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Model Examination-I August 2010
Model key
SUBJECT : Component Based Technology Code: IT1401
DURATION : 3 hours MAX.MARKS:100

Answer all the questions

PART-A (10X2=20)

1. What is object serialization?

Helps to save the state of the bean.
serialization is the process of saving an object onto a storage medium (such as a file,
or a memory buffer) or to transmit it across a network connection link in binary form.
When the resulting series of bytes is reread according to the serialization format, it
can be used to create an accurate clone of the original object.

2. What is persistence?
Persistence enables beans to save and restore their state. Once you have changed
beans properties you can save the state of the bean and restore that bean at a later
time, property changes are intact. Java beans use java object serialization to support

3. What is Direct (procedural) interface?

Direct interfaces are provided directly by a component corresponding to interfaces of
traditional libraries. Definition and implementation belong to one component.

4. Give an example of Callback .

A procedure passed to a library at one point and called by the library at some later point
is called callbacks.

5. Define virtual platform.

Platform abstractions or platform shields are another name to virtual platforms. It
emulates a platform on top of another, introducing cost-flexibility trade-off.

6. What is the expansion of IIOP?

Internet inter-orb protocol

7. What are the characteristics of an object?

The characteristics of an object are,
- it is a unit of instantiation.
- It may have state; can be a persistent state, so it has a unique
- It encapsulates its state and behavior.
8. What is deployment descriptor?
Xml files co-packaged with a component that describe how a particular component
should be deployed.

9. What are the categories of middleware?

Message oriented middleware,object oriented middleware
10. What is session bean?
Session bean perform business tasks without having a persistent storage mechanism,
such as a database and can use the shared data. There are two types of session beans:
• Stateful session bean
• Stateless session bean

PART-B (15X6=80)

11.a) Explain about component characteristics,object characteristics and

module in detail.(16)
A software component is a binary unit of independent production, acquition and
deployment that interact to form a functional system.
A component has to specify explicitly which services-from the system or other
components-it needs to access. This is done in the form of module (or package) that
import lists. The language and system do not allow access to any non-imported module.
Hence, if that list contains only permissible modules; then it is safe to load and execute
the new component.
The characteristics of a component are:
-Unit of independent deployment
-Unit of third-party composition
-No persistent state
The characteristics of an object are,
- it is a unit of instantiation.
- It may have state; can be a persistent state, so it has a unique
- It encapsulates its state and behavior.


11.b)What is the use of interfaces? Why we need it? Explain with an

An interface is a strongly typed group of semantically related functions, also
called “ interface member functions”.
Direct interfaces are provided directly by a component corresponding to interfaces
of traditional libraries. Definition and implementation belong to one component.
Provided by objects implemented by a component, corresponding to object
interfaces. Definition and implementation might sit in different components.
the attributes of Interface.
Declares the function, it is a specification, It is not a class or object

12.a) i.List out the merits and demerits of standard software.(6)

ii.List out the merits and demerits of custom made software.(6)
iii. Define Software component.(4)
Two traditional software development extremes:
Custom-Made Software
Developed from scratch
Custom-Made SoftwareDeveloped from scratch
Standard Software:Bought and parameterized
Custom-Made Software-Advantages:
+Flexible, nimble, competitive edge
+Optimally adapted to client’s business model
+Take advantage of any in-house proprietary knowledge or practice
•Standard Software -Disadvantages:
+Not nimble enough to adapt to changing needs
+No competitive edge in using a standard software that is also available
to competitor
+May necessitate a greater reorganization of business processes to fit an
incapable standard software system
•Custom-Made Software -Disadvantages:
+Burden of maintenance, product evolution, and interoperability as well
as expensive undertaking
+Too time consuming to develop leading to too late to be productive
before becoming obsolete
+Lead to project fail partially or completely
•Standard Software-Advantages:
+Burden of maintenance, product evolution, and interoperability is left to
+Minimize time-to-market risk
+Limit financial risk
12.b)Explain RMI in detail.(16)

Remote Method Invocation is java’s traditional form of remote communication. It

uses the non-standardized Java Remote Method Protocol (JRMP) to communicate
between java objects. This provides an easy way to distribute objects, but does not
allow for interoperability between programming languages.
Create a interface program which declares the function .used by the client
Create the implementation program.
Create server program which create the instance of the implementation program
and bind to the rmiregistry.
Create the client which calls the program in rmiregistry using lookup function

13.a) Explain about directory service in detail.(16)

Directory service supports the callbacks to notify clients of changes in the managed
directory .The directory service interface is grouped into two parts.
*File lookup and manipulations.
*Registration and unregistration of callbacks
The simple directory service interface is grouped into two parts:
• The first part supports,
i. File lookup
ii. Addition or removal of named files
iii. Modeling a single flat directory
• The second part supports registration and unregistration of callbacks.
Registered callbacks are invoked on addition or removal of a name. Each
operation of the interface is specified using pre- and post- conditions.

13.b) Explain about component system architecture and middleware in

Architecture is needed when asking for guidelines and rules for complex system design
and implementation. It prescribes proper frameworks for all the involved mechanisms,
limiting the degrees of freedom to curb variations and enable cooperation.
Architecture needs to create simultaneously the basis for independence
and cooperation.
An architecture defines overall invariants.
It needs to be based on the principal considerations of overall
functionality.It prescribes proper frameworks for all involved mechanisms.
A component framework is a dedicated and focused architecture, usually around a few
key mechanisms, and a fixed set of policies for mechanisms at the component level. This
framework implements protocols to connect participating components and enforce some
of the policies set by the framework.
A component system architecture consists of
i. A set of platform decisions.
ii. A set of component frameworks
iii. An interoperation design for the component frameworks.

Platform allows for installation of components and component frameworks that can be
instantiated and activated. It can be concrete or virtual.
Concrete platforms provide direct physical support- that is; implement their services in
Platform abstractions or platform shields are another name to virtual platforms. It
emulates a platform on top of another, introducing cost-flexibility trade-off.

A software component is a system element offering a predefined service able to

communicate with other components.
The term middleware is used to describe a broad array of tools and data that help
applications use networked resources and services. Some tools, such as
authentication and directories, co-scheduling of networked resources, secure
multicast, and object brokering and messaging.
Isolated middleware products, are
i. Message queuing systems
ii. Transaction processing monitors

14. a)i. Explain in detail about the categories of properties.(8)

Properties are a bean’s appearance and behavior characteristics that can be changed at
design time. Builder tools introspect on a bean to discover its properties, and expose
those properties for manipulation
Simple ,Indexed,Bound,Constrained.

ii.Explain reflection in detail.(8)

Reflection enables java code to discover information about the fields, methods and
constructors of loaded classes, and to use reflected fields, methods, and constructors
to operate their underlying counterparts on objects, within security restrictions.
14.b) Explain about Enterprise Java bean in detail.(16)
EJB are written once, run-anywhere, middle-tier components that consist of methods
that implement the business rule. The enterprise bean encapsulates the business logic.
There are two types of enterprise beans:
• Entity bean
• Session bean

Session bean perform business tasks without having a persistent storage mechanism,
such as a database and can use the shared data. There are two types of session beans:
• Stateful session bean
• Stateless session bean
Entity beans are enterprise beans that persist across multiple sessions and multiple
clients. There are two types of entity bean:
• Bean managed persistence
• Container managed persistence

15a) Write a program to create a java bean for adding two numbers.(16)
Create a class which implements any listener interface and write the coding for adding
two numbers.
Create manifest file
Convert into jar file.

15.b)i. Explain about introspection.(8)
ii. Explain about JAR(8).

Builder tools discover a bean’s features by a process called introspection. This is done
in two ways:
• Design patterns: when naming beans features. Introspection class
examines beans for these design patterns to discover bean features.
(Adhering to specific rules)
Bean information class: implements BeanInfo interface, it lists those bean features that
are exposed to application builder tools. (Explicitly providing information
Explain about JAR(8)
It is a file format based on the popular ZIP file format and is used for aggregating
many files into one.

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