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The South Asian Times

e x c e l l e n c e i n j o u r n a l i s m
Vol.10 No. 21 September 23-29, 2017 80 Cents New York Edition Follow us on

BRICS must end terror's

support systems in South Asia
l By Arul Louis

New York: India's External Affairs

Minister Sushma Swaraj on
Thursday said that the fivemem
N. Korea's
ber BRICS, which includes China,
should work to end terrorism's
"support systems in South Asia,"
making a pointed reference to
Beijing's ally, Islamabad.
At a ministeriallevel meeting of

BRICS here, she said without
naming any country: "Terror
support systems in South Asia."
"Terrorist funding, their
weapons supply, training and financing and movement." the Pathankot air force base. It
political support must be system China has repeatedly blocked has also protected Pakistan from President follows up with more
atically cut off," she said sitting
around the same table as China's
efforts to put UN sanction on
Pakistanbased Jaishe
action for protecting those under
UN sanctions.
sanctions; Kim hurls abuses
Foreign Minister Wang Yi. "There Mohammed chief Masood Azhar, "We must condemn efforts, United Nations: Not pulling
is need for collective efforts to who India says is the mastermind including by states, to use punches, President Donald
disrupt terrorist networks, their of the 2016 terrorist attack on Continued on page 4 Trump threatened North
Korea with total destruc
tion if his country is forced
Musharraf NRIs can contribute to to defend itself and its
allies against the threats
blames Zardari
nation, party: Rahul
from Pyongyang.
Delivering his first
for Benazir Special to
address to the highlevel
meeting of the General
Bhutto's killing The South Asian Times Assembly on Tuesday,
Trump said that North
New York: Congress party Vice Korean dictator Kim Jong
President Rahul Gandhi has said Un "threatens the entire
NRIs can contribute significantly world with unthinkable loss
to the country and even his party. of life" and if the US was
He pointed out that great "forced to defend itself and
Indian leaders like Mahatma its allies, we will have no President Trump
Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar choice but to totally destroy addressing UN General
Asif Ali Zardari had the most to Patel and B.R. Ambedkar were at North Korea".
Assembly Tuesday;
gain from his wife Benazirs demise, one time NRIs. More recently (inset) North Korean
North Korea has issued a
argues Musharraf. (Photo : flickr) Verghese Kurien, trained in the leader Kim Jongun.
threat that "we will strike a
Islamabad: Former Pakistan US, returned to India and ensured merciless blow at the heart of the for. Let's see how they do.
President Pervez Musharraf has a white revolution by expanding US with our powerful nuclear "If the righteous many don't con
accused Peoples Party of Pakistan greatly the national milk produc hammer, honed and hardened over front the wicked few, then evil will
leader Asif Ali Zardari of "having tion. "They brought in ideas and time". "Rocket man is on a suicide triumph," he said. On Thursday,
the most to gain from Benazir implemented them in India (suc mission," Trump said, with a deri President Trump announced new
Bhutto`s murder" in a video posted cessfully). And thousands of oth sive reference to Kim. financial sanctions targeting North
on his official Facebook page. The ers have too but not been so rec Congress Vice President Rahul But he said that he hoped the UN Korea as his administration seeks
video came days after he was ognized," the youthful leader said Gandhi speaking at a public meet to build international support for
would be able to stop North Korea.
ing in NYC Wednesday. (Photo IANS)
Continued on page 4 Continued on page 4 "That's what the United Nations is Continued on page 4


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US AFFAIRS 11 OP ED 15 UNGA 23 SPIRITUAL AWARENESS 34 excellence in journalism September 23-29, 2017 TRISTATE COMMUNITY September 23-29, 2017 3

We have developed shortrange No restrictions for now

Narms to counter India: Pak PM on H1B visas: US ofcials
USCIS also resumes premium
In New York for UNGA, PM Abbasi complained to Vice President Pence
processing of H-1B visa petitions
about President Trump giving greater role to India in Afghanistan
New Delhi: For
New York: Pakistan has developed now, the US is mak
shortrange nuclear weapons as a Prime
ing no changes to
counter to the "Cold Start" military Minister
the H1B visa poli
doctrine allegedly adopted by the Shahid
cy that affects
Indian armed forces, Prime Khaqan
Abbasi thousands of
Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi Indians, said
speaking at
said here. American diplo
Council on
Addressing an event organized Foreign mats last week to
by the Council on Foreign Relations in NDTV. This reassur
Relations, Abbasi, who is currently New York. ance will be made
in New York for the UN General (Photo: when Indian and US officials tery, though a committee that
Assembly, said: "We (Pakistan) Reuters) meet on September 27 in is examining the program and
have a very robust and very secure Washington DC for an annual is tasked with recommending
commandandcontrol system over consular dialogue that discuss reforms has not been given a
our strategic nuclear assets, and I has developed," he was quoted as Afghanistan. Pakistan Foreign timeline, stressed US officials in
es issues like promoting
think time has proved that it's a saying by the Associated Press of Secretary Tehmina Janjua said that Delhi.
tourism, travel and business
process that is very secure. Pakistan. Abbasi was scheduled to in a meeting in New York on Interestingly, the US says
between the two countries.
"As far as tactical nuclear address the UNGA on Thursday Tuesday with Vice President Mike there has been a 25 per cent
"The program is going on as it
weapons, we do not have any field evening. Pence, Abbasi expressed concern jump this year in the number of
was, in fact we have issued
ed tactical nuclear weapons. We Reports also said that Abbasi has over the greater role that Trump Indian students who have
more H1B visas to Indians this
have developed shortrange complained to the United States advocated for India in his new enrolled in US colleges. There
year than we did last year", said
nuclear weapons as a counter to about the greater role President Afghan policy, according to the are 1 lakh 66 thousand Indian
a US official, confirming that
the Cold Start doctrine that India Trump wants for India in Associated Press of Pakistan (APP). students currently studying in
there are no restrictions being
applied that would reduce the the US, second only to China.

Two Apna Bazar stores plead guilty number of Indians who can get
H1B visas. India's giant soft
ware industry, worth about
Meanwhile, the USCIS on
Monday announced that it has
resumed the premium process

to not paying full wages to workers $150 billion a year, depends

heavily on the visas for highly
ing all H1B visa petitions sub
ject to the Fiscal Year 2018
skilled workers to send techies cap. The FY 2018 cap has been
New York: Two Apna Bazar gro
and others to the US to serve set at 65,000 visas.
cery stores in Queens and
clients there at salaries that are Premium processing has also
Hicksville, NY, which owed their
lower than hiring from within resumed for the annual 20,000
workers almost half a million dol
America. additional petitions that are set
lars in back wages, pleaded guilty
Donald Trump has ordered a aside to hire workers with a
and have made restitution, prose
review of the H1B visa pro U.S. masters degree or higher
cutors said on Wednesday.
gram, suggesting it should be educational degree.
S&L Vegetables Corp. of Floral
skewed towards the highest In March, USCIS announced
Park, Queens, and J&B Vegetables
paying, highestskilled jobs that it is suspending the premi
Inc. of Hicksville also owed the
rather than deciding recipients um processing facility of all H
state Department of Labor
on the basis of a random lot 1B petitions.
$162,445 for withholding unem
ployment insurance contributions,
the prosecutors statement said,
reported Newsday.
The defendants in this case
Obamacare on knifes edge
acted out of greed, cheating over Washington: Senate Republicans year. After that, Republicans
150 hardworking employees out Apna Bazar in Hicskville, NY (pictured) and in Floral Park, Queens have are making a lastditch health wont be able to use budget rec
repaid the sums of half a million they owed, the attorney general said. care vote next week, but they onciliation, a special Senate pro
of hundreds of thousands of dol
lars in wages they earned, said may fall short of one or two votes cedure that allows them to pass
ceny, falsifying business records, charge, and they must be moni
state Attorney General Eric T. to pass the CassidyGraham plan. the bill with only 50 votes rather
failure to pay wages, and willful tored for one year, prosecutors
Schneiderman on Wednesday. That bill would dissolve ACA mar than the usual 60. So far Senator
failure to pay contributions, he said. State Labor Commissioner
Apna Bazar repeatedly failed to ketplaces, slash Medicaid funding Rand Paul (Kentucky) is a firm no
said. The defendants have fully Roberta Reardon said in a state
pay its workers the correct mini and give almost all of the federal vote. Senators John McCain
repaid the sums they owed, ment: The Department of Labor
mum wage and overtime money propping up Obamacare (Arizona), Lisa Murkowski
Schneiderman said, including takes the responsibility of investi
between 2012 to 2015, prosecu to states to create health pro (Alaska) and Susan Collins
$447,832 for back wages. gating these crimes very seriously
tors said. The stores, which did grams as they wish. The vote (Maine) are fencesitters even
A state Supreme Court justice in and will continue to refer these
business as Apna Bazar Cash & needs to occur before Sept. 30, though all three voted no to gut
Queens sentenced the two markets cases to law enforcement offices
Carry, pleaded guilty to grand lar the last day of the 2017 fiscal the last repeal/replace effort.
to a threeyear conditional dis around the state.
4 September 23-29, 2017 TURN PAGE

Trump threatens about what has happened to the toler 21st century and that is why we cannot
At UN, India slams Pakistan, N. Korea's destruction ance that used to prevail in India," he
said. "NRIs have tremendous knowledge
afford to lose our most powerful asset.
Pitroda said the Indian National
Continued from page 1
calls it Terroristan more aggressively confronting the
rogue nation, whose escalating nuclear
and understanding in different fields. I
invite you the backbone of India to
Overseas Congress (INOC), which is
present in 18 countries, will have pres
New York: Exercising its be gauged from the fact that work with the Congress and discuss the ence in 30 nations in a short time. He
and ballistic missile capabilities have
right of reply in the general Hafiz Saeed, leader of the vision forward." said all major US cities will have INOC
reached what U.S. officials consider a
debate at the ongoing UN UNdesignated terrorist out UNEMPLOYMENT chapters to cater to the 4 million Indian
crisis point. On his part, Kim Jongun
General Assembly Session fit LashkareTaiba, was now On the issue of unemployment, he Americans.
escalated the rhetoric and vowed to take
here, India slammed seeking to be legitimized as noted that 30,000 youngsters enter the
the "highestlevel" of action against the
Pakistan for its support to a leader of a political party. "mentally deranged US dotard (senile
job market every day in India and only Musharraf blames Zardari
terrorism, labelling it as She described Pakistan as old person), referring to Trump.
450 of them are employed, He added for Benazir Bhutto's killing
Terroristan. a country whose counterter that it is not easy to provide jobs to all Continued from page 1
of them in the current circumstances.
In its short history, rorism policy is to main BRICS must end terror's accused of being involved in the murder.
Pakistan has become a geog stream and upstream terror Gandhi said India will have to empow "Asif Ali Zardari is responsible for the
support systems in er small and medium businesses if it has
raphy synonymous with ter ists by either providing safe Bhutto family`s demise and is involved
ror, Eenam Gambhir, First havens to global terror lead
South Asia to produce millions of jobs. Currently, in the deaths of Benazir and Murtaza
Continued from page 1 the government lays stress only on 50
Secretary in Indias ers in its military town, or Bhutto," he said in a startling address
religion to justify, sustain and sponsor 60 big business houses. Agriculture and
Permanent Mission to the protecting them with politi directed at the three BhuttoZardari chil
terrorism against other countries," food processing sectors should also be
UN, said on Thursday in cal careers. dren, the Bhutto family and the people
Sushma Swaraj told the ministers from developed in such a way that they are
response to Pakistani Prime It is an obvious reference of Sindh. "Every time there is a murder,
other BRICS members, Brazil, Russia and laborintensive, he argued.
Minister Shahid Abbasis to Al Qaeda leader Osama the first thing that needs to be seen is
South Africa. "They continue to find sup In a veiled attack on the government
statement that the struggle bin Laden being tracked who has the most to gain from the
port and shelter in countries which use of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Rahul
of the people in Kashmir was down and eliminated by US death. In this case, I had everything to
terrorism as an instrument of state poli Gandhi said divisive politics is being
being brutally suppressed forces in Pakistans lose as I was in power and the murder
cy." "We must condemn efforts, includ practiced in India and people around the
by India. Abbottabad city. put my government in a difficult situa
ing by states, to use religion to justify, world are questioning the lowering tol
The quest for land of pure Stating that nothing can tion," the former military chief said.
sustain and sponsor terrorism against erance level in our great nation.
has actually produced a justify Pakistans avaricioius "There was just one person that had
other countries," she added. Sushma "For thousands and thousands of
land of pure terror, efforts to covet territories of everything to gain from Benazir`s assas
Swaraj asked the BRICS ministers to years, India has had a reputation of
Gambhir said. Pakistan is its neighbours, Gambhir said: sination and that was Asif Ali Zardari,"
"work for early conclusion of negotia peace and harmony. There are forces
now Terroristan with a In so far as India is con he added, proceeding into what he
tions and adoption of the CCIT in the dividing India and ruining our reputa
flourishing industry produc cerned, Pakistan must termed as his analysis of the case.
United Nations". tion abroad. And it is very dangerous for
ing and exporting global ter understand that the state of He added: "Zardari was in power for
On North Korea's recent offensive mil the country," said the 47yearold leader,
rorism. Jammu and Kashmir is and five years, why did he not look into the
itary posturing, she said: "The action who is willing to be the prime ministeri
Gambhir said that the cur will always remain an inte case, why was the investigation not
and rhetoric of North Korea has been a al candidate if the party endorses him.
rent state of Pakistan could gral part of India. active because he was involved in
source of growing global concern." IANS Stressing the need for health care, Benazir`s murder."
Gandhi noted that the country has the Musharraf went on to add: "The evi
Kuldeep gets hat-trick as India NRIs can contribute to capacity to become a hub in this sector. dence is clear that Baitullah Mehsud and
nation, party: Rahul "We then will need 1015 Sam Pitrodas." his people were involved in the murder,
beat Aussies in 2nd ODI Continued from page 1 He was referring to the new chief of but who had asked them to target
Kolkata: Kuldeep Yadav bagged a addressing a public meeting at the overseas Congress party affairs who has Benazir Bhutto it could not have been
hattrick as India rode a dominant Marriott Marquis hotel in Times Square, been credited with making significant IT me, the group hated me and the feeling
bowling performance to bowl out which was attended by around 1,500. and telecom reforms in the 1980s. was mutual."
Australia for 202 and win the sec On a two week visit to the US, Rahul Pitroda was present on the podium. "It is a known fact that I wanted
ond ODI by 50 runs at the Eden Gandhi said wherever he went in the "Some people view India as a piece of Mehsud dead and so did the government
Gardens here on Thursday. In three country, he was reminded of the NRIs land, But I view India as a set of ideas, of Pakistan, after his group had attempt
successive deliveries, Kuldeep who all "make me proud to be an we have many religions, many lan ed to kill me," Musharraf argued. On
(3/54) took the wickets of Mathew Indian." guages, every one of them living happi August 31, an AntiTerrorist Court in
Wade, Ashton Agar and Pat Cummins in the 33rd over to INTOLERANCE ly, that is due to ideas of Congress," he Rawalpindi acquitted five alleged opera
become the second bowler in limited overs cricket to script Rahul Gandhi claimed intolerance has claimed. tives of the outlawed TehreekeTaliban
a hattrick at this venue and only the third Indian to record been rising in India since BJP came to Gandhi said many countries facing Pakistan (TTP) for want of evidence
the rare feat in 50 overs cricket. Earlier, India posted 252 power in 2014. violent times are looking toward New over the assassination of Benazir in a
riding Virat Kohli's 92 and Ajinkya Rahane's 55. India now "I had many conversations during my Delhi, anticipating that India has the gun and suicide attack in Rawalpindi on
lead the fivematch series 20. (current) trip. Most people were worried answer for peaceful coexistence in the December 27, 2007. IANS

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Former Federal Prosecutor Preet 52 IndianAmericans

Bharara to launch new podcast adopt native villages
To take on justice
issues, President Trump
to turn them into
New York: Indiaborn former top
US federal prosecutor, Preet
smart villages
New York: Fiftytwo Indian mission of the Indian Ministry
Bharara, who was sacked by
Americans, who settled down in of Commerce, the USIndia
President Donald Trump, will
the US years ago, have adopted Importers Council, and Etihad
launch a podcast to discuss jus
their native villages back home Airways.
tice and fairness issues including
to convert them into Smart Shah, who travelled across 35
the probe into the alleged Russian
Villages. This has been one of cities in 24 states of the USA
meddling in the 2016 presiden
the important outcomes of a during his 78daylong journey
tial polls.
marathon, 9,602milelong on two legs, as part of his multi
The 48yearold attorney told
(15,452kms) road journey nation mission called Mentor on
USA Today that he also plans to
undertaken by Indias leading Road (MoR), said he interacted
address his firing by President
trade and business consultant with nearly 4,400 small and
Trump in one of the first pod pected campaign of cyberattacks and I have not been especially shy Jagat Shah in the June medium, entrepreneurs, women
casts, "so people will understand and fake news to influence the about that on social media," September 2017 period, with entrepreneurs and startups in
the context from which I'm speak 2016 presidential election and Bharara says. the aim of connecting entrepre the USA to make them aware of
ing." possible collusion with President His new podcast series is titled neurs of the two democracies business opportunities and ease
Bharara, an Obamaera Trump's associates. A Podcast is a "Stay Tuned With Preet" that with each other, encouraging of doing business with India in
appointee, was fired in March digital audio file made available launches on Wednesday a wink investments and creating jobs. different sectors. MoR has
from his post as the US attorney on the Internet for downloading ing reference to the catchphrase Even former Indian Army already submitted quick market
for parts of New York City, includ to a computer or mobile device, Bharara frequently employed to chief General Dalbir Singh research (QMR) reports to 60
ing Manhattan. typically available as a series. parry questions from news Suhag, who interacted with us companies in the
"I'm not putting anything off The podcasts could present reporters about continuing feder at one of our events in the USA, US that have evinced interest.
limits," Bharara said. "I'm not Bharara with opportunities to dis al investigations, the report said. has adopted his native village, At least 18 women owners of
doing a weekly podcast to throw cuss President Trump and the President Trump fired him and Shah informed at the conclud enterprises also interacted with
bombs. I'm a private citizen, I'm new administration from his per 45 other US Attorney holdovers ing ceremony of his mission MoR. Investment discussions
not special counsel Mueller," spective, the report said. "I have from the Obama administration held here on Tuesday under the are in progress with 27 start
Bharara said, referring to former personal experience with how after Bharara says he declined to auspices of the US Commercial ups, he said. (source: thehin
FBI director Robert Mueller, this president seems to view rule return a phone call from the pres Service (USCS), Startup India, a
who's investigating Russia's sus of law and law and order issues, ident, the report said PTI

sophical beliefs of the Hindu

Mahant Swami Maharaj inaugurates a Vedanta (commentarial) traditions.

Bhadreshdas Swami's
Swaminarayan Bhashyam is the

Sanskrit treatise of historic importance first classical Sanskrit commen

tary on the entire Prasthanatrayi
to have been completed by anyone
Robbinsville, NJ: Mahant Swami Swaminarayana-Siddhanta- in the last several centuries. In his
Maharaj inaugurated Sudha is an historic commentary, Bhadreshdas Swami
SwaminarayanaSiddhantaSudha, philosophical work by expounds the Swaminarayana
a classical Sanskrit treatise com Bhadreshdas Swami, an Darshana, illuminating the Vedic
posed in the ancient genre and eminent Sanskrit scholar and roots of the AksharPurushottam
ordained monk of the BAPS Swaminarayan philosophy, which
style celebrating and pronouncing
Swaminarayan Sanstha
Swaminarayan theology, at the was propounded by the 19thcen
BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir worthy of praise; and in this work tury Hindu leader, Bhagwan
in Robbinsville, NJ on September it has not only received praise but Swaminarayan, and later institu
17th. Bhadreshdas Swami, its it has received admiration of the tionalized by Shastriji Maharaj, the
author, was honored by distin highest order." third spiritual successor of
guished scholars as well as digni Bhadreshdas Swami, an eminent Bhagwan Swaminarayan and the
taries, including Professor Deven Sanskrit scholar and ordained founder of the BAPS
Patel, Professor Graham Schweig, monk of the BAPS Swaminarayan Swaminarayan Sanstha (organiza
Professor Jyotindra Dave, Sanstha, completed the tion). Even more significantly, in
Professor Timalsina, Professor Swaminarayana Bhashyam, a five 2017, Bhadreshdas Swami also
Cardona, and Paramacharya volume classical Sanskrit commen completed Swaminarayana
Sadasivanatha Palaniswami from tary on Hinduisms three Vedic SiddhantaSudha, a vaadagrantha,
Hinduism Today. canonical texts (Prasthanatrayi) or classical dialectic treatise that
Mahant Swami Maharaj inaugurating the treatise
The significance of Bhadresdas the Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita offers an exposition, justification,
Swamis achievement was well already been not only approved, dits of Benaras, Kashi, who for and Brahma Sutras in 2007. and defense of the Akshara
noted by Professor Deven Patel. but celebrated by the Akhil Bharat centuries test a work before they These three texts form the inter Purushottama Darshanas philo
He expressed, "This work has Vidvat Parishad. This is the pan approve it and test to see if it is pretive foundation for the philo sophical principles.
6 September 23-29, 2017 TRISTATE COMMUNITY

Friends of MP have picnic Gita talk highlight

of program on 911
fun in Mercer Park in NJ Special to
The South Asian Times
bhakti yoga for ve decades, the
swami known as the Traveling
Princeton, NJ: Friends of MP
Monk has followers across the
NY/NJ held its 3rd annual picnic
New York: Among different events world. BhagavadGita is a synthe
cum get together last Sunday at
held across New York City to com sis of religion and science, noted
Princeton Country Club Picnic
memorate the 16th anniversary of the swami. And Bhagavatam is
Area of Mercer Park in NJ.
911 terrorist attacks was the the ripen fruit of Vedic literature.
Around 300 participants originat
Discover India Program. Described Citing a survey, he said even in a
ing from Madhya Pradesh towns
as an evening of dance, theater, predominantly Catholic society
and cities were joined by commu
martial arts and live music, it like Poland, 28 percent believe in
nity leaders from other Indian
evoked an enthusiastic response reincarnation and many cremate
sociocultural organizations in the
not just from Indian but also from human bodies like they do in
tri state area.
American communities at India. Sankhya, Vaibhav Arekars
First came breakfast slated as
Kaufman Music Center in New troupe from Mumbai, gave a
Indore Kaa Sarafa the elabo
York City. A discourse on the dance performance, both classical
rate fare included traditional
A group posing at the picnic BhagavadGita by USborn and contemporary. Then followed
Indori dishes like pohe, kachori,
Indradyumna Swami was the high segments on the Ramayana and
saboodana khichdi, and Indore s people got a chance to reconnect wishes for Indias Prime Minister.
light of the program in which 40 Bhagavatam, which carries univer
unique spicy food delicacy with friends from their home The picnics organizing team
artists from 15 nations, including sal wisdom on the fundamental
garadu. Lunch included dal, batee, towns after 1015 years. included the families of Jitendra
a few from India, participated. questions of happiness, mortality
choorma served in special thali. Greetings from the Chief Muchhal, Rajesh Mittal, Sandeep
Describing the Gita as the and ultimate reality. Pama
The picnic area displayed ban Minister of Madhya Pradesh, Jain, Raj Bansal, Pankaj Gupta,
unabridged spiritual dictionary, Lochana excelled in the martial
ners showcasing MP states Shivraj Singh Chouhan, BJP Rajiv Goyal, Anupam Sarwaikar,
the swami said that one has to fol arts segment by bringing in a cre
unique features. National General Secretary Rakesh Bhargava, Dr Rajesh
low it to attain inner peace. There ative presentation of ancient
Fun activities for all age groups Kailash Vijayvargiya (who is from Kakani, Nipun Joshi, Anjani
are more than 8 million species in weapons such as the wheel, sword
included sports like cricket and Indore) and others were relayed Mittal, Avinash Jhawar and
the universe and homo sapiens is and staff. His technique is inspired
volleyball, photo booth with MP in the afternoon. It was the birth Navneet Trivedi.
the most important of them all, he by Kalaripayatt, a martial art from
memorabilia, snow cones and day of Shri Narendra Modi, so the For more information:
pointed out. A practitioner of Kerala.
candy oss. At the picnic many gathering conveyed their best

l By Mayor Bill de Blasio

3K for All
am writing not just as your
Mayor, but as a parent, because
every child needs the strongest
possible start in life our city can
give them. Thats why Im so proud
that this school year, New York
Citys rst ever preK classes for
threeyearolds started in Brooklyn
and the Bronx.
Earlier this year, we announced
Consul General of India in New York Sandeep Chakravorty was presented an
Honor Citation from New York State Legislature by Assemblyman Tom McKevitt
3K for All, our plan to bring high
at a reception for the diplomat in Albertson, Long Island, organized by the Indian quality, fullday, 3K education to
American Voters Forum. Also in the picture, Varinder Bhalla, founder of the every threeyearold in New York
forum, Congressman Tom Suozzi & NY Supreme Court Justice Steven Bucaria. City over the next four years. We
know this is one of the best invest
ments we can make in our kids and
Ustad Mashkoor Ali performs at Consulate event in our citys future.
Mayor Bill de Blasio with 3K for All kids

The fact is the most important lose that opportunity, it never reach every child at the age of four
New York: In commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of India's
deve lopment of human minds comes back. with a highquality, fullday educa
Independence, Consulate General of India in collaboration with The
occurs before the age of ve. As Bluntly, society has missed the tion, and we have shown just how
American Academy of Indian Classical Music (AAICM), presented Indian
parents we see it and science con boat on this for decades. We much demand there is for it. Now it
Classical music of the Kirana Gharana by Ustad Mashkoor Ali Khan on
rms it. havent focused on the youngest is time to reach every child at the
Friday, September 15th at the Consulate ballroom. In his introductory
3K programs lay a critical foun years of education, even though age of three.
remarks, Prof. Akeel Bilgrami, Prof. of Philosophy at Columbia
dation for children to grow and that's where we know we can have We begin this school year in
University & VicePresident of AAICM, spoke about his close personal
learn. Kids who have access to the biggest impact on children. We Districts 7 in the Bronx and 23 in
connection to the Gharana and the musical signicance of the Kirana
quality early childhood education also know how much families bene Brooklyn as we work toward mak
Gharana and its musicians to the evolution of Indian classical music. For
have higher reading levels, better t, saving $10,000 a year and giv ing 3K For All a reality by 2021.
the concert, Ustad Mashkoor Ali Khan presented north Indian classical
social skills and increased academ ing moms and dads t ime to We believe we have a chance to
music specically of the Kirana Gharana which is his family lineage. He
ic achievement. If we reach kids advance their own educations and reach children now and start
started his performance with a chota khayal in Raga Puriya Dhanashree
during that time, they will do bet careers. changing their lives. It's a bold
followed by a couple of compositions in Raga Shankara. He delighted
ter and go farther throughout their Weve show with PreK for All move but a necessary one that will
the audience with a lilting chaiti (of the light classical tradition) in
educations and their lives. If we that in just a few years we can recast the future of this great city.
between, Yehi thaiyan motiya hairayee gaile Rama. September 23-29, 2017
8 September 23-29, 2017 NATIONAL COMMUNITY

Indian doctor stabbed to death in KS, patient arrested

Washington, DC: A renowned Indian
doctor who expounded a system
called "Absolute Yoga" has been
AAPI condemns the brutal murder of Indian American Psychiatrist
stabbed to death in Kansas state. API is heartbroken over the had dedicated all his life for serv said. We as a community of physi
One of his patients was arrested for
the killing, police said.
Achutha Reddy, a psychiatrist who
A loss of Dr. Achutha Reddy
and want to express our
hearty condolences and prayers to
ing the sick, the disabled and
those with mental health issues.
We at AAPI, the largest ethnic
cians and individual members of
this fraternity have decided to go
into the medical profession with
hailed from Telangana, was mur his family. medical organization in the nation, the best of intentions. We as
dered at his clinic in East Wichita Our thoughts and prayers go out urge the US administration to physicians want to help people,
on Wednesday night. An Indian to his dear family. Dr. Reddys make all the efforts possible to ease suffering and save lives.
American man, Umar Rashid Dutt, death is a tragic loss to our medial prevent violence against medical Physicians of Indian origin are
was arrested and charged with rst fraternity, Dr. Gautam Samadder, professionals and enable them to well known around the world for
Dr Achutha Reddy
degree murder, according to TV sta President of American Association continue to serve the country with their compassion, passion for
(Image courtesy:
tion KAKE. Reddy, 57, is the second of Physicians of India Origin dignity, pride and security, patient care, medical skills,
Indian killed this year in Kansas. doctor's ofce on Wednesday (AAPI) said. In a press statement Recalling that from ancient research, and leadership.
Another Telangana resident, evening around 7 p.m. and saw the Dr. Gautam Samadder condemned times, physicians across the world Expressing shock that despite
Srinivas Kuchibhotla, was shot dead assault taking place. the brutal murder and urged the have been revered for dedicating these noble intentions, many doc
in Olathe in February. The manager tried to stop the US administration and the local their lives for the noble mission of tors and nurses put their own lives
Media reports quoted the police attack, allowing Reddy to ee. But leadership to bring to justice those preventing people from getting on the line in the course of their
as saying that the assailant repeat Reddy was chased by the assailant behind the cruel murder of the and saving millions of lives of peo jobs, facing attacks from the very
edly stabbed the doctor after a con and killed in a second assault in an Indian American physician who ple from illnesses, Dr. Samadder people they are trying to help.
versation. The attack on Reddy alley behind the clinic, Ojile said.
began in his clinic and ended in a He said Reddy had several stab in a car, Ojile said. Reddy's wife College in 1986. He moved to the expert. He expounded a system he
nearby lane as the eeing doctor wounds and was pronounced dead Beena is also a doctor. Fellow doc US where he completed his residen called "Absolute Yoga."
was chased down by the assailant. by the emergency medical team tors and members of the communi cy in psychiatry from the University According to TV station KAKE, a
Police Lieutenant Todd Ojile said that responded. Dutt was arrested ty described his death as a tragic of Kansas Medical School in Wichita State University spokesman
on Thursday that the ofce manag near a country club a short time loss to society. Hailing from Wichita. Reddy was afliated to var said Dutt, arrested for Reddy's mur
er of Reddy's Holistic Psychiatric later when a security guard alerted Nalgonda in Telangana, Reddy grad ious hospitals in the region and was der, was a former student and was
Services heard a disturbance in the police to a man covered with blood uated from Osmania Medical known to be a yoga and tness last enrolled in the spring of 2015.

Riz Ahmed makes history; first Sriram Krishnan

South Asian man to win joins Twitter as
an Emmy acting award senior director
Los Angeles: For nearly seven
decades, a South Asian man had New York: Indiaborn Sriram
never won an Emmy in an acting Krishnan, a former top execu
category. tive from Facebook and Snap,
That changed Sunday night has been hired by Twitter as its
with Riz Ahmed, a British actor of senior director of product.
Pakistani descent, winning an Krishnan will be joining
Emmy award for outstanding lead Twitter from October 2 where
actor in a limited series or movie he will be responsible for a lot
for his role in HBOs The Night of the core features inside the
Of. main app, internally referred to
Prior to him, only one other as "Bluebird," including time
South Asian star had taken home line, direct messaging and
an acting award from the ceremo search, technology news web
ny Archie Panjabi, who won an site Recode reported. Sriram Krishnan
Emmy for her role in The Good "I'm going to be joining (Image courtesy: Twitter)
Riz Ahmed (Image courtesy:
Wife in 2010. Twitter and become a part of
Ahmeds win was seen as a issues of race and Islamophobia, some of the prejudice in our soci #theock to work with the fan Sriram! Welcome home," tweet
longoverdue victory for South Nazs ethnicity and religion are ety, Islamophobia, some of the tastic product team there," ed Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey .
Asians and his fellow Muslims. secondary to the storys main injustice in our justice system, Krishnan tweeted. Krishnan left Facebook in
His success is signicant not only plot. then maybe thats something. He A wellknown product execu February 2016 to help lead
because of his historic win, but Its always strange reaping the also gave a shoutout to the tive around Silicon Valley, advertising efforts at
because of the character he por rewards of a story thats based on Innocence Project, a nonprot Krishnan has primarily focused Snapchat's parent company
trayed: Naz, a nuanced, relatable real world suffering, Ahmed, who organization committed to exon on ad technology. Now he is Snap. He quit Snap in February.
college student from Queens is also an activist and rapper, said erating wrongly convicted people, taking on a consumer product At Facebook, he led "Facebook
who also happens to be Pakistani. in his acceptance speech. But if and the Queensbased organiza role, the report said. Audience Network" to take on
While The Night Of tackles this show has shown a light on tion South Asian Youth Action. So... excited to have you Google. (PTI) NATIONAL COMMUNITY September 23-29, 2017 9

Actor Suriya formally launches ATEA north eastern chapter, flanked by founding members
Enthusiastic entrepreneurs gathered at the ATEA event in Edison, NJ
Krishna K Chari to his right, and Ram Nagappan and Venkatesh Sadagopan on to his left.

Tamil entrepreneurs group

launches northeast chapter
By Suchitra Srinivas
'Link, learn and lead ' is the mantra to mentor new ATEA will be extending support to women
employment and entrepreneurship opportu
Edison, NJ: All young and aspiring dreamers business initiatives. And American Tamil nities as a priority. One of the greatest chal
with stunning business proposals still looking lenge of the immigrant population faced by
out for angel investors and those multiskilled
Entrepreneurs Association is not limited to Tamils. women is a break in their career. They do
and welleducated women with stalled career start the promising journey of an entrepre mentorship to help them to fly higher. This is stumble to be back on track. ATEA will have a
path, bundled along with their immigration, neur, said Ram Nagappan, ATEA North how ATEA has become a reality today. special focus to help women aspirants. Over
here is some good news for you. The North Eastern Chapter chair and a prominent found The NorthEastern chapter was formally 20 organizations have come forward to train
Eastern chapter of the American Tamil ing member. inaugurated by wellknown Tamil actor and women exclusively to get them ready and
Entrepreneurs Association (ATEA) has been Nagappan, an avid believer of innovation social entrepreneur Suriya Sivakumar on employable in dif ferent industries, said
formally launched to provide a platform to and entrepreneurship, added that the non September 9 in Edison, NJ. ATEA Silicon Nagappan. ATEA will work closely with
hear you and get you connected with profit ATEA will serve as a platform for the Valley chapter was started last October and organizations like TiE in getting the necessary
resources that matter. startups to get mentoring help and the neces the midwest chapter will be launched soon. help for the members. Plans are also on to
Starting business in the US may seem to be sary introduction to potential investors. Link, Thus ATEA will have presence across the work with universities and help formalize the
easy when it comes to complying with the learn and lead will be the motto, he asserted. nation, said Nagappan. business ideas.
paper work formalities and registering a busi Launching a support forum for Tamil entre With around 200 men and women with var We have had many cultural organizations
ness by its name; but real journey that begins preneurs has been a long pending thought. ied levels of business exposures gathered to that unite us socially and connect us with our
from then on may not be so smooth if you do The enthusiasm and energy of business ideas ignite the business acumen in the region, the roots and values. ATEA centers our attention
not have the right GPS to guide you through. repeatedly pitched in by youths in the Tamil September 9 event proved to be a promising back in the US. The second generation is out
Here comes ATEA to hold hands and kick community opened up the need for a strong start. and ready with lots of entrepreneurial energy
The key focus of ATEA would be youth and mentoring is one good way of channeling
with real business ideas. We are planning these entrepreneurial sprits. We aim to proj
ATEA members support Agaram monthly meetings to give knowledge
upgrades and networking opportunities.
ect and organize our entrepreneurial flavor
through ATEA; though by nomenclature it

Foundation's education projects Young business aspirants will be able to make

their pitch before potential investors. We plan
reads Tamil entrepreneurs association. The
membership and the beneficiaries will be
to hold mentor sessions for the business ven including the whole diaspora of Indian ori
s a highlight of American are forced to stop education

A tures, said Nagappan. gin, asserted Nagappan.

Tamil Entrepreneurs abruptly for want of money. In
Association (ATEA) new his address to ATEA, Suriya
chapter inauguration, the said that providing quality
Tamil entrepreneur communi education has most effective
ty partnered and committed to impact on the families of the
help actor Suriyas Agaram poor extending over genera
Foundation by financing high tions to come. The actor is on
er education initiatives for a US tour seeking sponsorship
Tamil film star Suriya
poor children in rural Tamil pledges for his social project.
who started Agaram
Nadu. Individual pledges were The cost of financing one
Foundation in 2006.
made to adopt high school childs professional degree
pass outs selected by Agaram Foundation. was estimated at $7,000 through the four
The Chennaibased Agaram foundation or fiveyear period of study, be it engineer
identifies underprivileged and deserving ing or medical courses. Pledges close to
children in remote villages of Tamil Nadu $500,000 to cover the cost for 75 children
and helps them with financial aid and men were made during the grand events in New
torship required for higher studies. Jersey. Many entrepreneurs even commit
Meritorious students are selected not just ted to provide technology support to
on the basis of marks scored in public Agaram initiatives. Suriya is also visiting,
exams but by using weighted measure Atlanta, Seattle, Bay Area and Dallas as part
accounting for economic and social condi of his US tour. Sure, more children in Tamil
tions of the family under review. Nadu are to see light through this initiative.
Many high scoring kids in Tamil Nadu Kudos to the actor.
10 September 23-29, 2017 NATIONAL COMMUNITY

World Muhajir Congress holds Aziz Ansari wins

demonstration in support of Emmys 2017
Washington, DC: For

US Policy on South Asia the second year in a

row, Indian American
Washington DC: World Muhajir other impacted nations. We stand is widely welcomed by the free Aziz Ansari earned an
Congress held a large demonstra today in compassion with the peo world. They further said that we Emmy Award for
tion in front of White House to ple and government of the United collectively extend our support to Outstanding Writing
support President Trumps recent States at a time when the USA and US Administration in its efforts to for a Comedy Series
policy on South Asia as well as to the rest of the world is facing the eliminate terror safe havens on for Master of None
show solidarity with the victims of menace of ruthless religious Pakistani soil. at the 69th Emmy
9/11 and global terrorism. The extremism and terrorism. We also World Muhajir Congress high Awards nite held at
Aziz Ansari and Lena Waithe
demonstration was attended by express our deep sympathies with lighted and condemned the state Microsoft Theater (Image courtesy:
leaders and activists of different the families of victims who lost terrorism and atrocities including September 17th in
political and ethnic groups from their loved ones in 9/11 terror genocide, enforced disappear Los Angeles, Calif. He shared the rapper also highlighted the impor
South Asia including Muhajirs, attacks and other acts of terrorism ances, extra judicial killings and honors with Lena Waithe, who tance of the Innocence Project, a
Balochs, Afghans and Indians. around the globe speakers at the victimization of Muhajir and made history as the rst African nonprot organization that
Participants of the rally called rally said in a joint statement. Baloch Nation committed by American woman to win for come works towards exonerating
for elimination of terror sanctuar Participants at the demonstra Pakistan Army and its notorious dy writing for the Thanksgiving wrongly convicted people, and the
ies in Pakistan. They held banners tion unanimously endorsed Intelligence agencies. episode from Season 2 of Netixs New Yorkbased South Asian
and placards highlighting President Trumps recent policy in Demonstration demanded immedi Master of None. Youth Action organization.
Pakistans role in promoting ter relation to South Asia that has ate cease of such gross violations Ansari and Waithe beat out Alec Its always strange reaping the
rorism demanding the US pledged to fight against all forms of human rights in Pakistan Berg of Silicon Valley, Donald rewards of a story thats based on
Administration to declare Pakistan of terrorism and bring stability in against all ethnic groups and reli Glover and Stephen Glover of real world suffering, Ahmed said
as a state sponsoring terrorism. South Asia. They said that gious minorities. World Muhajir Atlanta, and Billy Kimball and in his acceptance speech. But if
The participants of demonstra President Trumps loud and clear Congress is a human rights, politi David Mandel of Veep for the this show has shown a light on
tion special paid tribute to the vic message to Government of cal rights and advocacy organiza honor. In 2016, Ansari shared the some of the prejudice in our socie
tims of 9/11 and fallen heroes who Pakistan and its military establish tion for Muhajirs based in win with his Master of None co ty, Islamophobia, some of the
gave their lives fighting terrorism ment to cease forthwith their sup Pakistan, mainly in the Southern creator Alan Yang. injustice in our justice system,
in Afghanistan, India, Pakistan and port for terror outfits and groups province of Sindh. In his speech, the activist and then maybe thats something.

Convicted Church
killer wants to fire DC gets to see South Asian films at festival
l By Surekha Vijh
Jewish, Indian tor Mehreen Jabbar (Dobara Phir
Se, La La Begum and Ramchand
lawyers Washington DC: The presence of Pakistani).
Columbia, SC: A white supremacist Zeenat Aman, Bollywood heart Q&A sessions followed with
who was sentenced to death in the throb of the 70s and 80s as the directors and actors after the
2015 massacre of nine black wor chief guest added power to the screenings.
shipers has told a federal appeals 6th South Asian Film Festival Said Sanjay Rai, of Montgomery
court he wants to fire his appellate 2017 (DCSAFF) held at College, festival partner, We are
attorneys because one of them is Montgomery Colleges Robert E highly invested in our local com
Jewish and the other is Indian. Parilla Performing Arts Center in munity, which is a highly global
Dylann Roof filed the handwritten Rockville, MD from Sept 811. community. We are delighted to be
request himself Monday with the According to DCSAFF Executive part of DCSAFF. Among highlights
4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Director Manoj Singh, a diverse of the film festival was a panel dis
Richmond, Virginia. selection of 34 independent, cussion after the screening of
Roof further wrote that his attor award winning features, short Deepa Mehtas documentary
neys' backgrounds are "a barrier to films and documentaries were Anatomy of Violence, a film editing
effective communication." He noted screened at the festival from Zeenat Aman (third from left) was the chief guest at DCSAFF, where workshop hosted by Professor
that David Isaac Bruck, who repre India and Pakistan. They were in Bankster, directed by her son Azaan Khan, was the opening night film. Joanne Carl of Montgomery
sented him at his federal trial, was languages including Hindi, Urdu College Film School.
also Jewish and that, "His ethnicity and regional languages, but all had Clash of Morality, written and Begum, Saavan, The Valley, The threeday festival, which
was a constant source of conflict English subtitles. This may be the directed by Vinay Pujara, is the Palyadawasi, Dr. Rakhmabai, Black became a weeklong event, was
even with my constant efforts to only opportunity to see many inde story of two individuals, Mohamed Prince and Mantra. organized by Manoj and Geeta
look past it." pendent art films which may never and Richard, who are stuck in an Noted actors, directors and writ Singh.
be released commercially, Singh elevator. The former confronts the ers from India and Pakistan who On September 13, Zeenat Aman
In May, Roof asked the same
said. The inaugural night screened latter for judging him on his reli attended the festival included was felicitated with a lifetime
appeals court to overturn his con
two films: Bankster, an action gion and looks. actress Tannishtha Chatterjee, achievement award for her contri
viction and death sentence for the
drama directed by Azaan Khan, Films screened included Hotel Ananth Mahadevan, Adil Hussain bution in the field of cinema at
slayings at Charleston's Emanuel
featuring Faizan Khawaja and Salvation, Lipstick under My and Kavi Raz (Black Prince and TV DCSAFF presented by philanthro
AME Church. (Source: AP)
Naseeruddin Shah. The short film Burkha, A Death in the Gunj, La La drama Lehren) and Pakistani direc pist Frank Islam. US AFFAIRS September 23-29, 2017 11

Hurricane Maria Trump rebounds

devastates Puerto Rico after polling slide
Washington: After
San Juan, Puerto Rico: Hurricane
months of declining
Maria battered Puerto Rico with
poll numbers, the
high winds and driving rain before
presidents approval
beginning its march toward the
ratings have stabi
Dominican Republic late on
lized and even
Wednesday as a weakened
ticked up slightly
Category 2 storm.
over the past month.
The storm took quite a hit from
Following a low of
Puerto Ricos high mountains, the
39 percent in the
National Hurricane Center said in
an update late Wednesday. Still,
Consult poll last
of ficials warned that Maria could
month after his con
regain its major hurricane status
troversial reaction to
by Thursday.
the violent protests in
Forecasters said Maria le ft
Puerto Rico around 2 p.m. on
Virg inia, Trump is
Wednesday and was hovering of f Hurricane Maria reached Puerto Rico as a powerful Category 4 storm Grassroots appeal: President Trump let in a
early Wednesday. Hours before, it had crossed the United States back at 43 percent in
its northwest coast about three Virginia boy to mow the White House lawn.
Virgin Islands as a Category 5 storm, and tore roofs off houses this weeks survey.
hours later. Of ficials expect the (Photo courtesy AP)
on the Caribbean island of Dominica. Other surveys show
strong winds and storm surge
similar results: Trump bottomed ing with Democratic leaders in
flooding there to subside by early 8 p.m. Wednesday. Electricity was Rico, Ricardo Rossell, announced
out at 35 percent in Gallups Congress may have helped stanch
Thursday. Heavy rain, however, is kno cked out across all of the a 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew effective
wee kly tracking poll in late the bleeding.
expected to continue. island, a spokeswoman for the Wednesday unt il Saturday.
August, but ticked up to 38 per Its impossible to attribute
The storms center is expected to Puerto Rico State Agency for Thousands of people there were
cent last week. Trumps small uptick in the polls
pass near the northeastern coast of Emergency and Disaster scrambling to hundreds of shelters,
Trumps popularity still remains to any or all of these events. His
the Dominican Republic starting on Management said. Strong winds some of which Mr. Rosse ll
historically low for a firstyear recovery is modest at best: His 40
Wednesday evening, then approach were still being felt Wednesday acknowledged might not be storm
president. But since his August percent approval rating still lags
the Turks and Caicos Islands and afternoon in the San Juan suburbs, worthy.
polling nadir, Trump has earned every other elected president in
southeastern Bahamas by some added Ricardo Castro dad, a The roads, he said in a radio
positive reviews for his responses the era of modern polling at this
time Thursday night, according to spokesman for the United States interview later on Wednesday,
to two major hurricanes, Harvey point in their first terms. But the
a hurricane center advisory. Coast Guard in Puerto Rico. were practically undrivable. We
and Irma. And while polls showed data suggest that Trump, now at
In the meantime, the countries The authorities warned weary find ourselves in a critical phase to
his decision to wind down the the eightmonth mark of his presi
already battered by Maria were residents not to let down their he lp the thousands of Puerto
Obamaera Deferred Action for dency, has at least arrested the
scrambling on Wednesday to guard, because flash flooding and Ricans who urgently need help and
Childhood Arrivals program was gradual decline that plagued him
recover. And weather officials said mudslides could prove more deadly to determine the serious damages
unpopular, Trumps subsequent for the first seven of those
catastrophic flash flooding was than the initial winds from the caused by Hurricane Maria, he
nod to bipartisanship by negotiat months.
still occurring on Puerto Rico as of storm. T he governor of Puerto said in a statement.

US dollar surges From White House to Wall

after Fed policy Street in less than a year
New York: Former President

statement Barack Obama has begun cashing

in on his time in the White House
with paid Wall Street speeches
Washington: The US dollar jumped ued to strengthen and that eco
against most other major curren nomic activity has been rising less than a year after leaving
cies as the Federal Reserve moderately so far this year," said of fice, a practice which drew
announced start of balance sheet the Fed in a statement released st ing ing re bukes for Hillary
reduction from October. after its twoday monetary policy Clinton during last year's presi
In late New York trading on meeting. The central bank said dential campaign.
Wednesday, the euro fe ll to Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Obama will appear on Monday
$1.1895 from $1.1998 in the pre Maria were expected to affect US before a who's who of the US
vious session, and the British economy in the near term, while healthcare industry at a confer
pound lost to $1.3485 from they would not alter the course of ence to be held next week by the
$1.3523 in the previous session, the economy in the medium term. New York trading firm Cantor
Xinhua news agency reported. Fed of ficials continue to expect Fitzgerald, according to two
The Australian dollar rose to that the US economy will expand sources with knowledge of the
Former President Obama has started getting $400,000
$0.8016 from $0.8012. at a moderate pace in the future. matter, reported AFP. He will dis
for Wall Street speeches
The US dollar bought 112.27 On the economic front, the cuss his signature 2010 health
Japanese yen, higher than 111.46 National Association of Realtors care reform legislation, known as Northern Trust. Panelists at that which also reported Monday that
yen of the previous session. said on Wednesday that existing Obamacare, which Republican event, according to the firm's the former president had made a
T he US Federal Reserve on home sales decreased 1.7 per cent lawmakers are still working to website, included billionaire for similar appearance this month at
Wednesday kept interest rates to a seasonally adjusted annual dismantle after several failed mer New York mayor Michael the private equity behemoth
unchanged, but announced that it rate of 5.35 million units last attempts. Bloomberg, chief Microsoft cyber Carlyle Group.
will start to unwind its $4.5 trillion month. That was the lowest level According to a person briefed security advisor Jonathan Trull T he speeches are the first
balance sheet from October, a fur since August 2016. on Obama's planned appearance, and IBM general manager for Obama has given to Wall Street
ther step to end the loose mone The dollar index, which meas he will be paid about $400,000. "blockchain" technology Marie since leaving the Oval Of fice on
tary policy. "Information received ures the greenback against six In August, Obama addressed a Wieck. January 20. Since May, Obama
since the Federal Open Market major peers, increased 0.83 per New York gathering held by the Obama received $400,000 for has made paid appearances in
Committee met in July indicates cent at 92.558 in late trading. Chicago private banking and his Northern Trust appearance, Italy, Germany, Scotland, Canada,
that the labor market has contin (IANS) wealth management firm according to Bloomberg News, Indonesia and South Korea.
12 September 23-29, 2017 US AFFAIRS

Dancing with the wolves

l By Shivaji Sengupta Living off borrowed money may
justifiably be a curse for an indi Comment

olitical observers must have vidual, but governments thrive on the Ceiling. Except for.
found it hard to believe when debts, or so the suave and sophisti The President's relationship with
President Donald Trump cated liberal Democrats from the his own party. It is not what was
took the help of the Senate Northeast will have us believe. The expected to be when Trump was
Democrats to pass the Bill raising truth, however, may lie somewhere elected, even though his party won
the debtceiling. Before this move, in the middle. Think as far back as President Trump reached a deal with
majorities in both the Senate and
Chuck and Nancy at a dinner on Sept 13. (Photo courtesy AP)
the debtceiling was an ogre, with Ronald Reagan, and you will recall the Congress. Bill Clinton and
not only Democrats but even con the same exact discussion regard Barack Obama both had enjoyed bit before that, teach him a lesson imagine that the President would
servative Republicans threatening ing whether our government Party majority when they had first or two about how things are done cut a deal with their enemy.
Trump with conditions before they should borrow beyond its means, become president. Both got impor in Washington. The most wily of I am not sure President Trumps
pass the Bill. Government debt and keep increasing the Debt tant legislation enacted: Clinton them all, Paul Ryan, he of supporters are happy about what
increases when the government Ceiling. In this perennial debate got NAFTA passed, and Obama, of Washingtonspeak, had been biding has happened. The Senate
spends on jobs, infrastructure and about debts, Democrats are more course, Affordable Care. Both lost his time, so that he could ostensi Democrats are obviously happy.
so on, and decreases from tax rev lenient than Republicans, perhaps their majority in the following mid bly get the best deal for the They are planning other Bills that
enues or other sources of income because of their penchant for get term elections. So, this January, President without the latter realiz Donald trump is likely to appreci
like foreign tariffs, the price paid ting the government to do every the Republicans were agog with ing it, raise the ceiling for a longer ate, like the Infrastructure Bill or
by foreign governments to the US thing to improve the common peo expectations. We will do unto you period, and, in the process assure may be even the onepayer
for doing business in the country. ples lot. Republicans, who seem to what you did unto us! was the some benefits for the typically Medicare, not to mention DACA,
Both fluctuate during the fiscal harbor weakness for the wealthy, Republican battle cry remember Republican interest groups. That is the Bill determining the future of
year. Usually, Treasury securities depend on them to improve the ing Affordable Care of 2010. We, how things happen in Washington, children born in the U.S. to undoc
are not issued or redeemed on a economy through business. poor Democrats, watched askance, when.. Oh dear me...what does the umented immigrants. All of a sud
daybyday basis and may also be The debate in Washington over helplessly. None of us Democrats President do? He dances with the den by this political licketysplit, it
issued or redeemed as part of the the debtceiling has always been a or Republicans could have antici wolves the Democrats! is the Republicans who are scram
federal government's local mone battle between Republicans and pated what happened. Donald Just as Ronald Reagan was an bling to sponsor Bills to the
tary management operations. The Democrats, with the public as Trump, the once upon a time actor, this President is a business Presidents preference and, in the
aggregate, gross amount that innocent bystanders destined to Democrat, like Reagan, was court man. He will make a deal with any process, even be in agreement
Treasury can borrow, is limited by suffer the consequences from ing the Democrats! The body principles be damned! You with the Democrats! This is proba
the debtceiling. either extreme. When Republicans Republicans meanwhile were get will get the government out of bly one of the great ironies. What
We have heard the panic cries dominate the Senate and Congress, ting ready to play politics with the debt now, immediately, lets make President Obama, George W. Bush
before: "In the America we will it has been harder to raise the debtceiling, like Jonathan Swifts a deal! this President seems to and Bill Clinton were unable to do,
leave behind, sermonizes the typi debtceiling, and at the cost of Lilliputs played gymnastics for say. And so, a deal he made, a deal Donald J. Trump, unwittingly, may
cal Conservative Southern some necessary entitlements. So, political gains. The Republicans which Speaker Ryan when he had have bungled into: bipartisanship!
Republican, breathing fire, Your since this January, shortly after the would have raised the debtceiling, heard about it before it was made, At least for a brief period the two
children, and your children's chil Presidents inauguration, we have and for far longer than the three called ridiculous. The more con parties may be able to agree on
dren will be burdened by bone been waiting for this debate to months the Democrats gave the servatives Republicans were also somethings.
crushing taxes to pay down the begin in Washington, expecting President. But, they said with mis caught completely offguard. Lets do some more dancing with
debt our government is accruing! Republican victory over limiting chief, Let's tease the President a Never in their lives could they the wolves.

US investigators Protesters shout at Pelosi

wiretapped Manafort
Washington: US investiga
tors wiretapped President
Special counsel Robert
Mueller's team, which is
for DACA deal with Trump
San Francisco: A group of
Donald Trump's former leading the investigation angry young immigrants chant
campaign chairman Paul into Russia's involvement ing "all of us or none of us"
Manafort under secret court in the election, has been shut down a news conference
orders before and after the provided details of these by House Minority Leader
election, the media reported communications. Nancy Pelosi who was on her
Monday. A secret order authorized home turf here on Monday to
"The conversations by the court that handles try to drum up support for leg
Former Trump
between Manafort and the Foreign Intelligence islation supporting DACA.
campaign manager
Trump continued after the Surveillance Act (FISA) Pelosi, who was joined by
Paul Manafort.
President took office, long began after Manafort Reps. Barbara Lee and Jared
after the FBI investigation into became the subject of an FBI) probe Huffman, was wrapping up her
Manafort was publicly known," that began in 2014. It centered on remarks on efforts to win pas
sources told CNN. work done by a group of Washington sage of the Dream Act. The pro
"It's unclear whether Trump himself consulting firms for Ukraine's former testers, who described them
Nancy Pelosi, the top Democrat in the House, was shouted down
was picked up on the surveillance," ruling party. The FBI restarted it after by young immigrants in San Francisco. (Photo courtesy AP)
selves as undocumented youth,
the sources added. obtaining a new FISA warrant that were denouncing Pelosi's ten Democrats. The confrontation protect the estimated 800,000
Some of the intelligence collected extended at least into early this year. tative agreement with went on for about 30 minutes, recipients of the Obamaera
includes communications that Manafort previously has denied that President Trump to work reported NPR. The chant was program called Deferred Action
sparked concerns among investiga he ever "knowingly" communicated together on passage of some an apparent reference to for Childhood Arrivals.
tors that Manafort had encouraged with Russian intelligence operatives form of relief for immigrant reports that the Democrats DACA recipients and their
the Russians to help with the cam during the election and also has youth. might agree to Trump's supporters have been pressing
paign. denied participating in any Russian Chanting "we are not a bar demands for enhanced border for what they call "a clean
The sources, however, cautioned efforts to "undermine the interests of gaining chip," the protesters security and other measures in Dream Act," meaning protec
that the evidence was not conclusive. the United States". (IANS) upstaged Pelosi and her fellow exchange for an agreement to tions without conditions. INDIA September 23-29, 2017 13

Modi inaugurates Narmada dam

Nation mourns Dabhoi (Gujarat): Prime Minister
Narendra Modi inaugurated the PM Narendra Modi at the
Sardar Sarovar Dam in

death of Marshal
ambitious 138 meter interstate
Sardar Sarovar Dam project on Gujarat. (Photo: IANS)
Narmada river on his 67th birth
day, linking it with his "mission" to

Arjan Singh create a new India and roared: "I

will live for your dreams, I will die
for your dreams."
New Delhi: President Ram Addressing the valedictory of a
Nath Kovind and Prime Narmada Mahotsav organized by
Minister Narendra Modi the ruling BJP through 85 chariots
led the nation in mourn that went around the state during
ing the death of Marshal the last 10 days before reaching
of Indian Air Force (IAF) Dabhoi, an hour's drive from the would already have had water and is not a BJP event, this is a celebra
Arjan Singh, who will be dam site, Modi said: "Today is the India would have been on the path tion of the people.
given a state funeral.. culmination of a dream that Sardar to progress much earlier. But it was "The Sardar Sarovar Project is an
Remembered for his Patel saw to end the water crisis of our misfortune that we had to lose engineering marvel. It should be
role in leading the fledg the states in western India them," he said speaking in Hindi to part of the curriculum of engineer
ling IAF in the 1965 war much before I and many of us were a large, attentive crowd. ing studies in the country."
with Pakistan, Arjan Singh born. Modi said, "This is an emotional Dubbed as 'Lifeline of Gujarat',
died in a hospital here on "There were just two mahapu moment for me. I don't celebrate the height of the Sardar Sarovar
Sunday after a massive rush (great statesman), Sardar birthdays but today is 'vishwakar dam was recently increased to
heart attack. He was 98. Patel and Babasaheb Ambedkar, in ma jayanti' and today a son has 138.68 meters, taking the water
His mortal remains were India. If they had lived even a few blessings of lakhs of mothers. This storage capacity to 4.73 million
kept at his residence 7A, more years, the western states is not a government program, this acre feet (MAF).
Kautilya Marg for people
to pay respects to the war
Late Marshal Arjan Singh.
Polarization is central challenge: Rahul
hero the first five star Princeton (New Jersey): The politics of polarization is and the party's vision outlined in 2004 had run into
officer of the IAF. President who won our nation's gratitude the central challenge to India, Congress VicePresident trouble by 2012. The Congress leader hinted that he
Kovind, also the Supreme for his military leadership in the Rahul Gandhi has said and slammed the government faced a backlash to his ef forts to democratize the
Commander of Indian Armed 1965 War". over job creation, saying people are getting angry over party's youth organizations. Gandhi, 47, who is on a
Forces, said he was "extremely Three service chiefs Admiral its performance on that front. twoweek tour of the US, had last week interacted with
saddened to learn about the pass Sunil Lanba, General Bipin Rawat Interacting with students at the Princeton University students at Berkeley University and answered a wide
ing of our great and cherished air and Air Chief Marshal B.S. here, the Congress leader spoke on an array of issues. range of questions. Gandhi alleged that some sections
warrior a hero of World War II Dhanoa also paid their respects. He admitted that the previous UPA government led by of society, including tribal community, does not feel a
Congress "could not deliver adequately" in creating jobs part of the BJP's vision.
14 September 23-29, 2017 INDIA

Rohingyas illegal immigrants, 10day 'Mysuru

Dasara' off to
will be deported: India grand start
New Delhi: Union Home Minister Rajnath "security threat to India". The court will Mysuru (Karnataka): The 10day "Mysuru Dasara"
Singh said that Rohingyas who have hear the issue on October 3. began with much pomp and grandeur, with
entered India from Myanmar should not The Home Minister told the seminar Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah and other
be mistaken as refugees because they are that by deporting the Rohingyas, India officials attending the festivities.
"illegal immigrants" who need to be sent would not be violating any international Mysuru Dasara, also called "Nada Habba" (state
back due to national security reasons. law. "India is not even a signatory to the festival), was inaugurated by Padma Shri awardee
However, Nat ional Human Rig hts 1951 UN Refugee Convention". K.S. Nissar Ahmed, a renowned Kannada poet,
Commission (NHRC) Chairman Justice Rajnath Singh chided human rights along with Siddaramaiah and other state officials
H.L. Dattu, present at the function where activists for criticizing India's stance on atop Chamundi Hills, located 13 km from Mysuru.
Rajnath Sing h spoke, said the Rohingyas. Mysuru, located about 150 km from Bengaluru,
Commission would back Rohingyas "People who are beating trumpets that attracts visitors from across the world for its tradi
because they were being persecuted in we are violating international law should tional Dasara, marking the triumph of good over
Myanmar. know that there is no violation. This real evil.
"We need to understand the reality that ity needs to be understood. With lakhs of people gathering in the historic
Rohingyas from Myanmar who have "When Burma (Myanmar) is ready to city, which has been spruced up for the festival
entered India are not refugees. In order take them back, why should we have with hundreds of flower garlands, the Chief
to get the refugee status, one needs to objections against their deportation?" Minister said the festivities took him back to his
Union Home Minister
follow a certain process. None among Rajnath Singh. Rajnath Singh said despite concerns, childhood.
them has followed that procedure," the India provided humanitarian aid to "I've been a part of the festival celebrations right
minister said in his address to the with refugees. Any sovereign nation will Bangladesh to deal with the Rohingya cri from school days as a NCC candidate, then as a
"National Seminar on Good Governance, act against illegal immigrants. The issue sis. minister and then as the Chief Minister for the
Development and Human Rights" here. is also related to our national security," Dattu, in his remarks, maintained that past five years," Siddaramaiah told the gathering
He said India would not be violating he said. the NHRC would speak in favour of at the inauguration.
any international law by acting against Some 40,000 Rohingya Muslims have Rohingyas. The festivities include the inauguration of
illegal immigrants as the issue was relat taken refuge in India. Many live in "We will plead the case of 40,000 Mysuru Dasara film festival, exhibition by women
ed to India's national security. Jammu and Hyderabad. Rohingyas on humanitarian ground. entrepreneurs and selfhelp groups and inaugura
"No Rohingya has sought asylum in Amid a debate on whether Rohingyas Cannot comment on the government pol tion of cultural events by the Chief Minister.
India and we cannot question their should be deported or given refuge in icy but we are helping them because they The Chief Minister will also open a Dasara
deportation by raising human rights con India, the Home Ministry, in an affidavit are being persecuted in Myanmar," Dattu flower show, a key attraction of the fest.
cerns. Don't mistake illegal immigrants to the Supreme Court, called them a said.

AAP to lay
siege to Kejriwal invites Kamal Haasan
ministry on to joint active politics
September 26 Chennai: With Tamil Nadu politics undergoing
New Delhi: The Aam Aadmi a churning, De lhi Chie f Minister Arvind
Party (AAP) said it will lay Kejriwal on Thursday met actor Kamal Haasan
siege to the union petroleum here for over an hour and invited him to join
ministry here on September active politics to fight corruption and commu
26 as part of its nationwide nalism.
campaign against high fuel After the luncheon meeting at the actor's
prices. Eldams Road residence, Kejriwal, with Kamal
Senior party leader Gopal Haasan by his side, told the media that it was
Rai said the central govern important that when India was battling corrup
ment had increased the excise tion and communalism, all likeminded people
tax on petrol by 150 per cent should talk to each other and work in tandem.
since it came to power in "I am really happy to learn that a large num
2014. ber of people of the country are against com
He said the protests would munalism and corruption but rarely people
be held across the nation from have the courage to speak their mind," the Aam
September 22 to 30. Aadmi Party (AAP) leader said.
"On September 30 "Kamal Haasan is a man of integrity and
(Dusshera), we will burn effi courage. He has the courage to stick his neck
gies of 'Ravan of price rise' in out and talk about communalism and corrup
all 272 wards of Delhi," he tion.
said. "A lot of people feel strongly against these Actor Kamal Haasan and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal
On Friday, all AAP MLAs in things but don't come out and express," at his residence in Chennai. (Photo: IANS)
Delhi will hold protests in Kejriwal said. "Rather than from speaking from
outside, he should enter politics and fight these self had kept away from it, he said. munalism. And whoever is fighting these forces
their Assembly constituencies.
forces." "You can very well guess what we would have are my relatives.
On Tuesday, they will 'gherao'
The Chief Minister said they had a good dis discussed," said the actor, who has of late been "I have a little reputation similar to that. It is
the union petroleum ministry.
cussion on these issues and the political situa making political statements. He added that no wonder that we decided to have a dialogue
Rai reiterated the AAP's
tion in Tamil Nadu. "We will continue to discuss whoever was fighting corruption and commu on the existing situation. It is a learning experi
demand that fuel prices
with each other," he said, without revealing nalism were his relatives. "That way this rela ence for me and a learning curve for me.
should be linked to interna
their plans. On his part, Kamal Haasan said it tionship will continue." "I am on an educational tourism and asking
tional crude oil price which he
was an honour to learn that Kejriwal wanted to He added: "The reason why we got together anybody who is fighting corruption and com
said had fallen by over 50 per
meet him. His residence was always politically and the purpose is singular... Kejriwal has a munalism to give me advise on how to go about
cent in the last three years.
active during his father's time though he him national profile of fighting corruption and com in my endeavour," he added. OP-ED September 23-29, 2017 15

Clintons and the George Bushes

For Rahul Gandhi, proof of

while earlier there were the
Kennedys, and in Pakistan, there are
the Bhuttos.
The proof of the pudding lies, of

pudding is winning elections

course, in the eating, and in the case
of dynasts it is in the winning of elec
tions which matters something
which Smriti Irani, a successful
actress and a failed Human Resource
l By Amulya Ganguli
Development Minister, is yet to

ne of the main takeaways
from Rahul Gandhi's interac For Rahul Gandhi to succeed, he
tion with the students and the has first to ascertain what went
media in the US is the indication that wrong with the Congress in 2014. If
he has given about being the it was due to arrogance, as he has
Congress' Prime Ministerial candi said, he has to find out whose haugh
date in 2019 if his party approves. tiness let the party down.
It is possible that the charge Since Manmohan Singh is general
against him of being a "reluctant" ly not associated with hauteur, was it
politician and even "stupid", which the attitude of Sonia Gandhi, who has
he admitted, made him say that he is been called perhaps unfairly the
willing to play a more proactive role power behind the throne? In any
and be his party's "face" in the next event, it is difficult to believe in the
general elections. Congress being conceited at a time
If anything, the declaration of when it was immersed in a plethora
intent means that it will not be long of scams which brought about its
before he becomes the Congress downfall. So there must be some
president. There is also the implica other explanation for its decline and
tion that he will be increasingly seen fall.
on public platforms which was earli For Rahul Gandhi to succeed, he has first to ascertain what went wrong with the Congress in 2014. It would have been understandable
er promised by some of his party if the arrogance perceived by Rahul
members, especially at the time of as a politician even if slowly. It isn't only the NehruGandhis former Himachal Pradesh Chief Gandhi had stemmed from what
his unprepossessing television inter Two confessions underline this who are guilty of this practice but Minister, Prem Kumar Dhumal; Uttar Arvind Subramanian, the Modi gov
view in 2014, but never implement point. One is on the profusion of also the Abdullahs in Kashmir, the Pradeh legislator Pankaj Singh, who ernment's Chief Economic Adviser,
ed. dynastic politics in India even if he Badals in Punjab, the Karunanidhis is the son of Union Home Minister said about the fastest ever reduction
For Rahul Gandhi's supporters, it has been criticized for being out of in Tamil Nadu and the Mulayam Rajnath Singh and so on. of poverty under the Congressled
was probably just as well that he touch with aspirational India. The Singh Yadavs and Lalu Prasads in It is now up to Rahul Gandhi to government between 200506 and
agreed to go to the US shortly after other is the admission that the Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. prove or disprove Union Minister 201112. But although the Congress
visiting Norway. The reason is that Congress's "arrogance" made it lose T hen, there is Odisha Chief Smriti Irani's quip about being a Vice President did talk about his
contrary to the feeling that the contact with the people a decade Minister Naveen Patnaik, who is the "failed dynast", but he is right about party's achievement in lifting mil
Congress Vice President was more after coming to power in 2004. son of a former Chief Minister, Biju dynasticism being a fact of life in lions out of poverty, he only spoke in
interested in traveling abroad than As for the children of politicians Patnaik; Union minister Jayant Sinha, India in politics, in films, in the cor general terms about how a growth
in politics at home, his exchanges at following in the footsteps of their who is the son of a former Union porate sector, in the legal profession rate of eight per cent over the next
the University of California in fathers, he said that there are any minister, Yashwant Sinha; BJP MP even if it is not something to gloat 1015 years could lift 130 million
Berkeley showed that he is maturing number of such instances in India. Anurag Thakur, who is the son of a about. In America, too, there are the out of poverty by 2030.

l By Frank F. Islam

n August 22, the Supreme
Court ruled that triple talaq
Indian Muslims should
embrace triple talaq verdict
the practice which allows a
man to divorce his wife instantly by
saying the word talaq thrice is
unconstitutional. Predictably, the
ruling was denounced by a number
of Muslim leaders and organiza quite low compared to other reli Andolan, an advocacy group that
tions. Some interpreted it as an gious groups. It affects less than a fights for the rights of Indian
attack on their religion and way of third of a per cent of Muslim Muslims, found that triple talaq was
life. Others saw a conspiracy angle women, they argue. This is neither a the most common mode of divorce
in the importance given to an issue. sound legal nor moral argument. among those surveyed. Of the 4,710
This perspective is desperate and Even if one concedes that instant women sampled in the survey, 525
distorted. This perspective is not divorce af fects only a minuscule were divorcees. Of them, 404 were
only wrong but also wrongheaded, population, injustice should never victims of triple talaq. More than 80
misplaced and misguided. have legal sanction, regardless of per cent of them did not receive any
I applaud this judgment because I how many people are affected. compensation at the time of
strongly believe that Muslim instant The triple talaq ruling, the result divorce. Two of the five judges that
divorce is illegal and incorrect in of a decadeslong campaign by delivered the triple talaq judgment
many ways. Instant divorce is women's rights groups, was a his differed on the constitutionality of
deplorable, disgraceful and shame toric verdict. With the stroke of a practice. The bench was in unani
The Supreme Court should be applauded for delivering
ful. In addition, it is demeaning, pen, the judges made illegal a prac mous agreement, however, in ask
a correct judgment in a timely manner.
demonising, disheartening and tice that over the decades has ing the government to enact within
demoralizing to Indian Muslim abolished the practice. In addition, inherently discriminatory in that ruined the lives of countless Indian six months legislation to govern
women. Most importantly, as one of it is unconscionable to think that a only a man has that "right" a Muslim women. In the absence of a Muslim marriages and divorces.
the judges pointed out, triple talaq man should be allowed to banish a Muslim woman cannot end the mar comprehensive study among Indian India's justice system has numerous
is against the basic tenets of the woman to whom he is married riage in a similar way. Muslim women, it is not known how drawbacks. It often takes decades
Quran. Recognizing this, many who is also the mother of his child Over the years, some Muslim many of them have been divorced in for courts to deliver justice. In this
Islamic countries, including two of or children, in many cases by organizations have rationalized this manner. A 2013 survey of instance, the Supreme Court should
India's large Muslim neighbours uttering a word three times, with no triple talaq by arguing that divorce Muslim women in 10 Indian states be applauded for delivering a cor
Pakistan and Bangladesh have consequences. Triple talaq is also rates within their community are by the Bharatiya Muslim Mahila rect judgment in a timely manner.

The views expressed in Op Eds are not necessarily those of The South Asian Times.
16 September 23-29, 2017 DIASPORA

Australia's ad watchdog
downplays Ganesha controversy
The advertisement launched earlier this month by Meat and Livestock Australia
(MLA) ran into controversy for its depiction of Ganesha in a lamb roast
Melbourne: Australia's advertising beef (given the sacred nature of called for the advertisement to be
watchdog has dismissed com the cow to the faith), lamb is not banned, saying it was a "crude
plaints filed by Hindu groups similarly characterized." and deplorable attempt by the
against a controversial advertise "We acknowledge that many MLA to use images of Ganesha to
ment which featured Lord Hindus may nevertheless choose promote lamb consumption."
Ganesha in a lamb roast along to abstain from eating any form of The Australia India Business
with several other deities and meat, however our understanding Council (AIBC) also expressed
prophets. is that it is not a central tenet of concern over the advertisement
Despite numerous complaints the faith (contrasted with, for and said it was culturally insensi
lodged by Hindu groups across example, the Muslim faith and tive and displayed remarkable
Australia and g lobe, the alcohol)." naivety about its adverse impact
Advertising Standards Bureau's "We note that Ganesha is not on relationship with India.
(ASB) Board said the advertise shown eating lamb or drinking Last wee k, the Hig h
The advertisement featuring Lord Ganesha
ment was inclusive. alcohol at any point in the adver Commission of India also issued a
(Image courtesy:
The advertisement launched tisement." statement saying it had made a
earlier this month by Meat and intimidation, hatred or ridicule by "The advertisement portrays The MLA said their decisions "demarche" to the Department of
Livestock Australia (MLA) ran into virtue only of being part of the that, while there are many topics were "informed by the actor who Foreign Af fairs and Trade, the
controversy for its depiction of group meal." upon which dif ferent religions played the role of Ganesh who Department of Communication
Ganesha in a lamb roast. In defence, the MLA told the diverge, maybe lamb can bring was a practizing Hindu man." and the Arts and Department of
The ASB board said the adver board, "the advertisement cele everyone together," it said. T he Advert ising Standards Agriculture over the "insensitive"
tisement "does not, in its depic brates religious diversity and In reference to specific com Board ruled the advertisement did advertisement.
tion, provide any one character does not promote any act of dis plaints around the advertise not break any of the Code of "The Consulate General of India
with less favorable or unfair treat crimination, prejudice or vilifica ment's depiction of Ganesha, the Ethics' guidelines on account of in Sydney has taken up the matter
ment by virtue of being in the tion." It depicts a "clearly fictional MLA said it was their understand religion. Over 200 complaints directly with Meat and Livestock
group, nor is the depiction of the and humorous scene" which ing "that the Hindu faith does not were lo dged demanding the Australia and urged them to with
group done in a manner that sub unites various divinities, prophets forbid meat eating and that, while advertisement's withdrawal. The draw the advertisement," it added.
jects one character to humiliation, and icons at a dinner table, it said. many Hindus abstain from eating Hindu Council of Australia had (PTI)

Migrant domestic helps in Oman at MARIA PAUL HONORED FOR LEADING BLOOD
risk as India scraps rescue scheme Dubai: Maria Prince, President of injured, police said. Donating
Thiruvananthapuram: India's deci ed," said Josephine Valarmathi of the It only applied to domestics hired ATMA, a notforprofit organiza blood is a great human duty and
sion to scrap a financial guarantee National Domestic Workers through six recognised state recruit tion, based in Dubai was honored strengthens the bond between
scheme for migrant domestic work Movement in India. ment agencies, excluding women for organizing blood donation members of a society. I urge
ers in Oman will make it harder for Omani government data shows using unofficial channels or conned camps in the Middle East. ATMA everybody to donate their blood to
domestic helps who are abused or almost 700,000 Indians live and by fake agents. was formed 14 years ago by the help the sick and injured people,
unpaid to get home, campaigners work in the Arab nation, 6 percent of India attempted to increase worker immigrant Indian community in MajGen. Al Merri said in state
said on Tuesday. The Indian embassy whom are women. Most are men protection by setting up Emigrate in the Middle East with the objective ment. A small group of friends in
in Oman issued a notice on Monday, employed as construction workers, 2015, requiring employers in almost of creating new possibilities to Dubai got together & formed an
saying it was scrapping the scheme gardeners and drivers. 20 countries, mostly in the Middle inspire creativity, humanity and association named ATMA which
because employers and recruitment Due to widespread reports of abuse East, to get online clearance from the happiness. stands for A Theme for Mind &
agencies said it was discouraging of domestic workers in Gulf nations, government to hire bluecollar work Maria was honored in the pres Arts. ATMA stands for: Attitude to
them from hiring. India signed an agreement with ers and domestic helps. India author ence of MajorGeneral Abdullah Make it happen; Teamwork A
The decision comes weeks after a Oman whereby employers had to ized some 60,000 domestic helps to Khalifa Al Merri, Commanderin Team makes it impossible to fail;
similar waiver in Kuwait and discus provide a bank guarantee certificate work in the Gulf in just over two Chief of Dubai Police, as part of his Members: Committed in delivering
sions about cancelling the scheme in of $2,800 to the Indian embassy in years up to December 2016, accord launching a campaign by donating the best; and, Accountability :
Bahrain as well. the capital, Muscat. This aimed to ing to the ministry of external affairs. his blood at the blood donation Taking responsibility for our
"It seems that the Indian govern protect domestic workers if an Campaigners called for stronger centre in Latifa Hospital, Dubai. actions and decisions both individ
ment is going to remove the bank employer failed to pay wages, or the measures to protect poor women The campaign was part of Dubai ually and collectively.
guarantee protection for Indian domestic help was physically or sexu working in Gulf states. Police social initiatives during the This is the sixth consecutive
women domestic workers in all Gulf ally abused, and required compensa "Many return emptyhanded." Year of Giving, urging people to year that ATMA has organized
countries, leaving them less protect tion and financial aid to return home. (Source: Reuters) donate blood to help the sick and blood donation camps. (PTI)
FASHION September 23-29, 2017 17

Runa Ray rocks the runway

embroideries trickled through several sil-
houettes for both men and women. Glitter
overlays, rich florals and gold tones elevat-

at New York Fashion Week

ed the final series of the presentation.
Closing the show was Runa Rays The
Bleeding Dress which made an impact
scripted with Imagination is the Only
Weapon Against Reality. Notable attendees
delicate Spring/Summer 2018 collection, of silhouettes extending from dresses and included NYS Senator Michael Gianaris (D-
titled Imagine, which was influenced by the jumpsuits to separates and even menswear. Queens), Polish-American Fashion Founda-
unique natural elements the designer used. Bold harem pants and detailed tops tion spokesperson Neglah Sharma, wrestler
I have used hand-woven fabrics such wowed guests with the surprise of mens Tami Roman of Basketball Wives, WWE star
as bamboo silks, bamboo cottons, and silks. pieces on the SS18 catwalk. Natural leaf Danielle Moinet, and actress Maria Cotto.
Natural dyes such as Indian
madder, indigo, pomegranate
peels, and areca nut create the
different tones of the materi-
als. These natural fabrics are
dipped in aloe vera to create
a medicinal benefit found in
Runa Ray is based in Bangalore. the womenswear lining and
Her MOJO Design Studios has the
head office in Singapore. fashionable menswear jackets
and bottoms Ray said. Using
New York: Young designer Runa Ray, a handwoven, organically dyed
Bangalore native coveted for her eco-con- and printed fabrics gives the
scious designs was featured for the second collection an enchanted for-
time at New York Fashion Week earlier est-type botanical feel.
this month, showing the fashion world that The show opened with a
sustainable beauty is the new trend. series of neutral cream silk Runa Ray is coveted for her
Together we can save our planet from pieces printed with leaves eco-conscious designs. Her
ecological waste and fast fashion. Fashion and florals in a fossilized mo- collection at NYFW was also
influenced by the unique
can be a powerful tool to educate and push tif. Oversized, asymmetrical
natural elements she uses.
people to join in saving and preserving our flutter sleeves were a theme
planet, Ray said. in both her ivory and blush
Ray, who showcased her works alongside pieces sprinkled with a hint of
other elite South Asian designers including sparkle detail.
Naeem Khan, released her feminine and Runa Ray showed a variety

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Subramanian September 23-29, 2017 September 23-29, 2017 September 23-29, 2017 SUBCONTINENT September 23-29, 2017 21

Afghan president for Suu Kyi condemns abuses

longterm strategy in Rohingya region
against terror Nay Pyi Taw: Breaking her silence
on Rohing yas, Myanmar's de
facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi
said she and her government con
demned all human rights abuses
and unlawful violence in the
country and do not fear global
scrut iny on the situat ion in
Rakhine state.
State Counselor Suu Kyi made
the remarks in English in her
muchant icipated address in
Parliament over the violence that
has seen about 415,000
Rohing ya Muslims flee into
Bangladesh since August 25 fol
lowing a military crackdown that
has raised global concerns.
Her comments came a day after
a group of countries led by the
UK met with representatives of
Ghani said there is now a chance for dialogue with Pak on terror. the Myanmar government in New
Suu Kyi said Myanmar was not afraid of international scrutiny.
York and called for an end to the
United Nations: Afghanistan people have looked to the US for
violence ag ainst Rohing ya Salvation Army (ARSA) militant have been no conflicts since
President Mohammad Ashraf this type of resolve for years,"
Muslim minority and allow aid to g roup that she claimed was September 5 and no clearance
Ghani has called for internation he added.
be provided to them. "responsible for acts of terror operat ions. We too are con
al action and a longterm strate Trump had called out Pakistan
Suu Ky i did not, in her 30 ism". cerned. We want to find out what
g y to counter the terrorist for harboring terrorists and
minute te levised address, Suu Kyi, who decided not to the real problems are," said the
organizations sheltered in the gave a stern warning that it has
denounce the alleged atrocities attend the UN General Assembly Nobel Peace Prize winner.
region warning that they do not much to lose by working with
against the Rohingyas, termed by in New York, said she was "aware "We want to find out why this
dif ferentiate Kabul and other terrorists.
UN human rights chief Zeid Ra'ad of the fact that the world's atten exodus is happening. We'd like to
cities when they strike. Alluding to this, Ghani said
alHussein as a "textbook case of tion is focused on the situation in talk to those who have fled, as
Speaking at a highlevel meet that there was now an opportu
ethnic cleansing". Instead, she Rakhine". She said she wanted the well as those who have stayed."
ing of the General Assembly, nity for a dialogue w ith its
said Myanmar was not "afraid of international community to know Suu Kyi said she felt "deeply"
Ghani said: "T he future of neighbors on eliminating terror
international scrutiny". what was being done by her gov for the suffering of "all people" in
Afghanistan matters because we ism.
Her speech was criticized for ernment. the conflict and Myanmar was
are on the frontlines of the glob "I call upon Pakistan to
failing to address the allegations "It is not the intention of the "committed to a sustainable solu
al effort to eradicate the threat engage with us on a comprehen
of abuse by the Myanmar mili Myanmar government to appor tion... for all communities in this
of terrorism." sive statetostate dialogue on
tary. Hours later, the UN Human tion blame or to abdicate respon state". Suu Kyi's speech, though
We lcoming US President peace, security and regional
Rights Council in Geneva called sibility. We condemn all human disappointing to many outside
Donald Trump's new Afghan cooperation leading to prosperi
for full access to the region so it rights violation and unlawful vio the country who view her as a
strategy announced in August, ty," he said.
can investigate the situation "with lence." champion of human rights, was
Ghani said it "consolidates all With no prospects for a mili
its own eyes". Despite the continuing exodus met with applause and cheers
instruments of American power, tary victory by the Taliban,
In her address, Suu Kyi only from conflicthit Rakhine, which from large crowds in Yangon,
conveying a message that the Ghani said that it should partici
referred to the Rohingya by name borders Bang ladesh, Suu Ky i Myanmar's largest city, who
Taliban and their backers can pate in an "intraAfghan dia
once in connection to the bur claimed that the military's offen watched her live on large outdoor
not win militarily". "The Afghan logue" for a peaceful solution.
geoning Arakan Rohing ya sive ended two weeks ago. "There screens.

Nawaz's wife elected to Parliament

Islamabad: Ousted Pakistani ECP against these discrepancies." main opposition Pakistan Peoples
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif 's "I am the one who has suffered Party got only 1,414 votes.
wife Kulsoom Nawaz has won the this. We were not given a level Punjab is considered the power
parliamentary seat vacated by her playing field by the ECP," she base of Nawaz Sharif 's Pakistan
husband, the unof ficial result on alleged. Vowing to take the top Muslim League (PMLN).
Mondayshowed, amid the PTI can electoral body to court, Rashid Commenting on the byelection
didate who came second alleg said her party wanted to know results, Pakistan Peoples Party
ing manipulation of the result. what action the ECP took over (PPP) leader Asif Ali Zardari said
The National Assembly seat in numerous violations of its code of in Peshawar that "it was a story of
Lahore, the capital of Punjab conduct by the Pakistan Muslim conflicting interests and, as it hap
province, fell vacant after the LeagueNawaz (PMLN). pened, Maryam Nawaz revealed
country's top court removed "We will not back out until our everything in her thanksgiving
Nawaz Sharif as Prime Minister petitions in the ECP are settled. speech".
over corruption charges in July. I'm going to take the ECP to Of ficial results w ill be
Kulsoom Nawaz had so far court," she threatened. announced by the Elect ion
secured 61,745 votes while her Sheikh Azhar Hussain, an inde Commission in a couple of days.
main rival, Yasmeen Rashid of the pendent candidate, got 7,130 Kulsoom Nawaz was grateful to
A woman casts her vote during the parliamentary
Pakistan TehreekeInsaf (PTI), byelection in Lahore. votes and was third in the contest, the voters, her daughter Maryam
bagged 47,099 votes, an election which assumed importance after Nawaz said in a speech to thou
of ficial told media persons. The be defeated. PTI's Rashid told the votes when the election was Sharif's disqualification. The total sands of cheering supporters after
vote count was still on although reporters in Lahore that "we had announced and we have so far voter turnout in the election was it became known that her mother
Kulsoom Nawaz was unlikely to pointed out the discrepancies in submitted 25 petitions with the 39.42 per cent. Faisal Mir of the was on the road to victory.
22 September 23-29, 2017 INTERNATIONAL

Russia accuses US of hampering Mexico quake toll

Syrian troops' advance
rises to over 200
Mexico City: T he
Mexican authorities have
raised the number of
casualties to 224 after a
7.1magnitude earth
quake shook the center
of the country, an official
The emergency servic
es were carrying out res
cue operat ions in the
Russian defense ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov.
areas affected in the dis
Moscow: The Russian Defense water level in the Euphrates and a aster, Efe news reported.
Ministry accused the US and the twofold increase in the speed of Miguel Angel Osorio,
Syrian opposition of trying to its current after the government the Secretary of the
hamper the successful advance of troops started crossing the river, Interior, confirmed 117
the Syrian government troops Konashenkov said. people have died in
against the Islamic State. In the absence of precipitation, Mexico City, 55 in
"The closer the end of IS in the only source of such changes Morelos, 12 in State of
Syria, the more evident it in the water level could be a man Mexico and another in
becomes who is really fighting made discharge of water at the Guerrero.
the IS and who has been imitating dams north of the Euphrates, As night fell, thousands
Emergency teams working near a collapsed building.
this fight in the last three years," which are held by the opposition of troops were working
the ministry's spokesman Major formations controlled by the in the dozens of dilapidated against the clock to get the alive trapped in collapsed buildings
General Igor Konashenkov said in international coalition led by the buildings here. out from under the rubble. here.
a statement, Xinhua reported. US, he said. In addition, according On Monterey Street, near the T he Dog Squads were also Traffic chaos has made it diffi
He said the advancing Syrian to reports of Syrian commanders Miguel Aleman Viaduct one of pressed into service. cult for ambulances to get
government troops supported by from the front line, the most seri the city's main thoroughfares, a "We pull out debris and work through as fears of new quakes
the Russian Air Force managed to ous counterattacks and massive building with at least four floors in a line, and when they ask you loom on people's mind.
break the fierce resistance and fire on the Syrian troops were has collapsed completely. to be quiet, you remain silent. If Director of the National Centre
liberate more than 60 square km coming from the northern direc At least a hundred soldiers, applause is heard, we start to get for Disaster Prevent ion
of territory on the left bank of the tion, where the Syrian Democratic firefighters and civil defense the person out", a young man (Cenapred), Carlos Valdes, ruled
Euphrates River in the last 24 Forces (SDS) and US Special officers using shovels and picks explained. out the possibility of strong
hours. But their advance was Forces units operated, and buckets were remove the Emergency teams were aftershocks due to the depth of
hampered by a sudden rise of the Konashenkov added. de bris, working arduously attempt ing to rescue people the epicenter at 57 km.

Scrapping ndeal will be Hamas says ready

clear breach: Iran's Rouhani to resume dialogue
New York: Iranian President
Hassan Rouhani has warned that
the United States potential with
with Fatah
Gaza: The Islamic Hamas move
drawal from a multilateral nuclear ment said that it is ready to resume
deal with Iran would constitute a a dialogue with Fatah.
clear nonperformance of contrac T he remarks were made by
tual obligations by Washington. Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh at the
Speaking at a meeting of Iranian Rafah border crossing on his
expatriates in New York, where he return from Egypt, after 11 days of
is to attend the 72nd session of talks with Egyptian security of fi
the UN General Assembly (UNGA), cials on the Palestinian internal
President Rouhani said Iran would reconciliation, Xinhua reported.
give "the due response" to any "We are ready to receive the con
such violat ion of the Joint sensus government and we are
Comprehensive Plan of Action ready to get back to Cairo in a few
Rouhani was speaking at a meeting of Iranian expatriates in New York.
(JCPOA). days to resume the dialogue with
"Withdrawing from the JCPOA to assault the rights of the Iranian imposed by individual countries. Fatah movement," said Haniyeh.
Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh.
would mean trampling on a clear people, Iran will certainly give the When the presidency in the US According to Haniyeh, his senior
political obligation that a govern due response," the Iranian switched to the incumbent, Donald Hamas delegation discussed the to resume the dialogue w ith
ment has. This is nothing to be President said. Trump, a year after the implemen political and security situation, Hamas.
proud of," Press TV cited Rouhani The JCPOA was struck in July tation of the Iran deal had begun, Jerusalem, Israeli policies and the "We exerted tremendous ef fort
as saying. 2015, after some 22 months of his administration started actively bilateral ties with Egypt during the and we moved in all directions in
He said Iranian people have negotiations between Iran and six seeking a pretext to withdraw. past 11 days in the most populous order to end the suf fering of our
always lived up to their word other countries. Iran agreed under It has found none, but has never Arab country. people in Gaza through the gate of
throughout history but added that the deal to apply certain limits to theless signaled that it may not Hamas announced earlier that it reconciliation and achieving unity,"
Iran would honor its obligations its nuclear program, and its part offer to the US Congress verifica had dissolved an administrative said the Hamas leader.
under the JCPOA as long as the ners the US, Russia, China, tion of Iranian compliance neces committee used to manage the Haniyeh called on Abbas' Fatah
other side honors its. Germany, France, and Britain sary to renew waivers of unilater daily affairs in Gaza. The forming Party to carry out equivalent steps,
"We will never initiate a viola agreed in return to terminate a al, American sanctions against of the committee had outraged including the cancellation of all the
tion of the international agree series of sanctions against Tehran, Iran at a next deadline in mid Fatah leader Abbas, who insisted unprecedented measures against
ment, but if the other side wishes including those unilaterally October. that it should be resolved in order Gaza. UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY September 23-29, 2017 23

Trump threatens President Trump

N. Korea's destruction
United Nations: In an unprece
warns against
dented warning delivered at this
world forum, US President
supporting Taliban
Donald Trump threatened North
Korea with total destruction if United Nations: Vowing to stop Taliban and other terrorist
his country is forced to defend "radical Islamic terrorism," US groups."
itself and its allies against the President Donald Trump warned "From now our security inter
threats from Pyongyang. on Tuesday of strong action ests will dictate the length and
Delivering his first address to against countries that support or scope of our military action" in
the highlevel meeting of the finance organizations like the Afghanistan he said, and "not
General Assembly, Trump said Taliban. arbitrary benchmarks and
that North Korean dictator Kim "It is time to expose and hold timetables".
JongUn "threatens the entire responsible those countries who Accentuating his warning on
world with unthinkable loss of support and finance terror terrorism, Trump said:
life" and if the US was "forced to groups like Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, "Terrorists and extremists have
defend itself and its allies, we Taliban and the others that gathered strength and spread to
will have no choice but to totally slaughter innocent people," he every region of the planet. Rogue
destroy North Korea". said in his first speech to the the regimes represented in this body
US President Donald Trump addresses the 72nd session General Assembly. not only support terrorists but
North Korea has issued a threat
of the United Nations General Assembly. But he stopped short of nam threaten other nations and their
that "we will strike a merciless
blow at the heart of the US with denuclearisation agreement with high and unemployment in the ing countries other than Iran own people with the most
our powerful nuclear hammer, Tehran was "an embarrassment US was at its lowest level. unlike in the last month's speech destructive weapons known to
honed and hardened over time". to the United States". Trump told the world leaders outlining the Afghan strategy humanity."
"Rocket man is on a suicide He threatened to revisit the at the UN that terrorists were when he named Pakistan saying "Authority and authoritarian
mission," Trump said, with a deri agreement reached with Iran by gaining strength everywhere but it had much to lose by harboring powers seek to collapse the val
sive reference to Kim. the administration of former insisted that peace was possible. terrorists. He focused on terror ues, the systems and alliances
But he said that he hoped the President Barack Obama and five "To put it simply, we meet at a ism in the Middle East, while that prevented conflict and tilted
UN would be able to stop North other UN members. time of both immense promise also warning about the Taliban. the world toward freedom since
Korea. "That's what the United He called Iran a "rogue nation" and great peril. Terrorists and He said that the US and its allies World War II," he added.
Nations is for. Let's see how they and accused it of destabilizing extremists have g athered were working throughout the Challenging the world leaders
do. the Middle East strength and spread to every region "to crush loser terrorists" listening to his speech, he
"If the righteous many don't Trump, who took of fice in region of the planet." and "stop the emergence of safe declared: "We meet at a time of
confront the wicked few, then January, also focused on himself. The US, he said, was prepared havens" for terror groups. both immense promise and great
evil will triumph," he said. He opened his address by saying to combat g lobal instability But he referred to the new peril. It is entirely up to us
Trump's other target was Iran that the US had done well since through military might. "Our mil Afghanistan strategy, saying: "I whether we lift the world to new
and in a statement aimed more at he entered the White House. The itary will soon be the strongest it have also totally changed the heights or let it fall into a valley
his domestic base, he said the stock market was at an all time has ever been." rules of engagement against the of disrepair."

Support for Palestine 'reference point of foreign policy'

United Nations: Reiterating India's the Palestinian people has been
historical support for Palestine, significantly stepped up."
India's External Af fairs Minister Sushma Swaraj also recalled her
Sushma Swaraj declared that it visit to Palestine in January last
will be a central point of its for year when she and her
eign policy. Palestinian counterpart Riyad
"For independent India support Maliki decided to establish a min
for the Palestinian cause has been isteriallevel joint commission to
a reference point of its foreign better manage cooperation activi
policy," she told the Nonaligned ties between the two sides.
Movement's Ministerial During Palest ine President
Committee on Palestine on the Mahmoud Abbas's visit to India in
sidelines of the highlevel General May, the two countries signed
Assembly meeting. agreements for cooperation in
Recalling that the NAM agriculture, information technolo
Committee on Palestine was set gy, health and in youth af fairs
up during India's chairmanship of and sports, she said.
the Movement in 1983, Sushma "We also took the decision to
Swaraj said that New Delhi's com set up an information technology
mitment to the Palestinian cause park in Ramallah that can serve
and solidarity with the Palestinian as an information technology
people "can never be under training and service providing
External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj at Nonaligned Movement's Ministerial Committee on Palestine
mined". "I strongly believe that hub," she added.
on the sidelines of UNGA. (Photo: Mohammed Jaffer/IANS)
India's expanding relations in the Stating that India has been vol
region with all nations will only between India and Israel have Israel "we reiterated the need for In a rebuttal to criticism by untarily contributing to the UN
strengthen the Palestinian cause," grown sharply in recent years, a just and durable peace in the some in India and elsewhere for Re lie f and Works Agency
she said. Her reassurances to especially in the defence field. "I region". Peace in the region will what they see as a dilution of New (UNRWA) for several years now,
Palestine and and its supporters strong ly be lieve that India's only be possible with "an early De lhi's eng agement w ith Sushma Swaraj said: "In 2016, we
comes after Prime Minister expanding relations in the region negot iated solut ion between Palestine, she said: "It is a matter contributed $1.25 million
Narendra Modi's July visit to with all nations will only strength Israel and Palestine based on of great personal satisfaction for towards its budget, and we are
Israel during which he stayed en the Palestinian cause," she mutual recognition and security me that over the last two years committed to maintaining this
away from Palest ine. Ties said, adding, during Modi's visit to arrangements," she said. the tempo of our partnership with support on a multipleyear basis." September 23-29, 2017 BUSINESS September 23-29, 2017 25

Package soon to boost Over 4 lakh Indians

embrace Google 'Tez'

economy: Arun Jaitley in just 24 hours

New Delhi: Within 24 hours of Google digital
payment app 'Tez' being launched in India,
New Delhi: Finance Minister macro indicators such as the Google has seen nearly 1.8 crore gross mer
Arun Jaitley hinted at a pack Gross Domestic Product (GDP) chandise volume (GMV) done with over four
age of measures to boost the and industrial production, as lakh active users.
economy, while virtually ruling well as a widening Current "In the past 24 hours, 1.8 Crore GMV done
out any cut in duties on petro Account Deficit. on Tez already with 410,000 active users," a
leum products to check the Pulled down by slugg ish Google spokesperson told IANS.
spike in fuel prices. manufacturing, growth in the Finance Minister Arun Jaitley launched the
"We have taken note of all Indian economy in the first app in the Capital on afternoon, saying the
the economic indicators that quarter of this fiscal fell to 5.7 idea of "Tez" was discussed by Google's India
are available. This has been a per cent, clocking the lowest born CEO Pichai in January, just after demon
proactive government on the GDP growth rate since Prime etisation.
reforms agenda. Over the last Minister Modi assumed office "Google saw a great potential in Indian
two days, I have had a series of in May 2014. economy and businesses," Jaitley said, adding
discussions with ministerial The August consumer price that Google's new digital payments app over
colleagues and various secre index (CPI) inflation in India the next few months was likely to make major
taries. shot up a full one percentage advances in digital transaction volumes.
"The government will take point to 3.36 per cent, from Replying to this, Pichai on Tuesday tweeted:
additional measures in the 2.36 per cent in July, led by a "We hope that the launch of @TezByGoogle
coming days after consulting spike in food prices. will help take India one step closer to your
the Prime Minister. Whenever Finance Minister Arun Jaitley. T he Index of Industrial vision of @_DigitalIndia". Built on the Indian
the measures are taken, you Production (IIP) in July rose governmentsupported Unified Payments
w ill come to know of it," On the current high trans demand mismatch due to hur by 1.2 per cent as compared to Interface (UPI), Tez allows users, free of
Jaitley told reporters here fol port fuel prices, Jaitley said it ricanes that hit the US coast. the same month of last year. It charge, to make small or big payments
lowing a meeting of the union was a temporary spike in glob Jaitley's high level meetings had declined by ()0.1 per cent
straight from their bank accounts.
cabinet. al prices caused by the supply follow a sharp fall in latest key during June this year.

UPA failed to create enough Tata Steel, thyssenkrupp sign MoU

jobs, Modi too: Rahul Mumbai: Tata Steel Ltd
and German major
thyssenkrupp AG have
Princeton (New Jersey): Congress Vice government could not deliver ade
signed a memorandum of
President Rahul Gandhi has admitted quately on the job front, which he said
understanding (MoU) to
that the previous UPA government led was a key reason for Modi leading the
create a 50:50 joint ven
by his party "could not deliver ade BJP to victory in the 2014 general
ture by combining the flat
quately" in creating jobs, and said the elections.
steel businesses of the two
Modi government despite its promises "So those same people who got angry
companies in Europe and
has been unable to do so either. with us because we could not deliver
steel mill services of the
Interacting with students at the on those 30,000 jobs are now going to
German company,
Princeton University here on Tuesday, get angry with Modi. The central issue
a top company of ficial
the Congress leader said that the rea is resolving that problem."
son for the rise of Narendra Modi and He accused the Prime Minister of
T he proposed 50:50
also to an extent of US President diverting from the issue of job creation
joint venture "thyssenk
Donald Trump was the "question of and pointing fingers elsewhere.
rupp Tata Steel" would
jobs". "The anger is building up in India
be focused on quality and
"A large part of our populations sim right now. We can sense it. So to me,
technology leadership, and
ply do not have jobs and cannot see a the challenge is how to solve the prob The proposed 50:50 joint venture "thyssenkrupp Tata Steel" would
the supply of premium
future and so they are feeling the pain. lem in a democratic environment. be focused on quality and technology leadership.
and dif ferentiated prod
And they have supported these type of "Frankly, the Congress party was
ucts to customers, with annual quartered in Amsterdam, the venture will be structured to
leaders. The problem is that the record unable to do it. But Modi is also unable
shipments of about 21 million Netherlands. ensure a sustainable business
on jobs of these leaders I do not to do it. It is a deeper problem, so we "Based on our initial assess going forward," Tata Steel's
tonnes of flat steel products,
know Trump so I won't go there but have to first accept it as a problem and
the steel maker said in a state ment, cost synergies in the Group Execut ive Director
certainly our Prime Minister is not then we have to unite at solving it. range of 400600 million per Kaushik Chatterjee said.
good enough," Gandhi said. Right now nobody is willing to accept,"
It said the joint venture annum may be realized The proposed transaction in
The Congress leader said jobs were Gandhi said.
would have a pro forma through integration of commer Europe also paves the way for
the central challenge in India and "Second challenge is huge migration
turnover of about 15 billion cial functions, R&D and other significant deleveraging of the
30,000 youth were entering the job to cities and these are not being
per annum (Rs 1,15,000 crore). supporting activities. Tata Steel group's consolidated
market everyday in India but only 450 equipped to handle the type of pres "Both shareholders have balance sheet and provides a
It currently employs about
jobs were being created. sures that they are coming under," said
48,000 people spread across taken care to ensure that the platform for it to pursue future
He admitted that the previous UPA Gandhi.
locations and would be head balance sheet of the combined growth, he added.
26 September 23-29, 2017 SPORTS

At 36, Dhoni still going strong

Kolkata: There was a time when
aging warhorse Mahendra Singh
Dhoni would be popped a ques
tion at every media conference on
Dhoni recommended for
whether he was contemplating
retirement. A yearandahalf
down the line, those queries have
Padma Bhushan
Mumbai: The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has nominat
been swept aside by Captain Cool ed veteran star Mahendra Singh Dhoni for the Padma Bhushan, the
himself thanks to his display with nation's third highest civilian award.
the bat. "Yes, it's confirmed, we have recommended Dhoni's name for the
Back then, Dhoni initially took Padma Bhushan," BCCI Acting President C.K. Khanna told IANS.
the posers in his stride, but as Former captains Sachin Tendulkar, Kapil Dev, Rahul Dravid and
they started coming at him with Chandu Borde have received the award earlier.
unfailing regularity, he decided to Dhoni, who made his international debut in 2004, is the most suc
go on a counterattack. cessful captain for the Indian cricket team. He has led the team to two
After a couple of Indian scribes World Cup titles the World Twenty20 in 2007 and the 50over World
were virtually ragged by the wick Cup in 2011. Under the 36yearold's captaincy, India also won the
etkeeper batsman, there came 2013 Champions Trophy besides becoming the top ranked team in
the turn of Australian journalist Test cricket.
Sam Ferris in April 2016.
When Ferris wanted to know Twenty20, the Ranchi dasher year averages 89.57 in OneDay
whether he was contemplating scored 89 runs in five games with Internationals (ODIs) with an
retirement from whiteball cricket, scores reading 30, 13 not out, 13 aggregate of 627 in 14 innings,
Dhoni, who hung up his boots not out, 18 not out and 15 not including a century and five
from Test cricket on Boxing Day MS Dhoni this year averages 89.57 in ODIs out. fifties.
2014, asked the reporter to come But this year, when questions He is no more the finisher that
up and take the vacant seat next and whether he could play the question," Dhoni said. were being raised about whether he once used to be. But at 36, he
to him on stage. 2019 World Cup in England. Dhoni had a poor 2016, manag Dhoni should continue in the lim has taken up the role of the
The country's most successful "Um, yes, sure," was Ferris' ing just 278 runs in the calendar ited overs format, the former cap anchor. For the young ones now
captain then asked the Aussie reply. year playing 13 matches. He aver tain turned it around, by wielding in India's middle order, he is an
scribe if he thought he was unfit "Then you have answered the aged a paltry 27.80. At the World his willlow in style. Dhoni this onfield mentor as well.

Sindhu, Saina, Srikanth, Prannoy Will take a duck in

advance at Japan Open 100th ODI if Australia
Tokyo: Olympic badminton
medalists P.V. Sindhu and Saina
Nehwal, Kidambi Srikanth, H.S.
win at the end: Smith
Prannoy and the mixed doubles Kolkata: On the eve of playing his 28yearold, who has 5,370 runs in 56
pair of Satwiksairaj Rankireddy 100th OneDay International (ODI) at Tests at an average of 59.66, waxed
and Ashwini Ponappa advanced the Eden Gardens ag ainst India, lyrical on the fiveday format, adding
to the second round of Japan Australia skipper Steve Smith said he he enjoys playing all three of them.
Open Superseries here. would happily take a duck if his team Smith felt besides Australia, India,
Sindhu battled past Japanese crosses the finishing line eventually. England and South Africa, other teams
Minatsu Mitani 1221, 2115, "It's not about personal glory its have also improved in recent times,
2117 in an hour and three min about the team doing well. I think it's adding the game is in a good space.
utes to setup a secondround all about the team success. I will happi After registering a 26run victory via
clash against reigning world ly take a duck tomorrow if we can win the DuckworthLewis method over
champion Nozomi Okuhara of the game," Smith, who has 3188 runs Australia in the opener, Virat Kohli and
Japan on Thursday. in 99 ODIs so far, said at an event here Co looked confident as around 500
Olympic medallists Sindhu and when asked about his batting ambi supporters cheered the men in blue as
Okuhara share four wins apiece tions going into the century of limited they came out of the Netaji Subhas
in career meetings and have overs cricket. Chandra Bose International Airport
recently deve loped an Smith was asked to choose between and entered the team bus followed by
enthralling rivalry. W hile the three formats of the game and the the Australian players.
Okuhara got the better of Sindhu
at the World Championships
Kidambi Srikanth.
final in August in Glasgow, the
Hyderabadi hit back at the Korea Open in better of Denmark's Anders Antonsen 2112,
Seoul last weekend. 2114 in 37 minutes. The Indian will face
Another intriguing duel on Thursday will Chinese Taipei's Hsu Jen Hao for a place in
be between London Olympic bronze medallist the quarterfinals.
Saina Nehwal and 2016 Olympic champion Sameer Verma also moved into the second
Carolina Marin of Spain. Saina leads the head round as he registered a 2112 2119 victory
tohead record against the Spaniard by 43. over Thailand's Khosit Phetpradab. Sameer
Saina moved past T hai Pornpawee will meet Shi Yuqi of Japan on Thursday.
Chochuwong 2117, 219 in 40 minutes, B. Sai Praneeth and Sourabh Verma, howev
while twot ime world champion Marin er, had to face defeats in the opening round.
breezed past Chinese Chen Xiaoxin 2111, While Sourabh lost to fivetime world champi
2111. on Lin Dan of China 2111, 1521, 1321,
Eighthseed Srikanth fought of f China's Praneeth went down 2321, 1721, 1421 to
Tian Houwei 2115, 1221, 2111 in an hour South Korean Lee Dong Keun.
and four minutes. After this win, Srikanth, Meanwhile, young Satwik had a mixed day
India's best bet in the men's singles category, as he lost in the men's doubles and advanced
will take on Chinese Hu Yun. Prannoy got the in the mixed doubles. Australia skipper Steve Smith. BOOKS September 23-29, 2017 27

Telling Putin's side of the story, from

Crimea to Trump and more
l By Vikas Datta an views, has tried to do in his set of inter allels with Napoleon, on the shortcomings of
views with Putin in Moscow and elsewhere communism and where and why Mikhail

hat do we make of Vladimir Putin? in Russia over nine days in four trips from Gorbachev went wrong. He also asserts that
There are those who deem him an July 2015 to February 2017. And here, you Russia will not return to the old days of the
astute statesman who has brought can read their transcripts along with an Communist police state, clarifies his stand
Russia back from the brink to a state of additional section about the veracity of his on the LGBT controversy and other seminal
domestic stability, economic prosperity and claims. issues.
international influence, while others are con While the publishers note that since the He is also candid about his family's hum
vinced he is a despotic and even totalitarian Putin's answers were translated, they "took ble beginnings (his grandfather was a cook
leader, who rocks the stable world order the liberty of fixing grammar, unclear lan for Bolshevik bigwigs like Lenin and Stalin),
with land grabs, backing "unsavory" regimes guage, and various inconsistencies" and his parents lost his elder sibling during the
and influencing key elections. given the span of the interviews, editing out Siege of Leningrad during Second World
Either perspective may arise from the some repetitive matter in an effort to ensure War, and how he was wild as a teenager
news you are accustomed to hearing and that "the intent and meaning of what was before his practice of judo and service
believing. The latter view, though, is more said was accurately reflected". made him calmer.
likely to stem from the West, where the They have done a capable job, with Putin He also displays a cultivated sense of
Russian President is viewed extremely criti appearing far from the lethal, uncontrollable humor in response to Stone's query during
cally since 2008 following the Georgian con megalomaniac his detractors usually portray his second trip whether he missed the film
flict, with his KGB background highlighted him to be, or spewing fire at adversaries at maker, quips: "Yes, I cried every now and
for "repression" at home, and Soviet era times, he even politely rebukes Stone for try then.." and while presented a film DVD but
geopolitics for supporting Iran, bolstering ing to make him appear antiAmerican. opening the case to see its empty, says:
the Assad regime in Syria, annexing Crimea, At the same time, he rues that the "Typical American gift."
enabling Donald Trump's victory and many Americans have never reciprocated his Forthcoming as possible but also realistic,
The transcripts of US filmmaker's Oliver
other transgressions. country's measures towards concord and Putin, in the last meeting, tells Stone that he
Stone wideranging and candid interview
But the increasingly demonized Putin has cooperation, supported adversaries in the has given his version but doesn't know "if
with Russian President Vladimir
his own views on how the US didn't play fair Putin between 2015 and 2017 for his Caucasus as they supported "all the political anyone is going to be interested in that".
after the Cold War ended, what its unilateral acclaimed documentary. forces including opposition forces", sought Overall, he comes across as someone, who
global interventions led to, what actually to hem in his country with military and anti wields enormous power and influence but
happened in Ukraine and the reasons why the story on these issues and other global missile installations geared to meet the responsibly, guards and weighs his words,
his country is accused of "fixing" the 2016 happenings, and his view of his achieve "Iranian threat" and also interfered in the which are never shrill, rhetorical or bombas
US presidential elections. ments and challenges? That is what 20102 Russian elections by channeling tic, and can be effective without being flam
How can we decide between the two com American filmmaker Oliver Stone, who never money to opposition candidates. Putin also boyant or loud. That are qualities that would
peting narratives? Why not allow the shies away from controversial subjects gives a balanced view of recent Russian his be prized in any political leader, and Russia's
Russian President to present his own side of (Vietnam, JFK's assassination) and contrari tory, including the Stalin era drawing par condition and influence are proof enough.

l By Saket Suman

Unlike Rushdie:
anuary 20, 2009. Barack
Obama is sworn in as the 44th
President of the United States
and on the very same day an enig Simple plot but
matic billionaire from Bombay
and his three sons settle in New
Yorks Greenwich Village in New
relevant in a world of
York. An aspiring filmmaker who
lives in the neighborhood finds alternative facts
the perfect subject in the immi Donald Trump. Marvel comics too.
grant family. This rather simple He was dangling his wickedness An uncannily prescient novel
plot forms the background of under our noses, reveling in it, that shows one of the worlds
Salman Rushdies The Golden challenging us to see it, contemptu greatest storytellers at the height
House, his 13th novel to date. ous of our powers of comprehen of his powers, The Golden House
Most of the novel revolves The sion, convinced of his ability easily is about seduction and treachery,
around Nero Golden and his three Golden House to defeat anyone who rose against lies and loss, and everything that
sons Petronius, or Petya, Lucius by Salman him, Rushdie writes. we crave for in contemporary fic
Apuleius, or Apu, and Dionysius, or told. Rushdie; personality. He invokes Rushdies astute political refer tion. Despite its slow and overdone
D. Petya. Petronius, 40, is an agora He leaned for Random House, analogies from pop cul ences and observations set the rest pages, the novel attempts to imag
phobic and an alcoholic, and Apu, ward when stand 380 pp, $28.99 ture and classical litera of the novel on a new course. And ine a great deal about identity,
41, is a desperate artist. They were ing or walking as if ture and lists so many peo his thoughts about the real truth and terror, particularly rele
born a little less than a year apart struggling constantly ple and places and events and President are evident in the way he vant in todays world order of alter
and share the same mother and the against a strong wind only he movies American, European, portrays the joker with colored native facts.
same zodiac sign. The youngest, could feel, bent a little at the waist, Indian to the point where it hair, who would become The novel differs a great deal
Dionysius, is just 22 and has little but not too much. This was a pow becomes a nightmare for the read President. Sometimes, watching from most of Rushdies previous
memory of his own mother. The erful man; no, more than that a er to keep track of. him, I thought of Dr. Frankensteins works in that even the casual read
father, Nero Golden, in his late 70s, man deeply in love with the idea of Obamas term as President ends monster, a simulacrum of the er will be able to access its depths
now brings into their home a new himself as powerful, Rene notes in quite early in the novel and creates human that entirely failed to and read between the lines. Unlike
wife, Vasilisa, a Russian expatriate. one of his early observations of anticipation of what next among express any true humanity. the many pages from most of
Their neighbor, Rene, an aspiring Nero Golden. readers. The election for the 45th Rushdie has ample of references to Rushdies previous novels that usu
filmmaker, loves nature; he adores But while Rushdie, as in his previ President dominates everybodys keep the interest of readers in ally escape the readers, The
the gardens and sees beauty in all ous works, displays immense skills minds in the next few pages and India alive. He invokes 26/11, Golden House will connect seam
things. This man of simplicity is of observation, he perhaps takes it then enters this presidential candi traces the hyperloop from slavery lessly with you. If you have not
drawn to the Goldens and in them a little too far in matching these date whose actions, words and fol to corruption, the 1993 Mumbai read any of Rushdies titles, this is
sees a story that deserves to be with the filmmaking traits of his lowers bear similarity to those of blasts, the beef ban and, yes, a good novel to begin with.
28 September 23-29, 2017 Bollywood

Bollywood film soon on REVIEW

Indian surgical strike

the fabric of our border politics forever and
that became a watershed moment in our
political history. But most importantly, Uri
is the incredible story of Indians coming to-
gether, Screwvala said. He said the movie
was a great mix of being a story that must
be told and a story they want to tell.
Terrorists from Pakistan attacked a
military base in Uri in Jammu and Kashmir
on September 18, 2016, leaving 19 Indian
soldiers dead. Eleven days later, the Indi-
an Army retaliated with a surgical strike,
heightening India-Pakistan tensions.
The project will have an ensemble cast
and is being directed by Aditya Dhar.
Dhar said: This is the story of what

happened in those 11 days... Its an honor
and very reassuring to be backed by Ronnie
Screwvala and to execute on this vision and
what we believe is an engaging and thrill-
ing story inspired by this true life incident.

Actor Vicky Kaushal will undergo

Uri will go on floor in early 2018
and will release in September 2018, two
A feisty Kangana Ranaut canvas
para-military training for the film.
years after the surgical strike. Vicky plays

T he story of Indias surgical strike on ter-

rorist hubs in Pakistan is being made
the lead commander in chief who led this
operation and led the paratroopers post
Kangana essays the title role with her characteristic panache.

into a Bollywood film produced by Ronnie

Screwvala. Actor Vicky Kaushal plays the
the Uri attack, read a statement issued on
behalf of the actor. Humbled by this op- Simran is a film about an unconven-
tional, 30-plus Guajarati divorcee Praful
Patel who lives with her parents in Atlanta,
far-fetched and amateurish to digest.
Director Hansal Mehta has taken oodles
of cinematic liberty to create situations and
lead role in the movie titled Uri. portunity... Super excited, Vicky tweeted.
Today we are a confident, aggressive Vicky will undergo some para-military works in the housekeeping department of trying to pass them as existent. Prafuls char-
and new age India - standing up for itself training for a month to bulk up some kilos a plush hotel and lives life on her terms. acter, however, is a well-etched one. He man-
in every way and on the world stage. With before starting the shoot. The Masaan ac- Keen on buying her own property in the ages to make the lives of the Indian diaspora
this one single military action, we changed tor said the role could be his toughest. minority quota as it is affordable, Praful saves - their values, struggles, fears look real.
every dollar painstakingly, but one day in The film is racy and although the sec-
Las Vegas where she goes for her cousin Am- ond half seems a tad long, it never really
bars (Aneesha Joshi) bachelorette, she blows lets you stifle a yawn. Laced with abun-

Major blaze at R.K. Studios it all up in a casino. She is in heavy debt, ow-
ing $50,000 to a money-lender who means
dance of humor, some straight- faced and
witty dialogues, Kangana essays Praful Pa-

guts reality show set business. One thing leads to another and
soon, she is sucked into the world of crime.
Overnight, the independent Gujju girl
tel with her characteristic panache.
The film is Kanganas canvas all the
way and she makes it come alive with her

A major fire broke out in the iconic R.K.

Films and Studios at Chembur in Mum-
bai, BrihanMumbai Municipal Corporation
dance reality TV show Super Dancer Sea-
son 2, but the shooting was not underway.
The conflagration was confined to
with chutzpah, becomes a bank robber with
convivial ease. While Kangana Ranaut as
joie de vivre and histrionics, which seem
natural coming from her. And that is what
Praful Patel, slips into this avatar effort- makes you overlook the flaws and keep
(BMC) Disaster Control officials said. electrical wiring and installations on a lessly, the writing belies credibility. It seems you riveted to the screen.
At least 11 fire tenders and ambulances 800-square feet ground floor area of the
rushed to the sprawling studio in north- 70-year old studio. A source from the set
east Mumbai and brought the conflagra- of the Sony Entertainment Television chan-
tion under control after over an hour.
Rishi Kapoor, son of the studios found-
nel show said: No one was present on the
set while the studio caught fire. There is Priyanka dazzles in white
at Emmy Awards 2017
er, the legendary Raj Kapoor, tweeted: Sad. no casualty or injuries whatsoever. Cost of
A major fire broke out at R.K. Studios. We damage is not ascertained yet.
have lost the iconic Stage 1. Thankfully no R.K. Studio, the headquarters of the

casualties, nor injuries. All your concerns film production company R.K. Films, was ollywood actress Priyanka Chopra
appreciated. The blaze has gutted one founded and named after the Great Show- stepped out in a figure hugging white
of the main shooting venues -- the set of man, Raj Kapoor, in 1948. custom-made Balmain mermaid creation at
the 69th Primetime Emmy Awards.
R.K. Studio was founded and named after She took the stage alongside Anthony
the Great Showman, Raj Kapoor, in 1948. Anderson to present the Award for Out-
standing Variety Talk Series to John Oliver
for Last Week Tonight with John Oliver at
the Microsoft Theater on September 17.
At the red carpet, Priyanka made heads
turn with her full-sleeves ensemble, which
was adorned with crystals and had a feather
skirt train. With her hair neatly tied in a po-
nytail, her lips done up in deep berry red and
dramatic eye make-up, the Quantico star
exuded a fierce and powerful demeanor at
the red carpet of the gala.
In terms of accessories, she chose to go
minimalistic with only a pair of earrings
which added elegance to her look. Last year,
Priyanka had made her debut at the Emmy
Awards and left a lasting impression with a Priyanka made heads turn with her
confident twirl in a red single shoulder gown. full-sleeves ensemble.
Bollywood September 23-29, 2017 29

Songs today are just a one-day If a woman can make a baby,

cricket match: Bappi Lahiri she can surely make a film
A Lahiri has been in the music
industry for over five decades.
lot has changed for women in Bolly-
wood, but Tisca Chopra feels there are
still miles to go. The actress says women
need to take things in their hands and start
writing, producing and directing to script
a positive change in the industry.
Things are changing, but much more
needs to change. Not enough change has
happened and the pace of the change has to
be faster, and for that women need to start
writing, producing and directing, Tisca said.
A female perspective is a females per-
spective. If a woman can make a baby, she
can surely make a film, she added.
The actress is doing her bit. I have made
a short film Chutney. My next short film is
ready and we are working on the third one.
The working title of the third one is Delhi
Wale Bhatia. We are very excited to bring
that to people, the actress said.
Chutney was the first film of her pro-
duction banner The Eastern Way.

V eteran Indian composer-singer Bappi

Lahiri says people cant remember
of songs like Yaar bina chain kahan re,
Sochna kya jo bhi hoga dekha jayega and
Tisca entered Bollywood with Platform
in 1993, and has made a name for herself
Tisca entered Bollywood with the
lyrics of songs today. He has compared said such lyrics are not written anymore.
with power-packed performances in proj-
film Platform in 1993.
them to a one-day cricket match. Lahiri has The film may be a super hit, but the
ects like Taare Zameen Par, Firaaq, Qis- till September 17. After working in the In-
been in the music industry for over five de- songs do not sustain. Songs today are just
sa: The Tale of a Lonely Ghost, TV show dian film industry for long, Tisca hopes more
cades and his given several hits like Yaad aa a one-day cricket match... The songs from
24 and Ghayal Once Again. importance is given to stronger content oth-
raha hai, Yaar bina chain kahan re, Tam- the golden era... that is the test match. Be
Her film The Hungry premiered at the er than just repeating brainless stuff.
ma tamma loge and I am a disco dancer. it Bappi Lahiri, Kalyanji-Anandji, R.D. Bur-
Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) The change that I would like see (in Bolly-
Asked if he is happy with the lyrics and man or Laxmikant-Pyarelals songs... Peo-
2017. As part of The Selection series, some wood) very much is a stronger focus on con-
songs of today, Lahiri said: The lyrics which ple still hum those songs, he added.
of the popular films screened previously at tent rather than just keep on making brain-
we had before we dont have that anymore... On the work front, Lahiri has dubbed for
TIFF will be aired on Star Movies Select HD less stuff which is repeated again and again.
Can you remember any wordings of a song? singer Elton Johns part in the Hindi ver-
We are not going on wordings nowadays. sion of the Hollywood film The Kingsman:
The 64-year-old musician cited examples The Golden Circle.

Age has
I have not faced not
the casting couch: affected
Kriti Sanon anything:
B ollywood actress Kriti
Sanon says that though Akshay
she doesnt have a Godfather
in the film industry, she never
faced casting couch. The Dil-
wale actress was present at
the India Today Mind Rocks
Youth Summit. She shared her
experience of being an out-
sider in Bollywood and spoke
In 26 years of his bumpy ride as an actor, Akshay has come a long way.
about the casting couch and
body shaming at a length.
I am an engineer, so it
was a huge shift for me. I
H e is 50 but Akshay Kumar continues
to defy age with his looks, physique,
stunts and spirit. While he says his passion
26, Holiday, Airlift, Rustom, Jolly LLB
2 and the latest Toilet: Ek Prem Katha
have only added to his list of fans.
was a little lost...It seemed gets him going, industry experts say the In 26 years of his bumpy ride as an ac-
like a dream which was too fact he keeps reinventing himself with right tor, Akshay has come a long way. But he
big. I think that such things stories has helped his success story. says he still has the enthusiasm of a young-
(casting couch) do exist, but The National Award-winning actor, ster whenever he takes up a new project.
not only in Bollywood. But in who will soon be seen judging Star Plus Honestly, in my head, I made my debut
other places too. But fortu- comedy show The Great Indian Laughter two weeks ago. You play the song and I
nately, I have not faced the Challenge, started his career in 1991 with will start dancing on Waada raha sanam
casting couch. I was signed Saugandh. But it was Khiladi in 1992 (song from Khiladi). I have never lost in-
by an agency and thankfully which eventually gave him the epithet as terest and passion. When I say it, I mean
nothing of this sort hap- Bollywoods Khiladi. After establishing it that age is just a number, because it has
pened to me. Debuting op- himself as a master of action roles, he not affected anything. In my mind space,
posite Tiger Shroff with the moved into romantic and comedy zomes I am still the same guy, said Akshay, who
film Heropanti, the actress with films like Hera Pheri, Dhadkan, grew up in Delhis Chandni Chowk area
dealt with criticism quite Ek Rishtaa: The Bond of Love, Welcome, and is proficient in martial arts. Akshay
gracefully whether it is on Singh Is Kinng and Housefull. has films like Padman, 2.0 and Gold
Kriti debuted in Bollywood with Heropanti. body shamming or acting. His movies OMG: Oh My God, Special in his kitty -- each different from the other.
30 September 23-29, 2017 FEATURES

Documentary Stopping Traffic spotlights

Tirthankar Mahavirs humanitarian work
irthankar Mahavir's teachings came vivors, activists, and frontline rescue
at a time when the world was full of teams to launch a movement to end
extreme violence: human and modernday slavery in the U.S. and
animal sacrifices, torture, war, and abroad.
negativities were the norm, including Stopping Traffic is the first gateway
sexual slavery. For the first time in for humanitarian work by Jains since
history, Tirthankar Mahavir began to Tirthankar Mahavir on this subject.
teach and spread the message of non For the first time in movie theaters,
violence, which helped India become the American public will be intro
known as a nonviolent country. duced to the name of Tirthankar
One aspect of Tirthankar Mahavir's Mahavir, the teachings of nonvio
life and teachings that have seem to be lence, hear the Namokar mantra,
forgotten is that he saved over 30,000 and be exposed to Jain monks and
sexslaves. Thousands of ladies were nuns on a national scale.
bought and sold for sex and were slaves Stopping Traf fic will play in 11
to the kings and kingsmen. Tirthankar major cit ies at AMC T heaters
Mahavir, as a revolutionary and enlight across the US. T he New York
ened one, with the help of Chandana, Times, Los Ange les Times,
saved thousands of sexslaves and initiat Washington Post, Dallas Morning
ed them to be on the spiritual path as News, and other major media
sadhvis (nuns). According to today's pop outlets will soon provide film
ulation, it would be like saving 30 million critic views.
people. Tirthankar Mahavir was the first Sadhvi Siddhali Shree will also
antitrafficking activist. appear on national tin the upcoming
PING TRAFFIC: The Movement
Unfortunately, his followers today do but week to promote the film and the mes
to End SexTrafficking. The documentary
not know this. His followers today, popu sadly got lost and forgot sage that throug h the teachings of
which is executive produced by Acharya
larly known as the Jains, mainly practice ten. One of the issues was human traf Tirthankar Mahavir and nonviolence
Shree and produced by Siddhayatan
religion, tradition and rituals merely ficking, also known as modernday slav together we can end human trafficking.
Tirth has garnered international and
following, but not doing much humani ery. On September 26th, the documentary
national attention and accolades includ
tarian work as Tirthankar Mahavir exem Sadhvi Siddhali Shree, the first North will premiere with a celebrity red carpet
ing "Best Picture" and "Best Educational
plified. In a deep meditat ion, H.H. American Jain Sadhvi to take Diskha in event in Hollywood and will open in the
Acharya Shree Yogeesh discovered the 2008, with the blessing of Acharya Shree aters on September 29th for one week.
With 27 million victims worldwide,
dif ferent humanitarian works that and the support of his other disciples, For more visit: http://stoppingtraffic
Stopping Traf fic starts the conversation
Tirthankar Mahavir started and inspired, directed the awardwinning documentary
on a taboo topic through the eyes of sur

Cost of cancer drug development

truth or propaganda?
common denominator in justify prest ig ious journal JAMA previously . cious.
ing the exuberant pricing for such revealed something very interest These ten drugs yielded rev To a patient suffering from can
molecules for commercial use. ing. enue worth upwards of $65 bil cer, the cost of treatment should
Cancer treatment costs upwards The average cost of cancer drug lion total, making the industry be the least of the worries, in an
of $100,000 in some cases and development classically has been richer by manifold. A commonly ideal world, but the business of
its one of the daily battles oncol posted upwards of $2.5 billion cited defense by the big pharma health care assumes it otherwise
ogists across the world in coun per drug until as early as 2017. for the exuberant prices despite a and ends up blurring the margins
tries with organized private mar But the researchers upon review thriving and growing industry of bioethics in cancer care. Its
ket insurance system have to ing data submitted to the with strong lobbying ef forts in g reat that FDA is expedit ing
fight to get the right therapy Securit ies and Exchange Washington D C is that many drugs at an extremely rapid pace
drugs to their patients. Commission by major drug mak drugs that are submitted to the and allowing for more treatment
In the never ending search for a ers found that it was in contrast Food and Drug Administration options for previously incurable
system based fix, commonly the to the contrary be lie f and (FDA) are commonly rejected. cancers, but access to such care
l By Akshat Jain lawmakers point their fingers to assumed costs by many. 10 of the Clearly implying that the cost of remains limited due to the corpo
the big pharma, the big pharma most expensive cancer drugs in the failed drugs that were deemed rate greed that decides cost of

he drug developers, pre points them to the insurance use since the past 10 years too dangerous or inef ficacious therapy, sadly!
dominantly based in the companies, who in turn shift the clocked up to the cost figure of an for patient use should be borne Source JAMA
United States often cite the blame to the physicians. But very average $757 Million per drug by consumers for the drugs that (The author is a
cost of drug development as a recently a study published in not 2.5 billion as was reported were indeed found to be ef fica cancer specialist) SCI-TECH September 23-29, 2017 31

Google app Tez will make

payments as simple as cash
New Delhi: Internet giant Google Sengupta. Tez will be available in in way we could not have imag
has forayed into the payment seven Indian languages including ined before.
space in India with the launch of Bengali and Marathi. Google has "Over 650 million are expected
a payment solution, called 'Tez' partnered with four banks Axis to use Internet by 2020 and
(fast). Bank, HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank and Google's mission is to provide
On Monday, Google released State Bank of India (SBI). It went Internet for everyone," said
the app on the Android as well as live Monday with three banks Anandan.
the Apple App store. while the SBI to join soon. Digital payments have got a
The app allows users to do Google has launched a feature huge push post the government's
financial transactions like send called Cash Mode where one can demonetization exercise in
ing money, receiving payments pay without sharing bank details November last year and accord
directly into their bank accounts or phone number. ing to government estimates dig
and paying bills. The users can The technology called audio QR ital economy has the potential to
link the app to their bank Code works like Near Field go up to $1 trillion in the next
accounts and the platform is Communication and uses ultra few years.
built on the government's Unified sound waved to connect two Over the last one year, the pay
Payment Interface (UPI). phones through the phone's ment space in India has become
"Using NPCI's Unified Payment microphone and speaker. Google very exciting with several large
Interface, money transfers are says its completely secure and players foraying into it. This
simple and secure with Tez," uses UPI's bank to bank transfer includes the likes of Amazon,
Union Minister for Finance and Corporate Affairs, Arun Jaitley
Google says in its app descrip launching the Google Digital Payment app TEZ at a function platform. Flipkart and Uber which recently
tion. Finance Minister Arun in New Delhi on September 18. (Photo: PIB) Rajan Anandan, vice president, launched UPI payments through
Jaitley launched the app in the South East Asia and India, Google its app. Apple is also said to be
National Capital on Monday. Tez is Google's made for India leapfrog the West. "Tez has been said 300 million people access working on a payments solution
Caesar Sengupta, VP, Next payment product and payments made for India and will make internet on smartphones today for India.
Billion Users, Google, said that will be an area where India will payments as simple as cash," said and India is embracing internet IANS

Robots will outsmart humans by INDIA AT FOREFRONT OF MASSIVE

2029, 11 years earlier than expected
l By Hardev Sanotra
l By Hardev Sanotra between professional life and personal
Chicago: The 'singularity' event that scien
life, Weisler said, adding that Gen Z
tists talk about in artificial intelligence (AI)
Chicago: India is at the forefront of mas believe in mobility and flexibility in work
when robots would outsmart human
sive digital change that is happening in and millions of them are working not in
beings in reasoning has just been moved
the world which will bring in disruption full time work but in service on demand.
up, according to a top scientist at HP Inc.
in the way businesses do their work, He said they think that it was impera
The progress in AI and machine learning
according to Dion Weisler, President and tive businesses look at sustainable
has been so rapid that scientists have upped
CEO of HP Inc. growth rather than just growth, and give
the estimate for the 'singularity' to happen in
Giving the inaugural address at the enhanced attention to environment con
2029 from 2040, shaving off 11 years of
main session of HP Reinvent partner cerns. Weisler spoke of "accelerated
forum here, Weisler said Sept 13 that 8.6 innovation" bringing about an exponen
development time, says Shane Wall, Chief products and in the future this will bring
billion people would inhabit the earth in tial change in the office. "In 10 years, the
Technology Officer at HP, who also heads the about a disruptive change," Wall said.
just 12 years, and 95 per cent of the new smart phone in your pocket will not be
HP Labs which is at the center of innovation Much of the manufacturing at present is
consumers would come from emerging ten times but a million times more pow
within the company. Wall, who was speaking done by transporting the raw materials,
markets. Of this, India and China were in erful than today. Already, the phone is a
at the HP Reinvent Partner Forum here, said parts and designing to various places in the
the lead. Weisler said he visits India at million times more powerful than the
there may be some who watch with fear for world. "When machines are able to print or
least once a year, and last month when computer which put man on the Moon in
that event to happen but taken adequate pre manufacture whole systems, this transporta
he was there he saw it was "undergoing the Apollo program." He said everything
cautions, this change would bring in much tion would be limited. Machines are today
massive change" led by the Digital India in the world was run by data and artifi
good for everyone be it in manufacturing, making their own parts and in tomorrow's
pushed by Prime Minister Narendra cial intelligence (AI) would unlock and
health, innovation or elsewhere. He said AI world, this would become much more
Modi. "He is reinventing an entire nation change how business is done. The rise of
handles huge amount of data and can dis refined," the HP executive noted. The poten
by bringing in digital transformation for AI would need massive amounts of data
cern patterns to take decisions. "Machine tial for AI was so great that it would have a
1.2 billion people" from banking to and soon it would handle 44 Zeta bytes
learning uses AI and big data to learn and it profound impact on all sections of the socie
health to industries. of data equivalent to 352 million years
can find things that no humans can see," ty. Wall gave the example of DNA editing
The HP CEO said rapid urbanization of streaming HD video. Weisler spoke on
Wall noted. being done through AI which will bring
was one of the disruptive changes hap stage to Hollywood actor Christian Slater
According to him, already there are mas about revolutionary changes in tackling dis
pening around the world shifting from who acted in one of their promotion
sive data farms which are crunching big eases. "Technology can be used for all sorts
just goods to service on demand, chang films that talked of how hackers or
numbers and there are research labs and of things good and bad," he said, "but one
ing "what we buy and how we buy it". "wolves were lurking in every corner", to
companies where machines are taught how had to focus on security and how to develop
Businesses would have to meet this chal disrupt businesses. In this context he
to use data to managing things around us. a new model of safety." The blockchain tech
lenge of the growing change in the mar recalled the Equifax virus attack which
Wall, who joined HP over a decade ago, nology, used in cyber money like bitcoins,
ket place. compromised data of millions of people
drives the company's technology vision and was bringing changes which would have an
He talked of Gen Z, the modern youth, in the United States. He said a large pro
its strategy and helms the innovation com impact on the political scenarios of coun
who will comprise 2.6 billion in numbers portion of the attacks were against small
munity within. According to him, machines tries. "This money is not being controlled by
and they not only believe in doing busi businesses and it was HP's effort to help
have become smart enough to predict fail any person or government. Blockchain tech
ness, but 77 per cent of them believe avert such malware strikes.
ures within a system and 3D manufacturing nology basically ensures the ownership of
that "doing good should be a central part Hardev Sanotra is Managing Editor at
is a massive revolution in the making. money in the cyberworld which cannot be
of life." There is no longer differentiation IANS.
"Already, 3D printing is handling intricate changed or attacked," the HP CTO stressed.
32 September 23-29, 2017 HUMOR

Funny Side by Nury Vittachi

Inspiration for a new

superhero or maybe not
f humanity teeters on the edge cannot hurt them. Tell them they characteristics that superheroes
of annihilation, take comfort have a stupid haircut or you don't don't share. Superfolk also don't
that some people are staying like their cooking and they go on go to toilets, get anxietyinduced
focused on the really important smiling. Cool. bloating, or faint at the sight of a
questions of life, such as: What Second, naked mole rats are blackhead being popped (readers,
Superhero Would You Be? creepily ageproof, like Cher or don't pretend I'm the only one),
A discussion of that exact ques Jennifer Lopez. After a year or so, etc.
tion in this column caused a mas the average mouse is using a Fourth, naked mole rats can
sive flood of emails, which includ Zimmer frame and dropping its alter their metabolisms in emer
ed a link to astonishing recent dentures into its soup. But naked gencies, surviving for up to 18
findings about the naked mole rat, mole rats live for decades, equiva minutes without oxygen by "effec
a phrase I am not using as a lent to a human living for 20 or t ive ly becoming plants",
metaphor for a certain type of 30 generations. These critters are researchers say. Not sure that's all
politician, although I do under the immortals of the rodent world that amazing, as every Friday
stand how suitable it is for that and must be mightily annoying at night at the bar I find myself sur
(Image courtesy:
purpose. No, I am referring to an woodland dinner parties: "Seems rounded by humans who are
actual rodent of that name with like yesterday I was chatting with ef fectively becoming vegetables, evil supervillains may have used w ith my middleaged male
real "aweinspiring superpowers", your great great great great great aided by the consumption of cer your powers to destroy the city, friends.
according to reader Janvi Shah. great great great..." (All guests tain popular ambercolored bever but I have a longer life expectan A colleague raised another
This columnist was not totally exit.) ages. cy, so there." Lacks drama. issue: "People might refuse to go
convinced about its suitability to Third, naked mole rats have So all in all, naked mole rat abil But the one thing that ultimate to the eventual superhero movie,
give its attributes to a superhero, special cells that eat cancer cells, ities get a mixed review as the ly disqualifies it as part of a because you can read the name as
but you decide. so save a fortune on health insur basis for superpowers. T he superhero origin story is that it (Naked Mole Rat) (Man) or as
First, naked mole rats don't feel ance. However, getting dread dis longevity thing is nice but honest looks horrible. Sorry, Janvi. naked (Mole Rat Man)," she said.
most types of pain and so you eases is one of long list of human ly not much use for a person in Pictures show creatures with pale, I decided it was time to avoid
t ig hts and a flabby, unhealthylooking bodies, that unpleasant thought by "effec
cape who fights horrible skin and bad teeth, tively becoming a vegetable".
bad guys: "You reminding me of beach days spent Cheers!

Laughter is the Best Medicine


New York Head Quarter

422S Broadway
NY 11801
By Mahendra Shah
Mahendra Shah is an architect by education, entrepreneur by profession,
artist and humorist, cartoonist and writer by hobby. He has been recording the
plight of the immigrant Indians for the past many years in his cartoons.
Hailing from Gujarat, he lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. ASTROLOGY September 23-29, 2017 33

Chandigarh, India: +91-172- 256 2832, 257 2874

By Dr Prem Kumar Sharma Delhi, India: +91-11- 2644 9898, 2648 9899;

ARIES: At work you will be a part of some LIBRA: Your technical expertise gives a September 23, 2017 gettogethers and traveling. Unexpected
thing big, bringing appreciation & decisive edge over competitors at work. Ruled by number 5 and the planet help from a distant relative will give a major
rewards. A promising week to plan things Your continuous nagging could make Mercury, you are active, intelligent, sensible, boost to your career. Your spouse will be
for your progeny. Make sure you do not over child a victim of shyness. Your brilliant ideas systematic and highly courageous. You are a quite cooperative and shower her full love
spend on household luxuries. You are likely to would help in bringing nancial gains. Love life great admirer of music and literature, but and affection upon you despite your erratic
enjoy a pleasure trip that will rejuvenate your brings some memorable moments that you you need to curb your tendency to behave behavior towards her. An infatuation within
passions. A continuous positive thinking gets could cherish rest of your life. A pleasure trip moody, spendthrift and careless at times. the group will keep you in high spirits for
rewarded as you succeed in whatever you do gives the muchneeded tonic to health. Planning This year success in whatever you do will some time but it will not be long lasting. The
this week. If you are planning a vacation, be sure a vacation, keep an eye on your expenditure keep you happy. Past investments will fetch months of August, December, March and
to consider your family and friends. Investment before you travel. Selling your home privately you handsome returns and long pending April will prove to be highly significant.
on construction business might give fruitful can be an excellent way of saving on costs. You judicial disputes will settle in your favour.
results. Unique but original ideas bring success succeed in sorting out past dif ferences with The latter half of the year will see you get September 27, 2017
in work. close associates. ting closer to a spiritual person who will Ruled by number 9 and the planet Mars.
TAURUS: You are likely to establish your SCORPIO: Remain selfcondent & deter make a remarkable dif ference on your You are intelligent, dashing, courageous,
self a good manager on managing people mined. This is the secret mantra of suc thinking and personality. Unexpected gains enthusiastic and a brilliant individual. In any
and situation without any problem. ceeding at work. You nd relief, comfort in cash and kind from near ones and friends crowd, you can easily draw attent ion
Engaging yourself in praiseworthy things would and affection in the company of family members. through out the year. Stress and tension because of your humble outlook and intel
add to familys reputation. Long pending arrears A promising week to earn prots in real estate might lead to some minor health problems. lectual talks, but you need to check your ten
and dues will nally be recovered. Romantic and nancial transactions. Your ashing smile The months of August, November, March dencies towards aggressiveness and short
entanglement would add spice to your happi would work as the best antidote for romantic and June will prove to be significant. temper at times.
ness. Creative hobbies are likely to keep you partners unhappiness. Cutting down the number The coming year sees new ideas and plans
relaxed. Traveling on your own, with a friend or of parties and pleasure jaunts would help in September 24, 2017 materialising. Perfect year that will improve
with the whole family will be exciting and com keeping in good mood. Thrilling experience is on Ruled by number 6 and the planet Venus, your earning power and let you establish
fortable too. Plan your budget rst, and then try your way, as your trip is full of excitement Off you are generous, practical, energetic, origi important relationships. Support from your
for a property. Court matters seem to go in your plan property investment is one of the easiest nal and a simple person. Your hardwork seniors and colleagues, will boost your
favour. and most protable methods to maximize gains and sincerity are appreciated by others but morale and generate new confidence.
GEMINI: You will be successful in realis in the real estate market. You get social recogni your tendency to behave extravagant and to Overseas assignments for some will be
ing your targets at professional front. tion for voluntary work put in the past. interfere in the af fairs of others attracts lucrative. Spouse will provide love and care,
You would be the center of attraction at a SAGITTARIUS: Selfcondence & disci enormous criticism at times. but behave highly possessive and unpre
social gathering that you attend especially with pline will be required to bring positive This year rewards and appreciation for dictable. A journey preferably to a distant
family. Investment concerning residence will be results in competitive examinations. scientist, lawyers, writers, and women pro location towards the yearend cannot be
protable. Chances of your love life turning into Time spent with relatives will be to your advan fessionals associated with advertising and ruled out. T he month of September,
lifelong bond are high on the card. With a posi tage. Crucial decisions regarding investment marketing seems certain. A better under November, January and May will prove to be
tive outlook & condence, you succeed in should be put off for another week. If possible standing with your family members will highly result oriented.
impressing people around you. Travel in com make sure you enjoy the lovely romantic jour ensure happiness, peace and prosperity at
fort with kids to an adventurous place might be ney to cement the bond. A benecial week to home. Financial gains will increase as the September 28, 2017
possible. Investing on a ship or a cruise is an work on things that will improve your health. year progresses making you spend more on Dominated by number 1 and the Sun. You
exciting venture to be made. You do a good to Pack your bags as a happy, funlled holiday is luxuries and other comforts. Heath matters are smart, intelligent, energetic, friendly and
yourself by maintaining distance from dubi looking forward. Your property prices will boost will cause concern, therefore do not ignore highly dignified person. You are a great
ous/bad characters. in the coming period. Many of your personal medical advice whenever necessary. The admirer of art and literature, but you need
CANCER: With your high condence expectations will be fullled in this week. months of July, December, January and May to control your tendency to behave stub
you will be able to cross all hurdles at CAPRICORN: Hard work of the past will prove to be highly beneficial. born, timid and careless at times.
professional front. You would prefer to brings rich dividends. However contin This year you will make good financial
relax and enjoy the company of family members ue enhancing your skills/adopt tech September 25, 2017 gains, provided you take advantage of the
in the evening. Financial hassles seem to get niques for further development. Family mem Dominated by number 7 and the planet opportunities being provided to you. Your
over as someone lends a timely helping hand. bers will be very positive & supportive to your Neptune, you are responsible, af fectionate, charisma and outgoing personality will
Exciting week as your long pending wait for plans. An improvement in monetary position creative, simple and a research oriented per bring you popularity and win you favours.
afrmation is going to materialize. Mental alert makes it convenient to purchase essential items. son. You possess many talents, which make Home front will be peaceful with family
ness would enable to solve a tricky problem. You Sharing candyoss and tof fees with you popular amongst your friends, but you members extending all possible help and
will have to go out of routine work to enjoy your lover/beloved would bring unlimited joy. Strive need to check your tendency to behave jeal cooperation. Spouse and children will look
vacation. The best ideas for investment are to on to attain selfcondence because it is as essen ous, introvert and hypocrite at times. after you well, but be highly demanding at
invest on real estate business. Timely action tial for good health as capital for business. An The year is perfect to undertake important times. Wedding bells for some in the last
enables saving reputation with from tarnishing. enriching vacation full of fun is what you need. changes and make strong decisions. Matters quarter of the year while others will find
LEO: Timely help of associates will not Buying property can lead to gains as property related to property, partnerships and new romance to keep them in the right spirit and
only pass difcult times at work but also prices continue to increase. You restrain your ventures will get resolved. Concentrate on goo d moo d. T he months of October,
help in regaining professional edge. This self from attracting towards materialistic needs. your efforts and growth and prosperity will February and June will prove to be impor
week you will move with new excitement & con AQUARIUS: Dedication & loyalty at follow by themselves. The latter half of the tant and eventful.
dence as you receive support from family and work would bring desired results. year will bring in opportunities to travel
friends. Promising week to invest surplus money Relatives will be willing to lend a help overseas for business as well as pleasure. September 29, 2017
in real estate. Enjoying the company of partner ing hand at the time of need. Longterm invest Selective speculation will bring gains. Some Governed by number 2 and the Moon. You
in a lively restaurant would bring immense ment would enable to make substantial gains. good news can be expected from children are imaginative, honest, sensitive, emotional
romantic pleasure. A cheerful state of mind Company of love partner would inspire to take towards the last quarter of the year. and a simple individual. You willingly help
brings mental peace. A trip that stimulates and initiatives in this week. Your condence and ener Renovation, construction and socializing those in distress with cash and kind, but
gives opportunity for work is coming ahead. Are gy will be high. Time to make your vacation a will be major highlight of this year. The your tendency to behave introvert and shy
you longing to buy a farmhouse, try for it? Wit dream come true. You could buy the property that months of September, November, January needs to be checked at times.
and repartee greatly helps in developing healthy you are looking for. Polite and nice behaviour and May will prove to be highly significant. This New Year you should complete pend
relations with others. catches others attention in a social gathering. ing jobs before starting anything new.
VIRGO: A promising week to start a new PISCES: New ventures start on a posi September 26, 2017 Promotions and transfers for some govt.
venture in partnership. All are likely to tive note. New relationship at family Influenced by number 8 and the planet employees cannot be ruled out. Distant trav
be beneted. Family front seems to go front will be long lasting & highly bene Saturn. You are ambitious, energetic, author el for business as well as pleasure seems
smoothly as you receive their full support to cial. Avoid investing money in speculations itative, systematic, and a sober person. You almost certain during middle of the year.
your plans. A sound nancial health would based on rumors. Make sure you celebrate your possess remarkable talent and conviction to Health of your parents will cause stress and
enable to invest on lucrative schemes. The pres new love by enjoying a pleasure trip with part fight against any adverse conditions with anxiety. Rise in medical expenses will defi
ence of love would make you feel life meaningful. ner to make a perfect start. A week when smile courage, but you need to check your tenden nitely bother your mind. Avoid any financial
Good time to divert attention to spirituality to will perpetually be on your face and strangers cy to behave highly stubborn and jealous at dealing/ partnerships with casual friends or
enhance mental toughness. A luxurious getaway will seem familiar. Af fordable luxury vacation times. relatives to avoid future complications.
type vacation with your spouse waiting for you. will explore your desires. Investing on proper Your coming year promises financial pros Dabbling in speculation and transaction in
If you want to invest on property, then go for res ties which are under developed will be prof perity and good health. Businessmen will property during this period will bring finan
idential one. The week promises success in doing itable. Using magnetic personality to your bene invest in more profitable ventures. cial gains. The months of August, October,
whatever you want to do at personal front. t would attract people towards you. Promising contacts will build through social March and April will prove to be eventful.
34 September 23-29, 2017 SPIRITUAL AWARENESS

Illumine your self with love

love with her Master, Jesus. She removed the disciples can enjoy ciple always wants to be in the that problem, take care of this
was enraptured by his glance and those lovely tresses. Those tresses moments of bliss that come from person or that person, time will
by his presence, and she melted symbolize the love and protection the presence of the Master. But pass us by. We will never get to
into ecstasy. The true purpose of of a Master. life is pulling the disciple and the moments of love that are the
his coming was to enjoy the heart Master apart from each other. most important pastimes in life.
toheart and soultosoul meeting. In this verse by Sant Darshan There is always one excuse after Love is the ingredient that makes
This story is not saying that the Singh Ji Maharaj, the lover wants another that keeps them apart. this life beautiful and worth living.
service that Martha was doing to be with the Beloved and have One day it may be that the disci It beautifies everything. It fills us
was not good, but it is talking those tresses flowing out freely ple has to watch the World Cup with the nectar of bliss to propel
about how worried and upset she for the lover to enjoy. The lover competition of a favorite team. us through the trials of life. Once
was. She was not lost in love, but wants to look at them and be Another day it may be that we we realize that time and problems
By Sant Rajinder
caught up in the trials and trou intoxicated by them. This symbol have to shop for this thing or that are keeping us away from those
Singh Ji Maharaj bles of life. blissful moments between Master
and disciple without, and the dis
Yes, service is there, but Martha ciple meeting the radiant form of
was only focused on the tasks at the Master within, then we will

f we were to sum up the mes
sage in all the talks and verses hand and criticizing what others attain the goal of love.
written by the great poetsaint, were doing, without being lost in
Sant Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj, we the love that we need to be lost in It is true that we have some
would find one theme permeates while doing service and while responsibilities in life to earn our
them all. That theme is divine looking to find God. That is why livelihood, take care of our family,
love. Jesus told Martha that Mary had and perform our duties to our
made the better choice and that society. But within positive mysti
Just as the atom permeates all her choice to love was not going cism and performing our duties,
matter, so does divine love perme to be taken away from her. It is we also need to snatch away as
ate all life. The purpose of all exis talking about Martha who, while much time as possible to devote to
tence is divine love. Divine love doing service, was not engaged in spiritual love. We need to realize
means the love between the soul love, but instead was distracted, that divine love is the highest pas
and God. This love moved God to troubled, upset, and critical of oth time of all. We need to make time
create all creation, including each ers. That is not how seva with love for that every day. Masters have
of us, and this love is what draws and selflessness is to be per given us the minimum time by
each back to the Creator. formed. which we can successfully connect
with love, and that is ten percent
If we are to commit our life to This story points to the fact that of our time, or two and a half
the highest purpose it would be to the highest of all pastimes in this hours a day minimum. That time
illumine ourselves with love. Who world is love. Love can be having can be spent in meditation where
should we love? We should love darshan and enjoying the physical we contact that love within us.
God. When we love God, we also presence of the Master and it can
love all Gods creation, including be performing seva, but only that Everyone seeks to love and be
all humanity and all creatures of
the earth.
seva which keeps love at the fore
Love is the fabric of life. loved. Love is a universal need.
From being newborn babies to

There is a beautiful story in the Love is the fabric of life. It is the It is the most important our last dying breath, we seek
love. Children want the love of
most important goal and occupa their parents, family, and friends.
Bible that tells how Jesus and his
disciples were traveling. They tion we can have, for it is the only goal and occupation we As adults we seek the love of our
came to a village where a woman way back to God. If we wish to partner, spouses, family, friends,
named Martha opened her home continue in separation from God, can have, for it is the only and children. Listen to most peo
to him. She had a sister named then let us only engage in the mil ple on their deathbed, and they
Mary, who sat at Jesuss feet lis
tening to what he said. But Martha
lions of tasks this world has to
offer that take us away from God.
way back to God. have only three words to say to
those around their bedside, and
was distracted by all the prepara
tions that had to be made for his
If we wish to go back to God, then
let us engage in the work of
If we wish to continue in that is "I love you," and those are
the last three words they want to
love.Sant Darshan Singh Ji hear from others.
Maharaj has beautifully said in a separation from God, then
Martha was annoyed that Mary verse: We feel our life is filled with
was only sitting at Jesuss feet I could have rested in the com let us only engage in the beauty, warmth, and happiness
basking in his love while Martha forting shade of your tresses, when adorned by love. When
had to do all the work. Martha But there is no time from the
neverending problems of life.
millions of tasks this world bereft of love, we feel life is empty
and not worth living.
went to Jesus and asked, "Lord,
dont you care that my sister has
left me to do the work by myself? Sant Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj
has to offer that take us There are different degrees of
Tell her to help me!" Jesus replied,
"Martha, Martha, you are worried
is emphasizing the sad truth that
we are so caught up in the never away from God love we can experience. Most
loves of this world, such as
and upset about many things, but ending problems of life that we between parent and child, lovers
only one thing is needed. Mary never rest in the comforting shade izes the ecstasy the disciple expe thing. Another day we are grow and beloveds, spouses, family, and
has chosen what is better, and this of the tresses of the Master. The riences when in the presence of ing our business. Another day we friends are reflections of a higher
will not be taken away from her." Masters have traditionally come the Master. The verse is saying are tied up with this petty prob love. They are love on a miniature
from a culture in which long hair that those moments are the most lem or another. There is no end to scale. They are physical reflec
This story has caused many to or tresses was the style. Whether comforting and blissful times we the reasons we are pulled away tions of a love that exists at the
wonder about its meaning. But their hair flows out upon their can have in this life. from the moments of love. level of spirit. These loves of this
those who understand the true shoulders with their silken, glim world are but reflections of the
meaning of this story realize that mering strands that capture the Unfortunately, the neverending Sant Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj love of God, or divine love.
the heart of the story is love. It is heart of their disciples or whether problems, stresses, and tasks of is saying that if we wait for some
describing that the highest of all their hair is tied up in a bun under life are pulling the disciple away time and we complete this task or (To be continued....)
in life is to love. Mary was lost in a turban, when the turban is from these blissful times. The dis that task, resolve this problem or (For more visit September 23-29, 2017 September 23-29, 2017

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