The Selfish Giant

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I. When he arrived, he saw the children playing in the


Q1. Write a description of the garden where the children were playing.
A1. It was a large lovely garden, with soft green grass over which stood
beautiful flowers. There were twelve peach trees. The birds sat on the trees
singing so sweetly that the children stopped their games to listen to them.

Q2. Whom does he refer to? Where had he been?

A2. He refers to the giant. He had been to visit his friend, the Cornish Ogre
and had stayed with him for seven years.

Q3. What was his reaction when he saw the children playing in the
A3. He was very angry and he yelled at the children in a very gruff voice
declaring that nobody will be allowed to play in the garden but himself. He
built a huge wall around the garden and put up a notice board, Tresspassers
will be prosecuted.

Q4. Why were the children saddened?

A4. The children had nowhere to play. They tried to play on the road but the
road was very dusty and full of hard stones.

II. I cannot understand why the spring is so late in coming,

said the Selfish Giant.

Q1. Why did spring not come to the giants garden?

A1.Spring did not come to the giants garden as the birds did not care to
sing in it. This was because there were no children and the trees forgot to

Q2. Describe the giants garden when it was winter.

A2. In winter, snow covered the grass with her great white cloak, the frost
painted all the trees silver, the North Wind roared and blew all day and the
Hail rattled the roof of the castle all day.
Q3. What made the giant believe that spring had come at last to his
A3. One morning, the Giant heard a linnet singing outside his window. It
seemed to him to be the most beautiful music in the world. Hail stopped
dancing, the wind ceased roaring and a delicious perfume came to him
through the open window.

Q4. Describe the wonderful sight he saw through the window.

A4. Through a little hole in the wall, the children had crept in and were
sitting on the branches of the trees. On every tree there was a child. The trees
were covered with blossoms and the birds were flying about twittering with
delight. The flowers were looking up through the green grass and laughing.

III The Giants heart melted as he looked out.

Q1. Describe what the Giant saw in one corner of his garden which melted
his heart.
A1. In the farthest corner it was still winter and in it was standing a little boy.
He was so small that he could not reach up to the branches of the tree still
covered with frost and snow. He was crying bitterly.

Q2. a) What were the Giants thoughts as he viewed the above scene?
A2. a) The Giants heart melted. He realised that spring did not visit his garden
since he had been selfish.

b) What did he resolve to do?

b) He decided to put the little boy on top of the tree and knock down the wall.
His garden shall be the childrens playground for ever.

IV. He crept downstairs and opened the front door quite softly
and went into the garden.

Q1. What did the children do on seeing the giant in the garden?
A1. On seeing the giant in the garden, the children were so frightened that
they all ran away.

Q2. Why did the little boy not see him?

A2. The little boy did not see him as his eyes were full of tears.

Q3. How did the giant approach the little boy and what did he do?
A3. The giant stole up behind him, took him gently in his hand and put him
up on the tree.
Q4. What happened in the garden as a result of his action?
A4. As a result of his action, the tree broke at once into blossom, the birds
sang happily and the little boy stretched out his two arms and flung them
round the Giants neck and kissed him.

V. Suddenly, he rubbed his eyes in wonder and looked and


Q1. Whom did the giant look at in wonder?

A1. In the farthest corner of the garden was a tree covered with lovely white
blossoms. Its branches were golden and silver fruit hung down from them.
Underneath it, stood the little boy he had loved.

Q2. Why did the Giant love him the most?

A2. The Giant loved him the most because he was affectionate towards him
and he had kissed him.

Q3. What did he do on seeing him through the window?

A3. On seeing him through the window, the Giant ran to the garden and
came near the child.

Q4. Why did he become angry when he came close to him?

A4. When he came close to him, his face grew red with anger, for the child
had been harmed, on the childs little hands and feet were the prints of two

Q5. Why was the Giant filled with a strange awe?

A5. On seeing the prints of two nails on the boys hands and feet, the Giant
had an unusual feeling of respect and wonder for the little boy.

Q6. How was he rewarded?

A6. The little boy told him that since he let him play in his garden, the Giant
shall go with him to his (the childs) garden, which is paradise.

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