What Is Food Irradiation

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A L A B A M A A & M A N D A U B U R N U N I V E R S I T I E S

Food Irradiation
Roof Plug
Source Hoist Mechanism
What Is Food Irradiation Radiation Shield Totes Unloading
Food irradiation preserves meat, Source Pass
produce, and seasonings with high-
energy gamma rays to improve prod- Radiation
uct safety and shelf life. Spices, sea-
sonings, potatoes, fresh fruits and
vegetables, and meats and poultry
may be irradiated. This method of Maze
preservation prevents growth of food
poisoning bacteria, destroys parasites, Storage
and delays ripening of fruits and veg- Console
etables. Food irradiation could be Shipping Equipment
Source Rack Bed
Container Room Loading
used to reduce or replace chemical
preservatives used in foods. More Typical food irradiation facility (courtesy Nordian International, Ontario, Canada).
than 40 years of research on food ir- cause food to heat rapidly, whereas inches thick because of the limited
radiation has established that foods gamma rays, with much shorter penetrating capacity of the electron
exposed to low-levels of irradiation wavelengths and higher frequencies, beams. This method would be very
are safe and wholesome, and they re- penetrate through the food so rapidly effective on food such as hamburger
tain high quality. that no heat is produced. After food patties.
is irradiated, it is stored and may be The irradiation dose applied to a
Principles Of Food transported back to the processing
plant for further handling and pack-
food product is measured in terms of
kilograys (kGy) (Table 1). One kilo-
Irradiation aging. Once the food has been irradi- gray is equivalent to 1,000 grays
Foods such as poultry are ated, it must be handled appropriate- (Gy), 0.1 megarad (Mrad), or 100,000
processed, packaged with oxygen- ly to prevent recontamination. rads. The basic unit is the gray,
permeable film, and transported fresh The irradiation cell (source) con- which is the amount of irradiation
or frozen to an irradiation facility. sists of cobalt60 or cesium137 rods in energy that 1 kilogram of food re-
Currently the only commercial poul- stainless steel tubes. These tubes are ceives. The amount of irradiation ap-
try irradiation facility approved by stored in water and raised into a con- plied to a food product is carefully
the U.S. Department of Agriculture crete irradiation chamber to dose the controlled and monitored by plant
(USDA) is Food Technology Services, food. Over a period of years the quality control personnel and USDA
Inc., in Mulberry, Florida. At the irra- cobalt60 or cesium137 rods slowly inspectors. The irradiation dose ap-
diation facility, the palletized product decay to non-radioactive nickel and plied to a food product will depend
is transferred by conveyor to an irra- non-radioactive barium, respectively. upon the composition of the food,
diation chamber. Here the food is ex- No radioactive waste is produced at a the degree of perishability, and the
posed to gamma rays from a radioac- food irradiation facility, and no irradi- potential to harbor harmful microor-
tive source such as cobalt60 (main ation facility could have a meltdown ganisms. The amount of radiation
source for gamma processing of that could jeopardize the safety and that a food product absorbs is mea-
foods) or cesium137 at a controlled health of plant workers and other cit- sured by a dosimeter.
rate. The gamma rays evenly pene- izens of a community. Food irradia-
trate the food product, killing harm- tion facilities do not have nuclear re- Table 1. Irradiation Conversion Units.
ful microorganisms, parasites, or in- actors. The food is exposed only to 1,000,000 rads = 1 megarad (Mrad)
sects without altering the nature of the degrading of the cobalt60 or the 1 gray (Gy) = 100 rads
the food. These rays do not remain cesium137. 1 kilogray (kGy) = 100,000 rads
in the food. Foods may be irradiated with elec-
1 kGy = 100 kilorads (Krads)
Gamma rays are more powerful tron beams produced from accelera-
than the rays emitted by a microwave tors. This method of irradiation can 1 kGy = 0.1 Mrad
oven. Rays from a microwave oven only be used on foods less than 4 10 kGy = 1 Mrad

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Foods Currently Being inspection of meat and poultry prod-
ucts is under the jurisdiction of the
products may be produced in the
food during the irradiation process
Irradiated FSIS. The advantages of food irradia- and that the safety of these products
Internationally, foods such as ap- tion are improved product safety and is not known.
ples, strawberries, bananas, mangoes, shelf life. Yet, according to the International
onions, potatoes, spices and season- Consultative Group on Food
ings, meat, poultry, fish, frog legs, Safety Of Irradiated Irradiation (ICGFI), the by-products
and grains have been irradiated for produced in foods treated with irradi-
many years. In Japan more than
Foods ation are naturally present in foods
20,000 pounds of potatoes are irradi- Irradiated foods have been found and formed by heat processing. The
ated each year to prevent sprouting. to be safe and wholesome, while Joint Expert Committee on Food
In the Netherlands more than 18,000 maintaining color, flavor, aroma, and Irradiation (JECFI) of the World
pounds of foods such as strawberries, texture (mouthfeel). More than 40 Health Organization (WHO), Food
spices, poultry, dehydrated vegeta- years of scientific research has shown and Agriculture Organization (FAO),
bles, and frozen products are irradiat- that irradiated foods do not cause and the International Atomic Energy
ed daily. Belgium irradiates more cancer, genetic mutations, or tumors. Agency (IAEA) concluded that irradi-
than 8,000 tons of food per year. For example, the U.S. Army and the ated foods were safe and wholesome
Canada has approved the irradiation USDA fed 600,000 pounds of irradiat- at irradiation levels up to 10 kGy.
of potatoes, onions, wheat flour, fish ed chicken to several generations of FDAs Bureau of Foods Irradiated
fillets, and spices and seasonings. laboratory animals over a 6-year peri- Food Committee (BFIFC) found that
Today more than 35 countries have od and found irradiated chicken to more than 90 percent of all these
approved irradiation of some 40 dif- be safe and to pose no toxic hazards compounds in irradiated foods are
ferent food products. to laboratory animals. Also, dry milk similar to those found in foods treat-
In the United States spices and powder irradiated at 45 kGy (four ed by other preservation methods
seasonings have been approved by and a half times greater than the in- such as heating, drying, or freezing.
the Food and Drug Administration ternational maximum approved level) The BFIFC concluded that a diet con-
(FDA) to be irradiated up to 30 kGy has been found to cause no muta- sisting of food irradiated at 1 kGy
to reduce the number of microorgan- tions or tumors over nine successive (the approved level for fruits, vegeta-
isms and insects. Irradiation of spices generations of laboratory animals. No bles, pork, and grains in the United
and seasonings reduces the depen- adverse effects were observed in 400 States) would not contain a signifi-
dency for the chemical fumigant Chinese human volunteers fed a bal- cant amount of these compounds.
methyl bromide. Fruits such as avo- anced diet, 60 to 66 percent of which The irradiation process produces very
cados, mangoes, and papayas import- was irradiated food, over a 15-week small changes in the chemical com-
ed into the United States have been period. position of foods. These changes
approved by the FDA to receive irra- Prior to and during the 1960s, the have not been found to be harmful
diation treatments up to 1 kGy maxi- U.S. Army conducted research on or dangerous.
mum to control non-native insects high-dose sterilization of meat prod-
such as the Mediterranean fruit fly or ucts and found that these products
could be held for many years without
Nutritional Quality Of
Medfly. Potatoes and onions have
been approved to receive 0.05 to refrigeration. After a 10-year safety Irradiated Foods
0.15 kGy to inhibit sprouting, while a testing program, including a feeding Food proteins, carbohydrates, and
maximum of 1 kGy can be applied to study with human volunteers con- fats have been found to be relatively
grains, such as wheat and oats, to suming 32 to 100 percent of the diet stable to irradiation up to 10 kGy.
prevent insect infestation. Raw pork as irradiated food for seven 15-day Minerals have been reported to be
has been approved to receive irradia- periods within a year, the army con- stable to irradiation. However, vita-
tion dosages up to 1 kGy to destroy cluded that irradiated foods are safe mins A, C, E, and B1 (thiamine) tend
trichinae, a deadly parasite. and wholesome. These results led to be susceptible to irradiation at
In 1990 the FDA approved the ir- NASA to irradiate foods for astronauts dosages of 1 kGy or above. These vi-
radiation of poultry up to dosages of to consume during space flights. tamins are also sensitive to heat pro-
3 kGy to eliminate harmful bacteria Also, for several years, irradiated cessing. All of the other vitamins tend
such as Salmonella spp., Escherichia foods have been fed to many im- to be relatively stable to irradiation
coli 0157:H7, Campylobacter jejuni, muno-suppressed hospital patients up to 5 kGy. Thiamine is one of the
and Listeria monocytogenes. In who need added protection from most radiation-sensitive vitamins. For
September 1992, the USDA Food possible harmful microorganisms that example, the thiamine content of raw
Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) may be present in untreated foods. frozen pork chops treated with 1 kGy
approved facilities to irradiate raw, One of the major concerns of irra- of gamma irradiation was reduced by
packaged poultry. The irradiation and diated foods is that unknown by- 11.3 percent (cooked 17.6 percent),

2 Alabama Cooperative Extension System

whereas thiamine losses in raw irra- caused by Salmonella spp., Staph- ries outsold non-irradiated berries by
diated frozen chicken breasts at 3 ylococcus aureus, Aermonas hydro- a ratio of 20 to 1 when consumers
kGy were 7.8 percent (cooked 8.4 phila, L. monocytogenes, C. jejuni, were provided information on food
percent). However, this reduction in and E. coli. Irradiation dosages up to irradiation. This store is now selling
the thiamine content of pork and 3 kGy effectively eliminate more than irradiated strawberries, Vidalia
chicken is minimal and would not 99 percent of these harmful bacteria onions, and chicken to its consumers.
create a risk of thiamine deficiency in in poultry and fresh meats. Irradia- In July 1993, Laurenzos Market and
the diet. tion destroys harmful bacteria and Italian Grocery in Miami, Florida, re-
The percent of vitamins lost in a other microorganisms by altering the ported selling their first shipment of
food product will depend upon the genetic material needed for growth irradiated poultry (approximately
irradiation dose, the foods composi- and reproduction. 1,200 pounds) at a rate of 100
tion, temperature of the food being Although low-dose irradiation (3 pounds of poultry per day initially,
irradiated, and the presence or ab- kGy or less) is effective in destroying followed by 40 to 80 pounds per day
sence of oxygen. Vitamins are more most harmful bacteria, it does not pre- thereafter. The store offers irradiated
susceptible to irradiation in the pres- vent the growth or toxin production of as well as non-irradiated poultry to
ence of oxygen and at temperatures Clostridium botulinum, the organism its customers. The irradiated poultry
above freezing. Generally, the greater that produces the deadly toxin that makes up approximately 10 percent
the irradiation dose, the greater the causes botulism. Much higher irradia- of the stores total poultry sales.
loss of vitamins. A joint committee of tion doses, up to 30 to 60 kGy, are
FAO, WHO, and IAEA claims that the needed to destroy this organism in
losses of vitamins in foods treated foods. Sodium nitrite, a food additive
with irradiation doses of 1 kGy or used in cured meats to prevent botu-
less are minimal and compatible with lism, could be reduced as much as 66
losses of vitamins in foods heat treat- percent (120 mg/kg to 40 mg/kg) with
ed and stored for extended periods an irradiation dose of 7.5 kGy. These
of time. Low-dose irradiation does products were found to have an excel-
not cause a significant decrease in lent shelf life of more than 90 days at
the nutritional quality of foods. 39F and exhibit good odor, flavor,
texture, and color.
Effects Of Irradiation The dose of irradiation needed to
eliminate microorganisms in food will
On Harmful Bacteria In depend upon the type, amount, and
Poultry And Meat growth stage of the microorganisms Strawberries treated by irradiation.
present and the properties of the
Products food including moisture, pH, temper-
These results indicate that in-
formed consumers like and will buy
In the United States, six million ature, oxygen present, and nutrient irradiated foods. The main reasons
cases of foodborne disease are re- composition. consumers choose irradiated foods
ported annually with more than 9,000 Irradiation suppresses the microbi- are increased shelf life and superior
of these cases resulting in death. ological contamination of foods and product quality. To date, no single
These numbers are likely to increase cannot be used to cover up spoiled test market of irradiated foods has
as more individuals eat away from foods. Thus irradiation of quality been unfavorable when the con-
home and consume more conveni- food coupled with good food-han- sumer has been provided informa-
ence or processed foods. For in- dling practices would reduce the inci- tion about food irradiation.
stance, a recent outbreak of E. coli dence of foodborne disease.
0157:H7 in the state of Washington Consumers favor the FDAs ap-
resulted in the death of three chil- proval of labelling irradiated foods
dren. And, hundreds of people who The Consumer And with the international logo and the
words treated by irradiation, treat-
ate the undercooked hamburger meat Irradiated Foods
prepared at a fast-food chain were Consumer response to irradiated
hospitalized. These casualties may foods has been very good. In March
have been averted, if the ground beef 1987, test markets of irradiated
had been irradiated or properly Hawaiian papayas in two Southern
cooked. Food irradiation at a dosage California stores outsold the non-irra-
level of 3 kGy or less in combination diated product by more than 10 to 1.
with proper handling, processing, During the first quarter of 1993,
and storage would help eliminate the Carrot Top, Inc., in Northbrook,
incidence of foodborne disease Illinois, reported irradiated strawber- International food irradiation logo.

Food Irradiation 3
ed with irradiation, or irradiated. Summary Diehl, J. F. 1992. Food irradiation: Is it an
Processed foods containing irradiated alternative to chemical preservatives? Food
ingredients do not require the irradia- Food irradiation can be used to Additives and Contaminants 9:409-416.
tion label. The FDA considers the la- combat foodborne diseases, including Fox, J. B. Jr., D. W. Thayer, R. K. Jenkins,
the emergence of disease-causing or- J. G. Phillips, S. A. Ackerman, G. R. Beecher,
belling of irradiated foods informa- J. M. Holden, F. D. Morrow, and D. M.
tive since preservation of foods by ganisms such as C. jejuni, E. coli, and Quirbach. 1989. Effect of gamma irradiation
irradiation is no different from other L. monocytogenes. Food irradiation is on the B vitamins of pork chops and chicken
preservation methods. not a substitute for proper handling, breasts. International Journal of Radiation
cooking, and storage of food. Care Biology 55:689-703.
As with any food preservation
must be taken to ensure that irradiat- ICGFI. 1991. Facts about food irradiation.
process such as pasteurization, can- International Atomic Energy Agency. Vienna.
ed foods do not become recontami-
ning, freezing, and refrigeration, irra- Jones, J. M. 1992. Food Safety. Eagan
nated. Also, food irradiation could be
diation will add to the cost of food. Press, St. Paul, MN.
used in place of fumigants used to
For example, irradiated chicken and Josephson, E. S., M. H. Thomas, and W. K.
kill mold and insects on produce and
beef may cost up to 10 cents more Calhoun. 1978. Nutritional aspects of food ir-
grains. Food irradiation has been radiation: An overview. Journal of Food
per pound than non-irradiated poul-
studied more extensively than any Processing and Preservation 2:299-313.
try and meat products. As with any
other food additive, yet there is only Kilcast, D. 1994. Effect of irradiation on vi-
other technology, as the procedure is
limited application in this country. tamins. Food Chemistry 49:157-164.
used more and more the cost will de- Loaharanu, P. 1994. Status and prospects
crease. This is a small price to pay Food irradiation has been en-
of food irradiation. Food Technology
for improved product safety and in- dorsed by FAO, WHO, USDA, the 48(5):124,126,128-131.
creased shelf life. American Medical Association (AMA), Pszczola, D. 1993. Irradiated poultry
and the Institute of Food Technolo- makes U.S. debut in Midwest and Florida
Government agencies such as
gists (IFT) as a safe and practical markets. Food Technology 47(11):89-92,94,96.
FDA, USDA, FAO, and WHO have
method for preserving a variety of Radomyski, T., E. A. Murano, D. G. Olson,
approved the use of food irradiation.
foods and reducing the risk of food- and P. S. Murano. 1994. Elimination of-
The food industry has not actively pathogens of significance in food by low-
borne disease. International imports
pursued food irradiation since con- dose irradiation: A review. Journal of Food
and exports of fresh foods could be
sumer response nationally is not Protection 57:73-86.
expanded, increasing the abundance
known. Retailers have been hesitant Satin, M. 1993. Food Irradiation A
of food worldwide. Food irradiation Guidebook. Technomic Publ. Co., Inc.
to place irradiated foods on their
makes food safer to eat, improves Lancaster, PA.
shelves in fear of boycotts and
quality, and extends shelf life. Thayer, D. W. 1990. Food irradiation:
demonstrations by some citizen ac- Benefits and concerns. Journal of Food
tion groups whose claims and mis- References Quality 13:147-169.
conceptions about the safety of irra- ACSH. 1988. Irradiated food. American Thayer, D. W. 1992. Irradiation for control
diated foods are unsubstantiated Council on Science and Health, New York. of foodborne pathogens on meats and poul-
through years of scientific research. Blumeathal, D. 1990. Food irradiation: try. In Safeguarding The Food Supply Through
Toxic to bacteria, safe for humans. FDA Irradiation Processing Techniques.
As consumers become aware of Agricultural Research Institute, Bethesda, MD.
the irradiation process and benefits Consumer, v. 24, Department of Health and
Human Services, Rockville, MD. USDA. 1992. FSIS Backgrounder: Poultry
of food irradiation, such as elimina- irradiation and preventing foodborne illness.
Bruhn, C. M., and J. W. Noell. 1987.
tion of harmful bacteria and extend- Consumer in-store response to irradiated pa- Food Safety and Inspection Service, United
ed shelf life, more irradiated foods payas. Food Technology 41(9):83-85. States Department of Agriculture, Washington,
will begin to appear in grocery stores D.C.
Clavero, M. R. S., D. J. Monk, L. R.
across the country. Beuchat, M. P. Doyle, and R. E. Brackett.
1994. Inactivation of Escherichia coli
0157:H7, salmonellae, and Campylobacteri je-
juni in raw ground beef by gamma irradia-
tion. Applied and Environmental Micro-
biology 60(6):2069-2075.

Prepared by Tim Roberts, Extension Research Associate, and Jean Weese, Extension Food
Scientist, Assistant Professor, Nutrition and Foods

For more information, call your county Extension office. Look in your telephone directory under your
countys name to find the number.
Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work in agriculture and home economics, Acts of May 8 and June 30,
1914, and other related areas, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Alabama Cooperative
Extension System, Auburn University and Alabama A&M University, offers educational programs, materials, and equal
opportunity employment to all people without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, veteran status,
or disability. UPS, 10M15, New 11:95, HE-727

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