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Acute respiratory distress syndrome

Rob Mac Sweeney, Daniel F McAuley

Acute respiratory distress syndrome presents as hypoxia and bilateral pulmonary inltrates on chest imaging in the Published Online
absence of heart failure sucient to account for this clinical state. Management is largely supportive, and is focused April 28, 2016
on protective mechanical ventilation and the avoidance of uid overload. Patients with severe hypoxaemia can be S0140-6736(16)00578-X
managed with early short-term use of neuromuscular blockade, prone position ventilation, or extracorporeal Regional Intensive Care Unit,
membrane oxygenation. The use of inhaled nitric oxide is rarely indicated and both 2 agonists and late corticosteroids Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast,
should be avoided. Mortality remains at approximately 30%. Northern Ireland, UK
(R Mac Sweeney PhD,
Prof D F McAuley MD); and
Introduction incidences per 100 000 patients per year of 34 in the USA29 Wellcome-Wolfson Institute
Acute respiratory distress syndrome is a form of non- and approximately ve to seven in Europe.3032 Its for Experimental Medicine,
cardiogenic pulmonary oedema, due to alveolar injury epidemiology is probably under-reported in less developed Queens University of Belfast,
secondary to an inammatory process, that can be either health-care systems, in which, as a result of resource Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK
(Prof D F McAuley)
pulmonary or systemic in origin. This syndrome presents limitations, few patients meet the current denition for
Correspondence to:
as acute hypoxaemia with bilateral pulmonary inltrates diagnosis, despite 4% of all hospital admissions having a Prof Daniel F McAuley,
on chest imaging, which are not wholly due to heart clinical state similar to that of acute respiratory distress Wellcome-Wolfson Institute
failure. As a syndrome, it is characterised by the presence syndrome.33 7% of patients in the intensive-care unit (ICU), for Experimental Medicine,
of several criteria. Since the original description by and 16% of those receiving mechanical ventilation, have Queens University of Belfast,
97 Lisburn Road,
Ashbaugh and colleagues in 1967,1 four denitions have acute respiratory distress syndrome.34 Belfast BT9 7AE,
been used to determine the presence of acute respiratory Based on control group survival in randomised Northern Ireland, UK
distress syndrome (table).25 controlled trials3538 published in the past 3 years, 28 day
The American European Consensus Conference mortality is approximately 2040%. A further 1520% of
denition,3 which was published in 1994, was the rst patients will die by 12 months, largely because of
agreed and widely used denition. However, it had comorbidities rather than residual eects of acute
numerous limitations across all four diagnostic criteria respiratory distress syndrome.39 The LUNGSAFE study40
(panel), and, as a result, the European Society of Intensive showed that the syndrome remains common and has a
Care Medicine engaged in a consensus process to generate mortality of approximately 40%, and emphasised the
an improved denition for acute respiratory distress global burden. Although, in general, ICU survivors have
syndrome. The Berlin denition,5 which was published in no reduction in health-related quality of life, full recovery
2012, was validated in over 4000 patients data: on the basis is often limited in those who had acute respiratory distress
of hypoxaemia, acute respiratory distress syndrome is syndrome. Many have muscle wasting, limiting weakness,
classied as mild (ratio of the partial pressure of arterial and neuropsychiatric illness, including cognitive
oxygen to the fraction of inspired oxygen [PaO2/FiO2] impairment, anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic
of 200300 mm Hg), moderate (PaO2/FiO2 stress disorder.4143 6 years after ICU discharge, just over
100200 mm Hg), or severe (PaO2/FiO2 100 mm Hg). 50% have returned to work.44 Despite these extrapulmonary
The most important updates to the denition are the decits, respiratory function returns close to normal.42
stipulation of a minimum positive end-expiratory pressure
(PEEP) of 5 cm H2O, (PEEP can increase oxygenation, Risk factors
which is a key criterion of the syndromethis update was The development of acute respiratory distress syndrome
to establish a minimum standard for mechanical has been described in the setting of numerous illnesses
ventilation); the acknowledgment that acute respiratory and injuries, which are broadly classed as being
distress syndrome can be diagnosed in the presence of pulmonary or systemic in origin. Pneumonia is the most
cardiac failure; a requirement for new respiratory failure, or
worsening of chronic respiratory disease, within 7 days;
and the inclusion of chest CT as an alternative form of Search strategy and selection criteria
imaging for the demonstration of lung inltrates. We searched the Cochrane Library and PubMed with the
terms acute respiratory distress syndrome, acute lung
Epidemiology injury, adult respiratory distress syndrome, acute
The landmark ARMA study,28 which was published in respiratory failure, and hypoxic respiratory failure for
2000, demonstrated the benets of a low-tidal-volume, articles published in English between Jan 1, 1967, and
low-airway-pressure ventilatory strategy in acute July 31, 2015. We focused on papers published from 2012
respiratory distress syndrome and marked the establish- onwards and on those describing treatment in human adults.
ment of lung protective ventilation as the standard of care. We also searched the reference lists of articles identied by
Despite this advance, the syndrome remains highly this search and selected those we deemed most relevant.
prevalent, with, in the lung-protective era, estimated Published online April 28, 2016 1


Murray, 19882 AECC, 19943 Ferguson, 20054 Berlin, 20125

Onset Acute or chronic, not Acute, not specied Within 72 h New or worsening within
specied 1 week
Risk factor Required Not required Required Not required
Oxygenation PaO2/FiO2 >300 (0) Acute lung injury: PaO2/FiO2 <200 Mild: PaO2 200300
(mm Hg) PaO2/FiO2 225299 (1) PaO2/FiO2 <300 Moderate: PaO2 100199
PaO2/FiO2 175224 (2) Acute respiratory distress Severe: PaO2 <100
PaO2/FiO2 100174 (3) syndrome: PaO2/FiO2 200
PaO2/FiO2 <100 (4)
PEEP (cm H20) 5 (0) Not specied 10 Minimum PEEP of 5 required
68 (1)
911 (2)
1214 (3)
15 (4)
Inltrates on No quadrants (0) Bilateral inltrates on a frontal Bilateral airspace disease involving two Bilateral inltrates involving
chest radiograph One quadrant (1) chest radiograph or more quadrants on a frontal chest two or more quadrants on a
Two quadrants (2) radiograph frontal chest radiograph or CT
Three quadrants (3)
Four quadrants (4)
Heart failure Pulmonary artery wedge No clinical evidence of congestive heart Left ventricular failure
pressure 17 mm Hg failure (based on pulmonary artery insucient to solely account
Absence of left atrial catheter with or without for clinical state
hypertension echocardiogram)
Static compliance 80 (0) Static compliance <50 Removed
(mL/cm H20) 6079 (1) (with patient sedated, tidal volume
4059 (2) 8 mL/kg ideal bodyweight, PEEP 10)
2039 (3)
19 (4)
Severity Mild Based on oxygenation criteria Based on oxygenation criteria
Specicity for Autopsy: 74%6 (lung injury Autopsy: 30%,6 50%,7 66%,8 Autopsy: 69%6 Autospy: 45%13
diuse alveolar score 25) 70%9 Biopsy: 58%14
damage Biopsy: 29%,10 47%,11 40%12

Data in parentheses in the Murray column are scores; the total number of points scored is divided by the number of categories included, giving the Murray lung injury score.
A score of 0 signies no lung injury is present, a score of 0125 signies mild to moderate lung injury, and a score greater than 25 signies severe lung injury.
AECC=American European Consensus Conference. PaO2=partial pressure of arterial oxygen. FiO2=fraction of inspired oxygen. PEEP=positive end-expiratory pressure.

Table: Denitions of acute respiratory distress syndrome

common risk factor for the development of the syndrome, ventilation with no PEEP was compared with lung-
and, along with aspiration, has the highest associated protective ventilation of 68 mL/kg tidal volume with
mortality; trauma-related illness has the lowest.29 PEEP of 68 cm H2O plus a recruitment manoeuvre every
Inappropriately administered mechanical ventilation is 30 min. The lung-protective group had fewer major
an important contributor to both the development and complications (105% vs 275%; relative risk [RR] 040,
worsening of acute respiratory distress syndrome.28,45 This 95% CI 024 to 068; p=0001), required less respiratory
ventilator-induced lung injury can occur by several mecha- support by day 7 (5% vs 17%; 029, 014 to 061; p=0001),
nisms, including excessive lung stretch (volutrauma)46 or and had a shorter hospital stay (11 vs 13 days; dierence
pressure (barotrauma), repetitive alveolar opening and 245 days, 417 to 072; p=0006).
closing, which causes a shearing injury (atelectrauma),
and potential oxygen toxicity.47 These processes also drive Genetics
excessive systemic inammation, with the ability to induce The search for potential genes conferring susceptibility to
non-pulmonary organ failure (biotrauma). In a randomised the development of, or that alter the outcome from, acute
controlled trial45 of 150 critically ill mechanically ventilated respiratory distress syndrome is methodologically
patients, ventilation with 10 mL rather than 6 mL per kg of complex. Genotype, phenotype, race, environment, injury,
predicted bodyweight was associated with a ve-times and therapy interact in variable and uncertain ways to
increase in the odds of developing acute respiratory contribute to clinical outcomes. More than 40 candidate
distress syndrome. This nding has been substantiated in genes associated with the development or outcome of
a further randomised controlled trial48 in 400 patients at acute respiratory distress syndrome have been identied,
risk of pulmonary complications undergoing general although these investigations have either largely not been
anaesthesia for major abdominal surgery. A non-lung- suciently robust to provide clear answers, or have yet to
protective ventilatory strategy of 1012 mL/kg tidal volume be replicated.49 Some of the more promising genes include

2 Published online April 28, 2016


Panel: Problems with the AECC denition and subsequent Berlin denition of acute respiratory distress syndrome
Acuity agreement on the clinical identication of left atrial
AECC: not specied hypertension
Berlin: almost all patients meet criteria for acute respiratory
Autopsy or biopsy studies
distress syndrome within a week15
Both: around 50% of patients meeting the denitions of
Oxygenation acute respiratory distress syndrome do not have diuse
AECC: no minimum requirement for PEEP, which can alveolar damage;8,12,14,26 prevalence of diuse alveolar
strongly modify oxygenation;16 dierences in ratio of the damage decreases with rising PaO2/FiO2 ratio;13 only 75% of
PaO2 to the FiO2 across diering PEEP and FiO216 severely hypoxaemic patients with acute respiratory distress
Berlin: level of PEEP not considered in determining severity17 syndrome have diuse alveolar damage13
Radiography Duration
AECC: poor interobserver agreement on interpretation of Both: patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome
chest radiographs, even between experts;18,19 no persisting <24 h have much better outcomes than do those
standardised set of chest radiographs for comparison or with ARDS persisting >24 h27
education; dicult to dierentiate hydrostatic from
Acute lung injury term
permeability pulmonary oedema on chest radiographs;20
AECC: inconsistency with the use of the term acute lung injury,
consolidation might be visible on CT, but not by chest
which has been used to refer to either patients with mild
hypoxaemia only (PaO2 >200 mm Hg) or as an umbrella term
Heart failure for all those meeting the denition of acute respiratory distress
AECC: unvalidated use of high pulmonary artery occlusion syndrome,5 including moderate and severe hypoxaemia
pressure to exclude alveolar injury as the cause of, or as a
contributor to, pulmonary oedema in acute respiratory
Both: many clinicians fail to recognise acute respiratory
distress syndrome;22 poor medical and nursing knowledge of
distress syndrome6
the correct interpretation of pulmonary artery catheter
data;23,24 high interobserver variability in interpretation of AECC=American European Consensus Conference. PEEP=positive end-expiratory pressure.
pulmonary artery catheter tracings;25 poor interobserver PaO2=partial pressure of arterial oxygen. FiO2=fraction of inspired oxygen.

ACE, SOD3, interleukin 10, MYLK, NFE2L2, NAMPT, can occur without increased alveolar permeability.52
SFTPB, TNF, and VEGF.50 The search for a genetic Additionally, the involvement of cells from the innate
susceptibility to either the onset, or worsening, of the (including macrophages53 and platelets54) and adaptive
syndrome might prove dicult until issues with the immune systems in the pathogenesis of acute respiratory
specicity of the denition of acute respiratory distress distress syndrome is increasingly recognised.55 Further
syndrome and improved phenotyping of patients are neutrophils and macrophages are recruited to this
addressed. However, a gene with a clearer association with inammatory focus, propagating the initial insult.
acute respiratory distress syndrome is ACE. This The inammatory exudate produced physically
association came to prominence during the severe acute interacts with surfactant, initially causing dysfunction
respiratory syndrome (SARS) epidemic, when the ACE2 followed by, as the epithelial injury progresses, loss of
protein, which contributes to the regulation of pulmonary surfactant production, which impedes alveolar patency.
vascular permeability, was identied as the receptor for The loss of epithelial ion channels impairs the generation
the novel coronavirus that caused SARS.51 of osmotic forces required to return oedema uid to the
interstitium. These injuries, plus the development of
Pathogenesis hyaline membranes and decreased pulmonary com-
After the onset of the primary illness, the inammatory pliance, result in disrupted gaseous diusion. Alveolar
alveolar injury occurring has been described in terms of vascular damage also occurs, with increased permeability
three sequential phases (gure 1), which overlap coexisting with altered vasomotor tone (both
substantially.26 The process begins with the exudative vasoconstriction and vasodilation) and microthrombi.
phase and immune-cell-mediated destruction of the Pulmonary hypertension results, increasing right
barriers of the alveolar epithelialinterstitialendothelial ventricular afterload. This right ventricular dysfunction
complex, allowing plasma, plasma proteins, and cellular can be further exacerbated by mechanical ventilation and
content to successively ood the interstitium and uid overload. This combination of epithelial and
airspace. Classically, acute respiratory distress syndrome endothelial damage results in worsening ventilation
is recognised to be a neutrophil-driven disease; however, perfusion mismatch and loss of hypoxic pulmonary vaso-
experimental data have shown that alveolar neutrophilia constriction, which leads to refractory hypoxia. Published online April 28, 2016 3



Bronchial epithelium Inammatory oedema uid containing

Alveolar type I cell
activated immune cells, platelets, red
blood cells, dead and injured alveolar
Alveolar airspace cells, inactivated surfactant, brin,
Alveolar type II cell cytokines, and other proteins
Surfactant layer Platelets

Lymph vessel
Altered Cytokines
Interstitium tone

Red Alveolar ooding Hyaline
blood cell capillary Interstitial membrane
Capillary Red blood cell
Endothelial glycocalyx Endothelial cell basement membrane
Increased epithelial permeability Neutrophil
Increased endothelial permeability endothelial cell Injured epithelial cell


Drainage of Intra-alveolar
alveolar oedema brosis
Type II
epithelial cells via lymphatics
proliferate and Lymphatic
dierentiate brosis
into type I

Na+ H2O
Reproduction Fibroblasts brosis
of surfactant and
Recovery of myobroblasts
permeability barriers Gradual resorption of
alveolar oedema, plus Capillary luminal narrowing with pulmonary hypertension
Return of cellular integrity permits restoration autophagy of debris,
of functional alveolar ion channels (necessary permits return of
for osmotic uid absorption) gaseous diusion

Figure 1: A normal alveolus (A), plus the sequential exudative (B), proliferative (C), and brotic (D) phases in the pathogenesis of acute respiratory distress syndrome

The proliferative phase marks attempts at recovery, the clearance of exudative uid into the interstitium, and
with restoration of the type II alveolar cell population, remaining debris is cleared by inammatory cells.
and subsequent dierentiation into type I alveolar cells. Vasomotor tone begins to return to normal, microthrombi
Regeneration of a functioning epithelial layer permits are cleared, and pulmonary hypertension lessens. As

4 Published online April 28, 2016


Ventilation Epithelial biomarkers

1 Ventilatory parameters Clara cells: CC16
Tidal volume Type 1 cell: sRAGE
PEEP Type 2 cell: SP AD, KL6
Airway pressures
Driving pressure
2 Oesophageal

Imaging Interstitium
1 Chest radiography biomarkers
2 Lung ultrasonography MMP 1 and 3
3 CT
5 Electrical impedence tomography

Gas exchange
1 Arterial blood gas
Oxygenation index
2 Pulse oximetry

Lung water Coagulation Inflammatory biomarkers Endothelial biomarkers

1 Extravascular lung water (PiCCO) biomarkers Interleukins 1B, 6, 8, VEGF, angiopoietin 2,
PAI-1, PC and 10, TNF vWF, s-ICAM1
Dead and damaged cells Neutrophil Cytokines Fibrin
Thrombosis Macrophage Platelets Fibroblast

Figure 2: Clinical and research investigational modalities used in acute respiratory distress syndrome
PEEP=positive end-expiratory pressure. PaO2/FiO2=ratio of partial pressure of arterial oxygen to fraction of inspired oxygen. SpO2/FiO2=ratio of peripheral arterial
oxygen saturation to fraction of inspired oxygen. PiCCO=Pulse Contour Cardiac Output. TNF-=tumour necrosis factor . vWF= von Willebrand factor.

reparation continues, shunt reduces, leading to improved will provide further mechanistic insight to the
oxygenation that is followed, often more slowly, by pathophysiology of acute respiratory distress syndrome,
recovering pulmonary compliance. The third brotic which is likely to inform the development of personalised
phase develops inconsistently, and comprises failure of therapies.
removal of alveolar collagen, which is laid down early in
the injury process, combined with the development of Diagnosis and monitoring
cystic changes, limiting functional recovery. Diuse The Berlin denition for acute respiratory distress
alveolar damage is thought to be the pathognomonic syndrome is an evolution of the American European
pathological nding of acute respiratory distress Consensus Conference denition (table), which was
syndrome,5 is dened by the presence of hyaline recognised to have numerous aws. The revised
membranes, and can be detected either by lung biopsy or denition, although improved, still has limitations.
at autopsy. However, it is not specic and can also occur Several investigational modalities are potentially helpful
in the absence of the criteria for acute respiratory distress in monitoring the clinical course (gure 2). Sequential
syndrome.14 Many patents who full the diagnostic imaging via both chest radiography and CT (gure 3)
criteria for acute respiratory distress syndrome do not provides qualitative measures of disease evolution, and
have diuse alveolar damage.13 CT also provides specic quantitative measures of
Clinical patterns have been recognised in patients with oedema, aeration, and recruitability. Extravascular lung
acute respiratory distress syndromeeg, those with a water, which reects the degree of pulmonary oedema,
pulmonary cause have more consolidation and less can be measured with a PiCCO [Pulse Contour Cardiac
alveolar collapse and interstitial oedema than do those Output] monitor (Pulsion Medical Systems, Feldkirchen,
with non-pulmonary causes.56 Subphenotypes have been Germany) and is associated with mortality in patients
described, and are classied by clinical and biological with acute respiratory distress syndrome.60,61 Similarly,
characteristics with diering clinical outcomes and lung ultrasonography (gure 3) can be used to estimate
response to treatment.57,58 A hyperinammatory extravascular lung water,62,63 and to allow dierentiation
phenotype is associated with worse metabolic acidosis, of the syndrome from cardiogenic pulmonary oedema.64
higher vasopressor requirements, increased mortality, Pulmonary wedge65 and central venous pressures65,66
and a better response to higher PEEP. Subphenotypes have little correlation with volaemic status or uid Published online April 28, 2016 5


responsiveness and are unlikely to oer benet in

routine management (neither oers any benet over
the other).67
The PaO2/FiO2 ratio is a measure of oxygenation that is
used to classify acute respiratory distress syndrome as
mild, moderate, or severe (table). Although easy to
calculate, it is an imperfect measure, because of its
variability with diering PEEP16 and tidal volumes.68
The oxygenation indexthe product of mean airway
pressure and FiO2, divided by PaO2is an alternative to
PaO2/FiO2 and might be superior, because it includes
mean airway pressure, which reects PEEP.69 Respiratory
system compliance helps with the monitoring of
pulmonary mechanics, although it was not included in
the Berlin denition because it lacked additional
discriminatory value.5 Pulmonary dead space fraction is
associated with mortality in acute respiratory distress
syndrome (oddsratio 145, 95 % CI 115183; p=0002),
but is technically challenging to measure and not
frequently used.70 Bronchoalveolar lavage permits
sampling of the alveolar space and helps with the
E F identication of infectious causes of acute respiratory
1 distress syndrome and with diagnosis of malignancy
or haemorrhage.
The absence of a biomarker to dene the diagnosis,
responsiveness to therapy, and prognosis of acute
respiratory distress syndrome is problematic and limits
progress in the eld.71,72 Diering pathologies damage
2 lung tissue in diverse ways, producing inconsistent
signals from numerous injured cell types. These signals
are further confounded by age, comorbidities, and
iatrogenic eects such as excessive uid administration
and harmful ventilation. Many candidate biomarkers
(gure 2) have been investigated, but a single, clear
biomarker has proved dicult to nd. Biomarkers have
1 been measured in both blood and bronchoalveolar
lavage uid, but are too inaccurate for clinical use.
Combinations of biomarkers could be used to identify
specic phenotypes of patients with acute respiratory
distress syndrome who might respond dierentially to
therapies, but further work is required to conrm these
2 initial ndings.57
Open lung biopsy remains the gold standard for
diagnosis of diuse alveolar damage. Small, single-
centre observational studies of open lung biopsy in
highly selected populations show low specicity of the
clinical diagnosis of acute respiratory distress syndrome
Low activity High activity for the presence of diuse alveolar damage.1012,14 Most
Figure 3: A normal chest radiograph (A), and a chest radiograph demonstrating bilateral alveolar inltrates
patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome
consistent with acute respiratory distress syndrome (B); chest CT showing bilateral pneumonitis and undergoing this procedure have resulting alterations
consolidation with air bronchograms consistent with acute respiratory distress syndrome (C); lung in management,1012,73,74 improved outcomes,73 and little
ultrasonogram illustrating smooth pleural line, absence of horizontal A lines, and presence of vertical B lines noteworthy morbidity.1012,14,73,74 These studies are limited
suggestive of acute respiratory distress syndrome (D); and PET demonstrating increased areas of metabolic
activity, reective of underlying inammation (EH) by their selective nature and their constrained ability to
Figures E and F are reproduced from Bellani and colleagues,59 by permission of Wolters Kluwer Health. examine the entire lung. Open lung biopsy is usually
reserved for exceptional cases in which there is a
genuine diagnostic dilemma and poor response to

6 Published online April 28, 2016


Acute respiratory distress syndrome

Supportive management Specic management Underlying condition

VTE prophylaxis Investigations Therapy Investigations Therapy

Standard VTE prophylaxis
Initial trophic feed acceptable
No place for pharmaconutrition
Mobilisation Not recommended
Early mobilisation encouraged
Sedation Inhaled nitric oxide (only as
Avoidance of deep sedation rescue when ECMO unavailable)
Analgesia based Late corticosteroids (avoid)
Titrate to comfort 2 agonists (avoid)

Chest radiography Recommended

Identies inltrates
Allows monitoring of progress Tidal volume 6 mL/kg predicted bodyweight
Lung ultrasonography
Pplat <30 cm H2O
Assess for presence and degree Higher PEEP if PaO2/FiO2 <200 mm Hg
Echocardiography of left ventricular dysfunction or Driving pressure <15 cm H2O
other cardiac pathology Tolerate hypercapnia if pH >72
Accept PaO2 >8 kPa
Chest CT
Fluid balance Neutral to negative uid balance once haemodynamically
Non-resolving or severe disease
Atypical picture
Bronchoalveolar lavage
Immunocompromised Neuromuscular
Cisatracurium infusion for <48 h if PaO2/FiO2 <150 mm Hg
Underlying diagnosis unclear blockade
Open lung biopsy
Prone positioning Prone positioning session of >16 h if PaO2/FiO2 <150 mm Hg
Potentially reversible respiratory failure
Referral to an pH <72
ECMO centre Murray lung injury score >25
FiO2 not >08 for 7 days
Pplat not >30 cm H2O for 7 days

Figure 4: Algorithm of a suggested evidence-based approach to the management of acute respiratory distress syndrome
VTE=venous thromboembolism. PaO2=partial pressure of arterial oxygen. FiO2=fraction of inspired oxygen. ECMO=extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.
Pplat=airway plateau pressure. PEEP=positive end-expiratory pressure.

Management: conventional mechanical airway pressure of 30 cm H2O or less in 861 mechanically

ventilation ventilated patients with acute respiratory distress
Management of acute respiratory distress syndrome can syndrome. The study was stopped early, because, despite
be classed as specic or supportive; addressing the initially worse oxygenation, low-tidal-volume ventilation
underlying causative condition is also necessary was associated with an 88% (95% CI 24153) absolute
(gure 4). Specic measures include both maintenance reduction in mortality (398% vs 310%; p=0007), and
of gas exchange and manipulation of the underlying signicantly more ventilator-free days (10 [SD 11] vs 12 [11];
pathophysiology. Supportive therapies include sedation, p=0007). Importantly, less injurious ventilation was
mobilisation, nutrition, and prophylaxis for venous associated with more days free of non-pulmonary organ
thromboembolism. failure (12 [11] vs 15 [11]; p=0006). Tidal volume was
Four randomised controlled trials7578 published between estimated from predicted bodyweight, which is dependent
1998 and 1999 provided mixed results for the optimal tidal on height and sex, and calculated as 50 + 091 (height in
volume in acute respiratory distress syndrome. In the cm 1524) for men and 455 + 091 (height in
landmark ARMA study,28 which was published in 2000 by cm 1524) for women. Lung-protective ventilation is
the ARDSnet group, a traditional ventilatory strategy of associated with improved outcomes if used early in the
12 mL per kg of predicted bodyweight tidal volume in course of acute respiratory distress syndrome,79 and
combination with a plateau airway pressure 50 cm H2O reduced mortality at 2 years.80
was compared with a lower tidal volume of 6 mL per kg of Despite the adoption of a volume-limited and pressure-
predicted bodyweight in combination with a plateau limited protective ventilatory strategy, critically ill Published online April 28, 2016 7


mechanically ventilated patients with acute respiratory controlled trials, Amato and colleagues93 reported that an
distress syndrome receiving a tidal volume of 6 mL/kg and increase in driving pressure of 7 cm H2O was associated
a plateau pressure of 30 cm H2O or less can still be exposed with increased 60 day mortality (RR 141, 95% CI
to tidal hyperination, whereby the smaller-than-usual 131151; p<0001). According to the statistical method
aerated section of the lung (so-called baby lung)81 receives a of multilevel mediation analysis, none of the three main
larger-than-usual volume of gas, resulting in greater components of lung-protective ventilation was individually
biotrauma and fewer ventilator-free days than those in associated with reduced mortality, but they acted via a
patients without tidal hyperination.82 Similarly, a post-hoc reduced driving pressure to exert their benecial eects.
review83 of the ARDSnet database did not demonstrate a Driving pressure could help to calibrate the mechanical
safe upper limit for plateau pressures in patients with stress delivered by the ventilator to the functional aerated
acute respiratory distress syndrome. Volume-limited and lung volume. Although 6 mL/kg tidal volume is
pressure-limited ventilation can cause hypercapnic recognised as low-tidal-volume ventilation, it is the
acidosis, and the overall clinical eect of protective normal tidal volume of most mammalian species.94 As
ventilation and hypercapnia is uncertain.84 Hypercapnic the available functional lung volume falls in acute
acidosis could provide protective eects in the setting of respiratory distress syndrome as a result of collapse and
high-tidal-volume ventilation, but a benecial eect is not consolidation, perhaps the delivered tidal volume should
noted in patients receiving lung-protective ventilation.85 also decrease. Although evidence suggests that targeting
PEEP prevents lung unit collapse at the end of the of driving pressure is prudent, whether driving pressure
respiratory cycle. Benecial eects include the relates causally to outcome remains to be established in a
maintenance of functional residual capacity, improved prospective, randomised controlled trial. This concept is
compliance, and higher mean airway pressure, which being investigated in the setting of studies of
result in decreased shunt with enhanced oxygenation, extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal to facilitate very-
and reduced atelectasis and biotrauma. These advantages low-tidal-volume or ultra-protective ventilation.95
should be weighed against the eects of raised Although these data for driving pressure are post hoc,
intrathoracic pressurenamely, decreased venous return observational in nature, and necessitate conrmation in
and increased right ventricular afterload.86 Numerous a prospective study, an upper limit for driving pressure of
methods of setting the PEEP level have been described, 15 cm H2O could be appropriate in the interim.
including most recently oesophageal balloon manometry.87 Atelectatic areas of lung can be re-expanded by the
In the lung-protective era, four randomised controlled application of brief periods of sustained high
trials8790 have been done to answer the question of transpulmonary pressureusually followed by the
whether higher or lower pressure is superior, with a application of higher levels of PEEP to maintain and
suggestion that higher PEEP could be benecial. A meta- stabilise this newly reaerated region. Three commonly
analysis91 of three of these trials also showed a possible used such recruitment manoeuvres are sighs, sustained
benet for a high PEEP setting in acute respiratory inations, and extended sighs.96 Brief periods of raised
distress syndrome, which was associated with both lower intrathoracic pressure also impede venous return to the
in-hospital mortality (341% vs 391%; RR 090, 95% CI right atrium, predisposing to hypotension. Preclinical
081100; p=0049) and less requirement for mechanical data have shown divergent eects of recruitment
ventilation by day 28 (hazard ratio [HR] 116, 95% CI manoeuvres on alveolar epithelial and endothelial
103130; p=001).91 The EPVent randomised controlled function.97 A systematic review,98 based on 40 studies,
trial,87 in which oesophageal-balloon manometry-guided showed that recruitment manoeuvres increased
PEEP was compared with use of the ARDSnet PEEPFiO2 oxygenation, but little information about the long-term
table, showed that oesophageal-guided PEEP provided eects of these interventions and no clear guidance on
increased oxygenation and compliance, which translated the usefulness of this procedure was available.
into higher PEEP (18 cm vs 12 cm H2O on day one) and There are few robust randomised controlled trials to
associated improved adjusted 28 day mortality (RR 046, guide the choice of mode of mechanical ventilation. The
95% CI 01910; p=0049).87 A further meta-analysis that authors of a 2015 Cochrane review, summarising three
included this additional study showed non-signicant randomised controlled trials consisting of 1089 patients
improvements in 28 day mortality with higher PEEP in total, concluded that evidence was insucient to
(pooled RR 090, 95% CI 079102), without a promote the use of either volume-controlled or pressure-
signicantly higher risk of barotrauma (117, 090152).92 controlled ventilation over the other.99 Airway-pressure-
The driving pressure, which is dened as the dierence release ventilation is used for its ability to maintain a
between plateau and end-expiratory pressures, has been high mean airway pressureand thus maintain alveolar
suggested as the mediator for the benecial eects of the recruitmentwhile permitting spontaneous ventilation.
three main components of lung-protective ventilation Unfortunately, the evidence base is limited by
namely, low tidal volume, low plateau pressure, and high suboptimum control groups in the studies done and
PEEP.93 On the basis of derivation and validation cohorts concerns about possible high tidal volume and mean
from 3562 patients recruited into nine randomised airway pressure.100 Non-invasive ventilation can be tried

8 Published online April 28, 2016


in mild acute respiratory distress syndrome. A small paralysis was compared with placebo in 340 patients with
study101 of 40 patients showed reduced requirement for early severe acute respiratory distress syndrome.
invasive mechanical ventilation and a non-signicant Neuromuscular blockade for 48 h resulted inafter
reduction in mortality with this approach. This result adjustment for baseline PaO2/FiO2, plateau pressure, and
should be tempered by those of a much larger Simplied Acute Physiology II scoresa reduced
meta-analysis of 540 patients, documenting failure of adjusted HR for death at 90 days (068, 95% CI 048098;
non-invasive ventilation in almost 50% of patients.102 The p=004). Importantly, the frequency of complications,
advent of high-ow nasal oxygen allows for simpler, including ICU-acquired weakness, did not dier between
more tolerable respiratory support. In an observational groups. Although promising, additional large clinical
study, 18 (40%) of 45 patients with moderate trials are required to conrm these ndings.
acute respiratory distress syndrome (mean PaO2/FiO2
137 mm Hg) treated with high-ow nasal oxygen required Extracorporeal life support
invasive mechanical ventilation.103 As with non-invasive Because mechanical ventilation is reliant on a functional
ventilation, more severe illness was associated with an alveolus for gaseous diusion, it is unable to provide life-
increasing likelihood of treatment failure. saving respiratory support when a critical volume of
alveolar units has failed. In addition to replacing
Management: adjuncts to respiratory support endogenous alveolar gaseous exchange, extracorporeal
Prone positioning gas exchangeeither extracorporeal membrane oxy-
Placing a patient prone while they receive invasive genation (ECMO) or extracorporeal carbon dioxide
mechanical ventilation provides many physiological removalallows reduction in ventilatory settings,
advantages for the management of refractory hypoxaemia, reducing the risk of ventilator-induced lung injury. At
including redistribution of consolidation from dorsal to present, the evidence base for these interventions is
ventral areas of the lung, removal of the weight of the heart sparse, consisting of case series, observational cohort
and mediastinum from the lung, improved alveolar studies, and one randomised controlled trial. In the
ventilation, shunt reduction with increased oxygenation, CESAR study,114 rather than directly assessing ECMO in
and reduced pulmonary inammatory cytokine refractory hypoxaemia, investigators compared manage-
production.104 Several studies105108 produced conicting ment at a referring centre with management at a tertiary
results about the ecacy of prone positioning ventilation centre capable of providing ECMO in 180 patients. The
in acute respiratory distress syndrome. Although cohort managed at the ECMO centre had a higher rate of
prolonged prone positionings association with physio- survival without disability at 6 months than did those
logical improvement was increasingly recognised,109 in managed at referring centres (63% vs 47%; RR 069,
these studies prone ventilation was of short duration. 95% CI 005097; p=003), although only 75% of the
Additionally, subsequent meta-analyses110,111 suggested group received ECMO. Two observational studies, one
benet specically in the most hypoxaemic patients from Australia and New Zealand115 and one from the
receiving lung-protective ventilation. The PROSEVA UK,116 also showed high rates of survival with ECMO in
study112 was designed to address these shortcomings. patients with inuenza A (H1N1) with refractory
466 patients with severe acute respiratory distress hypoxaemia on maximum ventilatory support. However,
syndrome (which was dened as a PaO2 of less than ECMO is a scarce and expensive resource that is often
150 mm Hg while being ventilated with an FiO2 of 06 or available only at specialist centres (gure 4) and
greater) who were receiving lung-protective ventilation associated with well recognised complications, including
were randomly assigned to either the supine position or bleeding, vascular damage, and risks from interhospital
daily prone position sessions lasting at least 16 h. Prone transfer. Despite widespread and growing use worldwide,
position ventilation was associated with reduced 28 day at present there is an absence of level one evidence for its
mortality compared with supine ventilation (328% vs ecacy. In the UK, ECMO is a nationally commissioned
160%, p<0001; HR 044, 95% CI 029067). There were service provided at few regional centres.
no additional complications associated with prone
positioning, although the centres involved were all Non-conventional mechanical ventilation
experienced with this technique. This magnitude of eect, High-frequency oscillatory ventilation is the provision of
although large, was predicted by a previous meta-analysis.111 small tidal volumes (typically 2 mL per kg of predicted
bodyweight) at high frequencies of up to 900 breaths per
Neuromuscular blockade min, via several atypical mechanisms of gas transfer. This
The hypoxaemia of severe acute respiratory distress mode of ventilation also aords separation of oxygenation,
syndrome might necessitate excessive ventilatory support, which is dependent on FiO2 and mean airway pressure,
risking the development of ventilator-induced lung injury. from carbon dioxide removal, which is an active process
Paralysis removes endogenous eort, improving that depends on the pressure amplitude and frequency of
respiratory mechanics and lowering oxygen consumption. oscillation. Two large randomised controlled trials, from
In the ACCURSY study,113 cisatracurium-besylate-induced Canada (OSCILLATE)35 and the UK (OSCAR),36 failed to Published online April 28, 2016 9


show benet from this mode of ventilation. OSCILLATE and placebo groups in 60 day in-hospital mortality (285%
showed harm associated with high-frequency oscillatory vs 249%; p=021) or ventilator-free days (151 [SD 108] vs
ventilation, possibly due to the high mean airway pressure 151 [110]; p=096). Rosuvastatin was, however, associated
generated causing haemodynamic compromise and with a small decrease in the number of days free of renal
requiring higher doses and duration of vasopressor, in and hepatic failure, indicating possible harm.
addition to more sedation and paralysis. Preclinical data suggest that 2 agonists could modify
several pulmonary mechanisms. They increase alveolar-
Pharmacotherapy uid clearance, are cytoprotective, and have anti-
In the past 5 years, statins and 2 agonists have been inammatory properties, which prompted investigation of
investigated in large placebo-controlled, phase 3 salbutamol as a potential therapy for acute respiratory
randomised studies. In addition to their cholesterol- distress syndrome.117119 In the UK BALTI-2 study,120
lowering eects, statins have pleotropic properties, intravenous salbutamol was given at a dose of 15 g per kg
making them an attractive potential therapy. In the Irish of ideal bodyweight per h; the trial was terminated for
Critical Care Trials Groups HARP-2 study,37 simvastatin safety reasons after recruiting 326 patients of a planned
was assessed in 540 patients with early acute respiratory 1334. Salbutamol was associated with increased 28 day
distress syndrome. Although 80 mg simvastatin was not mortality compared with placebo (34% vs 23%, RR 147,
associated with harm, there was no benet in ventilator- 95% CI 103208), and decreased ventilator-free and
free days (simvastatin 126 days [SD 9] vs control 115 days organ-failure-free days; its eects were possibly mediated
[104]; p=021), days free of non-pulmonary organ failure through cardiac and metabolic toxicity, in the form of
(194 [111] vs 178 [117]; p=011) or 28 day mortality arrhythmias and lactic acidosis. The US ARDSnet ALTA
(220% vs 268%; p=023). The US ARDSnet group ran a study121 of inhaled salbutamol (5 mg every 4 h for up to
similar study, SAILS,38 exploring rosuvastatin in 10 days in 282 patients) was stopped for futility. There was
745 patients with sepsis-associated acute respiratory no signicant dierence between the active and placebo
distress syndrome. The study was stopped for futility and groups in the primary outcome of ventilator-free days
showed no signicant dierence between the rosuvastatin (144 vs 166, 95% CI for dierence 47 to 03; p=0087)
or the secondary outcome of in-hospital mortality
(230% vs 177%, 40 to 147; p=030), although patients
Ventilation Extracorporeal Anti-inflammatory
1 Low tidal volume* 1 ECMO 1 Corticosteroids with shock at baseline in the salbutamol group had fewer
2 Pplat <30 cm H2O* 2 ECC02R 2 Statins ICU-free days than did those in the placebo group.
3 Higher PEEP* 3 Ketoconazole
4 Ibuprofen
Two other pharmacotherapies deserve mention
4 Driving pressure <15 cm H2O
5 Neuromuscular blockade* 5 Pentoxyfylline, corticosteroids and nitric oxide. Acute respiratory distress
6 Prone positioning* lisofylline syndrome is an inammatory lung injury, and the use of
7 Surfactant 6 Silvelestat
8 Mucolytics 7 Omega 3 fatty corticosteroids would thus appear ideally suited to it, with
9 Bronchodilators acids their ability to dampen both inammation and brosis.
10 Liquid ventilation 8 Vitamins C, D, E
11 Tracheal gas insuation 9 Interferon
Unfortunately, despite a plethora of trials, there is
10 Aspirin inadequate evidence to make a denitive recommendation
in favour of or against the use of corticosteroids,122,123
although the US ARDSnet steroid study suggested harm
if corticosteroid therapy was started more than 14 days
after the onset of the syndrome.124 Nitric oxide is an inhaled
pulmonary vasodilator that improves ventilation
Vasomotor tone
perfusion matching, resulting in increased oxygenation.
1 Nitric oxide However, this increase in oxygenation does not translate
2 Prostaglandins (inhaled into improved patient-centred outcomes.125 Nitric oxide is
and intravenous)
3 Almetrine Antifibrotic associated with numerous complications, including renal
1 Corticosteroids failure and rebound pulmonary hypertension.125 Various
Extravascular lung water Reparative other anti-inammatory and pathophysiologically
1 Neutral-to-negative uid balance* 1 Stem cells (gure 5) targeted drugs have been investigated, but have
Diuretics Anticoagulants 2 Growth factors
Renal replacement therapy 1 Activated protein C Keratinocyte growth factor not demonstrated robust eectiveness.126,127
2 Salbutamol 2 Heparin GM-CSF

Fluid management
Key Fibrin Neutrophil Platelets
Acute respiratory distress syndrome is a form of
Fibroblast Cytokines Thrombosis Hyaline membrane
pulmonary oedema, and thus uid therapy is an essential
aspect of management. Fluid excess is increasingly
Figure 5: Acute respiratory distress syndrome therapies in clinical use
Pplat=airway plateau pressure. GM-CSF=granulocytemacrophage colony-stimulating factor. PEEP=positive
linked to detrimental outcomes across the spectrum of
end-expiratory pressure. ECMO=extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. ECCO2R=extracorporeal carbon dioxide critical illnesses.128 A general paradigm exists of early
removal. *Evidence supports use. No supporting evidence base, or evidence of harm. Undergoing active research. uid loading for resuscitation and organ rescue during

10 Published online April 28, 2016


the presentation stage of the illness, followed by uid respiratory distress syndrome.137 Despite separation of
unloading (deresuscitation)either spontaneous or caloric delivery between groups (roughly 400 kcal per
inducedafter haemodynamic stability has been day vs full feeding of 1300 kcal per day), neither the
achieved.129 Fluid-induced lung injury describes the primary outcome of ventilator-free days (149 vs 150;
development of lung injury after intravenous uid dierence 01, 95% CI 14 to 12; p=089) nor the
administration. The rapid administration of saline in secondary outcomes of 60 day mortality (232% vs 222%;
healthy volunteers can cause pulmonary interstitial 10, 41 to 63; p=077) or infectious complications
oedema;130 patients with sepsis can experience decreased diered between groups. The full feed group, however,
oxygenation and worsening lung injury scores as a result received more prokinetic agents, and spent more days
of uid bolus administration after initial resuscitation.131 with increased gastric residual volume, vomiting, and
In a randomised controlled trial132 in 1001 patients with constipation. Additionally, there was no dierence in
acute respiratory distress syndrome managed with lung- physical or cognitive function in survivors at 1 year.138
protective ventilation (FACTT), a detailed algorithm The ability to modulate the inammatory response via
targeting cardiac lling pressures in the setting of immunonutritionie, the delivery of immune-en-
haemodynamic stability was used for a comparison of hancing dietary agents such as sh oils, glutamine,
liberal and conservative uid strategies. At 1 week, a selenium, vitamins, and other antioxidantshas long
conservative strategy was associated with a net neutral been a potential target. Early studies were suggestive of
uid balance compared with a 7 L positive balance in the benet, especially when used in acute respiratory distress
control arm, resulting in signicantly increased syndrome.139 But randomised controlled trials have not
oxygenation, a better lung injury score, more ventilator- shown ecacy for a range of additives in either patients
free and ICU-free days, and fewer blood transfusions in with acute respiratory distress syndrome140 or those
the conservatively managed group. There was no dierence needing general critical care.141143 In the OMEGA study,144
between the conservative and liberal strategies in the the twice daily use of the n-3 fatty acids docosahexaenoic
primary outcome of death at 60 days (255% acid and eicosapentaenoic acid, -linolenic acid, and a
[SD 19] vs 284% [20]; 95% CI for dierence 26 to 84, mixture of antioxidants, was compared with use of an
p=030) or incidence of organ failures. A follow-up study at isocaloric control in 272 patients with early acute
2 years, however, showed an increased incidence of respiratory distress syndrome who were also receiving
cognitive impairment in the deresuscitated group (adjusted enteral nutrition. Despite an eight-times increase in
odds ratio 335 [95% CI 116970] to 546 [1921553]).133 plasma n-3 fatty acid concentrations in the intervention
A small randomised controlled trial134 of combined group, there were clear signals of harm necessitating the
therapy with albumin and furosemide administration in termination of the study, including decreased ventilator-
37 hypoproteinaemic patients with acute respiratory free, non-pulmonary-organ-failure-free, and ICU-free
distress syndrome demonstrated improvements in days, and a non-signicant increase in mortality. A
oxygenation, uid balance, and haemodynamics. A subsequent small phase 2 study of sh oils in 90 patients
further small follow-up study by the same group, in again failed to demonstrate benet in this population.140
which furosemide administration with or without A meta-analysis145 supported a lack of ecacy associated
albumin supplementation was compared, suggested that with sh oil supplementation in patients with acute
the combination was superior to furosemide admini- respiratory distress syndrome, and a consensus paper
stration alone. However, in the large randomised summarising current nutritional evidence did not
controlled ALBIOS trial,135 in which investigators support the administration of pharmaconutrients.146
examined a strategy of albumin administration to
maintain plasma albumin concentrations higher than Sedation and mobilisation
30 g/L in patients with sepsis and septic shock, benecial There are no direct comparative studies of the optimum
eects on respiratory sequential organ failure assessment choice of sedative or depth of sedation to be obtained in
(SOFA) score were not associated with higher plasma patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome. In
albumin concentrations, although a specied subgroup general, patients should be lightly sedated, with emphasis
analysis was not done for this outcome. Therefore on analgesia, and benzodiazepines should be avoided
whether albumin has a place in the management of acute when possible.147 Early deep sedation in mechanically
respiratory distress syndrome remains unclear. On the ventilated patients is associated with increased
basis of available evidence, synthetic colloids do not have mortality;148 by contrast, early mobilisation has been
any role in the management of the critically ill.136 associated with improved outcomes in mechanically
ventilated patients with acute respiratory failure.149
Supportive therapy
Nutrition Controversies and uncertainties
Investigators in the EDEN study explored the eect of Despite promising preclinical and early clinical data,
low-volume trophic feeding for up to 6 days in most large phase 2 and 3 studies of therapeutic
1000 non-malnourished patients with early acute interventions in acute respiratory distress syndrome Published online April 28, 2016 11


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