Vestige Mobile POS: User Manual (Android)

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Mobile POS
User Manual(Android)
Version 3.0

This document contains instruction on using the Vestige Shopping App

1. Login ................................................................................................................................................ 3
2. Providing Distributor Info ............................................................................................................... 4
3. Selecting Products and Quantity..................................................................................................... 7
4. Choosing Promotion and Applying Gift Vouchers .......................................................................... 9
5. Proceed to Payment choice .......................................................................................................... 10
6. Finalize Order ................................................................................................................................ 10
7. Using Bonus................................................................................................................................... 12
8. Online Payment............................................................................................................................. 14
9. Cancel an Order ............................................................................................................................ 16
10. Log Out ...................................................................................................................................... 17
About Vestige Mobile POS
The Vestige Mobile POS app enables you to shop from almost any mobile device.

To use the Vestige Mobile POS app on your mobile device, you must have an existing Vestige
account. With this app, you can:

Make Orders
Cancel Orders
Consume Bonus and Gift vouchers.
Pay Online or Offline after creating order.
Manage your account information

Supported Devices

Android phone and tablet

iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, and iPad mini (Coming Soon)

Order from the Vestige Mobile POS App

The Vestige Mobile POS app lets you find and purchase items.

Making an Order from Vestige POS App is few step process that Includes:

Providing Distributor information for which you are going to purchase products.
Selecting Products and its Quantity.
Claiming gift vouchers and schemes [if applicable]
Providing Payment Information
Order Placement
1. Login

Launch Application Enter Distributor ID/ Password

Click on login Home Page Appears

2. Providing Distributor Info

Click on Order Icon Enter Distributor ID

This will fetch distributor detail Click > Self
**this may take some time after fresh install [In case of Self Pickup]

This will fetch Address You may Chose/Enter new address

You may Also Choose Courier OR Choose /Enter Different Address

New Address
3. Selecting Products and Quantity

Click on the order Button this will open up Categories Screen

Select a Category, choose Product Choose Product & quantity. To

remove choose 0 Quantity

Total Amount/PV/BV will be Displayed Product can also be searched
Click Proceed
4. Choosing Promotion and Applying Gift Vouchers
This section describes how to choose promotions and Apply Gift vouchers

Proceed to Next Screen to get available Use Gift Voucher if applicable


Enter Gift Voucher No to claim You can also view order detail here which
will show items including gift
Proceed to Payment choice

5. Finalize Order
Order Screen Provide Breakup of Cash/card
Total Amount : Total Order Amount
Rem. Amount: Remaining Amount from Total Amount, This gets updated as soon as you
enter breakups.
By Default, when you click on the box to enter Cash or Card Value, it automatically enters
the amount equalling total amount.
You can use Combination of Cash and Card (or Bonus) in case of Self Pickup only where Card
will be swiped at branch location. You cannot partly pay by Card Online.
6. Using Bonus
Click on Use Bonus button

Enter Bonus No and Click Verify Come Back to Order Screen

this will show the value of bonus voucher.

Click Place Order Order is acknowledged

You are redirected to Main Screen Order History is Shown
Click Trace Order

Trace Order Screen Shows:

Order No., Status, Amount, Log No. and Other information.
7. Online Payment
Payments can be made my Cash or/and Card at the Counter.
If online payment is required to be made, then user needs to select an order.
This will automatically select all orders from the log of the selected order.
Partial log payments, In other words, few orders of log cannot be paid online. Though it can
be done at branch.
Online Payment cannot be clubbed with Cash.

Go To Trace Order Screen Select an Order. This will change the Pay Button
Screen with Order Value
Click on the Pay Button Redirecting..
This will redirect you to Payment Gateway

Payment Gateway Proceed to Make Payment and Complete

8. Cancel an Order
If in case user wants to cancel an order, before payment is made, The order can be cancelled using
the App.

On Trace Order Page Click Cancel Order being Cancelled

Button against the desired order
Order Cancelled (See Status)

9. Log Out
Click on the Log out button to Log out from the system

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