Ulangan Harian I Bahasa Inggris: I Choose The Correct Answer A, B or C II Fill The Blank

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Name :
Class :

I Choose the correct answer a, b or c II Fill the blank

1. A : Good morning student 1. t o- w =

B : teacher 2. Ievf =
a. Good morning 3. Ixs =
b. Good afternoon 4. Igeht =
c. Good Evening 5. n0e =

2. A: How Are You ? Write in English

B: . Thank you
a. thank you b. ok c. I am fine 6. 2+ 3 =

3. Selamat siang in English is

a. Good morning
b. Good afternoon 7. 5+5 =
c. Good Evening

4. My is rina
a. nem b. neim c. name 8. 10 + 2 =

5. A: See you later !
B: 9. 14 2 =
a. ok b. see you c. I am fine

10. 11 1 =

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