fifteen (15) days from such transfer. Non-compliance with any of the above stipulations will be sufficient cause for the suspension of cancellation of this Certificate, administrative sanctions against the office head and/or imposition of fine in the ‘amount not to exceed Fifty oa MMeand. Pesos (P 50,000.00) for every violations thereof, at the discretion of the DENR (Section 9 of P. D. 1586). ¢. Recommendations (for the consideration of the project proponent, the BMRB-Benguet and, other concerned agencies in the issuance of applicable permits/authorities): 4 ‘An environmental, health and safety program encompassing, the regular maintenance of the project area, accident and fire prevention, pollution control, and, eco-waste management should be adopted as an integral aspect of the project implementation; 2. An emergency response and contingency plan in the event of falure of any of the project appurtenant facilities and/or during disaster/calamity, and 3, The appurtenant physical structures and equipment of the project, where applicable, are subject to the requirements of the National Building Code of the Philippines and the permitting requirements of MGB-CAR/LGU-concemed Issued this dail 2 1 2010. Year Two Thousand Ten. RECOMMENDING APPROVAL: APPROVED NESTOR: INAAL Chiet, E1A Divisione OR. No. Procedural Screening Fee _P 300.00 _ Date : OR. No. Database Management Fee _P 1,000.00 Date OR. No. Processing Fee B2,700.00_ Date kece ived b ea Republic of the Philippines Province of Benguet = La Trinidad Annex “4” | Office of the Provincial Governor SMALL SCALE MINING PERMIT NO. 1(2011) DATE ISSUED: March 24, 2011 PERMITTEE: Extreme Igorot pocket Miners Association 1 ADDRESS: »Suyoc, Mankayan, Benguet ‘An applicant for small scale mining permit to extract aid remove materials authorized under Presidential Decree No. 1899 from the permit materiMuated at sitio Panat, Barangay Suyoc, Municipality of Mankayaty Hee ate Ganguet, Island of Luzon, Philippines and more articularly described in metes and bounds to wit (TECHNICAL DESCRIPTIONS) Geginning from point marked "I" on plan having a atituds of goag'ne 20" and longitude of 120°48'06.80" being S 01°5!°E, 1726.9 vovars from BLBM No. 1, Suyoc, Mankayan, Benguet, thence; 8°46! W; 48.50 meters to point “2” thence 200.20 meters to point “3” thence 138.99 meters to point “4” thence “We 260-41 meters to. point “I” which is thz point of containing an area of 2.3492 hectares. aving been filed with the Provincial Mining Regul: tory Board estab by Mr. Pablo Doligay on December 6, 2010, this small Scale ung Permit No. 1(2011) is hereby granted to the Extreme I¢ Orr Pocket acre Association subject to the terms and conditions here.n stated to 1 That this permit is for a period of two (2) years ‘rom March 34, 2011 to March 23, 2013 inclusive, renew: ale for like petigds, provided that the application for rene al shall be filed before the expiry date hereof. 2. This, permit shall be for the exclusive use of tle permittee and shall not be transferred without the written, approval of the Provincial Governor as the case maybe. 3 This permit maybe suspended or revoke at any time by the Provincial Governor, as the case maybe, wren in their opinion, public interest, welfare and peace an 1 order and other conditions so require or demand or upcn failure of the permittee to comply with other terms anc conditions stated in the permit or for ecological reasons without obligations on the part of the government 4 The permittee shall within twelve (12) montis from the date. of issuance of this permit, place the aiza in actual production and failure to place the are: in actual n 12 13 14. 16 hae ‘by ce gus ‘srly production report within th .y (30° days after the end ofeach quarter; .& The ‘sfiitements made in the application’ ard those made later i¢f'support thereof shall considered as. :onditions and essential parts of the Permit and any mi: representation contained herein, shall be a cause for the suspension or cancelfation of the Permit; The! rénioval or extraction of mineral comiaodities under this “shall be confined within the areas sp: cified therein, the Bpundaries of which according to tle application, estabtighed on the ground with prominent marks; The"'pnal provisions of P.D. 463, as ame.ided, with the emphasis on “theft of minerals" are deemex: included and adopted; ? The permittee shall pay the appropriate ta:es due to the Proviriglal Government; Inthe @vent that this permit encompasses »rior valid and subsigting mining claims, sald permit shall be considered aytonjatically cancelled. However, if it. i volves partial conflicg, the area In conflict with prior valid and subsist mining! claims shall be automatically excl ded from the area;", The germittee shall police the permit area against forest fires, jIkegal cutting of trees, illegal mining a..d processing; The permittee shall also establish a nursei/ and conduct tree'glanting activity within the permit area nce a year, In cage,the permittee is in need of timber fcr underground operations, he shall secure said timber from legal source, fe The permittee shall see to it that the effluents shall canfggm with the standards set forth under 2AO 35 (Water Qual Standard for Effluents) and DAO 2\° of P.D. 6969 Groxig, Substances and Hazardous and fuclear Wastes Goneyel Act of 1990); The fpermittee shall be held responsible fe the safety of the tiner/workers in the area. If there is a: eed for safety, healt and environment (SHE) monitoring, the permittee shall fequest concerned agency in the condu BALAG EY _|Rassoylane Haan Pes | RATE” TAREE pea. 3 lots poate in eF Bath Taney feibegaie Basg , Tues, Hank- beng: | NEG RAstc TANCES 1S L DRS HEE Corey | eouie aso, jana, a at-bat Sy “eee eK B opt Noto-an, Phoebe — ~[o. Bakig” Tae = pea Fea i! Fankogen eH line. o baby ma o | See Grea Hankeaygec alt at ee Jessie. Rebweeg re _Bdsig “nell None | Aine fulvay Bas) 4 Janey Merfagar RE ET Ae Lh erp pam es Cet Tee Lt a pLBpulen Leal atin — [Pr Marg 12 Keli Be Pas Bug _ WAT CHOR PALACIO BASIC’, MAIIAY AY] ota TJ. Sanu | Bis ny LNCHELL NAPOLEON J Howes) COM Sec By ec Mheksy en REP ust cards Tole S | _Balcando | ae nde Lies Gere. _ ne torepy erkeup Delis cop Lal Bogyacn Cir Zl bn2 Lpicpard pp) warrin are WOSut cicowe | A\2ATY Loren | Arey TrcAy ene ited. Barilla aoe c ines | His overs Lem Dea we Annex “6” ‘ 9 May 2012 To. ‘THE REGIONAL DIRECTOR EMB-CAR DENR-Compound, Pacdal, Baguio City Philippines. ‘THE REGIONAL DIRECTOR MGB-CAR and CHAIRMAN PMRB-Benguet \ HON. NESTOR B. FONGWAN Governor, Benguet Province FROM: CONCERNED CITIZENS ' SUBJECT: LETTER PETITION DATED MARCH 31, 2012 x. Dear Sirs: GREETINGS: This has relation to the alleged Petition dated March 31, 2012 for alleged Direct Contravention and Non-Compliance of ECC and Small Scale Mining Permit by Extreme \gorot Pocket Miners Association. Sad to stress that we are members of the Extreme Igorot Pocket Miners Association. Sad to Stress likewise that we allegedly filed a Petition against our very own Association. Apparently, we appear to be Petitioners in the March 31, 2012 Petition. We admit that ouri signatures appearing in the attached document as concerned citizens filing the March 31, 2012 Petition appears to be authentic and real However, we vehemently deny having affix our signatures in support of the March 31, 2012 Petition against our very own Association. It only came to our surprises how could our signature been affixed and attached in the said March 31, 2012 Petition. Fortunately, after a thorough inspection of the document bearing our signatures, we discovered that said document bearing our signatures were actually our signatures in support of our mn agains 1im Application over thi L ated at Elizabeth, Taneg, Mankayan, Benguet, Philippines but certainly not against Extreme Igorot Pocket Miners Association. In fine, the documents attached in the March 31, 2012 bearing our signatures as concerned citizens filing a Petition against our very own Association is a fabricated document which we firmly believe to have been Xeroxed or Photocopied in our petition against the application of the Bayudang's but certainly not against our very own Association; In the light of the foregoing, we respectfully submit that we never signed any Petition for alleged direct contravention and non-compliance of ECC and Small Scale Mining Permit against our very own Association - Extreme Igorot Pocket Miners Association and for this purpose may we respectfully request the assistance of your Honorable Office to please conduct a proper investigation against the Anomalous, if not, fabricated March 31, 2012 Petition and thereafter the filing of the necessary criminal charges against whoever used our signatures in support of ae an alleged Petition which we never gave our conformity and consent or against our very own Association, to our damage and prejudice. Anticipating a favorable action on the matter. GOD SPEED. Respectfully yours: NAMES SiGnaTunes Hie Caer Lag Ww BRACE Sun) ep — LO ie — Logical, ToC Ve e-Rrw U DL, Come: RIS KGLS Ceo bee Hary Gine peak Wan | iz wa es apes pee I GF ia oA Mz on a ce ae : Ei fh Wt Mtverth PALACDAG ANGHELL NAvoWEON ra Annex “7” 11" May 2012 HON. NESTOR B. FONGWAN Governor Benguet Province Philippines THE REGIONAL DIRECTOR EMB-CAR DENR-Compound, Pacdal, Baguio City orn, Rees, ttle of the THE REGIONAL DIRECTOR MGB-CAR and CHAIRMAN ~ PMRB-Benguet Philippines GREETINGS: This has relation to the Letter Petition dated Marck 31, 2012 which was apparently received by your Honorable Office on April 19, 2012 allegedly signed by concerned citizens against our client EXTREME IGOROT POCKET MINERS ASSOCIATION for alleged Direct Contravention and Non- Comptiance of ECC and Small Scale Mining Permit; Sad to stress that said Petition is fabricated, if not, a product of jealousness by seme scrupulous and frustrated individuals. We came to discover that most of the signatories of the said Petition are all members of our client — Extreme Igorot Pocket Miners Association. The signatories in the said March 31, 2012 Petition admits that their signatures appearing in the attached document as concerned citizens filing the said March 31, 2012 Petition appears to be authentic and real, they however vehemently deny having affixed their signatures in support of the March 31, 2012 Petition. In fine, they never gave their conformity nor signed any petition against their very own Association. They however came to discover that the documents attached in the Petition bearing their signatures are their signatures in support of their petition against the Ancestral Claim Application over that Parcel of land situated Elizabeth, Taneg, Mankayan, Benguet, Philippines filed by a certain Bayudang. But certainly, no in support of the March 31, 2012, , Petition against Extreme Igorot Pocket Miners Association. ' In fine, the docurnents attached in the March 31, 2012 bearing the signatures of the alleged concerned citizens is firmly believed to have been Xeroxed or Photocopied from the Petition against the above-mentioned ‘ Ancestral Claim Application earlier filed before your Honorable Office. Attacked is a copy of their letter vehemently denying having affixed their signatures and filed the March 31, 2012 Petition. In the light of the foregoing considerations, we respectfully request the assistance of your Honorable Office to please conduct a proper investigation on whoever is responsible in fabricating the said March 31, 2012 Petition and the filing of the necessary criminal charges or Graft and Corrupt Practices in the event that concerned Government Employees have actively participated, either directly or indirectly, in the fabrication and filing of the said March 31, 2012 Petition; Anticipating your favorable action and/or resporse on the matter. GOD SPEED. Thank you. Respectfully yours, i CEASE AND DESIST ORDER No, 12-2012 nex “8” AE Mr. Pablo Doligay Mr. Bolinar Doligay Mr. Jones Doligay Mr. Arnold Doligay Mr. Agosto Balaedao Engr. Smith Berto All miners working in their behalf and/or any miner with si act around the mentioned vicinity Gentlemen \ \ ne iniormed th ofice hat the result of the meeting of the Provincial MI latory Board (PMRB-Benguet) appr the issuane of Cease and Desist drdler aga wcessing Plant operation particularly at Suyoe. Laney. Mankayan uc 40 the Fa Proce Permit he Provineial Government to support rr ° are hereby \ fiately Cease and Desist in your "i i ame 1 will also file appropriate charge SO ORDERED. i H 2h aC 1a Trinidad pin NPSTOR/ Ih FONG AN : roviielal Governor ’ Mines and Geosciences Rureau Doi be tember FIM 1 IF, Agosto Baktctlae n i SNNEY 9” July 26, 2046 HON. GINA LOPEZ Secretary, DENR Manila Philippines REGIONAL DIRECTOR ; MGB CAR io city Sirs /Madams: it has come to my attention that @ purported complaint pertaining to the tunneling under the Suyoc ~ Teneg provincial road, disposal of leaching wastes along Suyoc- Abra river and indiscriminate cutting of trees has reached the office of the former DENR Secretary HON. RAMON PAJE, The letter complaint bears my name and signature including my position in the barangay and involving different concern government agencies. However, by this letter, | deny having made, signed and sent such complaint to the office of the DENR Secretary . | do not claim any responsibility to whatever effect the letter had brought or might bring to all affected by it, since my signature was forged. In this concern, | am respectfully requesting your good office not to entertain any complaint bearing my name and signature in the future whatsoever. ‘Thank You Very Much. Very Truly Yours, HAE MGB - CAR Suyoc,Mankayan, Benguet Province RECEIVED date_)-27-16 rime ft eode_ 200% by A ANNEX “10” BARANGAY SUYOC OFFICE OF THE SANGGUNIANG BARANGAY Special Session 20 Juty 2013 PRESENT: Hon. Respecio & Pasule Sr Presiding a Hon. Jerome 8. Ngates Member Hon, Anthony . Guak Membe: Hon, Mido 1. Macario Member Hon. Serta K. Pasadilio Member Hon. Manuel ¥. Andres Member Hon. Ernesto W, Atinyao Member Hon. Romeo C. Guidawen Member Hon. Andre Gil. Buli-e Ex- Officio Member RESOLUTION No. 28 $ 2013 RESOLUTION RESPECTFULLY REQUESTING THE OFFICE OF HON. MATERNO R. LUSPIAN, MUNICIPAL MAYOR, MUNICIPALITY OF MANKAYAN, PROVINCE OF BENGUET TO PLEASE ALLOCATE FUND IN THE [AMOUNT OF Php.100,000.00 TO COUNTERPART THE SOMP BUDGET CY 2013 IN THE AMOUNT OF Php. ‘213,941.12 FOR THE ROAD CONCRETING AT LITEN, SUYOC, MANKAYAN, BENGUET PROVINCE. WHEREAS, due to the limited source of barangay fund, the Sangguniang Barangay agreed upon to source out fund fram your office for the counterpart of the said SOMP budget. WHEREFORE, on motion duly seconded, be it; RESOLVED FINALLY, as itis hereby resolved and approved to forward this resolution to the above ‘concerned office for information and appropriate action. Ke Cretan Sim, dae. ae seo fate coat Brgy. ale ee Barangay Resolution 28 series 2013 copy at the Office of the Mayor (LGU Mankayan)

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