3.4 Experiment Procedure

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4 Experiment Procedure

Two (2) sets of experiments were conducted to determine the relationship

between glucose concentration and the sensors output voltage. Several glucose
solutions of different concentrations ranging from (10mg/dL-320mg/dL) were
prepared by dissolving glucose (dextrose monohydrate) in 1 dL of distilled water, as
shown in Equation 3.1 and Equation 3.2. The solutions were prepared in tinted amber
reagent bottles as shown in Figure 3.11 to avoid them from being affected by the light.

1dL = 100ml (Equation 3.1)

100 mg/dL = 100mg of glucose+100ml of distilled water (Equation 3.2)

30 ml of each glucose solution were transferred into a cuvette and positioned

between the transmitter and receiver, as shown in Figure 3.12. The output voltages for
different glucose concentrations were recorded to determine the relationship between
glucose concentration and the sensors output voltage. In addition, a reliability test was
carried out by comparing the glucose concentration measurements from four subjects
using invasive finger-prick techniques (Accu-Check) and the proposed portable non-
invasive device.

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