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Deception with a difference PLUS POINTS

Its right here

The female hope to look like, the spider has

Credit: Nature, Ecology and Evolution
evolved to mimic the dynamic
cuckoo adds actions of a species of ants, which do 0.8

Probability of egg acceptance

another have defences of strong jaws and a
poisonous sting. While close up
dimension to resemblance at the physical dimen-
sions of spiders and ants is not

faking in the detailed, similarity of movements is

natural world more likely to cause deception. The
jumping spider, which uses stealth

S ANANTHANARAYANAN and rapid jumps to capture prey,

hence, imitates the movements of 0.2

eception is essential to sur- the ant, to be mistaken for one and
vival in the wild. On one hand, be left alone by predators on the 6/18 13/17
0.0 6/17 13/18
all animals fall into the cat- lookout for spiders.
egory of predators or prey. In the plant kingdom, too, flow- Collared Male Female Sparrowhawk
It is hence in the interest of each one ers evolve to look and smell like oth- dove cuckoo cuckoo
either to be concealed or to appear to ers, to attract pollinators. Orchids are The foreign egg in the reed warblers nest appears easy to make out. The probability that the foreign egg be accepted is Scientists have spotted a huge black
be harmless, if a predator or unap- known to mimic the colours and hence low and stays low when the relatively non-threatening calls of the collared dove or a male cuckoo are sounded. The hole lurking at the middle of our own
petising or dangerous, if prey. On the scents of nectar bearing flowers call of a female cuckoo or of a real threat, a sparrowhawk, however, distracts the host birds and they accept the foreign egg galaxy. The supermassive black hole is
other hand, animals and plants often and even to exude the scent of almost 80 percent of the time sitting in the middle of the Milky Way
depend on other animals for transport, female insects, to lure and if confirmed would be the second
fertilisation, shelter or nourishment. males to the flowers in male cuckoo positively diverting the should throw out the cuckoo eggs. for the serious peril of a hawk, and biggest ever seen in our own neighbour-
They hence need to provide services search of a mate! Slightly hosts from their nest. The cuckoo Raising the cuckoo chicks in addition ignore trifles like a female cuckoo hood. The discovery could help solve
in return, or better, to look like a apart, weeds that often removes one or more of the to their own is then a lesser price for messing about with the nest! some of the central mysteries of black
species that provides the service. look like crop plants are host birds eggs while laying her own hosts to pay than trying to keep the Prey are sensitive to even subtle holes, giving us an unprecedented look
Jenny E York and Nicholas B more likely to survive. in the nest. The hosts also sometimes cuckoo eggs out. cues of predation risk, which pro- at how such strange things form.
Davies, from the department of zool- The case of the remove cuckoo eggs if they are able For all this, the cuckoo cannot vides the evolutionary potential for The object was spotted by scientists
ogy, University of Cambridge, writ- female cuckoo, to make them out. And then, just march up to a host birds nest parasites to exploit host risk percep- looking at a huge, toxic gas cloud that is
ing in the journal, Nature Ecology however, is differ- there are also instances and lay her eggs there. The host tion. In our field experiments, reed swirling around near the middle of the
and Evolution, describe an instance ent. She too relies on of the cuckoo acting to b i rd s w o u l d a l s o a t t a c k a n d warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) galaxy. By looking at that, they saw a
of a bird that simulates the predator deception, but not to destroy the host birds mob cuckoos found in hosts paid no more atten- strange movement of gases that indicat-
of a sister species, to throw the sister avoid predators, or even eggs the vicinity of their tion to the cuckoo call ed a huge compact object was at its
species off her guard while the bird to attract helpers or nests. The cuck- of the male com- centre which they say must have been
makes use of the sister birds nest. sources of food. The Cuck- o o h a s h e n c e, mon cuckoo than a black hole.
A well-documented instance of oo mother uses deception to p e r f o rc e, t o b e the call of a Scientists have long agreed that
deception, or Batesian mimicry, is throw secretive and use harmless dove. extremely large galaxies like our own
where species have evolved to look another stealth to plant her However, the contain huge black holes that can be
like other species, for protection. bird off the e g g s i n h o s t s chuckle call of many billion times bigger than the sun,
Caterpillars of the Heliconid butter- track while the n e s t s. Gi v e n t h e the female but they havent been able to work out
flies of the Amazon feed on toxic cuckoo commits tres- need for stealth, cuckoo had how that actually happens. But by man-
leaves of the Passion Flower plant. pass and passes off her own however, it is sur- the same aging to look at one right in our own
This makes the butterflies toxic too, eggs as those of the unsuspecting prising that soon effect as the solar system, astronomers hope to find
which is their principal protection other. after she lays the call of a preda- out why.
against predators. Batesian mimics The common cuckoo, Cuculus e g g s i n t h e h o s ts tor y hawk in Such large black holes known as
are other species of quite edible but- canorus, is a brood parasite. This nest, the female cuck- distracting the intermediate-mass black holes are
terflies, which have evolved to look means she does not lay and warm oo often breaks out into Jumping spider warblers attention thought to form when smaller black
like the Heliconid, to deceive preda- her eggs in her own nest, but lays the a c h u c k l e c a l l , w h i c h and reducing rejection holes move together into bigger ones,
tors! Similar deception is practiced eggs in the nest of a host bird. The should draw attention to her- of a foreign egg. Our results which then in turn join up to create
by species of harmless snakes, to host then raises the cuckoo chicks in self! show that the female cuckoo supermassive ones. But this is the first
look like an unrelated, but venomous addition to her own. As cuckoo This is the feature of the female enhances her success by manipulat- time that evidence of those middle, big-
snake, to keep enemies at bay. chicks hatch early and have marked cuckoos behaviour that York and ing a fundamental trade-off in host ger ones have been found.
A recent publication is about a begging behaviour, they often Davies from Cambridge made their defences between clutch and self- The discovery might one day allow
species of spider, which is in danger monopolise the nest resources, to subject of study. The duo notes that protection, the authors say in the for proof of generational relativity, a
of being picked up by a brace of the cost of the host birds chicks. if the female cuckoos call is not just a paper. change that the scientists note would
small predators. While there is no While the cuckoo generally lays the chuckle but is hawk-like. The make a considerable contribution to
convenient model with the necessary eggs in the host nest swiftly and with lat- chuckle is thus calculated to put the The writer can be contacted at the progress of modern physics.
protection, which the spider could stealth, there are instances of the ter host birds on the alert, to watch out
Common Cuckoo The independent

Growing in phases No mere coincidence

Experts say that Hurricanes
Irma, Harvey and Jose appearing
Sibling rivalry

Heres a look at at the same time shows climate

cell division change is real and getting worse
replication of

he horrifying weather that
chromosomes has swept over the Atlantic is
just a light example of things
to come, according to
researchers. The Americas have been
hit by three destructive hurricanes in
recent weeks Harvey, Irma and then
Jose. That is not simply a coinci- A bacteria that is a leading cause of
dence, say climate experts instead, death worldwide from hospital acquired
it is a demonstration of global warm- infections following antibiotic treatment
ing in action. looks set to be brought down through
Scientists have already warned its own sibling rivalry.
that the response to the recent hur- Different strains of Clostridium dif-
ricanes shows how terrifyingly naturally. But environmental ficile (C diff ) use tiny weapons to kill
unprepared the world is for the kind changes are making the strength each other, and scientists from the UK
of extreme weather events that will and energy of such hurricanes far and US have discovered how these work,
become more common as the Earth stronger, and allowing them to do enabling them to be engineered into an
gets hotter. But they warn also that far more damage. antimicrobial agent with the potential
the combination of the hurricanes Climate change may not have to prevent or cure C diff infection.
is a particular warning about the caused Hurricane Irma but it is The team of scientists from the Uni-
damage being done to the environ- making its impacts a whole lot versity of Sheffield, the California-based
ment. Whats more, the weather worse, said Dave Reay, professor of biotech company, AvidBiotics Corp, and
effects that usually slowed the dam- carbon management at the Univer- the University of Glasgow also found
age caused by such a run of hurri- sity of Edinburgh. Rising sea levels that, when C diff develops a resistance to
TAPAN KUMAR MAITRA two members of each homologous chromosome 21, the resulting canes is likely to stop meaning and a warmer, wetter atmosphere these weapons, the bacteria can no
chromosome pair were randomly dis- embryo, possessing three copies of not simply that we will get more are combining to intensify flood longer cause infection, making them

fter meiosis I has been com- tributed to the two cells produced by chromosome 21, can develop fully dangerous hurricanes, but they are risks all around the world. President harmless. The research has been pub-
pleted, a brief interphase may meiosis I, each of the haploid daughter and lead to the birth of a live child. more likely than ever to chain Trump said he withdrew the US lished in Science Translational Medicine.
intervene before meiosis II cells produced by meiosis II contains a But this child will exhibit a series of together in this way. from the Paris Climate Agreement to C diff lives in the human gut - usu-
begins. However, this inter- random mixture of maternal and developmental abnormalities -includ- Perhaps Harvey was happen- protect jobs and businesses. For ally in small numbers but when peo-
phase is not accompanied by DNA paternal chromosomes. Moreover, ing short stature, broad hands, folds stance and Irma could be coinci- many folk in Texas and Florida that ple take antibiotics, this kills off many
replication because each chromosome each of these chromosomes is com- over the eyes, and low intelligence - dence, said Philip Williamson, decision must now be looking pretty of their protective gut bacteria, allowing
already consists of a pair of replicated, posed of a mixture of maternal and that together constitute Down syn- NERC Science Coordinator at Uni- short-sighted. C diff to get a stronger foothold. It then
sister chromatids that had been generated paternal DNA sequences created by drome. versity of East Anglia. But Jose fol- As before, researchers have grows very quickly, releasing toxins that
by DNA synthesis during the inter- crossing over during prophase I. The amount of DNA present at lowing close behind has to be cli- warned that the world is simply not cause diarrhoea and inflammation,
phase preceding meiosis I. So DNA is While each of the cells produced various stages is indicated using the C mate change in action. Damaging equipped for the kinds of extreme which can be fatal.
replicated only one time, and that is prior by meiosis normally contains a com- value, which corresponds to the hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons weather that will come with changes Like many bacteria, C diff can make
to the first meiotic division. The purpose plete, haploid set of chromosomes, a amount of DNA present in a single occur in tropical parts of the world, in the environment. In particular, if a weapon that is able to identify and kill
of meiosis II, like that of a typical mitot- rare malfunction called nondisjunc- (haploid) set of chromosomes. In a at the time of year when the sea is the effects of such damage are competing C diff strains. This weapon
ic division, is to parcel the sister chro- tion can produce cells that either lack diploid cell prior to S phase, the chro- warmest. So if the world gets spread differently across the world, attaches to the surface of other C diff
matids created by this initial round of a particular chromosome or contain mosome number is 2n and the DNA warmer still, the risk increases its meaning that people in poorer cells and fires a harpoon-type needle
DNA replication into two newly form- an extra chromosome. Nondisjunc- content is 2C because two sets of chro- as simple as that. countries are far more likely to die, through their membrane, causing the
ing cells. As a result, meiosis II is some- tion refers to the failure of homolo- mosomes are present. When DNA In particular, when one follows for instance. cell to die.
times referred to as the separation divi- gous chromosomes (during anaphase undergoes replication during S phase, much the same track as another, The reach of extreme weather AvidBiotics Corp teamed up with
sion of meiosis. I) or sister chromatids (during the DNA content is doubled to 4C soon afterwards, the second or third is spreading and its punch is getting Robert Fagan from the University of
On the other hand, prophase II is anaphase II) to separate from each because each chromosome now con- is usually likely to be weaker since stronger due to climate change, Sheffields department of molecular
very brief. If detectable at all, it is other at the metaphase-anaphase sists of two chromatids. In meiosis I, the surface will have been cooled by said Jeffrey S Kargel from the depart- biology and biotechnology, who is an
much like a mitotic prophase. transition. Instead, both chromo- segregation of homologous chromo- the initial mixing (bringing deeper, ment of hydrology and atmospheric expert in the crystalline outer layer of C
Metaphase II also resembles the somes or chromatids, remain together somes into different daughter cells lower-temperature water to the sur- sciences at the University of Arizona. diff, known as the S-layer. The team
equivalent stage in mitosis, except that and move into one of the two daugh- reduces the chromosome number and face). But that effect wont happen, No individual meteorological event realised that the answer seemed to be
only half as many chromosomes are ter cells, thereby generating one cell the DNA content from 4C to 2C. Sister or will be much less, if theres warm is attributable exclusively to shifting linked to different types of S-layer C
present at the spindle equator. The containing both copies of the chro- chromatid separation during meiosis water at depth as well as in the climate, but human alteration of the diff strains produce one of 14 possible
kinetochores of sister chromatids now mosome and one cell containing nei- II then reduces the DNA content from uppermost layers. Here we see there atmosphere is having a major role different types.
face in opposite directions, allowing ther copy. The resulting gametes have 2C to 1C while the chromosome num- has been some overlap of the flight in causing more costly and more fre- Dr Gillian Douce at the University
the sister chromatids to separate and an incorrect number of chromosomes ber remains constant. In contrast, a paths of Harvey, Irma and Jose, yet quent extreme weather events. of Glasgow was able to show that while
move (as new daughter chromosomes) and tend to produce defective normal mitosis reduces the DNA con- without resulting in any substantive Poor nations pay mostly in these resistant C diff could still survive
to opposite spindle poles during embryos that die before birth. How- tent from 4C to 2C (by sister chromatid reduction in their strengths, all bodies, and wealthier, more devel- and multiply in the gut, they became
anaphase II. The remaining phases of ever, a few such gametes can partici- separation) while the chromosome being at least category 4. oped nations pay more in damaged harmless and no longer caused disease.
the second meiotic division resemble pate in the formation of embryos that number remains at 2n. Climate experts are clear that stuff but there comes a point when The research has so far only been
the comparable stages of mitosis. The do survive. For example, if an abnor- the hurricanes themselves werent no amount of weatherproofing can carried out in the laboratory and in ani-
final result is the formation of four mal human sperm containing two The writer is associate professor, head, necessarily the result of climate protect people. mal studies, so further work will be
department of botany, ananda mohan
daughter cells, each containing a hap- copies of chromosome 21 fertilises a college, kolkata, and also fellow, botanical change, and that while the combi- needed before the treatment can be
loid set of chromosomes. Because the normal egg containing one copy of society of bengal, and can be contacted at nation of them is rare it could occur The independent made available in the clinic.

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