Sometimes Heart Sees What Eyes Cannot

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Sometimes heart sees what eyes cannot

The five sensory organs in us Eye, Ears, Nose, Skin and Tongue are associated
with functions to visualize, hearing, to smell, to touch, to taste. Vision, hearing,
smell, touch and taste sensations are processed with the help of brain. Eyes
are the most important sense organ which liberates us from the clutches of
pitch blackness - an embodiment of darkness.

When we open our eyes, we see what is around us. Our mind then analyzes
the details subjected to those objects. In other words, it registers the physical
attributes of what it sees; it may be its appearance, state of its presence. When
we say, Sometimes heart sees what eyes cannot; it actually means
association of eyes with mind (i.e brain with visual sensory organ). However,
same holds true for the rest of the sensory organs.

There is a saying, All we see and hear cannot always be true. Since eyes
through brain can see the posterior side of things, it can be fooled easily with
the help of facades. Best example for that is magic tricks and an actor/actress
who is trained to smile at all situations. On the other hand, our heart which is
often associated with love sickness lately, can actually see through what lies
the beneath. It can be said as hunch sometimes. It can be care, love, affection,
jealous, hatred, anger, whether genuine or fake.

Fortunately, our heart is an embodiment of feeling. It has the ability to see the
truth behind what is being projected. Difference arises with respect to actions
post knowing.

For an instance, a friend of us might be in distress but never shows it outside.

He/she hides behind a smile on his face and act as a happy person. We can see
through his/her facade provided we listen to our heart when it sees. It can
sense the pain, sadness hidden in the smile. Whether you heed to it or not will
be the subjective to yourself.

Let us look at another interesting event, people often take utmost effort and
spends huge resources and time to travel. For going to a far away and famous
temple or church or a mosque but as soon as they reach the sanctorum where
the idol/sacred item is placed, they close their eye immediately to pray. So
much so to close your eyes when you actually reach the place, isnt it ironical?
Irrespective of religion one is following or the form of the prayer one practices,
they close their eyes during the prayer. What will be the reason? Obvious
reason is they pray not with the mind but with the heart. They seek peace and
presence of higher consciousness than theirs through the heart. Since eyes
cannot see the consciousness present in the idol nor the mind acknowledges
presence of some aura inside the idol which is invisible to the naked eye. All
the prayer, wishes, and hymns we do it through our heart.

Thirdly, we are on the road, struck in traffic. There comes the beggar begging
for alms. Our eyes only see the beggars appearance. Our mind thinks why they
cant opt for some work instead. We scorn at them as a result irrespective of
his plight. But our heart sees the plight of the beggar; if one is compassionate
he/she would help the beggar. If not he/she blames the beggar and move on.
In both events heart sees what eyes cannot.

Unfortunately, people seldom rely on heart as they see it as some weakness to

feel compassionate or altruistic. A cursory glance is all one could afford at
people who are not related to them.It is a competitive era, where parents fails
to see the pain and struggle of their kids and cares about rank in mark sheets.
At the same time, kids start to develop some inferiority complex as a result. If
only they take a second and look at their kid through their heart. They would
understand his strength and weakness and avoid raising negative feeling in
him. Due to disappointment, kid fails to see the care and worry behind the
derisive statements of parents

A person can be harsh, rude at others. Eyes see only harshness, rudeness while
heart sees whether the harshness, rudeness born out of love or hatred.
Teacher would scold a student who fails to complete his home work
irrespective of his past credits. Since, he/she should be impartial with erring
students. If student takes it to hear, he/she can notice the care along with
disappointment from teacher. If he/she hasnt then they will be irritated
thinking they erred only once why teacher is not considerate at all. At the same
time, teacher would be able to see through the student reason and punish or
take consideration. However, she would sense the hatred from students for
punishing them for their wellbeing. It would be devastating sometimes at their
It is advantageous when heart sees what eyes cannot see, but it can also hurt
one since truth is always bitter and hurts. It could devastate one to know that a
person whom one thinks as a trustworthy is actually faking goodness to plot
behind one.

Whatever be the experience one gets, they should see with the heart let alone
depend on the eyes to see. This is an age of plastic expression, in the name of
etiquette and hospitality; fake smiles have become the norm. No one can tell
whether what they are seeing is genuine or a facade. Your eyes cannot
differentiate between the genuine or fake love and loyalty being shown. You
have to go with the hunch coming from your heart and to be on safe. Ironically,
love, loyalty, hatred and betrayal happens only because of heart. So
sometimes heart sees what eyes cannot see. When it sees, keep hold on to it
and do the needful to those who need a hand.

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