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AIM:- To measure Bit Error Rate.


Eye Pattern and BER Measurement Module.

Scientech 2501/ Scientech 2502A Optical Fiber Communication platform.
Patch Cords
Optical Fiber Cable
+ 5V DC, 500 mA Adapter

In telecommunication transmission, the bit error rate (BER) is a Ratio of bits that have
errors relative to the total number of bits received in a transmission. The BER is an
indication of how often a packet or other data unit has to be retransmitted because of
an error. Too high a BER may indicate that a slower data rate would actually improve
overall transmission time for a given amount of transmitted data since the BER might be
reduced, lowering the number of packets that had to be resent.

This Eye Pattern and BER Measurement Module is to be used with Optical Fiber
Communication Trainer Scientech 2501/ Scientech 2502A.
Connect Power Supply to Optical Fiber communication Trainer Scientech
2501/Scientech 2502A.
Ensure that all switched faults are off.
Connect the fiber optic cable between emitter output and detector input.
Connect +5V DC, 500 mA adapter to the board.
Make the connections as shown in next figure.
Connect clock frequency of 64 KHz from CLK Generator to CLK In of
Data generator using patch cord.
Connect Data out of Data Generator to of Data In of optical Link.
Now connect a patch cord from Data In of Optical Link of Module to Input
of emitter section of Optical Fiber Communication Trainer Scientech
2501/ Scientech 2502A.
Now connect a patch cord from detector section of Optical Fiber
Communication Trainer Scientech 2501/ Scientech 2502A to Data out of
Optical Link of Module.
Connect Data Out of Optical Link Section to Signal In of Noise Generator.
Make the ground common of Trainer and Module using patch cord.
Keep toggle switch towards Bit Error Counter.
Switch ON the power of Trainer and Module.
Initially Adjust Level pot at middle position.
Observe the Error Count on 7-Segment Display of Bit Error Counter by using
the start/ stop switch for any time duration T.
Adjust Level pot for minimum and maximum position to observe effect of
variable noise on the error count.


Clk t N=clk*t BEC BER


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