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DATE: 28/08/2017


- Find out about the main points of the Glorious Revolution

- When and why did the event start?

- Who were involved in the event?


- The event also known as the Revolution of 1688 or the Bloodless Revolution.

- It took place in 1688-1689 in England.

- The revolution started when Catholic King, James II, was replaced by his protestant

daughter, Mary II, and her Dutch husband William III (William of Orange) on the English


- But the beginning of this revolution started since James Catholic son was born. Before

that, his daughter, Mary, was the heir of the throne. When the successor of the throne

became James new born Catholic prince, seven Whig and Tory leaders, which were the

political parties that support protestant successor, sent an invitation to the Dutch prince,

WIlliam and Mary to come to England.

- After William arrived England, James daughter, Anne, and his best general, John

Churchill, joined Williams camp. Therefore, James fled to France, so William and Mary

were offered the throne.

- The Declaration of Rights and the Bill of Rights were the documents that prevent

Catholics from the throne.


- http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/civil_war_revolution/glorious_revolution_01.shtml#four

- https://www.infoplease.com/encyclopedia/history/modern-europe/british-and-irish-history/glorious-


- https://www.britannica.com/event/Glorious-Revolution


At first, we thought we would be able to start working on this project in class if we finish

the class assignment on time. However, we didnt get to do that as we spent too much time on

the in-class assignment. So we decided to begin the research separately at home, started with

the background information of the revolution we chose. I got all the answer for my questions as

they are just basic facts about the topic. But I still got questions about the effects of the event.

We agreed to compare our notes and summarize the information we got tomorrow at school

then we would continue our researching.

DATE: 29/08/2017


- Find the answer for the questions I got yesterday about the revolution.

- Start researching on one of the history figures we chose, Niccolo Machiavelli.

- What are the effects of the Glorious Revolution?

- Who was Niccolo Machiavelli? What was he famous for?


- The Bill of Rights, the law passed by the parliament to William and Mary since the

beginning of their reign, changed England from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional

monarchy which the real power is in the hands of the parliament. The British system of

government has remained a constitutional monarchy ever since this time.

- Niccolo Machiavelli was an Italian political advisor, writer, poet, diplomat and theorist in

the late 15th century. In his early life, he was a secretary of a chancellery of the

Florentine Republic. He was a diplomat in the period when Florence's ruling Medici

family lost its power. He served in that position for 14 years, in which he was gone to

numerous time of diplomatic missions.

- When the Medici came back to its power, Machiavelli was imprisoned, tortured, and

banished from Florence. At that time, he turned to writing, and compose one of his

famous work, The Prince, in which he describe the ideal characteristics of a good ruler

and dedicated it to the Medici family.

- Later, he was called back to a duty in the government. But when the Medici was

overthrown and the Republic gained its power, he was exiled again.

- HIs another well known work, The Discourse, talks about an entire opposite ideal ruler

from The Prince as Machiavelli expressed his real Republic beliefs in this work.

- Machiavelli viewed the world as how it is, not as the Christianity told the Christians to.

HIs idea of an ideal ruler is the person who can be ruthless to the enemy to maintain

peace, prosperity, and security for his own people. He believed if a ruler cant be both,

its better to be feared than loved. This view is the basis of the term Machiavellianism.

- According to the Oxford English Dictionary, 'Machiavellianism' is "the employment of

cunning and duplicity in statecraft or in general conduct." According to the American

Heritage Dictionary, the political doctrine of Machiavelli, which denies the relevance of

morality in political affairs and holds that craft and deceit are justified in pursuing and

maintaining political power.


- http://www.skwirk.com/p-c_s-1_u-105_t-279_c-930/NSW/5/Causes-and-effects-of-the-Glorious-


- https://www.landofthebrave.info/bill-of-rights-1689.htm
- https://www.biography.com/people/niccol%C3%B2-machiavelli-9392446

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOXl0Ll_t9s

- http://biography.yourdictionary.com/machiavelli


Yesterday, I planned to research a bit more about on the revolution and start on the

history figures today. Luckily, today class was about Niccolo Machiavelli who was the topic we

decided to work on next. I used the video we watch in class as one of the references for the

project. In addition, I research more about him after I finish with the effects of the Glorious

Revolution. The details I got from the websites are quite similar to the ones from the video. So I

decided to find some interesting facts about him. I also found some of the information about

Machiavellianism, which is one of the ideology we chose for this project.

DATE: 30/08/2017


- Begin researching on Jean Jacques Rousseau.

- Who was Jean Jacques Rousseau? What was he famous for?

- Is there any relations between Rousseau and Machiavelli?


- Jean Jacques Rousseau was one of the most influential thinkers during the

Enlightenment in eighteenth century Europe.

- In 1725, Rousseau was an apprentice of an engraver. Although he did not dislike the

work, he hate his master and thought that he was tyranny. So he left Geneva in 1728

and move to Annecy, where he met Louise de Warens.

- He and Madame de Warens developed a romantic relationship for a while. She was one

of the reason he later gave up Genevan citizenship to convert to Catholicism

- In 1742, Rousseau went to Paris to become a musician and composer. He presented his

new system of numbered musical notation to the Acadmie des Sciences but it was

rejected even though it was ingenious and compatible with typography.


- http://www.iep.utm.edu/rousseau/


I spent too much time on the in-class assignment again, so I got only a few minutes to

work on my project at the end of the class. Today, I tried to find information of Jean Jacques

Rousseau who is the next topic on our list. But I still have to search more on him later as I didnt

finish the researching as I hope. I also planned to look for relations between him and Machiavelli

next time.

DATE: 5/09/2017


- Finish researching on the topic that were left from the last time.

- Proceed to the next topic (one of the ideologies).


- In the end of 1740s, Jean Jacques Rousseau became friends with a French philosopher

named Denis Diderot and worked together on several articles on "Encyclopdie".

However, they began to divide and Diderot later described Rousseau as being "deceitful,

vain as Satan, ungrateful, cruel, hypocritical and full of malice".

- In 1750, he published the Discourse on the Arts and Sciences, a response to the

Academy of Dijons essay contest on the question, Has the restoration of the sciences

and arts tended to purify morals? This discourse is what originally made Rousseau

famous as it won the Academys prize.

- In 1753, Rousseau submitted an entry to another essay contest announced by the

Academy of Dijon. The question was What is the origin of inequality among men, and is

it authorized by the natural law? His response became the Discourse on the Origin of

Inequality Among Men. He thought this work was better than the First Discourse

because it was much longer and more sophisticated. He had it published and it was also

widely read and discussed like the first discourse.

- In 1762, he published the masterpiece of his life, The Social Contract, which seeked to

solve the problem posed by the sentence "Man is born free; and everywhere he is in

chains." In this work, he proposed that people gave up their freedom to obey the rule

conducted by the general will of the whole society. Then, in the same year, he

published a book explaining his views on education, Emile. Paris authorities criticized

both of the books, due to the points Rousseau made in them about religion, which forced

him to leave France. He settled in Switzerland and in 1764 he began writing his

autobiography, the Confessions.

- It seems like Machiavelli and Rousseau were on the opposite side. They had different

political views as their opinion toward government were very distinct from one another.

- Scientific method were the steps that scientist used to find the answer to their questions.

First, they observe something and came up with a question they want to know about it.

Then they make a hypothesis that might be the answer for that question. Next, they

perform an experiment to test their theory. If the result supports the theory, after

analyzing and repeating the experiment, they can conclude that the hypothesis is right.


- http://www.iep.utm.edu/rousseau/

- http://www.philosophybasics.com/philosophers_rousseau.html

- http://www.historyguide.org/europe/rousseau.html

- http://study.com/academy/lesson/the-scientific-method-steps-terms-examples.html

We got one period of study hall today, so I continue doing the research on Jean Jacques

Rousseau. Also, I finished the in-class work earlier than usual, so I got some time to work on the

project in the class. As I learned about both Machiavelli and Rousseau, I think I can now notice

the relation between them. The topic I planned to work on next is the scientific method, which is

also the topic for the class today. When I did the researching, there werent many information

about it. So I just wrote down the procedure of it based on the website and from my

understanding. Me and my partner decided were going to research on the last topic, which is

the new world uprisings, tomorrow.

DATE: 6/09/2017


- Finish researching all of the topics


- Christopher Columbus is widely known as the person who discovered America in 1492.

America was called the New World during the time of first exploration and colonization of

the Americas by Europeans as they compared it to the Old World or Europe, where they

were from.

- After the age of exploration, European explorers conquered the new lands they

discovered and enslaved the natives. Most of the natives were forced to work, tortured,

and killed. Their freedom and right were took away from them as the Europeans gain

control of the lands.

- A while later, the number of natives decreased so the Europeans brought their prisoners

and the Africans to the new lands and make them work as slaves. It was hard for the

slaves to live that way so they started to fight back to get their rights back from the

- There were lots of uprisings in the New World but it was nearly impossible for them to

succeed. However, the rebels never lose their hope of gaining their freedom back so

they planned the revolt again and again.


- http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/columbus-reaches-the-new-world

- http://www.history.com/topics/black-history/slavery-iv-slave-rebellions


Today, we planned to do a research on the ideology of new world uprisings, which is the

only topic we got left. At first, I got a little confusing with the concept of the New World. But after

some reading, I found that it has something to do with the age of exploration. I decided to talk

with my partner about this topic tomorrow. So I just create the the second mind map from my

understanding and the knowledge I gain from doing the research. Next time, I will start making

the product.

DATE: 7/09/2017


- Plan about the product and the making process

- Find the website that were going to use to make the layout for the scrapbook

- Start working on the product


Today is the first day we work on the product for our project. We discussed and

compared the information we got from doing the research separately. Most of the information

we got are similar. Then we searched for a website to create our product and we found out that

canva.com can be used to make the scrapbook. We already planned on how the product going

to look like. But we got a lot of homework from the other classes so I decided to put information

in the scrapbook next time.

DATE: 13/09/2017


- Begin summarizing the information that will be used in the product


Me and my partner decided to divide the work into parts. Today, we started with

organizing the information. I will work on the revolution and the historical figures parts while my

partner will work on the ideologies parts. I tried to select only some of the background

information and the important facts to put in the product. I already begin filling in the scrapbook

with facts and pictures. I think I would work on one topic a day so that I can also work on the

other homework. So there are a lot more that I still need to continue working on.

DATE: 14/09/2017


- Find a website that can turn PDF file into flipbook.

- Continue working on the product.


Todays class discussion was longer than expected so we didnt have time to work on

the project in class. Yesterday, I found that we can make a flipbook online, and it looks very

nice. So I planned to find a website for that. The websites I looked in the beginning were

interesting but we have to pay for the membership. I tried to find for a website we can use to

create a free flipbook and I found a website called yumpu.com. When we finish making the PDF

file of the scrapbook well use the website to create an online flipbook as our final product.

DATE: 15/09/2017


- Make the second mind map


I totally forgot that I had to make a second mind map so I decided to work on it today. I

got a lot of information from doing the research and learning in class. I just put the main points

for each topic into the mind map. It looks better than the previous one, it has more information

about the topics. I hope it is easy to understand the concepts by looking at the mind map. The

next mind map will be more advanced than this one. I will create it after I finish the final product.

I will put the connection between the topics into the last mind map.

DATE: 21/09/2017


- Check the rubric and edit the learning record


Tomorrow is the due date of the learning record. I decided to check mine with the rubric

one more time before turning it in. There were some parts I needed to work on so I just fixed

those parts. Today, I didnt do work much on the project as I felt very tired. I planned to put my

learning records on my e-portfolio and turn it in tomorrow.

DATE: 22/09/2017


- Put the learning record on e-portfolio and submit the link on Edmodo

- Continue working on the product


I thought putting the learning record on e-portfolio would use only a few minutes but I

was wrong. I had a problem with document converting again. I couldnt remember how I fix it the

last time with my proposal. It took a lot more time than I thought to get it done and submit the

link on Edmodo. I think I had to postpone the product goal to be tomorrow instead.

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