Better Life Initiative 2016 Country Notes Data

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Better Life Initiative 2016 Country Notes

Figures and Data

1. Current well-being and well-being over time

1.1 Headline Indicators: Current well-being

1.2 Well-being over time: Trust in others and Educational attainment

2. How's Life for Children?

2.1 Headline Indicators: Child well-being

2.2.A Inequalities in child well-being: Health status & Education and skills
2.2.B Inequalities in child well-being: Civic engagement
2.2.C Inequalities in child well-being: Social and family environment
2.2.D Inequalities in child well-being: Personal security & Subjective well-being

3. The Value of Giving: Volunteering and Well-being

3.1 Where do people volunteer? (Fields of formal volunteering)

3.2 Prevalence and Frequency of formal volunteering
3.3 Time people spend on formal volunteering
3.4 Who volunteers in the OECD? (Breakdown of formal volunteering prevalence by education level, employment status and ho

4. Going local: Measuring Well-being in Regions

4.1 Regional well-being data for OECD regions

4.2 Regional disparities in air pollution

The statistical data for Israel are supplied by and under the responsibility of the relevant Israeli authorities. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejud
Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law.
level, employment status and household income)

such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the

Headline indicators: values in original units

Dimension Income and Wealth Jobs and Earnings

Household Financial Long-term

Concept Employment Earnings Job security
income wealth unemployment

Net Average
household Net household annual gross Labour Long-term
Indicator adjusted financial earnings per market unemployment
disposable wealth full-time insecurity rate
income employee

USD at USD at Employed USD at Percentag Percentage

current current aged 15-64, current e of of the labour
PPPs, per PPPs, per as a PPPs expected force
capita capita percentage earnings unemployed
Units of the loss for one year
population associated or more
aged 15-64 with
2013 2013 2014 2014 2013 2014
(or latest (or latest (or latest
Year available available available
year) year) year)

ISO Country
AUS Australia 33,138 48,836 71.60 51,148 3.92 1.32
AUT Austria 31,667 55,623 71.08 45,988 2.23 1.53
BEL Belgium 28,700 89,057 61.90 48,093 3.62 4.26
CAN Canada 30,474 75,775 72.30 48,164 3.86 0.89
CHL Chile .. 18,172 62.22 .. 8.06 ..
CZE Czech Republic 18,953 20,170 68.96 21,185 4.73 2.72
DNK Denmark 26,945 54,839 72.80 49,589 2.29 1.66
EST Estonia 16,565 15,728 69.56 21,020 7.61 3.32
FIN Finland 28,238 24,482 68.89 40,742 2.56 1.97
FRA France 29,759 53,851 64.20 40,828 4.61 4.21
DEU Germany 31,925 49,822 73.80 43,872 2.73 2.21
GRC Greece 18,099 17,568 49.42 26,436 32.03 19.47
HUN Hungary 15,614 17,774 61.78 21,399 7.85 3.78
ISL Iceland .. .. 82.23 .. 0.72 0.67
IRL Ireland 22,969 31,861 61.31 53,286 4.99 6.98
ISR Israel .. 50,051 67.86 29,635 3.86 0.63
ITA Italy 25,004 56,833 56.52 34,744 11.84 7.79
JPN Japan 27,323 92,818 72.66 35,672 2.36 1.36
KOR Korea 19,372 .. 65.35 36,653 2.12 0.01
LUX Luxembourg .. 64,500 66.64 61,511 2.11 1.60
MEX Mexico 12,806 .. 60.44 12,850 5.23 0.06
NLD Netherlands 27,759 71,251 73.12 51,003 3.09 2.98
NZL New Zealand .. .. 74.24 .. 4.90 0.78
NOR Norway 33,393 16,930 75.31 51,718 1.45 0.41
POL Poland 17,820 12,902 61.68 23,649 8.86 3.26
PRT Portugal 19,882 29,563 62.62 23,977 11.68 8.28
SVK Slovak Republic 18,534 8,896 60.97 22,151 10.74 8.80
SVN Slovenia 19,130 17,271 63.89 33,068 5.18 5.27
ESP Spain 22,007 29,819 56.78 36,013 26.65 12.92
SWE Sweden 28,859 69,899 74.89 40,994 5.16 1.33
CHE Switzerland 35,952 120,265 79.84 57,082 1.70 1.71
TUR Turkey .. 3,886 49.55 .. 9.12 2.04
GBR United Kingdom 26,687 69,927 72.64 41,659 5.68 2.22
USA United States 41,071 163,268 68.15 57,139 5.16 1.42

OECD OECD average 29,016 84,547 65.80 40,974 6.25 2.58

BRA Brazil .. .. 66.66 .. 6.56 ..

LVA Latvia 13,655 9,837 66.29 .. .. 4.67
RUS Russian federation 17,006 .. 69.33 .. 5.14 1.45
ZAF South Africa 8,712 16,937 42.77 .. 22.64 14.37

OECD OECD Labour Force OECD OECD Job Labour Force

calculations calculations Statistics, calculations Quality Statistics,
based on based on OECD combining database, OECD
OECD OECD National Employment data from the http://stats.oe Employment
National Accounts and Labour OECD and Labour
Accounts Statistics Market Earnings aspx? Market
Statistics (database) Statistics Distrbution DataSetCod Statistics
(database) (database), Database e=JOBQ (database),
http://dx.doi.o /10.1787/na- http://dx.doi.or and OECD
rg/10.1787/n data-en. g/10.1787/lfs- Average 10.1787/lfs-lfs-
a-data-en lfs-data-en Annual data-en
and on Earnings per
Statistics Full-time and
Norway Full-year
statbank Equivalent
(database) Dependent

Source: : OECD calculation based on the OECD Better Life Index 2016 database,

The statistical data for Israel are supplied by and under the responsibility of the relevant Israeli authorities. The use of such data by the
in the West Bank under the terms of international law.
Housing Work-life balance Health status Education and skill

Rooms per Housing Life Educational

Basic sanitation Working hours Time off Perceived health
person affordability expectancy attainment

Dwellings Employees Time devoted to Life attainment of
Rooms per Housing Perceived health
without basic working very leisure and expectancy the adult
person expenditure status
sanitary facilities long hours personal care at birth working-aged

Average Percentage Percentage Percentage of Hours per Number of Percentage Percentage

number of of household of people employees day, persons years a of adults of people
rooms per gross without an routinely in full-time newborn reporting that aged 25-64
person adjusted indoor working 50 employment can their health is with at least
(excluding disposable flushing toilet hours or more only expect to "good" or an upper
bathroom, income for the sole per week live better than secondary
toilet, spent on use of their good education
kitchenette, housing and household
scullery/utilit house
y rooms and maintenance
garages) 2013 2014 (or 2014 Latest 2013 2013 (or 2014
(or latest (or latest latest (or latest available (or latest latest (or latest
available available available available year available available available
year) year) year) year) year) year) year)

.. 19.99 .. 13.39 14.35 82.20 85.40 77.10

1.60 21.00 1.00 7.32 14.55 81.20 68.60 83.86
2.20 21.04 2.10 4.73 15.77 80.70 74.30 73.55
2.52 21.43 0.19 3.83 14.41 81.50 88.70 89.99
1.23 17.99 9.36 13.84 .. 78.80 59.10 61.41
1.40 25.51 0.70 5.99 .. 78.30 59.60 93.19
1.90 24.51 0.50 2.21 15.87 80.40 71.70 79.55
1.60 18.71 7.20 3.29 14.90 77.30 53.40 91.00
1.90 21.83 0.60 3.60 15.17 81.10 64.60 86.51
1.80 21.41 0.50 7.77 16.36 82.30 67.20 74.85
1.80 21.52 0.00 4.96 15.55 80.90 64.90 86.90
1.20 25.53 0.50 6.37 .. 81.40 73.90 68.27
1.10 19.59 5.30 3.76 .. 75.70 56.90 83.09
1.60 24.13 0.00 .. .. 82.10 76.60 73.26
2.00 20.26 0.10 4.11 .. 81.10 82.00 78.81
1.17 .. .. 14.74 .. 82.10 80.00 85.35
1.40 23.92 0.80 3.83 14.89 82.80 66.10 59.31
1.89 22.25 6.40 .. 14.85 83.40 35.40 ..
1.43 15.92 4.16 .. 14.70 81.80 35.10 84.98
2.00 .. 0.10 3.27 .. 81.90 71.90 81.98
0.96 21.68 4.19 28.28 .. 74.60 65.50 33.70
1.90 19.06 0.00 0.44 .. 81.40 75.50 75.90
2.36 23.04 .. 13.78 14.87 81.40 89.61 74.08
2.00 17.64 0.00 3.05 15.56 81.80 76.00 81.95
1.10 21.74 3.10 7.25 14.42 77.10 58.30 90.52
1.70 19.25 1.00 9.77 .. 80.80 46.10 43.28
1.10 24.85 1.30 6.23 .. 76.50 65.90 90.84
1.50 19.04 0.60 5.50 14.75 80.40 64.80 85.73
1.90 22.79 0.10 5.61 15.93 83.20 71.60 56.62
1.80 20.13 0.00 1.10 15.18 82.00 81.10 81.55
1.80 21.69 0.00 .. .. 82.90 80.70 87.98
1.10 .. 7.60 39.26 .. 76.60 67.79 35.63
1.90 22.68 0.40 12.83 14.87 81.10 73.70 79.17
.. 18.79 0.08 11.69 14.47 78.80 87.50 89.57

1.78 20.78 2.12 13.02 14.91 79.91 68.92 76.35

.. .. 6.67 9.45 .. 75.00 .. 46.41

1.20 25.56 14.70 2.45 14 74.10 .. 89.51
0.92 10.78 14.40 0.18 .. 70.70 39.00 94.68
.. 18.46 20.50 18.07 15 56.80 .. 64.93
European OECD European Union Labour Force OECD Health Health status, OECD (2015),
Union Statistics calculations Statistics on Statistics, OECD calculations status", OECD Health Education at a
on Income and based on OECD Income and Employment and based on the OECD Statistics Glance 2015,
Living National Living Labour Market Harmonised Health (database), OECD, Paris
Conditions Accounts Conditions (EU- Statistics European Time Statistics
(EU-SILC) for Statistics SILC) (database), Use Survey web (database), 0.1787/data-
EU countries (database) http://epp.eurost application http://dx.doi.o 00540-en
and Norway; 0.1787/lfs-lfs- (https://www.h2. rg/10.1787/d
2011 ABS 10.1787/na- portal/page/port data-en, ata-00540-en
Census of data-en al/microdata/eu_ Eurostat
Population and silc for EU database
Housing for countries and http://appsso.eur
Australia; Norway;
Canadian Canadian eu/nui/
National Household dataset=tus_00s
Household Facilities and elfstat&lang=en,
Survey for Equipment public-use time
Canada; INE Survey for use survey
Censo 2002 for Canada; INE micro-data and
Chile; Israeli Censo 2002 for tabulations from
Household Chile; Housing National
Expenditure and Land Survey Statistical
Survey for of Japan for Offices for non-
Israel; Housing Japan; European
and Land Population and countries.
Survey of Housing Census
Japan for of Korea for
Japan; Korea; INEGI
Population and Censo de
Housing Poblacin y
Census of Vivienda 2010
Korea for for Mexico;
Korea; INEGI Turkish Income
Censo de and Living
Poblacin y Conditions
Vivienda 2010 survey for
for Mexico; Turkey;
Census of New American
Zealand for Housing Survey
New Zealand; for the United
Population and States; Universo
Housing do Censo
census of Demogrfico
s. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements
Turkey for 2010 of Brazil for
Turkey; Brazil; and
American ROSSTAT
Community Income,
Survey for the Expenditure and
United States; Consumption of
and ROSSTAT Households
Income, statistical report
Expenditure for the Russian
and Federation.
Consumption of
statistical report
for the Russian
Education and skills Social connecCivic engage Civic engage Environmental quality Personal security

Cognitive Deaths due

Adult skills Social support Voter turnout Voter turnout Water quality Air quality
skills to assault

Cognitive Stakeholder
Expected Perceived
skills of 15 engagement for Satisfaction with Homicides
years in social network Voter turnout Air pollution
year old developing water quality rates
education support
students regulations

Average The Percentage Composite Percentage Percentage Population- Age-

years of OECD of people indicator of of votes cast of satisfied weighted standardis
education Programm who have formal among the people in the annual ed rate,
that a 5- e on friends or stakeholder population overall concentratio per 100
year-old Internation relatives that engagement registered to population n to PM2.5, 000
child can al they can in developing vote micrograms population
expect to Students count on in primary laws per cubic
enrol Assesmen times of and metre
during her t (PISA) trouble subordinate
lifetime mean regulations
until the score for 2015 2014 by
initiated 2015 2015 (or 2013
(or latest
age of 39 reading, (or latest the executive (or latest latest (or latest
available 2012
mathemati available (0 (min) - 4 available available 2013 available
year) cs and year) (max) scale) year) year) year)

19 512 95.11 2.72 93.23 94.42 5.94 0.80

17 500 92.52 1.31 74.91 92.91 14.86 0.40
19 509 88.40 2.16 89.37 82.98 18.58 1.10
16 522 93.87 3.02 68.49 89.85 12.12 1.50
17 436 82.46 1.46 49.25 71.38 18.50 3.80
17 500 90.31 2.58 59.48 87.72 16.54 0.90
20 498 95.53 2.07 85.89 95.49 11.15 0.30
18 526 90.20 2.80 64.23 84.43 9.08 4.80
20 529 94.21 2.33 68.86 93.68 6.98 1.50
16 500 89.36 2.08 80.35 83.56 14.12 0.60
18 515 92.27 2.06 71.53 93.69 15.35 0.50
.. 466 83.39 1.89 63.60 69.31 15.37 1.50
17 487 82.23 1.23 61.84 75.54 15.67 1.20
20 484 95.74 1.64 81.44 97.46 7.20 0.30
18 516 95.29 0.82 70.05 82.26 7.93 0.80
16 474 85.72 0.88 72.34 65.20 25.86 1.80
17 490 90.68 1.46 75.19 69.93 18.32 0.80
16 540 90.99 1.34 52.66 86.75 16.01 0.30
17 542 75.80 2.40 75.84 77.56 29.09 1.10
15 490 93.36 1.49 91.15 85.39 14.99 0.20
14 417 75.28 3.45 63.14 68.33 11.94 23.40
18 519 87.86 1.32 74.56 93.63 16.82 0.80
18 509 98.56 2.53 76.95 91.54 8.65 1.20
18 496 93.12 1.95 78.23 97.31 5.98 1.00
18 521 86.28 2.58 55.34 79.99 16.95 1.00
17 488 85.08 1.23 55.84 88.64 9.88 0.90
16 472 92.34 2.94 59.11 81.12 15.96 1.20
18 499 88.90 2.79 51.73 90.69 13.68 0.40
18 490 95.51 1.57 73.20 70.94 11.61 0.60
19 482 92.34 2.00 85.81 95.20 7.32 0.80
17 518 93.50 2.62 48.40 96.97 17.33 0.50
17 462 83.60 2.06 85.18 62.71 17.24 1.70
17 502 93.37 2.91 66.12 87.13 10.79 0.20
17 492 90.08 3.18 66.66 83.70 10.73 5.20

17 497 88.22 2.43 68.35 81.10 14.05 4.09

16 402 90.00 .. 78.90 72.62 16.61 26.70

18 494 84.17 .. 58.80 76.03 12.08 6.10
16 481 90.72 .. 65.27 49.35 14.23 11.30
.. .. 89.53 .. 73.48 68.81 14.37 9.60

OECD OECD Gallup World OECD (2015), International Gallup World OECD OECD
(2015), (2014e), Poll, OECD Institute for Poll preliminary Health Data:
Education at PISA 2012 Indicators of Democracy and calculations Causes of
a Glance Results: m/services/170 Regulatory Electoral /services/17094 based on data Mortality,
2015, OECD, What 945/world- Policy and Assistance 5/world- from the Global OECD
Paris Students poll.aspx Governance (IDEA) (2015), poll.aspx Burden of Health
Know and (iREG), Disease Statistics
Can Do http://www.oecd. assessment (database),
(Volume I, org/gov/regulato (Brauer, M. et http://dx.doi.o
Revised ry- al. (2016) rg/10.1787/d
edition): policy/indicators "Ambient Air ata-00540-en
Student -regulatory- Pollution
Performance policy-and- Exposure
in governance.htm Estimation for
Mathematics, the Global
Reading and Burden of
Science, Disease 2013."
PISA, OECD Environmental
Publishing, Science &
Paris, Technology 50
http://dx.doi.o (1), Pages 79-
rg/10.1787/9 88).
Personal security Subjective

Self-reported Life
victimisation satisfaction

Feeling safe
walking alone
at night
World Poll)

Percentage Mean
of people values
declaring reported
that they feel using the
safe walking "Cantril
alone at ladder" 0-
night in the 10 scale,
city or area ranging
where they from worst
live possible to
2015 2015
(or latest (or latest
available available
year) year)

62.64 7.31
81.19 7.08
69.63 6.90
81.68 7.41
50.24 6.53
70.12 6.61
85.20 7.51
67.22 5.63
85.77 7.45
70.61 6.36
74.60 7.04
62.52 5.62
53.20 5.34
78.13 7.50
77.04 6.83
66.30 7.08
59.32 5.85
70.24 5.88
67.66 5.78
70.62 6.70
39.88 6.24
80.51 7.32
64.42 7.42
89.63 7.60
66.08 6.01
69.16 5.08
62.13 6.16
83.90 5.74
81.61 6.38
76.82 7.29
87.43 7.57
60.41 5.51
77.84 6.52
73.87 6.86

68.26 6.46

39.52 6.55
61.60 5.88
52.87 6.00
39.80 4.89

Gallup World Gallup World

Poll, Poll,
m/services/170 om/services/
945/world- 170945/worl
poll.aspx d-poll.aspx
Trust in others, European countries
Mean average response, 0-10 scale, 2013

ISO Country 2013

DNK Denmark 8.3
FIN Finland 7.4
NOR Norway 7.3
ISL Iceland 7.0
NLD Netherlands 6.9
SWE Sweden 6.9
SVN Slovenia 6.5
IRL Ireland 6.4
CHE Switzerland 6.4
ESP Spain 6.3
GBR United Kingdom 6.1
POL Poland 6.0
AUT Austria 5.9
OECD EU 24 5.8
EST Estonia 5.8
SVK Slovak Republic 5.8
BEL Belgium 5.7
ITA Italy 5.7
DEU Germany 5.5
LUX Luxembourg 5.5
CZE Czech Republic 5.3
GRC Greece 5.3
HUN Hungary 5.3
PRT Portugal 5.3
FRA France 5.0

Note: Response options ranged from 0 ("You do not trust any other person") to 10 ("Most
people can be trusted"). The OECD EU average is the population-weighted average of the
values included in the chart.

Source: Eurostat (2015), European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions

The statistical data for Israel are supplied by and under the responsibility of the relevant Israeli authorities. The use of such data by the OEC
and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law.
Educational attainment among 25-34 year olds
Percentage attaining at least upper secondary education

ISO Country 2000 2007 2013

JPN Japan 94.23 99.99 99.99
KOR Korea 93.27 97.45 98.34
SVN Slovenia 85.42 92.30 94.46
CZE Czech Republic 92.40 94.15 94.37
POL Poland 89.38 92.09 94.20
SVK Slovak Republic 93.67 93.99 94.06
CAN Canada 88.23 91.35 92.52
SWE Sweden 87.25 90.99 91.38
FIN Finland 86.28 90.03 90.77
ISR Israel .. 85.41 90.69
CHE Switzerland 89.81 89.67 90.27
USA United States 88.15 87.13 89.43
AUT Austria 83.79 86.50 89.23
EST Estonia 91.01 86.15 87.93
HUN Hungary 81.27 85.25 87.27
DEU Germany 84.85 85.02 86.93
IRL Ireland 73.04 83.64 86.75
GBR United Kingdom 66.79 80.03 86.10
LUX Luxembourg 68.15 77.04 86.03
AUS Australia 68.30 81.36 85.64
FRA France 76.38 82.70 85.41
NLD Netherlands 75.02 82.63 84.81
GRC Greece 68.69 75.22 84.15
OECD 31 75.17 80.38 83.55
NOR Norway .. 83.06 82.24
DNK Denmark 86.90 80.55 81.88
BEL Belgium 75.32 81.60 81.65
NZL New Zealand 68.72 79.30 79.47
CHL Chile .. .. 76.56
ISL Iceland 62.71 68.86 73.18
ITA Italy 59.10 68.16 72.68
ESP Spain 55.41 65.75 65.06
PRT Portugal 31.80 44.43 60.77
MEX Mexico 37.06 39.27 47.72
TUR Turkey 27.74 39.27 47.65
BRA Brazil .. 47.19 60.78
RUS Russian federation .. .. 94.42
Note:The latest available year is 2012 for the Russian Federation; and 2011 for Chile. The
first year shown is 2007 for Norway, due to a break in the series. The OECD average is

Source: OECD (2015d), Education at a Glance Interim Report: Update of Employment and
Educational Attainment Indicators, OECD Publishing, Paris,

The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem
Dimension Income and Wealth Jobs and Earnings Housing conditions

Disposable Child income Children in Children with a Average rooms

income of poverty workless long-term per child
Indicator households with households unemployed
children parent

Units Average Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Rooms per child

Year equivalised
Around 2011 children aged 0- children
2011 living in children
2012 living in around 2012
disposable 17 living in households a household with
ISO Country income per child, households where there is at least one
AUS Australia thousands of 31.93 whose 13.00 no employed 12.60 long-term (120.82 0.87
AUT Austria USD in PPPs 28.81 disposable 9.10 adult 8.44 3.61
months or more) 1.05
BEL Belgium 26.85 income is below
12.73 12.60 unemployed 6.93 1.36
CAN Canada 30.82 50% of the 14.21 parent
CHL Chile 12.72 median 23.48 7.61 0.61
CZE Czech Republic 16.20 9.42 7.23 6.84 0.96
DNK Denmark 32.06 3.80 8.20 1.34 1.22
EST Estonia 15.40 11.40 8.64 4.09 1.05
FIN Finland 29.97 4.00 7.75 4.07 1.21
FRA France 27.37 10.83 7.68 4.51 1.14
DEU Germany 27.94 8.13 7.33 3.09 1.16
GRC Greece 15.59 20.40 10.30 11.60 0.90
HUN Hungary 11.84 16.68 16.50 4.10 0.70
ISL Iceland 25.74 7.73 11.60 1.73 1.10
IRL Ireland 26.97 10.27 21.80 15.50 1.36
ISR Israel 17.58 28.48
ITA Italy 22.28 17.33 8.20 6.95 0.90
JPN Japan 25.39 15.65
KOR Korea 25.48 9.70
LUX Luxembourg 39.80 11.82 4.78 1.88 1.18
MEX Mexico 6.40 25.84 0.43
NLD Netherlands 28.97 10.60 5.96 0.64 1.26
Source: EU-
NZL New Zealand 24.47 14.00
SILC 2012,
NOR Norway 38.75 5.35 5.44 1.44 HILDA 2012 1.27
POL Poland 14.41 13.15 Source: EU- 7.95 8.13 (Australia),0.74
PRT Portugal 15.62 16.87 SILC 2012, 10.20 15.10 ENIGH 2012 1.14
HILDA 2012
SVK Slovak Republic 15.30 12.79 6.85 12.10 (Mexico),0.81
SVN Slovenia 22.43 7.81 5.54 10.30 CASEN 2011 1.01
CASEN 2011
ESP Spain 19.49 21.73 (Chile), ACS 15.30 13.60 (Chile), ACS 1.26
SWE Sweden 29.33 9.41 2012 (United 6.04 2.08 2012 (United 1.17
CHE Switzerland 37.73 10.54 States). EU- 5.69 0.64 States). HILDA1.19
is the
TUR Turkey 10.26 28.42 SILC is the EU
GBR United Kingdom 26.53 9.54 Statistics15.50on 3.18 Income and 1.21
USA United States 32.71 20.51 Income and 9.55 Labour 0.80
OECD average 23.92 13.67 Living 9.45 5.77 Dynamics1.04
(HILDA) survey
HILDA is the
Source: For carried out by
European the University of
Income and
Source: OECD Source: OECD countries, EU- Melbourne.
Income Income SILC 2012; for ENIGH is the
Dynamics in
Distribution Distribution Australia, Encuesta
Database, Database, Household, Nacional de
longitudinal Income and Ingresos y
survey carried
10.1787/459aa7f 10.1787/459aa7f Labour Gastos de los
out by the
1-en 1-en Dynamics Hogares carried
University of
(HILDA) survey, out by the
Source: For carried out by
European the University of
Income and
Source: OECD Source: OECD countries, EU- Melbourne.
Income Income SILC 2012; for ENIGH is the
Dynamics in
Distribution Distribution Australia, Encuesta
Database, Database, Household, Nacional de
longitudinal Income and Ingresos y
survey carried
10.1787/459aa7f 10.1787/459aa7f Labour Gastos de los
out by the
1-en 1-en Dynamics Hogares carried
University of
(HILDA) survey, out by the
2012. Mexican
CASEN is the
Encuesta de
Statistical Office.
CASEN is the
Encuesta de
Nacional, carried
The statistical data for Israel are supplied by and under the responsibility of the relevant Israeli authorities. The use of such data
Bank under the terms of international law. out by the
Ministry of Social
Nacional, carried
out by the
ACS is the
Ministry of Social
ACS is the
Survey carried
out by the US
Census Bureau.
Survey carried
out by the US
Census Bureau.
Housing conditions Health status

Children in Children in Infant mortality Low birth weight Self-reported Obesity Adolescent
homes that lack homes with poor health status suicide rates
basic facilities environmental (age 15-19)

Number of Percentage of 0- Number of Number of live Percentage of Percentage of Death rates by

2010per 1 17 year-old
around 2012 deaths of
around 2012 births 2012
weighing 11, 13 and 15 2010 obese girls and
2010 intentional
around 2011 self
000 living in children living in children under less than 2500 year-old children boys aged 11, harm per
dwellings that homes with self- age one per grams as a with self- 13 or 15. 100,000
lack a private reported poor10.30 1000 live births
3.30 percentage of6.30 perceived fair or 7.5
children, 3-year
flushing toilet6.14 environmental21.20 3.20 6.80
total number of poor health 12.80 2.61 average 5.9
19.40 conditions 26.50 3.80 live births 6.90 19.00 2.09 7.1
4.80 6.10 14.90 4.74
35.40 7.70 6.00 10.8
16.30 23.40 2.60 8.00 9.77 1.82 7.0
4.45 18.60 3.40 6.40 16.80 1.36 4.2
60.70 19.10 3.60 4.60 13.50 2.48 9.5
0.99 18.80 2.40 4.10 12.30 2.67 12.8
7.68 23.70 3.50 6.50 11.50 1.47 4.6
10.70 31.70 3.30 6.90 12.80 2.49
12.30 32.30 2.90 9.80 6.40 2.94 1.5
102.00 17.90 4.90 8.60 19.90 2.51 6.0
16.30 1.10 4.30 15.50 2.79 5.7
99.10 12.00 3.50 5.30 11.20 3.40 13.4
3.60 8.10 2.7
5.20 25.40 2.90 7.30 9.22 2.88 2.1
2.20 9.60 7.9
2.90 5.30
23.10 24.50 2.50 6.60 14.40 2.62 3.1
13.30 5.40 7.0
0.94 31.10 3.70 6.00 13.70 0.89 4.5
5.20 6.10 16.7
2.91 15.80 2.50 4.60 17.20 1.86 7.2
32.10 17.70 4.60 5.70 17.50 2.94 8.3
8.05 29.40 3.40 8.50 11.90 3.43 1.9
42.30 21.70 5.80 7.90 11.20 1.64 3.7
Source: EU- 4.42 21.90 1.60 6.00 10.30 3.09 9.2
SILC 2012. 1.14 18.90 3.10 7.70 6.71 2.38 1.9
HILDA 2012 0.71 16.10 2.60 4.20 13.30 1.60 7.2
(Australia), 21.90 3.60 6.70 7.75 1.01 7.0
CASEN 2011
7.40 8.80 16.70 1.63 2.1
(Chile), ACS
3.42 23.20 4.10 6.90 20.40 3.11 3.2
2012 (United
States). HILDA 6.10 8.00 21.10 9.02 7.4
is the20.90 21.58 3.97 6.65 13.62 2.65 6.40
Household, Source: EU-
Income and SILC 2012,
Labour HILDA 2012
Dynamics (Australia). Source: Health Source: Health Source: WHO
Source: OECD Source: OECD
(HILDA) carried HILDA is the and Behaviour in and Behaviour in Mortality
Health Statistics Health Statistics
out by the Household, School-aged School-aged Database,
Database, Database,
University of Income and Children Study Children Study
Melbourne. Labour (HBSC) 2010 (HBSC) 2010. thinfo/statistics/
10.1787/health- 10.1787/health-
CASEN is the Dynamics http://www.hbsc. http://www.hbsc. mortality/en/inde
data-en data-en
Encuesta de (HILDA) carried org/ org/ x/html
Caracterizacin out by the
Income and SILC 2012,
Labour HILDA 2012
Dynamics (Australia). Source: Health Source: Health Source: WHO
Source: OECD Source: OECD
(HILDA) carried HILDA is the and Behaviour in and Behaviour in Mortality
Health Statistics Health Statistics
out by the Household, School-aged School-aged Database,
Database, Database,
University of Income and Children Study Children Study
Melbourne. Labour (HBSC) 2010 (HBSC) 2010. thinfo/statistics/
10.1787/health- 10.1787/health-
CASEN is the Dynamics http://www.hbsc. http://www.hbsc. mortality/en/inde
data-en data-en
Encuesta de (HILDA) carried org/ org/ x/html
Caracterizacin out by the
Socioeconmica University of
Nacional, carried Melbourne.
out by the
Ministry of Social
authorities. The use of is the data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West
Survey carried
out by the US
Census Bureau.
Education and skills Civic engagement

Teenage birth PISA mean PISA creative Youth neither in Educational Intention to vote Civic
rates reading score problem solving employment nor deprivation participation
score in education or
training (NEET)

Teenage births Average reading Average Percentage of Number of 15- Percentage of Percentage of
per 1 000 2012 literacy scores of
2012 computer 2012 15-19 year-olds
2013 year olds 2012 14 year old 2009 14 year-old 2009
women aged 15- 15 year-olds problem-solving reporting having students who students who
19 scores of 15 less than the have the participated in
12.06 512 year-olds 523 7.33 four educational
3.24 intention to81.64 43.36
vote organisations,
4.13 490 506 5.63 items per 10001.32 in national groups or clubs
6.71 509 508 6.72 15-year-olds1.99
in elections when72.36 in the last 12
14.50 523 526 6.62 the school 3.55 they are adults months
55.29 441 448 population 12.50 75.65 50.37
4.91 493 509 3.21 1.50 49.60 25.25
5.10 496 497 4.60 1.49 88.82 22.44
16.78 516 515 4.62 1.42 72.78 30.38
9.21 524 523 4.82 2.35 84.62 21.74
5.74 506 511 7.78 1.27
3.80 508 509 2.80 1.25
11.86 477 9.29 4.34 76.79 44.44
12.10 489 459 5.95 3.35
11.49 483 0.83
8.24 523 498 10.61 3.09 86.68 40.48
7.82 486 454 9.05 3.47
3.96 490 510 11.04 1.55 88.14 39.34
5.41 538 552 7.20 6.17
2.24 536 561 8.54 3.13 86.90 23.63
8.35 488 3.50 2.13 73.23 35.09
63.40 424 15.46 31.30 86.18 50.19
6.17 511 511 4.06 1.21 73.52 36.46
25.31 512 7.65 6.66 84.40 45.23
7.83 504 503 3.57 1.63 83.30 30.30
12.16 518 481 3.45 1.05 77.19 49.65
12.57 488 494 6.92 2.25
15.87 463 483 5.42 6.88 74.67 37.17
0.62 481 476 3.54 0.71 80.60 47.83
10.62 488 477 10.74 1.71 84.99 28.85
6.53 483 491 4.05 2.73 85.20 25.41
1.90 509 5.00 1.25 70.20 34.52
30.90 476 455 22.16 18.50
25.76 499 517 9.05 3.38 71.95 39.24
31.00 498 508 8.42 8.36
13.54 496 PISA 2012,500 7.10 4.34 78.67 36.42
PISA 2012,SourcesOECD (2014b),
OECD (2014a), PISA 2012
PISA 2012 Results:
Source: World
Results: What Creative Source: The Source: The
Development Source: OECD Source: OECD
Students Know Problem Solving International International
Indicators, World Education at a calculations on
and Can Do (Volume V), Civic and Civic and
Bank, Glance PISA 2012,
(Volume I), Students' Skills Citizenship Citizenship database, 2014, OECD
Revised edition, in Tackling Real- Education Study Education Study
February, OECD Life Problems, (ICCS) 2009, (ICCS) 2009,
catalog/world- 10.1787/199914 10.1787/199637
Publishing, OECD http://iccs.acer.e http://iccs.acer.e
development- 87 85
Paris, Publishing,
indicators Paris,
PISA 2012 Results:
Source: World
Results: What Creative Source: The Source: The
Development Source: OECD Source: OECD
Students Know Problem Solving International International
Indicators, World Education at a calculations on
and Can Do (Volume V), Civic and Civic and
Bank, Glance PISA 2012,
(Volume I), Students' Skills Citizenship Citizenship database, 2014, OECD
Revised edition, in Tackling Real- Education Study Education Study
February, OECD Life Problems, (ICCS) 2009, (ICCS) 2009,
catalog/world- 10.1787/199914 10.1787/199637
Publishing, OECD http://iccs.acer.e http://iccs.acer.e
development- 87 85
Paris, Publishing,
indicators Paris,
85 10.1787/199637

eli settlements in the West

Social and family environment Personal security

Children who Students Students feeling Students liking PISA sense of Time children Child homocide
find it easy to reporting having a lot of pressure school belonging index spend with their rate
talk to their kind and helpful by schoolwork parent
parents classmates

Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of The PISA Sense Daily minutes Death rates by
girls and boys2010 girls and boys2010 girls and boys
2010 11, 13 and 15
2010 of Belonging 2009 2013 or latest intentional
around 2011 injury
aged 11, 13 and aged 11, 13 and aged 11, 13 and year-old children Index is based available year per 100 000
15 who report 15 who report 15 who report who report liking on a Rasch children, 3-year
they find it easy that their that they feel a school (0.15)
scaling of six 256.29 average 0.99
86.00 classmates69.60
to talk to their 3.95
are lot of pressure 81.60 items 0.55 252.46 0.96
mother (or 79.90 75.00
kind and helpful by schoolwork 8.68 70.30 (0.05) 98.00 1.04
stepmother) or 58.70 14.50 74.00 (0.09) 192.00
father (or 0.14 2.03
stepfather)85.80 56.40 7.14 (0.36) 1.02
86.70 77.10 9.44 83.30 (0.05) 138.64 0.57
90.00 65.00 5.59 55.60 (0.33) 114.00 1.67
88.90 66.30 9.73 68.10 (0.22) 166.00 1.01
74.40 57.00 7.77 73.10 (0.11) 102.00 0.48
85.10 78.10 3.93 84.90 0.27 132.00
88.00 44.00 11.00 63.60 (0.14) 0.26
94.30 58.50 4.36 75.50 0.11 0.75
91.80 80.40 10.10 91.00 0.36 0.74
85.30 73.00 14.90 69.30 (0.03) 223.42 0.98
0.41 0.94
83.60 68.40 14.10 61.90 (0.22) 151.00 0.28
(0.16) 108.94 0.62
(0.32) 48.00
82.10 73.60 10.90 67.40 0.20 1.11
0.10 5.37
93.70 80.40 4.37 83.50 (0.03) 0.59
(0.14) 1.26
81.70 78.40 11.80 85.90 0.08 138.00 1.68
90.30 51.00 9.36 63.40 (0.32) 145.00 1.18
82.80 79.20 11.70 78.30 0.03 0.98
82.30 61.80 6.32 63.80 (0.31) 1.32
76.70 14.10 64.30 (0.01) 112.00 0.59
89.40 66.90 20.70 66.20 0.41 192.00 0.27
87.80 82.70 8.72 80.50 (0.04) 147.00 0.82
83.00 78.90 7.16 71.50 0.43
84.20 62.00 29.20 82.70 0.12
85.50 64.80 14.10 76.80 (0.02) Source: 151.00
OECD 0.65
79.20 56.20 17.10 76.40 (0.05) calculations
211.00 4.02
85.59 68.15 10.77 73.57 0.00 based on the
150.00 1.18
PISA 2012, Harmonised
OECD (2014a), European Time
PISA 2012 Use Survey web
Results: What application for
Source: Health Source: Health Source: Health Source: Health Source: WHO
Students Know European
and Behaviour in and Behaviour in and Behaviour in and Behaviour in Mortality
and Can Do countries
School-aged School-aged School-aged School-aged Database,
(Volume I), (https://www.h2.
Children Study Children Study Children Study Children Study
Revised edition,,
(HBSC) 2010. (HBSC) 2010, (HBSC) 2010, (HBSC) 2010, thinfo/statistics/
February, OECD public-use time
http://www.hbsc. http://www.hbsc. http://www.hbsc. http://www.hbsc. mortality/en/inde
Publishing, use survey
org/ org/. org/ org/ x/html
Paris, micro-data and tabulations from
PISA 2012 Use Survey web
Results: What application for
Source: Health Source: Health Source: Health Source: Health Source: WHO
Students Know European
and Behaviour in and Behaviour in and Behaviour in and Behaviour in Mortality
and Can Do countries
School-aged School-aged School-aged School-aged Database,
(Volume I), (https://www.h2.
Children Study Children Study Children Study Children Study
Revised edition,,
(HBSC) 2010. (HBSC) 2010, (HBSC) 2010, (HBSC) 2010, thinfo/statistics/
February, OECD public-use time
http://www.hbsc. http://www.hbsc. http://www.hbsc. http://www.hbsc. mortality/en/inde
Publishing, use survey
org/ org/. org/ org/ x/html
Paris, micro-data and tabulations from
10.1787/199637 national
85 statistical offices
for non-
Subjective well-
Personal security

Bullying Life satisfaction

Percentage of Average life

girls and boys
2010 satisfaction 2010
aged 11, 13 and score of girls
15 who report and boys aged
that they have 11, 13 and 15 on
been bullied at a scale from7.610 to
least twice in the 10 (highest) 7.58
last two months 7.36

5.25 7.51
6.21 7.52
18.10 7.67
10.70 7.76
13.90 7.53
10.20 7.40
8.49 7.85
7.72 7.43
6.32 7.97
9.33 7.64

3.90 7.52

12.80 7.69

7.51 7.99

8.58 7.74
10.30 7.23
14.00 7.53
10.10 7.49
7.18 7.67
5.97 8.06
3.96 7.71
13.40 7.73
9.31 7.51
10.90 7.53
10.08 7.59

Source: Health Source: Health

and Behaviour and Behaviour
School-aged School-aged
children Study children Study
(HBSC) 2010, (HBSC) 2010,
http://www.hbsc. http://www.hbsc.
org/. org/.
Source: Health Source: Health
and Behaviour and Behaviour
School-aged School-aged
children Study children Study
(HBSC) 2010, (HBSC) 2010,
http://www.hbsc. http://www.hbsc.
org/. org/.
Children reporting poor health
Percentage of 11, 13 and 15 year-old children with self-perceived fair or poor health, 2010 Avera

National Family Affluence Scale*

ISO Country average Low Middle High ISO
GRC Greece 6.40 8.68 6.18 4.80 MEX
ESP Spain 6.71 11.20 6.53 4.75 CHL
CHE Switzerland 7.75 9.60 8.01 6.55 SVK
ITA Italy 9.22 11.00 10.10 7.45 TUR
CZE Czech Republic 9.77 12.00 10.40 7.49 GRC
SVN Slovenia 10.30 12.90 10.40 9.48 SVN
IRL Ireland 11.20 12.90 11.00 9.85 ISL
SVK Slovak Republic 11.20 13.30 10.60 9.86 SWE
FRA France 11.50 16.90 11.50 9.67 ISR
PRT Portugal 11.90 14.80 11.70 10.50 LUX
FIN Finland 12.30 16.40 12.30 9.79 PRT
AUT Austria 12.80 16.80 13.30 9.21 ESP
DEU Germany 12.80 18.00 13.00 10.10 HUN
SWE Sweden 13.30 17.80 13.80 10.60 AUT
EST Estonia 13.50 17.10 13.20 11.20 ITA
OECD 27 13.62 18.43 13.58 11.02 CZE
NLD Netherlands 13.70 22.80 13.60 10.20 DNK
LUX Luxembourg 14.40 22.20 15.80 10.70 OECD
CAN Canada 14.90 21.90 15.10 10.70 USA
ISL Iceland 15.50 26.90 16.50 12.00 GBR
TUR Turkey 16.70 18.90 11.90 14.00 NOR
DNK Denmark 16.80 24.60 16.00 15.00 FRA
NOR Norway 17.20 22.70 17.50 16.30 DEU
POL Poland 17.50 20.80 16.20 16.40 BEL
BEL Belgium 19.00 25.40 19.70 15.10 CHE
HUN Hungary 19.90 26.10 18.20 13.90 NLD
GBR United Kingdom 20.40 27.10 21.50 15.60 AUS
USA United States 21.10 28.80 22.70 16.40 NZL
Source: Health and Behaviour in School-aged Children Study (HBSC) 2010 POL CAN
* Definition used for socio-economic status FIN

Source: PISA 2012, OECD (2

Revised edition, Febru

* De

The statistical data for Israel are supplied by and under the responsibility of the relevant Israeli authorities. The use of such data by the OEC
settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law.
PISA reading scores among children PISA computer pro
Average reading literacy scores of 15 year-olds, 2012 Average computer pro

National Economic, Social and Cultural Status*

Country average Low Medium High ISO
Mexico 424 398 424 455 CHL
Chile 441 412 449 497 ISR
Slovak Republic 463 412 467 516 TUR
Turkey 476 447 468 513 HUN
Greece 477 444 475 517 SVN
Slovenia 481 444 475 520 ESP
Iceland 483 459 482 515 POL
Sweden 483 453 490 522 SVK
Israel 486 444 491 533 SWE
Luxembourg 488 440 490 539 PRT
Portugal 488 450 490 531 DNK
Spain 488 456 491 529 IRL
Hugnary 489 448 488 537 OECD 28
Austria 490 451 494 531 NOR
Italy 490 458 493 523 AUT
Czech Republic 493 459 497 539 BEL
Denmark 496 456 495 532 USA
OECD 496 462 498 537 DEU
United States 498 464 494 540 CZE
United Kingdom 499 468 496 543 ITA
Norway 504 480 510 533 NLD
France 506 457 508 565 FRA
Germany 508 473 520 554 EST
Belgium 509 463 514 561 GBR
Switzerland 509 470 509 545 FIN
Netherlands 511 478 513 547 AUS
Austria 512 476 510 552 CAN
New Zealand 512 467 520 562 JPN
Estonia 516 497 510 547 KOR
Poland 518 486 515 559
Canada 523 497 525 557 Source: PISA 2012, OECD (2014
Ireland 523 487 524 563 (Volume V), Students' Skills in Tac
Finland 524 497 524 557 http://dx.d
Korea 536 508 535 565
Japan 538 510 543 570 * Definition us

Source: PISA 2012, OECD (2014a), PISA 2012 Results: What Students Know and Can Do (Volume I),
Revised edition, February, OECD Publishing, Paris,

* Definition used for socio-economic status

The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli
PISA computer problem-solving scores among students Ed
Average computer problem-solving scores of 15 year-olds, 2012 Number of 15-year olds reporting having
National Economic, Social and Cultural Status*
Country average Low Medium High ISO
Chile 448 420 454 500 SVN
Israel 454 401 457 508 ISL
Turkey 455 423 450 490 POL
Hungary 459 409 461 512 NLD
Slovenia 476 436 472 514 CHE
Spain 477 446 482 513 DEU
Poland 481 447 480 522 FRA
Slovak Republic 483 439 485 533 AUT
Sweden 491 465 495 519 EST
Portugal 494 455 497 534 DNK
Denmark 497 465 496 524 CZE
Ireland 498 465 501 533 ITA
OECD 28 500 468 502 537 NOR
Norway 503 477 507 529 ESP
Austria 506 473 508 542 BEL
Belgium 508 465 514 554 LUX
United States 508 476 506 544 PRT
Germany 509 474 519 554 FIN
Czech Republic 509 472 514 557 SWE
Italy 510 484 511 533 IRL
Netherland 511 478 514 543 KOR
France 511 476 510 554 AUS
Estonia 515 495 511 542 HUN
United Kingdom 517 491 517 551 GBR
Finland 523 497 522 552 ISR
Australia 523 492 520 556 CAN
Canada 526 504 527 551 OECD
Japan 552 531 555 573 GRC
Korea 561 538 561 586 JPN
Source: PISA 2012, OECD (2014b), PISA 2012 Results: Creative Problem Solving SVK
(Volume V), Students' Skills in Tackling Real-Life Problems, OECD Publishing, Paris, USA CHL
* Definition used for socio-economic status MEX

Source: PISA 2012, OE

* Definition us
Educational deprivation
Number of 15-year olds reporting having less than four educational items per 1000 15-year-olds in the **Educational items include a
school population, 2012** desk to study, a quiet place to
study, a computer for school
National Economic, Social and Cultural Status*
work, educational software,
Country average Low Medium High internet, books for school and a
Slovenia 0.7 1.4 0.7 0.0 dictionary.
Iceland 0.8 2.4 0.2 ..
Poland 1.1 2.4 0.5 ..
Netherlands 1.2 3.2 0.5 0.1
Switzerland 1.3 2.5 0.8 0.5
Germany 1.3 2.3 0.7 0.4
France 1.3 2.6 0.9 0.2
Austria 1.3 2.8 0.8 0.2
Estonia 1.4 3.1 0.7 0.3
Denmark 1.5 4.0 1.1 0.1
Czech Republic 1.5 3.4 0.2 ..
Italy 1.6 3.1 1.0 0.4
Norway 1.6 3.9 0.9 ..
Spain 1.7 3.6 0.8 0.4
Belgium 2.0 4.8 0.6 0.2
Luxembourg 2.1 3.9 1.9 0.3
Portugal 2.3 5.6 0.7 0.4
Finland 2.4 4.8 2.1 0.1
Sweden 2.7 6.7 1.2 0.3
Ireland 3.1 7.1 1.9 0.1
Korea 3.1 7.4 1.6 0.3
Australia 3.2 7.8 2.3 0.1
Hungary 3.4 8.2 1.1 0.4
United Kingdom 3.4 7.5 2.2 0.2
Israel 3.5 8.1 2.0 0.2
Canada 3.6 7.8 2.4 0.2
OECD 4.3 9.5 2.5 0.6
Greece 4.3 9.8 2.3 0.6
Japan 6.2 12.8 4.4 1.0
New Zealand 6.7 15.5 3.4 0.3
Slovak Republic 6.9 17.8 2.0 0.3
United States 8.4 20.0 4.7 0.2
Chile 12.5 25.2 4.3 0.8
Turkey 18.5 41.4 11.4 2.5
Mexico 31.3 60.0 23.5 6.5

Source: PISA 2012, OECD

* Definition used for socio-economic status

Children's intentions to vote

Percentage of 14 year old students who have the intention to vote in national elections when they are adults, 2009

National Index of Socio-economic Background (NISB)*

ISO Country Country average
Low Middle High
CZE Czech Republic 49.60 39.16 49.70 63.70
CHE Switzerland 70.20 60.78 69.02 82.61
GBR United Kingdom 71.95 59.10 71.84 85.36
BEL Belgium 72.36 63.17 73.96 79.71
EST Estonia 72.78 66.86 72.71 78.89
LUX Luxembourg 73.23 62.76 73.13 84.18
NLD Netherlands 73.52 59.09 76.64 84.19
SVK Slovak Republic 74.67 69.35 75.70 80.97
CHL Chile 75.65 75.52 72.84 79.15
GRC Greece 76.79 72.02 77.90 80.43
POL Poland 77.19 71.78 77.39 84.84
OECD 23 78.67 71.60 79.18 85.87
SVN Slovenia 80.60 74.49 81.87 85.36
AUT Austria 81.64 76.11 82.25 87.68
NOR Norway 83.30 71.87 85.47 91.42
NZL New Zealand 84.40 78.41 85.01 90.64
FIN Finland 84.62 75.77 87.04 91.95
ESP Spain 84.99 81.18 84.29 89.95
SWE Sweden 85.20 77.95 85.99 91.55
MEX Mexico 86.18 83.57 85.18 90.35
IRL Ireland 86.68 80.53 88.44 91.75
KOR Korea 86.90 83.12 86.30 91.31
ITA Italy 88.14 82.25 88.73 94.25
DNK Denmark 88.82 81.91 89.80 94.75

Source: The International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS) 2009,
* Definition used for socio-economic status

The statistical data for Israel are supplied by and under the responsibility of the relevant Israeli authorities. The use of such data by the OECD
international law.
Children's civic participation

Percentage of 14 year-old students who participated organisations, groups or clubs in the last 12 months, 2009

Country National Index of Socio-economic Background (NISB)*

ISO Country
average Low Middle High
FIN Finland 21.74 18.57 23.42 23.59
DNK Denmark 22.44 19.05 20.30 28.34
KOR Korea 23.63 19.65 21.58 29.67
CZE Czech Republic 25.25 23.56 25.35 27.43
SWE Sweden 25.41 19.52 25.24 31.20
ESP Spain 28.85 25.23 29.79 32.06
NOR Norway 30.30 26.34 31.00 33.44
EST Estonia 30.38 30.23 29.32 31.18
CHE Switzerland 34.52 28.57 34.62 40.96
LUX Luxembourg 35.09 29.75 34.83 41.23
BEL Belgium 36.32 36.14 34.43 38.70
OECD 23 36.42 33.47 36.31 39.83
NLD Netherlands 36.46 37.15 33.22 39.92
SVK Slovak Republic 37.17 34.59 38.06 39.77
GBR United Kingdom 39.24 34.02 39.68 44.60
ITA Italy 39.34 35.13 38.50 45.28
IRL Ireland 40.48 38.50 39.63 43.58
AUT Austria 43.36 37.42 44.72 48.47
GRC Greece 44.44 41.95 45.70 45.73
NZL New Zealand 45.23 41.39 45.94 48.76
SVN Slovenia 47.83 42.40 48.74 52.33
POL Poland 49.65 46.66 51.86 51.90
MEX Mexico 50.19 52.01 49.96 48.10
CHL Chile 50.37 52.08 49.31 49.74

Source: The International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS) 2009,
* Definition used for socio-economic status

he use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of
Bank under the terms of
Children living in poor environmental conditions
Percentage of 0-17 year-old children living in homes with self-reported poor environmental conditions,
around 2012

Country Income
ISO Country
average Low Middle High
AUS Australia 10.30 14.10 10.10 5.57
IRL Ireland 12.00 .. .. ..
NOR Norway 15.80 14.80 13.00 16.90
SWE Sweden 16.10 13.70 18.60 16.80
ISL Iceland 16.30 16.80 18.30 15.20
POL Poland 17.70 18.50 15.50 18.90
HUN Hungary 17.90 18.40 17.60 19.00
DNK Denmark 18.60 24.60 21.50 15.50
FIN Finland 18.80 23.40 17.40 13.60
ESP Spain 18.90 18.40 17.30 18.30
EST Estonia 19.10 20.60 18.50 20.00
AUT Austria 21.20 22.80 22.80 15.70
OECD 25 21.58 23.50 21.56 19.90
SVK Slovak Republic 21.70 23.60 19.60 21.10
CHE Switzerland 21.90 21.90 18.60 23.70
SVN Slovenia 21.90 23.30 21.80 19.60
GBR United Kingdom 23.20 24.90 22.50 21.20
CZE Czech Republic 23.40 24.40 23.50 22.10
FRA France 23.70 30.30 18.90 18.90
LUX Luxembourg 24.50 28.00 24.50 21.50
ITA Italy 25.40 27.10 25.00 22.00
BEL Belgium 26.50 .. .. ..
PRT Portugal 29.40 29.20 30.30 28.50
NLD Netherlands 31.10 37.10 26.90 23.40
DEU Germany 31.70 32.70 32.50 31.10
GRC Greece 32.30 31.80 41.20 29.10

Source: Source: EU-SILC 2012, HILDA 2012 (Australia). HILDA is the Household, Income and Labour
Dynamics (HILDA) carried out by the University of Melbourne.

The statistical data for Israel are supplied by and under the responsibility of the relevant Israeli authorities. The use of such data by the OECD is without p
West Bank under the terms of international law.
Children who find it easy to talk to their parents
Percentage of girls and boys aged 11, 13 and 15 who report that they can easily talk to at least one of
their parents, 2010

Country Family Affluence Scale*

ISO Country
average Low Middle High
FRA France 74.40 69.20 73.50 76.70
USA United States 79.20 72.70 78.40 82.50
BEL Belgium 79.90 73.80 80.30 82.70
NOR Norway 81.70 80.30 81.10 82.40
LUX Luxembourg 82.10 78.80 80.40 85.00
SVK Slovak Republic 82.30 80.30 83.00 82.90
PRT Portugal 82.80 79.00 82.20 85.10
CHE Switzerland 83.00 78.50 83.50 84.00
CAN Canada 83.60 80.10 83.10 85.80
ITA Italy 83.60 84.00 83.90 83.00
TUR Turkey 84.20 83.50 86.00 83.80
DEU Germany 85.10 81.20 84.50 88.00
IRL Ireland 85.30 84.80 84.80 87.40
GBR United Kingdom 85.50 80.60 84.90 87.90
OECD 26 85.59 82.09 85.63 87.24
CZE Czech Republic 85.80 82.60 86.10 86.70
AUT Austria 86.00 81.40 86.00 88.60
DNK Denmark 86.70 84.30 87.00 87.60
SWE Sweden 87.80 84.50 87.30 90.30
GRC Greece 88.00 84.80 89.40 88.00
FIN Finland 88.90 83.60 89.40 91.00
ESP Spain 89.40 85.00 90.00 90.40
EST Estonia 90.00 86.20 90.50 92.60
POL Poland 90.30 87.80 91.10 91.50
ISL Iceland 91.80 85.90 91.20 93.60
NLD Netherlands 93.70 89.70 93.70 94.80
HUN Hungary 94.30 91.70 95.20 96.00

Source: Health and Behaviour in School-aged Children Study (HBSC) 2010,

* Definition used for socio-economic status

he use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the
Students reporting having kind and helpful classmates
Percentage of girls and boys aged 11, 13 and 15 who agree that most of their classmates are kind
and helpful, 2010

Country Family Affluence Scale*

ISO Country
average Low Middle High
GRC Greece 44.00 42.70 45.10 42.30
POL Poland 51.00 50.50 51.70 51.30
USA United States 56.20 50.30 54.70 60.10
CZE Czech Republic 56.40 51.40 57.50 56.60
FRA France 57.00 53.00 57.10 57.50
HUN Hungary 58.50 56.30 59.00 61.10
CAN Canada 58.70 52.00 59.50 62.10
SVK Slovak Republic 61.80 62.40 63.40 59.40
TUR Turkey 62.00 62.30 62.00 58.40
GBR United Kingdom 64.80 57.60 64.20 68.50
EST Estonia 65.00 60.00 65.80 66.80
FIN Finland 66.30 63.50 66.60 68.20
ESP Spain 66.90 63.40 68.10 66.50
OECD 27 68.15 64.06 68.41 69.35
ITA Italy 68.40 69.10 69.20 67.20
AUT Austria 69.60 67.10 69.40 72.00
IRL Ireland 73.00 70.30 73.80 73.70
LUX Luxembourg 73.60 68.40 73.20 75.60
BEL Belgium 75.00 71.30 75.10 76.80
SVN Slovenia 76.70 74.10 76.70 77.10
DNK Denmark 77.10 70.30 77.60 79.80
DEU Germany 78.10 74.00 78.70 79.50
NOR Norway 78.40 65.90 77.90 80.70
CHE Switzerland 78.90 74.20 79.30 79.80
PRT Portugal 79.20 78.00 78.30 81.60
ISL Iceland 80.40 70.90 80.10 82.60
NLD Netherlands 80.40 72.00 80.50 82.90
SWE Sweden 82.70 78.70 82.70 84.30

Source: Health and Behaviour in School-aged Children Study (HBSC) 2010,

* Definition used for socio-economic status

Students feeling pressured by schoolwork
Percentage of girls and boys aged 11, 13 and 15 who report that they feel a lot of pressure by
schoolwork, 2010

Country Family Affluence Scale*

ISO Country
average Low Middle High
DEU Germany 3.93 5.23 3.65 3.81
AUT Austria 3.95 5.35 3.27 3.39
HUN Hungary 4.36 3.93 4.43 4.95
NLD Netherlands 4.37 7.03 3.86 4.68
EST Estonia 5.59 7.74 5.21 4.67
SVK Slovak Republic 6.32 6.62 5.70 6.26
CZE Czech Republic 7.14 10.40 6.64 6.37
CHE Switzerland 7.16 7.83 6.88 7.32
FRA France 7.77 8.72 7.79 7.16
BEL Belgium 8.68 9.99 7.78 8.82
SWE Sweden 8.72 11.70 8.45 8.02
POL Poland 9.36 9.47 10.10 7.98
DNK Denmark 9.44 13.40 8.94 9.04
FIN Finland 9.73 12.50 9.18 8.64
ISL Iceland 10.10 13.00 10.10 9.77
OECD 27 10.77 12.32 10.36 10.49
LUX Luxembourg 10.90 17.40 10.40 10.20
GRC Greece 11.00 11.60 9.85 12.60
PRT Portugal 11.70 11.30 10.80 13.20
NOR Norway 11.80 14.10 11.90 11.50
GBR United Kingdom 14.10 13.90 13.90 14.60
ITA Italy 14.10 14.40 14.00 13.80
SVN Slovenia 14.10 14.70 13.90 14.20
CAN Canada 14.50 17.10 13.90 13.70
IRL Ireland 14.90 15.30 14.70 14.10
USA United States 17.10 15.10 16.90 18.10
ESP Spain 20.70 24.70 19.80 20.30
TUR Turkey 29.20 30.00 27.80 26.10

Source: Health and Behaviour in School-aged Children Study (HBSC) 2010,

* Definition used for socio-economic status

Students liking school

Percentage of girls and boys aged 11, 13 and 15 who report liking school, 2010

Country Family Affluence Scale*

ISO Country
average Low Middle High
EST Estonia 55.60 52.00 57.60 54.90
ITA Italy 61.90 56.00 63.40 61.90
POL Poland 63.40 61.40 64.40 64.60
GRC Greece 63.60 61.60 63.40 65.30
SVK Slovak Republic 63.80 61.90 66.20 63.40
SVN Slovenia 64.30 65.50 65.20 63.00
ESP Spain 66.20 63.40 65.70 68.40
LUX Luxembourg 67.40 59.10 68.40 68.20
FIN Finland 68.10 62.70 68.90 70.60
IRL Ireland 69.30 68.70 69.00 72.40
BEL Belgium 70.30 66.70 70.70 72.30
CHE Switzerland 71.50 68.90 71.60 72.50
FRA France 73.10 68.30 72.50 75.50
OECD 26 73.57 69.94 73.90 74.79
CAN Canada 74.00 70.40 74.90 76.00
HUN Hungary 75.50 73.80 76.30 76.60
USA United States 76.40 71.10 76.50 78.10
GBR United Kingdom 76.80 73.60 76.40 79.30
PRT Portugal 78.30 75.10 78.00 80.90
SWE Sweden 80.50 76.80 80.30 82.50
AUT Austria 81.60 74.70 82.70 84.40
TUR Turkey 82.70 83.80 81.20 75.90
DNK Denmark 83.30 77.20 83.30 86.20
NLD Netherlands 83.50 80.40 83.60 84.50
DEU Germany 84.90 81.90 84.90 86.70
NOR Norway 85.90 80.30 85.20 87.70
ISL Iceland 91.00 83.10 91.00 92.70

Source: Health and Behaviour in School-aged Children Study (HBSC) 2010,

* Definition used for socio-economic status

Children who report having been bullied
Percentage of girls and boys aged 11, 13 and 15 who have been bullied at least
twice in the last two months, 2010

Country Family Affluence Scale*

ISO Country
Low Middle High
ITA Italy 3.90 5.54 3.52 3.60
SWE Sweden 3.96 5.72 3.51 3.74
CZE Czech Republic 5.25 6.97 4.91 4.91
ESP Spain 5.97 5.70 5.68 6.34
DNK Denmark 6.21 6.74 5.92 6.31
ISL Iceland 6.32 11.40 6.35 5.20
SVN Slovenia 7.18 10.80 7.57 6.12
NLD Netherlands 7.51 11.40 7.34 6.98
HUN Hungary 7.72 7.57 7.76 7.60
GRC Greece 8.49 10.10 7.83 8.32
NOR Norway 8.58 13.80 8.72 7.69
GBR United Kingdom 9.31 11.80 9.15 7.80
IRL Ireland 9.33 10.50 9.13 9.43
OECD 26 10.08 12.39 9.87 9.39
SVK Slovak Republic 10.10 9.55 8.62 12.20
DEU Germany 10.20 13.90 10.00 8.42
POL Poland 10.30 11.10 9.11 11.20
FIN Finland 10.70 11.00 10.60 10.10
USA United States 10.90 13.90 10.60 10.20
LUX Luxembourg 12.80 16.80 13.30 11.10
CHE Switzerland 13.40 15.60 13.60 12.40
FRA France 13.90 16.10 14.20 12.80
CAN Canada 14.00 16.70 13.60 13.20
PRT Portugal 14.00 16.10 13.90 12.80
BEL Belgium 16.50 19.20 16.50 15.20
AUT Austria 17.50 21.80 17.90 14.30
EST Estonia 18.10 22.40 17.40 16.30

Source: Health and Behaviour in School-aged Children Study (HBSC) 2010,

* Definition used for socio-economic status

The statistical data for Israel are supplied by and under the responsibility of the relevant Israeli authorities. The use of such data by the OECD is without p
East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law.
Children's life satisfaction
Average life satisfaction score of girls and boys aged 11, 13 and 15 on a scale
from 0 to 10 (highest), 2010

Country Family Affluence Scale*

ISO Country
Low Middle High
TUR Turkey 6.63 6.47 6.93 7.13
POL Poland 7.23 6.87 7.30 7.51
CAN Canada 7.36 6.77 7.34 7.70
DEU Germany 7.40 6.92 7.39 7.69
HUN Hungary 7.43 6.88 7.58 7.93
SVK Slovak Republic 7.49 7.19 7.48 7.75
GBR United Kindom 7.51 7.06 7.45 7.79
CZE Czech Republic 7.51 6.96 7.49 7.80
ITA Italy 7.52 7.21 7.47 7.69
DNK Denmark 7.52 7.01 7.58 7.67
FRA France 7.53 7.14 7.49 7.70
USA United States 7.53 7.01 7.50 7.75
PRT Portugal 7.53 7.28 7.46 7.74
BEL Belgium 7.58 7.12 7.58 7.77
OECD 27 7.59 7.13 7.59 7.84
AUT Austria 7.61 7.25 7.59 7.87
IRL Ireland 7.64 7.50 7.65 7.83
EST Estonia 7.67 7.18 7.74 7.91
SVN Slovenia 7.67 7.15 7.63 7.82
LUX Luxembourg 7.69 7.08 7.61 7.96
SWE Sweden 7.71 7.31 7.66 7.96
CHE Swizterland 7.73 7.21 7.70 8.01
NOR Norway 7.74 7.00 7.68 7.94
FIN Finland 7.76 7.39 7.75 8.02
GRC Greece 7.85 7.52 7.88 7.98
ISL Iceland 7.97 6.98 7.92 8.22
NLD Netherlands 7.99 7.66 7.94 8.19
ESP Spain 8.06 7.45 8.11 8.25

Source: Health and Behaviour in School-aged Children Study (HBSC) 2010,

* Definition used for socio-economic status

use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights,
Distribution of volunteers by field of activity
Percentage of volunteers, 2008 or latest available year

Fields of volunteering
Social and
ISO Country Education Social
health Sports Others
and culture movements
AUT Austria 30.77 26.82 15.77 18.41 8.22
BEL Belgium 25.38 28.30 9.28 27.35 9.69
CAN Canada 38.01 30.22 8.68 14.18 8.92
CHL Chile 26.84 33.21 11.90 23.90 4.16
CZE Czech Republic 20.85 27.02 12.60 26.07 13.47
DNK Denmark 23.51 32.85 6.40 29.33 7.92
EST Estonia 18.88 43.45 14.33 14.98 8.36
FIN Finland 29.95 19.96 9.62 23.80 16.67
FRA France 24.26 23.32 6.40 24.83 21.18
DEU Germany 18.45 22.91 13.00 32.38 13.26
GRC Greece 20.47 27.18 19.90 16.05 16.40
HUN Hungary 15.60 36.43 9.94 21.03 17.00
ISL Iceland 26.94 21.47 13.31 31.64 6.64
IRL Ireland 22.19 26.22 8.61 36.46 6.52
ITA Italy 26.47 35.07 12.31 14.62 11.53
JPN Japan 37.46 26.15 12.72 16.96 6.71
KOR Korea 44.14 27.63 9.54 16.50 2.19
LUX Luxembourg 28.92 28.86 13.41 25.26 3.55
MEX Mexico 35.06 33.22 11.98 17.61 2.13
NLD Netherlands 34.49 29.14 10.52 19.88 5.97
NOR Norway 20.04 17.12 7.99 35.06 19.79
POL Poland 16.08 24.99 13.10 22.01 23.82
PRT Portugal 31.79 31.23 13.94 13.11 9.92
SVK Slovak Republic 31.98 25.69 10.62 19.21 12.50
SVN Slovenia 26.53 29.80 10.80 19.77 13.10
ESP Spain 27.46 30.04 20.23 14.49 7.78
SWE Sweden 23.09 24.36 9.68 26.98 15.88
CHE Switzerland 18.83 25.28 18.34 23.63 13.92
TUR Turkey 33.80 45.02 8.93 7.06 5.18
GBR United Kingdom 35.75 30.08 7.69 15.39 11.11
USA United States 36.47 38.81 7.20 10.10 7.42
OECD 31 27.08 29.00 11.65 21.49 10.78
BRA Brazil 53.66 21.00 6.75 17.26 1.33
RUS Russian federation 17.86 36.16 7.14 20.98 17.86

Note: Data refer to 2000 for Canada, Chile, Japan and Mexico; and to 2001 for China, Korea, India and
South Africa. Data for England and Northern Ireland are presented combined (GBR).

Source: OECD calculations based on data from the European Values Survey (2011), European Values
Study 2008, Integrated Dataset (EVS 2008), Data file version 3.0.0, GESIS Data Archive,, for European countries; and the World Values Survey Association
(2009), World Values Survey, Wave 5 2005-2008, Official Aggregate v.20140429, World Values Survey
Association (database),, for non-European countries.
The statistical data for Israel are supplied by and under the responsibility of the relevant Israeli authorities. The use of such data by the OECD is
Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law.
e use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East
Participation rates in formal volunteering Frequency of for
Percentage of the working-age population who
declared having volunteered through an organisation Percentage of formal volu
in the preceding 12 months, 2012

ISO Country 2012 ISO Country

AUS Australia 39.51 AUS Australia

AUT Austria 35.49 AUT Austria
BEL Belgium 34.15 BEL Belgium
CAN Canada 48.72 CAN Canada
CHL Chile .. CHL Chile
CZE Czech Republic 17.74 CZE Czech Republic
DNK Denmark 44.06 DNK Denmark
EST Estonia 27.71 EST Estonia
FIN Finland 43.75 FIN Finland
FRA France 25.22 FRA France
DEU Germany 34.81 DEU Germany
GRC Greece .. GRC Greece
HUN Hungary .. HUN Hungary
ISL Iceland .. ISL Iceland
IRL Ireland 38.62 IRL Ireland
ISR Israel .. ISR Israel
ITA Italy 21.56 ITA Italy
JPN Japan 33.47 JPN Japan
KOR Korea 26.43 KOR Korea
LUX Luxembourg .. LUX Luxembourg
MEX Mexico .. MEX Mexico
NDL Netherlands 40.75 NDL Netherlands
NZL New Zealand .. NZL New Zealand
NOR Norway 57.34 NOR Norway
POL Poland 19.38 POL Poland
PRT Portugal .. PRT Portugal
SVK Slovak Republic 23.37 SVK Slovak Republic
SVN Slovenia .. SVN Slovenia
ESP Spain 18.07 ESP Spain
SWE Sweden 36.23 SWE Sweden
CHE Switzerland .. CHE Switzerland
TUR Turkey .. TUR Turkey
GBR United Kingdom 31.09 GBR United Kingdom
USA United States 55.73 USA United States
OECD 22 34.2 OECD 22
RUS Russian federation 19.11 RUS Russian federation

Note: Data for Belgium refer to Flanders; data for England and Northern Ireland are presented combined (GBR). Data for the
Source: OECD calculations based on data from OECD (2012), OECD Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC data

The statistical data for Israel are supplied by and under the responsibility of the relevant Israeli authorities. The use of such data by the OECD is
international law.
Frequency of formal volunteering

Percentage of formal volunteers, by frequency, 2012

Frequency of volunteering
Less than once a
Less than once a At least once a week
week but at least Every day
month but not every day
once a month
47.28 21.84 27.06 3.82
38.04 28.57 27.44 5.95
41.11 26.15 25.15 7.58
47.52 24.16 23.97 4.35
.. .. .. ..
46.17 23.11 24.63 6.09
45.42 25.69 24.74 4.15
64.02 20.10 12.70 3.18
52.87 26.49 17.21 3.43
41.83 22.56 28.07 7.53
35.02 27.00 31.77 6.21
.. .. .. ..
.. .. .. ..
.. .. .. ..
48.86 21.54 24.55 5.05
.. .. .. ..
41.74 21.06 28.48 8.72
66.69 22.68 8.99 1.64
55.20 29.59 13.77 1.44
.. .. .. ..
.. .. .. ..
33.52 27.09 33.60 5.79
.. .. .. ..
51.01 25.15 20.68 3.16
60.84 19.92 13.98 5.26

64.48 22.89 10.61 2.01

.. .. .. ..
44.49 23.57 22.41 9.52
48.63 24.21 22.55 4.61
.. .. .. ..
.. .. .. ..
43.71 21.74 29.66 4.89
47.03 26.63 21.87 4.47
47.95 24.52 22.81 4.71
63.37 17.90 12.14 6.59

d are presented combined (GBR). Data for the Russian Federation exclude the Moscow municipal area.
12), OECD Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC database),

uthorities. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms
ts in the West Bank under the terms of
Time spent in formal, 2013 or latest available year
Average minutes of volunteering per day, by all respondents and
by volunteers only, among people aged 15-64

Average minutes of volunteering

ISO Country per day
Volunteers All respondents
NZL New Zealand 147 13
AUS Australia 94 10
USA United States 130 9
DEU Germany 144 8
IRL Ireland 123 8
BEL Belgium 173 5
NDL Netherlands 125 5
AUT Austria 164 4
CAN Canada 169 4
FIN Finland 125 4
JPN Japan 172 4
SWE Sweden 130 4
OECD 25 133 4
DNK Denmark 134 3
GBR United Kingdom 128 3
ITA Italy 176 2
NOR Norway 114 2
PRT Portugal 76 2
EST Estonia 132 1
FRA France 101 1
HUN Hungary 168 1
KOR Korea 131 1
MEX Mexico 37 1
POL Poland 126 1
SVN Slovenia 137 1
ESP Spain 165 1

Note: Countries are ranked in ascending order of time allocated to formal volunteering (Panel A) and informal volunteering (Panel B) by
the United States; 2011 for Japan; 2010 for Canada; 2009-10 for Estonia, Finland, New Zealand and Spain; 2009 for Korea and Mexico;
2006 for Australia; 2005-06 for the Netherlands; 2005 for Belgium, Ireland, and the United Kingdom; 2003-04 for Poland; 2001-02 for Ge
Norway, Slovenia and Sweden; 1999-2000 for Hungary and 1999 for Portugal. Data refer to respondents aged 20 to 74 for Belgium, Ger
Sweden; to respondents aged 15 and over for Australia; and to respondents aged 10 and over for Korea. Data are only broadly compara

Source: OECD calculations based on the Harmonised European Time Use Survey web application,; Euro; public-use time use survey micro-data; and tabulation

The statistical data for Israel are supplied by and under the responsibility of the relevant Israeli authorities. The use of such data by the OEC
Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law.
A) and informal volunteering (Panel B) by all respondents. Data refer to: 2013 for
d and Spain; 2009 for Korea and Mexico; 2008-08 for Austria, France and Italy;
dom; 2003-04 for Poland; 2001-02 for Germany; 2001 for Denmark; 2000-01 for
pondents aged 20 to 74 for Belgium, Germany, Norway, Poland, Slovenia and
for Korea. Data are only broadly comparable.

ation,; Eurostat Time Use database,

me use survey micro-data; and tabulations from national statistical offices.

thorities. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East
Prevalence and frequency of formal volunteering, by individual and household characteristics
Percentage, working-age population, 2012

Prevalence rates by frequency of engage

Prevalence rates, At least
Individual and household characteristics
regardless of frequency Every day once a
OECD 22 35.9 1.7 7.7
Primary education 24.4 1.5 5.2
Secondary education 34.5 1.6 7.4
Tertiary education 47.9 1.9 9.2
Full-time employed 36.9 1.4 7.0
Part-time employed 40.5 2.1 9.2
Unemployed 26.1 2.4 6.1
Student 42.2 1.3 8.4
Unpaid worker 30.3 2.1 8.4
Early retired 29.7 2.3 9.1
Lower income 25.8 1.9 3.1
Middle income 36.2 1.5 7.7
Higher income 49.3 1.8 9.0

Source: OECD calculations based on data from OECD (2012), OECD Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC database),

The statistical data for Israel are supplied by and under the responsibility of the relevant Israeli authorities. The use of such data by
Bank under the terms of international law.
usehold characteristics

e rates by frequency of engagement

Less than Less than
once a once a
week month
8.9 17.7

5.7 12.0
8.3 17.2
10.9 25.9

8.8 19.8
10.8 18.5
6.3 11.3
10.8 21.7
7.6 12.2
8.1 10.3

6.5 14.3
8.5 18.6
12.8 25.7

Adult Skills (PIAAC database),

authorities. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West
Income Jobs

Household Regional relative Unemployment rate

disposable income poverty
per capita

Unit US Dollar Percentage Percentage

2013 or latest 2014 or latest

Year Around 2010
available year available year

AU1: New South Wales 27742.4 15.3 5.7
AU2: Victoria 24513.2 15.2 6.6
AU3: Queensland 26101.9 13.7 6.4
AU4: South Australia 25435.0 15.8 6.7
AU5: Western Australia 31802.7 12.5 5.2
AU6: Tasmania 22907.3 18.8 7.2
AU7: Northern Territory (NT) 32965.6 9.8 4.0
AU8: Australian Capital Territory (ACT) 50392.6 6.7 4.2
AT11: Burgenland (AT) 23686.4 4.8
AT12: Lower Austria 24711.3 5.1
AT13: Vienna 23405.5 10.2
AT21: Carinthia 22848.8 6.0
AT22: Styria 23302.8 4.9
AT31: Upper Austria 24018.6 4.0
AT32: Salzburg 24277.0 3.5
AT33: Tyrol 23304.0 3.2
AT34: Vorarlberg 24706.0 3.4
BE1: Brussels Capital Region 18630.6 22.1 18.3
BE2: Flemish Region 21222.1 5.6 5.1
BE3: Wallonia 18314.5 12.6 11.8
CA10: Newfoundland and Labrador 23243.1 11.4 11.9
CA11: Prince Edward Island 19459.7 13.3 10.6
CA12: Nova Scotia 20317.5 12.8 9.0
CA13: New Brunswick 20190.1 10.5 9.9
CA24: Quebec 19706.4 12.6 7.7
CA35: Ontario 22376.1 11.4 7.3
CA46: Manitoba 20535.2 13.7 5.4
CA47: Saskatchewan 24326.0 9.6 3.8
CA48: Alberta 29663.8 7.7 4.7
CA59: British Columbia 23293.2 14.1 6.1
CA60: Yukon 30198.8
CA61: Northwest Territories 30202.5
CA62: Nunavut 23181.2
CL01: Tarapac 6153.8 13.6 6.3
CL02: Antofagasta 8243.2 6.8 5.5
CL03: Atacama 6530.8 15.4 5.5
CL04: Coquimbo 5172.7 19.0 6.6
CL05: Valparaso 6020.8 18.5 7.0
CL06: O'Higgins 5541.6 16.4 4.9
CL07: Maule 5017.1 23.9 5.6
CL08: Bo-Bo 5393.0 25.4 7.6
CL09: Araucana 5159.9 33.9 6.8
CL10: Los Lagos 5562.0 23.2 3.0
CL11: Aysn 7958.2 14.1 4.7
CL12: Magallanes y Antrtica 8619.5 9.5 3.7
CL13: Santiago Metropolitan 8670.0 12.7 5.7
CL14: Los Rios 5329.6 25.9 5.3
CL15: Arica Y Parinacota 5722.0 17.9 5.6
Czech Republic
CZ01: Prague 15945.5 3.3 2.5
CZ02: Central Bohemian Region 13115.2 4.0 5.1
CZ03: Southwest 11875.7 3.9 5.5
CZ04: Northwest 10642.1 9.3 8.7
CZ05: Northeast 11481.7 4.3 6.3
CZ06: Southeast 12034.8 6.0 5.9
CZ07: Central Moravia 11045.5 6.3 6.9
CZ08: Moravia-Silesia 10855.2 10.2 8.6
DK01: Capital (DK) 18234.2 6.9 7.3
DK02: Zealand 17497.0 5.0 6.4
DK03: Southern Denmark 17096.7 5.6 6.8
DK04: Central Jutland 17248.6 5.8 6.2
DK05: Northern Jutland 17375.2 6.1 6.6
FI19: Western Finland 17690.5 8.6 8.7
FI1B: Helsinki-Uusimaa 21091.1 4.4 7.3
FI1C: Southern Finland 18053.6 8.7 9.4
FI1D: Eastern and Northern Finland 16899.6 9.0 10.0
FI20: land 21281.2 4.0
FR10: Ile de France 26102.3 6.9 9.6
FR21: Champagne-Ardenne 20222.8 7.8 11.1
FR22: Picardy 20390.0 7.5 11.5
FR23: Upper Normandy 20856.3 5.9 11.8
FR24: Centre (FR) 21549.2 5.8 9.5
FR25: Lower Normandy 20767.2 7.6 8.1
FR26: Burgundy 21312.3 8.9 10.6
FR30: Nord-Pas-de-Calais 18593.3 10.8 13.7
FR41: Lorraine 19792.7 8.4 11.7
FR42: Alsace 21029.8 7.4 10.0
FR43: Franche-Comt 20586.8 6.7 9.8
FR51: Pays de la Loire 20702.6 7.5 8.5
FR52: Brittany 20810.7 6.1 7.4
FR53: Poitou-Charentes 20694.1 7.1 10.9
FR61: Aquitaine 21120.1 7.2 9.0
FR62: Midi-Pyrnes 20938.0 8.5 9.0
FR63: Limousin 21008.9 8.2 9.2
FR71: Rhne-Alpes 21857.0 7.3 8.7
FR72: Auvergne 21232.2 7.1 7.3
FR81: Languedoc-Roussillon 19526.8 12.8 12.2
FR82: Provence-Alpes-Cte d'Azur 21357.9 9.4 10.0
FR83: Corsica 19783.0 11.9 9.8
DE1: Baden-Wrttemberg 25351.9 6.5 3.1
DE2: Bavaria 26279.8 8.5 2.9
DE3: Berlin 20370.5 11.1 9.8
DE4: Brandenburg 20728.4 9.2 6.7
DE5: Bremen 23267.4 2.0 6.6
DE6: Hamburg 25426.4 5.7 5.0
DE7: Hesse 24352.7 6.5 4.4
DE8: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 19562.8 16.8 9.6
DE9: Lower Saxony 22730.7 8.7 4.6
DEA: North Rhine-Westphalia 23493.1 7.9 5.6
DEB: Rhineland-Palatinate 24868.1 12.9 3.9
DEC: Saarland 22309.7 10.3 5.8
DED: Saxony 20464.4 10.7 7.2
DEE: Saxony-Anhalt 19913.7 17.4 8.8
DEF: Schleswig-Holstein 24064.2 8.3 4.6
DEG: Thuringia 20079.3 10.5 6.0
GR1: Northern Greece 8654.6 16.2 27.1
GR2: Central Greece 9094.7 16.2 26.0
GR3: Athens 13958.2 13.0 27.3
GR4: Aegean Islands and Crete 9103.2 9.6 22.5
HU10: Central Hungary 11525.4 6.2
HU21: Central Transdanubia 10134.7 5.6
HU22: Western Transdanubia 10131.0 4.6
HU23: Southern Transdanubia 9063.2 7.8
HU31: Northern Hungary 8573.4 10.4
HU32: Northern Great Plain 8422.6 11.8
HU33: Southern Great Plain 8926.6 9.0
IS01: Capital Region 5.4
IS02: Other Regions 4.0
IE01: Border, Midland and Western 17961.1 12.3
IE02: Southern and Eastern 20619.8 10.9
IL01: Jerusalem District 7031.6 38.6 7.1
IL02: Northern District 6789.8 30.6 8.1
IL03: Haifa District 9987.1 19.5 6.4
IL04: Central District 11401.4 10.5 5.1
IL05: Tel Aviv District 12825.0 12.6 5.2
IL06: Southern District 7952.2 22.6 6.9
ITC1: Piedmont 23460.5 8.8 11.3
ITC2: Aosta Valley 25504.9 5.6 8.9
ITC3: Liguria 23269.4 8.9 10.8
ITC4: Lombardy 24581.6 6.8 8.2
ITF1: Abruzzo 18179.5 15.1 12.6
ITF2: Molise 17733.4 17.6 15.2
ITF3: Campania 14289.4 24.9 21.7
ITF4: Apulia 15799.8 19.9 21.5
ITF5: Basilicata 16226.6 21.6 14.7
ITF6: Calabria 15277.8 20.2 23.4
ITG1: Sicily 14779.2 31.7 22.2
ITG2: Sardinia 17274.0 15.2 18.6
ITH1: Province of Bolzano-Bozen 26236.4 4.3 4.4
ITH2: Province of Trento 22815.0 9.1 6.9
ITH3: Veneto 23039.1 6.1 7.5
ITH4: Friuli-Venezia Giulia 23820.5 4.5 8.0
ITH5: EmiliaRomagna 24928.4 5.1 8.3
ITI1: Tuscany 22356.4 7.0 10.1
ITI2: Umbria 21202.3 8.5 11.3
ITI3: Marche 21718.8 9.6 10.1
ITI4: Lazio 22820.9 10.5 12.5
JPA: Hokkaido 17965.9 19.0 4.2
JPB: Tohoku 17838.2 19.3 3.5
JPC: Northern-Kanto, Koshin 18978.3 14.9 3.3
JPD: Southern-Kanto 21997.1 12.2 3.5
JPE: Hokuriku 19479.0 12.6 3.2
JPF: Toukai 20258.9 11.3 2.8
JPG: Kansai region 19146.5 16.4 4.1
JPH: Chugoku 18692.8 13.7 3.2
JPI: Shikoku 17102.7 20.7 3.7
JPJ: Kyushu, Okinawa 17209.0 25.1 4.3
KR01: Capital Region (KR) 17093.5 4.0
KR02: Gyeongnam Region 16498.7 3.1
KR03: Gyeonbuk Region 15334.9 3.4
KR04: Jeolla Region 14829.8 2.7
KR05: Chungcheong Region 15508.8 3.3
KR06: Gangwon Region 14158.9 3.1
KR07: Jeju 15848.0 2.0
ME01: Aguascalientes 3865.0 15.9 5.8
ME02: Baja California Norte 4623.0 10.8 5.7
ME03: Baja California Sur 4456.0 13.6 4.9
ME04: Campeche 3764.0 21.7 3.2
ME05: Coahuila 4205.0 14.2 5.3
ME06: Colima 4093.0 12.6 4.4
ME07: Chiapas 1786.0 48.9 3.4
ME08: Chihuahua 3532.0 16.2 3.2
ME09: Federal District (MX) 5845.0 5.4 6.8
ME10: Durango 2896.0 26.3 6.0
ME11: Guanajuato 2881.0 19.2 4.7
ME12: Guerrero 2294.0 48.7 1.5
ME13: Hidalgo 2918.0 28.7 4.1
ME14: Jalisco 4002.0 16.8 5.0
ME15: Mexico 3186.0 14.8 6.6
ME16: Michoacan 2538.0 25.8 3.2
ME17: Morelos 3015.0 16.4 4.1
ME18: Nayarit 3503.0 26.9 5.7
ME19: Nuevo Leon 5066.0 9.2 5.6
ME20: Oaxaca 2070.0 39.8 2.6
ME21: Puebla 2319.0 32.2 4.1
ME22: Queretaro 4009.0 17.0 5.9
ME23: Quintana Roo 4114.0 17.6 4.5
ME24: San Luis Potosi 2847.0 27.4 3.2
ME25: Sinaloa 3860.0 17.7 5.8
ME26: Sonora 4680.0 13.7 5.0
ME27: Tabasco 3023.0 28.8 6.6
ME28: Tamaulipas 3809.0 14.8 5.2
ME29: Tlaxcala 2381.0 23.7 5.8
ME30: Veracruz 2614.0 29.3 3.7
ME31: Yucatan 3519.0 18.4 2.4
ME32: Zacatecas 2717.0 35.5 4.8
NL1: North Netherlands 15333.9 8.2 7.2
NL2: East Netherlands 16793.0 6.6 6.9
NL3: West Netherlands 18671.7 8.6 6.8
NL4: South Netherlands 17752.5 6.6 6.5
New Zealand
NZ01: North Island (NZ) 16270.9 12.2 6.4
NZ02: South Island (NZ) 17476.3 10.1 3.7
NO01: Oslo and Akershus 24941.9 9.9 3.8
NO02: Hedmark and Oppland 21090.9 7.0 2.9
NO03: South-Eastern Norway 21743.4 6.6 4.1
NO04: Agder and Rogaland 23077.6 6.2 3.1
NO05: Western Norway 22617.4 7.3 3.0
NO06: Trndelag 21949.5 9.7 3.8
NO07: Northern Norway 21896.4 6.4 3.3
PL11: Lodzkie 11931.0 8.9
PL12: Mazovia 14157.6 7.2
PL21: Lesser Poland 11155.5 9.1
PL22: Silesia 13242.3 8.6
PL31: Lublin Province 10256.4 9.9
PL32: Podkarpacia 9341.5 14.0
PL33: Swietokrzyskie 10409.4 11.4
PL34: Podlasie 9904.9 9.1
PL41: Greater Poland 12353.0 7.7
PL42: West Pomerania 11487.1 8.4
PL43: Lubusz 10801.4 8.3
PL51: Lower Silesia 12074.4 9.1
PL52: Opole region 10551.2 7.8
PL61: Kuyavian-Pomerania 10568.8 10.7
PL62: Warmian-Masuria 10238.8 9.8
PL63: Pomerania 11617.5 8.6
PT11: North (PT) 13572.2 14.8
PT15: Algarve 16196.9 14.5
PT16: Central Portugal 14583.7 10.6
PT17: Lisbon 20368.9 14.9
PT18: Alentejo 15032.4 14.3
PT20: Azores (PT) 16529.9 16.3
PT30: Madeira (PT) 15712.4 15.1
Slovak Republic
SK01: Bratislava Region 22157.1 3.7 6.0
SK02: West Slovakia 11844.3 7.2 11.0
SK03: Central Slovakia 11616.2 7.4 15.9
SK04: East Slovakia 9667.6 10.5 16.6
SI01: Eastern Slovenia 13493.4 11.2 11.1
SI02: Western Slovenia 14714.4 7.5 8.1
ES11: Galicia 16312.6 12.3 21.7
ES12: Asturias 18052.8 9.1 21.1
ES13: Cantabria 17263.8 11.8 19.4
ES21: Basque Country 22892.7 7.8 16.3
ES22: Navarra 21945.8 6.3 15.7
ES23: La Rioja 18342.4 17.1 18.2
ES24: Aragon 19003.0 11.2 20.2
ES30: Madrid 20976.7 10.3 18.7
ES41: Castile and Len 17339.2 15.3 20.8
ES42: Castile-La Mancha 14247.7 20.8 29.0
ES43: Extremadura 13157.3 25.5 29.8
ES51: Catalonia 19475.1 11.0 20.3
ES52: Valencia 15494.1 13.4 25.8
ES53: Balearic Islands 17314.5 14.6 20.0
ES61: Andalusia 13826.6 21.8 34.8
ES62: Murcia 14276.9 21.2 26.6
ES63: Ceuta 15336.1 23.2 31.9
ES64: Melilla 14030.2 25.5 28.4
ES70: Canary Islands 14728.4 22.7 32.4
SE11: Stockholm 23655.7 8.6 7.1
SE12: East Middle Sweden 19077.3 9.7 8.3
SE21: Smland with Islands 18615.8 8.8 6.7
SE22: South Sweden 18828.2 11.6 10.0
SE23: West Sweden 19785.0 9.5 7.6
SE31: North Middle Sweden 18035.9 11.5 8.6
SE32: Central Norrland 18248.0 9.1 7.4
SE33: Upper Norrland 18538.9 8.7 7.4
CH01: Lake Geneva Region 26967.7 10.0 6.7
CH02: Espace Mittelland 23223.6 11.9 4.3
CH03: Northwestern Switzerland 27148.6 8.4 4.3
CH04: Zurich 31153.7 7.2 4.1
CH05: Eastern Switzerland 24678.1 8.9 3.2
CH06: Central Switzerland 27891.7 7.0 3.5
CH07: Ticino 21466.5 14.3 6.7
TR10: Istanbul 11.9
TR21: Thrace 7.6
TR22: Southern Marmara - West 5.6
TR31: Izmir 13.9
TR32: Southern Aegean 7.1
TR33: Northern Aegean 3.9
TR41: Eastern Marmara - South 6.3
TR42: Eastern Marmara - North 10.0
TR51: Ankara 11.5
TR52: Central Anatolia - West and South 5.6
TR61: Mediterranean region - West 8.3
TR62: Mediterranean region - Middle 10.7
TR63: Mediterranean region - East 15.3
TR71: Central Anatolia - Middle 7.7
TR72: Central Anatolia - East 9.6
TR81: Western Black Sea - West 6.0
TR82: Western Black Sea - Middle and East 6.4
TR83: Middle Black Sea 6.3
TR90: Eastern Black Sea 6.2
TRA1: Northeastern Anatolia - West 7.5
TRA2: Northeastern Anatolia - East 3.5
TRB1: Eastern Anatolia - West 7.5
TRB2: Eastern Anatolia - East 13.5
TRC1: Southeastern Anatolia - West 8.1
TRC2: Southeastern Anatolia - Middle 17.3
TRC3: Southeastern Anatolia - East 24.2
United Kingdom
UKC: North East England 18482.8 10.8 8.9
UKD: North West England 19079.0 9.9 6.7
UKE: Yorkshire and The Humber 18893.1 11.1 7.2
UKF: East Midlands 19714.7 10.3 5.5
UKG: West Midlands 19279.7 11.7 7.1
UKH: East of England 22990.0 7.5 5.1
UKI: Greater London 28013.5 10.0 6.9
UKJ: South East England 24694.0 7.2 4.6
UKK: South West England 21951.0 8.3 4.7
UKL: Wales 19081.4 11.1 6.6
UKM: Scotland 21094.6 10.2 5.9
UKN: Northern Ireland 17766.5 13.0 6.4
United States
US01: Alabama 28684.2 19.5 7.1
US02: Alaska 38746.0 11.8 7.1
US04: Arizona 28597.1 20.8 7.0
US05: Arkansas 27706.0 24.1 5.9
US06: California 36019.3 18.4 7.5
US08: Colorado 35334.0 14.5 4.9
US09: Connecticut 45214.7 10.5 6.5
US10: Delaware 35126.3 15.2 5.8
US11: District of Columbia 58951.3 21.6 7.9
US12: Florida 28831.2 18.3 6.3
US13: Georgia 29855.2 21.3 7.2
US15: Hawaii 33737.0 12.8 4.3
US16: Idaho 27040.4 16.0 4.7
US17: Illinois 36122.8 15.9 7.0
US18: Indiana 31147.3 17.9 6.0
US19: Iowa 35475.4 12.0 4.6
US20: Kansas 33699.4 15.8 4.5
US21: Kentucky 28974.5 21.6 6.5
US22: Louisiana 32219.7 24.4 6.4
US23: Maine 31977.7 14.3 5.8
US24: Maryland 41466.8 9.9 5.8
US25: Massachusetts 43853.6 12.9 5.8
US26: Michigan 31169.9 16.5 7.2
US27: Minnesota 37430.8 11.0 4.0
US28: Mississippi 27792.6 23.5 7.6
US29: Missouri 31228.2 17.1 6.4
US30: Montana (US) 28674.6 17.0 4.6
US31: Nebraska 35595.6 13.1 3.2
US32: Nevada 29128.9 18.5 7.7
US33: New Hampshire 39112.9 8.6 4.2
US34: New Jersey 43472.7 12.1 6.7
US35: New Mexico 28187.9 22.6 7.0
US36: New York 41867.8 18.5 6.4
US37: North Carolina 30071.0 19.6 6.2
US38: North Dakota 45133.7 11.0 2.9
US39: Ohio 32805.9 17.2 5.6
US40: Oklahoma 32711.8 17.8 4.5
US41: Oregon 30740.7 15.4 7.1
US42: Pennsylvania 36181.4 15.7 5.7
US44: Rhode Island 36317.2 15.9 7.8
US45: South Carolina 27838.8 22.3 6.4
US46: South Dakota 33393.5 15.8 3.6
US47: Tennessee 31963.6 19.6 6.6
US48: Texas 34868.0 19.1 5.0
US49: Utah 28334.1 10.6 3.9
US50: Vermont 35039.0 11.4 4.0
US51: Virginia 36988.3 13.4 5.2
US53: Washington 35731.1 12.6 6.3
US54: West Virginia 28994.0 20.4 6.6
US55: Wisconsin 33678.8 13.4 5.6
US56: Wyoming 35573.9 12.2 4.5

Note: Data are Note: Poverty Note: Data refer

based on headcounts, to TL2 regions.
regional with the poverty Values for
national line defined at Canada exclude
accounts 50% of the Yukon,
information national median Northwest
provided by the income. Territories and
National Nunavut
Statistical regions; values
Offices, except for Denmark
for Turkey and exclude land.
where income
data are
based on EU-
SILC and
Turkish SILC.

Source: OECD Source: OECD Source: OECD

(2015), (2015), (2015),
Regional Well- Regional Well- Regional Well-
Being Being Being
(database), (database), (database),
10.1787/region- 10.1787/region- 10.1787/region-
data-en data-en data-en

The statistical data for Israel are supplied by and under the responsibility of the relevant Israeli authorities. The use of such data by the OEC
under the terms of international law.
Education Environment Access to services

Share of labour Air pollution, level of Share of households

force with at least PM2.5 with internet
secondary education broadband access

Micrograms per
Percentage Percentage
cubic metres

Three-year average
2014 or latest
2013 measures (2010-
available year

76.2 2.9 75.0

77.2 4.6 77.0
74.0 2.8 78.0
70.8 3.3 75.0
74.8 3.2 79.0
65.6 1.9 72.0
70.7 4.8 79.0
88.1 4.0 85.0

84.9 17.1 78.0

84.6 16.6 74.0
84.0 17.5 83.0
87.4 18.4 75.0
85.5 17.4 81.0
81.1 15.1 81.0
85.5 17.5 78.0
81.0 11.2 83.0
80.0 22.0 83.0

74.2 19.3 78.0

81.3 17.2 85.0
76.7 17.5 77.0

85.7 3.2 78.8

84.0 3.1 77.7
87.0 3.6 79.6
85.7 4.2 76.7
87.4 6.2 78.1
90.1 8.9 84.1
85.8 7.4 79.9
86.3 8.1 82.6
88.0 6.7 85.7
91.2 5.2 86.5

84.3 18.1 38.0

87.3 16.5 54.0
79.8 11.9 32.0
75.4 4.2 25.0
82.2 4.2 38.0
68.8 7.2 18.0
60.5 6.3 16.0
72.4 3.7 25.0
68.4 3.6 17.0
67.7 2.4 23.0
67.3 2.2 21.0
84.1 1.3 33.0
82.7 7.8 50.0
68.2 2.8 21.0
83.3 16.5 49.0

97.2 18.8 88.0

95.0 17.0 77.0
94.9 13.9 75.0
89.5 14.7 68.0
94.0 15.5 70.0
95.9 16.3 78.0
94.8 19.7 76.0
93.9 21.0 74.0

81.8 13.6 87.0

74.4 12.1 86.0
73.6 11.2 85.0
74.7 9.1 90.0
73.6 7.3 89.0

84.9 5.1 85.0

86.5 7.8 92.0
84.6 6.0 88.0
85.6 5.1 86.0
78.4 7.6

77.7 14.2 84.0

72.8 13.8 76.0
68.7 14.3 77.0
73.7 12.1 80.0
78.0 11.5 75.0
77.3 9.5 65.0
76.5 11.4 69.0
76.8 16.3 79.0
77.9 12.6 74.0
81.2 18.6 76.0
75.8 14.4 81.0
79.8 9.3 78.0
84.3 8.4 73.0
78.7 9.0 77.0
78.9 10.5 73.0
83.2 10.4 78.0
79.7 8.1 72.0
79.3 13.4 76.0
79.0 9.8 72.0
72.2 10.0 81.0
75.3 11.0 75.0
66.2 8.8 70.0

84.5 16.6 83.0

86.3 14.7 85.0
85.7 17.6 88.0
92.9 15.6 71.0
81.9 13.6 91.0
86.2 14.6 87.0
86.1 14.2 84.0
92.3 11.4 75.0
85.1 13.2 89.0
82.9 16.8 87.0
83.3 15.0 85.0
83.2 14.3 83.0
94.6 13.9 79.0
92.6 14.0 81.0
86.1 12.5 86.0
94.5 12.3 87.0

66.1 18.6 50.0

61.0 14.9 40.0
80.5 14.1 68.0
62.1 14.2 47.0

91.4 19.4 82.0 Data on regional relative poverty is not available for the Hungarian regions at TL2 l
84.9 17.9 76.0 data below refers to the Hungarian regions at a more aggregated level (NUTS
87.0 18.3 77.0 Regional relative povert
86.0 16.7 73.0 NUTS1
84.8 18.3 66.0 HU1
83.2 19.5 68.0 HU2
86.4 17.9 68.0 HU3

76.1 2.5 93.0

62.1 2.3 91.0

77.2 5.0 59.0

81.9 5.7 70.0

86.0 21.6 53.1

83.4 23.8 61.5
89.1 23.1 67.2
90.7 21.4 77.4
90.6 22.5 77.7
88.7 24.7 73.6

64.1 21.1 65.0

58.4 18.8 67.0
68.2 14.0 64.0
65.9 26.7 71.0
70.6 10.9 69.0
63.0 11.9 59.0
59.9 15.0 60.0
56.8 12.3 60.0
63.8 10.5 65.0
62.5 12.3 59.0
58.3 11.8 58.0
54.3 8.8 70.0
62.6 16.3 74.0
72.7 15.1 71.0
65.5 23.8 74.0
68.3 19.9 70.0
67.0 18.9 75.0
61.5 11.7 72.0
71.9 10.7 73.0
65.1 9.8 72.0
72.8 11.0 71.0

76.5 8.7 61.0

74.6 10.9 62.0
79.1 14.2 68.0
87.2 17.9
75.4 14.5 69.0
78.7 13.9 74.0
83.0 12.7 81.0
82.0 11.5 66.0
76.8 12.6 59.0
78.9 14.2 60.0

86.0 27.4 99.2

79.3 16.1 98.3
73.7 20.0 97.8
71.7 23.5 97.6
75.3 25.7 97.4
71.1 19.8 97.2
76.9 15.1 98.2

42.4 9.1 37.9

42.5 6.8 51.5 *income data for Mexican regions refers to 2014. This differs from the 2012 data desc
46.3 6.1 43.8
40.1 4.2 27.1
44.5 8.4 34.6
41.7 9.4 45.2
26.9 6.9 9.5
38.1 6.2 42.9
57.6 15.1 53.0
37.1 8.1 30.3
30.6 16.1 27.5
33.1 11.0 20.7
33.9 13.7 25.6
39.9 12.2 41.4
41.6 15.7 33.3
29.8 13.9 23.7
40.7 26.2 38.4
40.0 6.1 35.9
48.4 9.4 55.1
27.9 8.8 14.0
33.7 13.7 23.8
41.0 16.3 32.3
43.5 3.7 46.7
37.0 10.4 27.2
47.5 7.5 38.1
45.5 6.1 45.9
40.5 8.2 28.6
43.9 6.6 37.2
37.0 11.7 24.8
35.0 11.3 21.2
38.0 3.4 29.5
30.4 7.2 25.8

74.6 12.7 85.0

73.8 16.0 87.0
76.7 15.8 88.0
73.5 16.9 85.0

73.4 2.4 75.0

72.8 2.1 75.0

85.1 5.9 92.0

78.3 4.4 90.0
78.6 6.1 86.0
81.1 5.3 84.0
81.4 3.5 86.0
82.9 3.0 91.0
76.4 3.1 85.0

90.8 20.4 66.0

93.5 16.9 75.3 Data on regional relative poverty is not available for the Polish regions at TL2 level.
93.5 19.8 71.7 below refers to the Polish regions at a more aggregated level (NUTS1).
95.3 21.4 68.2
90.3 17.9 70.8 Regional relative povert
90.8 18.0 74.3 NUTS1
90.7 17.6 66.5
89.3 15.1 70.8 PL1
93.8 18.5 74.6 PL2
90.7 14.1 66.5 PL3
92.6 16.7 63.3 PL4
92.7 15.9 71.9 PL5
92.8 19.7 71.5 PL6
91.3 17.0 69.9
88.5 14.1 64.1
92.0 12.5 78.8

36.7 9.2 61.1

42.6 8.0 64.3
37.3 7.6 56.9
52.3 7.8 72.4
38.8 7.7 53.4
28.9 3.3 69.0
36.0 4.9 67.1

96.2 18.6 78.0

95.4 19.0 76.0
93.9 15.5 74.0
92.0 16.8 78.0

86.2 15.8 72.0

90.0 17.3 74.0

56.4 7.4 64.0

64.3 9.7 70.0
66.0 8.5 74.0
73.2 7.1 73.0
66.8 10.1 71.0
62.0 10.1 63.0
63.7 13.0 67.0
71.6 10.9 78.0
60.6 9.3 66.0
50.2 10.5 63.0
44.2 8.7 60.0
58.7 11.3 71.0
55.7 10.6 66.0
54.9 8.1 68.0
49.8 10.3 66.0
50.2 10.9 66.0
44.7 11.3 81.0
52.8 13.3 65.0
52.3 6.8 67.0

85.2 6.5 89.0

82.2 6.3 85.0
80.5 7.5 86.0
82.3 12.0 88.0
82.6 7.9 88.0
82.1 5.0 83.0
82.9 3.9 84.0
86.9 3.5 86.0

81.8 14.7 85.0

83.4 15.1 81.0
85.7 16.7 87.0
86.1 20.4 93.0
82.3 16.5 87.0
83.3 14.8 87.0
83.0 13.6 77.0

Data on household disposable income per capita and regional relative poverty is no
47.3 14.7 63.0 for the Turkish regions at TL2 level. The data below refers to the Turkish regions a
41.5 15.5 63.0 aggregated level (NUTS1).
34.7 15.2 41.0
44.8 15.1 57.0 Household disposable income per capita Regional relative povert
29.8 16.1 39.0 NUTS1 NUTS1
26.4 17.8 32.0
44.6 20.5 55.0 TR1 Istanbul 15425.9 TR1
41.2 17.8 54.0 TR2 West Marmar 11205 TR2
59.7 20.6 55.0 TR3 Aegean 13841.8 TR3
30.6 20.8 40.0 TR4 Eastern Marm 11506.6 TR4
38.0 17.4 50.0 TR5 Western Anato 13388.3 TR5
37.8 23.0 36.0 TR6 Mediterranean 10874.6 TR6
30.0 22.3 38.0 TR7 Central Anatol 10427.3 TR7
34.8 18.9 44.0 TR8 Western Blac 10327.7 TR8
32.7 18.5 40.0 TR9 Eastern Black 10045.6 TR9
31.9 14.5 49.0 TRA Northeastern 8120.8 TRA
29.0 13.1 37.0 TRB Eastern Anato 7431.3 TRB
28.7 14.2 35.0 TRC Southeastern 5921.1 TRC
30.8 12.3 35.0
34.7 17.4 28.0
22.4 22.3 41.0
32.8 20.3 41.0
22.8 22.9 15.0
27.8 21.5 31.0
24.3 23.0 20.0
33.8 26.4 28.0

80.8 7.3 77.0

80.7 11.1 85.0
79.9 9.5 84.0
80.0 10.3 89.0
78.2 9.7 82.0
80.7 10.4 89.0
86.5 10.2 94.0
83.5 10.5 90.0
82.8 10.5 93.0
81.4 8.9 83.0
83.5 7.0 85.0
76.5 6.3 87.0
83.3 7.9 56.0
90.6 3.1 70.0
85.2 6.4 67.0
84.4 8.3 57.0
81.8 7.0 66.0
89.7 5.7 77.0
89.1 8.1 77.0
87.2 10.2 68.0
88.1 13.6 67.0
85.9 5.3 70.0
84.1 8.7 65.0
90.6 3.4 63.0
88.8 5.1 69.0
87.2 10.6 67.0
86.7 10.5 64.0
90.7 9.7 68.0
89.6 8.7 72.0
83.6 9.5 62.0
82.4 5.9 62.0
91.0 5.6 71.0
88.7 12.2 74.0
89.3 7.4 75.0
88.6 9.3 70.0
91.6 10.0 78.0
81.7 6.3 51.0
87.5 9.6 65.0
91.7 4.7 61.0
90.3 8.7 70.0
83.8 5.7 67.0
91.3 6.6 79.0
88.1 10.5 73.0
83.1 5.4 54.0
85.3 11.4 68.0
84.7 8.8 65.0
91.2 6.8 70.0
88.1 11.0 66.0
85.9 7.1 59.0
89.2 3.7 73.0
88.6 11.3 67.0
85.9 7.3 71.0
84.3 7.9 61.0
89.6 6.7 69.0
85.0 9.1 59.0
81.3 6.3 57.0
90.2 5.2 74.0
91.6 6.3 72.0
88.0 10.0 68.0
89.5 4.1 79.0
84.5 9.6 60.0
90.1 9.4 74.0
91.1 5.2 71.0

Note: Data refer

to three-year
The values
provide the
average level of
air pollution in
each region.
The regional
average is
obtained by
weighting the
observed levels
of PM2.5 by the
population in a
1km2 grid and
summing the
values within
each region.

Source: OECD Source: OECD Source: OECD

(2015) Regional (2015) Regional (2015) Regional
Well-Being Well-Being Well-Being
(database), (database), (database),
10.1787/region- 10.1787/region- 10.1787/region-
data-en data-en. data-en.
based on Van
Donkelaar et al.

. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank
he Hungarian regions at TL2 level. The
a more aggregated level (NUTS1).
Regional relative poverty
Central Hunga 4.8
Transdanubia 6.9
Great Plain a 9.4
differs from the 2012 data described in Figure 6.3 of How's Life? 2015.
he Polish regions at TL2 level. The data
e aggregated level (NUTS1).

Regional relative poverty

Central region 10.3
South region 11.4
East region 13.9
Northeast Wes 10.8
South-West re 8.8
North region 9.8
regional relative poverty is not available
refers to the Turkish regions at a more

Regional relative poverty


Istanbul 4
West Marmar 14.2
Aegean 9
Eastern Marm 7.5
Western Anato 9.2
Mediterranean 18
Central Anatol 15.4
Western Blac 13.3
Eastern Black 13.1
Northeastern 30.3
Eastern Anato 38.6
Southeastern 50.4
Regional disparities in average exposure to air pollution
Regions with the lowest and highest exposure to PM 2.5 levels, 2011

ISO Country Min Max Range

MEX Mexico 3.39 11.53 26.16 22.77

ITA Italy 8.79 16.71 26.69 17.90
CHL Chile 1.26 6.44 18.09 16.83
TUR Turkey 12.31 18.26 26.43 14.12
KOR Korea 15.07 23.83 27.35 12.28
AUT Austria 11.22 16.65 21.96 10.74
FRA France 8.05 12.32 18.63 10.58
USA United States 3.05 8.26 13.63 10.58
JPN Japan 8.72 14.23 17.93 9.20
POL Poland 12.54 17.68 21.39 8.85
SWE Sweden 3.52 7.20 11.96 8.43
CAN Canada 1.40 7.07 8.87 7.47
CZE Czech Republic 13.88 17.09 20.95 7.07
CHE Switzerland 13.63 16.36 20.44 6.81
ESP Spain 6.78 10.00 13.33 6.54
DEU Germany 11.37 15.10 17.61 6.24
DNK Denmark 7.34 11.18 13.55 6.22
PRT Portugal 3.33 8.13 9.23 5.90
GBR United Kingdom 6.30 9.71 11.09 4.79
GRC Greece 14.05 15.76 18.64 4.59
NLD Netherlands 12.72 15.75 16.85 4.14
SVK Slovak Republic 15.50 17.45 19.00 3.50
ISR Israel 21.36 22.73 24.71 3.35
NOR Norway 3.02 4.81 6.07 3.05
AUS Australia 1.90 3.36 4.79 2.88
HUN Hungary 16.68 18.55 19.52 2.84
FIN Finland 5.08 6.00 7.77 2.69
BEL Belgium 17.20 17.48 19.27 2.08
SVN Slovenia 15.84 16.49 17.27 1.43
IRL Ireland 5.04 5.55 5.74 0.70
NZL New Zealand 2.10 2.31 2.38 0.28
ISL Iceland 2.30 2.38 2.47 0.17
BRA Brazil 1.74 5.71 9.17 7.43
RUS Russian federation 1.76 11.82 19.44 17.67

Note: Data refer to three-year average measures (2010-2012). The values provide the average level of air pollution in each region. The
the observed levels of PM2.5 by the population in a 1km2 grid and summing the values within each region.

Source: OECD (2015) Regional Well-Being (database), Calculations based on Van Donkelaar

The statistical data for Israel are supplied by and under the responsibility of the relevant Israeli authorities. The use of such data by the OEC
terms of international law.
erage exposure to air pollution
hest exposure to PM 2.5 levels, 2011

Region Min Region Max

Yucatan Morelos
Magallanes Lombardy
y Antrtica Tarapac
Eastern Black Sea Anatolia - East
Jeju Region
Tyrol Vorarlberg
Limousin Alsace
Alaska District of Columbia
Hokkaido Southern-Kanto
Pomerania Silesia
Upper Norrland South Sweden
Nunavut Ontario
Southwest Moravia-Silesia
Ticino Zurich
Canary Islands
Mecklenburg- Melilla
Vorpommern Berlin
Northern Jutland Capital
Azores North
Northern Ireland North West England
Athens Northern Greece
North Netherlands South Netherlands
Central Slovakia West Slovakia
Central District Southern District
Trndelag South-Eastern Norway
Tasmania Northern Territory
Southern Transdanubia Northern Great Plain
Western Finland Helsinki-Uusimaa
Flemish Region Capital Region
Border, Slovenia
Midland Western Slovenia
Western Southern and Eastern
Other North Island
Rio Grande Capital Region
do Norte
Sakha Sao Paulo
Federal City
Republic of Moscow

average level of air pollution in each region. The regional average is obtained by weighting
within each region.

n-data-en. Calculations based on Van Donkelaar et al. (2015).

sraeli authorities. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank und
ttlements in the West Bank under the

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