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Battle of Mactan on 27 Apr 1521 first recorded organized resistance took place in the Visayas Lapu-lapu: father of AFP He fought
against the Spaniards led by Magellan The foreigners lost in the battle and Magellan was killed.

SPANISH OCCUPATION Rajah Soliman: the Muslim leader In 1570, he resisted the Spaniards efforts to land in Manila. In 1571,
Legaspi conquered Manila and made it as the capital of the Philippines. Diego Silang led an uprising which displayed his exemplary
military leadership style and tactics in defeating the Spaniards. Filipino soldiers were also organized to fight for Spain and to support
some expedition.Marcelo H del Pilar, Graceano Lopez Jaena and Jose Rizal: famous propagandists whose works nurtured the national
spirit. Andres Bonifacio: father of the Philippine Army, founded a more radical group called the Katipunan on 7 Jul 1892 In August
23, 1896, the Cry of Pugad Lawin signaled the start of the Philippine Revolution against Spain. Magdalo led by Aguinaldo and the
Magdiwang led by Bonifacio On 22 Mar 1897, Tejeros Convention resolved conflict between the 2 factions. Aguinaldo won the
presidency and this occasion also gave birth to Philippine Army.

AMERICAN INFLUENCE On 23 April 1898, the Americans convinced to cooperate with the Americans against Spain. Aguinaldo
declared war against Spain. 12 June 1898, Philippine Independence from Spain declared in Kawit, Cavite. 22 June 1898, the
Philippine Navy was created by the Revolutionary Army.Treaty of Paris (February 10, 1763): Spain ceded the Philippines to the United
States. Finding the archipelago as a lucrative place for some economic activities, the United States strengthened their presence in the
Philippines. This prompted the Filipinos to again unite and fight for the freedom they have just won. The capture of General
Aguinaldo by the Americans in Palanan, Isabela in March 23, 1901 and the laying down of arms of General Malvar in April 16, 1902
ended the organized resistance against the American forces.The Philippine Constabulary was organized on August 8, 1901 Followed
by the establishment of the Philippine Military Academy on February 7, 1905. On December 21, 1935, the National Defense Act was
enacted which created the AFP. The Philippine Air Force was later established on July 1, 1947.

JAPANESE OCCUPATION Invading Japanese Forces landed in Vigan and Aparri in Luzon on December 10, 1945. Japanese
strikes caused the fall of Bataan on April 9, 1942 and Corregidor on May 6, 1942. Successful come back of the liberating US Forces
under Gen Douglas Mc Arthur who landed in Leyte on October 20, 1944.

KOREAN WAR (19501953) The Philippines sent an expeditionary force of around 7,500 combat troops. This was known as the
Philippine Expeditionary Forces To Korea, or PEFTOK. It was the 4th largest force under the United Nations Command then under the
command of US General Douglas MacArthur that were sent to defend South Korea from a communist invasion by North Korea which
was then supported by Mao Zedong's China and the Soviet Union. The PEFTOK took part in decisive battles such as the Battle of
Yultong Bridge and the Battle of Hill Eerie.

VIETNAM WAR (19641969) The Philippines was involved in the Vietnam War, supporting civil and medical operations. Initial
deployment in 1964 amounted to 28 military personnel, including nurses, and 6 civilians. The number of Filipino troops who served in
Vietnam swelled to 182 officers and 1,882 enlisted personnel during the period 19661968. This force was known as the Philippine
Civic Action Group-Vietnam or PHILCAG-V. Filipino troops withdrew from Vietnam on December 12, 1969.

EDSA REVOLUTION (FEBRUARY 2225, 1986) On February 22, 1986, former Defense Minister Juan Ponce Enrile and Armed
Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Chief of Staff Fidel V. Ramos withdrew their support for President Ferdinand Marcos and led the EDSA
Revolution by Corazon Aquino (Ninoy's widow). On February 25, 1986, Corazon Aquino was sworm in as the 11th President of the
Philippines. Marcos and his family were ousted from power by a combination of the Military, People and Church Members to end the
20-year dictatorship of Marcos.

PERSIAN GULF WAR (19901991) The Philippines sent 200 medical personnel to assist coalition forces in the liberation of Kuwait
from the stranglehold of Iraq then led by Saddam Hussein.

IRAQ WAR (20032004) The Philippines sent 60 medics, engineers and other troops to assist in the invasion of Iraq. The troops were
withdrawn on the 14th of July, 2004, in response to the kidnapping of Angelo dela Cruz, a Filipino truck driver. When insurgent
demands were met (Filipino troops out of Iraq), the hostage was released. While in Iraq, the troops were under Polish command
(Central South Iraq). During that time, several Filipino soldiers were wounded in an insurgent attack, although none died.
ORGANIZATION AND BRANCHES The 1987 Philippine Constitution placed the AFP under the control of a civilian, the President of
the Philippines, who acts as its Commander-in-Chief. All of its branches are part of the Department of National Defense, which is
headed by the Secretary of National Defense.
The AFP has three major services:
Philippine Army (PA) Hukbong Katihan ng Pilipinas
Philippine Navy (PN) Hukbong Dagat ng Pilipinas
Philippine Marine Corps (PMC) - Hukbong Kawal Pandagat ng Pilipinas
Philippine Air Force (PAF) Hukbong Himpapawid ng Pilipinas

Units from these three services may be assigned to one of several "Unified Commands", which are multi-service, regional entities:
Northern Luzon Command (NOLCOM)
Southern Luzon Command (SOLCOM)
Central Command (CENTCOM)
Western Command (WESCOM)
Eastern Mindanao Command (EASTMINCOM)
Western Mindanao Command (WESTMINCOM)

President of the Philippines (Commander-In-Chief) - President Rodrigo R. Duterte
Secretary of National Defense - Sec. Delfin Lorenzana


Chief of Staff Armed Forces of the Philippines (CSAFP) - Gen. Ricardo R. Visaya, AFP
Vice Chief of Staff Armed Forces of the Philippines (VCSAFP) - Lt. Gen. Glorioso V Miranda, AFP
The Deputy Chief of Staff Armed Forces of the Philippines (TDCSAFP) - Maj. Gen Salvador Melchor B Mison Jr AFP
Commanding General of the Philippine Army (CG-PA) - Lt. Gen. Eduardo M Ao AFP
Flag Officer-in-Command of the Philippine Navy (FOIC-PN) - Vice Adm. Caesar C. Taccad, AFP
Commanding General of the Philippine Air Force (CG-PAF) - Lt. Gen. Edgar R. Fallorina AFP
Commandant of the Philippine Marine Corps - Maj. Gen. Andre M. Costales, AFP

Active personnel 220,000 (2016)

Reserve personnel 430,000 (2016)

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