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June 2015


S and Culture:

E new inclusive territories

Edited by Dannyelle Valente

& Philippe Claudet


Reading Committee:
Terra Haptica
International Journal Anneke Blok,
of Visual Disability Royal Dutch Visio /Netherlands
and Inclusive Practices Valrie Chauvey,
Researcher of Sociology /France
Maria Clara De Almeida Carij,
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro/Brazil
The international journal Terra Haptica, created by Gustavo Ferraz,
Les Doigts Qui Rvent (Dreaming Fingers) in 2010, Universidade Federal Fluminense/Brazil
associated since 2012 with the ACTE Institute (CNRS Anna Galiano,
8218- University of Paris 1 - Sorbonne), focuses on Universit Lumire Lyon 2/France
the socio-cultural, communicational and cognitive Jose Lanners,
aspects of the visual impairment. Fondazione Robert Hollman/ Italy
Supported by a scientific committee, each thema- Nathalie Lewi-Dumont,
tic issue is composed of two sections: a section de- INS-HEA/France
voted to Research, in which articles are submitted Fabienne Meyer,
to a reading committee; and a section devoted to Hochschule der Knste/Berne
Report of experience, providing a voice for practi- Eva Rolim,
tioners and users. Universidade Federal de Pernambugo / Brazil
Mariana Schmitz,
Each issue is published in English and in French (in Universit Lumire Lyon 2/France
French some months after the English one). Bruno Sena Martins,
Universidade de Coimbra/Portugal
Anne Theurel,
Founder & director: Universit de Genve/Switzerland
Philippe Claudet Arnaud Witt,
Universit de Bourgogne/France
Scientific coordination of this issue: Suzette Wright,
Dannyelle Valente American Printing House for the Blind/USA

Scientific Committee: Graphic chart: Solne Ngrerie

Layout: Mathilde Pilard-Joyault, Anas Brard
Bernard Darras,
Universit Paris 1, Panthon-Sorbonne/France Proofreading: Philippe Claudet, Suzette Wright,
Dannyelle Valente
Charles Gardou,
Universit Lumire Lyon 2/France
douard Gentaz,
Universit de Genve/Switzerland Opinions expressed in signed articles are those of
Yvette Hatwell, the authors. Likewise any advertisement is the
Universit Pierre Mends-France, Grenoble/France responsability of the advertiser. Neither necessarily
Virgnia Kastrup, carries the endorsement of the publisher or the
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro/Brazil Editorial Advisory Board. All rights reserved. This
Bertrand Verine, journal may not be reproduced, in whole or in part,
Universit Montpellier 3/France including illustrations, in any form (print, photocopy,
Annie Vinter, microfilm or electronic).
Universit de Bourgogne/France
Suzette Wright, Les Doigts Qui Rvent Journal Terra Haptica
American Printing House for the Blind/USA 11 bis, rue de Novalles, BP 93, 21240 Talant,
+33 3 80 59 22 88

Terra Haptica - #5 June 2015



Dannyelle Valente

p. 9 - Aesthetic Accessibility and Tactile Images of p. 64 - The Inner Look: the Visually Impaired and
Works of Art their Perceptions
Raquel Guerreiro, Virgnia Kastrup (Brazil) Fabiana Vinagre (Brazil)

p. 18 - Communication of the Five Senses in Brazilian p. 74 - The Golden Age - Painting for All. Making
Cultural Spaces: Strategies of Mediations and the Previously Unheard, Unseen and
Accessibility for People with their Differences Unimaginable Accessible
Viviane Sarraf (Brazil) Gregor Strutz (Germany)

p. 27 - The Inclusion of People with Visual p. 80 - Designing in Collaboration with Blind

Impairments in Art Museums, a Study Case in and Visually Impaired People to Produce
the Modern Art Center in Lisbon Inclusive Exhibitions
Patrcia Roque Martins (Portugal) Anastasia Kalou (Greece)

p. 37 - Participatory Research for the Creation of p. 89 - The Golden Section or the Science Day as
Haptic Designs an "Inclusive Day" - The Exhibition of Audio
Angelica Martinez de la Pea (Mexico) Tactile-Pictures
Javorka Milkovi (Croatia)
p. 44 - Quebec Cultural Institutions in Visual
Handicap Situations
Claire Nigay (Quebec) p. 99 - Brief history of Les Doigts Qui Rvent

p. 52 - Message in Braille : a Poetry Book to Inspire

the World of the Visually Impaired p. 100 - Contents of the first 4 issues of Terra
Bruno Brites (Portugal) Haptica

Terra Haptica - #5 June 2015


EDITORIAL sighted, the girl was in a situation of failure: she was

ineffective, impaired. Either she played the part of
a dancer for the sighted, or she failed. The or is a
Art and Culture: new inclusive disjunctive conjunction, a conjunction of exclusion,
territories of alternative; it separates, it segregates (p.27).
Dannyelle Valente1 The hegemony of the visual in intervention
practices for blind individuals, highlighted by
Moraes in this story about dance, is even more
In the first chapter of the book Exercices visible in attempts to make the contents of visual
de voir et du non-voir : art et rechercheAvec culture accessible to blind people. This story takes
les personnes en situation de handicap visuel, us back to an experience that was, as for Moraes,
(Moraes & Kastrup, 2015, 1rst ed. 2008), Marcia revealing in terms of issues and questions that guide
Moraes reports of her experience in participative our research on tactile pictures (Valente & Darras,
observation with a theater workshop involving 2013; Valente, 2012). In 2007, we participated in a
young people with visual impairments in Brazil. workshop about reading tactile pictures proposed
On this occasion, the group was preparing a show. by a museum. The raised line drawings embossed
Moraes attended the rehearsals, and a young girl on paper represented the details of an historic
who played the role of a ballet dancer caught her building. Mediators guided tactile perception of the
attention. Despite her great motivation, the young pictures: "At the top you have the dome, beneath
girl failed each time she tried to reproduce the the front door" and so on. Each person who was
movements and the dance steps requested by the blind was sitting next to a sighted person who was
trainer: Raise your arms, Turn lightly. Critics to play a leading role in the understanding of the
intoned after each attempt, "Arm should not be content, guiding the others fingers on the parts of
lifted like this, attention, make your belly flat, no, the images corresponding to those described by
this is not how a ballerina turns, attention to your the main mediator.
feet, ballerinas are walking on tiptoes (Moraes, At one point in the session, a blind
2015, p.27). The young girl tried in vain to repeat person spoke. She welcomed the communication
the actions announced by the sighted trainers but experience and sharing that was proposed but
without actually incorporating them. The visual regretted that the pictures were still very hard
rules set out for "what is a good dancer" had no to read by someone who does not share this
meaning at all for her. But the girl persisted because perceptual universe. This intercession encouraged
she wanted to play her role well. She wanted to other participants to speak and testify as to the
be a beautiful dancer both for herself and for the tasks difficulty. The cognitive overload required
sighted audience. to understand the visual rules of transposing from
At this point in the story, Moraes draws 3D to 2D transformed what should have been
the reader's attention to the "and" that is revealed a moment of discovery and pleasure into a real
in this context to be of great importance: the girl headache.
wanted to be a beautiful dancer for herself "and" That day, these people came to the museum.
for the sighted "... with this simple and the girl This is not a small task since going somewhere
sought to make clear that the dancer expected entails, even today, for a person with disabilities,
by the trainers did not include the blind, did not that they set up logistic (taxi, carer, a companion,
allow the and to come on stage. Indeed, it was map, plan to navigate the metro with few sound
rather the logic of or that dominated in this or tactile landmarks, etc.). Why were they there?
case, that is to say, as long the dancer presented Certainly from a desire to be in a place of accessible
herself exclusively according to the criteria of the culture and legitimate envy of opportunities for

Dannyelle Valente is doctor in Arts & Design from the University Paris 1 Panthon-Sorbonne. Her work is about
haptic design, tactile pictures, and inclusive approaches to visual culture for blind people. She has already published
several articles and book chapters on these topics and was the editor, with Bernard Darras, of a collective book
"MEI 36 Disability & Communication" (2013). Her more recent research concerns the development of an innovative
method of tactile picture conception in the frame of Participatory Design.

Terra Haptica - #5 June 2015


cultural sharing, exchange. But faced with content Roque Martins presents a case study conducted at
made BY and FOR sighted, they claimed the the Modern Art Centre of the Calouste Gulbenkian
same "and" of the ballet dancer. Once again, the Foundation in Lisbon, with a group of people with
approach is based mainly on the disjunctive logic visual impairments. The participants agreed there
of "or": either these people learned to decipher are challenges in how to "see differently" the works
the rules of visual representation proposed in these of three Portuguese artists. The author presents
pictures, or they failed in the project of sharing. Like some strategies and multi-sensory mediation
the ballet dancer, they demanded an alternative, a materials developed to improve the meeting
type of intervention that would belong to the space between visitors and the works of art.
between blind and sighted, not to the unidirectional In the remainder of this issue, the Canadian
path sighted for blind. research conducted by Claire Nigay as part of a
This Terra Haptica #5 is devoted to the theme PhD in Information Science at the University of
of artistic and cultural accessibility, presenting the Montreal seeks to identify the socio-cultural and
research and field experience of those who question physical barriers yet to overcome for a true inclusion
this hegemony of the visual in projects attempting of people with visual impairment in cultural
to mediate art, culture and books for people with institutions. Her scientific approach is based on
visual impairment. Their work offers new methods the critical approaches coming from the Disability
of intervention, new services or products which are Studies and the emancipatory research approach
closer to the perceptual experience of blind people that gives a central place to the users (considered
while at the same time, serving to create bridges of as experts of use). The steps of the data collection
communication and sharing between sighted and include participative observation of use situations
blind. and focus groups.
The Brazilian researchers, Raquel Guerreiro The next article of this section comes from
and Virginia Kastrup, present an analysis of tactile Mexico. Angelica Martines de la Pena, also author
reproductions of works of art for persons who of El diseo hptico a paradigma diferente (2011)
are blind. It is shown that the process of decoding is particularly devoted to the problem of designing
tactile reproductions of visual content in museums raised line drawings for blind people. The author
restricts the discovery of artworks to its informative presents the first results of research supported
character. The article presents ways to foster truly by her PhD investigating whether drawings of
aesthetic accessibility to blind people, particularly sighted children could provide useful elements
through contemporary art. "By removing it [art] for the design of tactile drawings for blind people.
from the place of being something to be appreciated According to Anglica Martines de la Pena, the way
by the eyes to something that can be felt by the blind people try to represent objects in drawings has
entire body, contemporary art has elements of some similarities to the graphic patterns repertory
diverse sensory sources that, merged or not, allow of children. Some drawings produced by sighted
us to play with our senses and explore the works in children are presented as well as the comments of
an inventive manner. (Guerreiro & Kastrup, in this blind people about them.
issue, p.16) This section closes with a research and de-
Based on studies in communication and sign project. As part of a design master at the Uni-
semiotics, the article of Viviane Sarraf, researcher versity of Dundee, Bruno Brites designed the book
and director of Museus Acessiveis Inc., analyzes "Message in Braille", an adapted version in Braille
the accessibility strategies of museums and cultural of the book of poems Messagem by Fernando Pes-
centers. First, the author presents the state of the soa, one of the greatest Portuguese poets. The pro-
literature regarding sensory communication and ject "Message in Braille" is earned an Honorable
a discussion about the dominance of vision in Mention in Books Competition from the Internatio-
Western culture. Four examples are then presented nal Design Awards 2013 and recently the 1rst Prize
of museums and cultural centers in Brazil and Engenheiro Jaime Filipe 2014 from the Portuguese
Europe which are exploring sensory communication National Institute for the Rehabilitation. The book
in their mediation practices. was tested with users through interviews and focus
Continuing the theme of museums and groups.
new inclusive practices, the article by Patricia

Terra Haptica - #5 June 2015


Report of experience This accessible exhibition project is based on the

principles of inclusive design seeking not only the
One of the major ambitions of the journal benefit of people with disabilities but for all visitors
Terra Haptica is to be a space for exchange and in general.
scientific cooperation in the field of visual disability. The last article of this section presents
The journal was created in answer to the need an educational project "Sounds around us" led by
to strengthen the dialog between research and Javorka Milkovi at Peine Elementary School in
practice and to be able, finally, to connect the voices Rijeka, Croatia, under the leadership of "The Golden
of all of the actors and experts in the field of tactile Section" association. This project, presented on The
perception, image, art, language and the science Science Day, counted with the participation of blind,
of education. Its priority is to create a synergy partially sighted and sighted children. In a first step
among different actors whose scientific work and the blind children (10-15 years) have been working
field experiences contribute to improving inclusive around the sounds and produces tactile pictures.
practices involving books, culture, and education. Workshops with groups of sighted children were
The section titled Report of Experience then made around the same theme. The final step
gives a voice not only to practitioners, educators, was the presentation of the children's work during
and users but also to cultural mediators, artists, and The Science Day.
illustrators who work in designing new devices, ser-
vices and practices intended for blind people. In 2013, at the launch of our first
The first article of this section signed by the international call for contributions for the Terra
Brazilian Fabiana Vinagre, presents a project fea- Haptica journal, we received an impressive number
turing a multi-sensory object-book constructed of proposals from all over the world: Chile, Mexico,
from the testimonies and feelings of blind people Canada, Brazil, India, Croatia, Germany, Portugal,
based on poems of Manoel de Barros, a great Bra- France, and the USA. Two issues have been
zilian poet. The illustrations in this book invite the published as a result of this first call for papers:
reader to a true sensory discovery. this issue on the theme of art and culture and
The next contribution in this section issue #4 devoted to the topic of tactile pictures and
presents the article of Gregor Strutz about the education, published in 2014.
multi-sensory guidebook "The Golden Age". The Terra Haptica was born to be a space of
book is presented as a pioneering work in the field exchange, of dynamic international synergy around
of Design for All in Germany. The aim of this project the topic of visual impairment and inclusion. The
is to give persons who are blind the opportunity variety and richness of the research and work
to discover the works of art as independently as experience presented in five issues of Terra Haptica
possible. The books subject matter has been is for us proof that we are on the right path. Terra
uniquely arranged, designed and dovetailed for Haptica is now inhabited by several nationalities and
being looked at, read, touched and/or listened to in an increasing number of viewpoints and disciplines
one exemplary art book. (Strutz, in this issue, p.74) which meet and gather for a common goal: to build
The third field experience comes from a new society, multicultural and multi-sensory, able
Greece as part of a cultural accessibility project to include while respecting the cognitive, cultural
led by Anastasia Kalou founder of the consulting and semiotic individualities of everyone.
firm and Access Greece design whose mission is to
promote access to art and culture to people with We wish you a very rich and successful
disabilities. This article presents particularly the journey in Terra Haptica.
theoretical and methodological approach used in
the framework of a project of accessibility of the
temporary exhibition "Myrtis: face to face with
the past" to people with visual impairment. This - TH-
project revealed the importance of the involvement
of the blind public in the project of accessibility
and this from the very beginning of the project.

Terra Haptica - #5 June 2015



Moraes, M. (2015). RechercheAVEC: politique ontologique et

dficience visuelle In M. Moraes & V. Kastrup (Eds.) Exercices de
voir et du non-voir : art et rechercheAvec les personnes en situa-
tion de handicap visuel, Talant : Les Doigts Qui Rvent, pp. 31-55.

Valente, D. & Darras, B. (2013). Communication graphique et

ccit : tude smiotique pragmatique de la production et linter-
prtation de signes figuratifs produits par des jeunes non-voyants,
In B. Darras & D. Valente (Eds) MEI 36 Handicap & Communica-
tion, 77-91.

Valente, D. (2012). Dessin et ccit : tude de la communication

graphique des jeunes non-voyants, Sorbonne University Paris 1,
PhD Thesis in Design and cultural studies coordinated by Bernard

Martinez de la Pea, A. (2011). El diseo hptico : un paradigma

diferente, Leipzig: EAE.

Editor's note:
Dannyelle Valente's thesis is available on Corpus Tactilis Collec-
tion : Valente, D. (2015). Le dessin du bout des doigts - tude de
la poduction et de la lecture de dessins tactiles par des personnes
non-voyantes, Talant : Les Doigts Qui Rvent.

Terra Haptica - #5 June 2015

Fabiana Vinagre (Brazil)
The Inner Look: The Visually Impaired and their Perceptions

The Inner Look: The Visually Impaired and their Perceptions

Fabiana VINAGRE1

We are at all moment in touch with the outside world, that sends us messages in the most variable
ways, through images, sounds, scents, etc. This relation with the world is called perception, responsible
for giving meaning to things. However, not always we pay attention to the richness of information that is
given by the objects. The eyes are the most used organs in the apprehension of things, but there are many
other ways of sensing.
From this thought came a concern about those who were deprived of vision and many questions
have surfaced: How would the world be in "complete darkness"? What does visually impaired people
dream? It was then that I realized the true vision goes far beyond the eyes.
In order to better understand the perceptive universe of blindness it was necessary to dive in
the intriguing world of sensations and turn the attention to other senses, so it would be possible to
demystify some prejudices that still exist about blindness. With this goal in mind, I conducted some initial
conversations with blind subjects from different areas and conditions. I was able to realize their trauma
and perceptions, such in acquired blinds than congenital ones.
After experiences and dialogues, arose the idea of reading poetry to the respondents so that
they would express their feelings when hearing it. I believe that poetry has the power to transport the
reader to an intimate world of imagination, is able to touch on sensations and mental images completely
differently in each person. The material was so amazing that it was decided to add these testimonials to,
collaboratively, be built a book with tactile images and poems by Manoel de Barros, Brazilian poet. Issues
such as rain, that could easily be visually represented, took completely different ways when shown in its
sensory side.

Keywords: Blindness, Poetry, Tactile images, Proprioception, Mental images

Fabiana Vinagre is graduated in Graphic Design with emphasis in Visual Communication at Senac University Center,
So Paulo, Brazil. She is arts teacher and does researches concerning the theories of perception and anthropology,
focusing on the blindness.

Terra Haptica - #5 June 2015

Fabiana Vinagre (Brazil)
The Inner Look: The Visually Impaired and their Perceptions

INTRODUCTION other senses, besides trying to demystify some of

the prejudices that still exist about the blind.
At every moment, we are in touch with the
things that happen around us. There are numerous
stimuli; so many that we do not realize how much FAR BEYOND THE SENSES
they affect us. The simple act of biting an apple,
for example, can offer a number of conscious Touch, smell, hearing, sight and taste. These
experiences the color of its skin, the surface are the five senses we all know. However, they are
texture, the smell and sweet taste sensations not the only ones responsible for our perception.
that comprise only a part of the vast world of When we hear a song, for example, we know that
experiences that we are able to access. Every the ears are the main characters, but the musical
being has a particular experience, formed by the experience can affect many other parts of the body;
moment and also by knowledge held in memory. hands patter to the rhythm, memories come to the
Among these many senses, sight is the most used fore, the mouth seems to salivate more, the eyes
in the comprehension of the world. It is the act of get closed. The sound stimuli relates to our body in
seeing that recognizes facts and forms concepts. many ways. And this is also true for all other senses.
It is rooted in man to the point that influences his Our connection to the world is not given
everyday expression. The "point of view", the "evil only by the eyes, ears, mouth, skin or nose, but also
eye", the "seductive look" or "love at first sight", by the interaction of these senses, combined with
are expressions proving that the eye is an organ of other factors of greater depth. The concept that
extreme importance to us. Through sight we believe human beings have five senses, each with a distinct
to know the world. function and well demarcated, was developed by
From this thought came a concern about Aristotle in IV BC, and remains popular today (Axt,
those who were deprived of vision. And it was 2005). Moreover, the philosopher was true to his
mainly to know the life and works of Evgen Bavcar, conviction that the vision occupies a privileged
blind photographer, that all these questions have place among the perceptions.
surfaced: How would the world be in complete This superiority of vision comes from the
darkness? How can someone deprived of vision Greeks and accompanies us ever since. However,
capture such amazing images? It was then that I with the development in the field of scientific and
realized that true "vision" goes far beyond the eyes. philosophical insights, new understanding about
Over a year of research and a lot of contact the sensations are taking shape. It is not wrong to
with blind persons culminated in a tactile book, consider the five senses as access "door" to our
made both for them and for those who see with exterior. This alone is incomplete, because there
physical eyes. The most interesting in this case was is also the inner perception of our own body. Try
that the interviewees themselves were part of the to describe, for example, the feeling of being on
creation of the book. Joining poems of the poet a roller coaster using only the five senses, which
Manoel de Barros and the sensations that each would produce the "goose bumps"? Scientific
could offer, it was possible to create a collaborative studies published in Super Interessante Magazine
and different material, intended for anyone who (Axt, 2005), have found that we may have more than
wishes to explore the tactile feeling. In this article twenty senses and that number will only increase
you will come to understand more details about the as new discoveries are made. One of these "new"
creative process, inspirations and the final product. sense is called proprioception, it is responsible for
The perception in its psychological point communicating what is part of our body. We do not
of view is a subjective science. Each individual has need to see or feel with our hands to know that we
their own and it is impractical to capture it and have feet, for example, is proprioception that gives
express it in words. By analyzing the perception of us this feeling. In addition to this perception, there
a subject, it is impossible to transpose it in a pure are many other just as complex, however, there
form there will always be the perception of the one is no consensus among scientists on exactly how
who analyzes in the way. Therefore, in this paper I many ( Axt, 2005).
intend to dive into the intriguing world of senses Evgen Bavcar (2005), philosopher and blind
and, through non-seeing, show the importance of photographer, is living proof of how it is possible to

Terra Haptica - #5 June 2015

Fabiana Vinagre (Brazil)
The Inner Look: The Visually Impaired and their Perceptions

see beyond seeing with the eyes. He lost the sight "(...) Is the yellow of the lemon that is acidic; eat
in his right eye in an accident when he was only ten the color of a cake, and the taste of this cake is
years old. Then, one year later, he got blind in his the instrument that reveals its shape and color,
left eye in another accident with a detonator mine. we will call intuition food (...)". The fluidity, the
Today, Bavcar lives in "deep darkness" and still warm temperature, the bluish color, the undulating
produces his own images and shows them through movement of water from a pool are concomitant
photography. In the documentary A Janela da data that are expressed through each other (as
Alma (The Window of the Soul, 2011), Bavcar tells cited in Merleau-Ponty, 2004).
his story and shows some of his work, including a However, despite this coexistence, each
photograph of his niece running in a field. To capture organ has its own way of interrogating the object
the image, he asked her to dance and run with a in question, says Merleau-Ponty (1999). And there
bell attached to her foot and then photographed is no denying that the eyes are able to perceive
the sound. more distant objects than the touch, limited by the
The photographer emphasizes the impor- body's extremities.
tance of the word in his life, as well as the intimate Evgen Bavcar (2003) states that his horizon,
relationship it establishes with the image. Without being blind, is at his fingertips until where his
the verb is inconceivable the image - one affects the body can achieve. The tactile field does not have
other and vice versa. Soon, the blind, deprived of the same amplitude or simultaneity presented to
visual images, relies heavily on the word. the visual field. When I touch an object, I perceive
The verb is then blind: it speaks of the its parts and not it all at once. While this can be a
place where a primary genesis of words comes. hindrance in the lives of those who have no vision,
This is how , if we want to go to the origins of visual can also be an advantage, allowing the body to feel
images, we come inevitably to the space of the more deeply and for longer the object rather than
invisible, the verb, and the night preceding the day simply looking at it, as if giving by satisfied and
of the knowable figures. We can thus paraphrase knowledgeable. "Tact is the most general senses
Saint John, saying: "In the beginning was the Word, of the body, diffused through all parts of the skin",
which becomes an image, the flesh of the visible, according Dascal (2008, p.86).
the visible in the flesh, the cognitive substrate of It is not just limited to the hands, extends
the look" (Bavcar, 1994, p.45). throughout our surface and allows awareness to
For him "without darkness we cannot see the body. Tact provides us with various information
the stars" (as cited in Novaes, 2005, p.159). Image such as pressure, temperature, pain, and so on. But
and verb, visible and invisible, light and darkness, often we do not realize the full extent of the tactile
are indispensable in the eyes, where one does not sense, do not pay as much attention as we do to the
exist without the other. Bavcar makes use of hearing vision. The facility to see can sometimes accustom
and especially when shooting touch. He points out eyes, leaving poorer the perceptual experience.
that vision and touch are closely linked, both in the The invisible invites us to look better, leave the
creation of a photograph as when it concerns the body feeling with all his power, to think, imagine
understanding of things. We see this in the child and remember.
that touches everything to grasp the world, puts in
the mouth not content to use only her eyes; she
needs a "closer look". This is how Bavcar entitles Mental Images and Memories
touch, for him is through the body that we see, with
the body that we understand the actions of the "Imagination is the first garment of the soul
world when they hit us. and body of thought".
Senses communicate with each other, Giordano Bruno2
according to Merleau-Ponty (1999). The sound of
breaking glass shows the stiffness or weakness Imagine reading these pages lying on a
visible from this glass. We can see the softness hammock in a heavenly place, hearing nothing but
of a pad without even touching it; objects show the sound of the wind. Now, close your eyes and
their qualities to all our senses while are evident imagine again. Probably the picture became clearer
to vision. Sartre refers us to the idea that each and
every quality of the object reveals its being. 2. Italian philosopher of the XVIth century.

Terra Haptica - #5 June 2015

Fabiana Vinagre (Brazil)
The Inner Look: The Visually Impaired and their Perceptions

in your mind with your eyes closed. Imagine, as the In contrast, if we compare the number
word implies, has a lot to do with the formation of publications available to the seers with those
of mental images. For Bachelard (as cited in adapted -or even produced- to the blind, we note an
Pessanha, 1988), imagination is the ability to create inequality stark. And it fits in many other scenarios,
images that go beyond reality, belonging to it the as in the film or television, there are audio features
function of the unreal. But not only appealed to descriptions, but they are scarce.
the imagination to create fantasies, like heavenly The blind people is a forgotten audience,
places. We often create images, which are closely which possesses much consumption capacity as the
linked to perception and memory. sighted, and has the same right of access to works
When we hear a rumbling noise, it is of art, books, newspapers, plays and products of
common to think of what has been, forming images basic necessity.
naturally. Or when we hear a certain song, memories With this in mind, aggregated to studies
come to the fore and, perhaps, also form new on perception, came the idea to produce a book of
images. And when your eyes are closed to external poetry and sensations destined first to the blind.
images seems that the internal gains strength. As It is a collection of specifically chosen poems,
explained by Coelho (2006), Evgen Bavcar covers illustrated with tactile images and even hearing. In
much imagination and memory in his work. His addition to the inclusion of culture, the goal is to
photos are like inner images and memories he stimulate a synesthetic experience and imaginative,
recreates and shares with others. When describing that invites the reader on an inside journey.
his last days of looking, the photographer says
his mother, knowing of his progressive blindness,
showed a series of images to be stored in the The Tactile Image
memory of her son. This gesture directly influences
Seeing and feeling in the skin are far from
his work, Bavcar works his images over his visual
being the same thing. Each activity comes from a
memories, combined with imagination.
different part of our body and brain. The case of the
Bavcars darkness and invisible have much
patient Virgil, reported by neuroscientist Oliver Sacks
to do with the imagination and memory. Through
(2003), is proof of it. Blind since a long time, Virgil
his images, the photographer shows that we must
could regain sight through surgery. But, contrary
seek the spaces of darkness, since it is in the
shadows that we find the true images. If there is to what many thought, to see it was not simply a
enough dark space in his photographs, is because it matter of "fixing eyes" in this case, requires a hard
is the invisible that interests him. We can consider relearning. Thus it is clear that the sight and touch
that this figure is diving invisible and make it visible senses are completely different, and, as regards the
only to us. The opposite occurs with remembering, images, a visual representation cannot simply be
things are already seen before, but today they are transposed into tactile representation.
invisible to the eye. For the photographer, "being There is a lot of controversy when it
free is being able to look the other way and having concerns to the adaptation of visual images. Ac-
power, above all, to imagine for himself and through cording to Martinez-Sarocchi (as cited in Valente,
his own visions." (Bavcar, 2005, p.157). 2009), while some material value the "democrati-
zation of information", the exchange between blind
and sighted, others take into account the percep-
PRODUCTION PARAMETERS tual reality of this group.
Resuming Vzquez (1999), perception is
When talking with non-visuals and search influenced by the social and cultural context, res-
on the subject, I realized that lack resources and ponsible for determining as the subject perceives,
initiatives that ensure them a good education organizes and outlines the sensations that occur.
and culture here in Brazil. The program "Sector The figurative signs are built within a visual per-
3" in Senac University, Sao Paulo, is an exception ceptual context. For this reason, producing tactile
among other institutions, that lack of preparation images for the blind is not simply translating visual
and materials. There is also the Dorina Nowill images in raise. One should take into account its
Foundation that has worked for many years at context perceptual and the characteristics of touch.
inclusion through books translated into Braille, and The conception of the world changes considerably
rehabilitation services cited by most respondents. and this should be respected.
Terra Haptica - #5 June 2015
Fabiana Vinagre (Brazil)
The Inner Look: The Visually Impaired and their Perceptions

As an example, Marek (as cited in Valente, taken as references such as other works of art in
2009) describes the drawing of a bus made by a general that served as inspiration in designing my
blind child that helps us understand how distinct is own work.
the way that sighted and blind represent objects: The book In the dark night offers a
The drawing consists of three rows; two horizontal different view under the narration of a story.
parallel represent the stairs where his foot makes Instead of words, makes use of materials, worked
contact and a vertical line beside these representing in abstract images to tell its story. According to
the support bar of his hands inside the bus (Marek Munari, books of this genre aim to "try all options of
as cited in Valente, 2009, p.76). visual communication and printing techniques that
Kelly, congenital blind, feels uncomfortable do not involve words (2012, online). Resources
when it relates to the act of draw: Draw I do not as black colored paper, which refers to the night,
know. As a kid I did not draw much... I think it is or tracing paper which represents the bursting of
complicated... the day, contribute to the understanding and the
This is common, especially among construction of a unusual narrative structure, full of
those born blind, who claim that the design is a meaning.
conventional system dependent to view, differing Other good example is the classic story
much in the way that they imagine the objects. of The Little Red Riding Hood that took another
(Valente, 2009). And as the teaching resources for form in the book of Warja Lavater. The characters,
blind children are still scarce, the design, and even as well as the trees of the forest and Grandma's
free abstract, becomes even more far from their house, became simple graphics -the characters,
reality. In contrast, there are other representation for example, are colored dots, sometimes
techniques instead of the contour line that bother big, sometimes small. In order to facilitate
to approach the context of non-visual perception. understanding, it has a caption. From this work, the
Material aspects such as texture, consistency and artist Myriam Colin created a version of this tale for
temperature are usually more tactually recognized the blind (published by Les Doigts Qui Rvent), in
than the spatial properties of the object (Klatzky & which points of felt were used.
Lederman as cited in Valente, 2009). The mixture of materials can contribute
When images from the artist Hrcules much to the acuteness of feeling. This approach
Barsotti (2012) were shown to Kelly, it became takes into account not only the shape or texture
evident that the form is not as important as the of the element but also its weight, transparency,
texture: "This one is not so rough, it is pretty slick. reflection, density etc. (Estado de So Paulo, 2006,
This brings everything else, is smooth and rough, online).
really cool. This book deals only with a complement After these studies, I decided to use a
of sensory exhibition that the artist proposed. variety of materials to enrich the sense of touch
A nice example of what is being made with different weights, textures, temperatures and
in tactile illustrations field is the publisher "Les consistencies.
Doitgs Qui Rvent" (Dreaming fingers). Specialized
in tactile illustrated books for blind and sighted
children, uses the texturillustre technique. By
means of collages, overlays of fabrics of different
textures, magnets, and other materials, a playful
world is offered to the reader, very light and easy to

Other Inspirations; the Object-Book

The use of different materials and tech-

niques in the tactile book makes it be considered an
object-book. This breaks with the common parame-
ters of the book form, approaching more of an art
object. Thinking about it, some object-books were Figure 1. Page of the book.

Terra Haptica - #5 June 2015

Fabiana Vinagre (Brazil)
The Inner Look: The Visually Impaired and their Perceptions

Creative Process figure of speech in these texts, opens a universe

of interpretations that allows the reader the
After the interviews and research process creation of mental images. It takes us to the "poetic
was initiated the creation of images and structuring dimension of human existence" (2004, p.45), and
of the book. Several materials were tested, taking through the word, communicates with the mystery
into account from their textures until its applicability and goes "beyond the speakable" (2004, p.45).
in the desired format. Alongside Bavcar, we can say that poetry reveals
Since the images have a certain thickness, the invisible. Or, in the words of the poet Manoel
the use of frames was necessary in order to protect de Barros, "the poet does well to unexplain as
them when closed inside the book. To accommodate much as dim lights fireflies" (Excerpt from the poem
them, as well as the written poems, the traditional "Arrangements for Whistle").
format of the book was deconstructed. The tactile Manoel de Barross name appeared in many
works are trapped by hardware, while the poetry moments of the research regarding the sensations
book is apart. Thinking about the simultaneity that man is able to have, but many often do not
when reading these two volumes, was created a realize. I believe his words give force to the message
cover that accommodates both side to side when that I want to pass with the book and merge to the
opened. concept of tactile illustration.

Manoel de Barros

Brazilian poet, born in Cuiab in 1916.

Surrounded by nature while growing up, makes
it his main theme (2012, online). Challenges the
intellectual knowledge and believes that we must
"unlearn" to get to the roots.
In the following pages there are some of the
selected poems together with given interpretations
and images of the final products. The original poems
Figure 2. Set with the poetry book, written in ink and braille, were translated to English for better understanding.
the tactile images, blindfold and audio CD.
It was tried to modify the minimum possible so the
gist could remain the same.

Excerpt from The boy who carried water in the

The mother noticed that the child
liked the void
more than the full.
Spoke that the voids are larger
and even infinite.
Figure 3. Closed book The spatial sensation was the most
observed in this stretch. While the full is small,
The Role of Poetry in the Project cramped and almost chaotic, the void is huge and
"Poetry is not to understood but to incorporate
Wall is understand: try to be tree. " It is difficult to say what I think of that. What's in
Manoel de Barros3 my head is the issue of space, you know? When he
is speaking that the empty space is better than the
Poetry has the power to transport to full. I live in a tiny apartment. I imagine me and my
an intimate and self-reflection world. According son in a large room almost empty, with only a few
to Edgar Morin (2003), the metaphor, common toys, so he can play at ease. A quiet place, because
when it is too tight, crowded, there is no freedom
3. From the book Poesia Completa, 2010.

Terra Haptica - #5 June 2015

Fabiana Vinagre (Brazil)
The Inner Look: The Visually Impaired and their Perceptions

(Marcia, 35 years-old, acquired blindness, 2012). Nearly Erased Portrait in which Can See Perfectly
Then it would be interesting to put a woman nothing
with things around. And then the boy, with a large From "The Keeper of the Waters"
white. The idea of the boy is so strong that his space III
is larger (Yuri, 17 years-old, acquired blindness, Rains go crooked in the trees.
2012). Rains on birds and rocks.
Conversations mostly showed that full The river stood up looking at me through the glass.
places cause a certain fear on the part of the blind. Reach with hands the smell of roofs.
A crowded street, for example, can be dangerous. Children running waters
Thinking about it, the full was portrayed with Hide in the house.
nails, making the sharp, irregular, express the idea Cockroaches wander in the cake pans...
of danger and uncertainty. The thimbles represents The house has an owner in letters. []
the feeling of fear, by the act of having to "figure
out " what there is inside. But the void was pictured
with a smoother and delicate material. The use of
the frame came as a plastic element, constituting
the concept of infinity with the break of the limit.
() because the empty lets you build everything
you can think. In the ocean, for example, you might
think about the immensity of it ... And the full, is
tumultuous. When I go to a football stadium, I have
to be very careful so that no one steps on me. If the
stadium is empty, I can scream, run ... It is freedom.
(Edson, 45 years-old, acquired blindness, 2012)

Figure 5. Rain tactile image. Melted crayons on paper.

In this poem, the prevailing feeling, according to

the interviewed, is melting, something running:
The rain isnt it? I imagine something dripping ...
Like when were in the bath or take that rain on the
head. The hair even shrinks...
(Kelly, 18 years-old, congenital blindness, 2012).

This rain is right. I imagine all wet, dripping .

(Marcia, acquired blindness)

Figure 4. The empty and the full tactile image. Nails and Dripping trees, something wet.
(Yuri, acquired blindness, 2012)

Terra Haptica - #5 June 2015

Fabiana Vinagre (Brazil)
The Inner Look: The Visually Impaired and their Perceptions

It has very smooth parts and others are rougher. aluminum with chains. That way, I could enjoy the
This here would be the trunk of the tree of the coolness of the aluminum and the noise of the
poem? (Put her finger on one textured cut paper). chains in the sliding surface, or passing between
the fingers, to better portray what has been said.
I can feel the splash of rain. I just missed the
(Marcia, 35 years-old, acquired blindness, 2012)

The wind
I wanted to transform the wind.
Give a concrete shape to the wind and capable to
I needed to at least see a physical part
Of the wind: A rib, an eye...
But the shape of the wind ran away from me just as
the shapes of a voice.
When said that the wind pushed the canoe
Of the Indian to the ravine
I imagined a wind painted with annatto pushing
The Indian canoe to the ravine.
But this image seemed still imprecise.
I was about to give up when I remembered the boy
Riding on the wind horse - read in Shakespeare.
I imagined the loose manes of the wind shooting
Through the meadows with the boy. Figure 6. The wind tactile image. Aluminum
I photographed that loose-manes wind.

In this poem, the author gives his own idea THE FINAL PRODUCT
of the wind, "loose manes". However, even before I
started reading the poem, I realized that the wind is
imagined as thin wires, long and fluids.

The first thing that comes to me is hair blowing in

the wind, even before he spoke of the mane horse.
The movement it makes in the wind.
(Marcia, 35 years-old, acquired blindness, 2012)

You know that map sheet? That thin and see-

through one ... I thought of a light and delicate
material. About the wind, I think of wires for us to
pass between the fingers. Or something cold. It is
nice to think about the temperature.
(Yuri, 17 years-old, acquired blindness, 2012)

Initially, rice paper or silk materials were

designed for this work. But bearing in mind the
combination of senses, the temperature and
the sound, it was decided to use a thin sheet of
Figure 7. Other tactile
images of the book

Terra Haptica - #5 June 2015

Fabiana Vinagre (Brazil)
The Inner Look: The Visually Impaired and their Perceptions

As already said Bavcar, word and image are day people decide to open their eyes and really see,
complementary. To unite poetry and tactile images, or perhaps close them, and really feel.
so they could be absorbed simultaneously, a folder
was created. Besides the book and the images, the
folder also contains a CD with the poems in audio,
if the reader prefers. And thinking of those who - TH
see and would like to have a sensory experience
different than the usual, we fixed a blindfold. Thus,
it is proposed that the seer feels how it would be
like to be blind, even if just for a short moment.

The book was well received, both among
blind as sighted individuals. However, some
difficulty in handling the tactile images was noted.
One possible solution would be to think of another
binding, or maybe just let the images loose in a box
inside the book.
The whole product was basically
handcrafted, so while its reproducibility is limited,
the work becomes something unique in which a
volume can never be identical to the other.
I think that, more than the final product itself, the
trajectory and the idea of perception gathered from
various people about poems have been the true
merits of this work.
One of the biggest obstacles to be overcome
was sensitizing my own perception and transporting
the poetic of Manoel de Barros to a sensory form,
taking into account the sensations of blind subjects.
I have reflected on this initiative, thinking I might
be imposing my visions, or limiting the words of
the poet, who speaks a lot about misinforming. But
after the conversations and the beginning of the
process of producing the images, I realized that the
work is based on a contextualized interpretation,
supported by the researches and the exchange of
experiences with the blind.
It is very difficult to express sensations
in pictures or words. In the statements of blind
individuals, there was some hesitation to open up
and talk about something as intimate as sensations.
If time permitted, I would like to have more in-depth
relationship with the respondents. But I believe
that, given the conditions, the conversations took a
good basis for the work.
The blind is a person like any other, each
with a personality that has little to do with their
condition. Prejudice is a major obstacle to be
overcome, but I believe that there is hope that one

Terra Haptica - #5 June 2015

Fabiana Vinagre (Brazil)
The Inner Look: The Visually Impaired and their Perceptions

References Sacks, O. (2003). Um Antroplogo em Marte sete histrias

paradoxais. Translation: Bernardo Carvalho. So Paulo: Companhia
Axt, B. (jun. 2005) Sentidos: Sinto muito. Super Interessante, das Letras.
So Paulo, n. 214. [online] Available in:
ciencia/sentidos-sinto-muito-445721.shtml. Acessed in: 15 feb. Valente, D. (2009). Os diferentes dispositivos de fabricao
2012. de imagens e ilustraes tteis e as possibilidades de produo
de sentido no contexto perceptivo dos cegos. [online] Available
Barros, M. (2008). Memrias Inventadas As infncias de in: < a=v&q=cache:CO_
Manoel de Barros. So Paulo: Editora Planeta.
Barros,M. Manoel de Barros Foundation. [online] Available in: Vzquez, A.(1999). Convite Esttica. Traduo de Gilson
Baptista. Rio de Janeiro: Civilizao Brasileira.
Barsotti, H. (2012). Hrcules Barsotti- Alm do olhar. So Paulo:
Caixa Cultural.

Bavcar, E. (1994). A luz e o cego. In: A., Novaes (eds)

Artepensamento. So Paulo: Cia. Das Letras.

Bavcar, E. (2003). Memria do Brasil. So Paulo: Cosac & Naify.

Bavcar, E. (2005). A imagem, vestgio desconhecido da luz. In: A.,

Novaes (eds) Muito alm do espetculo. So Paulo: Editora Senac.

Coelho, A. C. S. (2006). Jos Saramago e Evgen Bavcar: Os

paradoxos do olhar. Recife. [on line] Available in: http://www.
pdf. Accessed in: 23 mar. 2012.

Dascal, M. (2008). Eutonia O saber do corpo. So Paulo: Editora


Jardim, J, & Carvalho, W (2011,eds). Window of the Soul.

[Documentary]. Brazil: Coapacabana Filmes.

Merleau-Ponty, M. (1999). Fenomenologia da Percepo.

Translation of Carlos Alberto Ribeiro de Moura. So Paulo: Martins

Merleau-Ponty, M. (2004). Conversas 1948. Translation by

Fbio Landa e Eva Landa. So Paulo: Martins Fontes.

Morin, E. (2003). A cabea bem feita. Traduo de Elo Jacobina.

Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand Brasil.

Novaes, A. (2005). Imagens impossveis. In: A. Novaes, (ed.).

Muito alm do espetculo. So Paulo: Editora Senac.

Pessanha, J. A. M. (1988). Bachelard e Monet: o olho e a mo. In:

A Novaes (eds). O Olhar. So Paulo: Companhia das Letras.

Retrospectiva de Amelia Toledo em Florianpolis (2006, May4).

O Estado de So Paulo. [online] Available in: <http://www.estadao.>

Terra Haptica - #5 June 2015


Brief history of Les Doigts Qui Rvent durable and very comfortable.

Les Doigts Qui Rvent (Ldqr=Dreaming In 2008, we offered a new collection for
Fingers) was created as a nonprofit organization parents and professionals consisting of translation
in 1994 by Philippe Claudet, a Teacher of Children of essays from American, English, Danish, Dutch,
with Visual Impairments (TVI), and four parents German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish...
of blind children, with the aim of providing tactile There are few works in the field of visually
illustrated books (TiB) for partially sighted and blind impairment in each country, but gathering them as
children and we wanted our TiB to the sharable much as we can, we have now useful international
between sighted and visually impaired, and to be resources for parents and professional. Today we
as beautiful, and as well made as the ones for the have 35 titles on our catalog.
sighted. In the 90s in France, there was no one In 2010, we launched Terra Haptica with the
producer and a blind child could arrive in 1st Grade idea to provide a way for researcher, professional
without having had any books adapted to his/her and artist to meet, all working in the field of visual
sense modality. impairment and with an international dimension.
In 1996, our social manufacturing Since 2013, the articles are subject to a
workshop was opened, employing people with reading committee (double-blind evaluation) and
social disabilities. Terra Haptica is attached to the ACTE Institute CNRS
Our main activities are: design and production 8218, University of Paris 1 - Sorbonne.
of TiB (early intervention, kindergarten, youth In 2013, we were asked by several countries to
literature, teenagers novel, artist TiB), workshops produce TiB for them. Today, they include USA and
about difference for the sighted, research about Germany.
tactile pictures, training (on design and production)
and international projects. Since 1994, Ldqr created and adapted more
In 2000, we created Tactus, the European than 230 titles of TiB that is around 40 000 copies of
competition of TiB, with Belgium, Italy, and United TiB.
Kingdom. Our goal was to stimulate creation, 45% of our TiB are distributed in schools (inclusive
production and use of TiB in Europe. In 2001 Finland and specialized) and to families,
joined. In 2005, Tactus became Typhlo & Tactus and 45% to public libraries (cultural inclusion)
Germany, Netherlands, Poland and Czech Republic 10% to fans of beautiful books (because our TiB are
joined. And in 2009, T&T became international (21 considered as art books).
countries) and partner with ICEVI.
2000-2013: Our TiB:
-622 entries (after national selection) =a long time of design and tests
-17 entries awarded by an international jury =2 to 8 hours of handwork
-7689 copies produced in 7 languages and =texte in large print & Braille
distributed all over Europe at 15,25 (with the =illustrations in material cut and pasted
financial support of the EU, the French Culture =sharp contrast in textures and colors (low vision)
Minister and the Burgundy Region). =an ergonomic binding (finger reading)
-27 800 posters distributed all over the world. =as beautiful and well made as books for sighted
Next competition in October 2015: Les Doigts Qui Rvent is a small team of 6
In 2002, Ldqr settled the Amandine Center people Our manufacturing workshop employs 10
for research on tactile pictures. Today Ldqr has persons.
partnership with 5 universities (France, Switzerland,
In 2004, we published our first artist's
TiB, "Ali ou Lo?" and since we have published 10
other titles in this collection. The same year we For any information contact
developed a new technique of depositing Braille Philippe CLAUDET
on any support, which has since been used in all
our TiB. A Braille according the official standards,

Contents of the 4 first Terra Haptica

* original text in French Professional/Professionnels
** original text in English
For # 4, the previous sections Research/Professional/Art have -Guide lusage des psychologues qui sinterrogent
been replaced by Research/Report of Experience. sur leur pratique auprs denfants dficients visuels
accueillis en institution
Guide for Psychologists Who Asked Themselves
TERRA HAPTICA #1 About Their Practice with Visually Impaired Children
(Sept 2010, only in French) in Special Institutions*
Stphanie Frileux (Psychologist, Rehabilitation
Research/Recherche Center of Ressource, La Runion Island, France)

-Images toucher: rflexions smiotiques sur les -Un album tactile : du projet sur le terrain ldition
images tactiles destines au public aveugle.* A Tactile Book: from Designing in the Field to
Tactile Images: Semiotic Reflections of Tactile Publishing*
Images for the Blind Franoise Le Gal, Mireille Lafleur (Educators,
Dannyelle Valente, Bernard Darras (ACTE Institute Montclair Institute, France)
CNRS 8218, University of Paris 1 - Sorbonne, France) -Mon projet de CAEGADV : un album... tactile
Paper available in english on website: http://Ldqr. My Project for my TVI Diploma: a Book to Touch*
org/en/researches.php Laura Souprayen-Ramaye (Teacher of Students with
-Le dessin chez lenfant malvoyant et chez lenfant Visual Impairments (TVI), Rehabilitation Center of
aveugle* Ressource, Runion Island)
Drawing in Blind and Visually Impaired Children -Crer une bibliothque tactile en Suisse romande
Annie Vinter, Viviane Fernandes (LEAD-CNRS 5022, pour faire face au manque de moyens daccs la
University of Bourgogne, France) lecture
Paper available on website: To Create a Tactile Library in French-Speaking
researches.php Switzerland to Counter the Lack of Reading Access*
-Effets de la lecture conjointe sur lapprhension Dominique Vallat, Anne-Lise Schwab (TVI,
dun livre tactile illustr par de jeunes enfants Switzerland)
aveugles prcoces* -oUkoU PATA, la premire collection internationale
The Effect of Joint Reading on Tactile Comprehension dalbums tactiles en tissus
of a Tact-Illustrated Book by Early Blind Children Oukou Pata, First International Series of Tactile
Anne Theurel, Edouard Gentaz et al. (LPNC-CNRS Fabric Books
5105, University of Grenoble, France ; University of Lynette Rudman, Philippe Claudet & Pietro
Padova , Italy; Robert Foundation of Padoue, Italy & Vecchiarelli (I Read With My Hands, South Africa;
Les Doigts Qui Rvent, France) Les Doigts Qui Rvent, France & National Federation
Paper available in English on website: http://Ldqr. of the Blind, Italy)
-Adaptation dun test psychotechnique pour
personnes dficientes visuelles -La vue n'est que la peau du monde
Adaptation of a Psycho-Technical Test for Visually The Eyes is Only the Skin of the World*
Impaired People* Jenny Feray (Teacher and Photographer, University
Catherine Bton (Psychologist, Paul Guinot of Amiens, France)
Association, France)

- deux visions -Ethique dans la recherche en ducation et

With Two Visions* protection des sujets
Myriam Colin (Artist, France) Ethics in Educational Research and the Protection of
Human Subjects**
-Proposition dadaptation tactile duvres Silvia Coreea-Torres (University of Northern
plastiques originales Colorado, USA)
Proposition of Adaptions of Original Tactile Art Work*
Solne Ngrerie (Tactile Designer, Les Doigts Qui -Appel l'action : contribuer la recherche par
Rvent, France) lexprience quotidienne et l'enseignement
Call to action : Contributing to Research Through
-Photographie et ccit Your Everyday Teaching Experiences**
Photography and Blindness* Kim T. Zebahazy (University of British Colombia,
Rose-Marie Loisy (Photographer and Designer, Canada)
France) -Analyse des stratgies exploratoires manuelles
utilises par de jeunes aveugles congnitaux lors
-Expriences tactiles lcole et dans ldition
de la reconnaissance de figures gomtriques
Tactile Experiences in School and in Publishing*
Mauro L. Evangelista (Artist, Italy) Evaluation of Manual Exploratory Strategies Used
by Congenitally Blind Adolescents During the
Recognition of 2D Geometrical Shapes*
TERRA HAPTICA #2 Anne Theurel, Jrme Ltang et al. (LPNC-CNRS
(Sept 2011, only in French) 5105, University of Grenoble, France; National
Institut for Blind Youth, France; Rehabilitation
Research Center of Ressource, La Runion Island)
The first five papers were originally published on the Journal -Le toucher, un ami qui nous veut du bien
The Educator (2011, volume XXII, issue 2) Touch: a Friend Who Wants Good for You*
Yvette Hatwell (LPNC CNRS 5105, University of
-Que savons-nous et comment le savons-nous ? Grenoble, France)
What Do We Know and How Do We Know It?**
Kay Alicyn Ferrel (University Northern Colorado, Professional
-Le Profil Tactile : dveloppement dune procdure
-La recherche est-elle ncessaire ? dvaluation du fonctionnement tactile dun enfant
Is Research Necessary?** aveugle
Michael Tobin (University of Birmingham, UK) The Tactual Profile: Development of a Procedure to
Assess the Tactual Functioning of Children Who are
-Types de recherches: quantitative, qualitative,
mixte et actions des enseignants
Ans Withagen, Mathis P. J. Vervloed, et al. (Royal
Types of Research : Quantitative, Qualitative, Mixed
Visio and University of Radboud, Netherlands)
Methods and Teacher Action**
Paper originally published on British Journal of Visual
Sunhi Bak (University of Soonchunghyang, South
Impairment (2009, issue 27)

-Projet d'dition d'un livre tactile autour de -Mtamorphose de la pierre: la touche de Pygmalion
l'exposition Images d'Alice au pays des merveilles Metamorphosis of the Stone : the Touch of
initi par la Bibliothque de Rennes Mtropole Pygmalion*
Alice in Wonderland in Tactile Version Narrated to Herman Parret (Institute of Philosophy, Catholic
Young Children: A Project by the Rennes library* University of Leuven, Belgium)
Anne-Marie Meudal (Librarian, Library of Rennes,
France) -Une histoire sur un bout de papier
A Story on a Piece of Paper*
-Laccessibilit des expositions temporaires aux Annick Glauser (Artist, Switzerland)
personnes aveugles et malvoyantes
Accessibility of Partially Sighted and Blind People to -Alice au pays des merveilles
Temporary Exhibitions** Alice in Wonderland*
Maria-Jos Ana & Mnica Surs. (Designers and Fanny Pageaud (Artist, France)
Directors of Comm Access, Spain)
-Acajou. Danser sans voir
-Di che colore il vento? la dcouverte du livre Acajou : To Dance Without Sight*
tactile illustr Delphine Demont (Dancer, Acajou Dance Compagny,
Di che colore il vento? Discovering Tactile France)
Illustrated Books**
-Puisquils ont si peu, il leur faut le meilleur
Pietro Vecchiarelli, Stefano Alfano (National
Since they Have so Little, they Must Have the Best*
Federation of Blind, Italy)
Colombine Depaire (Les Trois Ourses, France)
-La conscience de l'crit tactile
The Set : Toward Writting Awareness* TERRA HAPTICA #3
Louise Comtois (TVI, Quebec) (Oct 2012, only in French)

-L'album tactile aux Etats-Unis Research

Tactile Books in the USA**
Suzette Wright (American Printing House for the -Comment, travers ltude de leur langage, peut-
Blind, USA) on approcher lexprience sensorielle des enfants
dficients visuels ?
-Jeux et activits pour enseigner le langage prcoce How Accross the Study of their Language, Can
aux enfants dficients visuels We Approach the Sensory Experience of Visually
Games and Activities for Early Language Teaching Impaired Children*
to Blind and Partially Sighted Children** Oriana Orlandi, Viviane Fernandes, Pascal Morgan
(Institute for the Blind and Visually Impaired, & Annie Vinter (France, LEAD-CNRS 5022, University
Slovenia) of Bourgogne, France)
Art -Langage, toucher et connaissances chez lenfant
-Tentative pour un recueil de livres haptiques
Language, Touch and Knowledge in the Blind Child*
Attempt to a Collection of Haptic Books*
Anna Rita Galiano (University of Lumire Lyon 2,
Sandrine Rebeyrat (ENSA Dijon, School of Art and
Design, France)
-Slection de mots-cls (La Signification
-Aspects perceptifs (sensoriels) de lart pour les
Individualise centre sur lApproche du Lire et
Ecrire en braille)
Perceptual Aspects of Art for Blind People**
Selecting Key Words for I-M-ABLE (The Individualised
Rudolf Arnheim ( University of Harvard, USA)
Meaning-centred Approach to Braille Literacy
Paper originally published on Journal of Aesthetic Education
(1990, issue 24)
Diane P. Wormsley (North Carolina Central
University, USA)

-La lecture d'un TiB comme contexte facilitant -Design pour tous ou conception universelle et
la production de questions de la part d'enfants braille: un inventaire des dfis
dficients visuels : une recherche exploratoire Design for All or Universal Design and Braille: an
The reading of a TIB to Facilitate the Emergence of Inventory of Challenges**
Questions by Visually Impaired Children** Gregor Strutz (Germany)
Enrica Polato, Marina Santi and Roberta Caldin 0riginal in Proceeding of World Congress Braille 21 (Sept 2011)
(University of Padoua and University of Bologna,
Italy) -Une approche multi-sensorielle des apprentissages
en CP
-Point de vue sur la prise en charge des enfants A Multi-Sensory Approach of Learning in 1st Grade*
aveugles : tat de la recherche et tude de cas Hlne Leclair (Teacher, France)
Point of View about Blind Children Caregiving: State
of the Art and Case Study** -Gographie et dficience visuelle en milieu sco-
Michael Brambring (University of Heidelberg, laire: inventer une vritable science de l'haptique
Germany) Geography and Visual Impairment in School : to
-Le braille en 8 points (Eurobraille) Create a Real Science of Haptic*
8 Dots Braille at the Beginning of the Learning Michael Bergman (France)
Process** -La mobilit perue : un nouveau paradigme pour
Markus Lang (University of Heidelberg, Germany) faciliter la libert de mouvement
-Recherche sur les stratgies de lecture observes Perceived Mobility: a New Paradigm to Facilitate
au niveau de l'Eurobraille et de l'criture abrge Freedom of Movement**
et intgrale utilise pour les aveugles en Allemagne Daniel Kish and Justin Louchard (World Access for
Studies about Strategies of Reading in Euro-Braille** the Blind, USA)
Sven Degenhardt, Dagmar Finn and Jan Schroder Art
(University of Hambourg, Gemany)
-Pour une esthtique tactile : de ladaptation
-La vue emblme du savoir; la ccit emblme de d'uvres darts plastiques aux personnes
lignorance ? dficientes visuelles
Sight as Emblem of Knowledge ; Blindness as Towards a Tactile Aesthetic: on the Adaptation of
Emblem of Ignorance?* Works of Art for the Visually Disabled People**
Solne Ledru ( University of Bourgogne, France) Maria Clara de Almeida, Filipe Herkenhoff Carij
Professional and Virgnia Kastrup (Federal University of Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil)
-Des albums tactiles pour la stimulation prcoce
des enfants aveugles -Un workshop 2012 : livres tactiles lEcole
Tactile Books for Early Stimulation of Blind Children** Nationale Suprieure des Arts et design de Dijon
Markus Lang ( University of Heidelberg, Germany) A Workshop 2012 : Tactile Books in ENSA Dijon*
Martine Le Gac (ENSA Dijon, France), Virginie
-Revisiter le braille : crer avec le braille Delannoy (Artist, Switzerland)
Revisiting Braille : Designing with Braille**
Thierry Wijnberg (Total Italic Graphic Design, -Lorsque des expositions toucher crent des
Germany) expositions touchantes
Paper originally published on Proceeding of World Congress Touching Exhibitions**
Braille 21 (September 2011) Mario Schubert (Daetz Center, Germany)

- Le ct invisible du braille -Dcouvrir le corps humain: matriel didactique en

The Invisible Side of Braille** 3D pour enfants dficients visuels
Bruno Brites (Designer, University of Dundee, Discover the Body : 3D Teaching Material for Blind
Scotland) and Visually Impaired Children**
Paper originally published on Proceeding of World Congress Halla Sigrur Margrtardttir Haugen (Iceland)
Braille 21 (September 2011)

Terra Haptica #4 -Transversal Learning: a Key to Autonomy for

(2014 -English version / 2015 - French version) Visually Impaired Children. Investigation in a Special
Research/Recherche La transversalit des apprentissages: une cl
pour lautonomie des enfants dficients visuels -
-The Relationship between Tactile Graphics Enqute en milieu spcialis.
and Mathematics for Students with Visual Anne-Lise Mithout (France)
Relations entre les reprsentations tactiles et les Reports of Experience/Rapports d'exprience
mathmatiques pour les lves dficients visuels.
Valerie Morash, Amanda McKerracher (USA) -Kahani Her Mehine Ki The Same Story, Every
Month: A Learning Tool on Menstruation for the
-Toward a Construction and a Reading Model of Visually Impaired.**
Tactile Graphics for Educational Purposes.** Kahani Her Mehine Ki La mme histoire, chaque
Vers un modle dlaboration et de lecture dimages mois: un outil ducatif sur la menstruation pour les
tactiles buts ducatifs. dficients visuels.
Mara del Pilar Correa Silva (Chile) Lakshmi Murthy, Sadhvi Thukral (India)

-The Relative Advantage of Tactile 2D Route -Project Book in a Box = BOOX.**

Representations for Navigation Without Sight Le projet Livre en bote = BOOX (Book in Box).
through a Complex Urban Environment.** Aksinja Kermauner (Slovenia)
Les avantages relatifs de plans tactiles pour des
dplacements sans la vue dans un environnement -Didactic and Cheap Strategies for School Teachers
urbain complexe. who have Blind and/or Deaf-Blind Students.**
Yasmine Boumenir, Bertrand Verine, Stratgies didactiques et peu coteuses pour
Guy Rebillard, Birgitta Dresp-Langley (France) les enseignants ayant des lves aveugles et/ou
-Classification of Tactile Pictures of Expressive Faces Pedro Antonio Federsoni Jr.
by Blind Adults.* Silvana Campos da Rocha Calixto (Brazil)
Classification dimages tactiles de visages expressifs
par des adultes aveugles. -Questioning on the Physical Guidance of Visually
Samuel Lebaz, Delphine Picard (France) Impaired Children.*
Questionnement autour de la guidance physique
-Interaction between Braille and Tactile Pictures for denfants prsentant une dficience visuelle.
Deeper Understanding.** Vronique Morra (France)
Interaction entre Braille et images tactiles : la
recherche dune meilleure comprhension. -So Called Autistic-Like Behaviors in Children with
Yvonne Eriksson, Kerstin Fellenius (Sweden) Visual Impairments: Is It The Right Label?**
Les prtendus comportements autistiques des
-Construction of a 2D Haptic Tests Battery for Use enfants dficients visuels: une tiquette exacte ?
with Children and Adolescents with and without Andrea Urqueta Alfaro (USA)
Visual Impairment.*
Construction d'une batterie de tests haptiques en
2D pour enfants et adolescents voyants et dficients
visuels. - TH-
Anas Mazella, Mlanie Labardin,
Sandra Mesnieres, Jean-Michel Albaret, Delphine
Picard (France)
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End of print June 2015

by our old friend DICOLOR
settled in Ahuy, in the beautiful landscape of Burgundy, France.

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