The 5 Best Homeopathic Medicines For Foot Corns Are

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The 5 best homeopathic medicines for foot

corns are 200x 4 drams each

1. Antim Crudum-One of the best

homeopathic remedies for corns on the feet
2. Sulphur-best medicine for corns with
3. Silicea-best medicine for corns that are soft
and suppurate
4. Lycopodium- best treatment for corns with
pressing pain
5. Ferrm picricum-best remedy for corns with
yellow discoloration


A corn is a localised thickening of the skin due to

abnormal pressure or friction. Corns on the soles of
feet can be quite painful. They also hinder mobility.
One is often forced to walk in a crooked manner to
avoid putting pressure on the corns. For those who
dont know what corns are, it is important to
understand in brief the cause and nature of corns.
What causes corns in feet or foot corns

Usually corns occur on areas that are devoid of hair and

are smooth in texture. The soles of the feet are the most
common areas that get corns. An ill fitting shoe is the most
likely culprit.When excess pressure or friction is applied on
a particular part, the superficial tissues try to protect the
internal tissues. For this reason, they become a little hard
and rough so as to form a protective layer. But this
protective layer can itself become a cause of trouble when
a pointed structure forms. This pointed structure presses
over the internal surface when one walks and causes pain.
In fact, pain while walking or standing is the only reason
why patients seek medical care. Cutting off the corns with
a blade is definitely to be avoided as it can cause infection.
Moreover, chances of recurrence are high.
Non surgical treatment of foot corns


The usual medical advice that one gets for foot corns is to
get them surgically removed. You go to a doctor and he
will simply tell you to wear corn caps or to get the corn
simply removed by the surgical method. Most of the
patients act on this advice, because they do not know and
do not try to know about other possible treatments for foot
corns. Getting a surgery done for corns is not at all
advisable because it does not offer any long term solution.
In more than 70-80% of the patients, the corns recur.
That is why it is not a good option to get the corns
surgically removed. This is not something that I
recommend to anyone.

Homeopathic treatment for foot corns the best

alternative or home treatment for foot corns

Homeopathy is the best bet for corns. You can easily cure
corns with homeopathic medicines and avoid an
unnecessary surgery. In almost 2 decades of my practice,
I have cured hundreds of cases of corns. None of my
patients ever needed to get the corns surgically removed.
In fact, so many patients who had got surgeries done
earlier and were again reporting recurrence were treated
successfully. The advantages of the homeopathic
treatment for corns is that it is very easy to take. You can
take the homeopathic pills on the go. These homeopathic
remedies for corns do not have any side effects at all. At
the same time, Homeopathy is economical and you do not
have to submit yourself to the surgeons knife.


5 best Homeopathic medicines for foot

As mentioned earlier, I have successfully treated hundreds
of cases of corns with Homeopathy. Based on my own
experience in treating corns with Homeopathic medicines, I
am here giving a list of 5 best Homeopathic medicines for
The 5 best homeopathic medicines for foot corns are

tim Crudum- best homeopathic medicine for corns

Sulphur-best medicine for corns with burning
a-best medicine for corns that are soft and suppurate
podium- best treatment for corns with pressing pain
cricum-best remedy for corns with yellow discoloration

This list is not an exhaustive list as there are many other

homeopathic remedies which have the potential to treat
and cure the corns. Giving the whole list and their
indications is beyond the scope of this article. I am giving
a short list for the sake of reference and brevity. It is
necessary to take all symptoms of the patient in detail
before deciding which homeopathic medicine will suit the
patient the most.
1. Antim Crudum-One of the best homeopathic remedies for corns on
the feet

It is one of the most commonly used medicines for corns.

It is easily the most effective too. The soles of the feet are
covered with corns. There is intense pain in the soles of
feet and it makes walking difficult. There is aching pain in

the soles and the corns. The corns are horny in shape and
texture. The patient is mostly obese or overweight in build.
At the same time, such patients are often fond of eating
and tend to overeat.
2. Sulphur- One of the best homeopathic medicines for foot corns with

In cases where there is burning pain in the soles of the

feet and also the corns, Sulphur is one of the best
Homeopathic medicines for corns. The burning is more in
the warmth of bed. Painful corns yield very quickly to
Sulphur. There is profuse perspiration on the feet. The
corns are inflamed causing pain, swelling and redness in
the affected area. Pressing pain in the corns is quite
3. Silicea- One of the best homeopathic medicines for corns that are
soft and suppurate

If the corns are soft to touch, Silicea is the best

homeopathic medicine for corns. Usually the feet are sore
and aching. There is profuse perspiration on the feet. The
sweat is offensive. It is also very strongly indicated in any
sort of pus formation that may accompany corns. The
patient is usually chilly and does not feel comfortable in
the winters. Usually the feet remain icy cold. There is
offensive sweating on the feet. This may be an important
pointer to the use of this medicine in the treatment of foot
4. Lycopodium- One of the best homeopathic medicines for corns with
pressing pain


There is aching pain in the affected area. There may be

burning or drawing pain too but the most characteristic
pain of Lycopodium is pressing pain. The heel pains as if
setting foot on a pebble. Usually the right foot is involved.
One foot is hot while the other is cold. The toes and fingers
seem contracted.
5. Ferrum-Picric- One of the best homeopathic remedies for corns with
yellow discoloration

In cases where there is yellow discoloration of the corn and

the immediate surrounding area, Ferrum Picric is one of
the best homeopathic remedies for corns. It is also
indicated when the corns have resulted from an exertion or
too much walking.

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