Investigator Is From NH: C783dc42662a.html

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Againits Toop <againitstoop@gmail.


Investigator is from NH
Againits Toop <> Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 8:55 AM
To: Meg Stanley <>

I hate to sound paranoid, however I was reporting criminal activity in NH, and Nina Obukhov and her 2 little
girls were murdered in NH, as well as Denise Robert. John & Geraldine Magee were dealing with public
officials in NH, David Rivera's was dealing with public officials in NH. Det Dave Cataldo used to be a cop in
NH, and has family and friends there. Also, Mass State Police Sgt Bob LaBarge was also a cop in NH and
also has family and friends in NH.

Now my investigator is from NH. Is there a reason why we had to get an investigator from NH?

This article describes a little of what I've been thru. I find it a little shocking the FBI didn't seem all that
concerned about an informant being murdered. Sgt Bob LaBarge is mentioned in this article. Take note on
Brooks' title.

If it's possible to get a local investigator, I'd prefer it. I'm done dealing with people from NH. Which is what I
was reporting when Steven Rand threatened to put a bullet in my head.

On Aug 30, 2017 3:33 PM, "Meg Stanley" <> wrote:

Hi Audra,

I will reach out to Josh and see what happened - apologies for any inconvenience.

Initially, I thought we should go to Superior because that is where bail reviews are heard. Then I recalled
I did this a few months ago with someone who was not in custody and I could not use the same
procedure and I needed to do it in District Court. Because we had already decided to have the hearing
tomorrow at 2, and you were planning to be there, I thought we could bring the case forward at BMC
which is just a few blocks away, to achieve that end of getting the condition removed. Not a cause for
concern. Upon further reflection I thought it appropriate to have it marked as a motion which would be
heard at BMC and not a bail review at Superior.

So, if you want to meet tomorrow at BMC, we can ask the clerk to have the motion addressed tomorrow.
Attached is a copy. If you do not want to meet tomorrow we can discuss an additional date next week.

I will contact Josh and see whats going on with him.



On Aug 30, 2017, at 2:46 PM, Againits Toop <> wrote:

I'm confused. You told me I had a hearing tomorrow at 2 in Superior Court where they do
the Bail reviews. Now that appears to have changed, so obviously I'm not going to Boston
at all tomorrow unless you can explain the sudden change, I'm not going anywhere.

Also, I would like to review all motions prior to being filed.

As of this date, I have not heard back from Josh Goodwin, Case in Point Investigations. He
scheduled to meet me this past Saturday, but was a no-show. I sat outside a locked
building for 30 minutes and was told that company name isn't on the directory at 301
Edgewater Place, Wakefield. Guy who worked there said it's only lawyers and investment
brokers in that building.

The investigator hasn't called me back.

On Aug 30, 2017 12:59 PM, "Meg Stanley" <> wrote:

Thanks for the information Audra. Lets meet at BMC tomorrow at 2. I sent the motion to
amend the conditions of release to the ADA and notified him of our intention to bring the
case forward for review tomorrow. If something comes up let me know.

On Aug 30, 2017, at 11:37 AM, Againits Toop <>


I just wanted to provide you with this recording. I was told by Steven Rand,
the guy they allege I wiretapped, to contacted ADA Arcangeli to confirm a
warrant for my arrest. Keeping in mind he's the alleged "victim."

I did call and left a message. According to Steven Rand, they were not
going to confirm a warrant for my arrest. Since the DA's Office never
confirmed it, and I have never been served with any papers, as well as the
US Attorney's Office initiating a complaint against Steven Rand for
impersonating a federal was kind of hard to believe this guy and I
still didn't know who he was.

My call to ADA Arcangeli was December 8, 2016. So, again it's not as if I
was running from anything. I was trying to verify who Steven Rand was,
because he threatened to put a bullet in my head on 6/20/16.

On Aug 21, 2017 5:04 PM, "Againits Toop" <>

Is there a chance they'll revoke my bail? I had to pay $1,200 to be bailed
out on May 23rd.

On Aug 21, 2017 4:33 PM, "Againits Toop" <>

Thursday would be fine. I need my friend to escort me.

On Aug 21, 2017 11:55 AM, "Meg Stanley" <>

I spoke to him this morning. I'm going to mark it up for a bail review
next week. Those are heard at 2PM in Superior Court. Historically
judges have required my clients to be present at those hearings so
it's advisable you come in for the hearing- I can't guarantee a judge
will waive your presence for the hearing. I know it is difficult coming
into the city but we will need you there for the purposes of the
I can schedule it for next Tuesday 8/29 or Thursday 8/31 at 2pm. Is
either of those days better or worse for you?



Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 19, 2017, at 5:17 AM, Againits Toop

<> wrote:

Have we heard back on a new ADA? I have to wait for

them to get around to assigning a new ADA, to handle
my false arrest? I'm supposed to check in next week. I
don't want to be forced to do this anymore.

So, no rights to a speedy trial? That's just a myth?

On Aug 15, 2017 4:43 PM, "Meg Stanley"

<> wrote:
Okay. The ADA who was assigned to your case has
moved to a different unit so I am trying to find out
who is newly-assigned so I can schedule a hearing
regarding your conditions. Ill let you know once we
have an agreed-upon date.



On Aug 11, 2017, at 8:01 AM, Againits

Toop <>

The court forced me to be evaluated

by their psychologist, and threatened
to have me locked up in a mental
hospital for 20 days if I didn't comply.

They cleared me of "being a threat to


I'm on disability. No one needs my


On Aug 11, 2017 7:56 AM, "Againits

Toop" <>
Hi, I didn't see the evaluation by the
psychologist from 3/23/17 in what
info the prosecutor gave you. I don't
know if it's in the court's file.
The DA's Office acknowledged I am
disabled. Their own psychologist
documented I have a seizure
condition and vision problems. But I
am still being forced to check into
probation. I have to depend on
someone to take me into Boston.

Are you able to file a motion to have

me released from reporting to

On Aug 8, 2017 7:23 PM, "Againits

Toop" <>
Hi, I wasn't able to read your last
email. I opened it, no email.

Is it possible to file a motion to be

released from checking into
probation? I don't want to be
forced to go into Boston and be
exposed to these people. I have
an attorney, I'm disabled, and I'm
not going anywhere.

I have to check into probation

every 2 weeks. I am scheduled to
go this week.

These were the conditions of

release on 3/23/17. Although I did
not report to probation, more
because I'm terrified to go into
Boston, I was arrested on 5/22/17
for it, and I had to be bailed out for

The conditions of release were

made because I wasn't held on
bail. That's what I heard on
5/22/17. So, I'm not 100% why I
still have to report to probation.
But I was keeping in touch with
the FBI & US Attorney's Office &
Mass State Police the entire time
to find out why no one is getting
back to me.

Further, I will be sending you text

messages from Steven Rand to
me. He claims a complaint existed
before a complaint existed. I
followed up with him and asked
when I would be served.

I was never served with any

paperwork. They went ahead with
a hearing, they intentionally never
served me with papers, and got a
warrant just so they could attack

This never had to happen to me.

Steven Rand didn't have a badge
when he shoved his ID up to my
holding cell door.


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