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ANSWER KEY BOOK-8 Essential English Grammar & Composition ‘How well have you read ? A. 1. health, 2. silence, 3. proof, 4. jealousy, 5. description. B. 1. Cockroaches, 2. information, 3. apologies, 4. furniture, 5. dwarfs, 6. storys, 7.mosquitoes, 8. robberies, 9. rubies, 10. explorers. ‘The owls’ hooting, Raina’s dog ‘The greengrocer's vegetables. ‘The grandfather's spectacles. ‘The little girl's happy face. ‘The cow's injured tail, ‘Sam's terrifying experience he went through. ‘The master craftsman's skills. Crew, 2. flock, 3. shoal, 4. platoon, 5. band, 6. troupe, 7. bunch, 8. plague composition, 2. illness, 3. recognition, 4. childhood, 5. relationship, 6. priesthood, 7. hardship, 8. stillness. F. 1. A noun is a name of a person, place or a thing., There are five kinds of noun. 2. Countable nouns are those which can be counted and uncountable nouns are those which cannot be counted. 3. Possessive nouns are formed by adding''s'to the common and proper noun, to show possession or ownership ofa thing, 4. Compound nouns are made by adding two or more nouns. This word has a totally different meaning from the words it is made of. 5. Common noun is a name common to any and every person or thing of the same kind but proper noun is a name ofa particular person, place or thing and starts with a capital letter. 6. Awater melon was sweet. My father gave me pocket money. Isent the New Year card to my friend. Don'tflow ina day dream. Awild catattacked me in the forest. ‘How well have you read ? c. rreNogsene souveNtR ae eas Grammar A. 1. herself, 2. themselves, 3. yourself, 4. itself, 5. himself, 6. themselves, 7. yourselves, 8. itself. B. 1. myself, 2. itself, 3. himself, 4. yourself, 5. themselves, 6. itself, 7. himself, 8. ourselves. 1, hers 2. theirs 3. yours 4, ours 5. ours 6. hers 1. This, 2. those, 3. these, 4. latter, 5. such. 1, The best composition ? 2. thinkis the most difficult route up the mountain? 3. beanswered in the objective test ? 4. would like to attend the fancy dress party? 5. dress is Malanie wearing? 1, Personal pronouns can be used as subjects or objects ina sentence as they stand fora person or thing, Reflexive pronouns are used in sentences where the ‘doer’ of an action and the person or thing affected by the action are the same. 3. Emphatic pronouns are used to emphasize or stress that the doer is the very person or thing responsible for the action. 4. The possessive pronouns are used to show ownership or possession. 5. Interrogative pronouns are used in asking questions. We use who, whoever, whom, whomsoever, and whose when we refer to a person. While referring to non-living things we use which, which ever, what and what ever. 6. Weused relative pronouns to join two or more sentences, 7. Reciprocal pronouns refer to persons, places or things that are involved in the action described by the verb, Examples are : each other and one another. 8. The indefinite pronouns refer to people, places or things that are not specifically or definitely mentioned. How well have you read ? A. 1, Ramola scolded me because I did not play with her yesterday. 2. Our present French teacher always reminds us to practice the learning exercise before each lesson. 3. Ramond walked to school yesterday morning. 4. Make hay while the sun shines for you never know what may happen tomorrow, 5. The villagers travelled every week to town to trade fresh vegetables for food that they don't grow themselves. SOUVENIR >] teal Gat 6. Father will make an effort to fix the car tomorrow. 7. After walking out of the house, mother turned and walked back in because she heard my baby sister cry. 1. will be enrolling, 2. will be broadcasting, 3. will be erupting, 4. will advertise, 5. will hold, 6. will be harvesting, 7. will raise, 8. will be distributing. ©. 1.has seen, 2. had grabbed, 3. have been, 4. will have filed, 5. has been, 6. will have arrived, 7. had gutted, 8. had known, D. 1. have been painting, 2. had been working, 3. have been dreaming, 4. has been taking, 5, had been missing, 6. had been inspecting, 7, have been attending, 8. had been dressing. E. Susanne and I (be) were the best of friends until Lilian (join) joined our class. Lilian (be) was what you would call super intelligent. She (always make) was always making witty remarks and telling funny jokes; so she (be) was generally the most popular girl in class. remember clearly the day when Lilian first (lie) ed to me. That day, I (suggest) had suggested that we go toa film show in the evening. She (ask) asked to be excused saying that her family (celebrate) was celebrating her sister's birthday. Not wanting to miss the show, which (be) was the one I had been looking forward to seeing, I (go) went to the cinema by myselfand who did I see there but Lilian and my best friend! I (hide) hid my surprise and displeasure and (sit) sat through the show. When the show (get) got over, I (walk) walked home without (give) giving Susanne a chance to make any excuses. I realised (realise) that [ had lost (lost) a friend to Lilian. I felt (feel) sad and decided (decide) to be more careful in making (make) friends in future. How well have you read ? A. 1. Theywill prosecute trespassers. We require shop assistants. We sell all kinds of books here. We repair all gas stoves. We accept travellers’ cheques. We serve Chinese meal. We exchange soiled currency notes ‘This house was built in 1984. Oranges are imported into America. Did anybody drown in the boat mishap? How did the vase break? Whatis this apparatus used for ? ‘The manis paying Rs. 1000 each at Dipawali, . OMe ede ras ED SOUVENIR ~ teal Gat ‘Ten percent discount offered. Children below eight not allowed. ‘Technicians and welders required. Alltypes of carrier jobs undertaken. Allkinds of electronic gadgets repaired. Avery remarkable discovery was made by him. ‘This picture has been drawn by my sister. His bicycle has been sold by Ronnie, ‘The thief was caught by the policeman. letter will be written by my friend. ‘The dog was chased by the boy. ‘The tree was cut down by the man. Itwill be forgotten soon by people. Atoy was being made by the little body. ‘The vase has been broken. Somebody has cut the telephone wires. Who broke the windowpane. Host my book. Wealth is desired by all but it is acquired only by some. You are asked not to insult the poor stroke or let not the poor be not insulted. Give the order. Hewas made their leader. Will those happy days be ever forgotten by me? Won't your mother not be kept informed by you regularly? 0. The match will have been won by our team by now. ‘How well have you read ? A. 1. just, 2. just, 3. rather, 4, rather, 5. fairly, 6. fairly, 7. rather, 8. rather. L hardly, 2. hard, 3., hard, 4, hard, 5. hardly, 6. lately, 7. lately, 8. hardly. 1. Ispeak rarely to him. 2. Isaw her last year. 3. Itold her to work hard sincerely for success. 4, Sheis rarely very kind to the poor. 5. My father died only last year. 6. 7. 8. 1 PROP EE RNAMASHE BS EHE eer . You are advised not to insult the poor. My aunt is arriving tomorrow. . Iwrotea letter to her last weak, very, 2. very, 3. highly, 4. early, 5. very much, 6. brightly, 7. slowly, 8. far and near, souveNtR a eas Grammar E. 1. As Paul is the captain of the cricket team and a diligent student, he is an ideal candidate for the scholarship award. 2. Though George did not have much expense, he was given the job because ofhis positive attitude. 3. The test may be difficult but it’s worth a try because you should be able to doit. She did not have much money as she donated all she had in her wallet. 5. The prisoners have been asking for better food to be served hence the Superintendent of Prisons has asked the Jailor to come up with a more wholesome menu. F. An adverbs is a word which modifies a verb, adjective or another verb. Its categories are (1) Adverbs of Manner, (2) Adverbs of Place, (3) Adverbs of Time, (4) Adverbs of Frequency, (5) Adverbs of Degree. G. 1. Alanis talkingin aloud voice. (Adjective) Geogre never talks loud (Adverb) 2. Kapilis a fast bowler (Adjective) Icannot walk fast (Adverb} 3. Hove hard work (Adjective) I tried hard to finish my work (Adverb) 4. She tried to open the back door of my house (Adjective) She went back (Adverb) How well have you read ? A. 1. hunted bold , 2. scared, prickly, 3. dry, 4. drenched, 5, fresh and sweet, 6. bad, 7. violent, 8. invisible. B. 1. beautiful, 2. worst, 3. ugly, aged, 4. heavy, 5. ugly, old and fat. ©. 1.4,2.N,3.A,4.N,5.N,6.4,7.A,8.N,9.A, 10. N. Sheis inferior to her boss. Sara is not so clever as Ira, Paul is happier than ever. 4. Heis not taller than his brother. 5. She has no taste for this kind of games. 6. Westayed at the nearest and the richest hotel. 7. The sky appeared dark. 8. 9. eee You can choose the cleverer of the two candidates, . Sheis the most qualified of all the candidates. 10. Mostly he wrote the best poetry in English. E. 1. Exterior decoration is also a paying profession. 2. This tea is inferior to the other one. 3. The latter part of the year has December. SOUVENIR eZ! teal Gat ‘The statue of liberty is a unique structure. Nelson Mandela is an ideal human being, Winter is preferable to summer. She had taken prior permission from the principal It is a universal truth. We congratulated him on his excellent result. 0.The extreme of any thing is harmful How will have you read ? A. 1. at, between, 2. in, at, 3. from in, 4. in, at, 5. around, 6. in, with, to,, for, 7. of, 8. of, for, for, 9. upto, of, to, 10. at, on. B. 1. Whois responsible for all the accidents Students are prohibited from smoking in the college campus He entered the studio. The factis known tous. Ronnie excels in teaching ‘They are confident of winning the match. My father is angry with me. No one can prevent me from going there. Heis disqualified from contesting at the athletes meet. 10. He was called a great person. ©. Sara waits at 6.30 a.m, every morning for her school bus. She does not go to school by bus on Wednesday because her father drives her there. After school, Sara waits at the gate for Mr. Thomas, the bus driver. If he arrives before the school bell rings, Mr. Thomas will wait for Sara and her friends at the car-park opposite the school Mr. Thomas is a very responsible man. He will wait until every one of the students travelling by his bus is on board before driving off. Once, after he had driven off, Sara discovered that she had left her bag behind. Kind Mr. Thomas drove back quickly in order to get there by 6.45, before the school gates were locked. D. 1.along with, 2. for, 3. by, 4. with, 5, on, 6. for, 7. in front of, in 8. of, E. 1. impressed with, 2. agree with, 3. agree about 4. influence on, 5. success in 6. responsible for 1. Tapplied to him for grant of leave. 2. Heis attentive to what the teacher says. 3. He begged for mercy. 4. Begining with Ist page of history he ended at the last page. There were three of us to begin with, then one person left. geenome PENanses SOUVENIR

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