Alarm Circuit Using Invisible Infrared Ray: A Project On

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Md. Fozley Rabbi Shamim

Md. Delowar Hossen




Guided By:

Kazi Tanvir Ahmmed ....

Assistant Professor Signature

Department of Applied Physics,

Electronics & Communication Engineering
University of Chittagong


Abu Zahed Chowdhury

Assistant Professor Signature

Department of Applied Physics,

Electronics & Communication Engineering
University of Chittagong




First and foremost, we would like to give thanks to Almighty Allah for offering
us such an opportunity to work on.

We would like to acknowledge and thank those who have enabled us to

complete this project. In particular, we wish to express our sincere appreciation
to our honorable supervisors Kazi Tanvir Ahmmed & Abu Zahed
Chowdhury, Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Physics, Electronics
and Communication Engineering for their valuable analytical, practical and
academic guidance and advice towards us to finish the entire requirements
needed in completing this project and in writing this project report.

We would like to thank the honorable Chairman, Dr. Jamal Uddin Ahamed,
Associate Professor, Department of Applied Physics, Electronics and
Communication Engineering for his advice and providing lab and seminar
We would also like to give our sincere thanks to our family members for their
encouragement, motivation and sacrifice.
We would like to thank all other APECE staffs that we may have called upon for
assistance since the genesis of this project. Their opinions have helped us in
realizing this project.
Finally, we want to express our fellow engineering peers for sharing of views and
options with regard to our project and for being so encouraging.













Figure 1: Block Diagram of circuit operation8

Figure 2: A 10k Resistor9

Figure 3: Diode..9

Figure 4: A 10uF Capacitor10

Figure 5: LM358 OP-AMP11

Figure 6: A Transistor12
Figure 7: Infrared Sensor13

Figure 8: Circuit Diagram...14

Figure 9: Transistor as a switch..16


We have designed an electronic security system which can detect presence of

people or obstacles. Whenever the infrared beam is broken or interrupted there
will be an automatic alarm indicating that there is someone or something in the
We aimed to design an electronic circuit using Infrared Ray. To build this
circuit we used several components likes, Resistor, OP-AMP (LM358), Voltage
Regulator (7805), Diode, Transistor, Capacitor, Infrared Sensor (Emitter &
Collector), Buzzer etc. Infrared sensor is the main part of this circuit. This
security system based on infrared rays transmission and reception.
This circuit is very interesting and can be used for various purpose.


Background study
The characteristics of Infrared Photodiode or simply photodiode is pretty
interesting. We know when light incident on a photodiode it generates a potential
voltage in its two terminals. Using characteristics of photodiode a lots of
interesting and important devices has already been invented. IR sensor or Infrared
Ray sensor is one of them. Here an infrared LED transmit invisible infrared ray
to be received by the photodiode. It is a very first responding sensor. So it can be
used very easily and effectively in various purpose like is security system, in
counting, door lock controlling etc, because of its invisibility and low cost of
construction. This idea encourage us to build Alarm Circuit using IR sensor which
may have some limitation but effective.
A security system is the common service to provide the safety measures to any
places now-a-days. To maintain the secured entry for the people is the main part
of it. This circuit has built using an invisible infrared ray in order to detect the
movement of people or any other bulk object through the infrared beam.
There will be a beep as the infrared beam breaks. By using this circuit we can
monitor peoples movement through any entrance. Besides its sharp detecting
capability can be used to count movement of particles through the beam.

Previous Work
This circuit uses invisible infrared light to detect the movement of people
through the door. A short beep will be generated when the infrared beam breaks.
So it is ideal to monitor the passages in shops, banks etc where many people are

This is an Infrared based Broken beam alarm to protect doors and entry
passages. It gives a loud alarm when somebody crosses the Invisible Infrared
barrier. It can protect the doors both day and night and is free from false
triggering. The circuit is too simple and can be a good evening project for the

1. To design a circuit more effective than previous works.
2. To make sure about the less system lose and less cost.
3. To ensure best security than as usual security system.
4. We also try to develop this circuit which is not only work with security
system but also several uses.
5. We try our best to develop a circuit which is changeable as our future

Block Diagram of circuit operation [3]:

Figure 1: Block Diagram of circuit operation

Resistor is a kind of passive element which has 2 terminals. It is used in a circuit
in order to limit the current flow to an adjacent electronic device. The current
flow is directly proportional to the voltage that is given across the terminals of
the resistor. There are mainly 2 types of resistors:
1. Fixed resistor- It actually means that the resistor whose value cannot
be change and remain what its mark on it.
2. Variable Resistor- It means that the value of resistance can vary within
the range marked over it. For e.g. If the value of 5k is marked on it
then it implies that the value of the resistor can vary from 0-5k.

Figure 2: A 10k Resistor.

It is a device with two terminals and unidirectional which means it permits the
flow of current in only one direction when it is forward biased. Hence in it flow
of current is in one way only and block the other way for the current flow (when
reversed biased). AC current can be converted into DC with the help of diode
unidirectional behavior.

Figure 3: Diode.

Electric charges are being stored by these two terminal components which is
passive by nature. A dielectric medium is used which is used to separate two
conductors. It started at the time when the potential variation occurs in the
conductors polarizes the dipole ions to hold the charge in the medium which is

Figure 4: A 10uF Capacitor.

There are two varieties of capacitor available:

(1) ceramic capacitor and
(2) electrolyte capacitor.[4]

1. Polarized capacitor- Capacitor marked with and + sign. They are

mainly used to hold the charge. And before troubleshooting these
capacitors carefully discharge them as they hold charges there is a risk
of shock.
2. Non-polarized capacitor Capacitors which do not have any polarity
marked over it. They are mainly used to remove the noises appeared
while converting AC into DC.

Operational Amplifier:
The LM358 comparator generally known as OP-AMP. It has two channels both
have four pins which are inverting, non-inverting, output. Both channel share an
input voltage & ground.

Figure 5: LM358 OP-AMP
Mainly Operational Amplifier is a three-terminal device which consists of two
high impedance inputs, one called the Inverting Input, marked with a negative or
minus sign, ( - ) and the other one called the Non-inverting Input, marked with
a positive or plus sign ( + ).
The third terminal of the Operational Amplifier represents output port which can
both sink and source either a voltage or a current. In a linear operational amplifier,
the output signal is the amplification factor, known as the amplifiers gain (A)
multiplied by the value of the input signal. Amplifiers gain depends on the nature
of these input and output signals. [5]

Transistor is a semiconductor device which can act as an amplifier or a high
speed switch depending on the biasing situation. We used a bipolar junction
transistor. Its a 3-pin device.

Figure 6: A Transistor.

This semiconductor device used to amplify and switch electronic signals

and electrical power. It is composed of semiconductor material with at least
three terminals for connection to an external circuit. A voltage
or current applied to one pair of the transistor's terminals changes the current
through another pair of terminals. Because the controlled (output) power can be
higher than the controlling (input) power, a transistor can amplify a signal. [6]

Transistor is a three terminal electronic device used to amplify weak input

signals. A transistor consist of two PN junction diode connected back to back.
Transistor are of different type such as bipolar junction transistor, Field effect
transistor and photo transistor. They are mostly used in electrical appliances due
their smaller size and light weight. In addition they posses less power hence
have greater efficiency.

Infrared Sensor:
An infrared sensor consists of two parts:

(1) Transmitter
(2) Receiver

Figure 7: Infrared Sensor.

The transmitter is a LED, also known as IR transmitter, is a special

purpose LED that transmits infrared rays in the range of 760 nm wavelength.
Such LEDs are usually made of gallium arsenide or aluminum gallium arsenide.
They, along with IR receivers, are commonly used as sensors. The appearance is
same as a common LED. Since the human eye cannot see the infrared
radiations, it is not possible for a person to identify whether the IR LED is
working or not, unlike a common LED. To overcome this problem, the camera
on a cellphone can be used. The camera can show us the IR rays being
emanated from the IR LED in a circuit.[8]


Circuit diagram:

Figure 8: Circuit Diagram

Two Infrared LEDs always emit continuous infrared beam to the Photodiode.
The IR LEDs and Photodiode are placed on the opposite to each other and
properly aligned.

1. The transmitter part consists of two infrared diode which are connected in
parallel accompanied by two 330ohm resistors, R1 and R2 respectively.
These resistors are connected to secure the LEDs.

2. The receiver part has a photodiode which receives the infrared ray. This
diode is connected reversely in the circuit. Resistor R3 (10kohm) is
connected in series with the photodiode to limit the current flow.

3. We have used the 2nd channel of the LM358 OP-AMP. 1st, 2nd and 3rd pins
are not connected with the circuit. The fourth pin is grounded. The 5th pin
(non-inverting) is connected with the negative point of the photodiode. 6th
pin is also have no connection. 7th pin is connected with the base of
2N2222 (NPN) transistor which is used as a switch. The 8th pin is
connected with the 5 volt source as VCC.

4. The collector of the transistor is connected with one leg of the buzzer and
the emitter is grounded while the base is connected with the output pin
(7th) of the operational amplifier. Such configuration of transistor is
known as digital switching. The process is described briefly with an
example in below:

Transistor as a switch:
In our circuit we have used a 2n2222 (NPN) transistor for switching the buzzer

Figure 9: Transistor as a switch [7]

BJT used as an electronic switch, in grounded-emitter configuration.

Transistors are commonly used as electronic switches, both for high-power
applications such as switched-mode power supplies and for low-power
applications such as logic gates.
In a grounded-emitter transistor circuit (Figure), as the base voltage rises, the
emitter and collector currents rise exponentially. The collector voltage drops
because of reduced resistance from collector to emitter. If the voltage difference
between the collector and emitter were zero (or near zero), the collector current
would be limited only by the load resistance (Buzzer) and the supply voltage.
This is called saturation because current is flowing from collector to emitter
freely. When saturated, the switch is said to be on.
Providing sufficient base drive current is a key problem in the use of bipolar
transistors as switches. The transistor provides current gain, allowing a
relatively large current in the collector to be switched by a much smaller current
into the base terminal. The ratio of these currents varies depending on the type
of transistor, and even for a particular type of transistor, varies depending on the
collector current. In the figure, the resistor is chosen to provide enough base
current to ensure the transistor will be saturated. In our circuit the 7th pin
(output) which is connected with the base of the transistor ensuring sufficient
base current to saturate the transistor.

In any switching circuit, values of input voltage would be chosen such that the
output is either completely off, or completely on. The transistor is acting as a
switch, and this type of operation is common in digital circuits where only "on"
and "off" values are relevant. [7]

5. As mentioned earlier, one leg of the buzzer is connected with the

collector of transistor (2N2222) and the other leg is connected with
positive point of voltage source (5volt).

6. For the 5volt dc supply we have used a dc to dc convertor which can

covert 35-8v dc into 5v dc. We used a 9volts 180mA battery to be
converted into 5 volt. This converter is constructed using a 7805 voltage

Working Principle:

As soon as both circuits (Transmitter and Receiver) are turned on, Infrared
LED starts to transmit infrared ray towards the photodiode of the receive
panel. A potential voltage develops at photodiode. This voltage varies within
1-5 volts depending upon its reception of infrared ray. As long as there is no
interruption of infrared beam the developed potential voltage will be within
4-5volts. But the instant when the beam is interrupted or braked the
developed potential will be within 1-3.5volts. This small variation of cannot
be observed by any ordinary electronic device like a buzzer. Thats why we
have fed this signal into an Operational Amplifier. When the beam is
interrupted the OP-AMP will give a current to the base of the transistor and
the buzzer starts to beep.


The result of this circuit depends on the continuity of the infrared beam.
If there is a continuous beam towards the receiver there will be no alarm.
The interruption of the beam will result in an intruder alarm.


1. The infrared receiver or photodiode can easily be affected by other

infrared rays. As like TV remote infrared ray.
2. This circuit does not work in direct sun light because there is sufficient
infrared ray in sun light. So, this circuit doesnt worked in open place of
without roof.
3. The alarm generated does not last longer. That is, it only creates alarm
during the interruption of the beam. On the other word we can say, this
circuit just can detect but not to take any operation.

There are many kind of application is available of this circuit. We discuss some
primary and attractive application in the below.

1. This circuit can be used to monitor the movement of people through the
doorway of house, bank, shopping mall etc.
2. This circuit can be used to indicate whether the doors or windows of an
air-conditioned room are opened or closed.
3. This circuit can be used in the door of a lift to detect the presence of
anything on the doorway. To do so, the transmitter and receiver will be
placed on the opposite side of the lift door. When the door is going to
close automatically, this circuit can detect the presence of any person or
object between the door and wait for it to get in or out.
4. Using its swift and quick response it can count anything passing
5. An infrared detector that sounds a buzzer when an IR beam is broken,
meaning the IR signal is lost. A pulsed IR signal generator is necessary,
but not included in this post. Our developed circuit would be ideal for
doorways or hallways to alert when someone enters or exits an area.

In the Industry or the manufacturing company there are many product make in a
few time. After proper processing machine delivered those product. It is very
difficult to count how much product delivered by the machine. Our developed
circuit can count how much product processing and delivered.


This circuit can be used as a counter circuit by using a micro-controller which

can count how many people or objects are passing through an entrance.
Using more complicated components this circuit can ensure much security for
any infrastructures.

When we add a microcontroller in our circuit, we will get more feature. Some
example given in the below.

1. If we set up our circuit in the entrance a conference room, it will be able

to count how many people entry in it.
2. By using this circuit in the main gate of a garments factory we will be
able to count how much laborer present in the garments.
3. There are a huge product produce in a very few time In the manufactory.
It is too much tough to count how many product make to delivery. If we
setup this circuit in the packaging section of those mills or factory, it is
easy to count how much product are ready to delivery.

This is a very preliminary circuit. There are a lots of previous work on this IR

We tried our best to develop this circuit. We have made this circuit more simple
and applicable.

This circuit has some remarkable limitation. The receiver can easily be effected
by other infrared ray. The distance between the emitter and receiver has a great
impact on it.


1. Invisible Infrared Alarm Circuit

Posted by D Mohankumar

2. Entry Alarm Circuit

Posted by D Mohankumar








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