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Introduction to JIRA

Student Workbook
Product Kickoff
Project Kickoff Exercise Summary
Tasks: 20 Minutes
Get an account
Create a JIRA project
Create a Confluence space
Work with your team to establish
a vision

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Set up your Project
1. Create a new project and select
Scrum software development

2. Chose a relevant name and key

(note, when you do this for real,
you cant edit this later!)

The key will form part of the URL for

your project and all work items. Eg:

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Set up your Confluence Space
1. Switch apps from JIRA to

2. Create a new space

3. Link this space to the JIRA

project you just created
- Space tools
- Integrations
- Application links
- System JIRA
- Select your project

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Create a Product Vision

1. Edit your home page

2. Remove the boiler-plate text
in the first box
3. Paste in the vision template
youll find in your workbook
4. Work with your team to
define a vision for your

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Product Vision Template
For <target audience>,
Crowdsourced Local News is a <type of product>
That <description of problem being solved>

This means that users get:

<Benefit 1>
<Benefit 2>
<Benefit 3>

And we, the company developing it, gets:

<Benefit 4>
<Benefit 5>
<Benefit 6>
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Collaborating to Define Requirements
Define Requirements Exercise Summary
Tasks: 30 Minutes
Work together to create a
product backlog, based on the
desired outcomes of your vision.
Create another Confluence page
with supporting technical

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Create a backlog
1. Look at the outcomes you
identified on your product vision
2. Work together to think of
features that would contribute to
delivering those outcomes

3. Create product backlog items

for each idea
4. Label them with the vision
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outcome(s) they support
Create a backlog

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Create some Supporting Documentation
What other decisions will you
need to make before you start
building the product?
Technical architecture?
Roles and responsibilities?
Design guidelines?

Create a confluence page with

whatever you think you will need
(as a minimum, decide how you
will host and build the product).
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Build the Product
Build the Product Exercise Summary
Tasks: 40 Minutes
Plan the Sprint, breaking down
items into subtasks (10 Minutes).
Build the product, using the sprint
backlog to co-ordinate activities.
(30 Minutes).

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Sprint Planning
1. Create a Sprint
2. Look at the product backlog and
What should take priority
How much you can build
within a 30-minute sprint

3. Go through each backlog item

and create sub-tasks

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Start the Sprint
1. Start the sprint, setting 2. Use the Sprint Backlog to co-ordinate
the start and end dates activities and assignments. See what you
for today, with a sprint can build in 30 minutes!
length of 30 minutes

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Managing the Product Backlog
Backlog Management Exercise: Setup
Tasks: 20 Minutes
Create a rolling backlog projection
Create a definition of Done and
Set up custom fields for both of
these and add them to your

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Rolling Backlog Projection
1. Create the next
three Sprints in
2. Look at the product
backlog decide if
you want to change
the order of delivery
3. Drag items into the
next three sprints
based on your initial
rate of work

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Create a Definition of Ready and Done
1. Create the following
pages in Confluence:
Definition of Ready
Definition of Done
(Create a Blank page)
2. Make a check-list in
each page, defining the
standards required to
reach each state.

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Add This to your Process
1. Go to your project, and 2. Go to Fields and then
then to project Edit fields

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Add This to your Process

3. Go to Custom Fields, then

Add custom field

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Add This to your Process
4. Select Checkboxes 5. Create options for each criteria,
specifying the required item

6. Associate the field to the default issue screen for your project

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If you need to make changes
1. Go to Custom Fields, and Configure the field (not Edit)

2. Make the required changes

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If you are working in a shared instance
You may wish to restrict this change just to your project
1. Go to Custom Fields, the 3. Set the context to Story, your
Configure the field specific project

2. Select Edit Configuration

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Check that the fields are available
1. Open a story in full view mode
2. Add the Definition of Ready field
(it wont be shown until at least
one box has been checked)

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View the Definition of Ready
Click on the field to
expand the view and
check items off (Note,
this is not visible when
viewed on the quick

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Managing the Product Backlog

Part 2
Backlog Management Exercise: Analysis
Tasks: 30 Minutes
Start with the item at the top of your
product backlog.
Estimate the size of the item in story
Identify any dependencies.
Define the acceptance criteria.
Check off these tasks on the
Definition of Ready.
Keep going down the product
backlog, doing all of the analysis that
is appropriate given its position.
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Product Backlog Refinement
Now that everything is
set up, we can conduct a
product backlog
refinement session to
add detail to items
where appropriate

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Estimating work
The Scrum template is
configured for producing
estimates in story

Story points are arbitrary

units not based on
duration (time), but on
the relative size, effort, It is common practice to use the
and complexity of each Fibonacci scale:
1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89
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Establish a baseline and create estimates
Look back at your
completed backlog items
from the first sprint.

Find a medium-sized
item such as the home
page, and call this a size
5 (you cant edit a
completed story, but just As a group, create estimates for future
make a note for work using the scale below, in
yourselves) comparison with your baseline story.
1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89
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Identify dependencies
Run through your 1. Navigate the
product backlog and backlog view,
identify any items that select an item
have to be done in a with a
certain order. dependency, and
select Link
For example, you cant
view a list of complaints 2. Define the
if you havent built the relationship
feature to submit a between the
complaint. items in question

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Add Acceptance Criteria
Identify the specific conditions that
need to be satisfied in order for
the feature to meet expectations.

Most teams chose to add these

directly into the description field.

If you like, you can create a custom

field (multi-line free text works

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Build the Product:
Establishing greater control
Sprint 2 Exercise Summary
Tasks: 30 Minutes
Plan the Sprint, breaking down
items into subtasks (10 Minutes).
Use Velocity to forecast the
achievable work within the sprint
Build the product, using the sprint
backlog to co-ordinate activities.
(10 Minutes).
Conduct a daily standup (10
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Sprint Planning 2
Estimate your current rate of Create subtasks and plan the
work (Velocity) based on your sprint as before.
performance in Sprint 1. Open the Definition of Done
Populate Sprint 2 with stories that page, and use this as a guide to
add up to roughly the same. create sub-tasks for each item.

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Create a dashboard for the team
1. Go to manage 2. Select add a new gadget and browse
dashboards and through the available data. Select a few
create a new gadgets that you think might be useful
dashboard with a during the daily standup.
blank layout

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Create a dashboard for the team

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Sprint 2
Build the product, using
the sprint backlog to co-
ordinate tasks.

Ensure you are accurate

with the status of stories
and subtasks

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Daily Standup
Take a break half way
through sprint 2 to
simulate a daily standup.

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Daily Standup: Are there any blockers?
Identify blockers,
impediments, or other
information to aid
situational awareness.

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Daily Standup: Unplanned Scope Creep
During the sprint, an urgent
legal requirement is
identified to include the

This website was developed

during a training course

on every page.

Add the work to the sprint

as a bug.
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Daily Standup: Are we on track?
Look at the sprint
backlog. Does it suggest
that you are on track?

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Daily Standup: Are we on track?
Look at the sprint burndown
chart. Does this support your

If you are not on track, decide

which features you should
remove from the sprint

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Daily Standup: Who is working on what?
Make a plan with the team to ensure that the most effective use of
people and skill is being utilised. Assign tasks so that everyone can
see whats going on.

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Review the Product and Plan
Exercise: Review the Product and the Plan
Objectives: 15 Minutes
Adjust the product backlog as you
see fit.
Create a release and work
together to determine the scope
(minimum viable product).
Make a forecast for delivery by
reviewing you velocity and burn-
up charts (version report).

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Sprint Review: Release Plan
Look back to your vision statement to
remind yourself of your product
hypothesis. Then identify the
minimum set of features required to
validate this hypothesis.
1. Go to Releases on the left-hand
tab, and create a release called
Minimum Viable Product
2. Go back to your product backlog
3. Expand the Versions tab
4. Drag items into this release that
you could not release without

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Sprint Review: How fast are we going?
The velocity chart will tell you
your current rate of work,
calculated in story points.

In our case, we have two sprints

data, but we only estimated the
work for sprint 2.

Our understanding of team

velocity will improve as we gather
more experience.
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Sprint Review: How far have we got to go?
The version report is a product
burn-up chart.

It looks at how much work you

have assigned to the release and
applies your rate of work
(velocity) to create a forecast
completion date.

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Review the Process
Exercise: Conduct a Sprint Retrospective
Tasks: 15 Minutes
Identify what went well and what
could be improved.
Ensure the team is comfortable with
the information being written down.
Conclude with some specific actions
to carry forward to the next sprint.

Question: The tool is suggesting a

retrospective format. Do you want to
do it this way?
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Sprint Retrospective
Consider how the last sprints have
Have people worked well and co-
ordinated activities?
Are there any skills gaps?
Did you chose the right technology?
Are your technical practices serving
you well?

Conduct a Sprint Retrospective

1. Go to Sprint Report
2. Go to Linked Pages and create a
retrospective in Confluence

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Sprint Retrospective
Use the template to have the discussion.

Consider how much information you want to publish, and who should be able to
access it.

Ensure that your team is able to have an open conversation about difficult topics.

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Alternative Work Streams
Bespoke Work streams
Weve decided to add a new mobile journalism team to write articles,
to ensure there is a baseline of content for people to view. Scrum does
not fit their style of work

Reviewing Socialising
News Story Shooting
Writing Geotagging and and
Research and Editing
Publishing Promoting

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Create a Kanban Workflow
1. Create a new project using 2. Edit the board settings
the Kanban workflow

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Create a Kanban Workflow
3. Edit the
columns to
match your
Keep the
backlog at the

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Create a Kanban Workflow
4. Add a status for each column, all 5. Add some news stories to
mapped to in progress. populate your board

Youll need to add yourself as an

administrator to the new project
to enable this.

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Try out your workflow
Write some news stories using the Kanban board to co-ordinate your

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Exercise: Set up a Mobile Journalism team
Tasks: 30 Minutes
Create a new Mobile Journalism
Set up a Kanban board to map
your process.
Use the board to manage your
work and write some articles.

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Applying Kanban
Five guiding principles for Kanban delivery

1. Make work visible

2. Limit the amount of work in progress

3. Help work flow

4. Use metrics to measure work

5. Continuous improvement
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1. Make Work Visible
Step one is already
done: ensure all work
is made visible so we
can see whats going

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2. Limit Work in Progress
Now that we can see
the bottlenecks, apply a
maximum limit to the
number of work items
permitted at each

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2. Limit Work in Progress
This pushes
work back out
of the system,
switching and
sustainable work

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2. Limit Work in Progress
This pushes
work back out
of the system,
switching and
sustainable work

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2. Limit Work in Progress
This pushes
work back out
of the system,
switching and
sustainable work

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2. Limit Work in Progress
This pushes
work back out
of the system,
switching and
sustainable work

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2. Limit Work in Progress
This pushes
work back out
of the system,
switching and
sustainable work

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3. Help Work Flow
When work 1. Add a buffer so 2. Define entry or exit criteria
gets blocked, that you are not for each column.
consider what starved of work.
changes you
might make to
your system.

For example

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Five guiding principles for Kanban delivery

Make work visible

Limit the amount of work in progress

Help work flow

4. Use metrics to measure work

5. Continuous improvement
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Exercise: Apply the first three principles
Tasks: 30 Minutes
1. Ensure that your board is an
accurate visualisation of your
2. Determine some work in progress
3. Help work to flow by establishing a
buffer and defining exit criteria (you
will need to create a new
Confluence space).

Run your system and see if the

improvements make a difference.

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Measuring and Improving the System
Exercise: Review your metrics
Tasks: 10 Minutes
Determine your current lead time
Review your Cumulative Flow
Does it provide any insights?

How might these data be useful in

the real world?

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Five guiding principles for Kanban delivery

Make work visible

Limit the amount of work in progress

Help work flow

4. Use metrics to measure work

5. Continuous improvement
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4. Use metrics to measure work

Ready to
Backlog Development Testing Accepted

We have a backlog

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4. Use metrics to measure work

Ready to
Backlog Development Testing Accepted

Something is finished

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software In"Tes<ng"

20" accepted Accepted"


0" 1" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 7" 8" 9" 10" 11" 12" 13" 14"

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4. Use metrics to measure work

Ready to
Backlog Development Testing Accepted

All finished

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50" software




0" 1" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 7" 8" 9" 10" 11" 12" 13" 14"

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Squash the lines together






0" 1" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 7" 8" 9" 10" 11" 12" 13" 14"

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0" 1" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 7" 8" 9" 10" 11" 12" 13" 14"

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JIRA does the rest Cumulative Flow Diagram





20" Flow of Product from Ready to Accepted Accepted"


0" 1" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 7" 8" 9" 10" 11" 12" 13" 14"

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Cumulative flow diagram






0" 1" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 7" At 8"this point
9" 10"in time,
11" this
12" is13" 14"
Lead Time
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Cumulative flow diagram





At this point in time,
this is Work in Progress
0" 1" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 7" 8" 9" 10" 11" 12" 13" 14"

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Cumulative Flow Diagram

50" This is Burn-up





0" 1" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 7" 8" 9" 10" 11" 12" 13" 14"

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Cumulative Flow Diagram






0" 1" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 7" 8" 9" 10" 11" 12" 13" 14"

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Average throughput rate
(Just like Velocity)

Weeks or Sprints
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Cumulative Flow Diagram






0" 1" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 7" 8" 9" 10" 11" 12" 13" 14"

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Cumulative Flow Diagram

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Control Chart

The control chart

focusses solely on
the lead time of
items in your
system, including:
Changes over

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5. Continuous Improvement
JIRA is only a tool. It cannot
do this bit for you.

Kanban is based on the

principle that empowered
teams of motivated people
continuously look for ways to
improve. JIRA can support
this with the previous
techniques, but you must all
take the initiative.
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Managing Stakeholders
Exercise: Managing Stakeholders
Tasks: 30 Minutes
Set up your permissions so that
general JIRA users cannot create
tickets, but some specific people can.
Create a confluence page showing
user stories in three stages:
Planned for the future (product
In the current sprint (sprint backlog)
Already completed (increment)

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Allowing people to create tickets
Some product owners chose to
allow some or all users to create
tickets directly (others insist on
at least a phone call)
1. Create new user accounts
for some people in another

2. Go to your project settings

and give them access
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Default Permissions
The default software
scheme sets out a wide
range of access

If you want to change this

behaviour, such as to
restrict issue creation to
members of the team, you
will need a custom scheme

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Custom Permissions Scheme
The default software
scheme sets out a wide
range of access

If you want to change this

behaviour, such as to
restrict issue creation to
members of the team, you
will need a custom

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Custom Permissions Scheme
Warning: Editing the
existing scheme is likely to
affect other projects. In an
enterprise JIRA installation
you may inadvertently
affect thousands of

(this is why your JIRA

admin is probably reluctant
to give you admin rights)

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Custom Permissions Scheme
1. Go to Issues 2. Copy the Default software scheme
and select

3. Edit your new scheme, giving it a

relevant name and description

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Custom Permissions Scheme
1. Go to Issues 2. Copy the Default software scheme
and select

3. Edit your new scheme, giving it a

relevant name and description

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Custom Permissions Scheme
4. View your new permissions 5. Add access to a more restrictive
scheme, and find the setting group, such as a named
that you want to change. individual, project role, or JIRA

6. Remove access from all JIRA


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Creating Transparency
Most product owners
find it useful to provide
easy access to the
product backlog.

Some stakeholders may

not want to log in to
JIRA to see how their
request is progressing.
Product Backlog viewed in Confluence
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Creating Transparency
1. Select Manage 3. Find the existing filter for your project

4. Copy the URL for this filter

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Creating Transparency
5. Create a new blank
Confluence page,
and paste the URL
directly into the
page. The full
backlog will
populate, and will
be kept up to date.

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Creating Transparency
You will notice that this filter First, create a filter showing just
includes completed items, user stories in the current sprint.
subtasks, and other irrelevant 7. Use simple search to select
information. the right project and issue
6. Create a new filter to
control what your
stakeholders see.

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Creating Transparency
8. Use advanced search to 9. Select Save As, and name your
filter CLN Sprint Backlog
modify the JQL querry (very
10. Create similar filters for the
much like SQL). This function product backlog and increment
will return true when at item (completed items)
is in an active sprint: sprint
in openSprints() JQL Queries for reference:
Sprint Backlog: project = CLN AND issuetype
= Story AND sprint in openSprints()

Product Backlog: project = CLN AND issuetype

= Story AND status in ("In Progress", "To Do")
AND (sprint not in openSprints() OR sprint is

Increment: project = CLN AND issuetype =

Story AND status = Done

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Creating Transparency
11. Past the links into your Confluence page with appropriate
explanatory headings, and publish the page.

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Creating Transparency
Decide whether you want to enable anonymous viewing. If so:
1. Go to Spaces in 2. Click on the icon for your space

3. From the Permissions tab, edit the anonymous user

permissions to grant view access. Follow the link in
the warning message to enable this globally.

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Bespoke Workflow Configurations
Exercise: Bespoke Workflow Configurations
Tasks: 15 Minutes
Set up a bespoke workflow to
match the workflow provided in
the example.

Question: When is it worth the

additional complexity to set up
and maintain a bespoke

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Small Change Team
We are setting up a team
With PO In
to handle small New
for analysis
development requests / Request
approval by BA
We want to define how In Dev business Deployed
work can flow between for UAT
the business and

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Create a Kanban project for this team
1. Create a new 3. Click on
Kanban project. workflow to
2. Go to Projects view it
settings, and click on
your new project.

There are four states, and you can enter

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each state from any previous state.
Create a bespoke workflow
1. Go to Workflows 2. Create a new blank
and select Add workflow

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Create a bespoke workflow
3. Add statuses for each 4. Add transitions you want
part of your desired to allow between each
workflow status

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Create a bespoke workflow
5. Check that your workflow
matches your intended design

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Apply the new workflow to your project
1. Go to Projects 2. Add an existing 3. Find and select
configuration, select workflow your workflow
your project, then from the list
select Workflows

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Apply the new workflow to your project
4. Choose which issue 2. Create a new issue in your project, and
types you want to check that it works as expected
be restricted to this

Available transitions Status

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Portfolio Planning
Exercise: Portfolio Delivery
Tasks: 60 Minutes
Set up a Confluence space for
portfolio-level strategy, and set
some strategic objectives.
Establish a Kanban system for
product candidate planning.
Create a project or projects to
handle product delivery.

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Agile Product Delivery Model

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Agile Product Delivery Model

Already in place

Easy to replicate

Create new bespoke Kanban workflows,

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supported by clear strategy and analysis
Final Project: Portfolio Delivery
Map our your own delivery model
showing how work flows from
idea to reality.

If you think your current model

needs to be improved, do it!

Consider the role of

Business strategy
Product strategy
Product delivery
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Business Strategy
1. Create a confluence space for your
department, division, or business unit.
2. Map out your current competitive
3. Identify any known strategic outcomes, or
create some if they are not known

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Product Strategy
1. Create a new Kanban project to manage the
flow of large scale pieces of work major
features, whole new products, etc.
2. Set out the stages that these investment
candidates currently pass through.
3. See if you can simplify this process, apply
WIP limits, and add exit criteria.
4. Populate your board with product candidates
the default issue type to use is called an
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Product Delivery
1. Create one Scrum project per product
If each team works on a different product,
create multiple JIRA projects.
If many teams are building the same product,
create one JIRA project and allow them all to
work from the same product backlog.
2. Create a product vision in Confluence.
3. Break down the epic into stories, based on the
outcomes in your product vision.

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Multiple Teams on One Backlog
Add a custom field to allow
you to designate which
team is currently planning
to pick up each item

You will need to add

additional processes to
actually decide this (some
teams do it during their
joint Sprint Review session)

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Next Steps
Remember: Tools are there to support you
Figure out how to make the tool
support your:
Organisation or work

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Useful Resources
Atlassian Documentation
is extremely
comprehensive, and
useful when you cant
quite get to that
configuration option you
remember seeing

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Useful Resources
The Atlassian Blog contains
many good ideas for making the
tool work effectively for you.

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Useful Resources
The Atlassian Marketplace
contains a huge range of
extensions to handle simple
tasks such as printing cards, to
complex portfolio management.

Remember: Try to keep things

simple, and watch out for
performance issues.

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Useful Resources

If all else fails, this will almost certainly take you to the
documentation, blog, or third party article you need

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