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What it means to
be a man is evolving
Men are getting married later and spending
more time as masters of their own domains1.
But, even when living with a woman, their
responsibilities in the home are changing. With
that, their interests are broadening and how
they view and interact with media and brands is

So, theres an increasing amount of power in

the male shopping cart. Marketers need to
understand the modern man; his needs, desires
and motivations to be able deliver messaging
and brand experiences that truly resonate.
1Source: Stats Canada

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 2

All of these things [changing gender roles, seeking more authentic
experiences] are coming together for a perfect point of cultural
tension where male identity is changing.

Its less about the hard and fast rules of stereotypical masculinity,
strength and monetary success, and is becoming much more multi-
faceted, including being stylish, savvy and ethical. Essentially,

somebody who is seen to be interesting versus successful.

Johanna Faigelman,
President, Human Branding

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 3

Our goal for this study:
to gain a better understanding of the modern Canadian man

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 4

Our methodology
We commissioned GfK Research to survey 2,300 men and women between the ages
of 16-65 across Canada and conduct in-depth video interviews with Canadian men to
dig deeper.

Online Survey Video Interviews

Total Sample: 2,300 (1,650 men, 650 women), We spoke with a cross
fielded in both French and English section of men in different life
stages and relationships to gain a
The sample was representative of regional and age deeper understanding into their
distributions in Canada behaviors, perspectives
and attitudes

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 5

We also wanted to understand if/where there are differences
across generations
Gen Z (born 1990-1997), Gen Y (born 1980-1989) and Gen X (born 1965-1979)


45% live with parents

Gen Z: 22 69% are single/casually dating
(vs. 47% of Gen Z women) 23% live alone (vs. 16% of Gen Z women)
45% live with their significant other
Gen Y: 30 58% are in a serious relationship 27% live alone
Gen X: 43 73% are in a serious relationship 58% live with their significant other
50+: 58 73% are in a serious relationship 69% live with their significant other
Note: Serious relationship includes: married, common law, in a serious relationship

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 6

Theres a lot more to being a man
Who IS the today than the stereotypical man-

Modern Man?
stuff. Guys are more than just tool-
loving, beer-guzzling, bikini-chasing
macho men who wouldnt be caught
dead in the kitchen or caring about

their personal style.
Modern Day Gentlemen

Hes health-focused and has
broad interests beyond just
traditionally male dominated

Cooking is something I like to

do, I like when you start to do
something and you finish it and
you're like wow this tastes great
Interviewee, Gen Z
Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 8
Family and health are his top priorities
Very important

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 9

Health isnt just about pumping iron
men are interested in nutrition and cooking as well
2/3 think its important to eat
a balanced and nutritious diet

65% 68% 60% 41%

are interested are interested are interested interested in beauty,
in fitness in nutrition in cooking grooming and
personal care
take pride in
their cooking

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 10

And, being stylish is particularly important for younger generations
Gen Z Men Gen Y Men Total Men

Looking good is 57%
important to me 55%
In Brooklyn, beard transplants have
taken off as men look to increase their
Facial hair is cool 'cool factor (for $7K)
My clothes reflect 47%
who I am 43%

My sense of style sets 36%

me apart

I keep up to date on the

of Gen Z men are very
latest fashion/style trends 22% interested in fashion

D1. How much you personally agree or disagree with the statement?

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 11

So is being socially relevant
Gen Z Men Gen Y Men Total Men

I care about how my peers 46%
perceive me

Being connected to my social
network is important to me 39%

I know where the up and
coming restaurants are

D1. How much you personally agree or disagree with the statement?

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 12


Heineken's The
Date shows the
well-dressed hero
cooking, socializing,
slaying dragons,
and dancing

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 13

The way mothers and fathers spend

At home: their time has changed dramatically

in the past half century. Dads are
doing more housework and child
household care; moms more paid work outside
the home. Neither has overtaken the
responsibility other in their traditional realms, but

their roles are converging.
Pew Research

Today, men are actively involved in household decision-making

of men live alone (and therefore have sole discretion over household decision-making)

And, 52% *Highest

of men who dont live alone report high Gen Y (57%) of men are
levels of responsibility in household satisfied with this
and Gen X level of
decision-making (61%) responsibility

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 15

While men are still mostly responsible for repairs, finances, and
garbage duties, theyre also sharing responsibility for other tasks,
like meal preparation and laundry
Mostly responsible Share responsibility

50% 49% 48% 49%
38% 40%
35% 35%
28% 29% 27%
26% 26%
23% 23% 22%
19% 20%

Small Taking out Paying bills Large Organizing Making Vacuuming Dishwashing Making Laundry Making
household garbage household finances breakfast lunch dinner
repairs repairs

A6. Thinking about household chores, which tasks are you generally personally responsible for?

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 16

Most are involved in household purchases, across categories
Complete/some responsibility

Clothing (his own) 86%

TV channel and media subscriptions 81% Food shopping is exciting,

because you can go and buy
something that you've never
Groceries 75% seen before
Interviewee, Gen X

Personal care products 74%

Newspaper/magazine subscriptions 56%

A5. More specifically, different household tasks can require different decision-making responsibilities. How much responsibility in decision making do you have in your household in the following areas?

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 17

And theyre very involved in larger-ticket purchases, too
Complete/some responsibility

I'm always in the electronics section, or

Small electronics 89% looking at chairs to make my
apartment look betterI can honestly
shop for anything, you put me in Target
Major electronics 89% and I'm there for hours
Interviewee, Gen X

Car maintenance 87%

Travel/vacations 81%

Major household appliances 79%

Small household appliances 76%

A5. More specifically, different household tasks can require different decision-making responsibilities. How much responsibility in decision making do you have in your household in the following areas?

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 18

As more men shop Women tend to be more loyal than male
and form bonds with customers to individuals, such as specific service
providers (e.g. a hair dresser or a salesperson)
brands, companies
exclusively marketing
to women will be Men tend to be more loyal to companies,
increasingly brands and organizations (e.g. a hair salon,
hair product, or a store)
left behind

Source: Journal of Marketing, Volume 73

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 19

At home:

Today`s Canadian dad

87% 28%
say they have more
are in a child-rearing
serious responsibility than
2 kids, 1/2 relationship their partner
average age is 8 live with their kids

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 21

On children and parenting

28% of men without kids plan on Why no kids?

having them (vs. 34% of women) Not ready yet
Dont have the right
47% partner
40% Life is great as is
Just not interested
Too expensive
Focused on my career
Too much responsibility

Gen Z Men Gen Y Men Gen X Men

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 22

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 23
It`s not easy being dad

53% of Gen Z dads find it difficult to balance

work and family life (34% of total dads)

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 24

Is technology helping or hindering his parenting?

50% say its too easy for

their kids to access content or
media they dont approve of

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 25

If dads are active in the home, theyre more likely to raise
ambitious daughters

What this is suggesting is

that when girls, specifically,
are seeing their parents
enacting a traditional division
of labour at home, it may be
limiting their own ambition.
Alyssa Croft
Lead Author


Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 26


Include, dont isolate


Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 27

[The] 90s were very much heres our

At home: brand. Take it as it is and dont

question us because youre the
consumer and were the producer,
shopping [Now], theres an attitude from guys
saying Im smarter than that, savvier

than that and I reject that.
Johanna Faigelman,
President, Human Branding
Source: Strategy online, Modern-day gentlemen

Without a compelling new
need, men lack the motivation
to change the brands they use.
They feel overwhelmed and
bombarded by the multiplicity
of whats available and just
thinking about adding another
decision to their busy days can
cause anxiety.
Brand New Man, Defy Media
Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 29
Men research to make informed decisions across categories,
including everyday products like personal care and even groceries
Research before purchasing
Men Women

94% 93% 92% 91%

80% 81% 78% 75%
76% 76% 73%
66% 67% 69% 68%
61% 59%
56% 57%
53% 51% 48% 45% 45%

Large Large Small Small Furniture Movies Books Music Children's Decorative Clothing Personal Groceries
electronics household electronics household items household care
appliances appliances items products

A6b. Thinking about how you purchase these items, do you generally...?

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 30

And theyre doing the bulk of their research online
Doing the research online before hand,
isolating the things I want to get at the
Researching/previewing before making a purchase best price point at the most convenient,
Online Offline making sure there's stock available. Then
going in and buying it, all in a reasonable
time frame. That's the ideal experience
66% Interviewee, Gen Y
46% 46% 44%42%
41% 41%
35% 34% 33%
28% 30%29% 29%30%
23% 25% 24%
22% 22%23%

Large Large Small Small Movies Music Books Furniture Children's Clothing Decorative Personal Groceries
electronics household electronics household items household care
appliances appliances items products

A6b. Thinking about how you purchase these items, do you generally...?

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 31

Top sources for online research are brand and retailer
sites and reviews (consumer and experts)
Retailer websites 55%

Brand websites 47%

Consumer reviews/opinion sites 47%

Expert review/opinion websites 32%

Social media 17% Gen Z are more

likely to use social
media (30%) and
Blogs 14% blogs (25%)

News websites 14%

A6c. Please select which of the following sources you generally visit/use to conduct your research

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 32

But where they turn can vary depending on where they are
in their decision-making process
Preliminary research: Narrowing down
collecting general info, seeing options: comparing
what options are available brands/products
Top digital sources: Top digital sources: Final check before
Search engines (85%), Consumer review/opinion purchasing
Brand websites (73%) sites (73%)
Top digital sources:
Retailer websites (71%) Expert reviews (70%)
Consumer review/
Social media (63%) Retailer sites (68%)
opinion sites (67%)
Blogs (63%, 84% among Gen X) Brand websites (65%)
Expert reviews (64%)
Retailer websites (60%)

A6d. You mentioned using the following sources to research online, when do you typically use these sources?

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 33

When it comes to buying, men are comfortable purchasing
online, particularly for entertainment, clothing, and electronics
% mostly/occasionally buy online

People say guys dont like shopping, and that

is true, but what is even more true is that guys
dont like picking. I think guys are creatures of
habit they need to have something very
easy and routine and online offers the
opportunity to do that.
Hicham Ratnani
Co-founder, Frank & Oak

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 34

Theyre also open to buying other categories online
But, hurdles still exist: its not always easy to buy all categories online in Canada

Mostly/occasionally buy online Books 54% 25% 79%

Would consider buying online Music 55% 22% 77%
Small electronics (e.g., DVD player) 41% 34% 75%
Movies 48% 26% 74%
Small household appliances (e.g., toaster, blender) 27% 41% 68%
Clothing 42% 25% 67%
Decorative household items 25% 40% 65%
Large electronics (e.g., television) 23% 37% 60%
Personal care products (e.g., shampoo, shave cream) 16% 35% 51%
Childrens items 24% 23% 47%
Large household appliances (e.g., fridge, dishwasher) 14% 32% 46%
Furniture 16% 30% 46%
Groceries 9% 29% 38%

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 35


Montreal-based mens clothing retailer Frank & Oak has

seen great success helping men shop online

Brand mission:
Create the best, hassle-free shopping experience for men.
Check out monthly collections, get key style advice, and have
it all delivered to your door

We realized the millennial guy likes to know the

why behind a product,. And its much easier
online to show how to wear something, and the
reason for [a piece of clothing], than it is in stores.
-Ethan Song, CEO

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 36

45% take photos while shopping
Men are more likely than women to look up product
information while shopping:
Gen Z (48%), Gen Y (54%), Gen X (46%)

Gen Z (37%) and Gen Y (40%) men are also more

likely to look up product reviews on their

42% of men under 50 compare prices on their

phones while shopping in store

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 37


Sport Chek leverages technology in-store

Sport Cheks Toronto lab store features 140 digital screens on walls,
built into tables and on clothing racks for quick access to
information and content.
The store also offers personalization with a gait analysis treadmill,
Reeboks kiosk custom ordered shoes and Oakleys custom glasses
built in-store.
Store staff also tote tablets for quick access to additional brand

Were currently running at 150 per cent of our inflated expectations.

For us to stay relevant to our customers, we need to also connect
with them in the digital space.
Duncan Fulton,
Chief Marketing Officer, Sport Chek

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 38


Help him make informed decisions

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 39

At play: My free time gets consumed very
quickly, I don't spend a lot of time
doing nothing, it's better to be
hobbies, media busy [] The time that I don't have
scheduled I spend a lot of time
and technology with my friends or my girlfriend

Interviewee, Gen Z

Men have busy lives and want to be entertained in their downtime

Younger men are less likely to watch movies/TV or

read than older men or women, but more likely to
spend their time gaming or working out.

How do you spend your free time?

Gen Z Men Gen Y men Gen X men Men over 50

51% 53% 51%
37% 37% 38% 38% 39%
34% 32% 33%
27% 27% 30%
21% 16% 22% 24% 20%
18% 19% 21%

Watching Socializing with Reading Playing games Going to the gym Shopping online Shopping in-
movies/TV friends store
D5. In a typical week, how do you spend your spare time?

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 41

They have a broad array of interests, some of which vary by generation
Very/somewhat interested Technology

Gen Z Men Video gaming

Gen Y Men
Gen X Men
Over 50 Men Nutrition





The economy

Beauty, grooming, personal care


Entertainment/Celebrity gossip

C1. How interested are you in the following topics? 0% 25% 50% 75%

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 42

Theyre accessing this content across many devices and
media, but PC is still the information go-to device
How typically access information

Computer 89%

Television 82%

Newspapers 68%

Word of mouth 67%

In store 61%

Magazines 59%

Smartphone web browser 49%

Gen Z and Gen Y are more likely to use smartphone
Smartphone apps 48% browsers (Gen Z 67%, Gen Y 60%) and apps (Gen Z
65%, Gen Y 59%) and Tablets (56% each)
Tablet 47%

C1a. Through what ways do you typically access information about these topics?

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 43

Search, news and brand sites
are most typically used
Websites typically visited to access information

General Search 71%

News sites 67%

Brand sites 53%

Social Media 41%

Email 39%
Gen Z and Gen Y are
more likely to access
information via
Forums 38%
through social media
blogs and forums
Blogs 37%

C2. Which type(s) of websites do you typically visit to access this information?

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 44

Top sites men visit are networking, financial services and news
Top sites men visit on a weekly basis

Social Networking 58% Gen Z: 73%

Interest in fashion and style is reflected in
Financial services 56% younger generations browsing habits,
which are higher than or on par with
News/information 56%
Sports 39% Gen Z men Gen Y men Total men Total women
E-Commerce 35%

Brand websites 24% 20%

18% 19%
16%15% 17%
Consumer electronic 22% Men are less likely 14% 14% 14%
than women to visit 10% 11%
File sharing 20% 9%
networking sites but
Automotive 18% more likely to visit all
other types shown Clothing retailer sites Beauty/personal Fashion sites
Comedy/humour 18% care sites

C3. Please select how frequently you visit the following types of websites

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 45

Media consumption patterns differs significantly by age
Gen Z spend more time listening to music, gaming, or on social media, while TV
dominates time for older men
2/3 of Gen Z say music is very important to them
Avg hrs/wk consuming media
Gen Z Gen Y Gen X Men over 50
1/2 of Gen Z (and 40% of Gen Y)
1/4 of men prefer to watch
16 think its ok to download pirated
independent movies
6 6 7 7 6
5 5 4 4 5 5
5 4 4 5
4 3 2 2 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 4 2 2 2 2
Listening to Playing games Social media Watching Watching Streaming Reading Playing games Reading Online
music on console traditional paid short video online on a paper copies shopping
television subsription TV newspapers/ smartphone of
(e.g. Netflix) magazines/ newspapers/
books magazines/
C5. In total, how many hours would you say you spend doing the following things in an average WEEK?
Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 46
Technology is a key area of interest and men are gatekeepers
and influencers

Men are 2x more interested in technology than women

(34% vs 14% VERY interested), driven by Gen Z men: 1/2 of which are very interested

1/4 2/3 35% Technology is very important

[in my life] I've been accustomed
men say act as a say people often ask
to it, say I want to order
theyre among technology their opinion on what
something online, or send an
the first to try guide to older types of technology
email, it's literally a click away, I
new family they should buy/use
can do it on my phone.
technologies members
Interviewee, Gen Y

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 47

Gen Z tend to be more vocal and adventurous with
technology, but are less likely to own a tablet

of Gen Z men are very active
online and often text or blog (men are significantly more likely than women
about experiences they have with 78% to own a Smart TV)
tech products/brands (15% Total)

26% 64% 44%
of Gen Z enjoy taking chances 60% 72% Gen Z
in buying new technologies, 36%)
(18% total)

C6. We are interested in finding out more about the electronic devices you own.

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 48

Smartphones are the go-to device for making it through the day, but
young females are even more attached to their phones
Reasons for using
Communicating with friends/family
31% of men who want kids 69%

think that
Searching smartphones/tablets50%
for information
are great educational tools (vs.
22% of women)
Accessing social media 49%

News 42%

1/2 of men use 40% use their

Getting sports updates 37%

their smartphone Online banking 37%

Smartphone right before
right when they get
going to bed, over half among Work/school 35%
up (two-thirds of Gen
Gen Z and Gen Y
Z and Gen Y) (women: 79% Gen Z, 62% Gen Y)
Playing games 35%
(women: 79% Gen Z, 70%
Gen Y) Shopping 23%

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 49

Being connected is important to men under 50, and they
tend to have more contacts than women

Being connected to
social networks is
important: 1/2
use smartphones to
Gen Z: 42% access social media
Gen Y: 39%
Gen X: 35%
+50: 20% 5.1 hours Average number of
contacts: 363
on average per week on
social media (6.9 Gen Z men) (312 for women)

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 50

When they post, men are most often sharing pictures,
opinions, and updates


27% 26%
15% 14% 13%

C4e. What type(s) of content do you typically share on these sites?

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 51

But men feel their contacts share too many
needless details on social media

1/4 of men share content daily (1/3 among Gen Z) Are your Facebook
friends too snap-

63% 36%
happy with their
Only 1/4 And
baby photos? Apps
like now
think people would never think the allow you to replace
share too many
personal details
share the content
other people in
content their
contacts share
26% those images with
"awesome stuff, like
in their social their network re-share pictures of bacon or
is relevant to content
networks share them cats., unbaby-me-facebook

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 52

French Canadian men are less active on social
media than their English-speaking counterparts

233 vs. 402 1.9 26% 37%

share updates share their thoughts
the average size of the average
about their life and opinions on
Quebec mens social number of sites (vs. 40% in social media sites
networks is considerable registered on (vs. English Canada) (vs. 47% in English
smaller compared to 2.3 in English Canada)
English Canada Canada)

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 53

Overall, men are
socially conscious
and open to

55% of men value

socially responsible
In order for a brand to have any meaning or
weighting, they need to have a track record,
46% of men think they need to prove themselves, actions speak
louder than words. For a brand to distinguish
advertising can be itself, honest, hard work and integrity are
entertaining critical aspects of a brand.
Interviewee, Gen Y
Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 54

Gillette curates for Gen Z men

To build trust and relevance with Gen Z men, P&G created a video
series that encouraged engagement and educated him in fun and
interactive environments. By creating a video series and content that
integrated Gillette products in natural and seamless ways, they make
the connection between great content and their brand to increased
awareness and ultimately purchase intent.

The video series featured advice from the Gillette Wingman hero, to
embody qualities that todays modern man can aspire to, including
strength, respect, style and sportsmanship among them. The content
dramatized various scenarios that young men may struggle with on
any given day and provided guidance to help men navigate toward

Questions about looking your best? Dating dos and donts? Career
advancement? Spending money wisely? Whatever the topic under
scrutiny, we know that many young men today want to appear to have
the right answers, even when they dont
Pam Baillie, Gillette Canada Communications Manager

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 55


Hes busy, so respect his time

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 56

think I put a lot of pressure on

At work:
to succeed in anything I'm
doing, my fear is failing, so I think I

put a lot of stress on myself
Career and finances Interviewee, Gen Z

Finances and things like that we

discuss together and we make a

joint decision
Interviewee, Gen X

When it comes to his career, it is not just about working 9-to-5

Gen Z and Y place higher importance on ability to advance in their

careers (75% and 76%, respectively) and 1/3 worry that their
education may not be good enough

Gen Z Gen Y Gen X Men over 50

82% 84% 84%

82% 82%
76% 76% 76% 76% 77% 76%
74% 73%
72% 72%

Work/life balance Passion for the job Personal fulfillment in work Feeling rewarded by the job

B3. Please rate how important you find each of the following in terms of your job/career?

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 58

Canadian Men <50 live with stress

Under constant stress/above average level of stress

Always rushed, there arent enough hours in the day

of men say they are 35% 35%
either under
constant stress, or
have what they 18% 19% 20% 21%

consider to be
higher levels of 8%
stress than average
Gen Z men Gen Y men Gen X men Men over 50

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 59

And, work is the main source of their stress

1/4 1/3 39% 40%

worry about of men under 50 of Gen X and Gen
feel burnt out at Y men regularly of men say their
losing their jobs employer needs to
their jobs (vs. 20% feel stressed about
of men over 50) their job (vs. 29% treat them better
men over 50)

61% say theyre in need of a vacation

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 60

37% say work defines who
they are, and 65% feel its
important to show loyalty to
their employer

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 61

There are some gaps in driving career satisfaction in terms of
rewards and recognition
Importance Income 85%
Satisfaction 60% 25
Work/life balance
63% 17
Passion for the job
56% 23
Feeling rewarded by the job
52% 25
Personal fulfullment in the work I do
56% 20
Being recognized financially for my work
47% 27
Looking forward to work everyday
52% 19
Ability to advance
46% 24

B3. Please rate how important you find each of the following in terms of your job/career?
B3a. Please rate how satisfied you are with each of the following in terms of your job/career?

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 62

Millennials might be
more financially-savvy
than you thought
A new study from found
that younger Canadians are more likely to
develop a budget and save or invest their
tax return than older Canadians.
Of those polled, 56% of 18 to 34 year olds
said they would save or invest money from
their tax return, while 40% of respondents
aged 35 to 54 and 41% of those over 55
years of age said they would.

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 63

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 64
Half of men worry about their financial security, but women
worry more
41% of men say they live comfortably
(vs. 33% of women)

55% 45%
of men worry worry about their long
about saving for term finances
4/5 Gen Y and VS. 3/5 Gen Y and retirement (vs. 53% of women)
Gen X men work Gen X Women
full time work full time

of men say they are the primary

42% 35%
57% bread winner in their household,
compared with 19% of women
worry about the amount
of debt they have
worry about their day to
day finances
(vs. 46% of women)

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 65

While Quebec men report lower levels of stress,
theyre more worried about money

24% 47% 63% 74%

of Quebec men say they live worry about worry about
say they are under comfortably (39% in their level of saving for
constant English Canada) debt retirement
stress/have above
average levels of VS. VS.

stress (vs. 34%
English Canada)
say it is difficult to
35% 49%
balance work/family life in English in English
(38% English Canada) Canada Canada

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 66


Work-life balance is important

Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 67

Good bye Marlboro man,
hello Modern man

Dont get stuck in dated stereotypes: recognize men as contributors
to the home to include these influencers and gatekeepers

Being a dad means being involved: use messaging cues that support fatherhood and family life

Hes busy, so respect his time with relevant and necessary communications and curated content

Go digital: help him find the information he needs to make informed purchase

Deliver a consistent, seamless experience across all his devices

Recognize and reward his achievements

Men are connected researchers and shoppers: find

your target through digital media outlets
Microsoft & Omnicom Modern Man, 2014 69
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