Vida Marie A

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Vida Marie A.


For the past five months or four months rather on the job, I believe I have achieved
something that is worthy of my merit on the basis of my own assessment.
This article contains the achievement I had on other functions or for the whole unit
and the other half is dedicated to my function.
The first achievement I humbly unlocked is making an article for the unit for the
purposes of the participation in BPI Bayan. It is an article regarding our project,
Urban Container Gardening which I brainstormed myself despite limited time
which most definitely has provided framework for the unit and has weigh on the
societal responsibility of Lipa Business Centre Loans Services and Recovery.
Comes next, my participation on the Stale Check Project on the way of
communicating with the auto dealers that the Bank has. In this participation, I have
been obliged of encouraging the dealer companies to unify the fees they receive from
us into one check for the purposes of reducing the volume of check we issued which
most often got stale due to untimely claiming on their part. As a result, some has
agreed on CTA (credit to account) payment system which is way better than issuing
one check since it would be a paperless transaction and simultaneous timely receipt
of the fees for the dealer companies.
Furthermore, I have contributed much on the task force for the Stale Checks which
I and my colleagues have searched for the originating unit of the issued checks for
the dealers and as well as to which dealer company a fee is entitled of for a thousand
auto loan accounts the BPI Family Bank has, I supposed.
Moreover, I have also done customer servicing as part of my daily routine in the
Bank. I have successfully satisfied queries of our clients regarding their loan with us
and has gained their complacent feeling for the Bank since some loan borrowers that
we have are situated in abroad and some has no knowledge at all on how their loan
goes. Sometimes, I also relieve our front desk associate on her function in cases of
time unavailability of the associate. I am also aiding in releasing checks provided by
EPSON to several company representatives.
Moving on to my function, I may have not done nor experience all of the process yet
since time bracket is not quite the same as other function which is done in a daily
basis, nevertheless, I believe I have given justice and effort to make the best outcome
of my output, out from the instructions given which most often vague and uncertain
to depend on which constrains the good quality work I could give.
With the filing process, I have already filed nineteen (19) auto loan accounts at the
court for Replevin and Damages. Despite of lack of machineries, to wit, printer, I
have managed to work overtime by myself for this nineteen accounts to be done and
be filed at once to meet the turn-around time for the specific process. Though it was
the first time I have made it, I have already put dedication on it that resulted on a
fine output out of the initial instructions given. However, I acknowledge some errors
not because of my misapprehension but due to the revision of instructions relayed
on me. Nevertheless, these accounts has been filed which I have been very hands-on
of from the moment of drafting and finalizing the petition, duplicating copies,
marking of annexes until the moment it has been tagged as ILEJ.
Currently, some are already booked in ROPA. The other accounts left are still being
worked yet by our service provider for the units possession. Prior to booking in
ROPA are the documents necessary for its booking which I have prepared and
rectified for notary and as well as communicate with the Marketing unit for their
compliance on the document deficiency of the subject accounts. Alongside, I have
also requested for appraisals for the subject unit necessary for its current value upon
booking. Hence, IL rate decreases as units filed for replevin are booked in ROPA
and disposed for sale.
In other way around that the primary borrower was not able to sign the Voluntary
Surrender form and the document was signed by a latter instead, it shall undergo on
foreclosure proceedings. It happened that the account of Sps. Hernandez which has
been voluntarily surrendered by the wife, not the principal borrower, were still
debited payments for the loan. However, with the aid of my immediate supervisor
and my prompt correspondence and efforts of follow-up for the responsible unit, the
amount debited has been credited back to the account of the said spouses. This
attention has paved the way on avoiding possible lawsuit nor monetary expense that
the Bank could suffer from.
In line with the auto loan, write-offs are done for old auto accounts which the rate
has been floating in to the units system. For the initial actions for the write-off, I
made part on sending notice to Land Transportation Office (LTO) for their
awareness that the subject unit is mortgaged with the Bank which shall be revert at
the Bank upon discovery of these offices nor it shall be allowed to be transferred in
other name thereof. In addition to this write-off task, I have also endorsed documents
for sending to various provincial and city assessors office for property checking of
the subject borrowers so that the Bank could at least recover from any monetary
damage suffered by the Bank through levying. Up to date, two proposals were
already made by my colleague for the purposes of verification and correction of our
superior, which would serve as a guide as I made the proposals myself. Heretofore,
proposals are still subject for review.

As to the real estate accounts, regular accounts are primarily assigned to me. Most
of the accounts were endorsed to me by the previous handling staff in the Within
Redemption status, some are into court proceedings yet, and some are in the
consolidation stage heretofore.
I have managed to send Notice to Vacate for the accounts of Cala, Ortega, Quilban,
Panotes, Lopez, and Menez that are within redemption, wherein result has alarmed
primary borrowers which made them cognizant of their loan status with us. It is with
beyond BPI core values that do also consider aggravating circumstances of the
primary borrowers for being unable to pay loans despite diligent effort to comply so.
One of which is the case of Mr. Panotes which I have already given Statement of
Account and which offering memo is being worked upon up to date for possible
waiver of fees. Second of which, is the account of Ortega which is currently being
assumed by her Attorney-in-Fact and has similar status as Panotes.
Other regular accounts have been prepared of Managers Check for transfer tax
payment, Registry of Deeds fee, Affidavit of Consolidation, other documents as it
may be required by the legal counsel/immediate supervisor for legal proceedings,
and foreclosure documents as it may be required by the PSLD unit.
A recently regular account which is a previously account for filing is already booked
to ROPA which I have handled commencing on the receipt of notice of sale of the
property. I have drafted and finalized statement of account to bid and has also
executed bid letter of the Bank which auction has awarded the property in favour of
the Bank as the usual highest bidder.
Upon receipt of Certificate of Sale from the Court, original TCTS are being
endorsed to service provided for its annotation. I have already released title of Brioso
for COS annotation and other titles for other account for its consolidation in the name
of the Bank.
Moreover, for the possession of other regular accounts, request for the writ is
currently being made for the counsels reference.
Still in tack of real estate, caretakers are posted for each property. Thus, expenses
for the caretakers fee as well as the utility bills are billed for each month which I in
corollary request in the PMS so payments could be credited to the service provider
and as well the expense per property could be properly monitored.
I have also routed expense request for expenses incurred by immediate supervisor,
BFB employee, service provider to reimburse the costs of doing various transaction
for each account, to wit, court hearings, meal and transportation allowance, service
fee, professional fee, and etc.
Furthermore, I have also prepared the Banks initial retainers contract for our
notarial law firm.
To sum up these efforts, movement of the accounts are recorded in the monthly
reports which I have already done even without supervision in all reports whether
be it regular, managed, or red tag as may it be required by the superiors or the head
office which I hope could be possibly took in consideration of.


Henceforth, I will be able to have full grasp on the function whether it be by theory
or practice it just needed much time to experience all, since all of the process is not
done on a daily manner as frequently being emphasized by the management, and due
to the fact that it is not solely the liability of the probationary employee.
Moreover, expect efficient and effective deliverables within the limit prescribed.
Lastly, expect that I would still make the best happen.

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