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Article gastrointestinal disorders

Acute Gastroenteritis
Deise Granado-Villar, MD,
Educational Gap
MPH,* Beatriz Cunill-De
Sautu, MD, Andrea In managing acute diarrhea in children, clinicians need to be aware that management
Granados, MD x based on bowel rest is outdated, and instead reinstitution of an appropriate diet has
been associated with decreased stool volume and duration of diarrhea. In general, drug
therapy is not indicated in managing diarrhea in children, although zinc supplementation
Author Disclosure and probiotic use show promise.
Drs Granado-Villar,
Cunill-De Sautu, and
Objectives After reading this article, readers should be able to:
Granados have
disclosed no financial 1. Recognize the electrolyte changes associated with isotonic dehydration.
relationships relevant 2. Effectively manage a child who has isotonic dehydration.
to this article. This 3. Understand the importance of early feedings on the nutritional status of a child who
commentary does has gastroenteritis.
contain a discussion of 4. Fully understand that antidiarrheal agents are not indicated nor recommended in the
an unapproved/ treatment of acute gastroenteritis in children.
investigative use of 5. Recognize the role of vomiting in the clinical presentation of acute gastroenteritis.
a commercial product/
device. Introduction
Acute gastroenteritis is an extremely common illness among infants and children world-
wide. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), acute diarrhea
among children in the United States accounts for more than 1.5 million outpatient visits,
200,000 hospitalizations, and approximately 300 deaths per year. In developing countries,
diarrhea is a common cause of mortality among children younger than age 5 years, with an
estimated 2 million deaths each year. American children younger than 5 years have an av-
erage of two episodes of gastroenteritis per year, leading to 2 million to 3 million ofce visits
and 10% of all pediatric hospital admissions. Furthermore, approximately one third of all
hospitalizations for diarrhea in children younger than 5 years are due to rotavirus, with an
associated direct cost of $250 million annually. (1)(2)

Diarrhea is dened as the passage of three or more loose or watery stools per day (or more
frequent passage of stool than is normal for the individual).
Stool patterns may vary among children; thus, it is important
Abbreviations to note that diarrhea should represent a change from the
norm. Frequent passage of formed stools is not diarrhea,
CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention nor is the passing of pasty stools by breastfed young infants.
IV: intravenous (2)(3)
KD: potassium There are three clinical classications of diarrheal
NaD: sodium conditions:
NG: nasogastric
ORS: oral rehydration solution Acute diarrhea, lasting several hours or days
WHO: World Health Organization Acute bloody diarrhea or dysentery
Persistent diarrhea, lasting 14 days or longer

*Chief Medical Officer, Senior Vice President for Medical & Academic Affairs, Miami Childrens Hospital; Clinical Associate Professor of
Pediatrics, Affiliate Dean for Miami Childrens Hospital, Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine, Florida International University.

Director, Pediatric Residency Program, Miami Childrens Hospital; Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Herbert Wertheim
College of Medicine, Florida International University.
Chief Resident, Miami Childrens Hospital; currently Pediatric Endocrinology Fellow, University of Michigan.

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Clinical Presentation
The clinical manifestations of acute gastroenteritis can in- Causes of Acute
Table 1.
clude diarrhea, vomiting, fever, anorexia, and abdominal Gastroenteritis in Children (2)
cramps. Vomiting followed by diarrhea may be the initial
presentation in children, or vice versa. However, when Viruses
emesis is the only presenting sign, the clinician must con- Rotaviruses
Noroviruses (Norwalk-like viruses)
template other diagnostic possibilities, such as diabetes, Enteric adenoviruses
metabolic disorders, urinary tract infections, meningitis, Caliciviruses
gastrointestinal obstruction, and ingestion. The charac- Astroviruses
teristics of the emesis, such as color, intensity, and fre- Enteroviruses
quency, as well as relationship to feedings, often lead Bacteria
Campylobacter jejuni
to the most likely diagnoses. (1)(2)(4) Nontyphoid Salmonella spp
A complete history and physical examination always Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli
must be performed. The clinician should inquire about Shigella spp
the duration of illness; the number of episodes of vomit- Yersinia enterocolitica
ing and diarrhea per day; urine output; the presence of Shiga toxin producing E coli
Salmonella typhi and S paratyphi
blood in the stool; accompanying symptoms such as fe- Vibrio cholerae
ver, abdominal pain, and urinary complaints; and recent Protozoa
uid and food intake. Recent medications and the childs Cryptosporidium
immunization history also should be reviewed. The phys- Giardia lamblia
ical examination should focus on identifying signs of de- Entamoeba histolytica
hydration such as level of alertness, presence of sunken Strongyloides stercoralis
eyes, dry mucous membranes, and skin turgor. (1)(3)
Viruses are the cause of the majority of cases of acute
gastroenteritis in children worldwide. Viral infections
usually are characterized by low-grade fever and watery by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1995, which
diarrhea without blood. Bacterial infections may result also divided patients into three groups: no signs of dehydra-
in inltration of the mucosal lining of the small and large tion (<3%5%), some signs of dehydration (5%10%), and
intestines, which in turn causes inammation. Children severe dehydration (>10%).
thus are more likely to present with high fever and the The authors of studies have evaluated the correlation
presence of blood and white blood cells in the stool. of clinical signs of dehydration with posttreatment weight
Table 1 lists the common causal pathogens of acute gas- gain and have demonstrated that the rst signs of dehy-
troenteritis in children. (2) dration might not be evident until 3% to 4% dehydration.
Furthermore, more obvious clinical signs of dehydration
Assessment of Dehydration become apparent at 5% dehydration, and indications of
Dehydration related to acute gastroenteritis is a major severe dehydration become evident when the uid loss
concern in pediatric patients. Therefore, clinicians in pri- reaches 9% to 10%. As a result, the CDC revised its recom-
mary care ofces, emergency departments, and hospital mendations in 2003 and combined the mild and moderate
settings must assess the circulatory volume status as part dehydration categories, acknowledging that the signs of
of the initial evaluation of children presenting with acute dehydration might be apparent over a relatively wide
gastroenteritis. This assessment is essential in guiding the range of uid loss (Table 2). The ultimate goal of this as-
decision making regarding therapy and patient disposition. sessment is to identify which patients can be sent home
In 1996, the CDC published recommendations on safely, which should remain under observation, and which
the assessment of dehydration, which were subsequently are candidates for immediate, aggressive therapy. (1)
endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).
These guidelines classied patients into three groups Laboratory Evaluation
based on their estimated uid decit: mild dehydration Serum electrolytes are not indicated routinely in patients
(3%5% uid decit), moderate dehydration (6%9% who have acute gastroenteritis. Authors of several studies
uid decit), and severe dehydration (>10% uid decit have evaluated the utility of laboratory tests in assessing
or shock). These classications are similar to those delineated the degree of dehydration, and the evidence reveals that

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Table 2. Symptoms Associated With Dehydration (1)

Minimal or No Dehydration Mild to Moderate Dehydration Severe Dehydration
Symptom (<3% Loss of Body Weight) (3%9% Loss of Body Weight) (>9% Loss of Body Weight)
Mental status Well; alert Normal, fatigued or restless, irritable Apathetic, lethargic, unconscious
Thirst Drinks normally; might Thirsty; eager to drink Drinks poorly; unable to drink
refuse liquids
Heart rate Normal Normal to increased Tachycardia, with bradycardia in
most severe cases
Quality of Normal Normal to decreased Weak, thready, impalpable
Breathing Normal Normal; fast Deep
Eyes Normal Slightly sunken Deeply sunken
Tears Present Decreased Absent
Mouth and Moist Dry Parched
Skin fold Instant recoil Recoil in <2 seconds Recoil in >2 seconds
Capillary refill Normal Prolonged Prolonged; minimal
Extremities Warm Cool Cold; mottled; cyanotic
Urine output Normal to decreased Decreased Minimal

such studies are imprecise and may distract clinicians from is the cornerstone of therapy in managing uncomplicated
focusing on signs and symptoms that have proven diag- cases of diarrhea.
nostic utility. Commonly obtained laboratory tests, such ORSs began to evolve in the 1940s, as an initiative of
as blood urea nitrogen and bicarbonate concentrations, Daniel Darrow at Yale and Harold Harrison at Baltimore
generally are helpful only when the results are markedly City Hospital. Darrow performed studies in children who
abnormal. Thus, these laboratory tests should not be had acute diarrhea and identied the need for appropriate
considered denitive predictors of dehydration. (1)(5) replacement of sodium (Na), potassium (K), and alkali
(6)(7) Additionally, current evidence demonstrates that to correct the metabolic acidosis. Subsequently, Harrison
urinary indices, including specic gravity and the pres- added glucose to a balanced electrolyte solution and estab-
ence of ketones, also are not useful diagnostic tests for lished that such a solution could be used successfully for
identifying the presence of dehydration. (8)(9) There- rehydration. In 1953, Chatterjee rst demonstrated that
fore, measurement of electrolytes should be reserved ORSs could rehydrate patients who have cholera and avoid
for patients aficted with severe dehydration who require the need for IV uids.
intravenous (IV) uid therapy upon initial clinical assess- Studies evaluating the mechanism of intestinal solute
ment and for those in whom hypernatremic dehydration transport have revealed that the absorption of water in
is suspected (ie, ingestion of hypertonic solutions). (1) the gastrointestinal tract is a passive process that depends
Stool studies should be considered during outbreaks, on the osmotic gradient created by the transcellular trans-
especially in child care settings, schools, and hospitals, port of electrolytes and nutrients. Although there are al-
where there is a public health concern that mandates ternate mechanisms that contribute to the absorption of
the identication of a pathogen and the identication Na in the enterocyte, it is the coupled transport of Na
of the source of disease. Other special circumstances that and glucose at the intestinal brush border that is respon-
warrant the collection of stool samples for identication sible for the success of ORSs.
of enteric pathogens include the evaluation of children Sodium-solute-coupled cotransport is an energy-
who have dysentery, a history of recent foreign travel, dependent process. The Na gradient within the cell is
and managing young or immunocompromised children maintained by the NaK adenosine triphosphatase
who present with high fever. (2) pump on the basolateral membrane of the enterocyte.
Subsequent research has revealed that other solutes, such
The Evolution of Oral Rehydration Solutions as amino acids, also were absorbed by active transport
The introduction of oral rehydration solutions (ORSs) mechanisms involving Na ion coupling.
has decreased signicantly the morbidity and mortality Clinical studies of ORSs in patients who have cholera
associated with acute gastroenteritis worldwide. (1) ORS in the Philippines and India have conrmed that oral

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replacement of water and electrolytes produced a suf- ORS is recommended by the WHO and the AAP as
cient osmotic gradient to rehydrate patients successfully, the preferred treatment of uid and electrolyte losses
even in severe diarrheal disease. Solutions of lower osmo- caused by diarrhea in children with mild to moderate de-
larity that maintain the 1:1 glucose to Na ratio function hydration. The basis of this endorsement is meta-analysis
optimally as oral solutions for diarrhea management. comparing ORSs with traditional IV rehydration. The ev-
Subsequent clinical studies have conrmed the dramatic idence supports low overall treatment failures with ORSs
effect that ORSs had on decreasing mortality in acute di- (3.6%), dened as the need to revert to IV therapy, with-
arrheal disease; consequently, the WHO and the AAP out an increased incidence of iatrogenic hyponatremia or
have endorsed the implementation ORSs worldwide. (4) hypernatremia. (10) Other advantages of ORS include its
lower cost, the elimination of the need for intravascular
Management line placement, and the involvement of the parents in
Most cases of acute gastroenteritis in children are self-limiting providing oral uid replacement in the home environ-
and do not require the use of medications. An initial critical ment when tolerated.
step in the management of acute gastroenteritis usually be- Common household beverages such as fruit juices,
gins at home with early uid replacement. Families should sports drinks, tea, and soft drinks should be avoided in
be instructed to begin feeding a commercially available the management of acute gastroenteritis. Many of these
ORS product as soon as the diarrhea develops. Although beverages have a high osmolality due to their high sugar
producing a homemade solution with appropriate concen- content and contain little Na and K; consequently,
trations of glucose and Na is possible, serious errors can use of these uids may worsen the patients condition
result in attempting to use a homemade solution. Thus, by increasing the stool output and increasing the risk
standard commercial oral rehydration preparations should of hyponatremia. Table 3 provides a comparison of
be recommended where they are readily available. (4) the carbohydrate load and electrolyte composition of

Composition of Commercial Oral Rehydration Solutions (ORS) and

Table 3.

Commonly Consumed Beverages

Carbohydrate Sodium Potassium Chloride Base* Osmolarity
Solution (gm/L) (mmol/L) (mmol/L) (mmol/L) (mmol/L) (mOsm/L)
World Health Organization 13.5 75 20 65 30 245
(WHO) (2002)
WHO (1975) 20 90 20 80 30 311
European Society of Paediatric 16 60 20 60 30 240
Gastroenterology, Hepatology
and Nutrition
Enfalyte! 30 50 25 45 34 200
Pedialyte!x 25 45 20 35 30 250
Rehydralyte!{ 25 75 20 65 30 305
CeraLyte!** 40 5090 20 NA 30 220
Commonly used beverages (not appropriate for diarrhea treatment)
Apple juicexx 120 0.4 44 45 N/A 730
Coca-Cola!{{ Classic 112 1.6 N/A N/A 13.4 650

*Actual or potential bicarbonate (e.g., lactate, citrate, or acetate).

Mead-Johnson Laboratories, Princeton, New Jersey. Additional information is available at
Ross Laboratories (Abbott Laboratories), Columbus, Ohio. Data regarding Flavored and Freezer Pop Pedialyte are identical. Additional information is
available at
Ross Laboratories (Abbott Laboratories), Columbus, Ohio. Additional information is available at
**Cera Products, L.L.C., Jessup, Maryland. Additional information is available at

Not applicable.
Meeting U.S. Department of Agriculture minimum requirements.
Coca-Cola Corporation, Atlanta, Georgia. Figures do not include electrolytes that might be present in local water used for bottling. Basephosphate.
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Managing acute gastroenteritis among children: oral rehydration, maintenance, and nutritional therapy.
MMWR 2003;52(No. RR-16):116.

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Table 4. Summary of Treatment Based on the Degree of Dehydration (1)

Degree of
Dehydration Rehydration Therapy Replacement of Losses Nutrition
Minimal or no Not applicable <10 kg body weight: 60120 mL Continue breastfeeding, or
dehydration ORS for each diarrheal stool or resume age-appropriate
vomiting episode normal diet after initial
>10 kg body weight: 120240 hydration, including
mL ORS for each diarrheal stool adequate caloric intake for
or vomiting episode maintenance
Mild to moderate ORS, 50100 mL/kg body weight Same Same
dehydration over 34 hours
Severe Lactated Ringer solution or Same; if unable to drink, Same
dehydration normal saline in 20 mL/kg body administer through NG tube or
weight intravenously until administer 5% dextrose in
perfusion and mental status normal saline with 20 mEq/L
improve; then administer 100 potassium chloride
mL/kg body weight ORS over intravenously
4 hours or 5% dextrose in
normal saline intravenously at
twice maintenance fluid rates

commercial ORSs with the content of commonly offered

Minimal or No Dehydration
household drinks deemed inappropriate for oral rehydra-
The ultimate goal for patients who have minimal or no
tion therapy. (4)
dehydration is to provide adequate uid intake while con-
Treatment of acute gastroenteritis should include two
tinuing an age-appropriate diet. Nutrition should not be
phases of therapy: rehydration and maintenance. In the
restricted. (4) Patients who have diarrhea must have in-
rehydration phase, uid should be replaced rapidly in
creased uid intake to compensate for losses and cover
a 3- to 4-hour period. In the maintenance phase, calories,
maintenance needs; the use of ORSs containing at least
in addition to uids, are administered.
45 mEq Na/L is preferable to other uids for prevent-
Rapid re-alimentation should follow rapid rehydra-
ing and treating dehydration. In principle, 1 mL of uid
tion, having the goal of returning the patient quickly
should be administered for each gram of stool output. In
to an age-appropriate, unrestricted diet. During both
the hospital setting, soiled diapers can be weighed (with-
phases, persistent uid losses from vomiting and diarrhea
out urine), and the estimated dry weight of the diaper can
should be replaced continuously. Table 4 summarizes the
be subtracted. At home, 10 mL of uid can be adminis-
recommended rehydration and uid loss replacement
tered per kilogram body weight for each watery stool or
therapies based on the degree of dehydration. (1)
2 mL per kilogram for each episode of emesis. As an al-
For more than 15 years, physicians have recognized
ternative, children weighing less than 10 kg should be ad-
the importance of early introduction of an age-appropriate
ministered 60 to 120 mL (24 ounces) of ORS for each
diet, compared with the outdated practice of bowel rest.
episode of vomiting or diarrheal stool, and those weigh-
Reinstitution of an appropriate diet has been associated
ing more than 10 kg should be fed 120 to 240 mL (48
with decreased stool volume and duration of diarrhea.
ounces). (1)
Breastfeeding should be continued during both the re-
hydration and maintenance phases. The diet should be ad-
vanced as tolerated to compensate for lost caloric intake Mild to Moderate Dehydration
during the acute illness. Lactose restriction ordinarily is Children who have mild to moderate dehydration should
not indicated, although such restriction might be helpful have their estimated uid decit replaced rapidly. Fifty to
in cases of diarrhea in malnourished children or among chil- 100 mL of ORS per kilogram body weight should be ad-
dren who have a severe enteropathy. In general, changes to ministered over a period of 2 to 4 hours to replace the
a lactose-free formula should be made only if the stool out- uid decit, with additional ORS administered to replace
put signicantly increases on a milk-based diet. (1)(3)(4) ongoing losses. By using a teaspoon, syringe, or medicine

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dropper, small volumes of uid should be offered initially maternal age, lack of immediate and follow-up access
and increased gradually as tolerated. If a child appears to to a health-care facility, and other socio-economic stres-
want more than the estimated amount of ORS, more can sors. Clinical indications for the management of acute
be offered. Nasogastric (NG) feeding allows continuous gastroenteritis in a hospital setting are described in the
administration of ORS at a slow, steady rate for patients following scenarios (1):
who have persistent vomiting or oral ulcerations. Clinical
Intractable emesis, poor ORS tolerance, or ORS refusal.
trials support using NG feedings as a well-tolerated, more
Severe dehydration dened as loss of more than 9%
cost-effective method associated with fewer complica-
body weight.
tions when compared with IV hydration. This method
Young age (<1 year old), irritability, lethargy, or an
is particularly useful in the emergency department, where
uncertain diagnosis that may require close observation.
hospital admissions can be avoided if oral rehydration ef-
Underlying illness that may complicate the course of
forts are successful. In addition, a meta-analysis of ran-
the disease.
domized controlled trials comparing ORS versus IV
ORS treatment failure, including worsening of diarrhea
rehydration in dehydrated children demonstrated shorter
and dehydration despite appropriate administration of
hospital stays and improved parental satisfaction with oral
rehydration. (1)(4)
Concerns regarding adequate care at home by
Hydration status should be evaluated on a regular ba-
sis in the clinical setting to objectively assess the response
to therapy and to evaluate the correction of the dehydra-
tion. Upon return to the home setting, caregivers must Limitations of ORS Therapy
be provided with and must understand fully the instruc- There are several clinical settings in which oral rehydra-
tions containing specic indications prompting their re- tion therapy is contraindicated. These conditions include
turn for re-evaluation and further medical care. (1) the care of children who have hemodynamic instability,
altered mental status, and shock in which the use of ORSs
Severe Dehydration can increase the risk of aspiration because of the loss of
Severe dehydration is characterized by a state of hypovo- airway protective reexes. Likewise, ORSs should not be
lemic shock requiring rapid treatment. Initial manage- used in cases of abdominal ileus until bowel sounds are
ment includes placement of an IV or intraosseous line present. In cases of suspected intestinal intussusception,
and rapid administration of 20 mL/kg of an isotonic crys- which might present with diarrhea or dysentery, the need
talloid (eg, lactated Ringer solution, 0.9% sodium chlo- for radiologic studies and surgical evaluation may be war-
ride). Hypotonic solutions should not be used for ranted before considering the use of ORSs. (1)(10)
acute parenteral rehydration. The patient should be ob- If the stool output exceeds 10 mL/kg body weight
served closely and monitored on a regular and frequent per hour, the rate of ORS treatment failure is higher.
basis. Serum electrolytes, bicarbonate, urea nitrogen, However, ORSs should continue to be offered because
creatinine, and glucose levels should be obtained, al- the majority of patients will respond well if adequate uid
though commencing rehydration therapy without these replacement is administered. (1)
results is safe. A poor response to the initial, immediate For children presenting with persistent emesis, physi-
treatment should raise the suspicion of an alternative di- cians should instruct parents to offer small amounts of
agnosis, including septic shock as well as neurologic or ORS; for example, 5 mL with a spoon or syringe every
metabolic disorders. Therapy may be switched to an oral 5 minutes, with a gradual increase in the uid amount
or NG route as soon as hemodynamic stability is accom- consumed. This technique frequently results in successful
plished and the patients level of consciousness is re- uid replacement and often a decrease in the frequency of
stored. (1)(4) vomiting as well. (1)(10)

Indications for Admission Pharmacologic Therapy

The majority of children who experience acute gastroen- Antimicrobial Agents
teritis can be managed on an outpatient basis. Antibiotics are not indicated in cases of uncomplicated or
The decision to admit patients who have acute gastro- viral acute gastroenteritis and may actually cause harm.
enteritis must take into account risk factors predisposing Antimicrobial agents may increase the risk of prolonged
to unfavorable outcomes, such as prematurity, young carrier stage and relapses in nontyphoid Salmonella

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infections. Furthermore, treating gastroenteritis due to Supplemental Zinc Therapy

Shiga toxin producing Escherichia coli with antibiotics Zinc is an essential micronutrient that protects cells from
may increase the risk of hemolytic-uremic syndrome. oxidative injury. In cases of acute or chronic diarrhea,
The use of antibiotics is reserved for the treatment of acute there is a signicant loss of zinc due to increased intestinal
enteritis complicated by septicemia and in cases of cholera, output. Some clinical trials done in developing countries
shigellosis, amebiasis, giardiasis, and enteric fever. (1)(2) in which the prevalence of zinc deciency is high have
(3) revealed a potential benet from zinc therapy in con-
junction with ORS therapy. The theory postulates that
Antidiarrheal Agents zinc may improve the absorption of water and electro-
Antidiarrheal drugs are not recommended for routine use lytes, although the exact mechanism of action is not under-
because of the risk of their adverse effects. Antimotility agents, stood completely. Studies comparing zinc supplementation
such as loperamide, are known to cause opiate-induced with placebo have revealed a reduction in stool frequency
ileus, drowsiness, and nausea in children younger than and shortening of the duration of diarrhea. The addition
age 3 years. Conversely, agents such as bismuth subsalic- of zinc to ORSs is now recommended by the WHO and
ylate have demonstrated limited efcacy in treating acute the United Nations Childrens Fund worldwide for the
gastroenteritis in children. Racecadotril, an enkephalinase treatment of diarrheal diseases of children. (2)(13)
inhibitor that decreases the intestinal secretion of water
and electrolytes without effects on intestinal motility, Functional Foods
has been studied in children in the inpatient setting Probiotics are live microorganisms in fermented foods
with promising effects; however, the drug is not yet ap- that potentially benet the host by promoting a balance
proved for use in the United States. Further well- in the intestinal ora. Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, Bi-
designed prospective studies of its efcacy and safety dobacterium lactis, and Streptococcus thermophilus are
are needed. (1)(2)(3)(10) the most common probiotic bacteria studied. Randomized
controlled trials have particularly supported the efcacy of
Antiemetic Agents L rhamnosus GG in the treatment of acute infectious diar-
The desire to alleviate vomiting arises from the need to rhea, reducing the duration of the diarrhea by 1 day.
prevent further dehydration and to avoid the need for When analyzing the different causes of diarrhea, Lac-
IV therapy and subsequent hospital admission. Ondanse- tobacillus was more effective in treating gastroenteritis
tron, a selective serotonergic 5HT3 receptor antagonist, caused by rotavirus, with a reduction in duration of diar-
has shown to be an effective antiemetic agent, decreasing rhea of 2 days. Probiotics seem to be more helpful when
the rate of admissions in patients treated with a single the therapy is started early in the presentation of illness in
dose in the emergency department with few adverse ef- otherwise healthy patients who have viral gastroenteritis.
fects reported. (11)(12) Prebiotics, on the other hand, are oligosaccharides, rather
Older generation antiemetics such as promethazine, than microorganisms, that stimulate the growth of intes-
a phenothiazine derivate with antihistamine and anticho- tinal ora. Randomized controlled trials studying prebi-
linergic activity, have been found to be less effective in otics have failed to demonstrate a reduction in the
reducing emesis. Promethazine is approved by the Food duration of diarrhea in children; therefore, prebiotics
and Drug Administration only for children older than age are not recommended routinely. (14)
2 years and is associated commonly with adverse effects
such as sedation and extrapyramidal effects, which may
interfere with the rehydration process. Summary
Metoclopramide, a procainamide derivate that is a do-
pamine receptor antagonist, has been proven to be more Based on epidemiologic evidence, most episodes of
acute gastroenteritis are self-limited, and laboratory
effective than placebo, but the rate of extrapyramidal re-
investigations should be performed only if the results
actions reported in association with its use is up to 25% will influence the management and outcome of
in children. The use of these medications is not recom- a specific patient.
mended routinely by the AAP or the CDC. None of these Based on strong evidence, an adequate history and
drugs addresses the causes of diarrhea, and the use of phar- physical examination allow the clinician to classify the
acute diarrheal illness, assess the severity of
macotherapy may distract the general care physician away
dehydration, determine whether investigations are
from the mainstay therapy: appropriate uid and electro- needed, and begin the appropriate management.
lyte replacement and early nutrition therapy. (1)(10)

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5. Porter SC, Fleisher GR, Kohane IS, Mandl KD. The value
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494 Pediatrics in Review Vol.33 No.11 November 2012

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gastrointestinal disorders gastroenteritis

1. A previously healthy 3-year-old boy presents with a 1-day history of a fever up to 39C accompanied by bloody
diarrhea. The most likely explanation of his problem is an infection with
A. Enteric adenovirus.
B. Giardia lamblia.
C. Norovirus.
D. Rotavirus.
E. Shigella dysenteriae.

2. A previously healthy 15-month-old girl vomited twice this morning. She has not vomited since but has now
experienced three episodes of profuse watery diarrhea. She has been afebrile. On examination, she refuses
fluids but is alert. The following are normal: bowel sounds, capillary refill, heart rate, and respiratory rate and
effort. If the clinician draws a blood sample to check a basic metabolic panel, he would expect to find:
A. A normal profile.
B. Significantly elevated blood urea nitrogen.
C. Significantly elevated serum potassium.
D. Very low serum bicarbonate.
E. Very low serum potassium.

3. Optimal initial management of the 15-month-old girl described above requires

A. Ad lib sports drink with electrolytes.
B. An intravenous bolus of normal saline.
C. As much dilute apple juice as tolerated.
D. Oral ondansetron every 4 hours.
E. 6 ounces of commercial oral rehydration solution for each diarrheal stool.

4. This same patient does not vomit again; hence, small frequent feedings of oral rehydration solution are not
required, although her watery diarrhea continues. Optimal nutritional management of the diarrhea now
A. Avoidance of breastfeeding.
B. Complete bowel rest.
C. Limitation of protein intake.
D. Resumption of an unrestricted regular diet as tolerated.
E. Routine use of a special lactose-free formula.

5. Aside from appropriate fluids and nutrition, the BEST way one can shorten the course of diarrhea and promote
recovery of this child is by giving her oral
A. Lactobacillus rhamnosus.
B. Loperamide.
C. Metoclopramide.
D. Ondansetron.
E. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.

Pediatrics in Review Vol.33 No.11 November 2012 495

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Acute Gastroenteritis
Deise Granado-Villar, Beatriz Cunill-De Sautu and Andrea Granados
Pediatrics in Review 2012;33;487
DOI: 10.1542/pir.33-11-487

Updated Information & including high resolution figures, can be found at:
References This article cites 11 articles, 5 of which you can access for free at:
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Infectious Diseases
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Acute Gastroenteritis
Deise Granado-Villar, Beatriz Cunill-De Sautu and Andrea Granados
Pediatrics in Review 2012;33;487
DOI: 10.1542/pir.33-11-487

The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is
located on the World Wide Web at:

Pediatrics in Review is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly
publication, it has been published continuously since 1979. Pediatrics in Review is owned,
published, and trademarked by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point
Boulevard, Elk Grove Village, Illinois, 60007. Copyright 2012 by the American Academy of
Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0191-9601.

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