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Arledge and Associates Q&A

What happens if someone taps

retirement plan early
Editors Note: The following is a Q&A, My family has incurred some large
answered by Valerie Ard of Arledge and medical bills that we need to pay off.
Associates. Unfortunately, we will have to use some of
our qualified retirement savings. Can we do
There are situations in life which can this?
force families and individuals to withdraw Yes, distributions to the extent the amount
monies from their qualified of unreimbursed medical expenses exceed
retirement plans such as 10 percent of your adjusted gross income are
401 (k)s and IRA accounts granted an exception to the penalty for this early
earlier than the accepted tap out.
age of 59 1/2. We have a grandchild who is eligible to
Using these funds attend college in the fall. The family however,
from retirement plans to does not have the financial means to handle
just make ends meet is an this large expense. We, as grandparents,
unfortunate situation and have significant qualified retirement savings
adding a tax penalty to the and wish to help, however we are under age
scenario makes it even Ard 59 1/2. What are our consequences?
worse. There are however, Early distributions from your retirement
some scenarios in which this penalty can be plan are reported as ordinary income to you,
avoided. Below are some common scenarios tax but if used to cover qualified higher education
advisors have encountered. expenses for a taxpayer, spouse, child or even
My husband, the sole breadwinner, grandchild are excluded from penalties.
passed away unexpectedly. He was younger As a reminder, with all of these early
than 59 , but in order to keep life afloat, pay distributions you will be required to pick up
bills and survive I am forced to take early the actual distribution as ordinary income. The
retirement from my husbands 401 (K) or IRA. penalties, however, will be excluded and you
Will I be penalized? must report this on Form 5329 along with the
While taking an early withdrawal from specific exception number that applies to each
your deceased husbands qualified plan or IRA situation. As always, it is best to consult with
will cause income to be recognized to that your tax advisor to keep up to date with ever-
extent, you will not be subject to a 10 percent changing tax laws and advantages that apply to
penalty. This is because a distribution made you.
due to death is an exception to the penalty and Valerie Ard is a tax supervisor at Arledge
can be denoted on the 1099-R and on your tax and Associates, PC, an Edmond- based
return. accounting firm. Arledge & Associates, PC is
I lost my job. In order to keep my a recognized leader in the accounting industry
health insurance coverage, I will be forced to offering practical solutions in the areas of tax
use a portion of my retirement monies to pay planning, auditing, consulting, accounting
for my insurance policies. Will I be penalized advisory services and client accounting.
for this?
Taking an early tap out of your retirement
plan to cover health insurance while unemployed
qualifies for penalty exclusion.

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