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Nama Proses : Operation Floating Loading Facility (FLF)

Customer/Agent Commercial Operation FLF MSR Technical HSE MLB / Agent HR 1 = SI From Commercial
to Operation FLF
1 1. SI - Floating
Loading Facility
5 = To 3rd Party
How we select 3rd Party

Preparation &
Mechineries Preparation HSE
Documents &
Preparation Human
Capital & General
6 = To Operation LFL
How to solve the issue
Materials, Supplies (HT 8, MG2001 and Tools and Equipment
Foreman / Labour Licences Affairs
& Crew Oth Equipment

7 = To MSR
How to solve the issue
Available Available
Ready ? Ready ? Ready ? Ready ?
? ?
No No No
8 = To MLB / Agent
No No No How to solve the issue
3rd Party

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

5 6 9 = To HC & GA

Vessel Location &

7 OnShore
OnShore HSE
Issue & Solution
8 9
Recruitement / Rotation

Special Request Scheduling

(if Any)
10 = To FAT
Invoicing / Payment Process
Assets Board To Location
11 = To MSR
Invoicing / Payment Process

Turn Time ?
12 = To MLB
Prepare Invoicing / Payment Process

Cargo Loading Process

Find Solution 13 = To HR
Off Shore Off Shore Salary Calculation
Troubleshooting HSE Actions
= Flows is run in order

Cargo Delay Asset's Problem HSE Issue = Flows is not run in order
No No
Complete? = Flows is not connected

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


Report For Job Report For Job Assets Back to Report For Job Report For Job
Completion Completion Achorage Point Completion Completion

10 12
11 Routine Maintenance Routine Check

Crew Rooster
Report for Salary

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