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Android Bluetooth Low

Energy Tutorial
22 September 2014 |

In July 2013, the Android API 18 release introduced support for Bluetooth Low Energy
(BTLE). With increasing numbers of devices hitting the market, adding support for BTLE
devices has become a priority for many. However, diving into the Android BTLE
documentation can be a bit daunting for the novice. This tutorial will walk through the basic
concepts of BTLE, and then show snippets of code to further illustrate the communication
with remote devices.

BTLE Concepts
As the name indicates, Bluetooth Low Energy was designed to provide a similar
communication range as compared to Bluetooth Classic while using significantly less
power. BTLE devices will go into sleep mode and wake only for connection attempts or
events. As a result, the software developer needs to understand a few of the basic concepts
in BTLE concepts that we didnt care about when doing Bluetooth Classic socket

GATT Profile
All BTLE devices implement one or more profiles. A profile is a high level definition that
describes how services can be used to enable an application. Low energy application
profiles are based on the Generic Attribute Profile (GATT). This is a general specification for
sending and receiving short pieces of data (known as attributes) over a low energy link.
The client is the device that initiates GATT commands and accepts responses. For our
examples, the Android device will act as the client as this is a typical use case. However, the
Android BTLE API does allow the Android device to act as the server.

The server is the device that receives GATT commands or requests and returns responses.
For example, heart rate monitors, health thermometers, and location and navigation devices
act as servers.

A characteristic is a data value transferred between the client and the server. For example,
in addition to the heart rate measurement, a heart rate monitor can also report its current
battery voltage, device name, or serial number.

A service is a group of characteristics that operate together to perform a specific function.
Many devices implement the Device Information Service. This service is made up of
characteristics such as manufacturer name, model number, serial number, and firmware

A descriptor provides additional information about a characteristic. For instance, a
temperature value characteristic may have an indication of its units (Celsius or Fahrenheit)
or the valid range, the upper and lower values which the sensor can measure.

Services, characteristics, and descriptors are collectively referred to as attributes and

identified by UUIDs (128 bit number). Of those 128 bits, you typically only care about the 16
bits highlighted below. These digits are predefined by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group


GATT Operations
Below are examples of operations that can be performed using these concepts. These are
all commands a client can use to discover information about the server.

Discover UUIDs for all primary services. This operation can be used to determine if a
device supports Device Information Service, for example.

Discover all characteristics for a given service. For example, some heart rate monitors
also include a body sensor location characteristic.

Read and write descriptors for a particular characteristic. One of the most common
descriptors used is the Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor. This allows the
client to set the notifications to indicate or notify for a particular characteristic. If the
client sets the Notification Enabled bit, the server sends a value to the client whenever
the information becomes available. Similarly, setting the Indications Enabled bit will
also enable the server to send notifications when data is available, but the indicate
mode also requires a response from the client.

Read and write to a characteristic. Using the example of the heart rate monitor, the
client would be reading the heart rate measurement characteristic. Or, a client might
write to a characteristic while upgrading the firmware of the remote device.

Make it work for Android

Now that we understand the basics of BTLE, lets highlight the important steps to make this
work for your Android app. Recall, it is mandatory that you are working with a device that
supports API 18 or higher.

First declare the following permissions in your manifest. The BLUETOOTH permission
allows you to connect with devices and the BLUETOOTH_ADMIN permission allows you to
discover devices.

<uses-permission android:name=android.permission.BLUETOO
TH />
<uses-permission android:name=android.permission.BLUETOO
<uses-feature android:name=android.hardware.bluetooth_l
e android:required=true />

Get the BluetoothAdapter and Enable

The following code will get the BluetoothAdapter class, which is necessary for
device discovery. This code also checks that the Android device has Bluetooth enabled and
will request that the user enable Bluetooth if it is currently disabled. Notice, this portion of
the process is identical to what would be performed if connecting with a Bluetooth Classic
device. However, after this step, the similarities cease.

BluetoothManager btManager = (BluetoothManager)getSystemS


BluetoothAdapter btAdapter = btManager.getAdapter();

if (btAdapter != null && !btAdapter.isEnabled()) {
Intent enableIntent = new Intent(BluetoothAdapte

Device Discovery
Usually, the first step to connecting with a device is device discovery. This is an
asynchronous process. Therefore, we must create the
BluetoothAdapter.LeScanCallback implementation which will be called each
time a device is discovered.
private BluetoothAdapter.LeScanCallback leScanCallback =
new BluetoothAdapter.LeScanCallback() {
public void onLeScan(final BluetoothDevice devic
e, final int rssi, final byte[] scanRecord) {
// your implementation here

Using the above implementation, we can start and stop device discovery with the following
method calls:


Note: It is wise to stop the scan after you have found the desired devices. As stated in the
Android documentation, the discovery process is a heavy drain on the Android devices

Create BluetoothGattCallback
Now that you have a BluetoothDevice object, the next step is to start the connection

process. This requires an instance of the BluetoothGattCallback class. There are

several useful methods in this class, but the following code will only highlight a few
necessary ones.
private final BluetoothGattCallback btleGattCallback = ne
w BluetoothGattCallback() {

public void onCharacteristicChanged(BluetoothGatt
gatt, final BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic) {
// this will get called anytime you perfo
rm a read or write characteristic operation

public void onConnectionStateChange(final Bluetoo
thGatt gatt, final int status, final int newState) {
// this will get called when a device con
nects or disconnects

public void onServicesDiscovered(final BluetoothG
att gatt, final int status) {
// this will get called after the client
initiates a BluetoothGatt.discoverSer
vices() call

And finally, use the following call to initiate a connection:

BluetoothGatt bluetoothGatt = bluetoothDevice.connectGat

t(context, false, btleGattCallback);

Discover Services and Characteristics

Assuming the connection attempt is successful, the callback
BluetoothGattCallback.onConnectionStateChange() will be called with
the newState argument set to BluetoothProfile.STATE_CONNECTED. After

this event, discover services can be initiated. As the name implies, the goal of the following
call is to determine what services the remote device supports.

When the device responds, you will received the callback

BluetoothGattCallback.onServicesDiscovered(). You must receive this
callback before you can get a list of the supported services. And once you have a list of
services a device supports, use the following code to get the characteristics for that service.

List<BluetoothGattService> services = bluetoothGatt.getSe

for (BluetoothGattService service : services) {
List<BluetoothGattCharacteristic> characteristics
= service.getCharacteristics();

Configure Descriptor for Notify

Thus far, we have connected to the device, discovered its supported services, and retrieved
a list of the characteristics for each service. Now that we have the basic information, lets
do something useful. Using a heart rate monitor as an example, we want the monitor to
send us regular readings of the users heart rate. Recall we talked earlier about the Client
Characteristic Configuration Descriptor which will enable notifications on the remote device.
The following code illustrates how we would get the descriptor, and then enable the
notification flag.

for (BluetoothGattDescriptor descriptor : characteristi

c.getDescriptors()) {
//find descriptor UUID that matches Client Charac
teristic Configuration (0x2902)
// and then call setValue on that descriptor

descriptor.setValue( BluetoothGattDescriptor.ENAB
Notice the reference to a UUID value of 0x2902. We discussed earlier the 16 bits of the UUID
that we typically care about. Each service, characteristic and descriptor has a UUID
associated with it. See the Bluetooth SIG Assigned Numbers (
us/specification/assigned-numbers) website for a full list of the predefined UUIDs.

Receive Notifications
When the heart rate monitor sends the heart rate measurement to the Android device, you
will receive a callback in
BluetoothGattCallback.onCharacteristicChanged(). The following
code shows how to retrieve that information.

public void onCharacteristicChanged(BluetoothGatt gatt, f
inal BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic) {
//read the characteristic data
byte[] data = characteristic.getValue();

Final step
And finally, to disconnect and close the GATT client, make the following calls:


Hints and Observations

Hopefully this tutorial will help you develop your own BTLE applications. If that is your goal,
there are a couple more things you should know. (Items NOT found in the documentation).

Stop device discovery before attempting a connection. It has already been stated
device discovery should stop to prevent battery drain. However stopping device
discovery before attempting a connection has given me better connection results.
Queue all GATT operations (connection attempts, device discovery, reads and writes
to characteristics), and execute them one at a time. Evidence suggests the lower layer
GATT operations are not being queued and some will get dropped if you dont handle
this yourself.

Make every effort to disconnect the device and close the GATT client when your app
closes (whether that is due to user action, an unexpected crash, or the OS removing
your app as a result of system resource shortages). If the session is left open, the user
will likely have difficulty reconnecting until the previous connection times out, or
Bluetooth is cycled on the Android device, or the device is rebooted.

Android examples typically have the developer walk through the process of device
discovery to get a BluetoothDevice object. However, in a typical use case, a user would
want to connect to the same remote device each time (i.e. just connect to the heart
rate monitor that you own). After the initial device discovery, save the devices MAC
address. See BluetoothDevice.getAddress(). Then, next time the user
wants to connect, use that address to construct the BluetoothDevice object. See
BluetoothAdapter.getRemoteDevice(). This will bypass device
discovery which can create a smoother user experience.

Below are some links that you might find useful. Enjoy!

Android BTLE API documentation

( Bluetooth SIG
specification ( Google I/O 2013
Best Practices for Bluetooth Development (

development 19 (
bluetooth 3 (

btle 1 (

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