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Initial AG Submission 7/25/17


This Tenth Amendment (this "Amendment") modifies and supplements the terms
of the Condominium Offering Plan for the premises known as the 550 Yanderbilt Condominium
(Department of Law File No. CD150007), 550 Vanderbilt Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11238, first
accepted for filing on June 8, 2015, as amended (the "Plan") and is incorporated into and should
be read in conjunction with the Plan. The terms of this Amendment are as follows:

1. Purpose of Amendment

The purpose of this amendment is to provide information about potential changes

to the 421a Partial Real Estate Tax Exemption for the Building.

2. Proposed Changes to the 421-a Partial Real Estate Tax Exemption

a. Introduction

As of the date of filing of this Amendment, an application (the "Original

Application") for a preliminary certificate of eligibility for a partial real estate tax exemption
under Section 421a of the New York Real Property Tax Law ("Section 421a") has been
submitted to the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development ("HPD")
under #TEO 11257. Such exemption (the "Original Exemption") would be for a limited period of
fifteen (15) years, would decrease progressively after eleven (11) years, and would be subject to
an exemption cap on the maximum 421a exemption for which each Residential Unit is eligible,
all as more fully set forth in the Section entitled "Partial Real Estate Tax Exemption (Section
421a)" and the "Real Estate Tax Opinion", each included in Part I of the Plan.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, and in connection with a recent change in law,

Sponsor is in discussions with HPD to modify the Original Application as part of a larger
application which now includes another building in Pacific Park (such modified application
constituting the "New Application"). An exemption under the New Application (the "New
Exemption"), if granted by HPD, would provide for an exemption period of twentyfive (25)
years, as compared to the fifteen (15) year term originally disclosed in the Plan, resulting in an
additional ten (10) years of benefits at the 100% exemption level (discussed below). Moreover,
the modification to the 421a application should also result in a larger benefit to some one (1)
bedroom Residential Units and to larger Residential Units from year to year because, unlike
under the Original Application, under the New Application no exemption cap is expected to
apply to these Residential Units. The new twenty five (25) year exemption would be granted by
HPD instead of the fifteen (15) year exemption in the Original Application.

b. Projected Real Estate Taxes with and without the New Exemption

The projection of the real estate taxes that will be payable for each of the
Residential Units under the New Exemption is based upon a letter dated July 17, 2017 prepared
by Tuchman, Korngold, Weiss, Liebman & Gelles LLP, Sponsor's real estate tax expert,
annexed hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein. In addition, the projected real estate taxes
payable by Residential Unit Owners excluding 421a benefits has also been updated in the
Schedule A "Purchase Prices and Related Information", annexed hereto as Exhibit B, based
upon the updated assumptions and projections set forth in the new letter. The Schedule A real
estate tax projections are based on tax year 2018/2019, the first year it is assumed that the taxing
authority will be assessing a fully constructed, occupied building, and is not intended to reflect
the interim or partial completion assessment in effect for the 2017/2018 tax year. As a result,
bills actually due and payable for the 2017/2018 tax year may be less than the numbers reflected
on Schedule A.

The New Exemption, if granted, will be for a limited period of three construction
years, being tax years 2015/2016, 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 (the "Construction Years"V plus an
additional twenty five (25) years, and will decrease progressively over such period, as follows:
one hundred percent (100%) exemption on any increase in the assessed value of the Property
over the "prior assessed value" for the Construction Years and years one (1) through twenty one
(21), commencing on the July 1st following the taxable status date (January 5) after receipt of at
least a temporary or permanent Certificate of Occupancy covering all residential Units in the
Building; eighty percent (80%) exemption in year twenty two (22); sixty percent (60%)
exemption in year twenty three (23); forty percent (40%) exemption in year twenty four (24);
and twenty percent (20%) exemption in year twenty five (25), with full real estate taxes due and
payable commencing with the twenty sixth (26th) year.

25vear Exemption

Benefit Years % of Exemption

121 100%
22 80%
23 60%
24 40%
25 20%
26 0%

Under the New Exemption, the Building would remain subject to the requirement
that all building service employees be paid at the prevailing wage rate.

c. Adjustments for Real Estate Taxes at Closing under the New Exemption

As set forth in the Plan, at every Residential Unit Closing adjustments will be
made between Sponsor and Purchaser with respect to (among other things) real estate taxes, on
the basis of the period for which real estate taxes have been prepaid by Sponsor to the taxing

authority. Real estate taxes will be prorated as between Sponsor and Purchaser such that each
party's responsibility for a portion of the real estate taxes depends on how many days each of
Sponsor and Purchaser owned the Residential Unit during the given prepaid period. As Sponsor
initially pays the real estate taxes for the given period, at Closing Purchaser is required to
reimburse Sponsor for its pro rata share as a closing adjustment.

Tax bills are due to be paid to the New York City Department of Finance
("DOF") on or before July 3, 2017 for the first quarter of the 2017/2018 tax year and,
accordingly, Sponsor will pay the tax bill for such quarter for any Residential Units owned by
Sponsor as of July 3, 2017 (the "PrePaid Units", including any period of time for which Sponsor
has prepaid real estate taxes for a given Residential Unit is referred to as such Residential Unit's
"PrePaid Period").

At such time as the New Exemption is implemented, if granted by HPD, the

benefit of lower real estate taxes will be retroactive to the beginning of the Construction Years,
including the period commencing July 3, 2017. As neither the Original Exemption or New
Exemption will be in place as of July 3, 2017, Sponsor's prepayment of real estate taxes for
Closings occurring at any time between July 3, 2017 and the date any 421a exemption is
implemented will initially be for the full assessment by DOF (i.e., without the benefit of the 421
a Partial Real Estate Tax Exemption), and adjustments will be made between Sponsor and
Purchaser based on such higher amount. Assuming the New Exemption is ultimately
implemented, there will then need to be a subsequent readjustment between Sponsor and
Purchaser for real estate taxes paid for the PrePaid Units during the PrePaid Period.

It is very difficult to predict when the benefit will be approved and implemented
as it involves the cooperation of multiple New York City agencies. Without representation of
any kind as to if and when 421benefits may be implemented, Sponsor and its attorneys are
actively engaged with HPD and are endeavoring to have HPD process the modified application
as quickly as possible.

In anticipation of this future need to readjust real estate taxes (assuming a 421a
exemption is granted), in connection with each Closing the Purchaser's payment of its pro rata
share of the full amount of real estate taxes for the PrePaid Period will be placed into a special
account held by Sponsor (the "Special Account"). If the New Exemption goes into effect,
Sponsor, as the original payor of record for the Residential Unit, shall have the exclusive right to
seek a refund from DOF for that portion of real estate taxes paid in excess of real estate taxes due
under the New Exemption (the "421a Rebate"). Assuming Sponsor receives the 421a Rebate
directly from DOF, Sponsor will release from the Special Account an amount equal to
Purchaser's respective share of the savings, calculated as if the original adjustment at Closing
was based on the lower tax assessment. Any amounts held in the Special Account that are in
excess of Purchaser's share of the 421a Rebate as calculated above will be released to Sponsor.

While Sponsor shall have the sole right to apply for the 421a Rebate, in the event
DOF pays the refund or otherwise credits Purchaser or its agent, as the new owner of the
Residential Unit, the funds in the Special Account will be released to Sponsor. In the event the
funds in the Special Account are insufficient to reimburse Sponsor for its prepayment of real
estate taxes and any savings Sponsor is entitled to receive under the New Exemption, within
thirty (30) days of the refund or credit by DOF to Purchaser, Purchaser shall be obligated to pay
such deficit to Sponsor.

Sponsor shall have the right (but not the obligation) to seek an appeal of the
amount to be paid under the New Exemption, and correspondingly, the amount of the 421a
Rebate and the refund to Unit Owner. In the event Sponsor seeks an appeal in connection with
the New Exemption, Sponsor shall be authorized as Purchaser's attorneyinfact, coupled with an
interest, to execute any documents or other papers required for such appeal, and Purchaser shall
otherwise be required to cooperate with Sponsors in pursuing such appeal.

The full terms of the New Exemption are set forth in the "Real Estate Tax
Opinion (New Exemption)" included as Exhibit A to this Amendment.



There is no guaranty or assurance that the criteria for Section 421a benefits will
be satisfied and neither Sponsor nor Sponsor's Counsel or Sponsor's Real Estate Tax Counsel
offers any opinion with respect to the eligibility of the Residential Units for Section 421a
benefits. If, for any reason the application is not approved by HPD, the Residential Units will be
subject to full taxation and will receive no benefits under Section 421a, and Sponsor shall be
entitled to the funds held in the Special Account as repayment for those taxes prepaid by

Purchasers shall not be entitled to any right of rescission, reduction in price or

other credit or concession, or other recourse whatsoever against Sponsor in connection with the
foregoing. Further, Purchasers shall not be entitled to any right of rescission, reduction in price
or other credit or concession, or other recourse whatsoever against Sponsor in the event that the
New Exemption is not put into effect, whether as a result of denial by HPD or election by
Sponsor, in its absolute discretion, not to move forward with the New Application, or otherwise.
In the event the New Application is ultimately not filed by Sponsor, the Original Application
would remain in place and all terms of the Original Exemption, as set forth in the Section entitled
"Partial Real Estate Tax Exemption (Section 421a)" and the "Real Estate Tax Opinion", each
included in Part I of the Plan, will govern the application of 421a benefits to this Building.

3. Changes to the Selling Agent for Residential Units

Purchasers are advised that Nest Seekers LLC, having an office at 594 Broadway,
New York, New York 10012, has been retained by Sponsor to replace Corcoran Sunshine
Marketing Group, Inc. as the Selling Agent for the Residential Units. Nest Seekers LLC is a
licensed real estate brokerage firm. All references in the Plan to Selling Agent for the
Residential Units shall hereinafter mean Nest Seekers LLC. Nest Seekers LLC has no financial
interest in the Property, Sponsor, the managing agent or any other interested parties in this
transaction, except for its fee for services rendered as Selling Agent for the Residential Units.

There have been no prior felony convictions of Selling Agent, or any principals of
Selling Agent; and no prior convictions, injunctions and judgments against the Selling Agent, or
any principals of Selling Agent that may be material to the Plan or an offering of securities
generally, that occurred within fifteen (15) years prior to the submission of this Plan.

4. Definitions

Except as herein defined, all capitalized terms used in this Amendment which are
defined in the Plan shall have the respective meaning ascribed to such terms in the Plan.

5. Incorporation of the Plan

The Plan, as modified and supplemented by this Amendment, is incorporated

herein by reference with the same force and effect as if set forth at length.

6. No Material Changes in the Plan

There have been no material changes in the Plan except as set forth in this
Amendment. The Plan, as hereby amended, does not knowingly omit any material fact.

7. No Extension of Filing Period

The effective period for the term of the Plan is not extended as a result of filing
this Amendment.

Dated: ,2017

Pacific Park 550 Vanderbilt, LLC

Exhibit A

[Real Estate Opinion Letter (New Exemption)]

(212) 687-3747

My 17,2017

Pacific Park 550 Vanderbilt, LLC

c/o Greenland Forest City Partners
1 MetroTech Center, 18th Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201

RE: 550 Vanderbilt Avenue

Block 1129, Lots 10041281
Borough of Brooklyn
Citv of New York

Dear Sir or Madam:

This letter is in response to your request for an opinion and projection of the estimated
real estate tax assessments and taxes for both the 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 tax years. This letter
modifies and supersedes in its entirety our previous letter of March 4, 2015. You have advised
us that construction commenced in May of 2015 and is expected to be completed in February
2018 as the term "complete" is defined in the applicable 421 a regulations to be set forth in
greater detail herein. You have advised us that the project consists of the construction of a new
multiple dwelling to be structured as a condominium which will contain 278 residential units
and three commercial units to be located at the above referenced address.

In order to prepare this letter and the opinion set forth herein, you have supplied us with
certain information upon which we have relied. This information includes your acquisition
prices and your estimated construction costs and your estimated operating expenses. You have
also supplied us with a detailed square footage analysis of the project.

I. Assessed Value Projection

We have also considered the recent tax assessment history of the property, the cost of the
new project, the potential income for the new structure (if operated as a rental), comparable
properties in the Borough of Brooklyn which have been newly constructed or undergone
renovation as well as market conditions in the general area.

Pacific Park 550 Vanderbilt, LLC

July 17,2017
Page 2

In predicting the future assessed value, we have given consideration to the following factors:

1. The current claimed standard of assessment used by the Real Property Division of the New
York City Department of Finance is to assess at 45% of value.

2. The estimate of the cost of the construction.

3. The potential capitalized net income of the property if operated as a rental.

4. Tax Assessments of comparable properties.

Tax Assessments in New York City are made on a fiscal year basis running from July 1
of any one year to the next succeeding July 1. The status of the building on January 5 of any one
year is the basis of the assessment for the fiscal year beginning that July 1. The final
assessment roll containing the final 2017/2018 assessed values was published on May 25, 2017.
The final 2017/2018 assessment roll showed numerous individual condominium assessments,
The total of the assessed values was set forth as follows:

Lot Actual Trans

1001 128,805 124,127
1002 121,332 116,924
1003 120,070 115,705
1004-1281 13,594,912 13,144,998
Total 13,965,119 13,501,754

Real Property Tax Law Section 581 provides that cooperative and condominium
apartments shall be assessed for tax purposes as if the building was a comparable rental property.
Thus, the Department of Finance is prohibited from utilizing the sales prices of the individual
condominium units in determining the assessed valuation. Therefore the prices that you set in
your offering plan and any subsequent sales or resales are not relevant in determining the
assessed value of the property or of the individual condominium units. The New York City
Department of Finance has now assigned individual tax lot numbers to each of the condominium
units. The residential condominium units have been designated as tax class 2 property and will
pay on the class 2 tax rate and the retail condominium units have been designated as tax class 4
property and will pay on the class 4 tax rate. The 2016/2017 class 2 residential tax rate has been
set at $12,892 for each $100 of assessed valuation and the class 4 nonresidential tax rate has
been set at $10,574 for each $100 of assessed valuation. The 2017/2018 tax rate will be set later
this year.

Pacific Park 550 Vanderbilt, LLC

July 17,2017
Page 3

Real Property Tax Law Section 1805 provides for the creation of a transition assessment
system within the City of New York. Under the transition assessment system, the usual increase
in the actual assessed value of a property between one year and the next is phased in over a five
year period in equal installments. The five year phase in does not apply to new construction or
other increases due to physical improvements to the property. Increases due to such physical
improvements or new construction are added in full to the next year's assessment. Pursuant to
Real Property Tax Law Section 1805, the taxable assessment is determined to be the lesser of the
actual assessed valuation or the transition assessed valuation. There has been a substantial
increase in assessed value for 2017/2018 and we believe that there will be a further increase
in assessed value for the 2018/2019 tax year as a result of the new construction which will
be placed on the assessment roll immediately and not subject to the five year phase in. Due
to the fact that we anticipate there will be an increase in assessed valuation due to the
construction, we are not projecting a transition assessed value for 2018/2019 although in future
years after construction has been completed, increases in assessed value will likely result in the
taxable assessment being based on a phasedin transition assessed value.

On June 25, 2015 the New York State Legislature passed legislation extending property
tax abatements for homeowners in New York City cooperatives and condominiums through July
17, 2018 at the rate of 17.5% with buildings with average assessments greater than $60,000 per
unit. The law makes additional changes from the prior law which may eliminate such abatement
benefits for units which are not the primary residence of the owner. The law further limits the
benefits to a maximum of three units in the building, one of which must be the primary residence
of the owner. Buildings which receive a 421a tax exemption are not eligible for this tax benefit.
predicting the taxes on this building we have not given any consideration to this tax benefit. Unit
owners are advised to beware of various filing deadlines that may be included if the law is
extended to be in effect at the expiration of the 421a benefits as well as possible changes in the
level of abatement and eligibility.

We have been advised that in determining the assessed values for the individual units,
since November 28, 2005 the revised procedures of the New York City Department of Finance
calls for the lockingin of the common interest (elements) percentages (Unit Allocation Factor or
UAF) extracted from the condominium declaration filed with the Department of Finance, Survey
office and registered at the City Register. Thus the allocation of the assessed value of all units
should be based on the common interest as set forth in the condominium declaration. We have
examined your common interest percentages as set forth in your condominium, declaration and
have determined that the common interest have been set at 97,3598% for the residential units and
2.6402% for the retail units. The allocation of assessment has been set by the New York City
Department of Finance at approximately these amounts.

Pacific Park 550 Vanderbilt, LLC

July 17,2017 '
Page 4

II. Real Estate Tax Projection

Predicated upon the foregoing, it is our estimate that commencing with the 2017/2018 tax
year (which covers the period July 1, 2017 through July 17, 2018), the actual assessed value of
the property prior to any 421a exemption will be $13,965,119 and the post construction assessed
value of the entire property for 2018/2019 will be $30,000,000.

Therefore assuming the tax class 2 tax rate increases to $13.00 for each $100 of assessed
value and the tax class 4 tax rate increases to $10.80 for each $100 of assessed value, we make
the following projections of the real estate taxes prior to any tax exemptions or abatements:


July 1, 2017 to July 17, 2018 ( 2017/2018 Tax Year)

Assessed Value Tax Rate Tax

$13,144,198 .13 $1,708,850

July 1, 2018 to July 17, 2019 ( 2018/2019 Tax Year)

Assessed Value Tax Rate Tax

$29,207,940 .13 $3,797,032


July 1, 2017 to July 17,2018 (2017/2018 Tax Year)

Assessed Value Tax Rate Tax

$356,756 .108 $38,530

July 1, 2018 to July 17, 2019 ( 2018/2019 Tax Year)

Assessed Value Tax Rate Tax

$792,060 .108 $85,542


Pacific Park 550 Vanderbilt, LLC

July 17,2017
Page 5

III. Eligibility for 421a Real Estate Tax Exemption

You have also requested our opinion as to the eligibility of the above referenced property
to receive a 421a real estate tax exemption. The 421a Tax Exemption program was enacted
pursuant to Section 421a of the Real Property Tax Law of the State of New York ("421a"),
Section 11245 of the Administrative Code of The City of New York and has been implemented
through regulations promulgated by the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and
Development (hereinafter referred to as "HPD"). The law is designed to encourage construction
of new multiple dwellings by offering an exemption from real estate taxes for a period of years.
The exemption covers the increase in some or all of the assessed valuation resulting from
construction of a new building over the prior assessed valuation on the property and eliminates
for a period of years any taxation on that increase in assessed valuation. The exemption does not
eliminate all real estate taxes.

You have advised us that (1) all work will be performed in accordance with law and that
all required filings have or will be made with the Department of Buildings and all agencies
having the appropriate jurisdiction and (2) construction commenced in May 2015 (as the term
"comrnencement" is defined in the applicable 421 a regulations) and construction is expected to
be completed (as the term "completion" is defined in the current 421a regulations) in February of

The 421a rules and regulations define Commencement of Construction in part as follows:

Commencement of construction, (a)(1) the later to occur of (I) the dale upon which a new
metal or concrete structure to be incorporated into the multiple dwelling that shall perform a
load hearing function for such multiple dwelling is installed; or (ii) the date upon which a
building or alteration permit for the multiple dwelling (based upon architectural plumbing and
structural plans approved by the Department of Buildings) was issued by such department; or
(2) if a project includes new residential construction and the concurrent conversion, alteration
or improvement of a pre-existing building or structure, the later to occur of (I) the date upon
which the actual construction of the conversion, alteration or improvement of the pre-existing
building or structure begins; or (ii) the date upon which an alteration permit for the multiple
dwelling (based upon architectural, plumbing and structural plans approved by the Department
of Buildings) on which the actual construction of the conversion, alteration or improvement takes
place, was issued by such department;

Since this project commenced prior to January 1, 2016, it is covered by the 421a law that
was in effect at the time of commencement.

Pacific Park 550 Vanderbilt, LLC

July 17,2017 .
Page 6

The 421a rules and regulations define Completion of Construction as follows:

Completion of construction. "Completion of construction" shall mean the date upon which
either a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy is issued for all residential areas in the multiple
dwelling or a Permanent Certificate of Occupancy is issued for the entire building.

IV. 421a Eligibility Requirements

In order to be eligible for 421a tax exemption benefits, there are certain preconditions
which must be met. A major precondition, as set forth in the regulations is the site eligibility test.
In order to be eligible for 421a tax exemption benefits, the land on which a project is located
must have been "vacant, predominantly vacant, underutilized or improved with a nonconforming
use on the operative date." "Operative date" is defined in the regulations to be the date 36 months
prior to commencement of a project. An affidavit has been submitted to HPD executed by
Richard Cook, a registered architect, which sets forth how this property meets the site eligibility
Section 606(b) of the Rules provides that tax exemption benefits will be reduced if the
project's floor area of commercial, community facilities and accessory use space ("Non
Residential/Ineligible Floor Area") exceeds 12% of the project's aggregate floor area. We have
been advised by you that this restriction is applicable here in that the NonResidential and
Ineligible Floor Area that will be 14.88% of the project's aggregate floor area. This excess
commercial aggregate floor area of 2.88% over the 12% limit will be applied to offset possible
421a benefits on the retail units. It is possible, but highly unlikely, that any reduction will affect
the 421a exemption for the residential units.

There have been a number of changes since 2007 to the 421a law and regulations. The
major changes in the law applicable to this project (1) require that 20% of the units in the
application for 421a benefits be made available for onsite affordable housing if the property is
located in the Geographical Exclusion Area, (2) place a cap on the maximum 421a exemption if
the project does not contain any affordable units and (3) require payment of a prevailing wage to
all employees in buildings with greater than fifty apartments. Thus all building service
employees must be paid a prevailing wage but for the reasons set forth below, there shall be no
cap on the maximum 421 a exemption and the affordable housing requirement shall not apply to
the building at 550 Vanderbilt Avenue.

"Onsite" as set forth in the applicable regulations "shall mean situated within a building
or buildings on the same zoning lot, or, if only a portion of such zoning lot is being granted
benefits pursuant to the Act, situated within a building or buildings on such portion of such
zoning lot; provided, however, that (1) each of the buildings on such zoning lot or portion thereof
is part of the same application for benefits pursuant to the Act, (2) the periods of construction and
final real property tax exemption benefits granted pursuant to the Act for all of the buildings on
such zoning lot or portion thereof being granted benefits pursuant to the Act shall commence
simultaneously, and (3) no final real property tax exemption benefits shall be granted pursuant to
the Act for any of the buildings on such zoning lot or any portion thereof being granted benefits

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July 17, 2017
Page 7

pursuant to the Act until receipt of a certificate of occupancy or a temporary certificate of

occupancy for the residential portions of the building or buildings on such zoning lot containing
the GEA 60% AMI units and/or the GEA SGA units."

Although this building is located in the Geographical Exclusion Area, as will be discussed
later in this letter, the building located at 535 Carlton Avenue will be included in the same 421-a
application as 550 Vanderbilt Avenue. On June 22, 2017 the Associate Commissioner at HPD
confirmed by email to the undersigned that both buildings shall be deemed on the same zoning lot
for 421 -a purposes without the need to record documentation with the New York City Register or
otherwise since the application for 421-a benefits for the buildings at 550 Vanderbilt and 535
Carlton will be processed by HPD as being located on the same zoning lot. The affordable units
at 535 Carlton Avenue may be used for purposes of satisfying the requirement of having onsite
affordable housing to qualify the building at 550Vanderbilt Avenue to receive 421-a tax benefits

The premises at 535 Carlton Avenue will contain an adequate number of affordable units
which shall also be deemed comparable by bedroom count so that both buildings will be deemed
to be an "affordable project" by HPD and not subject to the residential exemption cap as more
fully discussed below. The Associate Commissioner at HPD has reviewed the possible
comparability methods and on July 13, 2017 the Director of the Tax Incentives Program in an
answer to the question posed to the Assistant Commissioner responded that HPD approved the
below listed unit distribution chart.

Marketrate Affordable BUILDING

DUs % DUs % DUs %
p BRs 87 19% 21 18% 108 19%
1 BRs 208 45% 48 41% 256 44%
2 BRs 139 30% 38 33% 177 31%
(3/4 BRs 26 6% 9 8% 35 6%
subtotal 460 116 576

We have been advised by you that the above chart accurately represents the combined layout of
the buildings. The opinions set forth in this letter with respect to the eligibility of the building at
550 Vanderbilt Avenue are conditioned on the representations made to our firm by the Associate
Commissioner and the Director of the Tax Incentive Unit at HPD concerning (1) comparability
and (2) proof of zoning lot. If for any reason HPD refuses to follow the representations made to
us by the Associate Commissioner and the Director of the Tax Incentives Program, the opinions
in this letter as to 421-a eligibility will be of no force and effect.

The 421-a law imposes a residential exemption cap on the maximum 421-a exemption for
projects that are not deemed affordable projects. For the reasons set forth previously, the
exemption cap will not apply to the residential units but will apply to the retail units for tax years

Pacific Park 550 Vanderbilt, LLC

July 17, 2017
Page 8

after construction is completed. The law sets an exemption cap at no more than $65,000 of
assessed value per dwelling unit as of 2008 with an inflation factor of 3% per year. The per unit
cap for each of the upcoming tax years is as follows:

2019/20 $89,975
2020/21 $92,674
2021/22 $95,455
2022/23 $98,318

The cap shall increase as set forth above in succeeding years at 3% per year.

! V. Application Procedure for 421 a Certificate of Eligibility

At any time after work commences and prior to completion, an application for a
preliminary 421 a certificate may be submitted to HPD. The 421 a application for a preliminary
certificate of eligibility has been submitted to HPD but is currently being amended to join the
application with the affordable building at 535 Carlton Avenue. As described above, by merging
the 421 a application in this manner, the entire project will be deemed an affordable project under
the 421a law. As such no residential exemption cap will apply and the building will obtain a
significantly longer period of exemption benefits as discussed below. It should be noted that
although the building at 550 Vanderbilt Avenue will now be deemed part of an affordable project
for 421a purposes, as well as being included in the same joint 421a application as the affordable
building at 535 Carlton Avenue, there will be no requirement to have any affordable units in 550
Vanderbilt Avenue nor shall there be any restriction on the ability of unit owners to sell their units
and maintain 421a eligibility since such restrictions are only applicable to the building at 535
Carlton Avenue. The joint application results in ten additional years of exemption with no
residential cap on the 421a exemption and is a far better benefit than the benefit set forth in our
previous letter included in the original offering plan.

421a tax benefits will commence shortly after the granting of the 421a preliminary
certificate of eligibility and the filing of the 421a preliminary certificate of eligibility with the
Department of Finance. Upon granting of the 421 a preliminary certificate of eligibility, HPD
will require a filing fee of 4/10 of 1% of the estimated project cost. You have advised me that you
shall pay the filing fee when requested by HPD.

An application for a final 421a certificate of eligibility cannot be submitted until after
construction is completed and must be submitted to HPD no later than 180 days after completion,
although a waiver of such requirement may be obtained and is liberally granted by HPD.
The final application is primarily ministerial and it requires the applicant to submit in addition to
the one page application form a statement from the applicant's architect confirming the date of
completion, a letter from that applicant's CPA confirming the project cost, an affidavit
confirming compliance with Energy Star requirements (if not previously provided), a copy of the
condominium offering plan (or for rental buildings proof of registration with the New York State

Pacific Park 550 Vanderbilt, LLC

July 17,2017
Page 9

Division of Housing and Community Renewal) and proof that a Multiple Dwelling Registration
has been made with I IPD. Upon review of the application and prior to the issuance of the final
certificate of eligibility HPD will require an additional filing fee of 4/10 of 1% of the project cost
of any amount set forth by the CPA that is greater than the amount of the estimated project cost
set forth in the preliminary application. We are unable to predict when such final 421a
certificate of eligibility will be issued. At the appropriate time after completion of construction,
our office will request that you furnish us with the required documentation in order to obtain a
final 421 a certificate of eligibility.

There are various other minor technical requirements for obtaining 421a tax exemption
benefits. Without listing these requirements in minute detail, we believe that based upon
information given to us by you, these other requirements have or will be met.

VI. Length of 421a Exemption

Utilizing the information supplied to us, it is our opinion that the project as described
above is eligible for real estate tax exemption benefits pursuant to Section 11245 of the
Administrative Code of the City of New York and 421a of the New York State Real Property
Tax Law (the "421 a Program").

The 421a tax exemption may either be ten, fifteen, twenty or twentyfive years depending
upon various eligibility factors.

Since this project will deemed an "affordable project" by HPD, the 421a tax exemption
that is applicable to this project will last for a period of twentyfive years (after a three year
construction period described later in this letter) as set forth below:

Year Percent of Increased Assessed Valuation

Which is Exempt

121 100%
22 80%
23 60%
24 40%
25 20%
26 0%

In addition, multiple dwellings which satisfy all of the requirements of the law and receive
a Preliminary Certificate of Eligibility shall be exempt from real property taxes, other than
assessments for local improvements, upon any increase in assessed valuation over the prior
assessed valuation during the statutorily defined period of construction, or for a period of three

Pacific Park 550 Vanderbilt, LLC

July 17,2017

years, whichever is less, provided that taxes shall be paid in each year for the remaining tax that
shall be due, Since construction commenced in May of 2015 and is estimated to be completed in
February of 2018, there shall be three eligible construction years, 2016/2017, 2017/2018 and

Based upon the information that has been given to us the first of the twentyfive year
exemption period shall be deemed to be the 2019/2020 tax year.

Real Estate taxes shall be based initially on the assessed value on the property for the year
prior to commencement of construction multiplied by the current tax rate. This tax is sometimes
known as the minitax. Since we have been advised that construction commenced during the
2014/2015 tax year, the minitax will be determined by multiplying the 2013/2014 assessed value
by the current tax rate. As set forth previously, there shall be no cap on the maximum exemption.

For 2013/2014, the tax lots were not previously in existence, however a retroactive
apportionment by the Department of Finance sets forth that the total assessed value of the tax lots
had they been apportioned in tax year 2013/2014 was approximately $923,984 for the residential
lots and approximately $25,050 for the retail lots. It should be noted that the exemption cap will
apply to the retail units after construction is completed but for the reasons set forth in this
opinion, shall not apply to the residential units. Assuming that the tax rate is $13.00 per one
hundred dollars of assessed valuation for the residential units and $10.80 per one hundred dollars
of assessed valuation for the retail units, the estimated initial aggregate annual minitax shall be
$120,118 for the residential units and $2,705 for the retail units.

VII. Requirements of Real Estate Financing Bureau and Closing Statement

In accordance with the requirements set forth in the Real Estate Finance Bureau
Memorandum of June 24, 2014, we hereby inform you of the following :

1. This property on the date of commencement of construction was in the then defined
Geographical Exclusion Area (GEA) in the City of New York.

2. Although your project is in the GEA, there are no requirements for any onsite affordable
housing units at 550 Vanderbilt Avenue in order to qualify for 421a tax benefits due to the fact
that this building will be deemed part of an affordable project located at 535 Carlton Avenue
pursuant to the joint application as set forth earlier in this letter.

3. The requirement to pay all building service employees a "prevailing wage" will affect this
property since there are more than 49 dwelling units in the building.

For a building that meets the eligibility requirements, 421a benefits are as of right by
statute but are not automatic. An application must be made to the Department of Housing
Preservation and Development. This application must contain supporting documentation such as

Pacific Park 550 Vanderbilt, LLC

My 17,2017
Page 11

copies of all city permits and approvals, and an accountant's certification, All information
contained in a 421a application must be true and complete. The application is subject to an audit
after the certificate of eligibility has been issued. These benefits may be revoked if an application
contains false information.

Our firm has an extensive practice in real estate tax review matters and in 421a and J51
tax exemption/ tax abatement applications, and we currently represent the owners of
approximately 2,500 buildings in the City of New York, and file applications for correction of the
tax assessments and tax exemptions/tax abatements on these properties. This firm and its
predecessors have been engaged in such practice for a period of approximately 50 years.
Additionally, the writer is the chairman of the Law Committee of the Associated Builders and
Owners of Greater New York, a director of both the New York State Builders Association and the
Associated Builders and Owners of Greater New York, a past member of the Tax Certiorari and
Condemnation Committee of the Bar Association of the City of New York, and is a director and
former President of the Real Estate Tax Review Bar Association, a specialized Bar dealing with
real estate tax assessment matters.

: Based upon our previous experience with such proceedings, we have issued the within
letter which the specific understanding that although we believe the condominium units will be
eligible for 421a real estate tax benefits, our opinion is not a guarantee that such benefits will be
available. In no event will we, as Sponsor's real estate tax counsel, be liable if there are changes
in the facts on which we have relied in issuing this opinion, or if there are changes in the
applicable statutes, rules and regulations of the City of New York, decisional laws or
administrative agency rulings, interpretations and policies on which we have relied which cause
this opinion to be inaccurate. Interested parties should be aware that the estimate of the initial
real estate tax assessment and taxes cover a period into the future and does not project taxes any
further than the first year. Neither we nor any person can guarantee what the real estate taxes will
be at any future date. As stated above, changes in law or policies of government agencies may
radically change the opinions expressed herein.

The opinion expressed herein is that of the undersigned, and does not purport to express
the opinion of the New York City Department of Finance or any city or government agency. The
Department's opinion may result in substantially different total taxes for the budget years as well
as for tax year 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 than set forth herein. This opinion letter is given as of
the date hereof and we disclaim any obligation to advise you or any other party of any change
which hereafter may be brought to our attention. We consent to the inclusion of this letter in the
offering plan.

Very truly yours,


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By: Paul J. Korngold

Exhibit B

[Revised Schedule A "Purchase Prices and Related Information"]

550 Vanderbiit Condominium
550 Vanderbiit Street
Schedule A: Purchase Prices and Related Information for the Projected First Year of Condominium Operation (1/1/1712/31/17)
Share of Estimated Estimated Estimated
Terrace/ Monthly Real Estimated Estimated Total
Unit Resident Estimated Monthly Real Annual Real Total Monthly
Balcony General Residential Estate Taxes Annual Real Annual Charges
Unit# Number Number Square Offering Price Managers Monthly Estate Taxes Estate Taxes Charges 1st
Square Common Common With 421a Estate Taxes 1st Year With
(1) Bedrooms Bathrooms Footage (2) Unit Partial Common Without 421a Without 421a Year With
Footage Interest (4) Interest (4) Tax With 421a Tax 421a Benefits
(2) Purchase Charges (5) Tax Abatement Tax Abatement 4211
(2) Abatement Abatement (6) (7)
Price (8) (6) (6) Benefits (7)
1M1 3 3.5 375 3,200 $ 4,650,000 $ 7,411.36 1.2157% 1.2358% $ 3,733.27 $ 123.70 $ 1.484.42 $ 3,910.31 $ 46,923.72 $ 3,856.97 $ 46,283.65
1M2 3 3.5 0 2,632 $ 3,450,000 $ 5,820.98 0.9723% 0.9710% $ 2,933.33 $ 97.20 $ 1,166.35 $ 3,072.43 $ 36,869.18 $ 3,030.52 $ 36,366.26
1M3 3 3.5 0 2,869 $ 3,685,000 $ 6,303.95 1.0570% 1.0514% $ 3,176.21 $ 105.24 $ 1,262.92 $ 3,326.83 $ 39,922.00 $ 3,281.45 $ 39,377.43
101* 2 2 0 1,160 $ 1,495,000 N/A 0.4254% 0.4239% $ 1,280.57 $ 42.43 $ 509.18 $ 1,341.30 $ 16,095.62 $ 1,323.00 $ 15,876.06
201 2 2.5 0 1,521 $ 2,110,000 $ 3,412.23 0.5610% 0.5679% $ 1,715.59 $ 56.85 $ 682.15 $ 1,796.95 $ 21,563.35 $ 1,772.43 $ 21,269.20
202 0 637 $ 800,000 $ 1,395.28 0.2346% 0.2322% $ 701.46 $ 23.24 $ 278.91 $ 734.73 $ 8,816.71 $ 724.70 $ 8,696.44
203 0 654 $ 847,000 $ 1,435.86 0.2409% 0.2389% $ 721.70 $ 23.91 $ 286.96 $ 755.93 $ 9,071.11 $ 745.61 $ 8,947.37
204 0 781 $ 940,000 $ 1,694.91 0.2877% 0.2821% $ 852.21 $ 28.24 $ 338.85 $ 892.62 $ 10,711.43 $ 880.44 $ 10,565.31
205 0 646 $ 842,000 $ 1,420.29 0.2379% 0.2364% $ 714.15 $ 23.66 $ 283.96 $ 748.02 $ 8,976.18 $ 737.81 $ 8,853.74
206 0 788 $ 940,000 $ 1,708.55 0.2906% 0.2843% $ 858.85 $ 28.46 $ 341.50 $ 899.58 $ 10,794.96 $ 887.31 $ 10,647.71
207 0 646 $ 842,000 $ 1,420.29 0.2379% 0.2364% $ 714.15 $ 23.66 $ 283.96 $ 748.02 $ 8,976.18 $ 737.81 $ 8,853.74
208 0 1,422 $ 1,960,000 $ 3,175.23 0.5223% 0.5285% $ 1,596.56 $ 52.90 $ 634.82 $ 1,672.28 $ 20,067.32 $ 1,649.47 S 19,793.58
209 0 720 $ 962,000 $ 1,596.25 0.2659% 0.2656% $ 802.36 $ 26.59 $ 319.03 $ 840.41 $ 10,084.92 $ 828.95 $ 9,947.35
210 1.5 0 841 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,808.46 0.3072% 0.3010% $ 909.30 $ 30.13 $ 361.55 $ 952.42 $ 11,429.07 $ 939.43 $ 11,273.16
211 0 0 442 $ 590,000 $ 977.55 0.1631% 0.1627% $ 491.51 $ 16.29 $ 195.43 $ 514.81 $ 6,177.77 $ 507.79 $ 6,093.50
212 0 0 414 $ 540,000 $ 909.46 0.1514% 0.1513% $ 457.07 $ 15.14 $ 181.74 $ 478.74 $ 5,744.91 $ 472.21 $ 5,666.55
215 0 0 468 $ 600,000 $ 1,024.72 0.1713% 0.1705% $ 515.07 $ 17.07 $ 204.80 $ 539.49 $ 6,473.94 $ 532.14 $ 6,385.63
216 0 0 453 $ 550,000 $ 966.18 0.1628% 0.1608% $ 485.77 $ 16.10 $ 193.15 $ 508.80 $ 6,105.63 $ 501.86 $ 6,022.34
219 0 0 432 $ 575,000 $ 953.00 0.1591% 0.1586% $ 479.12 $ 15.88 $ 190.51 $ 501.84 $ 6,022.09 $ 495.00 $ 5,939.95
220 0 0 513 $ 575,000 $ 1,096.90 0.1889% 0.1825% $ 551.32 $ 18.27 $ 219.22 $ 577.47 $ 6,929.58 $ 569.59 $ 6,835.06
222 1.5 0 835 $ 970,000 $ 1,798.57 0.3076% 0.2993% $ 904.17 $ 29.96 $ 359.51 $ 947.04 $ 11,364.52 $ 934.12 $ 11,209.49
223 0 703 $ 890,000 $ 1,542.60 0.2589% 0.2567% $ 775.47 $ 25.70 $ 308.34 S 812.25 $ 9,746.98 $ 801.17 $ 9,614.02
225 2 0 1,398 $ 1,860,000 $ 3,102.48 0.5150% 0.5164% $ 1,560.01 $ 51.69 $ 620.29 $ 1,633.99 $ 19,607.87 $ 1,611.70 $ 19,340.41
226 0 763 $ 940,000 $ 1,664.22 0.2810% 0.2770% $ 836.80 $ 27.73 $ 332.73 $ 876.48 $ 10,517.78 $ 864.53 $ 10,374.31
228 0 0 510 $ 645,000 $ 1,118.84 0.1878% 0.1862% $ 562.50 $ 18.64 $ 223.66 $ 589.17 $ 7,070.07 $ 581.14 $ 6,973.63
301 2 2.5 0 1,521 $ 2,130,000 $ 3,419.96 0.5610% 0.5692% $ 1,719.52 $ 56.98 $ 683.71 $ 1,801.06 $ 21,612.71 $ 1,776.49 $ 21,317.89
302 1 0 637 $ 815,000 $ 1,401.08 0.2346% 0.2332% $ 704.48 $ 23.34 $ 280.11 $ 737.89 $ 8,854.68 $ 727.82 $ 8,733.89
303 1 0 654_J $ 857,000 $ 1,439.73 0.2409% 0.2396% $ 723.82 $ 23.98 $ 287.80 $ 758.14 $ 9,097.69 $ 747.80 $ 8,973.59
304 1 1 0 781 $ 955,000 $ 1,700.71 0.2877% 0.2830% $ 854.92 $ 28.33 $ 339.93 $ 895.47 $ 10,745.60 $ 883.25 $ 10,599.02
305 1 1 0 646 $ 847,000 $ 1,422.22 0.2379% 0.2367% $ 715.06 $ 23.69 $ 284.32 $ 748.96 $ 8,987.58 $ 738.75 S 8,864.98
306 1 1 0 788 $ 955,000 $ 1,714.35 0.2906% 0.2853% $ 861.87 $ 28.56 $ 342.70 $ 902.74 $ 10,832.93 $ 890.43 $ 10,685.17
307 0 646 $ 830,000 $ 1,422.22 0.2379% 0.2367% $ 715.06 $ 23.69 $ 284.32 $ 748.96 $ 8,987.58 $ 738.75 $ 8,864.98
308 2 0 1,422 $ 1,980,000 $ 3,182.96 0.5223% 0.5297% $ 1,600.19 $ 53.02 $ 636.26 $ 1,676.07 $ 20,112.88 $ 1,653.21 $ 19,838.52
309 0 720 $ 955,000 $ 1,600.12 0.2659% 0.2663% $ 804.47 $ 26.66 $ 319.87 $ 842.62 $ 10,111.50 $ 831.13 $ 9,973.56
310 1.5 0 841 $ 1,015,000 $ 1,814.26 0.3072% 0.3019% $ 912.02 $ 30.22 $ 362.64 $ 955.27 $ 11,463.24 $ 942.24 $ 11,306.88
311 0 1 0 442 $ 585,000 $ 981.42 0.1631% 0.1633% $ 493.32 $ 16.35 $ 196.15 $ 516.71 $ 6,200.55 $ 509.66 $ 6,115.97
312 0 1 0 446 $ 580,000 $ 976.07 0.1624% 0.1624% $ 490.60 $ 16.26 $ 195.07 $ 513.87 $ 6,166.38 $ 506.86 $ 6,082.26
315 1 1 0 745 $ 965,000 $ 1,638.08 0.2733% 0.2726% $ 823.51 $ 27.29 $ 327.44 $ 862.56 $ 10,350.71 $ 850.79 $ 10,209.52
316 0 1 0 452 $ 570,000 $ 989.26 0.1661% 0.1646% $ 497.25 $ 16.48 $ 197.71 $ 520.83 $ 6,249.92 $ 513.72 $ 6,164.66
317 1 1 0 641 $ 877,000 $ 1,425.29 0.2361% 0.2372% $ 716.57 $ 23.74 $ 284.92 $ 750.55 $ 9,006.56 $ 740.31 $ 8,883.70
318 1 1 0 646 $ 847,000 $ 1,422.22 0.2379% 0.2367% $ 715.06 $ 23.69 $ 284.32 $ 748.96 $ 8,987.58 $ 738.75 $ 8,864.98
319 1 1 . 0 653 $ 892,000 $ 1,451.55 0.2405% 0.2416% $ 729.86 $ 24.18 $ 290.20 $ 764.47 $ 9,173.63 $ 754.04 $ 9,048.49
320 1 1 0 646 $ 847,000 $ 1,422.22 0.2379% 0.2367% $ 715.06 $ 23.69 $ 284.32 $ 748.96 $ 8,987.58 $ 738.75 $ 8,864.98
321 1 1 0 703 $ 905,000 $ 1,548.39 0.2589% 0.2577% $ 778.49 $ 25.80 $ 309.54 $ 815.41 $ 9,784.95 $ 804.29 $ 9,651.47
322 0 1 0 541 $ 685,000 $ 1,187.15 0.1992% 0.1976% $ 596.94 $ 19.78 $ 237.35 $ 625.24 $ 7,502.94 $ 616.72 $ 7,400.59
323 1 1 0 746 $ 965,000 $ 1,644.90 0.2748% 0.2737% $ 826.83 $ 27.40 $ 328.76 $ 866.04 $ 10,392.48 $ 854.23 $ 10,250.71
324 1.5 0 835 $ 985,000 $ 1,804.37 0.3076% 0.3003% $ 907.19 $ 30.06 $ 360.71 $ 950.21 $ 11,402.49 $ 937.25 $ 11,246.94
325 2 2 0 1,165 $ 1,680,000 $ 2,622.12 0.4291% 0.4364% $ 1,318.34 $ 43.68 $ 524.19 $ 1,380.85 $ 16,570.25 $ 1,362.02 $ 16,344.21
Share of Estimated Estimated Estimated
Terrace/ Monthly Real Estimated Estimated Total
Unit Resident Estimated Monthly Real Annua! Real Total Monthly
Balcony General Residential Estate Taxes Annua! Real Annual Charges
Unit# Number Number Square Offering Price Managers Monthly Estate Taxes Estate Taxes Charges 1st
Square Common Common With 421a Estate Taxes 1st Year With
(1) Bedrooms Bathrooms Footage (2) Unit Partial Common Without 421a Without 421a Year With
Footage Interest (4) Interest (4) Tax With 421a Tax 421a Benefits
(2) Purchase Charges (5) Tax Abatement Tax Abatement 4211
(2) Abatement Abatement (6) (7)
Price (8) (6) (6) Benefits (7)
326 1 1 0 763 $ 955,000 $ 1,670.02 0.2810% 0.2779% $ 839.52 $ 27.82 $ 333.81 $ 879.33 $ 10,551.95 $ 867.33 $ 10,408.02
327 1 1 0 672 $ 870,000 $ 1,482.01 0.2475% 0.2466% $ 744.96 $ 24.68 $ 296.21 $ 780.29 $ 9,363.48 $ 769.65 $ 9,235.75
328 2 2 0 1,175 $ 1,615,000 $ 2,630.98 0.4335% 0.4379% $ 1,322.87 $ 43.83 $ 526.00 $ 1,385.60 $ 16,627.20 $ 1,366.70 $ 16,400.40
329 1 1 0 673 $ 870,000 $ 1,483.72 0.2479% 0.2469% $ 745.87 $ 24.71 $ 296.57 $ 781.24 $ 9,374.87 $ 770.58 $ 9,246.99
330 2 2 0 1,272 $ 1,820,000 $ 2,853.32 0.4678% 0.4749% $ 1,434.64 $ 47.54 $ 570.44 $ 1,502.68 $ 18,032.11 $ 1,482.18 $ 17,786.13
331 0 1 0 415 $ 565,000 $ 924.24 0.1525% 0.1538% $ 464.62 $ 15.40 $ 184.74 $ 486.65 $ 5,839.84 $ 480.01 $ 5,760.17
401 2 2.5 0 1,521 $ 2,150,000 $ 3,427.69 0.5610% 0.5705% $ 1,723.44 $ 57.11 $ 685.27 $ 1,805.17 $ 21,662.07 $ 1,780.55 $ 21,366.58
402 1 1 0 637 $ 830,000 $ 1,406.88 0.2346% 0.2341% $ 707.20 $ 23.43 $ 281.20 $ 740.74 $ 8,888.85 $ 730.63 $ 8,767.60
403 1 1 0 654 $ 867,000 $ 1,443.59 0.2409% 0.2402% $ 725.63 $ 24.04 $ 288.52 $ 760.04 S 9,120.47 $ 749.67 $ 8,996.06
404 1 1 0 781 $ 970,000 $ 1,706.51 0.2877% 0.2840% $ 857.95 $ 28.43 $ 341.13 $ 898.63 $ 10,783.57 $ 886.37 $ 10,636.47
405 1 1 0 646 $ 857,000 $ 1,426.09 0.2379% 0.2373% $ 716.87 $ 23.75 $ 285.04 $ 750.86 $ 9,010.36 $ 740.62 $ 8,887.45
406 1 1 0 788 $ 970,000 $ 1,720.14 0.2906% 0.2863% $ 864.89 $ 28.66 $ 343.90 $ 905.91 $ 10,870.90 $ 893.55 $ 10,722.62
407 1 1 0 646 $ 857,000 $ 1,426.09 0.2379% 0.2373% $ 716.87 $ 23.75 $ 285.04 $ 750.86 $ 9,010.36 $ 740.62 $ 8,887.45
408 2 2 0 1,422 $ 2,000,000 $ 3,190.69 0.5223% 0.5310% $ 1,604.12 $ 53.15 $ 637.83 $ 1,680.19 $ 20,162.24 $ 1,657.27 $ 19,887.21
409 1 1 0 720 $ 965,000 $ 1,603.98 0.2659% 0.2669% $ 806.29 $ 26.72 $ 320.59 $ 844.52 $ 10,134.28 $ 833.00 $ 9,996.03
410 1 1.5 0 841 $ 1,030,000 $ 1,820.06 0.3072% 0.3029% $ 915.04 $ 30.32 $ 363.84 $ 958.43 $ 11,501.21 $ 945.36 $ 11,344.33
411 0 1 0 442 $ 605,000 $ 983.35 0.1631% 0.1636% $ 494.23 $ 16.38 $ 196.51 $ 517.66 $ 6,211.94 $ 510.60 $ 6,127.21
412 0 1 0 446 $ 600,000 $ 978.01 0.1624% 0.1627% $ 491.51 $ 16.29 $ 195.43 $ 514.81 $ 6,177.77 $ 507.79 $ 6,093.50
415 1 0 745 $ 980,000 $ 1,643.88 0.2733% 0.2736% $ 826.53 $ 27.39 $ 328.64 $ 865.72 $ 10,388.68 $ 853.91 $ 10,246.97
416 0 1 0 452 $ 590,000 $ 991.19 0.1661% 0.1649% $ 498.15 $ 16.51 $ 198.07 $ 521.78 $ 6,261.31 $ 514.66 $ 6,175.89
417 1 0 641 $ 882,000 $ 1,427.23 0.2361% 0.2375% $ 717.47 $ 23.77 $ 285.28 $ 751.50 $ 9,017.95 $ 741.25 $ 8,894.94
418 1 0 646 $ 857,000 $ 1,426.09 0.2379% 0.2373% $ 716.87 $ 23.75 $ 285.04 $ 750.86 $ 9,010.36 $ 740.62 $ 8,887.45
419 1 0 653 $ 902,000 $ 1,455.421 0.2405% 0.2422% $ 731.67 $ 24.24 $ 290.93 $ 766.37 $ 9,196.41 $ 755.91 $ 9,070.97
420 1 0 646 $ 857,000 $ 1,426.09 0.2379% 0.2373% $ 716.87 $ 23.75 $ 285.04 $ 750.86 $ 9,010.36 $ 740.62 $ 8,887.45
421 1 0 703 $ 920,000 $ 1,554.19 0.2589% 0.2586% $ 781.21 $ 25.89 $ 310.62 $ 818.26 $ 9,819.13 $ 807.10 $ 9,685.18
422 0 0 541 $ 715,000 $ 1,191.02 0.1992% 0.1982% $ 598.75 $ 19.84 $ 238.07 $ 627.14 $ 7,525.72 $ 618.59 $ 7,423.06
423 1 0 746 $ 980,000 $ 1,650.70 0.2748% 0.2747% $ 829.85 $ 27.50 $ 329.96 $ 869.20 $ 10,430.45 $ 857.35 $ 10,288.16
424 1.5 0 835 $ 1,045,000 $ 1,810.17 0.3076% 0.3012% $ 909.91 $ 30.15 $ 361.80 $ 953.06 $ 11,436.66 $ 940.05 $ 11,280.66
425 2 2 0 1,165 $ 1,695,000 $ 2,627.92 0.4291% 0.4374% $ 1,321.36 $ 43.78 $ 525.40 $ 1,384.02 $ 16,608.22 $ 1,365.14 $ 16,381.67
426 0 763 $ 970,000 $ 1,675.82 0.2810% 0.2789% $ 842.54 $ 27.92 $ 335.01 $ 882.49 $ 10,589.92 $ 870.46 $ 10,445,47
427 1 0 672 $ 885,000 $ 1,487.81 0.2475% 0.2476% $ 747.98 $ 24.78 $ 297.41 $ 783.45 $ 9,401.45 $ 772.77 $ 9,273.21
428 2 2 0 1,175 $ 1,635,000 $ 2,638.71 0.4335% 0.4392% $ 1,326.79 $ 43.96 $ 527.56 $ 1,389.71 $ 16,676.57 $ 1,370.76 $ 16,449.08
429 0 673 $ 880,000 $ 1,487.58 0.2479% 0.2476% $ 747.98 $ 24.78 $ 297.41 $ 783.45 $ 9,401.45 $ 772,77 $ 9,273.21
430 2 2 0 1,272 $ 1,840,000 $ 2.861.05 0.4678% 0.4762% $ "1,438.57 $ 47.67 $ 572.00 $ 1,506.79 $ 18,081.47 $ 1,486.24 $ 17,834.82
431 0 0 415 $ 575,000 $ 928.11 0.1525% 0.1544% $ 466.43 $ 15.46 $ 185.46 $ 488.55 $ 5,862.62 $ 481.89 $ 5,782.64
501 2 2.5 0 1,521 $ 2,170,000 $ 3,435.42 0.5610% 0.5718% $ 1,727.37 $ 57.24 $ 686.83 $ 1,809.29 $ 21,711.43 $ 1,784.61 $ 21,415.26
502 0 637 $ 845,000 $ 1,412.68 0.2346% 0.2351% $ 710.22 $ 23.53 $ 282.40 $ 743.90 $ 8,926.82 $ 733.75 $ 8,805.06
503 0 654. $ 872,000 $ 1,445.53 0.2409% 0.2406% $ 726.84 $ 24.08 $ 289.00 $ 761.30 $ 9,135.66 $ 750.92 $ 9,011.04
504 0 781 $ 985,000 $ 1,712.30 0.2877% 0.2850% $ 860.97 $ 28.53 $ 342.34 $ 901.80 $ 10,821.54 $ 889.49 $ 10,673.93
505 0 646 $ 850,000 $ 1,429.95 0.2379% 0.2380% $ 718.98 $ 23.82 $ 285.88 $ 753.08 $ 9,036.94 $ 742.81 $ 8,913.66
506 0 788 $ 985,000 $ 1,725.94 0.2906% 0.2872% $ 867.61 $ 28.75 $ 344.98 $ 908.76 $ 10,905.08 $ 896.36 $ 10,756.32
507 0 646 $ 850,000 $ 1,429.95 0.2379% 0.2380% $ 718.98 $ 23.82 $ 285.88 $ 753.08 $ 9,036.94 $ 742.81 $ 8,913.66
508 2 2 0 1,422 $ 2,020,000 $ 3,198.42 0.5223% 0.5323% $ 1,608.04 $ 53.28 $ 639.39 $ 1,684.30 $ 20,211.60 $ 1,661.32 $ 19,935.90
509 0 720 $ 975,000 $ 1,607.85 0.2659% 0.2676% $ 808.40 $ 26.79 $ 321.44 $ 846.74 $ 10,160.86 $ 835.19 $ 10,022.26
510 1.5 0 841 $ 1,090,000 $ 1,843.25 0.3072% 0.3068% $ 926.82 $ 30.71 $ 368.52 $ 970.77 $ 11,649,29 $ 957.53 $ 11,490.39
511 0 0 442 $ 595,000 $ 985.28 0.1631% 0.1639% $ 495.13 $ 16.41 $ 196.87 $ 518.61 $ 6,223.34 $ 511.54 $ 6,138.44
512 0 0 446 $ 590,000 $ 979.94 0.1624% 0.1631% $ 492.71 $ 16.33 $ 195.91 $ 516.08 $ 6,192.96 $ 509.04 $ 6,108.48
515 0 745 $ 1,035,000 $ 1,665.14 0.2733% 0.2771% $ 837.10 $ 27.74 S 332.85 $ 876.80 $ 10,521.58 $ 864.84 $ 10,378.06
516 0 0 452 $ 580,000 $ 993.12 0.1661% 0.1653% $ 499.36 $ 16.55 $ 198.55 $ 523.04 $ 6,276.49 $ 515.91 $ 6,190.87
517 0 641 $ 892,000 $ 1,431.09 0.2361% 0.2382% $ 719.59 $ 23.84 $ 286.12 $ 753.71 $ 9,044.53 $ 743.43 $ 8,921.15
518 1 0 646 $ 867,000 $ 1,429.95 0.2379% 0.2380% $ 718.98 $ 23.82 $ 285.88 $ 753.08 $ 9,036.94 $ 742.81 $ 8,913.66
519 0 653 $ 907,000 $ 1,457.35 0.2405% 0.2425% $ 732.58 $ 24.27 $ 291.29 $ 767.32 $ 9,207.80 $ 756.85 $ 9,082.20
520 0 646 $ 867,000 $ 1,429.95 0.2379% 0.2380% $ 718.98 $ 23.82 $ 285.88 $ 753.08 $ 9,036.94 $ 742.81 $ 8,913.66
521 0 703 $ 970,000 $ 1,573.52 0.2589% 0.2619% $ 791.18 $ 26.22 $ 314.59 $ 828.70 $ 9,944.43 $ 817.40 $ 9,808.78
522 0 0 541 $ 725,000 $ 1,194.89 0.1992% 0.1988% $ 600.56 $ 19.90 $ 238.79 $ 629.04 $ 7,548.50 $ 620.46 $ 7,445.53
Share of Estimated Estimated Estimated
Terrace/ Monthly Real Estimated Estimated Total
Unit Resident Estimated Monthly Real Annual Real Total Monthly
Balcony General Residential Estate Taxes Annual Real Annual Charges
Unit# Number Number Square Offering Price Managers Monthly Estate Taxes Estate Taxes Charges 1st
Square Common Common With 421a Estate Taxes 1st Year With
(1) Bedrooms Bathrooms Footage (2) Unit Partial Common Without 421a Without 421a Year With
Footage Interest (4} interest (4) Tax With 421a Tax 421a Benefits
(2) Purchase Charges (5) Tax Abatement Tax Abatement 4211
(2) Abatement Abatement (6) (7)
Price (8) (6) (6) Benefits (7)
523 1 1 0 746 $ 995,000 $ 1,656.50 0.2748% 0.2757% $ 832.87 $ 27.60 $ 331.17 $ 872.37 $ 10.468.42 $ 860.47 $ 10,325.62
524 1 1.5 0 835 S 1,060,000 $ 1,815.97 0.3076% 0.3022% $ 912.93 $ 30.25 $ 363.00 S 956.22 $ 11,474.63 $ 943.18 $ 11,318.11
525 2 2 0 1,165 $ 1,710,000 $ 2,633.71 0.4291% 0.4383% $ 1,324.08 $ 43.87 $ 526.48 $ 1,386.87 $ 16,642.39 $ 1,367.95 $ 16,415.38
526 1 1 0 763 $ 985,000 $ 1,681.61 0.2810% 0.2799% $ 845.56 $ 28.02 $ 336.21 $ 885.66 $ 10,627.89 $ 873.58 $ 10,482.92
527 1 1 0 672 $ 950,000 $ 1,507.14 0.2475% 0.2508% $ 757.65 $ 25.10 $ 301.26 $ 793.58 $ 9,522.96 $ 782.75 $ 9,393.06
528 2 2 0 1,175 $ 1,655,000 $ 2,646.44 0.4335% . 0.4404% $ 1,330.42 $ 44.08 $ 529.00 $ 1,393.51 $ 16,722.13 $ 1,374.50 $ 16,494.03
529 1 1 0 673 $ 975,000 $ 1,508.84 0.2479% 0.2511% $ 758.56 $ 25.13 $ 301.62 $ 794.53 $ 9,534.35 $ 783.69 $ 9,404.29
530 2 2 0 1,272 $ 1,855,000 $ 2,866.85 0.4678% 0.4771% $ 1,441.29 $ 47.76 $ 573.08 $ 1,509.64 $ 18,115.64 $ 1,489.04 $ 17,868.52
531 0 1 0 415 $ 605,000 $ 939.70 0.1525% 0.1564% $ 472.47 $ 15.66 $ 187.86 $ 494.88 $ 5,938.56 $ 488.13 $ 5,857.55
601 2 2.5 0 1,521 $ 2,190,000 $ 3,443.15 0.5610% 0.5731% $ 1,731.30 $ 57.37 $ 688.40 $ 1,813.40 $ 21,760.79 $ 1,788.66 $ 21,463.96
602 1 0 637 S 875,000 $ 1,418.47 0.2346% 0.2361% $ 713.24 $ 23.63 $ 283.60 $ 747.07 $ 8,964.79 $ 736.88 $ 8,842.51
603 1 0 654 $ 882,000 $ 1,449.39 0.2409% 0.2412% $ 728.65 $ 24.14 $ 289.72 $ 763.20 $ 9,158.44 $ 752.79 $ 9,033.51
604 1 1 0 781 $ 1,015,000 $ 1,718.10 0.2877% 0.2859% $ 863.69 $ 28.62 $ 343.42 $ 904.64 $ 10,855.72 $ 892.30 $ 10,707.64
605 1 0 646 $ 855,000 $ 1,431.89 0.2379% 0.2383% $ 719.89 $ 23.85 $ 286.24 $ 754.03 $ 9,048.33 $ 743.74 $ 8,924.90
606 1 0 788 $ 1,015,000 $ 1,731.74 0.2906% 0.2882% $ 870.63 $ 28.85 $ 346.18 $ 911.92 $ 10,943.05 $ 899.48 $ 10,793.77
607 1 1 0 646 $ 855,000 $ 1,431.89 0.2379% 0.2383% $ 719.89 $ 23.85 $ 286.24 $ 754.03 $ 9,048.33 $ 743.74 $ 8,924.90
608 2 2 0 1,422 $ 2,040,000 $ 3,206.15 0.5223% 0.5336% $ 1,611.97 $ 53.41 $ 640.95 $ 1,688.41 $ 20,260.96 $ 1,665.38 $ 19,984.59
609 1 0 720 $ 980,000 $ 1,609.78 0.2659% 0.2679% $ 809.31 $ 26.82 $ 321.80 $ 847.69 $ 10,172.25 $ 836.12 $ 10,033.49
610 1.5 0 841 $ 1,105,000 $ 1,849.05 0.3072% 0.3077% $ 929.54 $ 30.80 $ 369.60 $ 973.62 $ 11,683.47 $ 960.34 $ 11,524.09
611 0 " 0 442 $ 600,000 $ 987.21 0.1631% 0.1643% $ 496.34 $ 16.45 $ 197.35 $ 519.88 $ 6,238.52 $ 512.79 $ 6,153.42
612 0 1 0 446 $ 595,000 $ 981.87 0.1624% 0.1634% $ 493.62 $ 16.36 $ 196.27 $ 517.03 $ 6,204.35 $ 509.98 $ 6,119.72
615 0 745 $ 1,060,000 $ 1,669.00 0.2733% 0.2778% $ 839.22 $ 27.81 $ 333.69 $ 879.01 $ 10,548.16 $ 867.02 $ 10,404.27
616 0 0 452 $ 585,000 $ 995.06 0.1661% 0.1656% $ 500.27 $ 16.58 $ 198.92 $ 523.99 $ 6,287.89 $ 516.84 $ 6,202.12
617 1 0 641 $ 902,000 $ 1,434.96 0.2361% 0.2388% $ 721.40 $ 23.90 $ 286.84 $ 755.61 $ 9,067.31 $ 745.30 $ 8,943.63
618 0 646 $ 855,000 $ 1,431.89 0.2379% 0.2383% $ 719.89 $ 23.85 $ 286.24 $ 754.03 $ 9,048.33 $ 743.74 $ 8,924.90
619 0 653 $ 917,000 $ 1,461.21 0.2405% 0.2432% $ 734.69 $ 24.34 $ 292.13 $ 769.53 $ 9,234.38 $ 759.03 $ 9,108.42
620 0 646 $ 872,000 $ 1,431.89 0.2379% 0.2383% $ 719.89 $ 23.85 $ 286.24 $ 754.03 $ 9,048.33 $ 743.74 $ 8,924.90
621 0 1 0 461 $ 625,000 $ 1,027.57 0.1698% 0.1710% $ 516.58 $ 17.12 $ 205.40 $ 541.08 $ 6,492.93 $ 533.70 $ 6,404.35
622 0 0 541 $ 750,000 $ 1,198.75 0.1992% 0.1995% $ 602.68 $ 19.97 $ 239.64 $ 631.26 $ 7,575.08 $ 622.65 $ 7,471.75
623 0 847 $ 1,120,000 $ 1,867.58 0.3116% 0.3108% $ 938.91 $ 31.11 $ 373.33 $ 983.43 $ 11,801.18 $ 970.02 $ 11,640.20
624 1.5 0 835 $ 1,075,000 $ 1,821.76 0.3076% 0.3032% $ 915.95 $ 30.35 $ 364.20 $ 959.38 $ 11,512.60 $ 946.30 $ 11,355.56
625 2 2 417 1,296 $ 1,925,000 $ 3,129.73 0.5154% 0.5209% $ 1,573.60 $ 52.14 $ 625.69 $ 1,648.23 $ 19,778.74 $ 1,625.75 $ 19,508.94
626 0 0 457 $ 630,000 $ 1,022.68 0.1683% 0.1702% $ 514.16 $ 17.04 $ 204.44 $ 538.55 $ 6,462.55 $ 531.20 $ 6,374.39
627 2 2 0 969 $ 1,415,000 $ 2,187.45 " 0.3569% 0.3640% $ 1,099.62 $ 36.44 $ 437.23 "$ 1,151.77 $ 13,821.20 $ ' 1.136.05 $ 13,632.66
628 3 3.5 348 2,480 $ 3,900,000 $ 5,884.10 0.9456% 0.9793% $ 2,958.40 $ 98.03 $ 1,176.31 $ 3,098.69 $ 37,184.34 $ 3,056.43 $ 36,677.10
630 3 2 621 1,359 $ 2,165,000 $ 3,416.87 0.5574% 0.5687% $ 1,718.00 $ 56.93 $ 683.11 $ 1,799.48 $ 21,593.72 $ 1,774.93 $ 21,299.16
701 2 2.5 0 1,521 $ 2,210,000 $ 3,450.88 0.5610% 0.5743% $ 1,734.92 $ 57.49 $ 689.84 $ 1,817.20 $ 21,806.36 $ 1,792.41 $ 21,508.90
702 0 637 $ 890,000 $ 1,424.27 0.2346% 0.2370% $ 715.96 $ 23.72 $ 284.68 $ 749.91 $ 8,998.97 $ 739.68 $ 8,876.21
703 0 654 $ 887,000 $ 1,451.32 0.2409% 0.2415% $ 729.56 $ 24.17 $ 290.08 $ 764.15 $ 9,169.83 $ 753.73 $ 9,044.74
704 1 0 781 $ 1,030,000 $ 1,723.90 0.2877% 0.2869% $ 866.71 $ 28.72 $ 344.62 $ 907.81 $ 10,893.69 $ 895.42 $ 10,745.09
705 1 0 646 $ 865,000 $ 1,435.75 0.2379% 0.2389% $ 721.70 $ 23.91 $ 286.96 $ 755.93 $ 9,071.11 $ 745.61 $ 8,947.37
706 1 0 789 $ 1,030,000 $ 1,737.54 0.2906% 0.2892% $ 873.65 $ 28.95 $ 347.38 $ 915.08 $ 10,981.02 $ 902.60 $ 10,831.23
707 0 646 $ 865,000 $ 1,435.75 0.2379% 0.2389% $ 721.70 $ 23.91 $ 286.96 $ 755.93 $ 9,071.11 $ 745.61 $ 8,947.37
708 2 0 1,422 $ 2,060,000 $ 3,213.88 0.5223% 0.5349% $ 1,615.90 $ 53.54 $ 642.51 $ 1,692.53 $ 20,310.33 $ 1,669.44 $ 20,033.27
709 1 0 720 $ 990,000 $ 1,610.23 0.2652% 0.2680% $ 809.61 $ 26.83 $ 321.92 $ 848.00 $ 10,176.05 $ 836.44 $ 10,037.24
710 1.5 0 841 $ 1,135,000 $ 1,854.85 0.3072% 0.3087% $ 932.56 $ 30.90 $ 370.80 $ 976.79 $ 11,721.44 $ 963.46 $ 11,561.54
711 0 1 0 442 $ 605,000 $ 989.15 0.1631% 0.1646% $ 497.25 $ 16.48 $ 197.71 $ 520.83 $ 6,249.92 $ 513.72 $ 6,164.66
712 0 1 0 446 $ 600,000 $ 983.80 0.1624% 0.1637% $ 494.53 $ 16.39 $ 196.63 $ 517.98 $ 6,215.74 $ 510.91 $ 6,130.95
715 0 745 $ 1,085,000 $ 1,674.80 0.2733% 0.2787% $ 841.93 $ 27.90 $ 334.77 $ 881.86 $ 10,582.33 $ 869.83 $ 10,437.98
716 0 1 0 452 $ 590,000 $ 996.99 0.1661% 0.1659% $ 501.17 $ 16.61 $ 199.28 $ 524.94 $ 6,299.28 $ 517.78 $ 6,213.35
717 1 0 641 $ 907,000 $ 1,436.89 0.2361% 0.2391% $ 722.31 $ 23.93 $ 287.20 $ 756.56 $ 9,078.70 $ 746.24 $ 8,954.86
718 1 0 646 $ 865,000 $ 1,435.75 0.2379% 0.2389% $ 721.70 $ 23.91 $ 286.96 $ 755.93 $ 9,071.11 $ 745.61 $ 8,947.37
719 0 653 $ 927,000 $ 1,465.08 0.2405% 0.2438% $ 736.50 $ 24.40 $ 292.85 $ 771.43 $ 9,257.16 $ 760.91 $ 9,130.89
720 1 0 646 $ 882,000 $ 1,435.75 0.2379% 0.2389% $ 721.70 $ 23.91 $ 286.96 $ 755.93 $ 9,071.11 $ 745.61 $ 8,947.37
721 0 0 461 $ 650,000 $ 1,031.43 0.1698% 0.1716% $ 518.39 $ 17.18 $ 206.12 $ 542.98 $ 6,515.71 $ 535.57 $ 6,426.82
Share of Estimated Estimated Estimated
Terrace/ Monthly Real Estimated Estimated Total
Unit Resident Estimated Monthly Real Annual Real Total Monthly
Balcony General Residential Estate Taxes Annual Real Annual Charges
Unit# Number Number Square Offering Price Managers Monthly Estate Taxes Estate Taxes Charges 1st
Square Common Common With 421a Estate Taxes 1st Year With
(1) Bedrooms Bathrooms Footage (2) Unit Partial Common Without 421a Without 421a Year With
Footage Interest (4) Interest (4) Tax With 421a Tax 421a Benefits
(2) Purchase Charges (5) Tax Abatement Tax Abatement 4211
(2) Abatement Abatement (E) (7)
Price (8) (6) (6) Benefits (7)
722 0 0 541 $ 765,000 $ 1,202.62 0.1992% 0.200.1% $ 604.49 $ 20.03 $ 240.36 $ 633.16 $ 7,597.86 $ 624.52 $ 7,494.22
723 0 847 $ 1,115,000 $ 1,873.37 0.3116% 0.3118% $ 941.93 $ 31.21 $ 374.53 $ 986.60 $ 11,839.15 $ 973.14 $ 11,677.65
724 1.5 0 770 $ 1,050,000 $ 1,710.94 0.2836% 0.2847% $ 860.06 $ 28.50 $ 341.98 $ 900.85 $ 10,810.15 $ 888.56 $ 10,662.70
725 2 2 0 1,296 $ 1,825,000 $ 2,913.34 0.4770% 0.4849% $ 1,464.85 $ 48.54 $ 582.45 $ 1,534.32 $ 18,411.81 $ 1,513.39 $ 18,160.65
727 2 2 0 969 $ 1,425,000 $ 2,191.31 0.3569% 0.3647% $ 1,101.73 $ 36.51 $ 438.07 $ 1,153.98 $ 13,847.78 $ 1,138.24 $ 13,658.88
730 3 2 0 1,359 $ 1,960,000 $ 3,072.93 0.5002% 0.5114% $ 1,544.91 $ 51.19 $ 614.28 $ 1,618.17 $ 19,418.02 $ 1,596.10 $ 19,153.14
801 2 2.5 0 1,521 $ 2,305,000 $ 3,487.60 0.5610% 0.5805% $ 1,753.65 $ 58.11 $ 697.28 $ 1,836.81 $ 22,041.77 $ 1,811.76 $ 21,741.10
802 0 637 $ 910,000 $ 1,430.07 0.2346% 0.2380% $ 718.98 $ 23.82 $ 285.88 $ 753.08 $ 9,036.94 $ 742.81 $ 8,913.66
803 0 654 $ 897,000 $ 1,455.19 0.2409% 0.2422% $ 731.67 $ 24.24 $ 290.93 $ 766.37 $ 9,196.41 $ 755.91 $ 9,070.97
804 0 781 $ 1,050,000 $ 1,729.70 0.2877% 0.2879% $ 869.73 $ 28.82 $ 345.82 $ 910.97 $ 10,931.66 $ 898.54 $ 10,782.54
805 0 646 $ 905,000 $ 1,451.21 0.2379% 0.2415% $ 729.56 $ 24.17 $ 290.08 $ 764.15 $ 9,169.83 $ 753.73 $ 9,044.74
806 0 788 $ 1,050,000 $ 1,743.34 0.2906% 0.2901% $ 876.37 $ 29.04 $ 348.46 $ 917.93 $ 11,015.19 $ 905.41 $ 10,864.93
807 0 646 $ 905,000 $ 1,451.21 0.2379% 0.2415% $ 729.56 S 24.17 $ 290.08 $ 764.15 $ 9,169.83 $ 753.73 $ 9,044.74
808 2 2 0 1,422 $ 2,155,000 $ 3,250.60 0.5223% 0.5410% $ 1,634.33 $ 54.15 $ 649.84 $ 1,711.83 $ 20,541.94 $ 1,688.48 $ 20,261.74
809 0 720 $ 1,040,000 $ 1,629.56 0.2652% 0.2712% $ 819.28 $ 27.15 $ 325.76 $ 858.13 $ 10,297.55 $ 846.42 $ 10,157.08
810 1.5 0 841 $ 1,195,000 $ 1,876.11 0.3072% 0.3122% $ 943.14 $ 31.25 $ 375.01 $ 987.86 $ 11,854.33 $ 974.39 $ 11,692.63
811 1 0 844 $ 1,190,000 $ 1,895.66 0.3131% 0.3155% $ 953.10 $ 31.58 $ 378.97 $ 998.30 $ 11,979.64 $ 984.69 $ 11,816.22
815 2 2 0 1,069 $ 1,605,000 $ 2,437.87 0.3927% 0.4057% $ 1,225.59 $ 40.61 $ 487.32 $ 1,283.71 $ 15,404.56 $ 1,266.20 $ 15,194.43
816 0 0 452 $ 595,000 $ 998.92 0.1661% 0.1662% $ 502.08 $ 16.64 $ 199.64 $ 525.89 $ 6,310.67 $ 518.72 $ 6,224.59
817 0 636 $ 920,000 $ 1,439.96 0.2342% 0.2396% $ 723.82 $ 23.98 $ 287.80 $ 758.14 $ 9,097.69 $ 747.80 $ 8,973.59
818 0 646 $ 887,000 $ 1,437.68 0.2379% 0.2393% $ 722.91 $ 23.95 $ 287.44 $ 757.19 $ 9,086.30 $ 746.86 $ 8,962.35
819 3 3.5 1114 2,261 $ 4,150,000 $ 5,933.84 0.9355% 0.9876% $ 2,983.47 $ 98.86 $ 1,186:28 $ 3,124.96 $ 37,499.49 $ 3,082.33 $ 36,987.96
820 0 646 $ 887,000 $ 1,437.68 0.2379% 0.2393% $ 722.91 $ 23.95 $ 287.44 $ 757.19 $ 9,086.30 $ 746.86 $ 8,962.35
822 0 724 $ 1,025,000 $ 1,630.58 0.2667% 0.2714% $ 819.88 $ 27.17 $ 326.00 $ 858.76 $ 10,305.15 $ 847.05 $ 10,164.57
901 2 2 463 1,308 $ 2,280,000 $ 3,307.02 0.5241% 0.5504% $ 1,662.72 $ 55.09 $ 661.13 $ 1,741.57 $ 20,898.87 $ 1,717.82 $ 20,613.79
902 2 2 171 1,181 $ 1,830,000 $ 2,793.79 0.4508% 0.4650% $ 1,404.73 $ 46.55 $ 558.55 $ 1,471.35 $ 17,656.20 $ 1,451.28 $ 17,415.36
903 2 2 0 995 $ 1,475,000 $ 2,254.97 0.3665% 0.3753% $ 1,133.76 $ 37.57 $ 450.80 $ 1,187.52 $ 14,250.26 $ 1,171.32 $ 14,055.87
908 2 2.5 588 1,502 $ 2,560,000 $ 3,799.29 0.6071% 0.6323% $ 1,910.14 $ 63.29 $ 759.51 $ 2,000.72 $ 24,008.63 $ 1,973.43 $ 23,681.14
909 3 2.5 155 1,427 $ 2,185,000 $ 3,343.61 0.5399% 0.5565% $ 1,681.15 $ 55.70 $ 668.46 $ 1,760.87 $ 21,130.48 $ 1,736.85 $ 20,842.25
910 2 2 412 1,054 $ 1,900,000 $ 2,705.34 0.4258% 0.4502% $ 1,360.02 $ 45.06 $ 540.77 $ 1,424.52 $ 17,094.24 $ 1,405.09 $ 16,861.06
915 2 2 206 1,176 $ 1,970,000 $ 2,854.30 0.4521% 0.4750% $ 1,434.94 $ 47.55 $ 570.56 $ 1,502.99 $ 18,035.90 $ 1,482.49 $ 17,789.88
916 0 0 452 $ 600,000 $ 1,000.85 0.1661% 0.1665% $ 502.99 $ 16.67 $ 200.00 $ 526.84 $ 6,322.06 $ 519.65 $ 6,235.82
917 4 4 1219 2,637 $ 4,460,000 $ 6,734.37 1.0826% 1.1209% $ 3,386.16 $ 112.20 $ 1,346.40 $ 3,546.74 $ 42,560.93 $ 3,498.36 $ 41,980.36
918 1 ' 0 646' $ 932,000 $ 1,455.08 0.2379% 0.2421% $ 731.37 $ 24.23 $ 290.81 $ 766.05 $ 9,192.61 $ ' 755.60 $ 9,067.22
920 3 2.5 1042 1,748 $ 2,945,000 $ 4,541.48 0.7399% 0.7559% $ 2,283.52 $ 75.66 $ 907.97 $ 2,391.81 $ 28,701.77 $ 2,359.19 $ 28,310.25
1001 2 2 0 1,308 $ 2,075,000 $ 3,030.43 0.4814% 0.5044% $ 1,523.76 $ 50.49 $ 605.87 $ 1,596.02 $ 19,152.23 $ 1,574.25 $ 18,890.97
1002 2 2 0 1,181 $ 1,720,000 $ 2,678.39 0.4350% 0.4458% $ 1,346.73 $ 44.62 $ 535.49 $ 1,410.60 $ 16,927.17 $ 1,391.36 $ 16,696.27
1003 2 2 0 995 $ 1,490,000 $ 2,260.77 0.3665% 0.3763% $ 1,136.78 $ 37.67 $ 452.00 $ 1,190.69 $ 14,288.23 $ 1,174.44 $ 14,093.32
1008 2 2.5 0 1,502 $ 2,395,000 $ 3,484.88 0.5529% 0.5800% $ 1,752.14 $ 58.06 $ 696.68 $ 1,835.23 $ 22,022.79 $ 1,810.20 $ 21,722.37
1009 3 2.5 0 1,427 $ 2,095,000 $ 3,242.76 0.5256% 0.5397% $ 1,630.40 $ 54.02 $ 648.28 $ 1,707.72 $ 20,492.58 $ 1,684.42 $ 20,213.05
1010 2 2 0 1,054 $ 1,665,000 $ 2,438.89 0.3879% 0.4059% $ 1,226.20 $ 40.63 $ 487.56 $ 1,284.35 $ 15,412.15 $ 1,266.83 $ 15,201.92
1015 2 2 0 1,176 $ 1,835,000 $ 2,714.31 0.4332% 0.4517% $ 1,364.56 $ 45.21 $ 542.57 $ 1,429.27 $ 17,151.19 $ 1,409.77 $ 16.917.23
1016 0 1 0 452 $ 605,000 $ 1,002.79 0.1661% 0.1669% $ 504.19 $ 16.71 $ 200.48 $ 528.10 $ 6,337.25 $ 520.90 $ 6,250.80
1018 1 1 0 646 $ 942,000 $ 1,458.94 0.2379% 0.2428% $ 733.48 $ 24.30 $ 291.65 $ 768.27 $ 9,219.19 $ 757.79 $ 9,093.44
1020 3 2.5 0 1,748 $ 2,805,000 $ 4,025.83 0.6439% 0.6700% $ 2,024.03 $ 67.07 $ 804.79 $ 2,120.01 $ 25,440.12 $ 2,091.09 $ 25,093.09
1101 2 2 0 1,308 $ 2,100,000 $ 3,040.09 0.4814% 0.5060% $ 1,528.59 $ 50.65 $ 607.80 $ 1,601.08 $ 19,212.98 $ 1,579.24 $ 18,950.90
1102 2 2 0 1,181 $ 1,740,000 $ 2,686.12 0.4350% 0.4471% $ 1,350.66 $ 44.75 $ 537.05 $ 1,414.71 $ 16,976.53 $ 1,395.41 $ 16,744.96
1103 2 2 0 995 $ 1,495,000 $ 2,264.63 0.3665% 0.3769% $ 1,138.59 $ 37.73 $ 452.72 $ 1,192.58 $ 14,311.01 $ 1,176.32 $ 14,115.80
1108 2 2.5 0 1,502 $ 2,415,000 $ 3,492.61 0.5529% 0.5813% $ 1,756.07 $ 58.19 $ 698.25 $ 1,839.35 $ 22,072.15 $ 1,814.26 $ 21,771.07
1109 3 2.5 0 1,427 $ 2,190,000 $ 3,279.48 0.5256% 0.5458% $ 1,648.83 $ 54.63 $ 655.60 $ 1,727.02 $ 20,724.20 $ 1,703.46 $ 20,441.50
1110 2 2 0 1,090 $ 1,685,000 $ 2,508.00 0.4011% 0.4174% $ 1,260.94 $ 41.78 $ 501.37 $ 1,320.73 $ 15,848.81 $ 1,302.72 $ 15,632.62
1115 2 2 0 1,052 $ 1,685,000 $ 2,448.33 0.3882% 0.4075% $ 1,231.03 $ 40.79 $ 489.48 $ 1,289.41 $ 15,472.91 $ 1,271.82 $ 15,261.84
1116 0 1 0 452 $ 610,000 $ 1,004.72 0.1661% 0.1672% $ 505.10 $ 16.74 $ 200.84 $ 529.05 $ 6,348.64 $ 521.84 $ 6,262.04
1117 1 1 0 669 $ 1,015,000 $ 1,527.15 0.2464% 0.2541% $ 767.62 $ 25.43 $ 305.22 $ 804.02 $ 9.648.26 $ 793.05 $ 9,516.65
1118 1 1 0 646 $ 930,000 $ 1,460.88 0.2379% 0.2431% $ 734.39 $ 24.33 $ 292.01 $ 769.22 $ 9,230.59 $ 758.72 $ 9,104.68
Share of Estimated Estimated Estimated
Terrace/ Monthly Real Estimated Estimated Total
Unit Resident Estimated Monthly Real Annual Real Total Monthly
Balcony General Residential Estate Taxes Annual Real Annual Charges
Unit# Number Number Square Offering Price Managers Monthly Estate Taxes Estate Taxes Charges 1st
Square Common Common With 421a Estate Taxes 1st Year With
(D Bedrooms Bathrooms Footage (2) Unit Partial Common Without 421a Without 421a Year With
Footage Interest (4} interest (4) Tax With 421a Tax 421a Benefits
(2) Purchase Charges (5) Tax Abatement Tax Abatement 4211
(2) Abatement Abatement (6) (7)
Price (8) (6) (6) Benefits (7)
1119 3 3.5 0 1,919 $ 2,890,000 $ 4,388.89 0.7069% 0.7305% $ 2,206.79 $ 73.12 $ 877.46 $ 2,311.44 $ 27,737.32 $ 2,279.91 $ 27,358.96
1120 0 646 $ 947,000 $ 1,460.88 0.2379%, 0.2431% $ 734.39 $ 24.33 $ 292.01 $ 769.22 $ 9,230.59 $ 758.72 $ 9,104.68
1201 2 2 0 1,308 $ 2,120,000 $ 3,047.83 0.4814% 0.5073% $ 1,532.52 $ 50.78 $ 609.36 $ 1,605.20 $ 19,262.34 $ 1,583.30 $ 18,999.59
1202 2 2 0 1,181 $ 1,760,000 $ 2,693.85 0.4350% 0.4483% $ 1,354.28 $ 44.87 $ 538.49 $ 1,418.51 $ 17,022.10 $ 1,399.16 $ 16,789.90
1203 2 2 0 995 $ 1,485,000 $ 2,270.43 0.3665% 0.3779% $ 1,141.61 $ 37.83 $ 453.93 $ 1,195.75 $ 14,348.98 $ 1,179.44 $ 14,153.26
1208 2 2.5 0 1,502 $ 2,435,000 $ 3,500.34 0.5529% 0.5826% $ 1,760.00 $ 58.32 $ 699.81 $ 1,843.46 $ 22,121.51 $ 1,818.31 $ 21,819.76
1209 3 2.5 0 1,427 $ 2,210,000 $ 3.287.21 0.5256% 0.5471% $ 1,652.75 $ 54.76 $ 657.17 $ 1,731.13 $ 20,773.56 $ 1,707.52 $ 20,490.20
1210 2 2 0 1,090 $ 1,705,000 $ 2,515.73 0.4011% 0.4187% $ 1,264.87 $ 41.91 $ 502.93 $ 1,324.85 $ 15,898.17 $ 1,306.78 $ 15,681.31
1215 2 2 0 1,052 $ 1,705,000 $ 2,456.06 0.3882% 0.4088% $ 1,234.96 $ 40.92 $ 491.04 $ 1,293.52 $ 15,522.27 $ 1,275.88 $ 15,310.53
1216 0 0 452 $ 620,000 $ 1,008.58 0.1661% 0.1678% $ 506.91 $ 16.80 $ 201.56 $ 530.95 $ 6,371.42 $ 523.71 $ 6,284.51
1217 0 669 $ 1,035,000 $ 1,532.95 0.2464% 0.2551% $ 770.64 $ 25.54 $ 306.42 $ 807.19 $ 9,686.23 $ 796.18 $ 9,554.10
1218 0 646 $ 957,000 $ 1,464.74 0.2379% 0.2438% $ 736.50 $ 24.40 $ 292.85 $ 771.43 $ 9,257.16 $ 760.91 $ 9,130.89
1219 . 3 3.5 0 1,919 $ 2,915,000 $ 4,398.55 0.7069% 0.7321% $ 2,211.63 $ 73.28 $ 879.38 $ 2,316.51 $ 27,798.07 $ 2,284.91 $ 27,418.88
1220 0 646 $ 957,000 $ 1,464.74 0.2379% 0.2438% $ 736.50 $ 24.40 $ 292.85 $ 771.43 $ 9,257.16 $ 760.91 $ 9,130.89
1301 2 2 0 1,308 $ 2,140,000 $ 3,055.56 0.4814% 0.5085% $ 1,536.14 $ 50.90 $ 610.80 $ 1,608.99 $ 19,307.91 $ 1,587.04 $ 19,044.53
1302 2 2 0 1,181 $ 1,840,000 $ 2,724.77 0.4350% 0.4535% $ 1,369.99 $ 45.39 $ 544.73 $ 1,434.96 $ 17,219.54 $ 1,415.39 $ 16,984.65
1303 2 2 0 995 $ 1,530,000 $ 2,276.23 0.3665% 0.3788% $ 1,144.33 $ 37.92 $ 455.01 $ 1,198.60 $ 14,383.16 $ 1,182.25 $ 14,186.96
1308 2 2.5 0 1,502 $ 2,455,000 $ 3,508.08 0.5529% 0.5839% $ 1,763.92 $ 58.45 $ 701.37 $ 1,847.57 $ 22,170.87 $ 1,822.37 $ 21,868.44
1309 2 2.5 0 1,429 $ 2,350,000 $ 3,346.44 0.5267% 0.5570% $ 1,682.66 $ 55.75 $ 669.06 $ 1,762.46 $ 21,149.47 $ 1,738.41 $ 20,860.98
1310 2 2 0 1,054 $ 1,725,000 $ 2,462.09 0.3879% 0.4098% $ 1,237.98 $ 41.02 $ 492.24 $ 1,296.69 $ 15,560.24 $ 1,279.00 $ 15,347.98
1315 2 2 0 1,052 $ 1,725,000 $ 2,463.79 0.3882% 0.4100% $ 1,238.58 $ 41.04 $ 492.48 $ 1,297.32 $ 15,567.83 $ 1,279.62 $ 15,355.47
1316 0 0 452 $ 665,000 $ 1,020.18 0.1661% 0.1698% $ 512.95 $ 17.00 $ 203.96 $ 537.28 $ 6,447.36 $ 529.95 $ 6,359.41
1317 2 2 0 999 $ 1,655,000 $ 2,351.49 0.3698% 0.3914% $ 1,182.39 $ 39.18 $ 470.14 $ 1,238.47 $ 14,861.58 $ 1,221.57 $ 14,658.86
1318 0 646 $ 967,000 $ 1,468.61 0.2379% 0.2444% $ 738.32 $ 24.46 $ 293.57 $ 773.33 $ 9,279.95 $ 762.78 $ 9,153.36
1319 2 2.5 0 1,573 $ 2,605,000 $ 3,687.11 0.5791% 0.6137% $ 1,853.95 $ 61.43 $ 737.16 $ 1,941.87 $ 23,302.39 $ 1,915.38 $ 22,984.52
1320 0 646 $ 967,000 $ 1,468.61 0.2379% 0.2444% $ 738.32 $ 24.46 $ 293.57 $ 773.33 $ 9,279.95 $ 762.78 $ 9,153.36
1401 2 2 0 1,308 $ 2,160,000 $ 3,063.29 0.4814% 0.5098% $ 1,540.07 $ 51.03 $ 612.36 $ 1,613.11 $ 19,357.27 $ 1,591.10 $ 19,093.22
1402 2 2 0 1,181 $ 1,860,000 $ 2,732.50 0.4350% 0.4548% $ 1,373.92 $ 45.52 $ 546.30 $ 1,439.08 $ 17,268.90 $ 1,419.44 $ 17,033.34
1403 2 2 0 995 $ 1,545,000 $ 2,280.09 0.3665% 0.3795% $ 1,146.44 $ 37.99 $ 455.85 $ 1,200.81 $ 14,409.74 $ 1,184.43 $ 14,213.18
1408 2 2.5 0 1,502 $ 2,475,000 $ 3,515.81 0.5529% 0.5852% $ 1,767.85 $ 58.58 $ 702.93 $ 1,851.69 $ 22,220.23 $ 1,826.43 $ 21,917.13
1409 2 2.5 0 1,429 S 2,370,000 $ 3,354.17 0.5267% 0.5582% $ 1,686.29 $ 55.87 $ 670.50 $ 1,766.25 $ 21,195.03 $ 1,742.16 $ 20,905.92
1410 2 2 0 1,054 $ 1,745,000 $ 2,469.82 0.3879% 0.4110% $ 1,241.60 $ 41.14 $ 493.68 $ 1,300.48 $ 15,605.80 $ 1,282.74 $ 15,392.92
1415 2 2 0 1,052 j $ 1,745,000 $ 2,471.52 0.3882% 0.4113% $ 1,242.51 $ 41.17 $ 494.05 $ 1,301.43 $ 15,617.19 $ 1,283.68 $ 15,404.17
1416 0 1 0 452 $ 760,000 $ 1,062.70 0.1661% 0.1768% $ 534.10' $ 17.70 $ 212.37 $ ' 559.43 $ 6,713.15 $ 551.80 $ 6,621.58
1417 2 2 0 999 $ 1,675,000 $ 2,359.22 0.3698% 0.3926% $ 1,186.02 $ 39.30 $ 471.58 $ 1,242.26 $ 14,907.15 $ 1,225.32 $ 14,703.80
1418 1 1 0 646 $ 972,000 $ 1,470.54 0.2379% 0.2447% $ 739.22 $ 24.49 $ 293.93 $ 774.28 $ 9,291.34 $ 763.72 $ 9,164.60
1419 2 2.5 0 1,573 $ 2,625,000 $ 3,694.84 0.5791% 0.6150% $ 1,857.87 $ 61.56 $ 738.73 $ 1,945.98 $ 23,351.75 $ 1,919.43 $ 23,033.21
1420 1 1 0 646 $ 972,000 $ 1,470.54 0.2379% 0.2447% $ 739.22 $ 24.49 $ 293.93 $ 774.28 $ 9,291.34 $ 763.72 $ 9,164.60
1501 2 2 0 1,308 $ 2,180.000 $ 3,071.02 0.4814% 0.5111% $ 1,544.00 $ 51.16 $ 613.92 $ 1,617.22 $ 19,406.63 $ 1,595.16 $ 19,141.91
1502 2 2 0 1,181 $ 1,880,000 $ 2,740.23 0.4350% 0.4561% $ 1,377.85 $ 45.65 $ 547.86 $ 1,443.19 $ 17,318.26 $ 1,423.50 $ 17,082.03
1503 2 2 0 995 $ 1,525,000 $ 2,285.89 0.3665% 0.3804% $ 1,149.16 $ 38.08 $ 456.93 $ 1,203.66 $ 14,443.91 $ 1,187.24 $ 14,246.88
1508 2 2.5 0 1,502 $ 2,495,000 $ 3,523.54 0.5529% 0.5864% $ 1,771.48 $ 58.70 $ 704.37 $ 1,855.48 $ 22,265.80 $ 1,830.17 $ 21,962.07
1509 2 2.5 0 1,429 $ 2,390,000 $ 3,361.90 0.5267% 0.5595% $ 1,690.21 $ 56.00 $ 672.06 $ 1,770.37 $ 21,244.40 $ 1,746.22 $ 20,954.60
1510 2 2 0 1,054 $ 1,765,000 $ 2,477.55 0.3879% 0.4123% $ 1,245.53 $ 41.27 $ 495.25 $ 1,304.60 $ 15,655.16 $ 1,286.80 $ 15,441.62
1515 2 2 0 1,052 $ 1,765,000 $ 2,479.25 0.3882% 0.4126% $ 1,246.44 $ 41.30 $ 495.61 $ 1,305.55 $ 15,666.55 $ 1,287.74 $ 15,452.85
1516 0 1 0 452 $ 770,000 $ 1,066.57 0.1661% 0.1775% $ 536.22 $ 17.77 $ 213.21 $ 561.64 $ 6,739.73 $ 553.98 $ 6,647.80
1517 2 2 0 999 $ 1,695,000 $ 2,366.95 0.3698% 0.3939% $ 1,189.95 $ 39.43 $ 473.14 $ 1,246.38 $ 14,956.51 $ 1,229.37 $ 14,752.49
1518 1 1 0 646 $ 982,000 $ 1,474.40 0.2379% 0.2454% $ 741.34 $ 24.56 $ 294.77 $ 776.49 $ 9,317.92 $ 765.90 $ 9,190.81
1519 2 2.5 0 1,573 $ 2,645,000 $ 3,702.57 0.5791% 0.6162% $ 1,861.50 $ 61.68 $ 740.17 $ 1,949.78 $ 23,397.31 $ 1,923.18 $ 23,078.16
1520 1 1 0 646 $ 982,000 $ 1,474.40 0.2379% 0.2454% $ 741.34 $ 24.56 $ 294.77 $ 776.49 $ 9,317.92 $ 765.90 $ 9,190.81
1601 2 2 0 1,308 $ 2,330,000 $ 3,129.00 0.4814% 0.5208% $ 1,573.30 $ 52.13 $ 625.57 $ 1,647.91 $ 19,774.94 $ 1,625.43 $ 19,505.19
1602 2 2 0 1,181 $ 2,020,000 $ 2,794.35 0.4350% 0.4651% $ 1,405.04 $ 46.56 $ 558.67 $ 1,471.67 $ 17,660.00 $ 1,451.59 $ 17,419.10
1603 2 2 0 995 $ 1,575,000 $ 2,291.69 0.3665% 0.3814% $ 1,152.18 $ 38.18 $ 458.13 $ 1,206.82 $ 14,481.88 $ 1,190.36 $ 14,284.34
1608 2 2.5 0 1,503 $ 2,667,700 $ 3,560.26 0.5529% 0.5925% $ 1,789.90 $ 59.31 $ 711.70 $ 1,874.78 $ 22,497.42 $ 1,849.21 $ 22,190.53
1609 2 2.5 0 1,429 $ 2,482,300 $ 3,369.63 0.5267% 0.5608% $ 1,694.14 $ 56.14 $ 673.62 $ 1,774.48 $ 21,293.76 $ 1,750.27 $ 21,003.29
Share of Estimated Estimated Estimated
Terrace/ Monthly Real Estimated Estimated Total
Unit Resident Estimated Monthly Real Annual Real Total Monthly
Balcony General Residential Estate Taxes Annual Real Annual Charges
Unit# Number Number Square Offering Price Managers Monthly Estate Taxes Estate Taxes Charges 1st
Square Common Common With 421a Estate Taxes 1st Year With
(1) Bedrooms Bathrooms Footage (2) Unit Partial Common Without 421a Without 421a Year With
Footage Interest (4) Interest (4) Tax With 421a Tax 421a Benefits
(2) Purchase Charges (5) Tax Abatement Tax Abatement 4211
(2) Abatement Abatement (6) (7)
Price (8) (6) (6) Benefits (7)
1610 2 2 0 1,054 $ 1,838,550 $ 2,485.28 0.3879% 0.4136% $ 1,249.46 $ 41.40 $ 496.81 $ 1,308.71 $ 15,704.53 $ 1,290.86 $ 15,490.30
1615 2 2 0 1,052 $ 1,785,000 $ 2,486.98 0.3882% 0.4139% $ 1,250.36 $ 41.43 $ 497.17 $ 1,309.66 $ 15,715.92 $ 1,291.79 $ 15,501.54
1616 0 1 0 452 $ 780,000 $ 1,070.43 0.1661% 0.1781% $ 538.03 $ 17.83 $ 213.93 $ 563.54 $ 6,762.51 $ 555.86 $ 6,670.27
1617 2 2 0 999 $ 1,715,000 $ 2,374.68 0.3698% 0.3952% $ 1,193.87 $ 39.56 $ 474.71 $ 1,250.49 $ 15,005.87 $ 1,233.43 $ 14,801.18
1618 1 1 0 646 $ 992,000 $ 1,478.27 0.2379% 0.2460% $ 743.15 $ 24.62 $ 295.49 $ 778.39 $ 9,340.70 $ 767.77 $ 9,213.28
1619 2 2.5 0 1,572 $ 2,665,000 $ 3,710.30 0.5791% 0.6175% $ 1,865.43 $ 61.81 $ 741.73 $ 1,953.89 $ 23,446.67 $ 1,927.24 $ 23,126.84
1620 1 1 0 646 $ 992,000 $ 1,478.27 0.2379% 0.2460% $ 743.15 $ 24.62 $ 295.49 $ 778.39 $ 9,340.70 3 767.77 $ 9,213.28
PHE 3 3.5 735 2,412 $ 5,805,000 $ 6,679.70 0.9611% 1.1140% $ 3,365.32 $ 111.51 $ 1,338.11 $ 3,524.91 $ 42,298.94 $ 3,476.83 $ 41,721.94
PHW 4 4.5 1856 2,859 $ 6,860,000 $ 8,317.19 1.2268% 1.3865% $ 4,188.52 $ 138.79 $ 1,665.43 $ 4,387.15 $ 52,645.85 $ 4,327.31 $ 51,927.71
PHS 4 4.5 2440 2,969 $ 7,715,000 $ 9,084.14 1.3213% 1.5142% $ 4,574.30 $ 151.57 $ 1,818.83 $ 4,791.22 $ 57,494.66 $ 4,725.87 $ 56,710.39
TOTAL RESIDENTIAL UNITS 12,162 261,363 390,925,550 $ 598,239.25 97.3598% 100.0000% $ 302,093.28 $ 10,010 $ 120,117.92 $ 316,419.35 $3,797,032.20 $312,103.11 $ 3,745,237.32
Retail Unit A 2,450 0.9186% $ 866.76 $ 78 $ 941.24 $ 2,480.11 $ 29,761.30 $ 945.19 $ 11,342.31
Retail Unit B | 2,308 0.8653% $ 816.52 $ 74 $ 886.69 $ 2,336.36 $ 28,036.36 $ 890.41 $ 10,684.92
Retial Unit C 2,284 0.8563% $ 808.03 $ 73 $ 877.47 $ 2,312.07 $ 27,744.82 $ 881.15 $ 10,573.81
TOTAL NONRESIDENTIAL UNITS 7,042 2.6402% $ 2,491.30 $ 225.45 $ 2,705.40 $ 7,128.54 $ 85,542.48 $ 2,716.75 $ 32,601.04
TOTAL 268,405 390,925,550 $ 598,239.25 100.0000% 100.0000% $ 304,584.59 $ 10,235 $ 122,823.32 $ 323,547.89 $3,882,574.68 $314,819.86 $ 3,777,838.36
'Unit 101 Resident Managers Unit

For purposes of the Schedule A and Schedule B, the First Year of Condominium
Operation commenced as of January 1, 2017 and ends December 31, 2017.

(1) Any floor plan or sketch or schedule shown to a prospective Purchaser is only an
approximation of the square foot area and layout of the Unit in question. However, any
material change will be set forth in an amendment to the Plan, and no material adverse
change (note that there is a rebuttable presumption that a reduction in Unit area of 5% or
less is not material) in the size, configuration, or layout of a Unit for which an Agreement
which has been countersigned by Sponsor and returned to the Purchaser unless the same
is dictated by construction conditions at the Property (such as coordination of Building
systems, conflicts with structural members or elements, conforming with Legal
Requirements, unforeseen events, etc. and, in all cases, in good faith, reasonably
necessary due to factors not within Sponsor's reasonable control, and where no
practicable alternative (in the exercise of sound construction management practices)
exists), and in such event, Sponsor will, in the amendment disclosing such change and
delivered to the Purchasers, offer the materially adversely affected Purchaser(s) the right,
for at least 15 days, to rescind their Agreements and receive a refund of their Deposits,
together with all interest earned thereon. An increase in the size of a room or Unit will
not on its own give rise to a right of rescission. (See the Section entitled "Changes in
Prices, Residential Units and Storage Bin Licenses" in the Plan for further details
concerning and certain limitations applicable to Sponsor's rights with respect to changes
in the construction of the Units and the Common Elements.)

(2) The approximate floor area of each Unit has been measured horizontally with respect to
Units from the outside face (building line or line of precast panels) of the exterior walls
of the Building to (a) the center line of the drywall or masonry partitions separating one
Unit from another Unit, (b) the Common Element side of the drywall partitions
separating the Unit from any Common Elements such as corridors, mechanical shafts, (c)
the Unit side of the masonry or concrete wall separating the Unit from Common Element

Each Unit includes, and each Unit Owner shall be responsible for (maintaining, insuring, repairing, replacing etc.) all
fixtures, equipment and other items of personalty, including without limitation, front entrance door and any other entrance doors
to such Unit, windows, flooring and subflooring, wallcoverings, nonload bearing interior walls and partitions and sheet rock and
plaster wall covering, smoke detectors, all plumbing, gas and heating fixtures and equipment such as heating, ventilating and air
conditioning units (including the fans inside the units), as may be affixed, attached or appurtenant to such Unit and serving such
Unit exclusively. Plumbing, gas and heating fixtures and equipment as used in the preceding sentence shall include exposed gas
and water pipes from branch or fixture shutoff valves attached to fixtures, appliances and equipment and the fixtures, appliances
and equipment to which they are attached, and any special pipes or equipment which a Unit Owner may install within a wall or
ceiling, or under the floor, but shall not include gas, water or other pipes, conduits, wiring or ductwork within the walls, ceilings
or floors. Each Unit shall also include: (i) all lighting and electrical fixtures, cabinets, including, without limitation kitchen and
bathroom cabinetiy, countertops, and appliances and appliances within the Unit, and (ii) any special equipment, fixtures or
Facilities (as defined in the Declaration) affixed, attached or appurtenant to the Unit by a Unit Owner other than Sponsor (in its
capacity as declarant of the Declaration), to the extent located within a Unit and serving or benefiting only that Unit including,
but not limited to, any freight elevators or freight entrances servicing a Commercial Unit. Notwithstanding anything contained in
the Declaration to the contrary, each Unit Owner will have the right, subject to such rules as may be imposed by the Board, to
install, at such Unit Owner's sole cost and expense, decorations, fixtures and coverings (including, without limitation, painting,
finishing, wall to wall carpeting, pictures, mirrors, shelving and lighting fixtures) on the surfaces of the walls, ceilings and floors
that face the interior of such Unit Owner's Unit and to a depth of one inch behind such surfaces for the purposes of installing
nails, screws, bolts and the like, provided that no such installation shall impair the structural integrity and mechanical and
electrical systems of such Unit or of the Building.
shafts, stairs, elevators, and other mechanical equipment spaces or Common Elements;
the Residential Unit side of a demising wall separating a Residential Unit from a Retail
Unit, and (e) the Common Element side of a masonry wall separating a Retail Unit from
a Common Element. Each Unit has been measured vertically from the top of the concrete
floor to the underside of the concrete slab. However, any Common Elements located
within a Unit shall not be considered a part of such Unit but are included in the measured
area of each Unit. Each of the Units have been measured in the manner as set forth more
particularly in the Declaration, and as is currently customary in New York, these square
foot area for each Unit exceeds the useable floor areas for each such Unit. The square
footage of any Residential Unit containing a private elevator for the exclusive use of the
occupants of such Unit shall include the square footage of the elevator shaft on each floor
and the corresponding elevator machine room for each such Unit's private elevator.

Outdoor floor areas of Terraces or other outdoor areas, if any, appurtenant to a Unit were
not included in the Unit's approximate floor areas. Terraces are measured horizontally
from (a) the outside face of the exterior walls of the Building to (b) the outside face of the
exterior parapet, and (c) the extension of the centerline of drywall or masonry partitions
separating one Residential Unit from another Residential Unit where two terraces are
adjacent to one another. Each Residential Unit's appurtenant Terrace area square footage
consists of the aggregate of (a) paved surface area, (b) planted areas on Terraces, and (c)
planted areas on roof setbacks. However, except with respect to exterior planter boxes
located outside windows and on certain Terraces (collectively, "Planters"), any Common
Elements located within or on a Residential Unit's appurtenant Terrace shall not be
considered a part of such Residential Unit's appurtenant Terrace, but are included in the
measured area of such Terrace.

Storage Bins have been measured from the centerline of the wire mesh to centerline of
wire mesh, or to the Storage Bin side of a drywall or masonry partition.

The square foot areas determined using the methodology set forth above, as shown in
Schedule A, would be different from that derived by using an alternative methodology of
measuring from interior surfaces to interior surfaces (which would yield significantly less
actual useable floor area for each Unit). The room count for each Residential Unit was
determined by Sponsor's architect in accordance with industry practice for new
construction condominiums and does not necessarily conform to the zoning room count
or the method utilized by the Real Estate Board of New York.

Sponsor has reserved the right to change the Purchase Prices (as well as other terms of
sale) of Units not subject to executed Agreements, so Purchasers may pay different prices
for similar Units. (See the Section entitled "Changes in Prices, Residential Units and
Storage Bin Licenses" in the Plan for further discussion.) In addition to paying the
Purchase Prices of their Units, purchasers will be responsible for paying certain closing
adjustments and closing costs, including, without limitation, the obligation to contribute
to the Working Capital Fund. Purchasers are advised to consult with their attorneys as to
the exact closing costs they will incur in purchasing their Units. (See the Section entitled
"Unit Closing Costs and Adjustments" in the Plan for further discussion.)

The Common Interest of each Unit has been determined, pursuant to Section 339i(l)(iv)
of the Condominium Act. In accordance with such method of calculation, the Common
Interests have been determined based primarily upon a comparison of the floor areas of
the Units, subject to the location of such space and the additional factors of relative value
to other space in the Condominium, the uniqueness of the Unit, the availability of the
Common Elements for exclusive or shared use and the overall dimensions of the
particular Unit. The aggregate Common Interests of all of the Units equals 100%.

These amounts have been based upon the Schedule B budget for the First Year of
Condominium Operation commencing January 1, 2017 and ending December 31, 2017.

As discussed in the Section entitled "Available Services and Facilities" and in Special
Risk entitled "Interim Service Period" in the Plan, the full range of services and facilities
described in this Plan may not be provided until moveins are finished and Sponsor's
construction work within and on the Building is completed. To the extent that any
service or facility provided during such interim period benefits particular Units, to the
exclusion of other Units, and the cost of the same is readily identifiable, the Common
Charges necessary to provide such service or facility will be borne exclusively by the
owners of the benefited Units, in proportion to their respective Common Interests.

The amount of the Common Charges necessary to defray the cost of the interim services
and facilities described in the preceding paragraph, as well as the manner of allocating
such Common Charges among any Unit Owners who are exclusively benefited by any of
the same, will be determined by the Board, which will be controlled by Sponsor during
such period. However, such allocation will be made in compliance with Section 339m
of the New York State Real Property Law, and in no event will Purchasers be assessed
Common Charges during such interim period that are more than the Common Charges
listed in Schedule A as the same may theretofore have been amended.

As of the date of filing of this Amendment, Sponsor has directed the Board to delay the
commencement of collection of Common Charges. During this delay, Sponsor will
timely pay all expenses of the Condominium, including, but not limited to, insurance
premiums and any reserve fund payments required by any lenders. Upon commencement
of collection of Common Charges, there will not be an assessment for any item set forth
in the approved budget for the Condominium. Sponsor shall be required to update the
budget as required under governing regulations. Sponsor will notify all Unit Owners in
writing of the expiration of the delay period (which expiration shall be determined in
Sponsor's sole and absolute discretion) at least thirty (30) days prior to the
commencement of collection of Common Charges and will disclose such fact in the
following amendment to the Plan. Notwithstanding anything contained in this paragraph,
in all instances the Unit Owners will remain responsible for the payment of the real estate
taxes (including such Unit Owners' allocable share of those real estate taxes attributable
to the Resident Manager's Unit). In addition to the payment of Common Charges, each
Residential Unit Owner will incur additional expenses for, among other things:

(a) mortgage payments under any loan or loans obtained to finance the
purchase of the Residential Unit;

(b) the cost of electricity supplied to the Residential Unit, which will
be separately submetered and payable as and when billed;
(c) the cost of interior repairs, compliance with Legal Requirements
and maintenance, painting and decoration in, to or of, the Unit, including, without
limitation, the equipment and appliances contained in the same, and any
appurtenant Residential Limited Common Elements;

(d) the cost of any insurance that the Residential Unit Owner may be
required to (or desire to) carry covering the furniture, belongings, equipment and
other personal property in the Unit, as well as the cost of any insurance the Unit
Owner may be required to carry covering liability to others for personal injury or
property damage as a result of occurrences in the Unit;

(e) telephone, internet access and cable television charges;

(f) real estate taxes (see footnotes 6 and 7 below).

Holders of Storage Bin Licenses, excluding Sponsor with respect to unsold Storage Bin
Licenses, will be required to pay a license maintenance fee to the Condominium in an
amount equal to $.50 per month per square foot of such Storage Bin, which amount shall
be subject to annual increases on or about the anniversary of the First Closing, February
27, 2017, based upon the percentage increase of the Common Charges over such time.
Further, the license fee is subject to change from time to time as the Board deems
necessary in its discretion.

Sponsor has applied for a partial exemption from real estate taxes with respect to the
Property pursuant to Section 421a of the New York State Real Property Tax Law.
Pursuant to Section 421a, the real estate tax estimate for the First Year of Condominium
Operations will be based upon the assessed valuation of the Property in the tax year prior
to the commencement of construction. During the tax year prior to the commencement of
construction (2013/2014), the tax lots for the Property were not previously in existence.
However, a retroactive apportionment by the Department of Finance sets forth that the
total assessed value of the residential lots was approximately $923,984 and
approximately $25,050 for the retail lots. Assuming that the tax rate is $13.00 per one
hundred dollars of assessed valuation for the Residential Units, the estimated initial
aggregate annual minitax for the Residential Units is $120,118 and $2,705 for the Retail
Units. The Retail Units may be subject to exemption caps in future years.


OWNER. There is no guaranty or assurance that the criteria for Section 421a benefits
will be satisfied and neither Sponsor nor Sponsor's Counsel, Sponsor's Real Estate
Counsel offers any opinion with respect to the eligibility of the Residential Units for
Section 421a benefits. If, for any reason, the application is not approved by HPD, the
Residential Units will be subject to full real estate taxation and will receive no benefits
under Section 421a. In such case, Purchasers will not be entitled to any right of
rescission, reduction in price or other credit or concession.

Prospective purchasers should note that the real estate taxes that will be payable by the
Unit Owners for years in which 421a benefits are phasing out or have expired entirely
will vary in accordance with the amounts of the Unit's assessed valuation (transitional
and actual) and of the real estate tax rate. With regard to the Exemption, prospective
purchasers should note that, assuming the partial exemption from real estate taxes
pursuant to Section 421a is maintained, the real estate taxes payable by the Unit Owners
will in any event increase periodically over the twenty five (25) years of condominium
ownership as an integral part of the Section 421a program. The Exemption, if granted,
will be for a limited period of three construction years, being tax years 2015/2016,
2016/2017 and 2017/2018 (the "Construction Years"), plus an additional twenty five (25)
years, and will decrease progressively over such period, as follows: one hundred percent
(100%) exemption on any increase in the assessed value of the Property over the "prior
assessed value" for the Construction Years and years one (1) through twenty one (21),
commencing on the July 1st following the taxable status date (January 5) after receipt of
at least a temporary or permanent Certificate of Occupancy covering all residential Units
in the Building; eighty percent (80%) exemption in year twenty two (22)); sixty percent
(60%) exemption in year twenty three (23); forty percent (40%) exemption in year twenty
four (24); and twenty percent (20%) exemption in year twenty five (25), with full real
estate taxes due and payable commencing with the twenty sixth (26th) year, all of the
above subject to the exemption cap, discussed below.

25year Exemption

Benefit Years % of Exemption

121 100%
22 80%
23 60%
24 40%
25 20%
26 0%

The Building will be subject to the requirement that all building service employees be
paid at the prevailing wage rate.

Sponsor has 15 months from the date of issuance of a final certificate of eligibility from
HPD to declare the Plan effective. Otherwise, Sponsor is obligated to register Residential
Units as rentstabilized as they become occupied. Purchasers may obtain more
information about the Section 421a application process, tax benefits and requirements
associated therewith at

(See the Section entitled "Partial Real Estate Tax Exemption (Section 421a)" in Part I of
the Plan, as amended by the Tenth Amendment, for further discussion.)
The projection of the real estate taxes that will be payable for each of the Residential
Units is based upon a letter dated July 17, 2017 prepared by Tuchman, Korngold, Weiss,
Liebman & Gelles LLP, Sponsor's real estate tax expert, annexed to the Tenth
Amendment as Exhibit A, and takes into account the following assumptions and

(a) that the property will be reassessed as a fully completed structure

for the 2018/2019 tax year

(b) notwithstanding that the First Year of Condominium Operation

will run from January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017, the projection of real
estate taxes used herein reflects a tax projection for the 2018/2019 tax year, being
the first year taxes are anticipated to be assessed for the fully completed structure;

(c) for tax year 2018/2019, a taxable assessment for the Property of
$30,000,000 (which estimate assumes that the taxing authority is assessing a fully
constructed, occupied building and is not intended to reflect any interim or partial
completion assessment. Because the Property may be only partially completed as
of the taxable status date, January 5th, the 2017/2018 assessed valuation may be
lower than estimated here);

(d) for tax year 2018/2019, a taxable assessment for the Residential
Units of $29,207,940; and

(e) an assumed tax rate in effect for 2018/2019 of 13% which results
in estimated real estate taxes for the Residential Units, reflecting a fully
completed structure, totaling $3,797,032.

As the City of New York has assessed each Unit as a separate tax lot and bills each Unit
Owner, the Unit Owner will be responsible for paying the real estate taxes and
assessments imposed against his or her Unit, and no Unit Owner will be responsible for
the payment of, nor will his or her Unit be subjected to any lien arising from the non
payment of, taxes and assessments imposed on other Units.

No warranty, guarantee or assurance is given that:

(i) any projected or estimated amount set forth above (including,

without limitation, the estimates of the Property's assessed valuations during the
First Year of Condominium Operation, the estimates of the portions of such
assessed valuations that will be allocable to the Units and the projection of the
average real estate tax rate that will be in effect during such First Year of
Condominium Operation and the date of completion of construction of the
Building) will approximate the actual amount;

(ii) the New York City Real Estate Tax Assessment Bureau will
allocate the Property's aggregate assessed valuation between the Units in
accordance with the proportionate Common Interests of the Units, or that such
bureau will allocate the aggregate assessed valuation attributable to the Units
among the different Units as described above; or
(iii) any of the projections or estimates made above and in Schedule A
are accurate.

In the opinion of Sponsor's Counsel, an individual Residential Unit Owner who is a

resident of New York City for tax purposes and who itemizes his or her deductions
generally will, under the income tax laws and regulations in effect as of the date of this
Plan and subject to certain limitations and qualifications, be entitled to deduct from his or
her Federal, New York State and New York City income, the state and local real property
taxes assessed against his or her Residential Unit and paid by such Residential Unit
Owner. However, the amount of such deductions may vary from year to year due to
changes in the amount of the real estate taxes payable by the Residential Unit Owner
(which might result from changes in the assessed valuation of the Residential Unit, in the
tax rate and/or in the manner of assessing real property). Prospective Purchasers should
refer to the Sections entitled "Income Tax Deductions to Unit Owners and Tax Status of
Condominium" and "Opinions of Counsel" in Part I of the Plan for further discussion.

This column represents the annual amount of projected real estate taxes for the First Year
of Condominium Operation, as determined by multiplying by 12 those amounts listed in
the column titled "Monthly Real Estate Taxes."

Unit 101 is anticipated to be used as an apartment by the Resident Manager (the

"Resident Manager's Unit"). On or prior to the closing of title to 75% of the Residential
Units offered hereunder, Sponsor will sell the Resident Manager's Unit to the Board
based on a total expense of $1,570,000 (a Purchase Price of $1,495,000 plus $75,000 in
closing costs), not including financing costs as set forth below. In respect of such
Resident Manager's Unit, at the Closing to each Residential Unit, the Purchaser thereof,
as a closing cost of such Purchaser's Residential Unit, will be required to make a
payment (each such payment, an "RMU Payment", and collectively, the "RMU
Payments") to the Board in an amount equal to such Purchaser's prorata share of 35% of
the Purchase Price of the Resident Manager's Unit plus 100% of closing costs as
aforesaid (collectively, the "Partial Purchase Price") determined in proportion to their
respective Common Interests, as set forth on Schedule A "Purchase Prices and Related
Information." The balance of the Purchase Price of the Resident Manager's Unit, in the
amount of $971,761, will also be payable to Sponsor as of the closing of title to the
Resident Manager's Unit, which amount is expected to be financed by a first mortgage
obtained by the Board from a thirdparty lender ("RMU Loan""). It is expected that such
mortgage will be for a term of 10 years, amortizing over 30 years, at then applicable
interest rates (which, as of the date of filing of the Plan, is approximately 4.5% annum).
As the amortization schedule of the RMU Loan may result in an outstanding principal
balance at maturity, the Condominium may have to repay the principal balance of the
RMU Loan at maturity, together with any unpaid interest due thereon. No representation
is made by Sponsor as to the thenapplicable interest rate for the RMU Loan. Further, no
representation is made by Sponsor with respect to the Condominium's ability to repay or
otherwise finance or refinance the RMU Loan at such time. Purchasers are advised that in
the event the Board is unable to obtain financing at the closing of the Resident Manager's
Unit, or to obtain refinancing at the maturity of the RMU.Loan, in either or both events,
the Board may be required to impose a Special Assessment against all Residential Unit
Owners. As more particularly set forth in the Section of the Plan entitled "Notes to
Schedule B", the initial monthly payment under the RMU Loan will be an amount equal
to $5,039.00, for an initial annual cost of $60,467, which payments will be a Common
Expense allocated among the Residential Unit Owners in proportion to each Residential
Unit's respective Residential Common Interest.

The RMU Payment must be paid by official bank check or Purchaser's personal certified
check payable to the Board and the same shall be separate from the Working Capital
Fund contribution otherwise required of each Purchaser. The Board shall hold the RMU
Payments in an account (the "RMU Payment Account") separate from the Working
Capital Fund, which RMU Payments must be used toward the RMU Loan and/or the
RMU Balance until such time as the same have been satisfied. Sponsor reserves the
right to use a different Residential Unit as the Resident Manager's Unit, and in such case
the purchase price of such different Residential Unit will not increase by more than 15%
of the purchase price of Unit 101.



The RMU Payments shall be held in the RMU Payment Account. At the Closing of title
to the Resident Manager's Unit, the Board shall use the RMU Payments to pay for a
portion of the Partial Purchase Price. If insufficient working capital exists at such time in
the Board's account, the portion of the Partial Purchase Price not covered by the RMU
Payments (the "RMU Balance") will be payable by a promissory note (the "RMU Note")
which will mature 3 years after the closing on such Resident Manager's Unit. The Board
will not be responsible for payment of interest in connection with the RMU Note. The
balance of the Partial Purchase Price shall be payable in full to Sponsor by the Board out
of the Working Capital Fund at the time of maturity (i.e., 3 years after the closing on the
Resident Manager's Unit) to the extent the RMU Payment Account has insufficient
funds. In the event that a Closing occurs after maturity, Purchasers shall continue to
make RMU Payments to the Board at their respective Closings, which amounts shall be
used to replenish the Working Capital Fund, as applicable. Payment of the RMU Note
will be secured by a lien on the Resident Manager's Unit, subject to any existing first
mortgage. Sponsor does not intend to refinance or extend the RMU Note and related loan
at maturity. Purchasers are advised that refinancing by another lender may not be
available and that the Board, in order to repay the RMU Note, may be required to assess
all Residential Unit Owners in proportion to their respective Common Interests.

In the event the Board defaults under the note(s) and mortgage(s), including, but not
limited to a default as the result of the Board's failure to pay the balance of the purchase
money note due at maturity, the holder of such mortgage(s) may foreclose on the
Resident Manager's Unit and if the proceeds from the sale of such Unit are insufficient to
satisfy the outstanding mortgage balance and other fees incurred, the Residential Unit
Owners could be liable for the deficiency. In the event of such a foreclosure, the
Condominium will be without a Resident Manager's Unit and, accordingly, alternate
arrangements will be necessary to shelter the Resident Manager in the Building or within
such distance of the Building as is then required by law.
Sponsor shall enter into a lease agreement (the "RMU Lease") with the Board for the
Resident Manager's Unit, for a term beginning on or. about the First Closing and
extending to the date that the Resident Manager's Unit is transferred to the Board. The
monthly rent shall be in an amount equal to the sum of Common Charges and real estate
taxes (plus any additional expenses) attributable to the Resident Manager's Unit. The
Board shall pay all expenses of the Resident Manager's Unit from and after the First
Closing regardless of when the closing of title to such Unit occurs as aforesaid.

There is no guaranty that the Resident Manager will be residing in the Building at the
time of closing of any particular Residential Unit although all Legal Requirements with
respect thereto will be complied with, including the Administrative Code of the City of
New York, Section 272052, et seq. All costs and expenses of the Resident Manager's
Unit and repairs thereto, as well as all utilities serving same, shall be expenses of the
Board at all times.


Holders of Storage Bin Licenses, excluding Sponsor with respect to unsold Storage Bin
Licenses, will be required to pay a license maintenance fee to the Condominium in an
amount equal to $.50 per month per square foot of such Storage Bin, which amount shall
be subject to annual increases on or about the anniversary of the First Closing, February
27, 2017, based upon the percentage increase of the Common Charges over such time.
Further, the license fee is subject to change from time to time as the Board deems
necessary in its discretion.

The Storage Bins may only be used for storage purposes, and in no event may the Storage
Bins be used as dwelling spaces. No materials which pose a health or safety threat or
which otherwise create a nuisance may be stored therein, and Storage Bins may not be
used to store toxic, inflammable or combustible items as defined in the Building Code of
the City of New York. Failure of a Unit Owner to comply with the use limitations set
forth in the immediately preceding sentence may result in issuance by the Department of
Buildings of a violation against the Building along with imposition of an associated fine.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, Sponsor or its designee shall have the right to use any
unlicensed Storage Bins for any purpose permitted by Legal Requirements (as hereinafter
defined) or to change the permitted use of any unlicensed Storage Bins, subject, however,
to the provisions of the Declaration.

Upon the issuance of a Storage Bin License to a Unit Owner, such Unit Owner may
freely assign such License without the consent of the Board; provided such assignee is
also a Unit Owner; and provided further that the Board is provided written notice of such
assignment. Neither Sponsor nor the Board shall have any liability or obligation with
respect to a private assignment of a Storage Bin License. If at any time the licensee of a
Storage Bin sells its Unit, it shall simultaneously assign its license of the Storage Bin to
another Residential Unit Owner (or the Purchaser of such Unit), and if it fails to do so,
the Board shall have the right to terminate the license of the Storage Bin and take
possession of the same, without compensation to the licensee. Upon the issuance of a
Storage Bin License to a Unit Owner or the transfer of a Storage Bin License to an
assignee, such Unit Owner or assignee, as the case may be, shall provide the Managing
Agent with a copy of the Storage Bin License Agreement.

If a Unit Owner holding a Storage Bin License defaults in its obligations under the
Storage Bin License Agreement or under the Condominium Documents, the Board may,
in addition to the rights and remedies set forth in the Condominium Documents: (i) deny
access to and use of the Storage Bin until such Unit Owner cures such default,
or (ii) terminate the Storage Bin License Agreement upon written notice to the Unit

The form of the Storage Bin License Agreement to be used for licensing the use of such
Storage Bins to individual Unit Owners is included in Part II of this Plan.

Sponsor shall offer the Storage Bin Licenses to Purchasers of Residential Units on a first
come, firstserved basis until such time as all of the Storage Bin Licenses have been
purchased. Sponsor reserves the right to limit the number of Storage Bin Licenses sold to
any one Purchaser or to make bulk sales, as it as it determines in its sole discretion.
Storage Bin Licenses will only be sold by Sponsor to Purchasers of Residential Units.
Prospective Purchasers will be required to deliver a deposit in the amount of 15% of the
purchase price of the Storage Bin License upon execution of an Agreement as set forth in
the Storage Bin License rider to the form of Agreement included in Part II of this Plan. In
the event the Storage Bin is not available for conveyance to a Purchaser at the closing of
such Purchaser's Unit, all monies paid for the Storage Bin License must be held in
escrow by Escrow Agent and may only be released to Sponsor in connection with the
conveyance of the Storage Bin to Purchaser. (See the Sections entitled "Storage Bins"
under "Description of Property and Improvements", "Changes in Prices, Residential
Units and Storage Bin Licenses," and "Procedure to Purchase" in Part I of the Plan for
further information).

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