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Redaccin Ejemplo de Carta para

Aplicar a un puesto de trabajo Job

Application Letter
20/11/2014 por Clareth Dejar un comentario


Dear Ms. Robinson

(De razones del por que de su carta, diga donde vio el anuncio)

My name is Robert Martinez and Im writing you in connection with the advertisement
in todays New York Times edition. I have a degree in Modern Languages and I would
like to join your wonderful staff of teacher; Im very interested in the post.

(De algo de informacin acerca de usted)

I have a degree in Modern Languages and a master in Linguistics; I graduated from the
University of Cambridge three years ago. During my studies I took several alternative
courses like the Teaching Knowledge Test course (TKT), the course to get
the Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA) and I got
the Diploma in English Language Teaching to Adults (DELTA) the three of them from
the University of Cambridge as well. Nowadays Im waiting to start my doctorate. I
have worked at different Language institutes all across England; I have worked
sometimes as a teacher and other times as an Academic Director, I have also taught at
the University of Cambridge.

(Sugiera como puede ayudar a la empresa)

Due to my teaching and teaching managing qualifications, and also due to my

experience, I think I could deal with all the stages involved in teaching children,
adolescents and adults. I have also gotten experience about teachers training and I am
sure I would cope with this part of the job whenever it is needed.

(Solicite ms informacin)

I would be grateful if you could inform me when you will be announcing the results of
the applications. I hope I could work for your company and we could help this to

(Despedida formal)
I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,
Robert Martinez

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