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lor 13 | ELECTRONICS AD COMMNCTONCEG TT 1 Ifa counter having 10 FFs is initially at 0, what count will it hold after 2060 pulses? 2) 000 000 1100 b) 000 001 1100 ©) 000 001 1000 4) 000 000 1110 Pag: INDIAN SPACE RESEARCH ORGANISATION Lore 2 A memory system of size 16 K bytes is required to be designed using memory chips which have 12 address lines and 4 data lines each. Then the number of such chips required to design the memory system is a)2 bya 8 16 ‘3. Consider the following program for 8085 XRA A LXIB, 0007H : DCXB JNZ LOOP The loop will be executed a) 8 times b) once ©) 7 times 4) infinite times Loo) 4 A certain JK FF has t,.=12 ns. The largest MOD counter that can be construeted from such FFs and still operate up to 10 MHz is a) 16 b) 256 os 4128 5 Convolution of x(t+5) with impulse function 6(t-7) is equal to a) x(t-2) b) x(t+12) ©) x(t12) 4) x(t#2) 6 The purpose of a Cassegrain feed in 2 parabolic reflector antenna is to a) Achieve higher antenna gain b) Reduce the antenna size ©) Reduce the beamwidth 4) Ease of locating the feed at convenient point Electronics and Communication Engineering SETA INDIAN SPACE RESEARCH ORGANISATION ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING 7 A transfer funetion G(s) has pole-zero plot as shown in the figure. Given that the steady state function gain is 2, the transfer function G(s) will be given by Gal 2020 Stace , 344545 9 10+) a 165+) s+4s+5 (s+2)? 8 The impedance of a series RLC circuit is a) JR X7 +X? b) yf R? +X} =X? ©) fR+(X, +X,)? 4) YR +(X, -¥, The advantage of x/4 QPSK compared to conventional QPSK is ? a) 8/4 QPSK requires less bandwidth compared to conventional QPSK b) 1/4 QPSK produces lower envelope variation compared to conventional QPSK ©) #4 QPSK receiver design is simple compared to conventional QPSK @) There is no advantage 10 A moving coil iron ammeter may be compensated for frequency errors by a) Series inductance . ©) Series resistor b) Shunt resistance 4) Shunt eapacitor 11 Find the value of Vo in the figure. a)12V b)-12V ov ‘Electonics and Communication Enginesring ‘SETA Ly.) | hin INDIAN SPACE RESEARCH ORGANISATION Ea ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING 2 B 14 16 wv 18 Tectonics and Communication Engine Eni What is the approximate skin depth in copper at 100 MHz? a) 0.1 micron b) 10 microns ©) 10mm 4) 100 mm While designing a low noise amplifier, what is the importance of the noise resistance of a transistor? a) It gives the effective impedance offered by the input with respect to noise current b) It defines the criterion for conjugate matching of input impedance ©) Ittells us the resistance that would generate the same amount of noise at room temperature d) Ke ells us how rapidly the noise figure inereases as we move away from the optimum source impedance Unattenuated radiation field at the surface of the earth of a quarter-wave monopole will exist if the earth surface is 2) Lossy dielectric b) Perfect insulator ©) Perfeetly conducting 4) None of these Given that fl 0 0 A=i0 20 lo 03 Evaluate A’ 6A? + 114-101 a) Null matrix b) Identity matrix ot 4d) None of the above Timm x log sin(x) is x90 ayo b)% ot a2 A 12 bit ADC is operating with a 1 ps clock period and the total conversion time is seen to be 14 us. The ADC must be of 2) Flash type b) Counting type ©) Integrating type 4) Successive Approximation type Which of the following types of devices is not field programmable? 2) FPGA b) ASIC 9) CPLD PLD SETA when | INDIAN SPACE RESEARCH ORGANISATION 19 20 mu 2 23 24 ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING Which is the correct order of different process steps for a typical FPGA design? a) Functional simulation, Synthesis, Place & Route, Timing Verification b) Functional simulation, Timing Verification, Synthesis, Place & Route ©) Timing Verification, Synthesis, Functional simulation, Place & Route 4) Synthesis, Functional simulation, Timing Verification, Place & Route The theoretical dividing line between Reduced Instruction Set computing (RISC) microprocessor and Complex Instructions Set Computing (CISC) microprocessor is a) Instruction execution rate to be one instruction per clock cycle b) Number of address and data lines ©) Number of pins in the chip 4) None of the above Ina pulsed radar, the peak radar transmitter power is increased by a factor of 81 keeping all other radar parameters unchanged. The maximum range capability of the radar increases by a factor of a) 81 bo 927 3 A radar transmitter has a PRF of 1500 PPS and a pulse width of 1 micro second. Its duty cyele is a) 0.0075 b) 0.015 ©) 0.0015 4) 0.00075 ‘Which of the following technology results in least power dissipation ? a) CMOS b) ECL ©) TTL @) NMOS A power MOSFET is a . a) Current controlled device b) Frequency controlled device c) Voltage controlled device 4) None of the above ‘The advantage of differential PSK (DPSK) over coherent PSK is a) DPSK requires less bandwidth compared coherent PSK b) DPSK receiver design is simple compared to coherent PSK ©) DPSK Bit Error rate is lower than coherent PSK d) For same bandwidth, DPSK bit rate is higher compared to coherent PSK An ideal current meter should have a) Zero resistance b) Finite resistance 6) Infinite resistance @) Very large resistance SETA Page: | Aq | Aen INDIAN SPACE RESEARCH ORGANISATION Sor 13 ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING 27 For the network shown in the figure Vi(t) is the input and i(¢) is the output. The transfer function R L Wns Us) t Vi(s) veo 2° me of the network is \ | a) a » c (RCs? + LCs +1 LCs? + RCs +1 9 Cs a) RCs? + LCs +1 LCs? + RCs +1 28 The length of a lossy shorted stub is 1/32 4. What will be the nature of its input impedance? a) A low inductive reactance in series with a low resistance b) A low capacitive reactance in shunt with a high resistance ©) Ahigh capacitive reactance in series with a low resistance 4) A high inductive reactance in series with a low resistance 29 Refer to the circuit in the figure. Which of the following statements is NOT true about 2000hM — out this circuit? in Vout cans ° 50 pF 40 Ohm a) It is a low pass filter b) Ithas a finite attenuation at infinite frequency 6) Its phase shift varies monotonically with) It has one pole and one zero the frequency Ain | INDIAN SPACE. RESEARCH ORGANISATION ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION:ENGINEERING 30 Which of the following is the correct continuity equation: Dye a Ee ar ar 9 Ver=0 ® yoyo a 31 a,B are the roots of the equation x°+x+1=0. Then a +p" is a1 b)2 90 a3 32__A point moving in the complex plane satisfies the following relation 2 +2**=8, where z* stands for the complex conjugate of z. The difference of the distances of the moving point from (2V2,0) and (-2V2,0) is ays b)2 o4 a6 33 The greatest negative number which can be stored in a computer that has 8-bit word length and uses 2's complement arithmetic is a) -256 b) -255 9-128 4) -127 34. Which of the following ADCs uses over sampling in its operation a) Sigma —deita ADC b) Counter ramp convertor ©) Successive Approximation Register ADC d) Flash Convertor 35__A mealy state machine's output depends on a) State and outputs b) Inputs ©) State 4) State and inputs 36 The characteristic equation of the T-FF is given by = a Or HO =TQ _ oo 4) Q* =T0+0T 37 Percentage modulation of an AM wave having a power content of 8 KW at carrier frequency and 2 KW in each of its side bands is 2) 60% b) 70% ©) 100 % 4) 80% 38 Approximate equivalent noise temperature (deg. K) of an amplifier with a noise factor of L04 is a) 301.6 b) 11.6 ©) 278.4 4) 5.8 39 A differential amplifier is used in the input stage of Op-Amps to achieve very high a) open-loop gain —_b) bandwidth ©) slew rate @) CMRR Teco ard Communion Engeatng ei ETA ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING 40 Which two-port parameters are best suited for analyzing a series-shunt feedback circuit? a) Z-Parameters b)H-Parameters _c) Y-Parameters 4) S-Parameters 41 sto i} LQL00—— Wy 30 For the circuit shown in the figure, the switch is closed at 0. After some time when the current in the inductor was 6A, the rate of change of current through the inductor was 4Alsec. The value of the inductor is a) 05H b1SH L0H 4d) Indeterminate 2 120K 2 -oWw 40K 2 Vv WA => 80K 2 2 — WW ———+ Vo 120K le av ww In the circuit shown in the above figure, the value of output V, is a) +6V b)-9V 2)-6v 4) 49V cores and Communication Ergeeing Sera INDIAN SPACE. RESEARCH ORGANISATION ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING 43 The characteristics equation of a closed loop control system is given as 5? +4 +160. The resonant frequency in radian/sec of the system is aj2 b) 23 o4 @) W2 44 Which point in the Smith Chart is labeled with the — Reference Zais 500 WRONG impedance? | | ya | 25,450 7 a) 10+j10 ‘b) 50+j50 ¢) 200-j200 d) 25-550 45 Ifa line is terminated in an open circuit, the VSWR is ayo bo ot a : 46 Unit of relative permeability is a) Henry/meter b) Henry c) Henry-meter @) It is dimensionless 47 f(x) = [tan’x} ({) stands for greatest integer function) 2) f(x) continuous at x= 0 b)__ limit f(x) does not exist as x tend to 0 ) PO)=1 4d) {(x) not derivable at x= 0 48 Number of real values of (a+ ib)" +(a-ib)”" is a0 byt on 4) None of the above Tecric and Coruniaton Engng Esl Een. | thin | INDIAN SPACE RESEARCH ORGANISATION se | ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING ez 49 A SbitDAC has a current output. For a digital input of 10100, an output current of 10 mA is produced. What will be the output current for a digital input of 111012 2) 14.5 mA b)=10 mA, ©) = 100 mA 4) Not possible to calculate 50 The ethernet protocol uses a) CSMA/CA b) SCPC ©) CSMA/CD 4) Slotted ALOHA 51 A micro controller differs from a microprocessor in terms of a) VO interfaces and instruction decoding b) Memory configuration and Y/O interfaces ©) Data bus width and clock speed 4) Memory configuration and instruction decoding 52 An 8-bit microcontroller has an external RAM with the memory map from 80001 to 9FFFH. The number of bytes this RAM can store is a) 8193 b) 8192 8191 4) 8000 53. An audio frequency of 15 KHz is frequency modulated with a deviation of 75 KHz. The resulting bandwidth is a) 180 KHz b) 150 KHz ©) 210 KHz 4) 240 KHz S54 A kW carrit is Amplitude Modulated to a depth of 60%. The total power in the modulated carrier is ay kW by 1.06 KW QL6KW a) LAskW 55 3a ro | | pe 22 wv Nv ‘The y2; parameter of the network shown in the given figure will be a) % b)-% o+ a) Cameroon Enon EE SEPA sitlisns | INDIAN SPACE RESEARCH ORGANISATION. — EECRONG AD CONMMCTON Gre a 56 An inductance of 1 His realized using air core with 100 turns. What will be the inductance if the number of turns are doubled ? a1 b)05H 2H 4) None of these 57 An inductor of inductance 0.1 H, carrying current of 6 Amps will store energy of a) 6 Joules b) 36 Joules ©) 18 Joules 4d) 3.6 Joules 58 A coil has self resistance of SO and inductance of 1 pH. The value of Q at 1 MHz frequency is a) 200 b) 100 ©) 40 4) None of these 59 The closed loop transfer function of a unity feedback control system is 1 G@)= + The closed loop transfer function will have poles at (s+2) a)-2, 4 bart ©)-2-2 422 60 ‘The dominant mode of propagation in microstrip line in low frequency approximation is a) Ty ) Quasi-TEM ©) TEM, 4) TE, 61 Consider a transmission line of characteristic impedance 50 ohms and the line is terminated at one end by +50 ohms, the VSWR produced in the transmission line will be att b) zero o-t 4) infinity 62 The divergence of magnetic flux density is a)j b) 0 ao 63 A straight line and a circle of radius a are given. A chord is drawn at random to this circle parallel to the given line. Expected length of the chord is a)2a b) xa ©) nal 4d) None of the above 64 There is a function f(x), such that f(0) = I and £(0)=-1 and f(x) is positive for all values of x. ‘Then, a) (x) <0 for all x by -1<£" (9) <0 for allx ©) -2 5V Zener diode of 400mW and SV with firing current of SmA is used. The value of Rs is Sm a} ye [eon A a)50 ohms ——-b) S00 ohms ~—_) 75 ohms 4) 470 ohms 73 Find the equivalent resistance 2002 R for the network shown in the WW figure. WWM 200.2 200 1009 a) 200 ohms —b) 101 ohms —_) 220 ohms 4) 100 ohms 1G Q VWF : Pde ‘The Voltage across last resistor is V. All resistors are unity. Then Vs is given by a) BV psy o4y 4d) None of these 75 Natural frequency of a unity feedback control system of transfer function c@-—2 s(s+1) a) 0.5 rad/see b) 3.16 rad/sec ©) 4.6 rad/see 4) None of these is SETA iecironies and Communication Engineering 76 7 8 9 80 INDIAN SPACE RESEARCH ORGANISATION ar 13 of 13 ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING Which of the following conditions will not guarantee a distortionless transmission line? a) R=0,G=0 b) Very low frequency range (R >> oL, G >> oC) ©) RL=Gc. 4) Very high frequency range (R << aL, G << oC). For a line of characteristic impedance Z, terminated in a load Zzsuch that Zx> Zo, the Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) is given by a) ZnlZo b) Zo Zn @) Zo Ze ‘The beamwidth of a reflector antenna of diamete1 a) 3.7 degree b) 0.5 degree ©) Ll degree 4) 1 degree a)% _ bt ©) None of the above d) % ‘A man with n keys wants to open a lock. He tries his keys at random. The expected number of attempts for his success is (Keys are replaced after every attempt) a) w/2 bya Vn d) None of the above Cecrics ad Conrnacaion Engneeie FEW - SETA

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