Beyond The Word and The Fool - Grant Morrison - Heavy Metal

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AND THE FOOL Spas Em sstntog BEYOND 7/HE Se shee! Heavy Metals definitive ge to Magic and ee ee enn ee Fe ete co Deca at renee ee et eee coe ee eee Tranrsesioenniiosps. seers ieee ae ee ee ee ae Eo ete eee ST Peete ete ‘hiscollar youre woo elose to avoid his grinning, Sa mn ee cea ei oe ee ts Sree es erp een enetel Pee ee eety nee ena ity eer ions Se ee et co Se eee ert een ce ee ee Pa aren iron annnnerer) Ree eee te ees ee eee ees on es background racket But the mysteries ofthe Ape Seer ere et simply nots See es pamenten enews aren LC nrTy ges8e) I A nm strated, ay Ce es ee eee ree ed Pearce Nes re Ener nae will be reliably distorted, mstepresented, twisted, ec es en eee een Se eee cons en ee eee et eres eee ee ce ne eS a ee Cos peaeennner seis ems inn ee ONeTeT Peete eer erty ‘what is happening when we practise Mags De re een Sean ees Mage. Coreen Cee Re ee og erences sassy Matters elevated and ennobled to Magic by the Cee ey ce Se ee nee te en ater peers etree ead Isitall ust sefdeluding New Age supernatural ore ro Clio cs seattCa ewan ey Ko IN CHARGE motos tS than you may have been led to believe.” Feel fice to think whatever es ca nena Pao cen ceecce ey Soret sete Sees eee seed Serer Peete rte eed pce on cre Peete reese) acer ee Pee eee rey Preto ee! ee eee Peary ener Pear eee en eee reorient Boe eerie allthings CE en eed Cremer Popeeneer rns Ses ees eed pease Mee) nies ee eee core eet Cen poe eee nets Potion reine rsrionen Peeeeerener are eee eee Magle will clarify and resolve coer Tones ever nines creer Cees Sone Pein ces Poetry enna a) eee een es Pn ‘Thinkofour weather fore- ee nae ee pee eee Pen aerreny ert pee atereeeet’ Soe eee eee een See eee Sere ee per renee pe pecan eee cere oe inate ee ered Egypt, sy, this commonsense eer eer ere ere! ee eT) Eeseppene vay pena Pree eeen ens ee interpreted as. prophetic eee es Peer he eermnneny peveeertoreeeeen pert rer eet ee eee es et Perens Paeiere vuererr ns Petes Peete recognition By paying close atenton, centers eee eed Pe eens connectionsto do the seeming sarees Tee enn een] Cave eens Emr fee reer ferrre errs ee Sc oe eter ee ed CO een eae sorcerer to make i seem more exciting and spectacular ST Tee ee een ena a ere eee et oe ee eae) Pee eer ieee eee ore ee eet Se ek eee purposes of entertainment ee eee eee eee professional unless he orshe had proven hirselfcapable of with= SS eee ec ee ete enn eee es ete PCr ere er penne PO nner ee ee et ented oe eee eee eee eee Ce eee ee en ee ec ero) What's Will and what dest have todo with Magle? Willis that focused and directed application of the human imaginative ee Seat es cee en Benen es See er ee ese eee? ees ee eed Without wil, no-one could give up cigarettes or booze, force themselves into a gym, or learn to play a musteal instrument. We can PTS eae ee rierer re een the quality that allows us to tur our insubstantial musings ino real cos eee eee Cd takes many fort but here it fe the bortorales eepoltory of every Unfinished novel every abandoned plan, every aborted child very Sener “Mag ess in the power to shepherd an intangible thought across the perilous devouring gap ofthe Abyas into the world of maniesta- reer ee es Sree Ree eee or eens nes oy and should be tained and developed as rigorously asa bodybuilder Cee es Will ialso predicive—we may announce our inten to make a work of rethen six months later we can emerge from the erucbleofeeation Se eee ee eee ee eee Se ee eee ee ‘When we do Mage, we are deliberately stimulating and encouraging “non-ondinary” states of consciousness which allow us to channel Will Ce ee eee ee ae invariably inducing paychedelic "tips" when we do Magle [per oran perry eeprom vty rent GGreck word for knowledge or understanding “Knowledge” is also the English translation ofthe Hebrew word Daath, the Abyss. Gnosis isa Se aes ee oe em eee ac esis teeta ety oe eo eee et eee like meditation, ecstasis seeks to overload the senses s powerfully that reflective conscious thought is momentarily erased by the intensity of| Pees Sovisitjast drags? eee eee ener tends to be highly effective, This state of trance or gnosis can be ee eee ee generated by chemical or pharmaceutical means, although the individ ‘ual Magan must understand that he orshe soften breaking the law by resorting to thete methods of gnosis and proceed with due cauton, ee eee een eee cece seed ee ee eee ee ee ee ne eels Ferran ieonrepnrnyh rm erreT St ren netrrs eee ren eres re eee (Onc ofthe interesting things about doing mogle while high on acid ee Ne Ae xn eer et ‘overloaded mind of the paychedelics user would clash with the sober Penne eeereeer ee eee vere Peeree erent rest see eet rs cordance with ritual procedure, not Kali or Asmodeus. Only a personal Seen ee ee eee ee ets Pec ions core eee ‘The univers in which we live, and from whose constituent atoms ‘our hodies have been recycled since the dawn ofifeon Earth, has no Sena ae ete erent etre eee [Everything we sec and experience f simply the ongoing, arbitrary ee ee eee nea ta ee ney Bn rey eee Pee peeorey er opener Cen Serr eer enter eee eee See ee eee sense of ourselves sali a cheat letdown; We are only hideously Para ae onlin ener ever Ne pcre | lightning, waiting io decay and die and he re-absorbed into the churn ‘of matter, dust and ain that is materiality. Se eed Pe temtar ere enpomnt rere oir oer ere en nt Sateen en et ne Perrone er eee ee ‘On the strictly “Mater” side of our experiential triangle there appears tobe NOPOINT AT ALL and tothe hes of our present scientific POS a en eee ee ee eee nee eee Se ee ens eee eee Leeann) _ NG Ne PT et ent eet ay Peer eat een eet ener) ‘which we are all familiar from our daydreams, night dreams and mo- See ee eee eee the story of ur liven the proces of accumlating experiences into prensa eer x forenr ey enya ener eran ener ener ene cee er yy ‘of YOU, ME, or US, transforms our allegedly blind clockwork cosmos into something much more than mere physics and chemistry ‘Ad consciousness and the word becomes pregnant with potential, Se ee eee eer eed pveeninuinens pope neler nersrann OPTS TROUT pareetreerr esrters tient aan a graphic blush, our acknowledgement ofa bestty and organization that Santen et ee Ree ee ee brings the whole immense superstructure of the universe tie. ee eer Pee eg ere ee Fetched to suggest that everything has something to tell us. Everywhere ee ce ee ee ee eed ern een ee en ese at er ‘edge about our surroundinga that we lave to harvest and preserve, The Pen eee te eae Se ee eee eet erent oresteeee ere at to"stand back" and “look” at ourselves from adlstance” that i purely ‘conceptual. Our self awareness allows us acces to higher dimensions eee ee eee en eer ee ee cece ee en ence tee! Peer Ree ea ey eee AN CRE Fee ee er eee one ene Pee ee eed ee er ere ere ee ce thing we know to be real fs amenable to weighing and measuring Re ee eee ee ‘of extence outside our prodigious imaginations and capacity for ee eer een eee ey ee terial though they may be, are irefutably real Sa cee an ey Riverernca ie ict mae Oke Tee rena Terns rere enna sant ee eee ene te ene) Peas ee ee nC eer ers ey ee eee ‘The truths that not one ofthe many “meanings” of Hamlet can be ee eR eee ea tes Ee) Purr rerarmeee ioe renter crear toed Hamlet exists; the Meaning of Hamlet cannot be exorcised by Empir- Ser ed eae ed St ee ee ee ana Bee Ti Pe ee ee ee spectre, companion tothe Bogeyman, sidekick to Will O° The Wisp. ‘The meaning of Hamlet, while undeniably and demonstrably areal Rr ee eee ee enter es en eet et Per eripren te neenrt mnvcyeenenig weer er ney] explication of this utterly immaterial thing”. We may hestate to call eee eee eee tee ees ee oer ed rT ee ee ee ee eee ee erg ee a ee en a eee lions have undoubtedly perished in defense, orn the name, of God eco ee eas God too ls hewn ofthe ae substance from which we have fashioned. the meaning of Hambe, the idea of Frcedom,or the Rights of Man; which isto say that God is made of something very ike nothing at all except profound culturally ubiquitous agreement to acknowledge otra eon Ret ie ene Pere ever Ape eke er en earn Peet er een eres A warning tous and a reminder ifnothing else that some ghosts can Pras See ee eer eee eee ere See eh een ee ee ey something from nothing. Meaning does no objectively exist, yet we See ee Lee ee ra Eas provides Magle with the mercurial elusive shftiness that contributes ee nee eet eee cored Pe eect enc et a Pree eee ern ee ee eee ene reese Td eee het crn Sticking with this les demonstrate how a truly Magleal or talismanie een eet Seen oe cent Say Se eee eee ‘made, Give it Meaning, There are many ways to accomplish ths, For Ce ees “Taleo t, Confide in it Let your Peres Ce eee ar ra Bena epeenenrarine peeehory Tell your new partner how much eee tt i Penne etd Porro re mre eres ee ee erste et ea eed Pot ere Pees ee ee eee oe as Perr neeri er mest ornt Ty Sere enn Eee eee te er Carne eer ety Soret eee observe thatthe objet bocomes ee een cnet ee poe erent a Poe enrete neseneneret Preheat erred Pee enone See eens poate eee et eee Cesena’ Ct ees Cee ete pecoernerenn ert rons pee een Ce er erent ge ett er eee rent ts epee rs Pree erat ans Rn ad Soe cee eee oes eo er Bee eens eee na ee) Pe eee ce ed Bienen etn Erp nerenrrpersee nr Ty eer Petree ts See een ee Seer re erpeene mney net Serene Se ee eet Pine ete) Earreereeeerenets irsig up in every human culture, why pone eee i ens a if eer treet etd ‘ Pree sii eed Breer eet eee eee econ ener y peers ed Sete er some of them spend ifecimes Pere en Ct oats ter errr oc ovate oat) eee rer oe Porn’ eerie omens Peete ee ee Pe ere pean wer re Poe ee ed eae Pee Seer Seer eee eee ae ons Sas ee eet en Perera eee rere higher dimensional aspects of ene Cee eset ris Roreee tod be SS anne para Sere Peper Fanon imagine hoe Ems ro i Daan per Peer pens Beer peat Rimes rere ra Roe cme ion, our local cluster, the voids and laments ofthe cosmos, ee fe See eed eer ceed Senn ents Dee ene pernr Poem ener eer ett) Se es Se een Soe erat ures ee ee ee eee on) Cre eae pean een ea a erreepeernie these ‘We can see the past, our dead ee Senne a eee ented eer een tay ives es emer ere Ta ec eee eee Soci meen hier enh eee ets ey ee en eee eon ter tin Pane Ces enn cece pyre eee eee ] Per ens “backwards” atthe spacein your Son erate een cine ee es ee een ron eer eniad eee peer enr ieee Penne ene ts ee ras bout t-dimensional spacetime een anny ek ea ener Pe eee een ead coe ee eeemest ets . ee eee SD aed ee eed ea r H ey Thoth, Ganesh, Metron, Odin, eet ea tee reer preter eee (cere? Pane tener y Ivey ret ca eee ee ee en Pensa ear ay cat eee rere Penman iene) panes Cees eos ieee Px enone eer ad sorting speed or cocalne, Real ee ees een Sed pcre nee peer ees ecm) a ee eee) Peers eee ee Teena oneeenr Peaster renters) pier eae Cn ‘Naw, oF a classic record shaped Dee ese esd Se ae [eens tee ees to be great but if youtw lucky or eters See Invoke Hermes then givea Petey er es eee ed pec ee Seer ee Ps eee et ered Terenas ae eer Ce ee aay Uneven Perera Rice sortie wwithit ee eed ieeeropemeners renee eet bees eaten eect] eee aes Pere ees ee ote ever emer Pe ee ees | amine yin ie Sane seer ee eet eee teats Pee ee Pee a ener reerrer ti Pa en Pee Pee rey " AU ee) Pe Cee ey Senet ett eee ec eects net ee eee ea eee ce) ee hee ee ee coherent state of consciousness” it should hecome easier for even the peers natn ee eee ee formulae or actions designed to provoke and sustain focused emotions ‘Tofind oneself nthe gp of any of these primary-colours ofthe Hu Pen eee eee ee een a cee by what they used to calla god. Consider this analogous to running Set ee en Pee eon ees See ger eae Pee ee eee ee eee ee ted Set eae ee eee Petey What is banishing? Sn a eee ne eee ea ee ees ees Ce ee aoe oe rethod which allows you to return to conventional awareness after arene “There are numerous elaborate and well-sonstrcted rituals which ‘work io ring your consciousness hack the Foursquare world of Eine ringte poe nomen Teme rin ety Poets Rees aera ee aT ed Poe eee eee ne erent “Magi, Some Magicians have access to a dedicated room or space, oth ea et ee ee eS Se ees eee ee Speen ees nee eee ete ee ee eee eee tee tere eres eee ee pene ee eee ee ee and rusty iron, ora nightmare HELTER SKELTER-scrawled suburban Der eee focteenene merrier rT eee tering pees ern Place yourself at the imagined eternal centre of your perfect personal ane er ee ene ee ee eee ee tater eg ote Peeper eieemieeserT ries ery Se Cardinal map dicections, you will now place images of the guardians and protectors ~ these can be archangels, gods or superheroes, or your revered ancestors, Wie old Uncle Tom. Tough, kind Granny Super ete er ee es Seren eer Te ea mente ry as fundamental forces ofthe universe, the four elements and directions, eet ee ere eee Tc ‘These four corners define the limits ofthe Magical scale model ofthe Pern Treen cen eee) eee eee ret ort Pesee nearer erst over rept cnur where oet vata ey eee ee ee eres containsall the information ofthe whole but ona smaller scale) will ‘he mirrored in the real, ora macracosmic world, Seen ee Itcan beas simple or as elaborate as you fool you noed to achieve the desired result, Some Maglcians are good at empty handed Magle Sen ee ery Leen ea eee een eee mr] Pees en ne ere eee Te ee en een) ee eee nt ate Cee Tee ets Rae etme Pet eee ered Pe Sehr eed you may be judged for your mad Peete he eat down your experiences inthe Peon ena eer ee eens oes enna eee retest pertenen errr es eet) et eee ee eee tea baer ner reer e.. eee errr ees een cel roe eect eet iererer perenne on Se) ake ean ee een eeea en soe ee oes per eee Peon seet ng about what you have just done, eae eee eva een at neers Seni os ets ed beginning to understand Sr en fener eter) ee rad Magic embraces eee eet) sclfrealzstion that, Pc eens peered narcisisticcollapse, ee Cee ey Sree aegis eee end cas ema aren Deer percents few pointers: Cea Ses Pe te pre ecrerr yee teerny Pere enrsnytd SE eNerCce se Coe ea Peerirnen eee Pe ieeerreeer arts eee eee eet en ne Peer ne eae eer ee et ee eee] Per veoy ener Examine as many alternate ways er ee cor ee ns peeeren series rch See cris ae Sse ae ens Pee rere neces eer ess erate tes fully hunt klland devour the Pees TST ey rr ee Paar eens Cee eos recone Prem Mee eed topay the bills, feed your lovely Pe ea et eed «and, Also perform Magleal devo- parece erences Pere er ene ty eee ee econ ens cars ee ren Peers Peron oes oe enceseten ity Ee re eens Pos ere Secor s aa Cee ed Ce on es Pe eat) Pope pesirperereetay to eee Peete heen ea eee ed See eee ‘iplines you will soon establish pour own personal syle, Peer eee er long as you need to get results ees Pere eos co eesereee ena’ pene ne een ea eee hore ened Sener pene oor nears eee ey ene er) goblet ee eee Perron etn rere ee TINS Cee ete Peet eee See ee ee Pees Pee revrece reer e rs crenata eree ed Pare Seen tere noes the Dorling Kindersley Science peee eaten ets ces See ee en nee nents potentstand in forthe entre physical universe, Colors on the Pooee eee il Pe ee Peers ee eee Pee een oa Pron rn eea wert ag Cee een elementand the physial body. Te ees ces reo Perera tte erie er errers ‘where along the way and now ee ee) Pea ons cos Pee Pernt ener ete ee per eo cr Peeercren nents Pr ern es eeemeeired end not to use diffrent vessels Cea ‘of the work a glass of pink Seer rt as ‘of blood when summoning corsa Py ee fora Mars ritual. Acan of Red ee cus Buea tno) “The pointed sword or dagger ee eens avery arenes es Premeeeterts eos Peer eer et eet eet) eer nn Poe oer | meena) entre sts eee er eer et Seer est WAND- STRENGTH OF Soy See) ss Seer renee cate ee erred Seregitren errs ee yen vere Poe eee re oe eee Seo analogue smear of perception. Paeeeer tert 4 conductor's baton, where the symphony isthe world Your Senne eee seen Fear rrr eee te eee een Parente! ren rd Set eee pemrmenvern tnt) eee teenth 7 Se et eee ee een eae ke ee rts angels and symbolic beings that show increasingly finer deal Famillarise yourself with the basic shamanie three worlds model, the four-quarter elemental model (which shows up everywhere ~ from eh eee ee Worlds af Qahalab, the Four Quadrants and the Transactional Analy eerie Rese eerste cenit Peer e ements ite teen ears ea Timothy Leary’ "Cireuits", Spiral Dynamics and Chaos. Study the ten eee ene Men ere es lifetime but i's well worth (0, the 30 Aethyrs ofthe Enochian system, Cave ene ne reer yg Cee ae eet ee ee ee ry ee entre ert otc forms of Magle practised by shamans, witches and sorceretsofee the m ‘centuries and even millennia, sich as Australian Aboriginal dream- Poe ee eae ea erence Peat ene weeny eT Se Ney eee a rere eos eee eee enn ent ete willing to absorb and synthesize ofall this contradictory information eed eaten eet a ‘Subscribe to New Scents or Scientic American and malntaln a good Ree ore ener er at eee eee ‘theory, multiverse theory ll the frontier disciplines are fertile ground ee eee eee een rn Have fun! eo

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