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Translation of statistical vocabulary

For the next group of words write the meaning in Spanish, these concepts will
help you get a better understanding of the topic to be used in this learning
activity. Write the vocabulary in Spanish in your own words; remember that
online translators dont need to learn English.

After finishing the activity, upload it in men principal Actividades / Fase II:
Planear estratgicamente un modelo efectivo de negociacin
internacional/Actividad de aprendizaje 6: Consolidar la Informacin procesada
basada a los datos obtenidos/ Evidencias de la actividad de aprendizaje 6 /
Evidencia #:

Statistics is the science that deals with the collection, classification,

analysis, and interpretation of numerical facts or data, and that, by use of
mathematical theories of probability, imposes order and regularity on
aggregates of more or less disparate elements.

Population: a set of elements with common characteristics that will be

studied. A finite or infinite collection of items under consideration.

Sample. A portion drawn from a population, the study of which is

intended to lead to statistical estimates of the attributes of the whole

Qualitative variable. An attribute or characteristic of population different

than the amount.

Variables. Characteristics that you can study in a population

Quantitative variable. It is one in which the variates differ in magnitude,
e.g. Income, age, gnp, etc.

Standard deviation: the dispersion of data with respect to the average. It

is denoted by the greek letter sigma.

Median. It is defined as the intermediate value of the population

Mode . The mode is a most common (frequent) value.

Coefficient of variation. Allows to know the degree of dispersion of the

data with respect to the half, but in this case is isolated from the analysis
units. It is especially useful for comparing the variation in different

Based on this information, discuss:

- How the knowledge of these words will help you to deal effectively with a
business planning model? And how would obtained data strengthen the
processed information?

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