Ram Mandir Movement - 1992

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Ram Mandir Movement 1992

As discussed earlier , the primary aim of Ram Mandir Movement 1990 was meant
to DESTABLIZE and TOPPLE National Front Government of Prime Minister
Vishwanath Pratap Singh
To all Indians What is common between Hindu Nationalist Leaders of BJP, RSS,VHP
& SANGH PARIVAR and also Political Leaders of Caste Based Political Parties (
Samajawadi Party , RJD or LNJP ) in India. They formed a common cause to defeat
Congress Party ( led by Nehru Gandhi family ) in 1989.
At that time , former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi referred to his Opposition ( Hindu
Nationalist Leaders of BJP / RSS and Political Leaders of Caste Based Political
Parties ) derisively as POWER BROKERS.

Former Prime Minister Vishwanath Pratap Singh who led National Front a
political alliance built on electoral understanding with Bharatiya Janata Party
( BJP ) , Caste based Parties and the Left Front, did not understand what former
Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi meant by POWER BROKERS.
His National Front government was topple in mere 11 months after his alliance
partners conspired to topple his National Front Government, even before it was

As explained earlier that primary aim of Ram Mandir Movement 1990

spearheaded by BJP / RSS / SANGH PARIVAR was NOT to build RAM TEMPLE in
VISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH. Both Mandal Commission Agitation and
Ramjanambhoomi Movement ( Year 1990) that rocked NATIONAL FRONT
GOVERNMENT of VISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH , was funded by Nehru Gandhi family

Here we are going to talk about Ram Mandir Movement 1992 that ROCKED Prime
Minister P.V Narasimha Rao led Minority Congress Government and led to the
DEMOLITION of Babri Masjid , and forced him to resign as Congress President / AICC
President, after he lost General Elections.

If we read Jain Hawala Scam, it is obvious that money for Ram Mandir Movement
1992 came from Swiss Bank Accounts of Nehru Gandhi family. Its also obvious
that Sonia Gandhi conspired with Senior BJP Leaders to topple P.V Narasimha
Rao as she wanted to become the Next Congress President.
Conspiracy to demolish Babri Masjid in Ayodhya was to WEAKEN Prime Minister
P.V Narasimha Raos own standing within his own Congress party , as demolition of
Babri Masjid have meant loss of Muslim votes to Congress Party across Uttar
Pradesh and BiharNorthern India.

Overall calculation was that Demolition of Babri Masjid would mean Prime
Minister P.V Narasimha Rao would not only lost Muslim votes but also Hindu votes
in a general election, as Hindus would be led to believethat BJP would build a Grand
Hindu Temple in Ayodhya and lead India towards a Hindu Rashtra.

So when Prime Minister P.V Narasimha Rao loses General Elections due to loss of
Both Hindu and Muslim votes, Nehru Gandhi family loyalists ( or Congress
Politicians with 0% Mass Base ) within the Congress Party would raise their voice for
his resignation as Congress President as well as AICC President. So, once P.V
Narasimha Rao resigns as Congress President and AICC President, the next
obvious choice would be Sonia Gandhi. This was the entire calculation behind
Demolition of Babri Masjid.

Ram Mandir Movement 1992

First about P.V Narasimha Rao
Pamulaparti Venkata Narasimha Rao was the 10th Prime Minister of India,
serving from 1991 to 1996.
He was also the Congress President and AICC President.
Unlike, Sonia Gandhi , P.V Narasimha Rao was an ELECTED Congress President , he
was directly Elected by Member of Parliamentarians ( MPs ) on the floor of the
Parliament. As a result, he enjoyed far greater legitimacy as Leader of the Party.
As P.V Narasimha Rao was DIRECTLY elected as Congress President , he automatically
became AICC President.

P.V Narasimha Rao to all Indians was NOT just a Prime Minister but also a

In case of Sonia Gandhi she is elected as Congress President by Congress

Working Committee ( CWC ).

You need to remember that all members of Congress Working Committee ( CWC )
are appointed by Congress President Sonia Gandhi.
ALL the members of Congress Working Committee (CWC ) are Nehru Gandhi
family Loyalists ( Or Congress Politicians with 0% Mass Base ) with no additional
qualifications. Here is simple mechanism She appoints all members to CWC and
they in turn elect her as Congress President. This is what you call inner Party

None of Congress Politicians appointed to Congress Working Committee ( CWC )

are MASS LEADERS , they dont even connect with the Congress Workers. None of
them are DIRECTLY elected by Congress MPs or MLAs.
They are simply appointed as CWC members by Sonia Gandhi as she is the Congress
President. They in turn elect her as Congress President.

P.V Narasimha Rao term was an eventful one in recent Indian history, as he over saw
major economic transformation affecting Indian economy and several incidents
affecting national security.
P.V Narasimha Rao energized the National Nuclear Security and Ballistic Missiles
Program, which ultimately resulted in the 1998 Pokhran Nuclear Tests. As a result,
P.V Narasimha Rao should rightly be called as Father of Pokhran II that turned
India into a Nuclear Weapons state. It was during his term that terrorism in the
Indian state of Punjab finally ended.

Also Google
Rs 60,00,000 Crore Thorium Scam
It s a story of UPA Government ( under Congress President
Sonia Gandhi ) mothballed Indias indigenous Thorium-Based
Nuclear Technology Programme ( Fast Breeder Reactor - FBT).
By 2013 , India would have been able to produce 1 GigaWatt
Nuclear Reactors, thereby creating an global export market with a
potential for sales upto US $ 400 Billion Dollars , annually. Using
Thorium based Fast Breeder ( FBT) Nuclear Reactors can
catapult India as the worlds pre-eminent nuclear power.

Once Congress President Sonia Gandhi led UPA government

came to power , her government followed an unwritten policy of
severely downsizing indigenous Thorium-Based Nuclear
Technology Programme ( Fast Breeder Reactor - FBT) , in
order to make India dependent on Europe and America for
advanced Nuclear Technology.

The ulterior aim of UPA Government was to kill Indias Thorium

based Nuclear Power Industry.

According to Indian Nuclear Scientists at DAE ,

..UPA government denied any further funding of Thorium-Based
Nuclear Technology Programme ( Fast Breeder Reactor - FBT)
and the Programme was completely mothballed by 2008 , when
discussions began with International Nuclear Power
Companies about supply of conventional Uranium based
Nuclear Reactors to India..

Indian Nuclear Scientists were initially confounded as to why

UPA Government had stopped funding of Thorium based
indigenous FBT Reactors , while making strenuous efforts to sign
a Indo-US Nuclear Deal and was feverishly negotiating for
purchase of Uranium based Nuclear Reactors from NSG , even
though we have practically no uranium of our own ( between just
0.57% and 0.8% of the worlds reserves ).

Feverishly pitching for Indo US Nuclear Deal

Congress President Sonia Gandhi led UPA government

feverishly pitched for Indo US Nuclear Deal ( or U.S.-India Civil
Nuclear Cooperation Initiative ) , once her government was in
The then Foreign Secretary & NSA Shiv Shankar Menon and his
delegation departed for Vienna went to meet International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) officials and members of NSG as a
part of U.S.-India Civil Nuclear Cooperation Initiative. This was
to negotiate with IAEA and NSG to prepare LEGAL Text for the
Rothschild controlled Indian media portrayed Indo Us Nuclear
Deal as a Game Changer with numerous articles written
portraying it as a part of UPA governments efforts to securing
Indias future Energy Security.
The THE TIMES OF INDIA and other Indian Newspapers
published numerous articles as
1. How the Indo-US Nuclear Deal, was going to end Indias
isolation from NSG ..?,
2. How it will push India into the BIG LEAGUE of nations rubbing
shoulders with Nuclear Power Producing countries like Japan ,
France and Germany..?
3. How Indo US Nuclear Deal will put India into the path to being
the next SUPER POWER..?

Nothing could be farther than the TRUTH.

I have long argued all British Era Newspapers starting with

The Times of India must be closed down. They are all
controlled by Rothschild.

Indo-US Nuclear Deal was meant to KILL Indias Thorium-

Based Nuclear Technology Programme and make us dependent
on US & its Zionist Allies ( Europe & Japan ), for import of Uranium
& Nuclear Reactors.

Congress President Sonia Gandhi should be tried for TREASON.

Indo US Nuclear Deal would ensure that India will purchase
Enriched Uranium Fuel , Nuclear Reactors and Heavy Water
Reactors from NSG and later Spent-Uranium fuel will be sent
back to the CARTEL ( NSG ) for recycling and further enrichment.

Since India has no expertise in building Uranium based Nuclear

Reactors India would be purchasing Uranium based Nuclear
Reactors from Big 3 conventional Nuclear Reactor
manufacturers ( CARTEL ) - Westinghouse, Areva, and GEH.

One big clause in the Treaty , which India agreed to separate its
Civil and Military Nuclear facilities and to place all its civil
nuclear facilities under International Atomic Energy Agency
(IAEA) safeguards. India also agreed to United Nations
inspections of its Nuclear Facilities. This would mean India defacto
surrenders its sovereignty to US, NSG & UN.

Indo US Nuclear Deal also imposes a permanent ban on any

future testing of the Nuclear Device ( Atomic Bombs / Hydrogen
Bombs ) , incase India goes ahead and tests a nuclear Device , NSG
retains the power to take back the Uranium fuel and abruptly halt
all our 17 running Nuclear Power Plants at one go.

What Indian Nuclear Scientists fear is that India will become a

dumping Ground for OBSOLETE Nuclear Power technology from
RUSSIA , US & Europe.

Indian Nuclear Scientists had long opposed Indo US Nuclear

Deal, claiming it impinges Indias Nuclear Sovereignty. But their
opposition was blacked out by - THE TIMES OF INDIA and other
Indian Newspapers

Another clause in the Treaty , limits the liability of NSG members

incase of a Nuclear Disaster ( example - Fukushima Disaster in
Japan , Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster in Russia or Three mile
Accident in USA ) that could cause CANCER to millions of People.

Indo US Nuclear Deal was nothing short of TREASON.

Just Google
Rs 60,00,000 Crore Thorium Scam

TWO Timing / Double Crossing BJP Leadership

Left parties had openly opposed Indo US Nuclear Deal and
were ready to pull support to UPA Government if necessary. They
had served an ultimatum to Congress President Sonia Gandhi
led UPA government which Rothschild controlled Indian media
portrayed as regressive attacked the Left Parties as working
against Indias interest and being an obstacle to India becoming
the Next Super Power .
Indian media even hinted that Left Parties were working at the
behest of China. BJP the principal opposition party also
adopted a stand that it was opposed to Indo US Nuclear Deal
though they had not given any reason.
BJPs double standard on was exposed by WikiLeaks on March 19,
2011 when BJPs leadership had told US Diplomats that its
criticism of the Indo US Nuclear Deal in public was to score "easy
political points" against UPA and when in power, it would not
harm the Indo-US Nuclear Deal.
Seshadri Chari, BJP National Executive member and RSS points
man in the party figured in the diplomatic cables as having told an
US Embassy Official in Delhi in December 2005 ..not to read too
much into the foreign policy resolution especially the parts
relating to the US.., which had attacked the UPA's ..subservience..
to Washington. "Chari dismissed the statement (resolution) as
standard practice aimed at scoring easy political points against the

Read the full Story

India Today Exposing BJP / RSS double standard on Indo US
Nuclear Deal

WikiLeaks: BJP's double-standard on N-deal

ITGD Bureau New Delhi, March 19, 2011 | UPDATED 20:31 IST

Indo US Nuclear Deal could not have happened without secret

support from Rothschild controlled RSS.

Now Narendra Modi Government is doing to INDIAN

RAILWAYS, what UPA Government led by Congress President
Sonia Gandhi had done to Air India & Indian Airlines.

Just Google
Rs 55,000 Crore Air India scam

Back to former PM P.V Narasimha Rao

P.V Narasimha Raos government introduced the Terrorist and Disruptive
Activities ( Prevention ) Act (TADA), a tough Anti Terrorism Legislation to deal
with terrorists. A part of his new foreign policy initiatives , he allowed Israel to open
an Embassy in India and which brought India closer to ASEAN ( an East Asian
Trade Bloc ).
When he assumed office , India was on the brink of bankruptcy and there was a
Balance of Payment Crisis. Then he initiated Economic Reforms as a result Prime
Minister P.V Narasimha Rao was called Father of Economic Reforms
Economic Reforms initiated by Prime Minister P.V Narasimha Rao included
opening up to foreign investment, reforming capital markets, deregulating
domestic business, and reforming the trade regime. He unshackled the Indian
Economy by dismantling the License Quota Permit Raj.
Prime Minister P.V Narasimha Rao showed his political acumen as he steered tough
Economic and Political Legislation through the parliament at a time, when he
headed a Minority Government.
P.V Narasimha Rao as Prime Minister inherited a HUGE Bloated Bureaucracy that
was result of socialist policies of previous Congress Governments. In order to reduce
the size of the ..HUGE Bloated.. bureaucracy , his government brought in a NEW
policy of giving GOLDEN HANDSHAKES ( VRS ) to so many unwanted and
unnecessary Clerks and Bureaucrats working in various central government
departments. This was in order to ensure an early retirement.
P.V Narasimha Rao was a polyglot and could speak more than 16 international
languages. He was also a Sanskrit Scholar.

Now Senior Leaders of BJP, RSS , VHP & SANGH PARIVAR now conspired to TOPPLE a
..Desh Bhakt.. and a Statesman Prime Minister by orchestrating Ram Mandir
Movement 1992, to indirectly help Sonia Gandhi become the next Congress
President & AICC President.

Back to Ram Mandir Movement 1992

When P.V Narasimha Rao became Prime Minister of India , he was the first person
outside the Nehru-Gandhi family to serve as Prime Minister for five continuous
years. Obviously Sonia Gandhi was completely against him.
So were many Nehru Gandhi Family Loyalists within Congress Party. These Political
leaders had NO Mass Base of their own, were dependent on blessings of Nehru
Gandhi family to hold their positions within Congress Party hierarchy.

Sonia Gandhi was obviously behind the scenes, encouraging Nehru Gandhi Family
Loyalists within Congress Party to revolt against Prime Minister P.V Narasimha
Rao and do everything within their power, to undermine his position within the
Congress Party.

In the meantime, Senior Leaders of BJP, RSS , VHP & SANGH PARIVAR were planning
another - Ram Mandir Movement 1992, which would lead to the Demolition of
Babri Masjid.
So we can visualize Sonia Gandhi and her back room managers, conspiring with the
then Leader of the Opposition - BJP President and Icon of Ramjanambhoomi
Movement - L.K Advani.

Just Google

Rs 60,00,000 Crore Thorium Scam

Rs 55,000 Crore Air India Scam
Police Brutality and Abuse of Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur
Was former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa Murdered..?
Why former RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan was forced to RESIGN..?
Were Surgical Strikes on Pakistan faked by Narendra Modi Government..?
Hindu Nationalist exposes RSS, VHP & SANGH PARIVAR

Demolition of Babri Masjid in Ayodhya

Unlike other Pseudo-Secular Leaders , P.V Narasimha Rao was a Patriot and was
sympathetic to Hindu Nationalism.
Unlike in the past now Uttar Pradesh was ruled by OBC Leader and Hindutva
Strongman Kalyan Singh , who was also the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh.
This only made DEMOLITION of Babri Masjid easier.

Later RSS would marginalize OBC Leader and Hindutva Strongman

Kalyan Singh, after job over. They did the same thing with former
Karnataka Chief Minister B.S Yeddyurappa, potential Chhattisgarh
Chief Minister Dilip Singh Judeo and former Madhya Pradesh Chief
Minister Uma Bharati.
Rothschild controlled RSS, makes use of genuine and committed
Hindutva Leaders to build party base in places where it did not have
any base and later marginalizes them.

How Karnataka First BJP Chief Minister - B.S Yeddyurappa was
In the runner up to Ram Mandir Movement 1992, Senior Leaders of RSS, VHP &
their SANGH PARIVAR affiliates, rallied some 1,50,000 - Karsewaks and Ram Bhakts
to Ayodhya , where Senior BJP Leaders like L.K Advani and Uma Bharati were
giving fiery speeches calling for DEMOLITION of Babri Masjid.

Unlike in the past, all Senior Leaders of BJP, RSS, VHP & their SANGH PARIVAR
affiliates were standing on GROUND ZERO, giving fiery speeches calling for
Demolition of Babri Masjid.

They had nothing to fear ( unlike in the past ) , since their own BJP government led by
OBC Leader and Hindutva Strongman Chief Minister Kalyan Singh was in power
in Uttar Pradesh.

There was only a token force protecting Babri Masjid, unlike when Mulayam Singh
Yadav was Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh.
Being a OBC Leader and Hindutva Strongman, Chief Minister Kalyan Singh did
not care about protecting Babri Masjid.

Around noon, a young man managed to slip past the Police cordon and climbed up
Babri Masjid , brandishing a saffron flag. This was seen as a signal by the mob, who
then stormed the Babri Masjid with a number of improvised tools , such as axes,
hammers, and grappling hooks, and within a few hours, the entire Babri Masjid was

A token police presence placed there by Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister - Kalyan
Singh to protect Babri Masjid was insufficient and heavily outnumbered.
Karsewaks and Ram Bhakts then also destroyed numerous other mosques within
the Ayodhya town.

Later RSS quietly marginalized and sidelined Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister - Kalyan
Singh as they no longer need a Hindutva Leader, after job over.

RSS, VHP & their SANGH PARIVAR affiliates provoke Hindu

MuslimRiots across India
This is the usual strategy of RSS, VHP & their SANGH PARIVAR affiliates to
destabilize governments, run by Patriotic political leaders like Morarji Desai or P.V
Narasimha Rao or Vishwanath Pratap Singh.
People in India need to realize the fact that whenever there was a ..Desh Bhakt..
Prime Minister like P.V Narasimha Rao, leading a Government, RSS, VHP & their
SANGH PARIVAR affiliates have always tried to do their best to DESTABILIZE or
TOPPLE the government.

RSS has derailed many ..Desh Bhakt.. Political Leaders and genuine Hindutva
Leaders like Dilip Singh Judeo or B.S Yeddyurappa.

Underestand -

1. RSS, VHP & their SANGH PARIVAR affiliates played the same DIRTY Game ,
when Prime Minister Morarji Desais Janata Party Government was in
Power. howjanatapartygovernmentwastoppledbyrss.wordpress.com

2. RSS, VHP & their SANGH PARIVAR affiliates played the same DIRTY Game ,
PRATAP SINGH was in Power.

3. RSS, VHP & their SANGH PARIVAR affiliates played the same DIRTY Game ,

RSS, VHP & their SANGH PARIVAR affiliates in order to further destabilize Minority
Congress Government of P.V Narasimha Rao , provoked Hindu Muslims Riots
across India. This was made easy because DEMOLITION of Babri Masjid sparked
Muslim outrage across India. The ensuing riots spread to cities like Mumbai, Surat,
Ahmedabad, Kanpur, Delhi and several others, eventually resulting in over 2000
deaths, mainly Muslim. Mumbai alone witnessed two spells of Hindu Muslim rioting
from December 6th to 12th December, 1992, and then from January 7 to 16th
January, 1993 , in which the Shiv Sena played a big part in organizing Riots , that
caused the death of around 900 people.

Massive Loss of Muslim lives in Hindu Muslim riots across

India , ensured Congress Party under P.V Narasimha Rao
lost Muslim votes in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar..and across
Northern India. This was the entire calculation behind
provoking Hindu Muslim riots,
Dont even dream that Rothschild sponsored RSS, VHP & their SANGH PARIVAR
affiliates care about Hindu Nationalism or Hindu Rashtra. Their TOP Leaders are
No.1 Anti Hindu Traitors.

Why RSS, VHP & their SANGH PARIVAR affiliates did not try to destabilize UPA
Government led by Congress President Sonia Gandhi ..?

Consequences of Demolition of Babri Masjid

After the Demolition of Babri Masjid, P.V Narasimha Rao led Congress Party
LOST 1996- General Elections.
This was because P.V Narasimha Rao led Congress Party LOST Muslim Votes as
well as Hindu Votes, thereby losing 1996 - General Elections and he lost his office
as Prime Minister.
Within weeks, he was unceremoniously ousted as Congress President, in an uprising
led by Nehru Gandhi family loyalists within the Congress Party. They all wanted
Sonia Gandhi to be the next Congress President and AICC President.

Sonia Gandhi became Congress President within 62 days after P.V Narasimha Rao
resigned as Congress President & AICC President . The ulterior aim of Demolition
of Babri Masjid was to WEAKEN P.V Narasimha Raos standing within the Congress
Party, so as to make it easy for Nehru Gandhi Family Loyalists to oust him.

Senior Leaders of RSS, VHP & their SANGH PARIVAR affiliates never had any
intention of building any Ram Temple in Ayodhya.

Just Google

Rs 60,00,000 Crore Thorium Scam

Rs 55,000 Crore Air India Scam
Police Brutality and Abuse of Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur
Was former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa Murdered..?
Why former RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan was forced to RESIGN..?
Were Surgical Strikes on Pakistan faked by Narendra Modi Government..?
Hindu Nationalist exposes RSS, VHP & SANGH PARIVAR
Victimization of P.V Narasimha Rao
Later , P.V Narasimha Rao was denied PARTY TICKET to contest General Elections
and totally marginalized and sidelined within the party. There were all kinds of
accusations against him, not just corruption.

P.V Narasimha Rao was no Dr Manmohan Singh and he did not care about Nehru
Gandhi family. So he had to be punished.

A Kangaroo Court was specially created by BJP led NDA Government under Prime
Minister A.B Vajpayee, on request from Congress President Sonia Gandhi , in order
to victimize him. This was Congress President Sonia Gandhis revenge against a
True Desh Bhakt - Prime Minister.

P.V Narasimha Rao A True Desh Bhakt - Prime Minister died in Penury , after
being accused of all SCAMS. He had to sell all his family property to fight Court Cases
against him. There was hardly anyone inside the Congress Party or outside Congress
Party to defend him, speak well of him and draw attention to all the great things, he
had done as a Prime Minister.

Did Funds for Ram Mandir Movement 1992 come from Nehru Gandhi Family
( aka Sonia Gandhi )..?
There is evidence to suggest it. For this you must read
Jain Hawala Scam

Now at the behest of RSS, Narendra Modi Government is fully protecting Congress
President Sonia Gandhi and her Son In Law Robert Vadra from being prosecuted.

DEMOLITION of Babri Masjid was Planned 10

months in advance and in total secrecy
According to former IB Joint Director Maloy Krishna Dhar , Senior Leaders of RSS,
VHP & their SANGH PARIVAR affiliates planned Babri Masjid Demolition 10
months in advance.

According to Cobra Post sting , DEMOLITION of Babri Masjid was not an act of
frenzied mobs but that of sabotage planned with so much secrecy that no
government agency got wind of it.
..The conspiracy was hatched at the level of two Hindu outfits the Vishwa Hindu
Parishad (VHP) and the Shiv Sena but not jointly. Both these outfits had trained
their cadres as part of an action plan, many months before it was implemented on
Dec 6,.. news portal Cobrapost said Friday.

In many interviews given to Cobra Post , low-rung leaders of BJP, VHP and Shiv
Sena have claimed that the operation was carried out with precision by their
volunteers after going through intensive training and mock drills. The sting claims
that Bajrang Dal, the youth wing of VHP, had trained its cadres in Surkhej in Gujarat
and the Shiv Sena in Bhind and Morena in Madhya Pradesh.

Why RSS, VHP & their SANGH PARIVAR affiliates never

bothered about Ram Mandir Movement after 1992..?
Because they never had any intention of building any RAM TEMPLE in Ayodhya.
Entire Ram Mandir Movement ( both 1990 and 1992) was a HUGE DRAMA to make
a fool out of the Hindu Community.

Ram Mandir Movement was meant to help Nehru Gandhi family regain political
power, that they lost to Vishwanath Pratap Singh and later to P.V Narasimha Rao.


Rs 60,00,000 Crore Thorium Scam

Rs 55,000 Crore Air India Scam
Police Brutality and Abuse of Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur
Was former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa Murdered..?
Why former RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan was forced to RESIGN..?
Were Surgical Strikes on Pakistan faked by Narendra Modi Government..?
Hindu Nationalist exposes RSS, VHP & SANGH PARIVAR

To all Indian guys
RSS, VHP & their SANGH PARIVAR affiliates was set up to de-rail Hindu Nationalism.
RSS, VHP & their SANGH PARIVAR affiliates was set up to curb the rise of Militant
Hindu Nationalism.
RSS, VHP & their SANGH PARIVAR affiliates was set up to sabotage TRUSTING Hindu
Nationalists and set them up to meet their own DOOM. This is exactly what
happened during Ram Mandir Movement 1990 and after Godhra Riots.

If anyone touches my Muslim brother or sister, I wont be sitting idle,

says Narendra Modi

See more at: http://www.theindianrepublic.com/featured/politics-f/anyone-touches-


The Above website was not available on the internet, was probably removed as it
would have exposed the prime minister.

India has space for minorities and non believers - PM


..Hindutva Politics an opportunistic issue for BJP and will remain a talking point at
the time of elections.. Senior BJP Leader Arun Jaitley
This statement came to light after it was reported by Wikileaks.
This was the statement made by Senior BJP Leader Arun Jaitley on May 6, 2005 in
party meeting , where he told a US diplomat that the use of Hindu Nationalism
was an Opportunistic Issue for the BJP and will always remain a "talking point" for
the party only during Elections. At that time Arun Jaitley is the Leader of
Opposition in Rajya Sabha. Even former BJP President and Senior BJP Leader L.K
Advani articulated the view , that Hindu Nationalism was an Opportunistic Issue for
the BJP. While talking to US Diplomats , a relaxed and self-assured Mr. Jaitley
predicted that L.K. Advani would lead the party for another two to three years, after
which one of five next generation leaders ( Arun Jaitley & Sushma Swaraj amongst
them) would take the reins.
Arun Jaitley is now Union Finance Minister in Narendra Modi Government. He
was also Union Defence Minister.

The Indian Express

WikiLeaks: Hindutva an opportunistic issue for BJP
Text from News Report

Pressed on the question of Hindutva,Jaitley argued that Hindu

nationalism will always be a talking point for the BJP. However,he
characterized this as an opportunistic issue, a cable by Robert Blake,the
Charge at the US Embassy,to his government,had said after a meeting
with Jaitley on May 6,2005.

The Times of India

'Hindutva an opportunistic issue for BJP: Jaitley'
PTI | Mar 26, 2011, 01.23 PM IST

Text from News Report

"Pressed on the question of Hindutva, Jaitley argued that Hindu

nationalism 'will always be a talking point' for the BJP. However, he
characterized this as an opportunistic issue," a cable by Robert Blake,
the Charge at the US Embassy, to his government, had said after a
meeting with Jaitley on May 6, 2005.
The cable by Blake said, "in India's northeast, for instance, Hindutva
plays well because of public anxiety about illegal migration of Muslims
from Bangladesh.
"With the recent improvement of Indo-Pak relations, he (Jaitley) added,
Hindu nationalism is now less resonant in New Delhi, but that could
change with another cross-border terrorist attack, for instance on the
Indian Parliament," the cable, accessed by The Hindu, said.
Jaitley, the Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha whom the cable
described as "one of several aspirants to direct the next generation of
BJP leadership", said in a statement that the word oppourtunistic in
reference to Hindutva could be the "diplomat's own usage".

Rs 60,00,000 Crore Thorium Scam
Rs 55,000 Crore Air India Scam
Police Brutality and Abuse of Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur
Was former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa Murdered..?
Why former RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan was forced to RESIGN..?
Were Surgical Strikes on Pakistan faked by Narendra Modi Government..?
Hindu Nationalist exposes RSS, VHP & SANGH PARIVAR

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