1 1D Meshing - 13

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1D Meshing and Connectors

1D Meshing and Connectors

1D Meshing
1D elements perform a critical function in Finite Element Analysis as they can be used to
connect nodes together, attach dissimilar meshes, distribute loads and in general provide a
quick and easy way to attach things together.
There are numerous types of 1D elements ranging from infinitely rigid simple connections to
complex cross sectioned elements that can be stressed.
This chapter will cover many of the most widely used 1D elements and also cover an
important tool in HyperMesh called connectors. Connectors can provide a quick and easy
way to create many 1D elements with little work.
1D Meshing


Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering, Inc.

1D Meshing and Connectors

Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering, Inc

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